Morrisons Bats run ruined every other run for me.

It’s just too definitive to me. Seeing Batman written in another way just doesn’t work. Having Batman and The Joker not be tied to the overarching DC cosmology and presenting them as metaphysical beings makes the characters feel hollow and bland.
What’s worse is seeing people use Morrison’s creations and repurposed concepts in a way Morrison wouldn’t use them. Whatever the frick Zdarsky is doing with Zurr-En-Ahh is INFURIATING.
What do I do? Nobody else wants to write a super surreal metaphysical Batman story anymore and it hurts.

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 6 months ago

    Dumbass, this isn't a problem. Morrison's Batman was the finale to nearly a century of storytelling. Why do you want more? Let it end correctly. Nothing after 2011 counts.

  2. 6 months ago

    I could never get into this shit, I just want Batman hanging on gargoyles and fighting criminals. I will take a thousand issues of Batman fighting non-powered criminals in an anachronistic, gothic/art-deco setting before I'm ever even slightly interested in "wooah Batman went back in time and left a message to himself!" or "Space medicine! 50's comic references!" shit.

    • 6 months ago

      You should be drawn and quartered

      • 6 months ago

        Go cry about it more.
        I should clarify, I'm ok with him fighting monster men and supernatural shit(so long as it's kind of gothic and horror themed) and yeah, the powered clayfaces(though Clayface killer Basil is underrated) and Mr. Freeze.

        • 6 months ago

          Batman being tied to the inherent concept of justice and order is kino you midair

          • 6 months ago

            I don't care about concepts. I want gothic noir.

    • 6 months ago

      >I just want Batman hanging on gargoyles and fighting criminals. I will take a thousand issues of Batman fighting non-powered criminals in an anachronistic, gothic/art-deco setting

      Same really.
      I mean, Morrison is good at it but everyone wants to copy him now and they do it poorly. 99% of Batman writers should just stick to
      >there is a normal crime in Gotham
      >the target of the crime is not Batman, it's just some civilian
      >Batman gathers evidence, shakes down informants and solves the crime
      I can't even remember the last Batman story that was just that. It always has to be some horseshit.

      • 6 months ago

        Lol, nowadays even when Batman does solve crime it's THE LAST MYSTERY or THE GREATEST MYSTERY. Tbf, even Morrison used it as a pulling trigger for Final Crisis ("who killed God?")

  3. 6 months ago

    The Barbatos/hypertime Return of Bruce Wayne stuff, to me, over the past decade since I first read it, has proven to be the least interesting aspect.

    The Zur En Arhh/Dr. Hurt/Everything is canon! schizo shit is what made it so compelling to me. Grant synthesizing every decade of Batman into a cohesive narrative is what makes it such a "definitive" run.

    BTW, Joker will ALWAYS be more interesting as just a crazy guy who likes robbing people with comedy themed gags than as much giant metaphor. That's where Scott Snyder fricked up.

    • 6 months ago

      *than as a giant

    • 6 months ago

      Synder joker is pure garbage

      • 6 months ago

        I re-read his entire run this year, first time I've read it all since 2016.
        He jumped the shark with Joker killing every cop in the GCPD precinct and never looked back (and yes, I know Morrison did a similar scene in RIP). He made Joker into Slender Man. It's crazy how if a theoretical new reader started getting Batman with the nu-52, they wouldn't experience a normal, non-wanked version of Joker until Joker War in 2020

  4. 6 months ago

    Every run after Morrison just was worse and worse.
    Snyder, then King, and Tynion/Zdarsky imo being peak trash (but I still despise "BatCat too damn much).
    If anything, I am going back to stand-alone stories from Detective Comics and Legends of the Dark Knight more and more often. Dini, Brubaker, DeMatteis, Dixon, O'Neil, these guys.

  5. 6 months ago

    Zdarksy is a fricking idiot.
    I would classify him as the worst DC writer in history because of how dumb the man is. His writing is so moronic that it comes off as sabotage.

    • 6 months ago

      I've thought Snyder was wanking Morrison too hard. It was before Zdarsky started writing his "BatGod, starring Zurr En Arrh" fanfiction...

      • 6 months ago

        Snyder is a fricking idiot but he knows that and finally that moron is gone.
        Zdarksy is a poop writer who is too stupid to come up with real detective stories so he has to do all this inconsistent schizo shit to hide his lack of skills.
        Batman has gone off the rails. I don't know what type of infested demon frick he is right now but it's not working. I can't find that shit compelling because of how stupid it is.

    • 6 months ago

      King is still worse.

  6. 6 months ago

    I just want batman to solve mysteries and shit and not be a weird metaphysical metaphor for the author's ego.

  7. 6 months ago

    DC is ruining Batman will all this occult trash and no one is stopping it.
    We are lucky the movies exist.

  8. 6 months ago

    Did DC forget the more realistic takes of Batman and Joker is what got him popular in the first place? Then why the hell are the comics so isane?
    I want to read about a superhero doing superhero things, not characters suffering and being moronic. I'm enjoy the recent Superman comics and I leave satisfied, but then I read comics of my favorite character and I finish wanting to doxx Zdarsky and wish death on DC.

  9. 6 months ago

    Funny how you can tell none of the haters actually read Morrison's run and read wikipedia summaries instead.

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