My questions about Triangle of Sadness

Why exactly did the model read Ulysses and why did he take it with him on a cruise of all places?
What statement did the director want to make with this choice of a novel?
>that his movie is the equivalent of the novel?
>it is just funny
>te character wanted to impress his girlfriend

help me understand this part

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  1. 8 months ago

    Models like to pretend to be intellectuals. And since Ulysses is highly regarded and well known for being a challenging read, it's exactly the kind of book the pseuds would want people to see them reading.

    The filmmaker is poking fun at the superficiality of beautiful rich people.

    • 8 months ago

      I've never heard of anyone bragging about reading Ulysses, is that really a thing?

      I thought books like Catcher in the Rye, crime and Punsishment, Moby Dick, In Search of Lost Time and Atlas Shrugged where more popular for that kind of matter

      • 8 months ago

        No adult would be caught dead reading Catcher or Atlas Shrugged in public and the others scream "assigned readings"

        • 8 months ago

          as for the latter, go to literally any liberal arts university

      • 8 months ago

        Are you retareded? He was posing

        Of course it is
        >I thought books like Catcher in the Rye, Crime and Punsishment, Moby Dick, In Search of Lost Time and Atlas Shrugged
        All those books are entry level. The model character has probably actually read some of them (hypothetically)

        • 8 months ago

          OK, maybe not In Search of Lost Time. Nobody would ever want to be caught reading Atlas Shrugged unless they're at some kind of libertarian tard party, whether or not they actually liked/read the book in private

      • 8 months ago

        Ulysses is hipper than those books. Hipness is paramount.

      • 8 months ago

        Here you go

        • 8 months ago

          desu, I think Monroe could find that book worth reading

          • 8 months ago

            monroe was a blonde cum dump, watch any interview of her she screams superficial prostitute.
            >fake voice
            >caked up face when women weren't doing it
            >giggling at the end of every sentence


            • 8 months ago

              she still seems way smarter than some of the biggest streamers of today

    • 8 months ago

      So he wasn't reading it, he was pretending to reading it?

      Because I can't really figure out why he was such a pussy if he managed to read 100+ pages of Ulysses.

      • 8 months ago

        >So he wasn't reading it, he was pretending to reading it?
        If I had to guess, I'd say he was making a half-assed attempt at reading it so he could give some basic thoughts on it if asked.

        • 8 months ago

          Nah, he obv didn't read it. You can't read a book like that and still have the mind to acknowledge when your girl flirts with a barechested chad. It makes no sense.

  2. 8 months ago

    The sky was blue to express Sadness

  3. 8 months ago

    he was on a boat. Odysseus was on a boat during his voyage, it just makes sense to read Ulysses on a boat

    • 8 months ago

      nah, this is the james joyce version, and he wasn't supposed to read it on the boat according to the director/script, he was supposed to read it before his model-audition

  4. 8 months ago

    because it's a great book, really great. one of the best.

  5. 8 months ago

    that giirl is dead

  6. 8 months ago

    this film is redpilled with the restaraunt scene, boat scene with the hot crew guy at the start and it's flipping of gender dynamics on the island. Also the maid 100% bashes the girl's head with a rock in the end. Film also shows that communism wouldnt work and that in any society human nature overtakes any pre-planned economic system. Anyone who thinks the film is just "rich people = bad!" really doesnt understand the film. Even though poking fun at rich people is part of the plot it isnt at all the main theme behind the film. The film is actually quite sympathetic to the notch, type low value man turned billionare via videogames character.

    Force majuere is also redpilled if you havent seen that. I would go as far to say that these films are anti-feminist in their themes. They basically have female characters attempt feminist ideals and then show that reality is the exact opposite.

    • 8 months ago

      what's the final shot about? Carl running through the bushes, being chased or hunted from the looks? is it about what you said, that the rest of the people thought he killed Yaya with Abigail?

      • 8 months ago

        It could be that he is being chased.

        But i think it is more likely that he has worked out that Abigail plans to kill Yaya or has already killed her and is trying to catch up to them.

        Abigail killed yaya and yaya knew that Abigail was going to try and kill her when they were on the beach. Yaya attempts to manipulate Abigail by offering her a position of servitude "you could work for me". Abigail instantly knows that her even saying this means that their roles in society have instantly reverted to their previous positions now. That all the power she and usefulness she had on the island is gone. So she bashes her head with a rock like the notch character kills the donkey.

        • 8 months ago

          Frick, I would never reach that conclusion, it is just so obvious that it slips my mind. I never think in those "simple" terms, like the rest of the humanity. I need to practice that. My interpretation of that final scene was at least one unnecessary level above, haha. "Carl figuring out the situation" would be way down on my list given his previous actions. That ending is just so common. It's what the masses thinks. Why make a movie that is just ordinary? Why not go beyond? I guess the awards and praise the movie recieved gives me the answer.

        • 8 months ago

          thx for explaining

          Frick, I would never reach that conclusion, it is just so obvious that it slips my mind. I never think in those "simple" terms, like the rest of the humanity. I need to practice that. My interpretation of that final scene was at least one unnecessary level above, haha. "Carl figuring out the situation" would be way down on my list given his previous actions. That ending is just so common. It's what the masses thinks. Why make a movie that is just ordinary? Why not go beyond? I guess the awards and praise the movie recieved gives me the answer.

          just to further explain my way of thoughts.

          1. any person with a brain would react to Abigail wanting to hike together with Yaya
          2. any man would sense the potential danger
          3. not reacting in a matter of minutes makes it too late
          4. running through a wild unsearched mountain area puts you in danger
          5. also, how could you even now where to run if you didn't follow the ladies, you have to track them slowly

          that's why I thought Carl was being chased because under normal situations you don't act like him, but then again I failed to understood that Ruben projected his citylife thoughts into the script, and it was like Carl be running in them safe streets to a place he knew

          • 8 months ago

            its uncertain that Abigail actually had any malicous feelings towards yaya. It also makes sense that abigail would go with her as she was the most experienced of the bunch regarding survival so she could at least rationalize the decision to go with her without making herself look like she was soley going to kill her. Also neither Abigail nor yaya knew that they would find the elevator. There are clues that Abigail may have already known they were on an inhabited island but it isnt concrete. Carl also saw which direction they departed in so may have just ran in that direction.

            Also anyone doubting the film's redpilled and anti-feminist double standard stance should watch force majuere by the same director. A film which revolves around this scene


            where a guy panics when an avalanche hits him and his family and abandons them. The film shows the consequences of that action that was most likely instinctual on his part and shows how he is demeaned and emasculated by his wife for it. She then does the very same thing at the end of the film and abandons her family when a bus is driving down a mountain road dangerously and nobody says a word to her.


            Director puts the theme of the film out there in this interview and triangle of sadness touches on similar themes on the island, restaurant scene and the scene with the hot crew guy.

            • 8 months ago

              >uncertain that Abigail actually had any malicous feelings towards yaya
              that is ignoring the nature of the female

              >makes sense that abigail would go with her
              while that is true, Abigail constantly complained about her doing all the work, making the fire, catching the fish

              >Also neither Abigail nor yaya knew that they would find the elevator.
              this also ain't realistic. it's 2020 and not 1920. every single island on earth that is as big as theirs is inhabitated. they have to have known where they cruised, what sea, the countries near them. I know Ruben wanted us to believe the things you're saying but it makes no sense. Since dawn Man has known that you hike to a height to figure out where you are. they didn't do that even though spent several days on that island. Imo Ruben thought like a female when he wrote that scenario which isn't given him credit since he is a dude(?)

              >Also anyone doubting the film's redpilled and anti-feminist double standard stance
              I really don't understand this. Ruben isn't a redpilled guy. He is actually the opposite. There's nothing anti-feminist in stating that women enjoy men with power/money. What is he saying that hasn't been said already? You're giving him too much credit. The whole Play-debacle made it obvious that he's woked to that degree he can't be helped. He just makes money on shitty flicks.

              I'll give you an IMDB-fact for you to ponder. Ostlund had not put a single thought of a matriarchy-society on the island when he originally created the concept for his movie. It was just an afterthought. That should say something about his intentions.

    • 8 months ago

      >muh shipwreck reverts muh class values
      it's literally the same plot from a dozen movies: from The Admirable Crichton to Swept Away
      both funnier and they don't need 2h 45minutes to tell the story

  7. 8 months ago

    since the cleaning lady never hadn't had any children, how tight do you chink her pussy game was or did the chad only sleep with her to pimp himself out for salty pretzels?

  8. 8 months ago

    >multiple posters making thoughtful multi paragraph relies engaging with eachother about a movie nobodies ever heard about during dead hours on a sunday morning
    whats the recipe for this type of thread
    i make threads all the time like this but they never take off

    • 8 months ago

      Triangle of Sadness was one of the most succesful and talked about movies in 2022

  9. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      >t. anally ravaged burger wagecuck

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