>mfw the only thing I have to look forward to as a halofan is another season of a mediocre streaming series

>mfw the only thing I have to look forward to as a halofan is another season of a mediocre streaming series

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  1. 11 months ago

    Halo peaked with Reach
    fandom peaked with 3

    • 11 months ago

      Shit taste. Reach was when things began to go downhill.

      • 11 months ago

        campaign was meh but gameplay and multiplayer was elite
        until 343 stepped in and start adding bloom and other bullshit

        • 11 months ago

          It's the opposite. Reach had bloom originally and the competitive crowd hated it. So 343 stepped in and removed the bloom but forgot to balance everything else, turning every map with more than 6 players into a DMR spam hellscape.
          343 is irredeemable shit but Reach was far from perfect. Personally I didn't mind the bloom and liked most of the weapons, but the armor abilities ruined the rest of the game (and the rest of the series from then on, if you really think about it).

      • 11 months ago

        That's why it's the peak. Everything after it is downhill. Hence it being the high point. Or the peak. Stupid ESL.

      • 11 months ago

        Reach was fricking peak! I'm so sick of homosexuals saying otherwise. Take a knife to your throat b***h and let's have a last stand. KINO FRICKING ENDING

    • 11 months ago

      Halo peaked with 3, fandom peaked with 2

    • 11 months ago

      Hello reach campaign was dogshit

    • 11 months ago

      i preferred equipment over armor abilities, picking it up off the map is just better
      the grenade launcher was cool though

  2. 11 months ago

    >I'm a fan of Thing
    >so I look forward to Thing being raped and pooped on

    I don't get people like you

    • 11 months ago

      The final 2 episodes were fine + the ending leaves me hoping that the second season will frick off with all the sci fi political drama bs and be more action oriented.

      • 11 months ago

        >The final 2 episodes were fine

        • 11 months ago

          I thought they were ok...

          • 11 months ago

            You have shit thoughts

      • 11 months ago

        >the second season will frick off with all the sci fi political drama bs and be more action oriented.
        This will never happen for two reasons.
        1. The people who wrote this show obviously prefer the women's political drama
        2. The women's political drama is far cheaper to produce

  3. 11 months ago

    It's worse than that.

  4. 11 months ago

    >when a 35 year old incel living in a tiny apartment in Canada can film himself playing with his Halo toys and make a vastly more entertaining piece of media than a multi billion dollar Studio

    • 11 months ago

      Don't kid yourself John. Your show became unwatchable when you decided Arby n the Chief needed to be breaking bad with hackers. I can't get emotionally invested in a 2 hour EPISODE of you moving characters around in Halo reach custom games forge world. The show worked best when it was adult toy story, not when it's Halo Reach theatre mode story hour.

      • 11 months ago

        John can't write or create anything. He's been clinging to this dead horse of a web series for as long as he's been making content. He's ended the show like 4 times now and always returns to it. It's the only thing that he's ever found a spec of success in. I don't even know why he bothered ending it yet again. Just keep embrace it, he has a loyal niche audience, why the frick doesn't he just keep making them? He ain't moving onto greener pastures, that's for sure.

    • 11 months ago

      RvB was good for longer than either of these.

    • 11 months ago

      Don't kid yourself John. Your show became unwatchable when you decided Arby n the Chief needed to be breaking bad with hackers. I can't get emotionally invested in a 2 hour EPISODE of you moving characters around in Halo reach custom games forge world. The show worked best when it was adult toy story, not when it's Halo Reach theatre mode story hour.

      Season 7 is the greatest piece of internet art ever created, and I'm sick of people saying otherwise

    • 11 months ago


      Don't kid yourself John. Your show became unwatchable when you decided Arby n the Chief needed to be breaking bad with hackers. I can't get emotionally invested in a 2 hour EPISODE of you moving characters around in Halo reach custom games forge world. The show worked best when it was adult toy story, not when it's Halo Reach theatre mode story hour.


      RvB was good for longer than either of these.


      Season 7 is the greatest piece of internet art ever created, and I'm sick of people saying otherwise

      Based, except for me 5 is a tiny bit better

  5. 11 months ago

    He killed billions...

    • 11 months ago

      halo 4 was the last halo I played, I don't really care about anything they decided to do after that. I just assume it's shit and pozzed

      >glasses africa
      >...the flood? oh yes right the flood I had no choice but to exterminate the ni-infection forms ahha
      was he a chud?

      Every time I run CE through the MCC it crashes my graphics card driver so hard I have to reboot and reinstall the driver, I shit you not. My computer is barely a year old

      I can play CE with classic graphics in a tiny ass window on my 11 year old thinkpad but it does get really hot

      • 11 months ago

        Halo 4 is actually a good game, date I say a better campaign than reach, and was a better conclusion to an otherwise cliffhanger ending, a very emotional send-off. Flawed, but sincere. An A for effort, even if there was some fumbling in execution. Everything after that especially halo 5 was will Smith suicide squad tier. Infinite was almost a good game, extremely fun nostalgic multi-player for 5 minutes, could have been great if they bothered to finish the game. It was like watching a marathon run in $10,000 mjorlnir armor master chief cosplay trip on his own costume armor 10 yards from the finish line, vomit into his own strapped on helmet due to heatstroke, and then choke on the vomit and die while seizing right there on the spot

        • 11 months ago

          >Halo 4 was actually a good game
          Was that your first Halo game? Halo 4 sucked dick. The art style was horrible, the game looked like lens flare vomit, the enemies sucked, the ai sucked, the story sucked, and the multiplayer sucked. Quite possibly the most uninspired game possible. Enjoy your down syndrome shark grunts.

          • 11 months ago

            Halo CE was my first game.

        • 11 months ago

          It did feel like they were at least trying in halo 4 but it still felt pretty lame. the weapons were boring, the graphics were super bright with everything blown out I guess to give it a "new" look or something. enemies were OK but the new ones introduced were just super shitty and not fun to play against at all. I don't even remember the story anymore.

          the multiplayer was surprisingly fun on it though, armor abilities sucked but some game modes were perfectly fine and I especially liked some of the sports game modes they had. I forget what it was called but there was one that reminded me a bit of rugby or football. I had some good times on that

          • 11 months ago

            I'm not saying it wasn't flawed. It definitely was. But I will always give credit for trying, for sincerity. Halo 5 isn't just a bad game, it's one of the worst games ever made. Like nearly superman 64

  6. 11 months ago

    Every time I run CE through the MCC it crashes my graphics card driver so hard I have to reboot and reinstall the driver, I shit you not. My computer is barely a year old

    • 11 months ago

      how is that even possible

      • 11 months ago

        I don't know, I've never had anything like this happen to me. I can run DOOM: Eternal at like 200FPS without my graphics card breaking a sweat but any of the halo games nearly brick my shit

        • 11 months ago

          do you have a high refresh rate? I remember running into a problem where my computer would brick if I tried running Halo above 60hz

          • 11 months ago

            Just 120, that's not too crazy right? I mean they have ultrawide support, surely they can handle that

            • 11 months ago

              You should try lowering it to 60 or look for a patch, that might be the problem anon. Remember, you are dealing with code monkeys here

              • 11 months ago

                That irritates the hell out of me that I have to. It reminds me of how fallout 4 doesn't support ultrawide

              • 11 months ago

                This is what happens when you focus on hiring cheap H1Bs or diversity candidates. Enjoy the show cause this is how everything is going to be from now on

    • 11 months ago

      classic graphics on CE runs so much worse than the nu graphics because of like one line of code, so in some great twist of irony the potato graphics run like shit on my toaster and if i want a decent framerate i have to use the nugraphics

  7. 11 months ago

    I feel sorry for anyone considers themselves a fan of the Halo franchise. Shit looks embarrassing

    • 11 months ago

      Halo 1-3 were excellent. Reach was a fitting epilogue. When Bungie left the franchise died. Everything that came after is just uninspired goyslop to keep a zombie franchise alive

      • 11 months ago

        We see this time and time again. Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Halo, CoD, Gears of War

        A passionate group of developers create an excellent game that spawns a trilogy or franchise and each new game naturally expands upon the formula and mechanics until its perfected. Then the developers leave to do another game because they've done everything there is to do with their franchise, but corporate wants more games of the franchise being produced so they hire 'developers for hire' (basically, they're just yes men) to keep the franchise alive and then we get games like Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Cortex, Halo 4, Gears of War 4, and Spyro enter the dragon fly. All of those games provide absolutely nothing new to the formula, they don't expand on anything, in fact they feel like a step backwards.

  8. 11 months ago

    Halokino incoming:

    • 11 months ago

      how could you forget?

    • 11 months ago

      Halo peaked at 2 (single-player wise, I didn't play games after that in multiplayer). The only major flaws with 2 were that they didn't balance Legendary correctly (e.g. Jackal snipers) and that it had a cliffhanger ending because they ran out of time.
      Halo 3 had notably inferior writing ("to war"), and the gameplay was weaker. Brutes were inherently less fun to fight against than Elites and the equipment concept was gimmicky.
      ODST had a boring story, with boring characters, and it didn't make you "feel like" an ODST because your character still beats Brutes to death with his hands and casually flips Warthogs over. The twist in the plot happens right at the very end, so it isn't expanded upon and it doesn't clearly connect to events in the other games. It also suffers from the lack of Elites, which it makes even worse by also lacking the Flood.
      Reach's characters were more memorable than those of ODST, though still not particularly endearing to the player. The writing still wasn't any better than Halo 3, so even though from a high level the story was a great concept, the details and execution weren't great. Elites come back, but the Flood are still absent. Very underwhelming overall, with the weakest soundtrack of the set.
      2 >= 1 > 3 > Reach > ODST

      how could you forget?

      Halo trailers are great, and the ones for 3, ODST, and Reach are all better than the actual games they're advertising.

      I don't know, I've never had anything like this happen to me. I can run DOOM: Eternal at like 200FPS without my graphics card breaking a sweat but any of the halo games nearly brick my shit

      MCC doesn't hit my PC that hard, but it is the only game I own that consistently crashes or freezes. It also sometimes locks up and then causes my computer to instantly reboot, something I've never seen it do before. Definitely 343i incompetence, since problems are widespread and there's no consistent solutions that exist.

      • 11 months ago

        >MCC doesn't hit my PC that hard, but it is the only game I own that consistently crashes or freezes. It also sometimes locks up and then causes my computer to instantly reboot, something I've never seen it do before. Definitely 343i incompetence, since problems are widespread and there's no consistent solutions that exist.
        That's kind of what I dealt with, stuttering over the course of 5 minutes until it reboots. But yeah, my AMD card had to reinstall the drivers after using it, it was bizarre.

        • 11 months ago

          I have AMD too, for whatever it's worth. It crashes less if I drop everything graphics-related to minimal, but still once every couple hours or so. I own enough games that I'll survive until I get a card or they get their shit together, but yeah it sucks. Not a problem I'd expect from a company with tons of resources.

          >didn't balance Legendary correctly (e.g. Jackal snipers)
          that's true but the fact that it is so hard is kind of cool because it gives you a much higher ceiling before you've gotten so good that the game gets boring.

          >ODST had a boring story, with boring characters, and it didn't make you "feel like" an ODST because your character still beats Brutes to death with his hands and casually flips Warthogs over.
          this always annoyed me, it sort of broke the immersion when I could assassinate brutes as an ODST. but the atmosphere was the best of any halo game, I used to spend hours in the streets on that game

          >much higher ceiling
          I would agree with that for most of the game, but things like the Jackals are basically coin-flips on whether you can pop out from behind a corner and hit one before it hits you first. I don't feel accomplished when I do it, or set my sights on where I know one is about to spawn in. There's just a handful or two of encounters in the game that stop it from being a true Legendary in my eyes.
          The night aesthetic is cool, the music is great, and I remember being very surprised when I realized that the superintendent was trying to communicate with you. The visor is a fun idea although you have to constantly toggle it when bright things come in and out of view. My big gripe with the rookie segments was that the outdoor city areas all felt rather repetitive. I'm glad you got hours worth of fun from it somehow. I was excited for the open world / free-form detective angle they were teasing, but in practice it didn't amount to much because the story still has a chronological/pacing order that you're intended to follow. And none of the tracking develops story-wise because the rookie just sort of links back with the rest of the squad without any connection to what he was doing in the game before then. He doesn't even bring them new intel to enable/prompt the final mission or anything like that.
          I didn't mention it before, but as a personal pet peeve, I dislike being spoken to by the actual face of Nathan Fillion. I want to be a space marine in a sci-fi setting, not ordered around by a real-world celebrity.

      • 11 months ago

        >didn't balance Legendary correctly (e.g. Jackal snipers)
        that's true but the fact that it is so hard is kind of cool because it gives you a much higher ceiling before you've gotten so good that the game gets boring.

        >ODST had a boring story, with boring characters, and it didn't make you "feel like" an ODST because your character still beats Brutes to death with his hands and casually flips Warthogs over.
        this always annoyed me, it sort of broke the immersion when I could assassinate brutes as an ODST. but the atmosphere was the best of any halo game, I used to spend hours in the streets on that game

  9. 11 months ago

    I always hated FPS games until I played classic DOOM and realized it's because I hate slow movement, cover shooting, and 2 weapon limits

    • 11 months ago

      >classic doom

      • 11 months ago

        moron, I was saying that playing a fast paced FPS made me realize my issue wasn't with the genre but the way modern shooters often play

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