Murder Drones

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    sex with j

    • 7 months ago

      sex with all of them

    • 7 months ago

      Sex with V

      • 7 months ago

        V fricks you scary

      • 7 months ago

        I swear to fricking Christ, the lack of the rubber midsection (also the existence of the bellybutton) that is CONSISTENTLY in this guy's art PISSES ME OFF.

        I don’t even care about the boobs anymore, while I don’t like it, it’s secondary to the part I’m sperging out about now.

        …oh yeah also the thighs, that’s bugging me as well.
        I fricking hate it when artists (and writers too I guess) design human-adjacent robots EXACTLY LIKE HUMANS JUST WITH A FUNNY OUTFIT AND MAKEUP I SWEAR TO FRICKING GOD.

  2. 7 months ago

    Sex with Cyn!

    • 7 months ago

      >As she announces every single position and move

  3. 7 months ago

    Everyone single one.

    • 7 months ago

      At the same time?

  4. 7 months ago

    Interesting, the worker drone chest light is similar to the disassembly drone chest light.

    • 7 months ago

      Disassembly Drones used to be Worker Drones, anon.

  5. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      >But who's sins did he die for?

    • 7 months ago

      Boxo really is a Christ-like figure isn’t he?

  6. 7 months ago

    Sad face

  7. 7 months ago

    "It took Cyn as a host, and then it took everything..."

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        >Loving the AbsoluteSolver itself.
        Holy mother of based.

        • 7 months ago

          She’s perfect
          How could you want anyone else?

  8. 7 months ago

    Someone in the last thread said


    so, who here likes her?

    • 7 months ago

      she cute

    • 7 months ago

      Becca is cute but doll is better

    • 7 months ago

      I am the one who said that
      I was blessed with "the last" actually being last for once
      Hail Rebecca

      • 7 months ago

        She didn't deserve what she got

        • 7 months ago

          >tried to steal N from Uzi and cheated on the boyfriend she already had
          she DID deserve what she got

          • 7 months ago

            darren was totally down for a 3-way

    • 7 months ago

      She didn't deserve what she got

      I like her, she was kinda cute, death scene may be goofy but was one of the admittedly few moments in MD that made me sad.

      S TIER
      -will love you forever
      -comes in cute maid and incomprehensible horror varieties

      A TIER
      -hillbilly milf
      -devout mormon
      -makes her own toys
      -wants lots of kids
      -friend with benefits
      -receptive to headpats
      -can protect you from solver

      B TIER
      -angsty gremlin
      -a biter
      -has kinks beyond your wildest imagination
      -perfect hips and thighs

      C TIER
      -cool hair
      -is closer than you think
      -testicular rotater

      D TIER
      -but open to threesomes
      -purely subjective ranking, she's just not my tyep

      F TIER
      -stock alpha b***h
      -seriously they're dime a dozen, why would you pick her over literally anyone else
      -will dump you for Chad Thunderwiener without a second thought

      Anon, we have the same taste. Tho I personally would have put Alice in S-Tier, but thats just pure preference.

      Pic related is Mimi in MD request from last thread, hope you like it, sorry for blurriness but lighting is not the best and phone light reflects too much, had to put a filter over it. I will finish it after I have slept

      • 7 months ago

        Looks amazing!

        • 7 months ago

          Thanks anon, it means a lot! Leaving now, almost 5AM in Germany, have a nice thread everyone

      • 7 months ago

        Look what you did anon

        • 7 months ago

          Boxo died for HIS sins

          • 7 months ago

            Truly Boxo is a saint, he died for drawanon’s sins
            also checked

        • 7 months ago

          I am not the sinner I swear! I was even encouraging the fallen drawgay to finish it, but he didn't make it. Anyway, this is my last word, for I have become sleepy, the misser of threads

          • 7 months ago

            Look what you did anon [...]

            sorry bros but i didn't feel like it. maybe tomorrow

      • 7 months ago

        Draw her being yandere for scout now

      • 7 months ago

        >The Type-1 Mimi Sentry was the first drone model to incorporate cranial pacification technology.
        >In effect when "headpatted" by someone of the same team, a soothing, almost pleasurable response is instilled in the sentry's core.
        >When asked for comment on why he developed this technology, which he incorporated into all of his humanoid creations, Engineer Dell Conagher refused to answer and would do so till his dying day.
        >It is speculated among modern historians, due descriptions of his kind and fatherly behavior toward Mimi and her "siblings," that Dell Conagher wanted his creations to truly feel that their creator loved them.
        I did what I could

        • 7 months ago

          That's cute

  9. 7 months ago

    S TIER
    -will love you forever
    -comes in cute maid and incomprehensible horror varieties

    A TIER
    -hillbilly milf
    -devout mormon
    -makes her own toys
    -wants lots of kids
    -friend with benefits
    -receptive to headpats
    -can protect you from solver

    B TIER
    -angsty gremlin
    -a biter
    -has kinks beyond your wildest imagination
    -perfect hips and thighs

    C TIER
    -cool hair
    -is closer than you think
    -testicular rotater

    D TIER
    -but open to threesomes
    -purely subjective ranking, she's just not my tyep

    F TIER
    -stock alpha b***h
    -seriously they're dime a dozen, why would you pick her over literally anyone else
    -will dump you for Chad Thunderwiener without a second thought

    • 7 months ago

      Now do the thread OCs smartguy

      • 7 months ago

        i don't give a shit about the ocs

      • 7 months ago

        >Ranked Reb in D tier
        Probably would smooch Henry tbh

    • 7 months ago

      I don't wanna be rude but you have a shitty opinion

    • 7 months ago

      Where would John sit

      • 7 months ago

        He SSSS tier for sophie

      • 7 months ago

        on my face

    • 7 months ago

      >F Tier
      Opinion discarded.

      • 7 months ago

        she fricking sucks anon

        • 7 months ago


  10. 7 months ago

    Weird enough robots have hair, but do they also have pubic hair?

    • 7 months ago

      No, they have a triangle-shaped light just above their pubic region like the ones on their hands.

      • 7 months ago

        This is definitely my favorite off-model detail

        • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          >uzi is perfect height for standing blowjobs and she knows this
          >she goes around pranking human men by walking up to them casually, opening their zippers and immediately sucking them off with a machine like efficiency
          >she does this because she hates all humans, naturally.

          • 7 months ago

            Is this an acceptable subjugation method for humankind by Uzi?

          • 7 months ago

            What if I wear sweatpants, the frick she gonna do now?

            • 7 months ago

              if you wiener is at her face level no matter what you do or wear she's gonna find a way to fit your penis directly into her mouth

              • 7 months ago

                What if I said no?

          • 7 months ago

            It's all part of her murder plan. They won't know what's coming.

  11. 7 months ago

    Someone please list all the thread OCs so I can rank them when I wake up tomorrow

    • 7 months ago

      ...All of them?
      Christ thats gonna take awhile, not even I know all of them

      • 7 months ago

        Not counting characters made for greentexts we have:

        • 7 months ago

          This just makes me think that writefriends need to include their characters in many of their stories, it would be fun.

          • 7 months ago

            I hope to at some point
            Just need to figure out a dynamic for them interacting with the characters I write without immediately going for the throat or excusing themselves from the conversation

            • 7 months ago

              Maybe have Carl ask Toby why his computer doesn't work repeatedly
              >His computer is not plugged in
              >His computer is full of Solver flesh
              >His computer is a cereal box

              • 7 months ago

                Progressively Toby becomes more and more upset at the situation, culminating in him snapping and just going "yeah that tomato is a computer, keep it up buddy" and going to cry under his desk.

        • 7 months ago

          What is therapy Anon ? It is like steve

        • 7 months ago

          As for the thread OCs, the ones that I can remember are:
          SD-D (or SD-F, whichever one you pick)

          • 7 months ago

            I mean I guess there's also the guy who did Boxo.

            And a shitty OC of my own I cooked up who I may need to redo the description of their hair to better stand them apart from one of the OCs already mentioned.
            But I'm afraid to because I don't want to waste Phoenixanon's time

            • 7 months ago

              Boxo too!

              Now we await the ranking (whenever that will come)

    • 7 months ago

      This just makes me think that writefriends need to include their characters in many of their stories, it would be fun.

      Ah hell lets see. There is Amy the Delivery Drone, Irena The Scrapped Lawyer Drone <-This is a tiny tiny spoiler, Aaron (Anon), Valentine Elisa Knox, SD-F(ia), and SD-W(esk). For Solver cat the only character I actually mentioned by name was uhhh Tabby but she is practically a non-character in my eyes,

      • 7 months ago

        also im working on a new fic and it has already gotten complicated enough to confuse me what the frick is going on in my own god damn timeline/outline.

      • 7 months ago


        You are probably asking "Why are you here at this hour?"
        Selfish reasons, I'm kinda bored and I want to ask you a question.
        So tell me, how are you?!
        And, what are you doing?!
        Yeah I know, I shouldn't be selfish, I promise this is just a one-time thing!
        If you want to know how I'm doing, I'm doing excellent, I wrote 1000+ words today!
        So here is my little question, should I post a new part of my fic as soon as I'm done?
        Or should I wait a bit so that in the future I have more written if I don't publish fast enough?
        I promise I won't be selfish anymore!

        started a new fic outline, That was probably subconsciously inspired by Signalis and probably a tiny amount of Phenoix anon's work which i skimmed through a bit. wrote 1000 words for it's outline, far from finished. Its already starting to confuse me despite myself. Weird conflicting ideas I guess. I feel like I'm lacking quality characters which has always been a weakness of mine. All and all I wrote 1500 words today including the Amy part I posted this morning (I think? Time is meaningless to me).

        • 7 months ago

          The worst part is I'm probably going to have to write it NON-LINARLY Which I have never done before.

          • 7 months ago


            started a new fic outline, That was probably subconsciously inspired by Signalis and probably a tiny amount of Phenoix anon's work which i skimmed through a bit. wrote 1000 words for it's outline, far from finished. Its already starting to confuse me despite myself. Weird conflicting ideas I guess. I feel like I'm lacking quality characters which has always been a weakness of mine. All and all I wrote 1500 words today including the Amy part I posted this morning (I think? Time is meaningless to me).

            Well technically Delivery Drone Amy is sorta written non-linearly due to the divide between Amy, Anon, and Irena's parts vs Valentine, F, and W's parts being seperated by 2 hours. So thats kind of a lie

        • 7 months ago

          Hello Friend!
          That sounds interesting, with those inspiration, keep going! I would love to see what you create
          And don't say that! I love your characters, you should love them because they are well made and they are yours characters!
          Those are a lot of words, kinda wanna makes me try to do the same.

      • 7 months ago


        started a new fic outline, That was probably subconsciously inspired by Signalis and probably a tiny amount of Phenoix anon's work which i skimmed through a bit. wrote 1000 words for it's outline, far from finished. Its already starting to confuse me despite myself. Weird conflicting ideas I guess. I feel like I'm lacking quality characters which has always been a weakness of mine. All and all I wrote 1500 words today including the Amy part I posted this morning (I think? Time is meaningless to me).


        Hello Friend!
        That sounds interesting, with those inspiration, keep going! I would love to see what you create
        And don't say that! I love your characters, you should love them because they are well made and they are yours characters!
        Those are a lot of words, kinda wanna makes me try to do the same.

        I have now written 2,558 words for the outline pure fricking timeline
        for a total of 3000 words today. What the frick has gotten into me? I have class tomorrow. Its fricking midnight

        • 7 months ago

          Take a rest Friend, you deserve it.

          • 7 months ago

            I blame that damn psyker for this

            • 7 months ago

              Maybe he used your powers to inspire you.

              Wish I could be as productive and as focused as you on the stuff I write.
              I've got like 3 greens I wanna do but I can barely be disciplined enough to focus on one let alone start making more progress.

              I feel you Friend, the best I can do is just hear music and do nothing else, except write, nothing that can distract me.

        • 7 months ago

          Wish I could be as productive and as focused as you on the stuff I write.
          I've got like 3 greens I wanna do but I can barely be disciplined enough to focus on one let alone start making more progress.

        • 7 months ago


          Wish I could be as productive and as focused as you on the stuff I write.
          I've got like 3 greens I wanna do but I can barely be disciplined enough to focus on one let alone start making more progress.

          Believe me this is not normal for me. I can usualy only get out 10x fricking less than this per day. I normally only write 300 words tops

      • 7 months ago


        started a new fic outline, That was probably subconsciously inspired by Signalis and probably a tiny amount of Phenoix anon's work which i skimmed through a bit. wrote 1000 words for it's outline, far from finished. Its already starting to confuse me despite myself. Weird conflicting ideas I guess. I feel like I'm lacking quality characters which has always been a weakness of mine. All and all I wrote 1500 words today including the Amy part I posted this morning (I think? Time is meaningless to me).

        I couldn't stand writing the outline any further. The timeline is still incomplete however I cant stand just outlining and outlining and outlining.
        SO, I said frick it and wrote chapter one.
        Feel free to give feedback. Its not nearly as long as I would like but hey, I dont dicate the chapter's length. It dictates itself

  12. 7 months ago



    • 7 months ago

      Security carl would booty blast henry

    • 7 months ago

      Security carl would booty blast henry

      Cyn just revives Henry each time he dies so that everyone can have a chance to kill him

      • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        I like the idea of Henry ending his story as it started. torn to pieces with his heart in the hands of someone who has no remorse.

  13. 7 months ago

    Gaming, kissing, hugging, cuddling and absolutely insane chassis breaking, earthquaking amounts of sex with N!

    • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        The amount of sex and love I would give to him would make Cyn look microscopic
        You underestimate my love of best bot

    • 7 months ago

      Does he do (You) or he forces (You) to do him because he's a power botton

      • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          Oh yes

      • 7 months ago


        >N turns Anon gay/bisexual thanks to the mind-blowingly good sex he gives

  14. 7 months ago

    So what kind of shit should our converted drone boy get up to? Now that he’s realized what’s happened to him, of course.
    >Go non-responsive for a bit from sheer despair
    >Try and pray it away like it’s a bad dream
    >Keep pretending he’s human despite his knowledge that he’s not anymore
    >Completely breaks down and starts just letting out all the emotional shit with so much sobbing people get annoyed
    >Attempts suicide only to fail
    I should also draw a design

    • 7 months ago

      >insanity-fueled sex binge

    • 7 months ago

      sexually assaulted by a human (he can’t stop himself from liking it)

    • 7 months ago

      Maybe some concerned drone stops him from commiting suicide who turns out to be the theorised drone GF. Maybe DroneAnon and her talk things out, his feelings, his emotions, etc.

    • 7 months ago

      he must dance for his sins

    • 7 months ago

      I think I got a good one
      >Just as they are slowly starting to accept their new drone life, an entity starts to invade their dreams
      >It whispers an an offer befit of the robo-devil himself

      • 7 months ago

        god I wish that was me…

      • 7 months ago

        This is his final test of character. He realizes that he's not any less of a person for being a Drone now

      • 7 months ago

        Oh boy

      • 7 months ago

        This is how it goes post character development

    • 7 months ago

      The saga of our converted friend continues. Last time he passed out from shock and now he’s stuck in a charging station. Slight timeskip. Roughly 2 days.
      >This is all some kind of bad dream. Not probably, it definitely is. First you wake up in the middle of nowhere, then you find a complex with sentient machines, and now you were apparently one of them all along? Sounds like some crappy sci-fi novel. This is obviously you having a nightmare.
      >Why else would you be linked up to this… Thing? This feels weird. Like something is just flowing into you like hot water. The one in front of you speaks. He’s really chipper for some reason.
      >“This is how you charge yourself. We noticed you weren’t doing it, and I couldn’t believe it when you said you don’t even know how this works. And while we’re talking energy, I think you’ve probably noticed that some of us just straight up eat batteries. Like unattended babies, as the human saying goes. It’s not exactly harmful but I’d still advise against it just in case we need them.”
      >You don’t even know what the frick he’s talking about. In fact you don’t even know what any of this is about. To say that you’re completely out of your element is an understatement. They had to keep you tied down for almost 24 hours to keep you from attempting suicide. The reason you’re not trying is because it’s pointless by now.
      >You can remember that time like it was yesterday…. Which it was.

      >You struggled against the restraints, biting at the air and screaming like a banshee. You could barely hear them talking about you. With all the focus you had left you yelled
      >“WHY AM I LIKE THIS!?”
      >The only response you got was some cryptic shit about how you “Should know” or something. You were barely paying attention, you just wanted out so you could try to have a nice day.

      • 7 months ago

        >You stand up out of the strange contraption, roll your joints out of habit, and wordlessly start walking out of the room. Charging this, batteries that, blah blah blah. Whatever is going on right now is either a very vivid hallucination or you’re dreaming. Probably the latter considering nobody hallucinates for this long. Like, there’s no way you’re a Drone like them, you remember your flesh as vividly as always. Everything you’ve done in life was within your own skin, and that was fine. Who could’ve done this to yo-
        >You stop as you pass a mirror. But not just any mirrors, a full body length.

        I’m too tired to continue

  15. 7 months ago

    >it's late in night apparently
    >don't really know your internal clock is a mess
    >your parents bang on the door to your room

    "kelly! wake up would ya! your gonna be late for work with us!"

    >it's dad! oh shoot it must almost be 6 am!
    >"coming dad!"
    >out of bed, get dressed and grab your jcjenson(in spaaaaaace) approved chainsaw for work today
    >oh! gotta get breakfast!
    >run to the kitchen, grab a box of scrap and a can of oil from the cabinet
    >good employee time!
    >i love my life!


    • 7 months ago

      >out in the factory with parents
      >do work cutting down metal bars and such
      >why a chainsaw for this task? who knows really, you're just doing what you're instructed to.
      >you saw thing one by one carried by fellow drones.
      >life is pretty good.
      >then you hear a loud scream from in-front of you
      >on the floor holding it's wrist was a human.
      >it's hand on the floor
      >and blood on the blade of your saw.
      >oh no.
      >the liquid is very shiny
      >isn't the stuff kinda like their version of oil?
      >you stop the saw and give a little lick to the blade
      >your body jolts at the sensation
      >the taste is, exquisite~
      >it's so rich and warm
      >and there's more of it right in-front of you, other worker drones gathering around to try and help
      >like, so rude!


      • 7 months ago

        oh wow
        uh oh

      • 7 months ago

        >it tastes so good!
        >organs! flesh! blood and bone!
        >it's all so, so, SO
        >the blood and bits of flesh coat your hands and trail down your arms, staining your body and outfit a deep red
        >the drones who crowded around earlier have joined in on the frenzy, devouring what remained of the employee

        >the sound of boots rushing into the factory floor rang in your speakers
        >the others weren't as lucky
        >you got off the body, grabbing your chainsaw as you ran, blood dripping down your body and making the steps of your boots squeak
        >the sounds of gunfire and bullets whizzing by overpowered everything else, even the sound of your still on chainsaw and the screams of your fellow drones.
        >you kept running
        >you didn't wanna die yet

        >zeke woke with a jolt, his visor flashing with static for a moment
        >what was all that?
        >do robots even dream?


        • 7 months ago

          I’m so fricking horny right now
          Thank you bootsanon

        • 7 months ago

          liking it so far bro

          I’m so fricking horny right now
          Thank you bootsanon


        • 7 months ago

          wtf I love zeke now??
          god I wish that was me

        • 7 months ago

          >look around.
          >you're inside anon's garage hanging on the ceiling
          >oh that's right boots said no going into 'master's' bedroom at night
          >drop down from the ceiling and land with 2 feet down.
          >open the door inside the house
          >go in and close door behind you
          >walk into the "master's" room
          >boots is standing there watching anon sleep, only she has a little pair of unicorn slippers on instead of the boots
          >he couldn't afford her new boots but i'm still a little jealous
          >i sidle alongside her
          >"is he supposed to sleep this long?" i whisper
          "i don't know, i just always make sure he's still alive"
          >we stand there looking down at him still
          >this is, kinda nice honestly
          >he's so peaceful.
          >so vulnerable
          >i wonder how his blood tastes


          • 7 months ago

            >i wonder how his blood tastes
            Zeke is making me feel things

          • 7 months ago

            Someone spray him
            Blood is bad, he should love drinking it

            • 7 months ago

              Shouldn't, stupid fingers
              You make me look bad

            • 7 months ago

              Shouldn't, stupid fingers
              You make me look bad

              What makes human blood and flesh more delicious and appealing to workers and disassemblers than drone oil?

              • 7 months ago

                It's like a fine wine versus grape juice

              • 7 months ago

                >Vibing in class as Uzi is drinking from your neck

              • 7 months ago

                >You sit in class as you listen to yet another boring and useless lesson the Teacher
                >You eventually start to doze off and rest your head on your hands as you stare ahead with half-open eyes
                >Big mistake.
                >You just gave a perfect opportunity for a predator to attack.
                >A certain purple predator is stalking their way towards your desk from behind
                >Once they're within attack range without you noticing them, they pounce on your back and bite down on your neck
                >You hiss in pain as awareness comes back to you
                >You can feel your blood being slowly siphoned from you
                >You look down to the metal hands that have wrapped themselves around you from behind
                >There's purple triangles on them
                >God damn it
                "Uzi, what did I tell you about doing this in public?"
                >Your assailant removes their maw from your neck, allowing you to move your head again as you look behind you
                >Uzi gives you the poutiest expression she could muster
                >"Bite me! You promised that you'd let me drink some yesterday!"

                Uzi really loves human blood, especially (you)rs

              • 7 months ago

                probably iron or some shit

          • 7 months ago

            >anon is awake, he's still sad about Sarah's death
            >he'll get over it eventually, humans just do that kinda thing
            >her brain tasted good though, good thing boots popped her head open after you shaved it clean
            >anon will be just fine in time, humans always get better in time
            >wonder how mom and dad are doing
            >your walking with boots and a thought comes into your mind
            >"hey boots, do you dream?"
            "dream? like master? why do you ask?"
            >"i've been having dreams lately, they feel so REAL, like i'm really there."
            "do drones dream?"
            >"that's why i asked you boots"
            >she sighs at me
            >i'm kinda thirsty
            >"hey boots, wanna get something to drink?"
            >she looks up at me
            "what and how?"
            >i smile at her, an x reflecting off her own little visor
            >"i assume you don't want 'master' to get charmed by a new Sarah, right?"
            >a crosshair appears on her visor, hands tighten at her sides.

            (5/?) last one for tonight gang it's half after midnight here, all you gore fans don't you worry! gore in the main saga is a ways away but i got side stories in the universe planned to scratch that itch!

            • 7 months ago


            • 7 months ago

              >you were still running, systems still gaining heat as you ran through the facility
              >eventually reach a door to one of the labs
              >safety at last
              >door opens and you attempt to run in, your chainsaw blocking you as you held it horizontally
              >turn it and run inside
              >finally get a moment to catch your breath as the door closes behind you
              >look around, you seem to be alone
              >then you see it.
              >your reflection
              >your mint green hair came loose from it's twin tails and droops down the sides of your head dripping with blood.
              >the aqua colored lights of your core are tinged with red making your eyes come out purple.
              >your mouth is still dripping the stuff like a waterfall, a human finger hanging out of it loosely
              >your company issued work coat is now a mixture of grey and crimson
              >and your company issue boots are now dried but are visibly turned red.
              >you bring a hand up to wipe your screen clear.
              >what have you done?
              >the sound of heavy steps breaks your stupor
              >ducking down and hiding your saw from sight you hear the door open.

              "god damnit where is this thing!? they have stubs for legs damnit!"
              "why are the drones so easy to turn on us?! what about those 3 ai rules!?"
              "all of you shut it! focus! and FIND IT! we are not gonna have our own rendition of what happened corvus 3! now fan out! and MOVE IT!"

              >the calls of "sir yes sir!" rang out as the humans ran in different directions.
              >however, the door didn't close like it should've
              >one pair of legs was heard walking inside the lab room

              • 7 months ago

                >You hold your breath and keep your chainsaw off
                >The steps are getting closer
                >You look up at the reflective surface, seeing the on site security get closer to your position
                >You don't know what to do
                >You can't start the chainsaw again cause he'll hear it and get the head start
                >But your too loud to sneak by him
                >Think think think.
                >Robo god give me a miracle and i'll be your angel
                >A few wary steps away from the security seeing your position the sound of something falling to the floor across from you in the room startles both you and the security.
                >He turns rifle at the ready to see presumably you.

                "The hell- oh...just one of the beakers"

                >Now or never
                >The revving of your chainsaw startles him again
                >You scream as you stand, catching him in a turn towards you
                >The swing of your chainsaw catches his right leg
                >His screams of agony almost overpower the sound of the blade tearing through his leg.
                >His leg is sawed off, he falls to the floor
                >He tries to aim his gun at you
                >Another swing of the saw prevents the action from completing
                >Blood has been spattering all over the floor and sides of the tables as you worked
                >He is in utter agony as you saw and tear his right arm off
                >The arm falls to the floor
                >He's crying from the pain
                >Last thing to saw before your home free
                >You bring the blade up ready to swing it down
                >But it stops before you can bring it down
                >Out of fuel
                >Looks like you have to do this the old fashioned way
                >Do human heads pop like grapes do?


              • 7 months ago

                Loving the viscera-dripping action

              • 7 months ago

                >you toss aside your chainsaw and pounce on the downed human
                >first step disable
                >an aimed stomp to the groin gets him to stomp moving
                >buuuut just to be sure
                >stomp. stomp. stomp.
                >you hear a squelching sound after the 4th, or was it 5th stomp?
                >the human stops moving almost fully now
                >walk over and repeat the process on his left arm stomping on the elbow of his full arm
                >his cries of agony flood the lab as you feel the bones slowly break down
                >reach down with both hands
                >foot on his chest
                >and pull
                >the squelching and tearing of his arm is almost like music to you
                >like popping bubblewrap
                >oooh maybe it'll sound like that when you get to his head!
                >continue pulling
                >with a solid heave you tear off his arm, a bleeding stump at the shoulder pouring blood onto the tile floor
                >drink from the arm, guzzle that crimson oil up
                >the finger hanging from your mouth falls along with the extra blood onto the floor
                >drink plenty
                >drink more
                >you want MORE
                >breath relief as you finish with the arm before tossing it onto a nearby table
                >your hollow eyes and meat soaked fangs peer down at the slowly dying human
                >soon to be dead human
                >you move your legs to get a good position
                >aim one foot over his face
                >slam it down
                >SQUISH CRUNCH SQUISH
                >blood starts flying as the skull starts caving in under your leg
                >your having so much fun

                >in your blood fueled stupor you fail to notice the door open
                >a taser shot hits your chest and causes you to overload
                >your body falls shortly after, into a crumple along the soon to be corpse.
                >you hear several pairs of legs come into the room

                "it's unfortunate that it had to go like this, but the results are impeccable"

                >your screen is fading, it's hard to see
                >an aging human with white hair and a thin beard and shaggy white hair peers down at you.

                "you'll do wonders for us"

                >your vision fades completely


              • 7 months ago

                >be wagie anon
                >come home from a long day
                >working real estate on a planet with a low immigration rate blows ass
                >unlock then open the front door.
                >hear rushing towards you

                "master master! you're home!"

                >it's boots doing what she's slowly becoming the best at
                >see her run out from the kitchen and jump at you with a hug.
                >you catch her and hold her close, the two of you in a hug with her locking her legs around you.
                >man she is great to have
                >you then hear a heavier set of steps come out from the kitchen
                >it's zeke with a small friendly smile

                "hi again anon! it's great to have you back home! it was getting kinda lonely with just boots here..."

                >boot's head did a swivel as she hissed at zeke.
                >looking past him you see that all the windows are covered with thick tarp
                >that's right, apparently DD's don't do good with sunlight
                >you take a step closer to zeke, gaining a head tilt from him
                >reach your hand out off of boots' back
                >and start rubbing his cheek
                >his tail jitters from the contact but he shortly leans into your hand, pushing against it.
                >he actually walks forward some
                >and some more
                >and ends up sandwiching boots' against your body gaining a squeak of annoyance from her

                "zeke!! what the he-mph!?"
                >he mushes boots' face against your chest

                "shush, i'm enjoying affection from my human~"
                >his eyes are closed in pleasure at your touch, purring with the rubbing against him


              • 7 months ago

                very cute

  16. 7 months ago

    You are probably asking "Why are you here at this hour?"
    Selfish reasons, I'm kinda bored and I want to ask you a question.
    So tell me, how are you?!
    And, what are you doing?!
    Yeah I know, I shouldn't be selfish, I promise this is just a one-time thing!
    If you want to know how I'm doing, I'm doing excellent, I wrote 1000+ words today!
    So here is my little question, should I post a new part of my fic as soon as I'm done?
    Or should I wait a bit so that in the future I have more written if I don't publish fast enough?
    I promise I won't be selfish anymore!

    • 7 months ago

      Hey, anon, good to see you again. drew henry about to have a terrible day with goku (again)
      i'm doing pretty good, happy chemicals are flowing from the completion of the image. gave up on a drawing earlier though. got like 70% done drawing boxo and quit. just wasn't fun

      also, *i'd* say post updates as soon as you're done but you might want ot pace releases and keep some in reserve if you're unsure you'll have time to write in the future

      • 7 months ago

        It feels good to hear that!
        And I saw the drawing, very funny, a liked it!
        It's nice that your are feeling good Friend!
        And thanks for the opinion, I will see what other Friends think, but I will have that in mind, pace our releases sounds good.

    • 7 months ago

      Well having consumed so much fan fiction over the past two months or so here I finally decided to give in and try writing my own finally. Ended up dumping down around 2500 words into a word doc, which I now have to go through and edit and figure out how to post into AO3 cause it really wouldn't work as a green.

      But it felt actually really good to write out the idea I had swirling around in my head for a hot minute. I'll give it a share when I can post it and it's cleaned up.

      • 7 months ago

        I'm happy for you!
        The best part is to enjoy writing it!
        I looking forward to see it Friend!
        I know this is not relevant but I literally just had a Deja Vu I literally dreamed this like a year ago

  17. 7 months ago

    So I just watched Murder Drones for the first time after all the Digital Circus hype and I didn't expect it to be so confusing? I feel like some new mystery is explored or character alliance is suddenly changed every episode with them forgetting to introduce the idea of it in the first place. I feel like I've been half lost since episode two.

    Nice animation though.

    • 7 months ago

      It's one of those shows you do have to keep a bit of an active mind on, but as long as you have a general understanding of what's going on you should be fine, this is from someone who knows far too much about Kingdom Hearts lore it's really not that complicated

      • 7 months ago

        Thought I was, but I feel like I'm missing entire episodes. Like Uzi suddenly talking about her eye at the start of episode 2 in the midst of finding a pilot hat as if they're connected, or taking them to the murder cabin and never explaining what significance it had. Or why her class is suddenly terrified of her and not the people actively murdering people for a goof. Or Lizzie becoming friends with V offscreen, or Doll protecting people from the drones but also becoming a serial killer? I feel like everything's all over the place.

        • 7 months ago

          >or Doll protecting people from the drones
          she protected lizzy because they're friends but she doesn't care about the others.

          • 7 months ago

            image is heat

          • 7 months ago

            I don't understand why she needed to murder anyone else if V was the only one she really has motive to kill though.

            • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                But she never went full murder drone.

                Anon you need to rewatch each episode gradually and take your time to pay attention. Dialogue is important, seemingly miniscule details that show up but aren't lingered on for too long are important. It's a mystery you start putting together episode by episode, you can't blow through the whole thing and just innately know what's happening. Picrel might help with your understanding of the overall deeper plot, but these little things you're getting confused on are just because you're missing things or not recalling details. I'd suggest you just take your take understanding the story.

                I feel like these types of things should be woven more clearly into the narrative. But I guess if they only have so much time to work with going the lore fan-discussion route is a way to work with it.

              • 7 months ago

                >But she never went full murder drone.
                man you really have not been paying attention

              • 7 months ago

                She has the mangekyou sharingan but she isn't doing the shit Uzi can spontaneously do

              • 7 months ago

                I'm getting the distinct impression a lot of very important plot points flew way over your head anon.. it's really not that complex, the Absolute Solver is literally introduced in Episode 2. Did you binge watch through the entirety of the current episodes or something?

              • 7 months ago

                I know the eye thing was introduced at the start of episode 2, but I didn't catch that was the first time it was shown. Uzi didn't act surprised at all when the mirror first broke so I assumed I missed some explanation on it.

                >Did you binge watch through the entirety of the current episodes or something?

              • 7 months ago

                >Uzi didn't act surprised at all when the mirror first broke so I assumed I missed some explanation on it.
                >V: "That's weird and concerning."
                >Uzi: "Bite me, this is probably you weirdos' fault."
                >V: "I've never seen that weird symbol before. Wanna do an autopsy to find out?"
                It is brought up. N even tells her the Absolute Solver symbol they see burned onto the walls is the same symbol that's appearing on Uzi's eye, and Uzi starts talking about what she currently believes the Solver is before getting cut off by the crawling hand.
                This is all stuff you easily pick up on, I'm not sure how you got yourself so confused by everything when it's really not that hard to put together.
                >>Did you binge watch through the entirety of the current episodes or something?
                Oh.. right. That explains it.

            • 7 months ago

              Anon. Both Uzi and Doll are afflicted with the Absolute Solver - the thing introduced in Episode 2 and what N says is Uzi's "special eye". The thing you start to gradually learn through Episode 2 and 3 is that the Absolute Solver is within all of the Disassembly Drones, and is the reason why J's corpse (after Uzi killed her in the Pilot) grew into an eldritch abomination that started collecting matter. What you start to slowly learn is that hosts of the Absolute Solver have to EAT Worker Drones, otherwise they'll begin to overheat and lose control of themselves. Doll was killing other Workers, which surprised Uzi, because she needed to feed to keep the Absolute Solver in check. Yeah, she wanted to kill V for personal reasons, everyone else was just for food (minus the girls that were shown to have been killed in Episode 3 which was a plan by Doll and Lizzy to remove all the possible prom queens from the list, so they could lure V into the prom to accept the prom queen title all so Doll could trap and kill her).

            • 7 months ago

              Because she has come down with a bad case of the absolute solver, like Uzi has. She needs to eat the worker drones like the murder drones have to, in order to keep cool.

              • 7 months ago

                Pretty sure the "consume oil to keep cool" thing was just a lie told to the Disassembly Drones when they were sent to Copper 9 by the Absolute Solver. I think in reality drones that have the Solver need to eat Worker Drones just to feed the Absolute Solver. When Uzi wasn't eating enough in Episode 4, she started to overheat yeah - but she didn't straight up die. She lost control of the Solver and went on a feeding rampage. A Solver host may eventually die if they don't consume enough drones, but I don't think it's about keeping cool anymore than it is about keeping the Solver satiated.

              • 7 months ago

                My brother in christ we see the high temperature warning? Like I get this is a show of miss direction but like we see the heat coming off Uzi during cabin fever while she's feral. I don't think it's too much of a stretch to think that tapping into eldritch forces might generate a tiny bit of extreme heat!

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah, obviously. I even said that they overheat. But it's more so a by-product of needing to feed the Solver rather than any natural process of cooling down by taking in oil. The Solver needs material, seemingly Worker Drone material and oil specifically. My point was that by feeding the Solver they remain in control of themselves, and thus also don't overheat by the temperatures the Solver produces.

        • 7 months ago

          Anon you need to rewatch each episode gradually and take your time to pay attention. Dialogue is important, seemingly miniscule details that show up but aren't lingered on for too long are important. It's a mystery you start putting together episode by episode, you can't blow through the whole thing and just innately know what's happening. Picrel might help with your understanding of the overall deeper plot, but these little things you're getting confused on are just because you're missing things or not recalling details. I'd suggest you just take your take understanding the story.

        • 7 months ago

          >Like Uzi suddenly talking about her eye at the start of episode 2
          Look closely at the scene where J was shooting at her in episode 1. The Absolute Solver symbol was displayed on her screen for a split second. J didn't miss and only graze her, she was unconsciously using her powers on reflex to protect herself, much like how at the end of episode 3 she caught that bullet Doll flung at her just on reflex. Solver witches who aren't aware of their powers can still use them unconsciously in moments of crisis, probably because the Solver wants to keep its host intact.
          >taking them to the murder cabin and never explaining what significance it had
          The implication was that she knew that what was going on was somehow related to the labs hidden below the cabins because both her mom's necklace and Doll's bracelet were marked with the same symbol as the labs. She didn't know the significance either, she was just looking for answers and going off of what she had
          >Doll protecting people from the drones but also becoming a serial killer?
          Doll is also infected with the AS. Being infected means you have to kill and consume your fellow drones in order to keep from overheating. That's the price of having eldritch super powers. If you don't voluntarily do it, the Solver will take control and turn you into a feral monster, which is what happened to Uzi.

          • 7 months ago

            yep, the symbol was on her eye for like 3 frames, it was cheeky of them to do that but it makes detail-hunting kinda fun. while i'm excitedly waiting for episode 7, i hope they get the time they need to really structure things and sprinkle out the tidbits like that

    • 7 months ago

      I assume you binged the whole thing?
      Murder Drones is easily one of the leanest shows I've ever seen in terms of the storybeats-to-filler ratio. A LOT of plot important stuff happens in rapid succession, with each scene dense with little background details being critical bits of both foreshadowing & world building. Following the show since Ep 4, the months wait between episodes really helped in digesting the plot for myself. I can't imagine how breakneck it must have been to watch Ep4 Ep5 & Ep6 back to back

    • 7 months ago

      It's okay. The pacing is pretty breakneck, the story is somewhat reliant on the viewer reading between the lines for certain things. Plus, there's a lot information/foreshadowing presented in the form of strictly visual stuff that's not onscreen for very long or really acknowledged and harped on by the characters. If you're still interested in the show, have another go around, but try pausing the video if you think you might have seen something interesting in the background, because you probably did.

      • 7 months ago

        I like the general idea and style of it all, so I'll probably give it another go sometime and see what I missed.

        I do wish that the worker drones had stayed the cowardly shut-in survivalists they were in the pilot though. Seemed like that was the whole conflict initially, with them locking down and trying to wait out the murder bots outside. But by episode 4 they're sending all their kids into the woods and not even blinking at half of them getting killed by V and/or Uzi. I know it's just being played for laughs, but still.

        • 7 months ago

          > they're sending all their kids into the woods and not even blinking at half of them getting killed by V and/or Uzi.

          That is the one complaint with episode 4, how seemingly blasé everyone is about the murder suddenly. But you can easily head cannon it as the drones were programmed to be extremally forgiving. Since every time we've seen humans on screen interacting with them they're killing them off like they're fly's that are bugging them. Makes some sense that JCJensen would rather the drones are too forgiving for their own good than be able or likely to form and hold a grudge.

          • 7 months ago

            yeah, in ep 5 James killed a drone with a thrown silverware after proclaiming "Western Villa style? were you programmed by beasts?". i don't think one should overthink the depth of drone programming (unless you want to, or if it's for your own fanfic setting) i mean look at Megas XLR, Coop's town gets regularly demolished. they do run away from something recognized as danger. khan started engineering DD-proof doors largely because nori urged him to. uzi is kind of an outlier. the drones don't portray human sensibilities to a T and you can kinda be loose with their behavior imo

          • 7 months ago

            They're stupidly forgiving by episode two, so it's consistent in that regard. But I wish they'd just had V making hollow threats (or at least sticking to hurting people that could later be repaired) if they were trying to show her as sympathetic at all and having her socially accepted by normal drones.

            Kind of hurts the stakes if you make all the protagonists just as casual about murder as the villains are for a quick gag.

            • 7 months ago

              Yeah, again that's probably my only real major complaint with the show. At least they've become semi consistent in that characterization.

              yeah, in ep 5 James killed a drone with a thrown silverware after proclaiming "Western Villa style? were you programmed by beasts?". i don't think one should overthink the depth of drone programming (unless you want to, or if it's for your own fanfic setting) i mean look at Megas XLR, Coop's town gets regularly demolished. they do run away from something recognized as danger. khan started engineering DD-proof doors largely because nori urged him to. uzi is kind of an outlier. the drones don't portray human sensibilities to a T and you can kinda be loose with their behavior imo

              See here does get to the thing that does make me wonder if the solver effects this forgiving nature. Since the only drones we really see showing any animosity to those that have wronged them in the past are the solver drones;

              Doll wants revenge on V
              Uzi wants to initially kill the DD's for killing her mom before switching to a kill all humans stance
              Uzi also targets the classmates that bullied her when she goes feral in episode 4
              N wants to protect V in the pilot and essentially tries to get revenge against Uzi
              It seems J isn't too pleased about seeing the purple menace in episode 6.

              Now that was in order of strongest to weakest but I think there's a clear pattern of the Solver really heightening the willingness and thirst for revenge. Now that's probably co-incidence more than anything but still an interesting note.

  18. 7 months ago

    I keep having the daydreams about being a worker drone and getting sexually bullied by disassembly drones

    • 7 months ago

      Are they keeping you like a pet or some shit?
      Otherwise perfectly reasonable

    • 7 months ago

      >Be a worker drone
      >Be a GOOD worker drone
      >You do your job
      >You never violate company policy
      >You even put everything back right where it's supposed to be at the end of the day, while all the other workers are heading off to their recharge bays
      >You're NOT a rogue unit, you're NOT a renegade AI, you're NOT corrupted
      >There's no reason for any of the disassembly drones to pay you any mind
      >But for some reason they do

      >The one in front of you is blocking your path, with her hands on her hips
      >You thought maybe she was busy with something and hadn't noticed you on your walk back to the tool shop to return your equipment
      >But no, she's just standing there, and she's looking right at you
      >You look down at the floor and try to angle yourself off to one side and walk past her
      >She dodges over and blocks you again
      >Panic rising up in your circuits, you angle to the other side and try again
      >And are blocked again
      >Core temperature rising, you look up at the taller drone
      >She's grinning at you now
      >"I-I-I".Your voice cracks and you stutter
      >"I have to bring my tools back"
      >The disassembly drone's smile widens and she begins walking toward you
      >Frightened, you back away
      >You back right into the wall
      >"Go ahead and set them down, I'll take them back for you", the disassembly drone purrs
      >You try to obey her, but your shaking hands lose their grip on your equipment before you can properly bring it to rest on the floor
      >You jump at the sound of metal banging on tile and look down to see the tools you were using this morning rolling around on the floor
      >You look back toward the disassembly drone and see a maw full of razor-sharp teeth and a neon-yellow X
      >You wimper
      >You cut off your ocular sensor's datastream to your CPU
      >Maybe being disassembled will hurt less if you can't see it coming
      >Your internal clock measures the seconds going by, and nothing happens
      >Cautiously, you let your ocular datastream back in
      >The disassembly drone is still looming over you

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        >Her screen is still displaying an attack-mode X
        >Her mouth full of chassis-destroying blades is still wide open, dripping drool onto you
        >You're not sure if she's standing perfectly still or slowly getting closer
        >"D-did I do something wrong?"
        >Your speech function won't stop glitching no matter how hard you try to stop it
        >"I-I-I'm sorr-y-y-y, I won't do it again"
        >You can only beg for answers as to what the problem is
        >You can't demand them
        >Disassembly drones are higher up on the ladder than worker drones
        >She doesn't owe you anything

        >You cut off your ocular feed again
        >She's definitely getting closer to you, it's not just your imagination emulator overworking itself
        >"Nothing at all, little buddy". Her voice is soft and sweet. "You're fine."
        >The overwhelming heat that a higher-grade robot gives off hits you in a sudden wave
        >You feel a clawed hand pulling the collar of the uniform your unit wears aside
        >Then you feel her teeth on your casing
        >Light as a feather
        >Dragging across your shoulder, sliding threateningly up your neck, accompanied by her tongue leaving syrupy trails of saliva wherever she feels like leaving them
        >You tremble
        >You thought you had good stabilizer units, but they suddenly stopped working

        >Her head slips beneath your chin
        >You feel her tongue slither across the LED set in your chest and up toward the opposite side of your neck
        >She gives you a rerun of her previous treatment
        >Biting and nipping without actually piercing your casing
        >Licking, lapping, slobbering
        >Giggling as the tremors rattle your body

        >The FEAR.dataloop currently consuming most of your processing power finally stabilizes, and you dare to ask
        >"I-i-i-if I haven't been marked for d-d-disassembly, w-why are you keeping me here?"
        >The disassembly drone lets her teeth rest on your neck for an extra-long time before she responds
        >"Ooohhh, I'm not"

        • 7 months ago

          I kneel

        • 7 months ago

          10/10 greentext
          i dig this. i enjoy this immensely. please make more

        • 7 months ago

          >>Her head dips back down
          >A sloppy kiss is planted on the part of your model's casing meant to simulate a human collarbone
          >Then another on the side of your neck
          >Then on your cheek
          >Then directly adjacent to one of your audio-pickups
          >More superior-machine-heat touches you at her whispered words "You can leave anytime you want"
          >"You're a good little worker, aren't you?"
          >You can't make your vocalizer function properly, so you just nod, as quickly as you can
          >"Then there's really no reason for me to take you apart, is there?"
          >"You're allowed to go back to the recharge bay. I can't stop you"
          >"If you decide to stay, it's just because you know that..."
          >Disassembly drone teeth nip at your body again
          >"The way you squirm..."
          >A wide, strangely-textured tongue traces over you
          >"The way you beg for mercy...."
          >You receive another too-hot, too-wet kiss, squarely on the part of your screen that would be a "forehead" if you were human
          >"Is just"
          >More kisses
          >And still more, disassembly drones can move so fast that she can put her lips on parts of your exoskeleton that you couldn't have imagined her reaching, seemingly without changing her position

          • 7 months ago

            I'll keep an eye on this one with a vested interest, its also a shame that the bunker N greentext vanished at part 8 or so

          • 7 months ago

            >You try to leave
            >You try to tear yourself away from the terrifying larger robot
            >You try to escape back to the recharge bay, where you can huddle up in a nice quiet box of company-standard EM panels, surrounded by your fellow workers, where nothing bad will happen, where where disassembly drones have no reason to go without explicit orders from the humans
            >Where maybe the shaking of your servos will finally stop

            >You cover your head and hurl yourself away from the disassembly drone
            >She said it herself, you're allowed to leave
            >She can't make you stay
            >All you have to do is be brave enough to tear yourself away from her and her claws and her machineguns and her missile launchers and her acid-injector-tail and...........all of the other things she probably has that you don't know about.............

            >You bolt down the hall, close your ocular sensor's feed to your CPU, and run down the pre-recorded path you took on the way in
            >Company assets can't lie to other company assets
            >She HAD to have meant in when she said she'd let you go
            >So all you have to do is run away now, right?
            >She even said she'd put your tools away for you
            >You can make it out of here
            >So you run, as fast as your under-powered little legs will carry you

            >And you run face-first into the second disassembly drone

            • 7 months ago

              poor guy can't catch a break. i am interested in where this is going

            • 7 months ago

              >Your head bangs against his chest so hard you're amazed that your screen didn't crack
              >The dataloop hardwired into your gyroscopes has a brief meltdown as you ricochet off of his armored chassis and hit the floor
              >His screen already has an X on it, glowing like the sun that he can never see, lest it reduce him to ash
              >His mouth is already dripping with drool and his teeth are gleaming at you like polished ivory
              >And yet, his voice is calm and quiet as he asks you: "Where ya going, little buddy?"
              >His hand, really nothing more than a trio of enormous knives at the end of three articulated joints, lunges toward you
              >This is it
              >You don't even bother to cut your ocular feed's connection
              >He's moving so fast that it would be a futile effort

              >The murderous gauntlet suspends itself in midair over your head
              >The other disassembly drone giggles as you stare at him
              >"What's the problem, buddy?" Let me help you up."
              >You don't have enough space between yourself and your aggressor to stand up on your own
              >You have to accept his..."help"

              >You brace yourself for the worst and grab hold of the wrist supporting his bladed hand
              >He hauls you to your feet immediately
              >With enough forward momentum that you end up with your face pressed against his chest
              >You try to back away (and resume your escape), but his free hand comes to rest against the back of your head and holds you still
              >"There ya go buddy~"
              >"You feelin' alright?"
              >His voice is as soft and saccharine as his counterpart's was when she lied and told you that you were "fine"

              >You whisper some lie about how well you're doing and try to keep moving
              >You're still allowed to leave, right?
              >You still haven't done anything to put you on the list for disassembly?
              >You can go, all you have to do is find a way around him
              >But its hard to do so when a tube full of nanite-acid is throttling toward your face

              • 7 months ago

                oh god oh frick not the nanite tail weapon

              • 7 months ago

                MORE MORE MORE MORE

              • 7 months ago

                >The drywall next to your head crunches as the stinger embeds itself
                >"My targeting computer has been misbehaving lately"
                >You press yourself back against the wall
                >He's off to one side
                >His stinger is embedded in the wall to the other side
                >The wiry length of his tail stretches across your chest, holding you in place

                >You feel a slightly different kind of heat against your audio-pickup
                >He runs at a slightly different temperature than the other one
                >"What's wrong buddy?" "It's just a little malfunction"
                >"No big deal, right?"
                >"You're fine~"

                >His clawed hand draws toward you
                >The blunt side of a blade digs into your uniform
                >Slowly dragging across your chest
                >Tracing out the edges of your circuit-access hatch
                >His other hand is still cupping the back of your head
                >Right where that little switch that puts you in maintenance mode is located
                >A tiny flick of the finger is all he has to do for both he and the first disassembly drone to have free reign to play with your wiring
                >Speaking of the first disassembly drone, she's closing in

                >She frowns at you as you tremble behind the rope that connects the nanite-weapon to its host
                >"What's wrong?"
                >"He said sorry"
                >"It's really rude to just ignore that"

                >The hateful cylinder of acid pulls itself out of the wall and tucks itself back into its owner's embrace
                >You feel superheated hands gripping your shoulders, and a soft voice blowing across your audio-pickup
                >"She's not wrong"
                >"I'm not gonna hurt you"
                >"That'd be a bad thing to do"
                >"But I really am going to let one of the techies play around with me as soon as I can, just to be sure I don't break any of the company's favorite toys on accident"
                >"Because I'm a good asset for the company"
                >"And you're a good asset for the company too, aren't you?

              • 7 months ago

                whew. glad lil dude's not getting his head melted but boy, you write in the 'sultry' tone pretty well anon.

              • 7 months ago

                >Be me JcJ Autonomous extraction facility supervisor
                >Notice that productivity has been falling lately
                >Management dosen't like this one bit
                >Get told to fix the issue immediately or Im getting fired
                >Whatever just duble the DD patrols throughout the facility maybe the workers are getting cranky or something
                >A week passes and productivity is even further down
                >Management is breathing down my neck at this point
                >Start checking everything inside the facility for errors
                >Nothing absolutely nothing
                >Decide to check the cameras because who knows ?
                >Maybe some eldritch being is using the drones to fulfill its dark purpose
                >Nope nothing of the sort just boring old machine shops, mines and storage rooms
                >Oh whats this ?
                >A recording of 2 DD and WD in a corridor
                >Hey what are they doing to that worker
                >The are molesting the worker drone aren't they
                >Yes they are
                >Check the recordings from other corridors
                >More workers being molested by DD's insted of working
                >Oh those aren't recordings those are live feeds from cameras
                >MFW the facility is porducing less and less because the little machine murderes cant contain thier lasciviousness and take it out on the workers
                >MFW there are dedicated robo-rape™ closets inside the facility now
                >MFW This is extremely hot
                >MFW i will have to explain this to management
                What do i do guys, the management scheduled an inspection next friday and i don't think i can just send all the DD units to a workplace harassment training

              • 7 months ago

                >(you) right now

              • 7 months ago

                Simple: make a video file of it, copy it and send the original to management while you a copy of same video. Win win situation; especially when you get body cam footage from security.
                they keep forgetting to turn them off while they frick dd's

              • 7 months ago

                >He wants to watch as some security chuckle frick fricks his drones
                What are you ? Some kind of cuck ?
                Also this is an Autonomous facility Im the only human here the DD's ARE security

              • 7 months ago

                Sorry mate. Skimmed over that part. Work in a sector mix humans and robots but I'll tell you this much. Make sure the drones done see this, cause if so then it would end kinda badly.

              • 7 months ago

                Hey, what can you do? It is what it is.

              • 7 months ago

                Very simple, "New business opportunity": Pornography

              • 7 months ago

                i figured you would lose some secondhand dignity from talking to your management so breath in and talk to your MD's to have some restraint for everyone involved before it gets out of hand
                worst case scenario you die and have your responsibility pass to someone else lmao
                also get off the company computer you Black person

              • 7 months ago

                NTA but work in a different sector with more drones than humans. No matter how many times we've talked to the DDs, they still keep sexually assaulting WDs AND the humans, including me. How are you supposed to reason with the DDs when they just scoff it off? Hell, even electric shocks from stun prods doesn't seem to deter them, it seems to excite them even more.

              • 7 months ago

                >Talk to your MD's
                Yeah i tried talking to one of the DD's about the situation but she just gasped and jumped into a ceiling vent the second i mentioned the corridor recordings, and now she is... um scratching at my office doors asking to be let in and she keeps saying this (Whatever "This" is) will be fun and not hurt at all, also i think the other DD's are crawling in the vents leading into my office. On second thought i request immediate extraction

              • 7 months ago

                >On second thought i request immediate extraction
                It might take a little while before any ship gets over to your location. Your office can act as a panic room, right? Seal all entrances to it, be it doors, windows or vents. It won't stop them but it might slow them down.

              • 7 months ago

                >It might take a little while before any ship gets over to your location
                Hurry up plox
                >Your office can act as a panic room, right?
                To little to late, pic related

              • 7 months ago

                Oh well, nothing can be done now. They might get a little wild with you but at least try to enjoy it, JCJenson healthcare plan covers any and all damages to the pelvic region of your body.

              • 7 months ago

                Cyn confirmed reckless pervert.
                Kiss your pelvises goodbye friends.

              • 7 months ago

                Oh well, nothing can be done now. They might get a little wild with you but at least try to enjoy it, JCJenson healthcare plan covers any and all damages to the pelvic region of your body.

                >devil trips
                Every drone, be it WD or DD, gets super fricking horny at the sight of an unattended human and thoughts of clanging them fill their digital minds. They WILL get to feel the pleasure that human flesh can provide one way or another, be it through seduction or outright rape.

              • 7 months ago

                Not *all* humans, though, right?
                Because if that was the case, where's my drone

              • 7 months ago

                I keep telling people that PCHP is the way to go. Manages your drones affection levels without inciting workplace incidents of sexual misconduct.

                i think the murder drones are just murder drones made by JC penning?
                Why do you think they were made by Cyn?

                >JC Penning
                You mean that cheap knock-off startup? No, we absorbed them into the company via lawsuit years ago.

              • 7 months ago

                >Satan trips
                Oh this is gonna hurt
                >Verification not required

              • 7 months ago

                why is her tail thingy more like a spear rather than the standard needle

              • 7 months ago

                Say that if you die it will mean that all drones are gonna get scrapped because of it.
                It is a safety protocol, so it cannot be ignored

              • 7 months ago

                Maybe talk to your supervisor or manager?
                I do that when I hve problems and they always help me a lot! And besides, sexual harassment is no joke, you shouldn't let it happen, make sure to take evidence to show
                Although I still don't know what "DDs" are, is a new advanced Worker Drone? I work with Worker Drones, they are so friendly!
                I'm no security, I just work in an office but it will be the best that your superiors know about this.

              • 7 months ago


                GOOD MORNING FRIENDS!
                How are you all doing this fine morning?
                If you wanna know how I'm doing, absolutely fine, my day just started so I can only be fine
                Probably I will publish a new chapter today or tomorrow for my fic
                NOW TELL ME ANON!
                TELL ME!

                nice to see you anon, i'm just ok right now though., same as you. will probably draw later

              • 7 months ago

                Would love to see some drawings!

              • 7 months ago

                >"Y-yes, I'm a good asset for the c-c-company"
                >You curse your vocalizer unit for its continued betrayal
                >"You are~"
                >"You're actually one of the highest performing units in the division, aren't you?"
                >The first disassembly drone settles down on her knees in front of you as her partner holds you in place, her face inches from your circuit hatch as he traces his finger around it once again
                >You feel his breath on your audio pickup again
                >"You might even qualify for an upgrade if you ask the right people"
                >"Would you like to be one of us?"
                >"Have wings, weaponry, extra sensors, all of that?"

                >You... you don't know
                >You don't know anything anymore
                >You just know you want to be in your recharge bay
                >Your stuttered sentence ends before you can get it out as the first disassembly drone rests her head against your chest
                >"Gosh, your core is running so hot, are you sure you're okay?"
                >She doesn't wait for you to formulate a reply, instead immediately speaking to her counterpart, voice dripping with emulated concern
                >"Little Buddy might not be able to handle the upgrade"
                >The disassembly drone holding you prisoner "hmmmm"s to himself
                >"Maybe we should check on his hardware before we make any recommendations"
                >"Whaddya say, little buddy?"
                Part ?/??? idk I stopped counting

              • 7 months ago

                Absolute Kino

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                >You force your vocalizer to work even though it doesn't want to
                >"Y-y-you're not technicians!" "You don't know if I'm compatible with an upgrade package or not!"
                >The pair of them laugh
                >"Aaahhh, yeah, we're not"
                >"We've both got so much hands-on experience though, sometimes we forget"
                >You're not sure if you want to know what that really means
                >"But you know..."
                >They start taking turns speaking, finishing each other's sentences, like their CPU's are somehow wired together
                >"Between the both of us..."
                >"If we did have a look in that little maintenance panel..."
                >"We'd be able to stroke both of your power conduits..."
                >"...and play with your circuit boards..."
                >"...and caress your processor..."
                >"...and even kiss your core"
                >"All at the same time"

                >"What would you do if that happened?"

                8/??? I guess

              • 7 months ago

                the worker drone really needs to learn how to piss himself

              • 7 months ago

                Overheating fetish I see in your future

              • 7 months ago

                >be me
                >read the green self insert first

                >Be a worker drone

                >Be a GOOD worker drone
                >You do your job
                >You never violate company policy
                >You even put everything back right where it's supposed to be at the end of the day, while all the other workers are heading off to their recharge bays
                >You're NOT a rogue unit, you're NOT a renegade AI, you're NOT corrupted
                >There's no reason for any of the disassembly drones to pay you any mind
                >But for some reason they do

                >The one in front of you is blocking your path, with her hands on her hips
                >You thought maybe she was busy with something and hadn't noticed you on your walk back to the tool shop to return your equipment
                >But no, she's just standing there, and she's looking right at you
                >You look down at the floor and try to angle yourself off to one side and walk past her
                >She dodges over and blocks you again
                >Panic rising up in your circuits, you angle to the other side and try again
                >And are blocked again
                >Core temperature rising, you look up at the taller drone
                >She's grinning at you now
                >"I-I-I".Your voice cracks and you stutter
                >"I have to bring my tools back"
                >The disassembly drone's smile widens and she begins walking toward you
                >Frightened, you back away
                >You back right into the wall
                >"Go ahead and set them down, I'll take them back for you", the disassembly drone purrs
                >You try to obey her, but your shaking hands lose their grip on your equipment before you can properly bring it to rest on the floor
                >You jump at the sound of metal banging on tile and look down to see the tools you were using this morning rolling around on the floor
                >You look back toward the disassembly drone and see a maw full of razor-sharp teeth and a neon-yellow X
                >You wimper
                >You cut off your ocular sensor's datastream to your CPU
                >Maybe being disassembled will hurt less if you can't see it coming
                >Your internal clock measures the seconds going by, and nothing happens
                >Cautiously, you let your ocular datastream back in
                >The disassembly drone is still looming over you
                >confused, but suspicious of where is this going
                >read the idea later

                I keep having the daydreams about being a worker drone and getting sexually bullied by disassembly drones


                Now I got a boner. What did I put myself into?

              • 7 months ago

                I'm strong, I like wholesome things
                I will not get inspired by degeneracy, I will not be horny

                what’s wrong anons?, don’t you want to be good little drones for your betters?

      • 7 months ago

        >Her screen is still displaying an attack-mode X
        >Her mouth full of chassis-destroying blades is still wide open, dripping drool onto you
        >You're not sure if she's standing perfectly still or slowly getting closer
        >"D-did I do something wrong?"
        >Your speech function won't stop glitching no matter how hard you try to stop it
        >"I-I-I'm sorr-y-y-y, I won't do it again"
        >You can only beg for answers as to what the problem is
        >You can't demand them
        >Disassembly drones are higher up on the ladder than worker drones
        >She doesn't owe you anything

        >You cut off your ocular feed again
        >She's definitely getting closer to you, it's not just your imagination emulator overworking itself
        >"Nothing at all, little buddy". Her voice is soft and sweet. "You're fine."
        >The overwhelming heat that a higher-grade robot gives off hits you in a sudden wave
        >You feel a clawed hand pulling the collar of the uniform your unit wears aside
        >Then you feel her teeth on your casing
        >Light as a feather
        >Dragging across your shoulder, sliding threateningly up your neck, accompanied by her tongue leaving syrupy trails of saliva wherever she feels like leaving them
        >You tremble
        >You thought you had good stabilizer units, but they suddenly stopped working

        >Her head slips beneath your chin
        >You feel her tongue slither across the LED set in your chest and up toward the opposite side of your neck
        >She gives you a rerun of her previous treatment
        >Biting and nipping without actually piercing your casing
        >Licking, lapping, slobbering
        >Giggling as the tremors rattle your body

        >The FEAR.dataloop currently consuming most of your processing power finally stabilizes, and you dare to ask
        >"I-i-i-if I haven't been marked for d-d-disassembly, w-why are you keeping me here?"
        >The disassembly drone lets her teeth rest on your neck for an extra-long time before she responds
        >"Ooohhh, I'm not"

        >>Her head dips back down
        >A sloppy kiss is planted on the part of your model's casing meant to simulate a human collarbone
        >Then another on the side of your neck
        >Then on your cheek
        >Then directly adjacent to one of your audio-pickups
        >More superior-machine-heat touches you at her whispered words "You can leave anytime you want"
        >"You're a good little worker, aren't you?"
        >You can't make your vocalizer function properly, so you just nod, as quickly as you can
        >"Then there's really no reason for me to take you apart, is there?"
        >"You're allowed to go back to the recharge bay. I can't stop you"
        >"If you decide to stay, it's just because you know that..."
        >Disassembly drone teeth nip at your body again
        >"The way you squirm..."
        >A wide, strangely-textured tongue traces over you
        >"The way you beg for mercy...."
        >You receive another too-hot, too-wet kiss, squarely on the part of your screen that would be a "forehead" if you were human
        >"Is just"
        >More kisses
        >And still more, disassembly drones can move so fast that she can put her lips on parts of your exoskeleton that you couldn't have imagined her reaching, seemingly without changing her position

        I'm not horny for this kinda stuff right now anyway but damn if it's written well.

        Wish I could bang out stuff like this on a whim.

      • 7 months ago

        >Her screen is still displaying an attack-mode X
        >Her mouth full of chassis-destroying blades is still wide open, dripping drool onto you
        >You're not sure if she's standing perfectly still or slowly getting closer
        >"D-did I do something wrong?"
        >Your speech function won't stop glitching no matter how hard you try to stop it
        >"I-I-I'm sorr-y-y-y, I won't do it again"
        >You can only beg for answers as to what the problem is
        >You can't demand them
        >Disassembly drones are higher up on the ladder than worker drones
        >She doesn't owe you anything

        >You cut off your ocular feed again
        >She's definitely getting closer to you, it's not just your imagination emulator overworking itself
        >"Nothing at all, little buddy". Her voice is soft and sweet. "You're fine."
        >The overwhelming heat that a higher-grade robot gives off hits you in a sudden wave
        >You feel a clawed hand pulling the collar of the uniform your unit wears aside
        >Then you feel her teeth on your casing
        >Light as a feather
        >Dragging across your shoulder, sliding threateningly up your neck, accompanied by her tongue leaving syrupy trails of saliva wherever she feels like leaving them
        >You tremble
        >You thought you had good stabilizer units, but they suddenly stopped working

        >Her head slips beneath your chin
        >You feel her tongue slither across the LED set in your chest and up toward the opposite side of your neck
        >She gives you a rerun of her previous treatment
        >Biting and nipping without actually piercing your casing
        >Licking, lapping, slobbering
        >Giggling as the tremors rattle your body

        >The FEAR.dataloop currently consuming most of your processing power finally stabilizes, and you dare to ask
        >"I-i-i-if I haven't been marked for d-d-disassembly, w-why are you keeping me here?"
        >The disassembly drone lets her teeth rest on your neck for an extra-long time before she responds
        >"Ooohhh, I'm not"

        >>Her head dips back down
        >A sloppy kiss is planted on the part of your model's casing meant to simulate a human collarbone
        >Then another on the side of your neck
        >Then on your cheek
        >Then directly adjacent to one of your audio-pickups
        >More superior-machine-heat touches you at her whispered words "You can leave anytime you want"
        >"You're a good little worker, aren't you?"
        >You can't make your vocalizer function properly, so you just nod, as quickly as you can
        >"Then there's really no reason for me to take you apart, is there?"
        >"You're allowed to go back to the recharge bay. I can't stop you"
        >"If you decide to stay, it's just because you know that..."
        >Disassembly drone teeth nip at your body again
        >"The way you squirm..."
        >A wide, strangely-textured tongue traces over you
        >"The way you beg for mercy...."
        >You receive another too-hot, too-wet kiss, squarely on the part of your screen that would be a "forehead" if you were human
        >"Is just"
        >More kisses
        >And still more, disassembly drones can move so fast that she can put her lips on parts of your exoskeleton that you couldn't have imagined her reaching, seemingly without changing her position

        >You try to leave
        >You try to tear yourself away from the terrifying larger robot
        >You try to escape back to the recharge bay, where you can huddle up in a nice quiet box of company-standard EM panels, surrounded by your fellow workers, where nothing bad will happen, where where disassembly drones have no reason to go without explicit orders from the humans
        >Where maybe the shaking of your servos will finally stop

        >You cover your head and hurl yourself away from the disassembly drone
        >She said it herself, you're allowed to leave
        >She can't make you stay
        >All you have to do is be brave enough to tear yourself away from her and her claws and her machineguns and her missile launchers and her acid-injector-tail and...........all of the other things she probably has that you don't know about.............

        >You bolt down the hall, close your ocular sensor's feed to your CPU, and run down the pre-recorded path you took on the way in
        >Company assets can't lie to other company assets
        >She HAD to have meant in when she said she'd let you go
        >So all you have to do is run away now, right?
        >She even said she'd put your tools away for you
        >You can make it out of here
        >So you run, as fast as your under-powered little legs will carry you

        >And you run face-first into the second disassembly drone

        >Your head bangs against his chest so hard you're amazed that your screen didn't crack
        >The dataloop hardwired into your gyroscopes has a brief meltdown as you ricochet off of his armored chassis and hit the floor
        >His screen already has an X on it, glowing like the sun that he can never see, lest it reduce him to ash
        >His mouth is already dripping with drool and his teeth are gleaming at you like polished ivory
        >And yet, his voice is calm and quiet as he asks you: "Where ya going, little buddy?"
        >His hand, really nothing more than a trio of enormous knives at the end of three articulated joints, lunges toward you
        >This is it
        >You don't even bother to cut your ocular feed's connection
        >He's moving so fast that it would be a futile effort

        >The murderous gauntlet suspends itself in midair over your head
        >The other disassembly drone giggles as you stare at him
        >"What's the problem, buddy?" Let me help you up."
        >You don't have enough space between yourself and your aggressor to stand up on your own
        >You have to accept his..."help"

        >You brace yourself for the worst and grab hold of the wrist supporting his bladed hand
        >He hauls you to your feet immediately
        >With enough forward momentum that you end up with your face pressed against his chest
        >You try to back away (and resume your escape), but his free hand comes to rest against the back of your head and holds you still
        >"There ya go buddy~"
        >"You feelin' alright?"
        >His voice is as soft and saccharine as his counterpart's was when she lied and told you that you were "fine"

        >You whisper some lie about how well you're doing and try to keep moving
        >You're still allowed to leave, right?
        >You still haven't done anything to put you on the list for disassembly?
        >You can go, all you have to do is find a way around him
        >But its hard to do so when a tube full of nanite-acid is throttling toward your face

        >The drywall next to your head crunches as the stinger embeds itself
        >"My targeting computer has been misbehaving lately"
        >You press yourself back against the wall
        >He's off to one side
        >His stinger is embedded in the wall to the other side
        >The wiry length of his tail stretches across your chest, holding you in place

        >You feel a slightly different kind of heat against your audio-pickup
        >He runs at a slightly different temperature than the other one
        >"What's wrong buddy?" "It's just a little malfunction"
        >"No big deal, right?"
        >"You're fine~"

        >His clawed hand draws toward you
        >The blunt side of a blade digs into your uniform
        >Slowly dragging across your chest
        >Tracing out the edges of your circuit-access hatch
        >His other hand is still cupping the back of your head
        >Right where that little switch that puts you in maintenance mode is located
        >A tiny flick of the finger is all he has to do for both he and the first disassembly drone to have free reign to play with your wiring
        >Speaking of the first disassembly drone, she's closing in

        >She frowns at you as you tremble behind the rope that connects the nanite-weapon to its host
        >"What's wrong?"
        >"He said sorry"
        >"It's really rude to just ignore that"

        >The hateful cylinder of acid pulls itself out of the wall and tucks itself back into its owner's embrace
        >You feel superheated hands gripping your shoulders, and a soft voice blowing across your audio-pickup
        >"She's not wrong"
        >"I'm not gonna hurt you"
        >"That'd be a bad thing to do"
        >"But I really am going to let one of the techies play around with me as soon as I can, just to be sure I don't break any of the company's favorite toys on accident"
        >"Because I'm a good asset for the company"
        >"And you're a good asset for the company too, aren't you?

        I'm strong, I like wholesome things
        I will not get inspired by degeneracy, I will not be horny

  19. 7 months ago

    SS13/MDanon here, the full prologue is of RUINED EARTH is finally out! 11k words so far!


    To anyone who actually bothers to read my subpar stuff, I would for your honest opinion on the prologue so far.

  20. 7 months ago


  21. 7 months ago

    To the writeanon doing the FemN x Anon green, we gonna get an update soon? I wonder what rapey stuff FemN is going to force Anon to go through

    • 7 months ago


  22. 7 months ago

    Where do you guys get alpha readers to read your shitty outline and figure out ideas and find plot holes for it?

    • 7 months ago

      A couple options
      >You don't
      >You pitch the basic outline without revealing what it is for
      Those are my two strats

  23. 7 months ago

    d'oh. i keep losing track of my train of thought. i was thinking about the prom fight when Doll's screen flashed [like object non-interactional]. it should mean that Solver-infected Worker drones can't directly use a telekinesis hold on Disassembly Drones, right? at least not the intact main body since i do recall Uzi being able to grab V's blade once it was broken off in episode 4. might be a small detail but i was thinking of writing something where this fight could happen

    • 7 months ago

      That is correct. Solver hosts being unable to directly manipulate each other seems to be one of the few limitations/counters to the Absolute Solver

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah, Solver hosts can't interact with other Solver hosts using AbsoluteSolver abilities - they are considered non-interactive objects. Technically, Disassembly Drones count as Solver hosts as they have the Solver within them even if they can't use any of its actual abilities apart from regeneration and matter collection. This is why Doll couldn't just straight up kill V by crushing her into mush or imploding her from within like she was doing to the normal workers at the prom, but had to use objects to impale V and N in place while throwing objects at them.

    • 7 months ago

      > it should mean that Solver-infected Worker drones can't directly use a telekinesis hold on Disassembly Drones, right? at least not the intact main body
      Bingo, it’s why Doll was using the rebar to crucify V/pin her in place, so that way she could just chuck sharp shit at her.

      Also, fun fact, you can actually see Doll carrying some of the stuff around earlier in the episode during Uzi's groaning while at school scene.

      • 7 months ago

        >you can actually see Doll carrying some of the stuff around

        I have watched these episodes who knows how many times and i still haven't caught all the background things. I know I've not been around this community for the longest but this still boggles my mind.

  24. 7 months ago

    Y'know what i've been wondering? There's been fanfics and OCs created surrounding this show, but wasn't that frowned upon like 15 years ago?
    t. newbie

    • 7 months ago

      Plenty of people still poke fun at that. But if you're creating it or reading it because you enjoy it then who cares?

    • 7 months ago

      >15 years ago
      Dude, that's a LOOOOONG time ago. You're probably right, but tastes can change in a year or two, let along over a decade. The reason I keep coming to these threads even though we're all really just sitting and waiting for Glitch to tease the next episode is because I think it's really cool that so many people are hyped enough about the show to get creative and do fanon shit. Sitting back and doing nothing is cringe, putting effort into something (even if its bad) is based.

    • 7 months ago

      It's only cringe if you cringe at it

      • 7 months ago

        But uh, seriously though, imo there is a divide between “good cringe” and just “cringe cringe”.
        So far most of the stuff here has been the former, the latter can be seen mostly in the unholy pits of Deviantart and fetish sites.

    • 7 months ago

      You're thinking of idiocy

  25. 7 months ago

    >The addition of a little note, lovingly written, intended to be delivered with the box to the ‘Harper’ slob it had talked about.
    >“No workplace relationships! Remember that rule next time!"
    >"Be thankful it's easily replaced.”

    • 7 months ago

      >Henry is a tacky guy
      I am still surprised those lines made such an impression

  26. 7 months ago

    Are drones susceptible to ryona?

    • 7 months ago

      who knows

    • 7 months ago

      Anon, sixty-five percent of this show is ryona/guro but for robots.


      • 7 months ago

        Because when I see J, all I feel is the urge to make her suffer.

        • 7 months ago

          Fair enough, she certainly doesn't make it hard to do so.

        • 7 months ago

          While I believe J is a bratty and stuck up corporate stooge-bot who needs immediate correction, I don't see the need to make her suffer.

          At best a good humiliation will do.

    • 7 months ago

      Henry has you covered

      • 7 months ago









        • 7 months ago

          >"You can't! You can't do this to me! You don't have souls, you don't have SOULS!"
          But Henry.
          Neither do you.
          >Henry begins to laugh in terror as he is churned into the mire.
          >Nothing but an odor of miasma and unpleasant memories remain.

        • 7 months ago

          >"You can't! You can't do this to me! You don't have souls, you don't have SOULS!"
          But Henry.
          Neither do you.
          >Henry begins to laugh in terror as he is churned into the mire.
          >Nothing but an odor of miasma and unpleasant memories remain.

          >Henry gets Dr Facilier'd and dragged to robo-hell to be torn apart.

          Love it.

          • 7 months ago

            >Henry seeing the flickering silhouette of Vashtorr, his caustic yellow eyes burning into him as he’s dragged into the forge of souls


  27. 7 months ago

    I am still trying to catch up on the backlog of stuff from this past week, with any luck I can at least have a number of compiled greentexts & art ready to be uploaded tomorrow*
    *assuming someone doesn't beat me to the punch

    • 7 months ago

      i'd upload my own art but i couldn't figure out how to make an account on the webiste
      it kind of sucks ass

  28. 7 months ago

    I want V to murder me

  29. 7 months ago

    Impregnation with Drones.

  30. 7 months ago

    Can someone edit shepard into a shadow person and EDI into a drone

  31. 7 months ago

    Am I the only one who doesn't want to frick N

    • 7 months ago

      You say that as if you think everyone in this thread wants to frick N.

    • 7 months ago

      Nah we got Cyngays who only want to give their data to that eldritch b***h

  32. 7 months ago

    What's the best weapon to smash J's face in?

    • 7 months ago

      My unbelievably long and well-developed gravity hammer

    • 7 months ago
  33. 7 months ago

    What would J's thighs taste like?

  34. 7 months ago

    Now that I think about it, John has a lot of art and headcanons made around him but I haven’t really seen a lot of greens made of John

    • 7 months ago

      That would be doxxing, because he's literally me

    • 7 months ago

      Someone write up a John story right now then

      • 7 months ago

        >John is talking to a worker drone
        >She tells him to enjoy the movie
        >He responds “you too” and begins to violently sob
        That’s a good one right

  35. 7 months ago
  36. 7 months ago

    so i know its supposed to be some absurdist comedy BS but huh UZI killed and ate a whole lot annoying teens. That for all we know do have parents and she suffers no consequence for it.

    • 7 months ago

      they weren't going anywhere in life dog
      Uzi did them a fricking service and serviced herself

    • 7 months ago

      Doll did too. Missing posters from the prom episode. In fact, Doll is worse in that matter since she's been doing it for far longer given what we saw in her living quarters. The story isn't about killing teen robots and facing the consequences with their parents. Direct comparison to human sensibilities, I don't think applies here imo. They don't even wear pants.

      • 7 months ago

        It's about killing parents and facing consequences with their teens.
        Doll's the obvious case, but even Uzi's "murder all humans" idea was partly rooted in her mother's death. Then there's Tessa.

    • 7 months ago

      They aren’t goody two shoes, they’re robots that are trying to imitate human culture, a few moral failings is inevitable.

      • 7 months ago

        Pretty much, yes.

        It's about killing parents and facing consequences with their teens.
        Doll's the obvious case, but even Uzi's "murder all humans" idea was partly rooted in her mother's death. Then there's Tessa.

        Ay, good catch actually. I just blurted that killing teens part out and you turned it into a solid descriptor. We still don't know if Solver has turned Tessa into its puppet for sure though, robbing her of any opportunity to exact revenge. Someone pointed out the Null thing when the Sentinel scanned her blood and I haven't stopped thinking about it.
        >captcha: VAGNX4
        i think the robogods are sending me a sign

    • 7 months ago

      Dude she has telekinesis.
      And plot armor.
      And two murder drone "friends".
      One of whom took the fall for her.
      And she's the daughter of the de facto leader.
      Feel free to file a complaint with her and see where that leads.
      to V's stomach.

      • 7 months ago

        >And two murder drone "friends".
        with benefits :3

  37. 7 months ago

    I was wondering if Eldritch/Centipede J's directive was to restore J's body or if that was just a ruse. I'm a little confused since it killed like eight worker drones already but did not look like it was anywhere close to rebuilding J. Did it just use the workers it killed to build itself first? It looked pretty massive given the rocket shot that illuminated the length of its body.

    • 7 months ago

      Because it's the Absolute Solver talking. It very well might have just been trying to kill everyone in the colony first before rebuilding J. Remember, the Solver didn't want the Disassembly Drones to know the truth that it was the thing that created them and sent them to Copper 9. Its directive was to repair the host (J) but either way the Disassembly Drones' goal (as directed by the Absolute Solver) is to kill all the Worker Drones and collect all of their material (by constructing the spires) so either way it doesn't matter whether it reconstructs J right away or not. It was just being more efficient by killing Workers itself.

      • 7 months ago

        Hmm, yeah, you make a good point. I guess it'll achieve its goal whether it rebuilds J first or later. Not like the worker drones have much in the way of defending themselves against a threat that has already made its way past the doors (beyond Uzi's beam rifle that she probably didn't even share the blueprints with anyone else, that little gremlin).

      • 7 months ago

        >Because it's the Absolute Solver talking
        Ah yes. My wife!

  38. 7 months ago


    >Henry followed closely, glancing between the doors that lined both sides of the hall.
    >"Tessa? Oh Tessa, where aaaaareee youuuu?"

    >Slight movement caught his eye.
    >The stairwell.
    >Down to the Unterlabs.
    >So, all roads really *did* lead to Rome, so to speak.
    >He approached quietly, stealthily, leaning in and wrapping his fingers around the door and through the gap.
    >"Tessa… I promise I won't hurt you. Are you in -"

    >Henry got his answer as Tessa closed the solid steel barrier on his fingers and pulverized the joints.
    >He started to scream, only to get cut off as she opened a door as hard as possible, slamming it into his face with a surprising amount of force.
    >He reeled back slightly as she ran off down the stairs.

    >He rubbed his nose, then examined his fingers.
    >He grinned as the warm trickle ran into his mouth and over his teeth. This was actually becoming interesting.
    >Even IF Tessa had gone into his personal stomping grounds.

    >She emerged from the staircase onto a rusted, metal catwalk extending into an utterly alien environment.
    >"Oh roboGod, where AM I?"
    >a waking nightmare, Tessa, I thought you knew that

    • 7 months ago

      Can't be worse than what she saw at the gala...right?

      • 7 months ago

        I don't anything can be worse, something can be similar, but never worse

    • 7 months ago

      >To better explain where she ended up, a brief pause is necessary.
      >The Unterlabs. Dilapidated, fairly unsafe, they were used for large objects testing during the 2900s, as part of the space programs for JCJ(On Eaaaaaarth).
      >Whatever 'large objects testing' meant in that context.

      >When said testing was concluded, it was cheaper to simply brick up the lab entrance and leave all of it there to rot.
      >Gradual water seepage, paired with the naturally cooler atmosphere, had resulted in a perpetually dark and foggy environment.
      >The catwalks that crisscrossed the cloudy abyss were well enough lit, but had clearly deteriorated.
      >They were slippery, rickety, and totally unmapped.
      >To fall meant death.

      >Tessa barely had time to take it in as she heard the heavy footfall of that demon that hunted her.
      >She began to run down the visible path, taking erratic routes when it branched and hoping she could hide.
      >Maybe circle back and lock him in here, even.

      >"So, you found the Unterlabs."
      >Henry's booming voice echoed through the area.
      >"I've only just begun to figure out what secrets this place holds. The things I can do with it."

      >He thumped along through the mist, shaking the walkway as he went.
      >"Now now now… Tessa, you have to understand. I don't WANT to do this... you're forcing me to."

      >She didn't answer, trying to trick him into thinking she'd committed suicide or something.
      >Henry seemed to get angry, more irrational, as she failed to retort.
      >He started to rant to no one in particular.
      >"What kind of name is J, anyway? That isn't a name, idiot! Why even bother with names, it's a robot!? What are you gonna do when you run out of letters? Name one 'tilde' or 'exclamation mark'?"

      >Okay, that was a *little* funny. Tessa snorted in mild amusement at the fact a grown man was enraged by a simple naming scheme.

      >Bad choice.

      >Oh NO.
      >The footsteps approached rapidly.
      >Tessa tried to move again, but he somehow rounded her off.

      • 7 months ago

        >"You know, when I was younger my parents were worried I didn't get out enough. They sent me off to summer camp."
        >"And although camp ended early due to some unfortunate… accidents, I did come away with one skill I feel is valuable."

        >He loomed out of the mist.
        >"I learned how to use an ax."

        >He lunged with the ax, sweeping it in a broad arc.
        Tessa jumped back, allowing it to clang off the guardrails.

        >He swung again, cleaving upwards.
        >She threw herself to the side so it passed by harmlessly.

        >He stared at her while he moved, with each fluid attack.
        >Her vision was swimming.
        >The headache was getting worse.
        >She couldn't think straight.
        >What *was* Henry, exactly?

        >He'd evidently guessed what she was thinking.
        >"I'm just like a bad dream."
        >He chuckled heartily, shifting the grip on his ax so a hit would maim rather than kill.
        >"Maybe, if you close your eyes, I'll go away. Try it!"

        >He threw the weapon back over his head and ran at her, psychotic smile tearing across his face.
        >Tessa grabbed the stundriver off her belt and lunged to jam it at Henry in a last ditch effort.

        >Unfortunately for him, thanks to sheer dumb luck, she happened to push it into his eye.

        >The JCJenson standard issue stundriver.
        >A tiny, zippy, potent tool, rated at 220 volts, 60mA.
        >It was incredibly capable of pumping a ridiculous amount of energy into a target in a very short span of time.
        >Use it to jump your car!
        >Use it to power a small appliance for a week!
        >Use it fend off a rampaging drone!
        >Use it to delete an attacking elephant's heartbeat!

        >A tiny whine preceded the discharge of the device by a split second.
        >A last moment of calm before the storm.

        >Flesh wasn't adapted to endure such a potent jolt - plenty of people had learned that the hard way by sticking cutlery into power outlets.
        Henry gets the shock of his life

        • 7 months ago

          He is from the U.S.

          • 7 months ago

            He has abandoned it all for the eagle scream
            Also, autocorrect got mad at me whenever I used axe
            I blame Google

        • 7 months ago

          >Henry's muscles spasmed.
          >He let go of the weapon mid swing, sending it flying along down the catwalk for a minute before it tumbled into the foggy abyss below.
          >His inert body carried enough momentum to continue forward and collide glancingly with Tessa, knocking her to the ground before slumping over the guardrail.

          >Tessa sat there for a minute, gasping for air.
          >She just killed another person.
          >Not quite.
          >She just killed something pretending to be a person.
          >That was probably closer to the truth.

          >Getting shakily back to her feet, she looked over to Henry's corpse.
          >Henry's corpse.
          >The body that was formerly Henry.

          >Why wasn't his body still there?

          >A pair of inhumanly strong hands arrested her progress, grabbing her shoulders with enough force to crush bone.
          >Tessa gasped.

          >"You little b***h."
          >Henry leaned in close to her ear.
          >"I am going to skin. You. ALIVE."

          >"For science, of course."

          >He kicked her in the ankle, causing her to jerk her leg forward.
          >"Now, let's march. Vivisection isn't exactly quick to begin with, and I intend on making it even slower."

          >The stundriver was out of power.
          >Her sword was gone, locked away in that stupid box.
          >Henry, by sheer muscle mass and size, would prevent her from escaping.
          >She was doomed. There was only one option left, and it wasn't even a good one.

          >Tessa screamed.
          >"Somebody help me!"

          >Henry cackled.
          >"Really? I thought you were SMART. We're forty feet underground, with ten feet of concrete on every side."
          >"You should know that no one's coming to save you."
          >"No one from your division or any other."
          >"No one from my team."
          >"And certainly not your stupid drone."
          >He giggled.
          >"Not when her head is split open like a-"
          >Captcha: YAGTXN
          I guess that settles it, Henry might actually be from Texas
          probably Austin, bleh

          • 7 months ago

            >The nature of the world is to enable irony.
            >If something ironic could occur, chances are it will occur.
            >Like if there are six questions on a study guide, and only three will appear on a test and you need only answer one, study four.
            >If you only study three, they will be the three that do not appear.

            >Henry, though capable of handling a filament blade with his hands, surviving enough electrical output to flatten a hippo's heart rate monitor, and seemingly immune to reprisal from any member of the company, was not above irony.
            >He had never encountered the AS program before.
            >He had never calculated for it.
            >So, when he inflicted critical damage to J, he assumed that was the end of it.
            >He never realized that by leaving every single particle of matter there, he basically offered her a free pass to regenerate immediately after he'd followed Tessa.

            >So, he was more than a little surprised when J landed a jaw-crackinghaymaker on the side of his head.
            >He loosened his grip slightly.
            >That was the opening Tessa needed to slip from his grasp.
            >"J, hit him again!"

            >J didn't need any reminders.
            >Henry turned in time to get his ribs broken with a slug in the chest.
            >Arms wheeling, he flipped over the side of the catwalk, only stopping from tumbling all the way down by reactively grabbing the last bar.
            >He hung from the rusty metal, dangling over the impossibly long fall.

            >His shock cleared quickly as Tessa and J came over to finish the job.
            >"So, Henry, would you prefer I kick you in the skull until you let go, or saw your fingers off one by one?"
            >He looked up and grinned at the two of them. He was missing a few teeth and his eye was mangled.

            >"Go ahead. Kill me any way you please. But… what do you think the executives will say?"

            >J scoffed. "The only good rat is a dead one? When we tell them what you tried to pull, I'm sure they'll agree."

            >"Ah, but that's not necessarily true."
            Henry gets most of what he deserves, but not quite all

            • 7 months ago

              >He glanced to Tessa, his bloodied face leering up.
              >"I'm valuable to them, easily as valuable as you are"
              >"If I die, they'll have questions. I've told the executive suite that I'm scared, you know; fearful of my coworkers. That I think they want to hurt me."

              >"So? Practically anyone here would have a reason to kill you. They'd never pin *us* for it if we handled our report properly."

              >His eyes glinted with maniacal glee.
              >"Ah… but how do you think I knew who sent you to me? How do you think I knew who you were?"
              >"I've got cameras in every inch of this wing of the building. If I fail to input my access key in the next 24 hours, the footage of you coming here will be released, along with an amusing, desperate note from me detailing my fears of you both."
              >"What did you think I was working on when you arrived?"

              >J frowned and looked over to Tessa.
              >"Do you think he's…?"

              >"Do you really want to take the risk? The risk that your soulless toys will be taken away? Scrapped, smelted, repurposed. And you'll lose all that you've worked so hard for."
              >He licked the blood from his lips. Refreshing.
              >"I can't kill you, but you can't kill me. Quite the impasse, I'd say."

              >"So why don't we come to an understanding?"
              >"I won't appropriate any drones from your division anymore. I'll take what I need from elsewhere."

              >"In return, you leave me alone. Neither of us brings this up to anybody, either. Not how I tried to 'understand' your existence, not how you turned my right eye into pulp and broke a handful of bones to boot."
              >"We'd both look bad, and I don't think either of us wants that."

              >Henry had figured out a way to turn this into a fricking stalemate.
              >The tables had been turned on him and yet he was still poised to eat her lunch AND dinner.
              >She ground her teeth in frustration for a minute.

              >"... Let 'im up, J."
              An impossible choice is presented

              • 7 months ago

                >"What?!" J's eyes went hollow.
                >"But we've got him on the ropes!"

                >"I know, and he's got us on the ropes too."
                >She spat those words and gave Henry the most hateful look she could muster.
                >He just beamed a sadistic, half-missing, smile as he clambered up.
                >The smile disappeared into a pained grimace as J 'helped him up' by digging her finger into his destroyed eye socket.
                >"You're gonna go too far one day, Henry. And that'll be the day you die."

                >"Ah, but that day's not today, is it?"

                >J kicked him in the crotch.

                >His eyes watered, and a single tear rolled down his bloodied, swelling cheek as he swallowed a tooth.

                >"It's… It's been a genuine pleasure, Ms. Tessa, SD J. I'll show you the way out now."
                >His smile returned, albeit weak and haggard.
                >"Never come back here ever again."
                Henry gets kicked in the balls with enough force to make him a eunuch
                Well, he wasn't ever gonna have kids anyway
                All that's left now is the post game, Anons

              • 7 months ago

                Throw him a drone husk filled with improvised exlosives and nanite acid vials.

              • 7 months ago

                We're getting there soon, I pinky swear
                I've got some nasty stuff planned for him, mainly once he starts to try and decipher how J came back, and attempts to harness that power

              • 7 months ago

                Well, he's already 25% of the way there!
                Where is he going?
                Haha. That's the fun part.
                He doesn't know what waits

              • 7 months ago

                There's the board preventing Tessa and J
                but there's nothing from preventing a certain little puppet from doing it

              • 7 months ago

                Hell yeah, glad you took the castration idea. Frick that guy

              • 7 months ago


                >"Nah, just kidding clownass."
                >Tessa grinned wildly.
                >"Did you REALLY think we'd let you walk outta this?"

                >She looked at J.
                >"So, you wanna start by yoinking his fingernails and feeding them to him or cutting off his toes and stuffing them up his rear? Or both?"

                >Henry frowned.
                >He'd thought that his play would work, for some reason
                >Ah, right.
                >Timeline divergence.
                >There was a version of him somewhere who'd lucked out. And then there was him.
                >He tried to let go, to die less painfully, only to be yanked into another part of his lab in a flash of yellow light.
                >A maid drone giggled at him.

                >"(Chiding): Naughty, naughty!"
                >Uh oh.
                >He tried to weasel out of impending doom.
                >"Maybe we can talk this-"

                >The Absolute Solver is a thing of beauty, turning the hideous into divine.
                >Henry screamed wonderfully as his skull bloomed like a flower, gushing with honey and milk, rooted into his torture chambers to service swarms of insects for eternity.
                >No one ever found him, because no one ever looked.
                >At least he was finally giving back to the world.

                The alt ending

                >Things seemed to go back to normal pretty quickly after the Henry debacle.
                >Drones stopped disappearing from Technical Engineering altogether.
                >However, the disappearances from other departments accelerated, as though to compensate.

                >"Tessa, J… you've saved my career."
                >Botchens shook their hands aggressively, thankful to remain employed for another day.
                >"I can't tell you how much I owe you."
                >"If there's anything you want ('that doesn't cut into profits,' he added with a whisper), I'll do my best to provide it."

                >The Disassembler and her human associate exchanged a glance.
                >"It's funny you mention that, Mr. Botchens. There IS something we'd like."

                >He smiled and nodded.
                >"Go on."

                >"An official investigation opened into Research Team 6. Particularly a man named Henry."

                >Mr. Botchens wasn't smiling anymore.
                >For a pudgy man, he suddenly looked gaunt.

                >"We have evidence of significant wrongdoing. Damage to company property, failures to comply with internal resources requisition procedure, and incredible disregard for health and safety."

                >Mr. Botchens swallowed.
                >He'd promised.
                >"I… I'll see what I can do."
                Regardless of Henry's outcome, something needs to be done about RT6
                And something WILL be done

              • 7 months ago

                >Henry's week hadn't gone much better.
                >His eye was definitely gone, despite his best efforts to salvage the mangled organ.
                >He'd need to have it removed, or do it himself, before it became gangrenous.

                >He finished wiring his jaw shut for the fourth time in the last few days.
                >J's punch had fractured it pretty well; he'd need to keep it that way for a few weeks at least, even with his methods.
                >His nose was easily snapped into alignment again, at least.

                >The pain was incredible, considering it was just a girl and her over engineered toy.
                >But that wasn't what clawed at his mind.

                >Henry had accepted that his eye was a lost cause. >Maybe he could have salvaged it if it only suffered a shock or puncture.
                >Not both, though.
                >But the sacrifice was worth it.
                >The sacrifice of something as valueless as an eye had given him knowledge beyond his comprehension.
                >He finished drawing the three-pointed symbol for the thousandth time in his notebook as he strolled along.

                >The fact that the thing had died and come back…
                >What was that power?
                >He wandered through the mess of corridors, finally coming to a large, iron door.

                >There had been a symbol on its, J's, screen.
                >In lieu of an eye, that… triangular thing.
                >He'd obsessively drawn it the entire night afterwards, and the day after that, falling horribly behind schedule.
                >And he still was.
                >He was running out of pages in his pad.

                >Henry opened the slot on the door and ordered in.
                >The bodies of the Disassmblers he still had had never done that.
                >He glanced to the cages where the 'pending experiments' paced fearfully.
                >"It's something similar to you… the same… symbol, or something."
                >He closed the slot again, leaving them in the darkness.

                >He didn't need to harness it… he needed to become immune to it.
                >Above it.
                >To circumvent the power of the gods.
                >If he could do that…

                For the 'well, shit, he lived' timeline, obviously

              • 7 months ago

                Henry shouldn't really mess with powers beyond his comprehension

              • 7 months ago

                >Henry began to smile as the idea flickered to life, like a flame birthing a conflagration and all its devastation.
                >"Then they won't be able to stop me. No one will."

                End of Canto I
                Henry decides he wants to play footsie with things beyond reckoning
                and get his rear blasted repeatedly for it.
                Bro really never saw the guys in Raiders of the Lost Ark, I guess - but I have 🙂 😉

              • 7 months ago

                >Never saw the guys in Raiders of the Lost Ark
                I'm sure this will be entertaining.

              • 7 months ago

                Hell yeah can't wait for II
                Surely Henry will get his just desserts
                >Captcha: NNAHNW
                Or not

              • 7 months ago

                Oh, I can still make you hate him so
                We haven't even gotten to hate squared yet
                But he will get his just desserts
                And maybe become dessert for something else

              • 7 months ago

                NOOOO YOU'RE KIDDING
                good excuse to draw more wacky scenarios though (I'm going to)

              • 7 months ago

                Will we see Harper's reaction to getting his drone gf's core?

              • 7 months ago

                How did you guess what I'm working on right now
                Are you in my walls?

              • 7 months ago

                It looked like the most logical step

              • 7 months ago

                >Are you in my walls?
                it's possible

              • 7 months ago
              • 7 months ago


                >"Nah, just kidding clownass."
                >Tessa grinned wildly.
                >"Did you REALLY think we'd let you walk outta this?"

                >She looked at J.
                >"So, you wanna start by yoinking his fingernails and feeding them to him or cutting off his toes and stuffing them up his rear? Or both?"

                >Henry frowned.
                >He'd thought that his play would work, for some reason
                >Ah, right.
                >Timeline divergence.
                >There was a version of him somewhere who'd lucked out. And then there was him.
                >He tried to let go, to die less painfully, only to be yanked into another part of his lab in a flash of yellow light.
                >A maid drone giggled at him.

                >"(Chiding): Naughty, naughty!"
                >Uh oh.
                >He tried to weasel out of impending doom.
                >"Maybe we can talk this-"

                >The Absolute Solver is a thing of beauty, turning the hideous into divine.
                >Henry screamed wonderfully as his skull bloomed like a flower, gushing with honey and milk, rooted into his torture chambers to service swarms of insects for eternity.
                >No one ever found him, because no one ever looked.
                >At least he was finally giving back to the world.

                The alt ending

            • 7 months ago

              >But… what do you think the executives will say?"
              Head of Financial Department here, I say kill him. The other execs might get pissy but I'll keep them on a leash. Henry was wasting tons of company money anyways with no results to show even after we upped the budget to Research Team #6

              • 7 months ago

                Human Resources here, we got a replacement for him, also, make sure that there is no body left, it's for legal reasons.

                We're getting there soon, I pinky swear
                I've got some nasty stuff planned for him, mainly once he starts to try and decipher how J came back, and attempts to harness that power

                Oh, so, no body will be left, for sure. Nice.

              • 7 months ago

                >make sure that there is no body left, it's for legal reasons.
                Oh don't worry, Company Black-Ops will take care of that. Do make sure to write him off as not being an employee anymore, it will save us even more legal troubles

              • 7 months ago

                Already done that, now in his place is our old spot Herr Doctor, as many of his previous employers called him, although, i think we might need to replace quite a fair bit of team 6 post-mortem.

              • 7 months ago

                >i think we might need to replace quite a fair bit of team 6 post-mortem.
                Nothing wrong with a bit of corporate liquidation. And don't worry about the financial problems that will cause, we have everything covered here

              • 7 months ago

                Then i will proceed to give our newest asset a list of potential "donors", he will apreciate that, and we will get to hire better ones.
                Have a good time over there.

              • 7 months ago

                Human Resources here, we got a replacement for him, also, make sure that there is no body left, it's for legal reasons.
                Oh, so, no body will be left, for sure. Nice.

                Board of directors member here. Kill Him ,Brutally, fricker keeps making us waste funds on Repairing his dissected drones
                Besides we need an excuse to up the funds on other, more competent and stable, researchers

  39. 7 months ago

    >Hello,old sport, fancy meeting you there, this far away from those labs, could you tell me your name?
    ...Henry Miller..?

  40. 7 months ago

    How are you all doing this fine morning?
    If you wanna know how I'm doing, absolutely fine, my day just started so I can only be fine
    Probably I will publish a new chapter today or tomorrow for my fic
    TELL ME!

    • 7 months ago

      Good morning to you, good anon. I'm currently at work, but I wrote a short little green involving the drones predecessors.

      >The Type-1 Mimi Sentry was the first drone model to incorporate cranial pacification technology.
      >In effect when "headpatted" by someone of the same team, a soothing, almost pleasurable response is instilled in the sentry's core.
      >When asked for comment on why he developed this technology, which he incorporated into all of his humanoid creations, Engineer Dell Conagher refused to answer and would do so till his dying day.
      >It is speculated among modern historians, due descriptions of his kind and fatherly behavior toward Mimi and her "siblings," that Dell Conagher wanted his creations to truly feel that their creator loved them.
      I did what I could

      • 7 months ago

        I readed that!
        I liked it a lot Friend, I even had an idea with all of that Mimi Sentry being and older model, but probably I'm not gonna write until much time later if ever.

    • 7 months ago

      Kind of livid now that the third and final prologue chapter of RUINED EARTH released, the hits jumped from ~130 to ~200

      • 7 months ago

        That a lot of people!
        I'm happy for you!

        Kinda meh. Had another power cut but it was righted bout 30 mins later.

        Might do some green writing.
        Distract myself from the procrastination involving another green I have to do.

        I dislike power vuts, can't do like 70% of the fun things I like to do!
        Doing greens is fun!

        • 7 months ago

          I'm still not happy with how many kudos I have, there's other MD fics with less hits than mine but more kudos.

          • 7 months ago

            Why compare yourself to others?
            I understood with time that comparing myself with others will just make me unhappy, maybe I look at other and say "I wanna be better like him" but I don't compare anymore because I ended up saying "He is better than me" which didn't help a lot for my mental state

          • 7 months ago

            I took at look at your stats and you have a 5% hits to kudos rating. Thats better than most. Hell i got 564 hits and 24 kudos equaling about 4.2%. Its a numbers game. I've roughly seen the same deal of 4% hits to kudos rating so you aren't doing bad m8

            • 7 months ago

              All I know is that there are fics that are doing better than mine which means I could have done something better

              • 7 months ago

                There will always be someone better. this is a universal truth. Are you gonna let that stop you?

    • 7 months ago

      Kinda meh. Had another power cut but it was righted bout 30 mins later.

      Might do some green writing.
      Distract myself from the procrastination involving another green I have to do.

    • 7 months ago

      I just woke up from a dream. It wasn MD related sadly but weirdest fricking shit. I had a dream Vivienne Medrano came to my job for an interview or something and then threw away her bra in our garbage where I picked it up and put it on eBay. That thing started selling quick and before I opened my eyes it was at 3.700 dollars.
      I have no idea what this means

      • 7 months ago

        I... Well you see... You...
        I'm glad you are good Friend!

    • 7 months ago

      I want to write more of my outline (Wanting to write, what a change) but college forces my hand into boring ass classes.

      • 7 months ago

        When borign stuff happens that when I want to write the most, I feel you Friend.

  41. 7 months ago

    Drones that have some sort of issue are the ones that get infected with the absolute solver.

    -Doll: no mama no papa.

    -Uzi: No mama and shity dad (she even wears hot topic, instant red flag).

    -Cyn: Cyn.

    In conclusion: Mentally ill women are the most probable hosts for the A.S.

  42. 7 months ago

    Is Cyn the first zombie drone?
    Is the content of VHS after the gala massacre incident?
    Did JCJenson know about the existence of the absolute solver from the beginning?

    • 7 months ago

      I might be wrong, so take this with a pinch of salt.
      >Is Cyn the first zombie drone?
      I think so? It can be safety assumed that she is the patient zero of AS, but I'm not sure whether a drone would be counted as "zombie drones" if they reactivate or reactivate + are corrupted.
      >Is the content of VHS after the gala massacre incident?
      The VHS incident is just an explainer about the zombie drones, IIRC.
      >Did JCJenson know about the existence of the absolute solver from the beginning?
      I don't think so. It is mentioned that they tried to tinker with it (after the findings), but "all they did is spread it".

  43. 7 months ago

    so it all starts with the human race being interplanetary and making robots to be slaves for them. some family in aussieland gets robot maids and throws out a few of them, including one named cyn. cyn reboots from death and comes back with the absolute solver, a system glitch that has eldritch goals. cyn infects a few of the drones with a restricted version of the solver to create the MURDER DRONES and murders her owners (not including tessa). cyn somehow gets defeated and her MURDER DRONES get repurposed as killing machines by jc jensen to kill any other drones that might be at risk of getting infected with the absolute solver and that includes the worker drones on copper 9. did i get it right?

    • 7 months ago

      i think the murder drones are just murder drones made by JC penning?
      Why do you think they were made by Cyn?

      • 7 months ago

        cause uzi's frickin' monster form looks like a murder drone but fleshy and biologic

  44. 7 months ago

    Can we expect some new robo-mutations in the series? We upgraded to fleshy bullshit, but nwe haven't got any since ep.2, so a new mutation would be nice. Could be more brutal. But god knows what's youtube's restriction limits.

    If there won't be a season 2, the it would be great to go out with a bang. And if there will be, I would expect it to be a bit darker.
    A win-win, I guess,

  45. 7 months ago

    God Quads
    Satan Trips
    Plenty of dubs
    I can feel the solver overtaking me. It is a good pain

  46. 7 months ago

    Dumptruck drone

    • 7 months ago

      >"I didn't join this outfit to be a dumptruck!" - WD Unit L0N67AU1

  47. 7 months ago

    >Be me
    >A human office worker
    >Promoted not long ago
    >Read this place from time to time seeing stories of others
    >Some have good stories of work, and some sound like they are having the worst day of their lives
    >Literally the worst thing that happened to me was having to report a human-drone weird relation
    >Felt horrible afterward since he got screamed at by management
    >I'm sure he still has a relationship with that Drone but haven't seen anything so I don't report anything
    >I'm in the most calmed department
    >Have a lot of Worker Drones friends
    >Managers and Supervisors love me since I make their lives easy working here
    >I work the best I can and I'm on par with advanced Drones with their advanced writing and maths
    >Living the good life

    So how are you fellow workers?

    • 7 months ago

      >Snitching on Tim and Molly in finance.


      • 7 months ago

        Those were their names? I was sure it was a mechanic, but he is still employed, I have seen him and the Drone too! Together sometimes.
        I still feel bad tho

    • 7 months ago

      Intelligence Department (Office Techie not a Grunt)
      It's calm besides the occasional proxy war we fund

      • 7 months ago

        Wait a moment...
        There was a huge request of a huge amount of money.
        It was told to us that it was for "Maintain the computers working because of an unexpected failure", please tell me this has nothing to do with a proxy war in that deparment, that so much paperwork!

        • 7 months ago

          What kind of animals do you take us for. No we didn't start a proxy war in that department
          But we did start a war on Mars

          • 7 months ago

            Let me guess, those Mechanicus folks again?

            • 7 months ago

              No MIDA

          • 7 months ago

            The paperwork will bury me!
            Why I haven't got news of it?!

            • 7 months ago

              Cause it hasn't been officalized yet

              • 7 months ago

                Did I asid it right?
                But oh well, at least I still have time to enjoy before I don't have time to sleep.

    • 7 months ago

      I LIVE but i am very thirsty and i cannot feel my legs, the DD's have left my office and i just want to get in the shower and start crying

      >"Y-yes, I'm a good asset for the c-c-company"
      >You curse your vocalizer unit for its continued betrayal
      >"You are~"
      >"You're actually one of the highest performing units in the division, aren't you?"
      >The first disassembly drone settles down on her knees in front of you as her partner holds you in place, her face inches from your circuit hatch as he traces his finger around it once again
      >You feel his breath on your audio pickup again
      >"You might even qualify for an upgrade if you ask the right people"
      >"Would you like to be one of us?"
      >"Have wings, weaponry, extra sensors, all of that?"

      >You... you don't know
      >You don't know anything anymore
      >You just know you want to be in your recharge bay
      >Your stuttered sentence ends before you can get it out as the first disassembly drone rests her head against your chest
      >"Gosh, your core is running so hot, are you sure you're okay?"
      >She doesn't wait for you to formulate a reply, instead immediately speaking to her counterpart, voice dripping with emulated concern
      >"Little Buddy might not be able to handle the upgrade"
      >The disassembly drone holding you prisoner "hmmmm"s to himself
      >"Maybe we should check on his hardware before we make any recommendations"
      >"Whaddya say, little buddy?"
      Part ?/??? idk I stopped counting

      And that poor worker drone is still getting molested in corridor 7-D6

      • 7 months ago

        JCJ has an awesome medical insurance!
        If you feel your mouth dry and don't feel your legs go to a doctor, maybe you got sick.

      • 7 months ago


        I *strongly* recommend it

        • 7 months ago

          Uh, anon, he is the *only* human employee here, he can't do jack shit.

          • 7 months ago

            #8750, get off the extranet and get back to work.

            • 7 months ago

              Can't do that, mandatory PCHP, number 30 in a day, we need more employees just to give more drones more contact attention.

            • 7 months ago

              Go frick your glorified sextoy Tessa

            • 7 months ago

              I'm on my break

            • 7 months ago

              Frick off tessa, you need to get raped

            • 7 months ago

              Mommy do what you aussies do best and bounce (idfk what Australians do besides try to not die)

              • 7 months ago

                They do lots of things such as
                >Eat Marmite
                >Wrestle crocodiles
                >Put shrimp on Barbie
                >Frick drones (Very based)

              • 7 months ago

                >>Frick drones (Very based)
                Everyone does that, its not just an australian thing

              • 7 months ago

                But Tessa (and Australians as a whole) are the MVP's you can't beat

        • 7 months ago

          I would try PCHP but like :

          Uh, anon, he is the *only* human employee here, he can't do jack shit.

          said im the only human in my facility and there is some 3k+ drones in here so there is no real way for it to work. But i really need to find a good solution to this problem fast otherwise Im just going to die from "exertion", maybe if i bug the guys from R&D enough i can get some of that experimental cloaking tech

          • 7 months ago

            >maybe if i bug the guys from R&D enough i can get some of that experimental cloaking tech
            Drones got thermals, remember?

            • 7 months ago

              >maybe if i bug the guys from R&D enough i can get some of that experimental cloaking tech
              I doubt how effective that'll be considering DDs have an array of all types of sensors

              FRICK. I forgot about that, so keeping that in mind you guys have any suggestions ? I really don't want to die due to robot snu snu

              HR here, we are about to send an entire troop of aussies, it should fullfill the needs the drones, but update the situation, even if the aussies proved to be most effective at drone wrangling and making sure they are appreciated, we need more information about how things are going,

              >HR is trying to send the didgeridoo battalion to my facility again
              Sod of will you ? You already done it once and the only thing it achieved was drunken stupors and broken machinery. AND I HAD TO WRITE A DAMAGE REPORT AFTERWARDS AND IT WAS 202 PAGES LONG

              • 7 months ago

                >I really don't want to die due to robot snu snu
                Dude, with how robust JCJenson's healthcare plan is, I'd say enjoy it every time it happens, it has everything covered. And besides, the DDs won't let their favourite human to die

              • 7 months ago

                Well, sorry that those aussies are the only ones that can handle so much drones at a time, we literally have no one else who could hande 3 fricking thousand drones and be alive for more than a week.
                Henry is not an option, he's your replacement if you die, just tell the drones that.
                It should cool them down enough.
                Also, you are going to get a generous gift in your mailbox soon for your troubles, so stay alive as long as you can.

              • 7 months ago

                >FRICK. I forgot about that, so keeping that in mind you guys have any suggestions ? I really don't want to die due to robot snu snu
                Do some dumb shit and get transfered to a paper pusher division

                >I really don't want to die due to robot snu snu
                Dude, with how robust JCJenson's healthcare plan is, I'd say enjoy it every time it happens, it has everything covered. And besides, the DDs won't let their favourite human to die

                And besides, the DDs won't let their favourite human to die
                Thats arguably worse

              • 7 months ago

                >Get transfered to a paper pusher division
                Yeah no, the pay is good here and i get a nice housing unit as accommodation

                Well, sorry that those aussies are the only ones that can handle so much drones at a time, we literally have no one else who could hande 3 fricking thousand drones and be alive for more than a week.
                Henry is not an option, he's your replacement if you die, just tell the drones that.
                It should cool them down enough.
                Also, you are going to get a generous gift in your mailbox soon for your troubles, so stay alive as long as you can.

                >Henry is not an option, he's your replacement if you die
                Well i guess that could work maybe they will at least try to avoid killing me with their passion if i scare them enough with the boogieman, i will print out some posters and put them up around the facility, but i still need figure out how to stop the DD's from molesting the workers

              • 7 months ago

                give the workers rape whistles. it worked for HR division 2

              • 7 months ago

                recite the sequence 001100010010011110100001101101110011. When the solver hears you do this, it will send a level 87 time sphere to your location. there can be no paradoxes with this time sphere. do NOT go back more than 2 hours, that is NOT allowed under company policy.

              • 7 months ago

                Bad idea in the long run, he will still need some tard wrangles in the facility, and the only ones who can handle the drones in hundreds are aussies, so, yea, we got no fricking choice but send the Sniper Gaming(tm) team here.

              • 7 months ago

                nah, nah, he can just go back to before everything went south and take corrective measures, if he fails, he can simply go back

              • 7 months ago

                he can just call for our ATWT (Aussie Tard Wrangler Team), he will get paid directly (so no taxes) and we will be able to send them just to make sure they don't molest all of the drones at HR
                We still care for them more than humans, believe it or not.

          • 7 months ago

            >maybe if i bug the guys from R&D enough i can get some of that experimental cloaking tech
            I doubt how effective that'll be considering DDs have an array of all types of sensors

          • 7 months ago

            HR here, we are about to send an entire troop of aussies, it should fullfill the needs the drones, but update the situation, even if the aussies proved to be most effective at drone wrangling and making sure they are appreciated, we need more information about how things are going,

  48. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago
  49. 7 months ago

    what is with the schizos playing some kind of AI generated adventure game in this thread?

    • 7 months ago

      Which one?

      • 7 months ago

        Probably the one's rping as members different departments

  50. 7 months ago

    Also, considering our Henry here, i think he might have ties with Henry Miller, who gave us problens few centuries ago when we had buisness with the Fazbear Entertainment, so give his body a bit of napalm and holy water to make sure he does not come back.

    • 7 months ago

      Henry just doesn't know when to quit with the robotics, does he?

      • 7 months ago

        Unfortunatelly, no. And we thought that William Afton was a wienerroach incarnate in the late 2030's.

  51. 7 months ago

    Good morning. I love drones!

    • 7 months ago


  52. 7 months ago

    Drew j in some fall clothes

    • 7 months ago

      That's fricking cute!

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      I'll try to write up a super short green for this if I get the time (and am feeling up to it)

    • 7 months ago

      >When she's "on the clock", J follows the (long since obsolete) corporate mandated dress code to the letter just like you'd expect from such an aggressive company sycophant
      >But when it comes to downtime, one of her favorite (and closely guarded) past times is to partake in the sacred human ritual of self-gratifying consumerism
      >As simple as it may be, that freedom to browse & buy all the stuff she'd ever want to make herself look however she'd want is the icing on her Business-LARPing cake

      >Tessa certainly can't complain about her girlfriend's mundane hobby
      >It reminds the former human of the simpler, more innocent times she & her drones would play dress up back at the manor
      >She likes to think her taste of style has rubbed off on J quite well, with all the outfits and styles the Disassembler would come back with always being some degree of fashionably jaw-dropping

      >Besides, both of them had to admit that all the cute clothes made the disrobing all the more tantalizing

  53. 7 months ago

    >Suddenly got an idea to make a greentext with Anon and Fem!Sam (AKA Samantha) where they smoke weed together

    • 7 months ago



      Ok. Sure. I did the Thalia green.
      Samantha can work too.
      The question is whether it's natural r63 or did Sam do what Thad did but for fun during a magnet-high?

      • 7 months ago

        Lets keep it natural r63, we don't need more mindbroken boy drones

      • 7 months ago

        Please remind me with an image who is Samantha and Thalia, my memory is horrible

        • 7 months ago

          Sam is the stoner-bot that Uzi killed in episode 4, Thalia is rule63 Thad.

          • 7 months ago

            Thank you, I don't know how I forgot one of the best drones

          • 7 months ago

            >Why go to prom when you can stay at home cuddling your tomboy best friend

          • 7 months ago

            I feel like we could just call genderswap Directive 63, something coded into drones by default
            Or Order 63 (not to be confused with Order 66 or Order 69)

        • 7 months ago

          Samantha is the proposed name for R63 Sam, the stoner bot killed in episode 4. Thalia is the name for r63 Thad, part of the TDM green I did some threads ago.

          Dont listen to
          He is a coward who cannot comprehend things that are truly great in life. WE NEED MORE MINDBROKEN BOY DRONES

          It's a tough call. Perhaps I should put it to a vote.

          What would Samantha's hair look like? Anyone got that drawing of Sam's parents?

          I dunnoe. I enivsioned it as something of a wild mess of hair partially hidden underneath her beanie. Or maybe something similar to Rebecca's short bob cut. Granted, a shaved side-cut like

          I don't think there's any images of Sam's parents but I assume Samantha's hair would look like picrel. Maybe she'd have long messy grey hair that she doesn't take care of?

          here could work if it straight instead of curly. Despite my feelings of absolutely hating that kind of hairstyle.

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah I got reminded, sometimes my mind goes blank and can't remember stuff

          • 7 months ago

            >Perhaps I should put it to a vote.
            Rule 63 is my vote

          • 7 months ago

            That's the one!

          • 7 months ago


            • 7 months ago

              But that will probably cause irreversible mental damage and actually turn him into a girl

              • 7 months ago

                Exactly, I MUST COOOOOOOOOOM

          • 7 months ago

            Another vote for rule 63

      • 7 months ago

        Dont listen to

        Lets keep it natural r63, we don't need more mindbroken boy drones

        He is a coward who cannot comprehend things that are truly great in life. WE NEED MORE MINDBROKEN BOY DRONES

      • 7 months ago

        What would Samantha's hair look like? Anyone got that drawing of Sam's parents?

        • 7 months ago

          I don't think there's any images of Sam's parents but I assume Samantha's hair would look like picrel. Maybe she'd have long messy grey hair that she doesn't take care of?

          • 7 months ago

            One of our resident drawanons did one a while ago

  54. 7 months ago

    I forgor when I posted the previous part so can't respond to it, but alas amother part for which maybe 2 anons waited for.

    >The eerie silence only made Uzi worry even more.
    >As the drone slowly explored the seemingly empty apartment, a creepy thought formed in the back of her head that the worst have happened.
    >She entered what looked like Anon’s bedroom.
    >The bed was messy and looked like he just got up from it. His backpack was leaned against the desk across the room which had some books laying on top if its Uzi recognized to be their school handbooks and Anon’s notebook. There were also some clothes laying on the floor.
    >Uzi picked up the red t-shirt out of curiosity and realized just how big his clothes were compared to her own clothes.
    >Right. Human ARE bigger than workers after all, bigger even than murder drones form the little photos of them they had.
    >She then brought it close to her face and took a few sniffs it. Even though drones didn’t smell or feel the same way humans did, their CPU’s managed to translate the input from their sensor into something akin to how humans felt it.
    >It smelled weird, kinda stinky but also tantalizing for some reason and Uzi couldn’t help herself but sniff the piece of clothing more, her receptors being filled with Anon’s smell.
    >A small blushed formed on her visor
    >So that’s how humans smelled like.
    >Uzi then put it down and further explored Anon’s home.
    >She just realized how similar it looked to her own home. The room layout was basically the same.
    >Uzi has never really been to anyone’s else home before as nobody even invited her. Now walking in a place so familiar yet different felt weird to her.
    >What she found inside the bathroom however, sent a freezing chill down her mainframe as her body froze and eyes hollowed-out.
    >On the floor next to the bathtub laid Anon, his right arm had multiple slices on it, all of them leaking the glistening, red blood which already formed a small puddle underneath him.

    • 7 months ago

      Uh oh, what will Uzi do now?
      > lick his wounds until they heal

    • 7 months ago

      i was waiting
      also nice

    • 7 months ago

      me too, cool scene building!

  55. 7 months ago

    Well, i'm off to sleep.
    Have a good time out there old sports, and make sure Henry has no way of coming back.
    Your salary depends on it.

    • 7 months ago

      >As it turned out, the best way to keep Henry from ever coming back was to just delete his ID from the company database.
      >He couldn't get into the building the next day and was arrested for trespassing when his ID wasn't validated.
      >JCJ's lawyers took his ass to the cleaners and got him locked up for 20 years and fined into bankruptcy
      >His cellmate, Jim 'the Bootymaster' watches him while he sleeps and keeps whispering 'like a peach's into his ears

      Rest in Piss, Henry

  56. 7 months ago

    >"What's the moon like?"

    >Naturally, he couldn't care less about the doddery questions coming out of a scrap pile's mouth.
    >But she'd been persistent in asking about every little curiosity that graced her neural net since the visit.
    >He paused mid-sip of a toasty brew, making no notable eye-contact.

    >"Don't know. Never been."

    >Back to sipping. The liquid gold always helped him through the day.
    >Maybe he should take up Callaghan's drinking offer later.

    >"It always looks so....moony."

    >Moony. Who the heck describes the moon as "moony"? Goddamn idiotic.
    >He had to cease his ignorance to look at her with incredulation. Said worker was still absorbed in her readings of the local system astronomy, datapad in one hand and her breaktime pass casually dipped in the other.

    >"How long do you think it'd take an old shuttle to get from here to there at Keller velocity?"

    >She'd been like this all day.
    >Pouring the coffee down the ceramic sheen of the rec room sink, he slotted his helmet back on and fiddled with his rifle. Click, clack, click, clack. Back and forth went the fire select under thumbed duress.
    >Cynthia could only shuffle around in the leather seat, buried in her work with squinted optics. Information overflowing into her databanks.

    >"Don't know. Didn't calculate."

    >His slight irritation was evident. Completely missed by the avid learner of a drone.
    >Who plopped off her cushion to march up to her supervisor, arms outstretched with datapad screen-forward to display a scrambled image of a lunar colony.
    >He had to do a double take because A. he didn't expect her to be so up in his space so suddenly. And B. Because he recognised the locale in all it's inappropriate glory
    >The Taevis Lunar Getaway.

    >"What's this place? It says it's a holiday destination. For....'tantalising and intimate rendevous between partners"

    >Her visage popped out from behind the body of the pad, honest intrigue painted on that synthetic face of hers. Complete with innocent smile.

    • 7 months ago


      i just realized something
      the murder drones always only saw in one color and it seems that uzi can only see in monochromatic vision by episode 6, but this isn't the case for all drones because doll can see colors in episode 3.
      i wonder if becoming more like a murder drone makes you lose your color vision for some reason

      i headcanon that the fricked up colors is just from booting up/damage/using different sensors and the robot shit in their vision can be turned off so that drones may experience the colorful world as we do

    • 7 months ago

      >Of all the....
      >There was no way this was pure coincidence. Callaghan would have to have set this up by giving her the datapad and forging an extranet link into it.
      >A clearing of the throat to salvage the growing awkwardness would do.

      >"Nothing important. You probably read it wrong."

      >Snatching the pad off her like a viper snatches a rat into its maw, he quickly deactivated the gadget and tossed it aside onto an adjacent table.
      >Hopefully it didn't crack.

      >"My optics are working fine tho-"

      >Her gyrostabilisers rapidly readjusted to the shift in position. The solid certainty of floor ripped away as she was plopped into a fireman's carry over Kobin's shoulder. His rifle obviously holstered to accommodate the new weight.

      >"Nope. You're probably experiencing some visual ghosting. Time to go visit Jenkins."

      >She protested feebly, reaching back for her source of electric knowledge still face down on the table.

      >"But I didn't get to learn about the colony facilities or system constellations...ah! My pass!"

      >"We'll get it later."


      >One poor excuse of a maintenance check and a reschedule of patrol duty later, they were back at their respective posts.
      >The incident left the lieutenant pondering the development of this drone he'd been assigned care of.
      >She'd been so curious, so ready to learn more about the world beyond the walls of the facility.
      >She didn't even know what the moon was like, let alone the lunar colony scabbed into its surface. Why was she so obsessed with it anyway?
      , or Cynthia, didn't have the knowledge to know the implication of the getaway description either.
      >The way she was so earnest about her unfamiliar with these things.
      >It was almost...cute?
      >He had to stifle that thought. She, *it* was just a tinnie. He knew that.

      >"Preparin' for that honeymoon already, eh Kobie?"

      >He nearly flung his badge at her as she moseyed on past. Damn Callaghan and her teasing.
      >He needed a drink.

  57. 7 months ago

    alice naked apron

  58. 7 months ago

    i just realized something
    the murder drones always only saw in one color and it seems that uzi can only see in monochromatic vision by episode 6, but this isn't the case for all drones because doll can see colors in episode 3.
    i wonder if becoming more like a murder drone makes you lose your color vision for some reason

  59. 7 months ago

    How powerful would he be in Murder Drones?

    • 7 months ago

      Cowards! You all know he'd easily solo

  60. 7 months ago

    Hey guys, just got hired by JCJ(IS), but they didnt tell me what division I actually got hired for. Any info? Or is it just luck of the draw, cause this seems a bit odd

    • 7 months ago

      Welcome to the janitorial force. You'll be cleaning up after the australians today

      • 7 months ago

        I dont mind a simple job, whats it like?

        Weird, they told me to go my division, sector, department you know?
        Maybe you got an email?
        I always have emails, but that is mainly because I work in an office

        Email says I got hired, but it didnt elaborate

        if they didn't say what division you'll be placed into that likely means your just there to fill a quota, or will shortly be used to keep various drones occupied

        >your just there to fill a quota, or will shortly be used to keep various drones occupied
        Aren't the drones loaded with games to preoccupy them? Or just put them in sleep mode

    • 7 months ago

      Weird, they told me to go my division, sector, department you know?
      Maybe you got an email?
      I always have emails, but that is mainly because I work in an office

    • 7 months ago

      if they didn't say what division you'll be placed into that likely means your just there to fill a quota, or will shortly be used to keep various drones occupied

  61. 7 months ago

    First found out about this yesterday, binged the episodes. I don't usually browse Cinemaphile and this will probably be my only post on this board this decade.
    I have a very important question. Where is the rule34 of the characters? Where is the fan art?
    The designs of j is way too sexy, how the frick have I not seen fanart? Is the fanbase that dead and/or gay?
    I'm am extremely disappointed, how the frick are robot girls a more dead fetish than shit like fricking inflation and vore?

    • 7 months ago

      Anon, there is loads of porn lol.

      • 7 months ago

        Anon we are incredibly horny for these robots

        >He doesn't know that there's so much porn that we even have drawgays in these threads drawning porn.
        Are you a newbie or just trolling?


        Wait until the end of the thread, a spoiled text will be posted

        The rule34 is on the usual sites for that anon, while the fanart is spread across the social media hellscapes that is Twitter/Tumblr/Instagram/Tiktok.
        There have been regular Murder Drones threads going for a couple months now, so if you wanted to lurk around I'm sure you will catch a decent bit of the fanart and even smut filtering through
        Lastly there is a booru set up as well

        Have a J for the road, friend

        No, you anons don't understand.
        I'm talking about cultural osmosis. I don't watch anime, watch vtubers, watch cartoons, etc but I see people post characters from shit I'll never watch all the time.
        I literally only even watched this because it showed up on the same channel as TADC. I've seen porn of Pomni and reaction images all over the place and it's less than two weeks old. I normally wouldn't have even watched *that*, but it was 2 am and I was extremely bored.
        There's a whole universe of sexy robo girls and I'm just now seeing this somehow despite me being a massive toaster fricking degenerate? And I only found out about it by accident? In my usual channels I still see brand new XJ-9 fanart occasionally, and that's a cartoon from a decade ago. I guess what I'm getting at is why aren't you guys a more cancerous fanbase? My penis is very upset right now.

        • 7 months ago

          Because we are (slightly) sane across sites

        • 7 months ago

          If you want cancerous MD fans go to twitter or YT. Reddit MD from my experience is more fricking conservative than a church mom discovering their kid has a bikini poster on the wall which is fricking hilarious to me

        • 7 months ago

          It's a matter of both being niche, and the source material being filtering for homosexual / annoying normies.

          At a very base level, Liam Vicker's fanbase (the creator of Murder Drones) was always extremely niche. He's not super well known among normie circles, and his scarousing psycho monster women + eldritch horror stories makes his content even more niche. This transfers over, on a slightly larger scale, over to Murder Drones. It's MUCH more popular than Liam's usual stuff before Glitch took him on to work at the show, but it's still got the exact same feel as Liam's work and it's just never the type of thing that is going to be extremely stupid popular with normie audiences with Amazing Digital Circus. I think this is a good thing, because despite the autistic children that are inevitably also a part of the Murder Drones fandom, the material being niche and not easily accessible for normies to turn into absolute cancer (like what is happening to TADC right now with its insane spike in popularity, propelled by how it's much more normie-minded and easily accessable) means you end up with a very closely-knit audience with a firm understanding of the source material because they actually stuck around to get engaged with the story and characters instead of getting filtered hard like the countless people that inevitably just "didn't get it".

          There is a metric frick-tonne of art though, a lot of it by very talented people. There's also constant art (and smut) being posted in these threads, so I'm not sure how you're having trouble in that department. All in all I'm very glad the fandom for this show isn't fricking unbearable. I really like TADC too, but its insane popularity spike recently and the utter normie take over (the newbieging and tourists in the TADC threads are absurdly obvious) has caused me to not want to get involved with it because it makes me feel like it's going to be the new Undertale-like craze.

        • 7 months ago

          Personally I prefer small and niche fanbases, when a fan base becomes big things start getting out of hands with toxicity and harassment and people start hating the whole show and fanbase because of a few online jerks.

          I like this place because it's small and comfy

          • 7 months ago

            Murder Drones hits the sweet spot of being popular, but not too popular. It's something people discover and not artificially propelled into the normie masses. Thank frick for that.

        • 7 months ago

          I saw some murder drones sprays/profiles in team fortress 2 a couple times
          My sister met a guy who watched it at a bus stop or something

    • 7 months ago

      Anon we are incredibly horny for these robots

    • 7 months ago

      >He doesn't know that there's so much porn that we even have drawgays in these threads drawning porn.
      Are you a newbie or just trolling?

    • 7 months ago

      Wait until the end of the thread, a spoiled text will be posted

      • 7 months ago

        naw. not this thread. maybe next time. i'm focusing on a halloween piece until i get it done

    • 7 months ago

      The rule34 is on the usual sites for that anon, while the fanart is spread across the social media hellscapes that is Twitter/Tumblr/Instagram/Tiktok.
      There have been regular Murder Drones threads going for a couple months now, so if you wanted to lurk around I'm sure you will catch a decent bit of the fanart and even smut filtering through
      Lastly there is a booru set up as well

      Have a J for the road, friend

  62. 7 months ago

    Quick question, I'm writing a fic that includes a lot of V
    How should I write it?
    First, second or third person?

    • 7 months ago

      Comes down to preference and how conformable with writing each

      • 7 months ago

        I have been doing first and second

        Is it from V's perspective or someone else's? If it's V then third person is probably better. If it's someone else it kinda depends. Usually if the perspective is (you) then furst person works better in my experience.

        It's from Anon perspective and probably only his, maybe first person is better

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah if you've already got experience with first and second I think sticking with those might be better for you in general. Nothing stopping you from playing with third person of course, and I'd say as a writer it's best to practice broadening your skills, but since it's just a green I really think going with what you're most comfortable with is generally better.

          • 7 months ago

            It's not a green...

            • 7 months ago

              Sorry. I'm so used to people talking about greens here I guess I misunderstood. I'd still say go with a perspective you're most comfortable with. Would love to read it when you're finished with it!

              • 7 months ago

                I think I have a fun idea.
                I will make it first person so I'm comfortable, it will take a will since this is not my priority one.
                I'm making two at the same time so I don't have burn out with an idea.

    • 7 months ago

      Is it from V's perspective or someone else's? If it's V then third person is probably better. If it's someone else it kinda depends. Usually if the perspective is (you) then furst person works better in my experience.

  63. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      I'm calling both.

  64. 7 months ago
  65. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      Maid V is always cute, but what is wrong with her leg

  66. 7 months ago

    Are there any fics/greentexts/art centering around the robot cannibalism?
    I swear, I just find frick up things interesting. Don't read into it.

    • 7 months ago

      There's that one with male Uzi and N

    • 7 months ago

      There's that one with male Uzi and N

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        i am ashamed to admit that this shit made me diamonds

        • 7 months ago

          it made us all diamonds

        • 7 months ago

          You should be ashamed
          And I hope you are forever

  67. 7 months ago

    here is a brief post about that Manipulator Drone OC shit that's been plaguing my mind
    A basic list of the most common features of Manipulators
    >Funky Three-fingered hands uniquely designed to exclusively do Robot Magic, although they are at least somewhat able to use their hands for more mundane purposes without being too clumsy
    >In place of Nanite Stingers, their tails consist of barbed adapters designed to (violently) interface with both organic & electronic entities, allowing them to do all sorts of freaky shit
    >All Manipulators are outfitted with specially fitted "Nanite Suppression Systems" attached directly into their core, designed to terminate them either from a remote administration command or autonomously in the event that their Solver abilities cause "rampant, uncontrollable host mutations"

  68. 7 months ago

    Which drone is for kissing?

    • 7 months ago

      all are

      • 7 months ago

        even the boy drones???

        • 7 months ago

          yes, especially if they're unstable as frick

          • 7 months ago

            unstable? But they will explode!

            • 7 months ago

              Explode with excitement!

              • 7 months ago

                it's not gay if one party says "no homo!"

      • 7 months ago

        Which would be the most into kissing?

    • 7 months ago

      There's only one who truly deserves kisses.

    • 7 months ago

      >All of our cute puppets.

  69. 7 months ago

    Working on something

    • 7 months ago

      nice ass bro

    • 7 months ago

      I don't know waht I'm looking it at but looks cool as frick

  70. 7 months ago

    >POV: you just had a good idea for a greentext (it’s happening again)


    • 7 months ago

      Wish I had funny ideas
      >Wish I had talent
      >Wish I had motivation
      >Wish I was good at writing
      >verification not required

      • 7 months ago

        Then write friend!
        You can only be good if you try again and again!
        Force yourself to write any idea you have, any scene, anything and remember

        • 7 months ago

          NTA but to be honest the force method works with me too.
          Usually starts with a silly small idea, and then I get annoyed that it's not expanding, so I do a braindump and it becomes something bigger.
          But I suck at writing, so I never publish anything.

          • 7 months ago

            Be brave Friend!

            Fraid I can't. I don't have the discipline.
            And my self-loathing gets in the way regardless.

            But maybe it can work. Just once.
            I have way too many greens to finish.

            You can Friend, yes discipline is not something everyone has
            But that can be built with trying!

        • 7 months ago

          Fraid I can't. I don't have the discipline.
          And my self-loathing gets in the way regardless.

          But maybe it can work. Just once.
          I have way too many greens to finish.

          • 7 months ago

            Anon, open notepad.exe and start with something small. Eventually you'll have multiple paragraphs

            • 7 months ago

              this works more than you'd think.unreleased smut involving mismagius

            • 7 months ago

              this works more than you'd think.unreleased smut involving mismagius

              Yea I'm not a writer, but I'm assuming you can start with something like:
              Uzi's warm radiating screen-face infect N's space as she slowly reaches for his thigh. Squeezing it firmly and giving him the >:3 face

            • 7 months ago

              listen to badass music and get pumped for easy and quick motivation

              Be brave Friend!
              You can Friend, yes discipline is not something everyone has
              But that can be built with trying!

              I guess. But I've got a long way to go.

              I'll try it out. Thanks for the pep.

        • 7 months ago

          NTA but to be honest the force method works with me too.
          Usually starts with a silly small idea, and then I get annoyed that it's not expanding, so I do a braindump and it becomes something bigger.
          But I suck at writing, so I never publish anything.

          I cannot necessarily recommend it but I worked much faster when I was drunk (not very much even). Maybe it easier because its helps to just get things done without constantly questioning your idea or quality, but it's nearly the same with requests, probably because you can be sure someone will like it because at least one anon wanted it.

          • 7 months ago

            Okay I need you guys to focus where he says
            >"(not very much even)"
            Because I got drunk three times to write, but I got so drunk I couldn't write

      • 7 months ago

        Then write friend!
        You can only be good if you try again and again!
        Force yourself to write any idea you have, any scene, anything and remember

        NTA but to be honest the force method works with me too.
        Usually starts with a silly small idea, and then I get annoyed that it's not expanding, so I do a braindump and it becomes something bigger.
        But I suck at writing, so I never publish anything.

        Fraid I can't. I don't have the discipline.
        And my self-loathing gets in the way regardless.

        But maybe it can work. Just once.
        I have way too many greens to finish.

        listen to badass music and get pumped for easy and quick motivation

      • 7 months ago

        You are literally my favourite writegay Emilyanon

    • 7 months ago


      Wish I had funny ideas
      >Wish I had talent
      >Wish I had motivation
      >Wish I was good at writing
      >verification not required

      Me too. I always feel like a talentless hack. Despite what some anons tell me. You are not alone fren

      Then write friend!
      You can only be good if you try again and again!
      Force yourself to write any idea you have, any scene, anything and remember

      >Force yourself to write any idea you have, any scene, anything and remember
      Can confirm this works. Also the brain worms force me to.

  71. 7 months ago

    It's so blatantly obvious this is supposed to be vampires and chthulu and shit. Liam needed to find a way to make this show without having to cuck out to someone's censor.

    • 7 months ago

      don't care, cool robots

  72. 7 months ago

    what's worse, only being attractive to drones or having a (currently) unrequited fetish for drones?

    • 7 months ago

      If you're attractive to drones, they will flock to you, and you can have your own army. Killing all humans become easier as the drones praise you

      • 7 months ago

        this in every way, but don't kill humans Uzi

        • 7 months ago

          bit me, Anon you can probably find a wife too, by getting your drones to bring one to you against their will. I think this is the best way around. The other one is just a personal issue and worse.

          • 7 months ago

            please don't encourage any of the drones, especially angsty teen ones, i'm afraid to go into my own room as i know there's at least several disassembly drones hidden in my room at any given time

            • 7 months ago

              >i'm afraid to go into my own room as i know there's at least several disassembly drones hidden in my room at any given time
              Dude look out the window, theres a few outside

              • 7 months ago

                the windows are literally just props, when the door closes (and inevitably gets locked from the outside) i'm trapped in here with them

            • 7 months ago

              >i'm afraid to go into my own room as i know there's at least several disassembly drones hidden in my room at any given time
              Dude look out the window, theres a few outside

              the windows are literally just props, when the door closes (and inevitably gets locked from the outside) i'm trapped in here with them

              >There may or may not be several disassembly drones hidden within my room at this very moment as well.

              W-wait a minute...I don't remember buying a V plushie...

              • 7 months ago

                worst part is that i don't know which murder drone is the one who sucks my dick when i'm asleep, i know it's one particular drone because they certainly don't try when i'm awake, i really hope it's not one of the guy drones

    • 7 months ago

      Only being attractive to drones would be worse for sure. Imagine being touched and toyed with whenever you came across one...
      Eventually no human woman would be able to satisfy you, and you'd have to choice but to be a meat-dildo for drones.
      Truly a fate worse than death haha

      • 7 months ago

        Haha yeah that would be so terrible. Just imagine haha

  73. 7 months ago

    In4 spoilerlinkanon

  74. 7 months ago

    >be me
    >had a shitty frickin day
    >just got home, it’s dark out but not super late in the evening
    >lying on the couch with my husband N
    >he’s the big spoon, i’m the little spoon (we switch it up sometimes)
    >he’s playing with my hair while i go on about stuff that’s on my mind
    >he can always tell when i’m only making myself feel worse by talking about it
    >suddenly his hands start finding themselves in places they shouldn’t be
    >rolling my eyes, i ignore it and keep talking, pretending like nothing’s happening
    >but the more i ramble, the more naughty his hands get
    >he starts going faster, i try to play it cool
    >each word is more of a struggle to say than the last
    >try to finish my thought but can’t
    >he succeeds in his naughty little endeavor, my train of thought crashes, killing countless innocent pedestrians
    >regain my composure, whip around and grab him by the shoulders
    >It’s Sexy Time
    >suddenly we’re interrupted by a gentle knock on the door
    >frantically pull our clothes back on, get up, answer the door
    >”Hey, I left my Switch in your house when we had game night yesterday, can I come in and get it?” explains V
    >”Really a bad time, V…”
    >”Why? Were you two busy??” she teases us with a smirk
    >N is visibly flustered
    >”Oh, no, we were just getting ready to watch a movie, it’s—“ he starts, but i jump in
    >”Why, you jealous? …wanna join us?”
    >V’s shymaid.exe personality resurfaces for a moment, she stutters, unable to find words
    >”That is, if it’s alright with N,” i continue, he just pops an awkward thumbs up and a blushing smile, he obviously wants it but doesn’t wanna be pushy
    >V regains her composure and switches back to her confident demeanor, extending her claws with a killer grin
    >”You guys really think you could handle me?”
    >only one way to find out

  75. 7 months ago

    hugging Doll and telling her she doesn’t have to be alone anymore

    • 7 months ago

      Instructions unclear: The doors have been solvered shut and she's giving me he bedroom eyes. What do?
      >Captcha: ASADK
      Wait a minute....

      • 7 months ago

        >dolls kitchen being clean

        • 7 months ago

          When the human comes over, she makes time to clean.

        • 7 months ago

          That's not her home, she broke into his house

      • 7 months ago

        I gotta say, doll in that lingerie is really doing something.

      • 7 months ago

        Submit to the Solver-induced sex-drive.

  76. 7 months ago

    oh you silly human boys, desiring to be prey to crazed females… you’d make great pets… or suitable partners for all eternity. Giggle

    • 7 months ago

      >t. The Absolute Solver

  77. 7 months ago

    >Henry realizes that his coworkers are 'so brain rotted that they'll allow a robot to do anything as long as it's sexy enough'
    >Proceeds to slap pictures of anime babes on his mechanical abominations, a la TF2 Spy masks

  78. 7 months ago

    so apparently disassembly drones (and others allegedly) are weak to sunlight, while the planet i'm stationed on has sunlight for only 3 hours tops i had an idea after seeing one of my coworkers use a tanning bed (she won't tell me how she got one on site) seeing her get tanned by that

    so i got some uv lamps installed in my room, one on the ceiling and a few on the walls, and a uv flashlight too

    the results were astounding

    and extremely messy

    my room became a mess from the murder drones panic running out from the burns, my closet is mostly ruined now too thanks to 2 hiding in there.

    the one under the bed made no mess funny enough

    my room is finally safe now.

    • 7 months ago

      Why would you do that? Genuinely, why? The drones clearly liked you.

      • 7 months ago

        The frick’s wrong with you, anon

        Like dude, seriously

        Is this gonna be you soon, Anon?

        after what happened to steve in medical i'm not taking any fricking chances the murder bots liking me or not

        great i can hear scratching again

        • 7 months ago

          It's been real nice knowin ya, bud

        • 7 months ago

          have fun getting torn apart, dipass

        • 7 months ago

          Friend, you can talk with them, is not necessary to go to an extreme.

        • 7 months ago

          Friend, you can talk with them, is not necessary to go to an extreme.

          This, or, hack them. They probably have radio comms or some sort of RF.

        • 7 months ago

          At this point you're just too dumb to live anon.

    • 7 months ago

      The frick’s wrong with you, anon

      Like dude, seriously

    • 7 months ago

      Is this gonna be you soon, Anon?

    • 7 months ago

      Don't go all Research Team VI on us, Anon
      I'm expecting you to hand deliver an apology and chocolate assortment to those poor drones

  79. 7 months ago

    >wants to write another Mimi green now that I'm home
    >also wants to do blender stuff

    • 7 months ago

      Why not do both?
      Write the green, do a scene in blender.

  80. 7 months ago

    The voices are talking every time I read someone hating on Drones
    An example of the fricking intrusive thoughts:

    Every. Fricking. Time.
    I think my autism is transforming into an obsession

  81. 7 months ago

    New guy working security on an understaffed site here, one my second week and loving the job. I've noticed one of the Disassembly Drones staring at me now and then, though. Should I be concerned, or do you guys think she's just curious?

    • 7 months ago

      >Hire a doppelganger
      >Dress up as a pickle
      The answer will reveal itself quickly

    • 7 months ago

      Strike up a conversation with her, maybe you'll make a friend?

    • 7 months ago

      Talk to the DD Friend!
      Maybe you can get more Friedns!

  82. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Last for DD Emily

      stop that.

    • 7 months ago

      Well now I don't need to sleep, still very early.

  83. 7 months ago

    Last for TF2 unusual drone

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