>mogs every other actor (male AND female) in existence

>mogs every other actor (male AND female) in existence
how did he do it?

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  1. 2 years ago

    By abandoning his family

  2. 2 years ago

    it's insane how that was considered a top male body, now in 2022 people would just laugh at him, what the frick went so wrong with the media?

    • 2 years ago

      frick off he looks like Joe Biden

      • 2 years ago

        Still looks good tho

        I know but look at someone like Chris Hemsworth, now top males bodies are supposed to look like that? it's fricking insane.

        • 2 years ago

          Idk, I don't think regular men take celebrities that seriously. Women I can see it, every one of them wanted to look like Angelina Jolie back then. Also, regular women are freaked out by roided freaks, they just want you to look good as a natty. Not even these capeshit actors want to look like that big once they're done with a movie

          • 2 years ago

            You're right but don't worry, the scammer you replied to won't understand.

    • 2 years ago

      Still looks good tho

    • 2 years ago

      Lean and slightly muscular with a handsome face is the ideal male body according to women. The only ones impressed by roided out freaks are little boys and gay men.

      • 2 years ago

        Rich Piana. Fifty eggs.

      • 2 years ago

        You say that but there’s a lot of muscle you can pack on before you become disgusting. And I don’t mean fat, I mean actual lean muscle mass. Women definitely dig big muscles

        • 2 years ago

          >t.guy who loves big muscles on men

          • 2 years ago

            women dig attractive men who love them, provide for them, make them laugh and are more interested in our bodies than theirs
            we dont even get fricked anymore. we get dicked. we need pickings. lmao you guys are so gay for yourselves. probably from being in a relationship with your hand

            Such bizarre cope. Women find men physically attractive, sorry dumb ass.

            • 2 years ago

              >women find men physically attractive

            • 2 years ago

              Also, you completely misread what I wrote and missed my point. Your whole life is vilifying women cuz they didn't pay any attention to you and building yourself up in the mirror

        • 2 years ago

          women dig attractive men who love them, provide for them, make them laugh and are more interested in our bodies than theirs
          we dont even get fricked anymore. we get dicked. we need pickings. lmao you guys are so gay for yourselves. probably from being in a relationship with your hand

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            You're not a woman

            • 2 years ago

              I am. I like good looking guys from the 50's. I hate modern men. they are effeminate

      • 2 years ago

        is this what happens to cats when you dont chop off their balls?

    • 2 years ago

      women prefer this. with wife beater and slight chest hair.
      the notion we like glistening, smooth muscle guys is from men telling us what we like

      • 2 years ago

        Shut the frick up, one one gives a frick.

        • 2 years ago

          have a nice day gay.

        • 2 years ago

          awww, I was gonna post my breasts

      • 2 years ago

        You're not a woman, and the idea that the average man is responsible for convincing society that the ideal male body is hairless and smooth makes you a bad-faith arguer as well.

        • 2 years ago

          who is responsible, then. and im not smooth either

    • 2 years ago

      frick off, people don't laugh at him. he still considered handsome.
      post physique

    • 2 years ago

      How delusional are you? That is a top 10% physique

      You underestimate how weak and flabby the vast majority of people are

    • 2 years ago

      I swear to God no one has more warped perceptions of what a normal person looks like than Cinemaphilecels. I guess when you spend all day looking at greased up roid monkeys in speedos in a totally not gay way it warps your mind

  3. 2 years ago

    Richard Burton and Paul Newman were better.

    • 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    Brando had one of the most interesting lives in Hollywood history. I like that he was close friends with MJ right before he died

  5. 2 years ago

    Rock Hudson mogged all.

  6. 2 years ago

    Bitch, please.

    • 2 years ago

      this. no one has yet to compete with him.

    • 2 years ago

      this. no one has yet to compete with him.


      • 2 years ago

        He do be asiaticin doh

    • 2 years ago

      t. kpop poster

    • 2 years ago

      Any random kpop idol mogs them.

  7. 2 years ago

    Unironically sucking dick

  8. 2 years ago

    when will my little sisters, 16 and 20, stop lusting over asian men and start lusting over men like this guy?

    • 2 years ago

      When they hit puberty

  9. 2 years ago

    50 eggs.

    • 2 years ago

      this. imagine being the 2 cucks above saying "newman" when he couldn't even eat 50 eggs in one sitting. bunch of phonies.

  10. 2 years ago

    American stud and an English rose.

    • 2 years ago

      Great film.

  11. 2 years ago


  12. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      No one asked for your family album mutt

      • 2 years ago

        He was a foggot anon.

    • 2 years ago

      >According to the gossip site L.A. Rag Mag, “Part of Brando’s private collection, this photo was buried for years during his marriage and fathering of many children”. Brando is seen sucking a dick alleged to belong to his lifelong friend Wally Cox. Back in the day, this was the sort of bromance that dared not speak its name.

      >Marlon Brando and Wally Cox met when they were nine years old and grew up together in Evanston, Illinois. As to their first meeting, according to the blog “Gay Influence” the story goes that “He [Brando] once came to the rescue of a skinny kid being taunted and beaten by schoolyard thugs, helped him up, threw his arm around him and said, ‘I’m your new best friend.’” Evidently, that skinny kid was Wally Cox, and thus began the unlikely relationship between what would appear to be two opposites.

      >Marlon Brando went on to become one of Hollywood’s most famous and sought after actors, while Wally Cox was mainly known for his comedic television roles throughout the years. Brando and Cox lived together in the 1950s. Wally Cox married three times, but he still remained just as close to Marlon Brando as he had always been.

      >In 1973, at the age of 48, Wally Cox unexpectedly died of a heart attack. Marlon Brando was heartbroken by Wally’s death. Many of the guests at Cox’s wake were not even aware that Brando attended, and Brando did not wish to be seen by or to converse with anyone. He snuck in through a back window, went to the room where Cox had died, and remained there for the duration of the evening. Against Cox’s widow’s wishes, Brando took Cox’s ashes home with him and kept him close for the rest of his life. Marlon Brando is quoted saying “If Wally had been a woman, I would have married him and we would have lived happily ever after.”

      • 2 years ago

        >When Marlon Brando died in 2004 at the age of 80, his and Wally Cox’s ashes were scattered together in Death Valley, a place where they spent a lot of time together.

        >It is common knowledge today that Marlon Brando was bisexual and had many relationships throughout his life with both men and women; but no matter what, Wally Cox was always there for him.

        >Beauregard Houston-Montgomery has stated that one time, while high on marijuana, Marlon Brando confessed to him that Wally Cox had been the love of his life.

        >"In all the darkness, through all the lies, all the fears, there can sometimes be one person who understands and loves you. Who knows what a loser you are; how many failures you've attended. Who always shows up. For me, it was Wally. Everything else was a fantasy, a drug. Wally was real. Wally was flesh. And there for me."--Marlon Brando on Wally Cox/ From "Come Up A Man"

        >In his 1976 biography THE ONLY CONTENDER, Brando, who was married three times, openly admitted his bisexuality. He was quoted as saying, “Homosexuality is so much in fashion it no longer makes news. Like a large number of men, I, too, have had homosexual experiences, and I am not ashamed. I have never paid much attention to what people think about me.”

        this is beautiful.

  13. 2 years ago

    that's not his final form

    • 2 years ago

      He's a big guy

  14. 2 years ago

    brando bros.... we're not doing so hot....

  15. 2 years ago
    Craig T. Nelson

    Frick the babysitter?

  16. 2 years ago

    >Actor Richard Erdman, a fellow actor in “The Men” (Brando’s first film), says Marlon’s diet at the time consisted of “junk food, take out, and peanut butter”, which he consumed by the jarful. By the mid-fifties, Marlon had become renowned for eating boxes of Mallomars and Cinnamon Buns, and washing his sweet treats down with a quart of milk.
    >Close friend, Carlo Fiore, said Marlon would go on extreme crash diets in the fifties and sixties, but then would lose his willpower. He would subsequently gorge on huge breakfasts consisting of corn flakes, sausages, eggs, bananas and cream, and a huge stack of pancakes drenched in maple syrup. (One of Brando’s nicknames for himself was “Branflakes”.)
    >Carlos Fiore would be dispatched by Brando’s directors to fetch him out of local coffee shops. Kark Malden, a close friend, said that during the shooting of “One Eyed Jacks” (1961) Brando would eat “two steaks, potatoes, two apple pies a la mode, and a quart of milk” for dinner. This diet necessitated the constant altering of his costumes during filming. Because of this, at his birthday party that year, the crew gave Marlon a belt as his present with the card, “Hope it fits”. His birthday cake was labeled “Don’t feed the director” (Brando was the director of “One Eyed Jacks”).
    >His second wife, Movita, actually put a lock on the house refrigerator. But when she awoke one morning, the lock was broken and Marlon’s teeth marks were found on a round of cheese. The house maid told Mrs. Brando that Marlon made nighttime raids on the icebox routinely.
    Brando also loved to frequent hot dog stands late at night, particularly the L.A. hot dog joint Pink’s at 3 and 4 o’clock in the morning, where he’d wolf down as many as six hot dogs at a time.

    • 2 years ago

      >Not surprisingly from these gorge-fests, the costumer on “Mutiny on the Bounty” (1962), James Taylor, claims Brando split 52 pairs of pants during the shooting of the film, due to his wild swings in weight. This necessitated a stretch fabric be used on his wardrobe replacement clothes. He split these pants too. During this time, Marlon was also once observed taking a 5-gallon tub of ice cream and rowing himself out in the lagoon to indulge himself.
      >On the set of “The Apaloosa” (1966) Marlon’s double once had to be used in long shots simply because Marlon had eaten one of his gorge-fest lunches.
      >Dick Loving (yes, that really was his name), who married Marlon’s sister, Frannie, said Marlon would eat “two chickens at a sitting and (go) through an entire Pepperidge Farm cookies [package]”.
      >Brando was extremely competitive, and in 1968 he appeared at a private party celebrating Oscar nominations in which Paul Newman was in attendance with his wife Joanne Woodward. Brando approached Newman and began a conversation that eventually became very heated, resulting in Brando shouting and Newman walking away. Later that evening Brando stood on a table and challenged Newman to an egg eating contest, like the one Newman was depicted doing in Cool Hand Luke, however Newman ignored the challenge.
      >Brando, undeterred, had somebody from his entourage bring him dozens of hard boiled eggs, and started the competition without Newman. While eating, he would loudly keep count as he consumed the eggs saying things like "21 Newman! 21 eggs already! I'm better than you Newman!", while mocking and insulting Newman the whole time, and calling him a "phony".

      • 2 years ago

        Eventually, Brando consumed 51 eggs before being removed from the party, 1 more than Newman's character did in Cool Hand Luke. As he was being escorted out, he reportedly said "51 eggs Newman! I beat you! You couldn't eat 51 eggs because you're a phony, Newman. I'm better than you, and always will be Newman! Don't ever forget that!"
        > Before filming “Apocalypse Now” (1979), Marlon devoutly promised to lose weight, but he just couldn’t do it. Subsequently, his character is shown in the shadows for much of the film to hide his Buddha-like belly. A 6′ 5″ double was used in long shots by director Francis Ford Coppola to “give the character more stature”.
        > By the 1980s, it was reported that one of Brando’s girlfriends had left him because he wouldn’t keep his promise to lose weight. He always seemed to be dieting, but the pounds weren’t coming off much. Unknown to her, he had some of his buddies throw bags of Burger King Whoppers over the gates of his Mulholland Drive estate.
        >Later in the ’80s, Marlon was routinely spotted at a Beverly Hills ice cream parlor buying five gallon containers of ice cream- which he would eat all himself. Reportedly, one of his favorite “snacks” around this time was a full pound of cooked bacon placed in an entire loaf of bread. During these years, the 5′ 10″ Marlon’s weight would balloon up to an incredible 350 pounds at one point.
        Towards the end of his life, when his life was obviously in danger from his over-eating, Marlon did make a last-ditch attempt to drop some excess weight by going on a bland diet. At one point he did drop 70 pounds. But his heart, his liver, and his body in general were already severely damaged by his over-eating habits and frequent crash diets.
        >Possibly only Elvis Presley and Orson Welles, among show biz and movie legends, liked to indulge in over-eating as much as the great Marlon Brando.

        Brando's egg challenge is one of my favorite Hollywood stories. Always makes me laugh every time I read it.

    • 2 years ago

      >Not surprisingly from these gorge-fests, the costumer on “Mutiny on the Bounty” (1962), James Taylor, claims Brando split 52 pairs of pants during the shooting of the film, due to his wild swings in weight. This necessitated a stretch fabric be used on his wardrobe replacement clothes. He split these pants too. During this time, Marlon was also once observed taking a 5-gallon tub of ice cream and rowing himself out in the lagoon to indulge himself.
      >On the set of “The Apaloosa” (1966) Marlon’s double once had to be used in long shots simply because Marlon had eaten one of his gorge-fest lunches.
      >Dick Loving (yes, that really was his name), who married Marlon’s sister, Frannie, said Marlon would eat “two chickens at a sitting and (go) through an entire Pepperidge Farm cookies [package]”.
      >Brando was extremely competitive, and in 1968 he appeared at a private party celebrating Oscar nominations in which Paul Newman was in attendance with his wife Joanne Woodward. Brando approached Newman and began a conversation that eventually became very heated, resulting in Brando shouting and Newman walking away. Later that evening Brando stood on a table and challenged Newman to an egg eating contest, like the one Newman was depicted doing in Cool Hand Luke, however Newman ignored the challenge.
      >Brando, undeterred, had somebody from his entourage bring him dozens of hard boiled eggs, and started the competition without Newman. While eating, he would loudly keep count as he consumed the eggs saying things like "21 Newman! 21 eggs already! I'm better than you Newman!", while mocking and insulting Newman the whole time, and calling him a "phony".

      Eventually, Brando consumed 51 eggs before being removed from the party, 1 more than Newman's character did in Cool Hand Luke. As he was being escorted out, he reportedly said "51 eggs Newman! I beat you! You couldn't eat 51 eggs because you're a phony, Newman. I'm better than you, and always will be Newman! Don't ever forget that!"
      > Before filming “Apocalypse Now” (1979), Marlon devoutly promised to lose weight, but he just couldn’t do it. Subsequently, his character is shown in the shadows for much of the film to hide his Buddha-like belly. A 6′ 5″ double was used in long shots by director Francis Ford Coppola to “give the character more stature”.
      > By the 1980s, it was reported that one of Brando’s girlfriends had left him because he wouldn’t keep his promise to lose weight. He always seemed to be dieting, but the pounds weren’t coming off much. Unknown to her, he had some of his buddies throw bags of Burger King Whoppers over the gates of his Mulholland Drive estate.
      >Later in the ’80s, Marlon was routinely spotted at a Beverly Hills ice cream parlor buying five gallon containers of ice cream- which he would eat all himself. Reportedly, one of his favorite “snacks” around this time was a full pound of cooked bacon placed in an entire loaf of bread. During these years, the 5′ 10″ Marlon’s weight would balloon up to an incredible 350 pounds at one point.
      Towards the end of his life, when his life was obviously in danger from his over-eating, Marlon did make a last-ditch attempt to drop some excess weight by going on a bland diet. At one point he did drop 70 pounds. But his heart, his liver, and his body in general were already severely damaged by his over-eating habits and frequent crash diets.
      >Possibly only Elvis Presley and Orson Welles, among show biz and movie legends, liked to indulge in over-eating as much as the great Marlon Brando.

  17. 2 years ago

    God gives and God takes.

  18. 2 years ago

    If you want a thing done right, you eat it yourself

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