Modern day cartoon tropes?

We all know about 'Getting really small and going inside someone's body', or "Um, in English, Einsteeeeein?"
But are there any cartoon tropes after that era? ones from the 2010s-2020s and onward?

>Inb4 someone says "lesbians" or something, yes I know I get this response every time I ask and It's funny the first few times, but seriously... I wanna know

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  1. 12 months ago

    Last minute lesbians

    • 12 months ago

      Ok, even tho I'm Op and I said "no lesbians" I actually have to agree with you specifically about 'last minute lesbians', because that trope is entirely used for shock value. Seriously, it's not even progressive, ironically enough. It would be MORE progressive to just have em be gay and not point fingers, but doing it last second with some big shocking reveal or kiss or something is 100% of the time done to get a reaction out of the audience, kinda like theyre hoping someone will hate it so they can claim to be fighting for something righteous, and the creators are endlessly smug about it.

      • 12 months ago

        Owl House, for all the deserved shit it gets, did this right at least by not stooping to that trope.

    • 12 months ago

      This is the only thing that I could think of. The new stuff is just so derivative that most of it just bad execution.

  2. 12 months ago

    There is nothing new under the sun. Just regurgitated and recycled tropes and cliches that get slightly updated for modern audiences.

  3. 12 months ago

    The only modern day tropes I can think of are:

    The last minute lesbians and young girl who is more gifted than the older male replaces him.

    That's literally it.

  4. 12 months ago

    >futuristic or high magic setting
    >disabled/trans people exist for diversity reasons despite having solutions

    • 12 months ago

      Mass Effect had it's share of disabled and gay people with a ton of brown and black people in the background with Human Caucasians almost being a clear minority and that's back in 2006.

      • 12 months ago

        Wrong board

        • 12 months ago

          Mass Effect had it's own comic line for a while.

    • 12 months ago

      >exist for diversity reasons
      i dont mind em existing, i just wish they used them. whats the point of knowing what kinda genitals a character has if it never comes into play? involve it in a story somehow, make it relevant, idk? maybe have them be someone else in the past and the mc doesnt recognize them? or be able to do some kinda genetic magic or something thats only available to one sex, but then its explained that theyre transgender which is why the villain never suspected them? im spitballing here, but theres potential. but no its always just there for the bluehairs to make tweets about.

      as for disability, you can make disability so interesting, use it for some kinda power, maybe the solution comes with drawbacks, maybe the character is ideologically motivated not to fix their disability for whatever reason? again, its never the case, just there for the fricking frick of it

      • 12 months ago

        >be rwby
        >yang gets her arm chopped off
        >im not going to use this arm
        >im really sad right now >:( because i lost a fight and have a lisa simpson tier personality when things go wrong for me
        At least they bad trans people just be people. Probably easier to be a person when the world is at war and 1 more body js 1 more body between you and the hellbeasts

      • 12 months ago

        >maybe the character is ideologically motivated not to fix their disability for whatever reason?
        If there was ever a world where technology/magic has advanced to such a point where you can cure just about every disability or disorder with the snap of your fingers, I guarantee there would be groups of disabled people ideologically opposed to it. Maybe even entire underground groups that terrorize the city and harness their disability for their power? That's be fricking kino, I'd watch.

        • 12 months ago

          >specialness syndrome dictates me being a limbless Fleshlight person makes me better than people with bionic limbs or symbiotic monster limbs. Im all natural

          • 12 months ago

            Yeah... You really think that's an impossible idea for a character to hold?
            Or are you under the impression that characters can't have ideologies that disagree with yours.

            • 12 months ago

              Its a moronic ideology brought on by being a snowflake
              Victims shpuld be wiped out.
              My gorilla body will be like a cleansing flame

        • 12 months ago

          It wouldn’t be the disabled persons call 95% of the time. Parents would fix their kids early on. Genetic texts would predict future disability and people would proactively remove it

          • 12 months ago

            And some parents would still refuse it.
            Humanity is very, very diverse and varied, it's never out of the question to assume anyone would have beliefs or make decisions that might seem counterproductive to you, sure you might not make the same decision, but you have to be some kinda low empathy idiot to not imagine that someone else out there in the world might.

    • 12 months ago

      That reminds me of what I'm doing for my DND campaign where the reason why people are willing to use prosthetics than like healing the stumps is because with the sheer amount of versatility and usefulness of the various prosthetics that are made have compared to like just regrowing the limb

      • 12 months ago

        There's many reasons who a person wouldn't want to regrow a lost limb.
        I'm writing a story where one of the characters is a man who was born without limbs, and instead uses an artificial more snake-like body. When offered the option to regain the use of his limbs with more humanoid prosthetic that simulate actual arms and legs, he agrees at first, but soon realizes they're limiting and he has no desire for them because he never had a familiarity with the concept of having arms or legs, so he doesn't miss them.
        People are different, just because the option to do something exists in your universe, doesn't mean anyone will take it. Besides, even in our world there's limitations to what people can do- maybe money, maybe culture or religion... The notion that a person wouldn't want something that they could have isn't that absurd.

  5. 12 months ago

    >hey, my name is [Whitefirstname Latinalastname] and I'm an ambigiously brown girl from a kiiiiinda normal but somewhat magical world, I'm not like other girls, I'm different because I read books or like to go on adventures or something, no girl has ever been like me! I'm suuuuper special and inoffensively quirky, and this is my sidekick, useless boy and/or cute animal! He does nothing! Watch my show about kinda magical yet somehow still very bland adventures which is all a metaphor for growing up or something.

    • 12 months ago

      >hey, my name is Rick Sanchez and I'm an ambigiously brown girl from a kiiiiinda normal but somewhat scientific multiverse, I'm not like other girls, I'm different because I read books or like to go on adventures or something, no girl has ever been like me! I'm suuuuper special and offensively quirky, and this is my sidekick, useless boy and/or two crows! He does nothing! Watch my show about kinda sciency yet somehow still very bland adventures which is all a metaphor for high school nihilism or something

      • 12 months ago
  6. 12 months ago

    >Lesbian protag with romance issues
    Makes the girls, suits, parents and guys happy without having to include NASTY gay men or trans.

  7. 12 months ago

    New tropes?

    >It’s a “not-YouTube” episode where we see characters from the cast making their own videos.

    >It’s a “phone-dependency” episode.
    >characters suffer without their phones and do exaggerated shit like coming with a typing machine.
    > “How do you slide this screen?” while flicking a poster *laugh tracks*.
    >Alternatively, character keeps phone hidden when it’s supposed to be decommissioned.

    >It’s a “technology can’t replace humans because they don’t have heart”.
    >Technology does everything right and at a better speed.
    >But the heart instincts triggering at the very last and only one customer makes the people change their mind and go back with human power.

    >This character is progressive and doesn’t follow the gender norms.
    >To remind the audience, xe will announce xir pronouns every fricking time xe mentions xir name.
    >bonus points if someone asks about the pronouns getting a biased talk and ends with “that’s so cool”.

    • 12 months ago

      first person itt who actually brought up something unique

      >It’s a “not-YouTube” episode where we see characters from the cast making their own videos.
      holy shit this one was oddly and annoyingly common

    • 12 months ago

      >It’s a “technology can’t replace humans because they don’t have heart”.
      that's not new, John Henry is literally that

    • 12 months ago

      >when you use they/them (singular) in casual conversation subconsciously but lose your mind when someone makes you aware of its use as a gender thing

      At this point they/them is on the same level as you are now breathing manually and your tongue doesnt sit comfortably in your mouth

      • 12 months ago

        oh shut up, youre about as disingenuous as people who respond to badly thought-out statements like "im sick of this pronoun stuff" with some smarky leddit remark like "thehee, but ummm... youuuuu use pronouns toooo... pfffft... 'he' and 'she' are pronouns' [tries not to piss yourself laughing]"
        yeah youre *technically* right, which i suppose is the best kinda right, but youre an butthole for pretending like you dont know why people get upset about this on a cultural level, and pretending its nothing more than a linguistic issue

        • 12 months ago

          You get upset because you're moronic and your parents didnt raise you properly

          • 12 months ago

            i know my parents

            • 12 months ago

              Me too

              • 12 months ago

                >Don't talk shit.

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        People don't realize that being nagged about accidentally or out of convenience using "they" is still a form of nagging someone for misgendering and is just as annoying as frick as it would be coming from the triggered twitter crowd. This happened all the time in Welcome Home threads because the creator is ambiguously trans. I don't search up the extensive background history on whether everyone I talk about is a transbian rapegorilla or an aidan zipperbreasts, leave me alone.

        • 12 months ago

          oh shut up, youre about as disingenuous as people who respond to badly thought-out statements like "im sick of this pronoun stuff" with some smarky leddit remark like "thehee, but ummm... youuuuu use pronouns toooo... pfffft... 'he' and 'she' are pronouns' [tries not to piss yourself laughing]"
          yeah youre *technically* right, which i suppose is the best kinda right, but youre an butthole for pretending like you dont know why people get upset about this on a cultural level, and pretending its nothing more than a linguistic issue

          Your both disigneous

          • 12 months ago

            >call everyone "he" as to not gender trannies as female
            >turns out biologically female trannies exist
            >get yelled at by Cinemaphile for using the wrong pronouns
            Yeah okay I'm the problem

            • 12 months ago

              >>call everyone "he" as to not gender trannies as female
              >turns out biologically female trannies exist
              are you moronic? no, not just because you assumed FTMs dont exist, but also why the hell are you behaving like a passive aggressive little elementary schooler on an anonymous Taiwanese plate spinning forum? Black person who cares what you call someone, nobody here will ever remember what you said to them
              maybe youre not the problem, maybe the lead you ate as a child is

              • 12 months ago

                The point is, if using "they" makes people derail the conversation to REEEEEE about you being a SJW cuck, wtf are you supposed to do? I'm not googling every creator just to double check how I should misgender them, it's the same as twittertards forcing you to check and correctly gender someone. Caring so much about "they" is moronic. We said it for years before genderblob shit without even thinking. I understand why they/thems piss people off but the assumption of bad faith pro-enabling of trannies is annoying.

              • 12 months ago

                >so now I have to do research just to misgender someone
                This lol, ‘they’ is so innocuous and something people use naturally for any gender all the time, that asking people to avoid using they and specifically researching someone’s birth pronoun, is literally asking people to check their pronouns

              • 12 months ago

                >oh noes, i do THING and some guy hates it, but i do OTHER THING and a different guy hates it? what will i do!
                ignore e-morons and dont base your behavior entirely around them? moron?

              • 12 months ago

                Well yeah that’s what he’s saying, he’s explaining why these people aren’t worth listening to

              • 12 months ago

                and yet hes saying that he does listen to them
                just dont

              • 12 months ago

                I don’t see where he said or indicated that

    • 12 months ago

      >>It’s a “not-YouTube” episode where we see characters from the cast making their own videos.
      these were very common during the 20-teens, and im pretty sure just Gumball alone did several

      >It’s a “phone-dependency” episode.

      >It’s a “technology can’t replace humans because they don’t have heart”.
      not as common, but very, very annoying

      >getting a biased talk and ends with “that’s so cool”.
      i was almost about to say i never saw a scene about pronouns, and maybe thats because i dont watch enough cartoons with rants in em, but this one caught my attention
      i HAVE seen a surprising amount of cartoon scenes where a character explains something ideological, and another one responds with some exclamation that whatever they just heard is cooler than beans
      i never noticed it was a trope

  8. 12 months ago

    >the episode where the protagonists don't know what VHS or floppy disks are

  9. 12 months ago

    lesbians but one of them is ambiguously brown

  10. 12 months ago

    using wacky faces or anime/vidya references in place of actual jokes

    • 12 months ago

      References are safer than jokes. Jokes could offend someone

    • 12 months ago

      the way we consume cartoons nowadays, on a computer/phone which can be rewound and screenshotted, and those screenshots be shared online... meant theres a huge change in how visual comedy is done, vs the older era of cartoons on tv, no rewind, no screenshot and only being able to tell the jokes to your friends at lunchtime.
      faces and visual shots are now not meant to be laughed at for one moment, but rather used as reaction images for advertising

      • 12 months ago

        i don't think we have had a single sincere piece of media since 2011

        • 12 months ago

          I think you have a developmental disability

        • 12 months ago

          youre right, sincerity is dying
          and while i disagree that we didnt have "a single one", they seem to be disappearing alright, and even shows that tried to be all serious n shit still have an air of irony to them
          irony might be the worst killer of fictional media nowadays, it hurts even comedy shows despite what many might think, ironic comedy is still a downgrade

    • 12 months ago

      yeah, 90s cartoon only had movies and politics references

      • 12 months ago

        using wacky faces or anime/vidya references in place of actual jokes

        >"i hate how cartoons now do X more"
        if i had a nickel for every time i heard this exact dumb retort on this board, i could pay every janny

    • 12 months ago

      Wacky faces are jokes though.

      • 12 months ago

        no, they’re excuses for jokes
        SpongeBob doesn’t have actual jokes anymore, it’s just meme faces every 3 seconds and references to seasons 1-3

        • 12 months ago

          They're punchlines.
          >something absurd happens
          >unexpected subversive facial reaction
          That is definitely a joke, even if you don't think it's funny.

          • 12 months ago

            half the time nothing absurd happens, it’s just that every single facial expression has to be a meme face
            lame punchlines with no setup aren’t jokes

      • 12 months ago

        >Wacky faces are jokes though

        • 12 months ago

          So you’re not really into cartooning are you

          • 12 months ago

            cheese is a valuable part of a pizza, but if i ordered a pizza and the chef came in and slapped a slice of cheese on my table and nothing else, i'd be fuming

            • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      References are safer than jokes. Jokes could offend someone

  11. 12 months ago

    Strong, independent, perfect female protagonist. They're literally everywhere and if you, a man, dare speak out against it you're called a misogynistic virgin incel.

  12. 12 months ago

    >"Phones bad nature good" episode
    >Marvel Quips
    >"Going inside the computer/internet/robot/etc" episode
    >Bad guy has a legitimate problem with society, but the writers make them do something moronic and out of character so people know they're the villain
    >Ginger character gets black-washed
    >The young precocious female character is inexplicably better at everything than the old male character who has spent their life focusing on one thing
    Not used as much anymore but the whole "woah look at that badass go wait they took off their helmet and it's a GIRL WHAAAAAAAT?"

  13. 12 months ago

    What do you suppose is the average reading level and comprehension on this board

  14. 12 months ago

    >the episode where the characters get ipad

  15. 12 months ago

    There is absolutely no advantage to being male in the developed world in this day and age. By making shows like this with female protagonists, they are mocking us for not being women

  16. 12 months ago

    >it's the twerk episode

    • 12 months ago

      oh god i remember this cartoon
      there was actually an entire room full of people who thought this shit would be enjoyable to watch

      whats worse, a cartoon like this made entirely by soulless corporate suits who dont understand kids, or a cartoon made me le quirky internet draw-ers who actually like the shit memes they write in
      its a tight one, but ill have to say the latter
      at least when its the former its shit in a "so bad its funny" kinda way and everyone sees it

  17. 12 months ago

    this might seem like an obscure one but ive noticed it a lot

    >character LOUDLY EXCLAIMS IN EXCITEMENT, when they should be quiet
    >other character shush them
    >character exclaims the same thing, now quietly under their breath

  18. 12 months ago

    Do any of you know any trans people? I was surprised but it’s actually effortless just referring to them the way they refer to themselves. I’m serious I was going apeshit about Brianna Wu and trans people through like 2015-2017 and none of that kept me from referring to the two or three trans people I know by what they refer to themselves, stress free. You can spend time going crazy about it in isolation but when it’s just someone you know none of that seems to matter

    • 12 months ago

      i only know one but hes chill
      i genuinely think normal ones exist, those are the ones you wouldnt even have noticed a few generations ago cause they'd just be living their life, ironically the recent years made everyone MORE bigoted to them than they wouldve been otherwise

      why does every fricking thread on this board eventually devolve into troony talk, by the way? im seeing a pattern

  19. 12 months ago

    >The gun control episode

  20. 12 months ago

    >Don't worry guys we can forgive this villain who has done literally everything wrong

  21. 12 months ago

    I don't watch many modern shows but I did see that a trope in Big City Greens is that they have their own Irwin. Blacks aren't allowed to be portrayed as poor or dumb or violent which is actually what they're best known for, so it has to be the complete opposite and they have to be BROWN brown, if they're blue the show won't be crowned as diverse. At least Irwin was funny because he still considered himself a hip ladies' man.

    • 12 months ago

      So what, should the characters thing be that he’s poor, quick to anger and steals? This one isn’t as scandalous as people think

  22. 12 months ago

    oh look, another thread getting derailed by troony obsession

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah it's getting annoying I'm surprised nobody reacted to the gun control episode

    • 12 months ago

      It's unbelievable how much that topic lives rent free in this board's head. And if you say anything about it, they'll start reeeeing or talking bout "ooooh so its ok for theeeem to shove their politics in my face" or someshit, even tho we all come to Cinemaphile to avoid that crap, not see more of it.

      Then again, Cinemaphile hasn't enjoyed comics and cartoons since 2016, that's all this board is nowadays- politics.
      Politics and coom.

  23. 12 months ago

    >Diversity girl trope
    >She is a member of the main cast, sometimes the main character
    >Her skin is brown/tanned but her race is never explicably stated, just thats hses not white, that way they can fit her into many diversity quotas
    >Often a girlboss type
    >Often a last minute lesbian

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