>movie centers on married couple

>movie centers on married couple
>they have a completely dead bedroom and are never even slightly sexual towards each other
is it really that bad?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Urban/suburban life is constant struggling. The only couples I know fricking like rabbits are
    >Trads (usually low income)
    >Crazy liberals
    >Crazy addicts of any type

    • 5 months ago

      >Crazy liberals
      They're addicted to fricking other people and having sex in any way that isn't normal or healthy.

  2. 5 months ago


  3. 5 months ago

    Yes, especially if you have kids. Even if kids would be with grandma how would you ever reach same sexual peak as trying to conceive? Like woman literally craving your cum during ovulation? Like she literally grabs your wiener and demands you creampie her? Heroin addicts don't usually settle for weed.

    • 5 months ago

      by trying to concieve again? that's the whole point
      if your wife is past menopause then your role has shifted from stud to elder and you need to focus on setting up your kids to be healthy successful and fricking like rabbits to spread your seed
      this is what seperates humans from lower creatures. civilization exists purely to allow post-breeding and non-breeding people to help actively breeding people have more kids. this is truth.
      dictated but not read

      • 5 months ago

        Thats a good take, concise and logical

      • 5 months ago

        >yeah just live in selibate after 50y
        pathetic beta cuck

        • 5 months ago

          This guy thinks he'll have the same interest in sex in his fifties that he has in his teens.

  4. 5 months ago

    >>they have a completely dead bedroom and are never even slightly sexual towards each other

  5. 5 months ago

    The grass is always greener on the other side. Incels think a wife and kids are the answer to all their problems while people who have that feel chained down and wish they could be neets.

  6. 5 months ago

    >had our first child
    >havent had sex in over a year
    Its fricking over for me isn't it?

    • 5 months ago

      make another one, then you'll be able to have sex at least once

    • 5 months ago

      You're supposed to step up your game and become a very valuable man, by getting in shape, making more money, dressing up nicely and taking care of yourself, that way your wife will feel pressured to put out more often and to take care of herself too because she'll know other women will be checking you out constantly and those women will take the opportunity to get closer to you, due to their typical competitive nature.
      doing this will cause you either to get divorced if she refuses to do it and starts resenting you or she will comply, either way you win because you will get laid no matter what, with her or someone else.

      • 5 months ago

        yeah that worked wonders with Chris Watts.

        • 5 months ago

          He was just a complete idiot, he already had a family and an anal mistress but still ruined his own life

          >just grind bro
          sounds cringe

          why not? You don't even need to do it for women but for yourself

        • 5 months ago

          It unironically did. After the affair started and he began to treat the wife like dirt she was scrambling to fix the relationship.

          • 5 months ago

            Clearly she did a poor job of that because he still felt the need to murder her and the kids

            • 5 months ago

              anon the man was a deranged psychopath

              • 5 months ago

                Nah, he's a low IQ impulsive moron who was permanently wired on caffeine patches

      • 5 months ago

        >just grind bro
        sounds cringe

      • 5 months ago

        everybody in this thread seems to have a beta male attitude towards women. Your woman should just do what you say.

    • 5 months ago

      Just have sex dumb c**t. What are you fricking your hands for.

    • 5 months ago

      Same. I pressured my wife for sex few times after birth but it almost felt like raping her so I just gave up. On the bright side I'm apparently so low test even fapping feels pointless now. Now I just drain my balls fapping every other week without porn to keep dirty thoughts at bay.

      • 5 months ago

        have you had your hormones checked?
        lift weights and more importantly, eat the right foods and you can significantly raise your testosterone.
        read into which foods work, also sleep quality and sun exposure help.
        dont be underweight or overweight,

      • 5 months ago

        Get on TRT. If you’re done having kids there are no downsides

    • 5 months ago

      yup my wife won't even have sex unless i ask and only missionary otherwise it hurts to much and I got my first bj in 4 years after I negotiated to only do it once a year.

    • 5 months ago

      it's so cruel isn't it? when my wife and i were dating, she talked about wanting 5-6 kids. popped out our first one about 8 months ago, and she hasnt let me touch her since (not counting the times i basically raped her)((was extremely based btw))

      i think im just going to start cheating on her. too many cardiobunnies eyeing me down and i have nothing waiting for me at home, so frick it

  7. 5 months ago

    Jewllywood loves portraying monogamy as boring and autonomous and being a degenerate as fun and cool

    • 5 months ago

      the word you are looking for is monotonous

  8. 5 months ago

    Mass level psyop to employ the notion that being in a long-term relationship or marriage will be a bad thing for your sex life. Mostly to affect women, who are most susceptible to this type of engineering, but it does have an effect on men as well (more so a black pill than anything else)

    The reality is that if you find a good significant other, your sex life will be healthy. Not constant 9-5 fricking, no, but that's not healthy, either. A healthy sex life isn't about having it all the time - it's enjoying it when you do have it, and being fine when you're not.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go jerk off.

  9. 5 months ago

    The honey moon phase lasts for about a year and then couples usually begin having less sex. Married couples also usually respect each other and one another’s space more. If you’re married and your wife is not wanting to have sex much anymore then you need to tell her how important it is for you.

    • 5 months ago

      >If you’re married and your wife is not wanting to have sex much anymore then you need to tell her how important it is for you.

      This generation raised by counseling platitudes like the importance of communication is going to seethe so bad when they start actually living these situations.

    • 5 months ago

      >If you’re married and your wife is not wanting to have sex much anymore then you need to tell her how important it is for you.

      >t. doesn't understand women

      Telling her you want to frick won't make her want to frick you. Sex is an emotional thing, especially for women. If you want her to want to frick, you have to excite her somehow. And that's hard to do when you're snoring and farting next to each other every night and talking about bills and arguing about what to eat for dinner or whatever fricking idiotic nonsense.

    • 5 months ago

      >tell her how important it is for you.

      Let me guess, your shrink is a woman.

  10. 5 months ago

    Yeah. I hadn't fricked my wife in almost 2 years because we kept having fights and I grew to view her with contempt and slept in my own separate room, but we started sleeping in the same bed again a few months ago at her request, and a few weeks ago I randomly got so horny in the middle of the night I couldn't control it and fricked her, and she seemed to enjoy it. Neither of us talked about it afterwards. I typically have no desire to frick her, even sleeping next to her now. To be fair, she has been a lot less annoying lately. Maybe the relationship has a chance. I basically had to resist the urge to punch her in the face every second of every day at this time last year, and I moved back with my parents for 2 weeks around that time until she begged me to come back. I guess I don't hate her anymore but neither am I really attracted to her.

  11. 5 months ago

    For every hot girl you see, there is a guy tiered of fricking her

  12. 5 months ago

    Process went very simple for me:
    >meet girl when young
    >smoking hot
    >frick constantly
    >we grow old together
    >not smoking hot anymore
    >therefore not so interested in fricking

  13. 5 months ago

    y'all homies need marriage counselling

    • 5 months ago

      Nah, man, I just need her to go to the gym and take her weight loss seriously. @<:^)

    • 5 months ago

      ''we started marriage counselling and our sex life is better than ever'', a phrase i hear all the time

      • 5 months ago

        contempt is the death of a marriage. once you manage to remove that aspect, other things come easier

  14. 5 months ago

    The entire point of a relationship is to have kids.
    To that end your body is biochemically attempting to get you horny so you'd frick and inseminate.
    After the babby is formed it's chemically neutering you so you go into family building mode and provide and not get too distracted with sex.
    As the child matures again the imperative is to nurture and protect so even more neutered.

    That's normal. It's abnormal to break this routine and pursue empty hedonism

    • 5 months ago

      You have made children the center of your worldview to rationalize the fact you're miserable and powerlessness about it.

      • 5 months ago


  15. 5 months ago

    Do NOT believe these israeli lies. Being married to a beautiful woman (who's only been with you) is the greatest thing that will happen to you. It will complete your life, DO IT.

    • 5 months ago

      >a beautiful woman (who's only been with you)
      not possible in 2024 sadly

      • 5 months ago

        You'd be surprised. Just have to look a little harder my man

        I'm dating my girlfriend 4 years now. Sadly in that time she has put on a lot of weight. She was a QT when I met her, but now I just can't bare to have sex with her. Sometimes I have to force myself, because she starts complaining that we never frick anymore, but I never truly enjoy it like I once did.

        Why don't you just tell her you find her less attractive and to lose weight? Tough love is sometimes necessary in a long term relationship

  16. 5 months ago

    I’m 20 and have never had sex

    • 5 months ago

      I lost my virginity at 18 by accident because I got drunk and Facebook messages a girl in my class and she invited me over to frick. I didn't realize how easy it was.
      If you just message a girl you know you'll just get pussy

      I wish I never deleted Facebook but I had a mental breakdown and deleted everything online. If I still had it I would probably have so much ass in my DMS.

  17. 5 months ago

    I'm dating my girlfriend 4 years now. Sadly in that time she has put on a lot of weight. She was a QT when I met her, but now I just can't bare to have sex with her. Sometimes I have to force myself, because she starts complaining that we never frick anymore, but I never truly enjoy it like I once did.

    • 5 months ago

      All I'm hearing is anon
      >I'm too much of a dumb loser to dump the fatty because I don't think I can do better

    • 5 months ago

      Except 11 years.

    • 5 months ago

      Except 11 years.

      find a way to solve it. are you at all overweight?
      find a sport both of you can do and encourage her, say you want there to be something you both do together and that it is important. if you have the money, start buying organic food, gradually replacing unhealthy stuff, avoid alcohol if she drinks, avoid processed foods - maybe meaning you have to start cooking or take a cooking course as your excuse.
      less carbohydrates, no sugar, more vegetables and organic meat.
      keep asking for advice on here, maybe other anons have succeeded with this same problem in the past.
      there's usually something that will cause her to want to lose weight, but it is difficult to know what works with each girl.

      • 5 months ago

        >find a way to solve it.
        why do you care dude

        • 5 months ago

          he's getting off of having a power fantasy about how he solves strangers relationship issues online with his vast knowledge

          • 5 months ago

            post your breasts

      • 5 months ago

        I am; it's in process now. I waited too long to start it so now it's not gonna "take" until we're frickin 40+ or something, but I finally bit the bullet and started working on this with her.

        My problem wasn't that I was unaware of what to do; my problem was that *I ALREADY DO IT* with a regular workout regimen, monitored eating habits, etc. I do all the cooking for both of us at home, but she buys lunch at work every frickin day, and since I, *MYSELF* saw no need to hit the treadmill more because I'm great, she never did either.
        Weight loss and looking good has literally never been a challenge for me, my problem was that I couldn't get her to agree to the concept that she needed to put as much or more work into it as I do in order to compensate. The discussion would always naturally gravitate towards, "Oh, what days are *WE* gonna go to the gym?" or "How are *WE* gonna limit our soda intake?"
        Bitch, I haven't regularly drunk soda in 8 frickin years, and I use these free weights at home ever Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, are you fricking braindead?

        What finally I think clicked for us is me being more open about the attention I get from other women. Not about how it makes me feel or about how I feel about her or anything, but just mentioning that I get attention, and her knowing that she does not get equal male attention shifted the dynamic enough over time to where she felt like she finally needed to 'do something about it.'
        So, she's on Diet drinks, and working out every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Better than nothing, but like I said, these results are gonna take fricking years.
        I regret not getting to this point much much earlier in our relationship.

        Television & Film, by the way.

        • 5 months ago

          good, at least she's started.
          try to drop the diet drinks too, as the artificial sweeteners aren't good and some still affect insulin levels etc.
          install a water filter and drink that with lemon or lime squeezed into it.
          40 isn't that old and it is much younger if you're both fit and can enjoy it.

        • 5 months ago

          this shit is not going to work bro. getting in shape is not super difficult, but it's something that requires resolution and initiative, particularly if you're fighting years of bad habits. it's not something you can drag others along with you.

          also those promised "gradual results" that you're counting never arrive either, in my experience people either go hard and then go through very noticeable changes pretty fast or they half-ass a diet/routine for years without ever really making any substantial progress at all.

          • 5 months ago

            I know. @<:^)
            But at least it won't be my fault. At that time, I can say with certainty that I 'did everything I could.'

      • 5 months ago

        this mf thinks he's slick, every woman on the planet would catch on to your plan and use it as emotional blackmail for the next two decades

      • 5 months ago

        My moronic gf said we could both go to the gym if I got the upgraded membership, so I did, and then she never wanted to go, so I just got swole all by myself, and she's still fat. And she even started complaining about how much time I spend at the gym, but she stopped when I basically told her it was her idea in the first place and to shut the frick up if I'm doing something to improve myself.

        • 5 months ago

          find a sport you can both do, something that you can both improve at and that you won't do unless you're with her.

    • 5 months ago

      what does her mother look like

  18. 5 months ago

    There's a reason why rape inside marriage wasn't a crime.

  19. 5 months ago

    I only get horny once a week for her if that.

  20. 5 months ago

    there you go, made by israelites

  21. 5 months ago

    Why do people even marry, jesus fricking christ.
    >bro just take care of a prostitute who doesn't put out and screeches at you for random bullshit, and don't forget about her frick trophies that will set the house on fire if you take your eyes off them for 5 minutes

  22. 5 months ago

    >Be me
    >Work as a Retail Sales Rep
    >Meet a cute girl at one of the stores
    >Been dating for two years now & we live together
    >Finally asks me when she'll meet my family
    >Decide to visit them for Christmas this year
    >Weeks before going, find out my brothers are dating a doctor, Engineer, and CPA
    >Not that weird since they work in those fields
    >Big day arrives
    >They talk about scientific shit that I barely know about and my GF doesn't know anything about
    >I try to pivot the conversation to sports
    >They don't watch so they continue talking
    >I just talk to my parents while she remain quiet
    >After dinner we had some time alone
    >She was upset and wanted to fly back ASAP
    >We end up flying back on the 26th
    >Now she's been quiet since and we stayed home for new years

    • 5 months ago

      did you talk to her about it? then at least you can reassure her.

    • 5 months ago

      yeah, so? What's the issue? Is she having a baby moment like most women?

      • 5 months ago

        Damn you are stupid

    • 5 months ago

      Not this frickin pasta again. Frickin newbies, I swear to gods

      • 5 months ago

        >he doesn't know all the pasta from the last 10 years
        it's all so tiresome

  23. 5 months ago

    I just broke up with my LDR GF of 5 years today because she wouldn't stop messaging her exes/other boys even though I've asked her multiple times and she's expressed interest in going to foreign countries by herself for holidays. She told me nothing's going on but then why even message them?
    Did I do the right thing bros? She's losing her mind right now over at her place lol

    • 5 months ago

      I would say so. She might not want to dump your ass right now, but she's clearly keeping as many options as possible open because she knows she'll dump you eventually. If she's not willing to stop doing those things for you then you're just in for a lot more trouble down the line. Only take her back if she compromises and you know she isn't lying.

      • 5 months ago

        You know for a fact she’s entertaining other guys. At this point you would have no self respect if you took her back and she would Jamal subconsciously have even less respect for you if you took her back. The only way to truly make her want you is to move on and frick hotter younger chicks this would make her seeth and regret what she did (but don’t do it she doesn’t see you as her superior let alone equal)

        Yeah basically. Now find a village girl with a good education.

        Thanks guys, in a bit of a rough state atm so good to know you guys agree. Yeah don't really want to take her back, let the wildebeests
        run free as it were. Blocked her on all chat apps too since I don't want to deal with her seethe.

    • 5 months ago

      You know for a fact she’s entertaining other guys. At this point you would have no self respect if you took her back and she would Jamal subconsciously have even less respect for you if you took her back. The only way to truly make her want you is to move on and frick hotter younger chicks this would make her seeth and regret what she did (but don’t do it she doesn’t see you as her superior let alone equal)

      • 5 months ago

        *just have less respect for you*

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah basically. Now find a village girl with a good education.

    • 5 months ago

      >she's expressed interest in going to foreign countries by herself for holidays
      ayy lmao, dead giveaway right there.
      you did good anon, keep away from thots like that.

    • 5 months ago

      ldr for too long anyway, should have been plans to live and be near one another within a shorter time.
      you did the right thing and made a logical decision.
      now meet other girls and find one near to you who has similar values, then move more quickly and marry her when things seem to make sense.

  24. 5 months ago





  25. 5 months ago

    Yes I'm pretty sure usually by year 5 and def by year 10. Honestly the first 2 or 3 months are the best of 90% of relationships

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