Mystery PUA

Was he a grifter or was he spitting truth?

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  1. 1 month ago

    the entire movement and market died because it became apparent that it simply doesn't work.

    • 1 month ago

      like TheRedPill people on reddit, pick up artists were on the right track but they came at it from the most autistic direction and made the dumbest conclusions
      like the whole thing with negging vs being too nice
      the real goal is to be able to banter and not put up with shit and playfully tease the person you're talking to, PUAs took this to mean you should autistically call girls fat and ugly to their faces and then wondered why girls weren't giving their phone numbers over
      same deal with peawienering - basically dress like a put together adult with a bit of flash like a nice watch or israeliteelry, PUAs took this to mean they should dress like complete homosexuals with stupid hats or boas thinking it'll act like a conversation piece

      exactly, PUAs were the original online grifters

      • 1 month ago

        The best tip to picking up girls is to tease them like you would with your little sister

        • 1 month ago

          Like all other advice with women: only works if you are Chad.

          • 1 month ago

            or if you're rich

          • 1 month ago

            this, PUA had one very particular subgroup where it actually worked: Chads and semi-Chads who, for some reason or another, had a REALLY negatively-skewed self-image. For everyone else it was just a grift that sold copium.

    • 1 month ago

      It for sure worked. I read The Game and some other similar books/blogs back when it was going around and I was able to sleep with girls I never thought I'd be able to sleep with. The real flaw, as The Game points out toward the end is that it's kind of empty as far as forming real connections with women and maintaining relationships. Although you do need to keep up a level of game to keep a relationship going. I read The Game immediately after my girlfriend randomly dumped me. Within a couple weeks, I had her basically eating out of my hand, begging to be with me, and then I dumped her. Somehow I got lucky when she initially dumped me because I just said "ok..well get your things and go," and I didn't melt down or show emotion which laid the groundwork for the following tactics to work.

      I'd say the primary benefit of the PUA stuff was that it taught me how there's a subconscious level you need to be aware of to communicate with women, that they essentially think like children, and you need to be aware that there's no unicorn perfect woman out there. And yes, "they're all like that". There were perspectives on women from these PUA guys you wouldn't get from most of the cucked men in modern society, and you certainly weren't going to learn this stuff from women.

      A lot of the PUA guys selling courses were total dorkoids though.

      • 1 month ago

        > I was able to sleep with girls I never thought I'd be able to sleep with.
        See this line here. You were already a semi-Chad if you could pick up a 5, a 6 or a 7 before that.
        The people this shit was marketed to were guys that were virgins, never had a date or a relationship and for them it simply didn't work.

        • 1 month ago

          I wasn't a chad though. I grew up fat, and had some accidental luck with women in my later high school years because I lost weight and learned to play guitar. But when it came to dating or holding a woman's attention, I was nervous as frick and acted like an autistic beta b***h in conversations with them. Women always tended to have the upper hand on me because I was putting the pussy on a pedestal. I couldn't relax around them and had serious oneitis which would shift from woman to woman every couple years. So I had maybe a solid foundation of being able to BECOME a Chad, but until I had the pieces to put it together that PUA stuff taught me, I was not a Chad.

        • 1 month ago

          no it wasn't. it was marketed to college boys who were born in the late-eighties and wanted to dial up even further the amount of ass they were getting.

          it was pitifully easy in the 00's to get laid. girls would come to you even if you were a little autistic. what The Game and PUA added was this idea that you could be getting laid every night, with any girl you wanted, and there was no such thing as too much.

          as it turned out the consequences of that were just as bad for men as they were for women, and once the tables turned with tinder there was no going back. now everybody is so distracted by what they could have next that they are incapable of enjoying what they do have now.

      • 1 month ago

        >All the dress up around that was just fake shit.
        A lot of the stuff like palm reading and cold reading and making women jump through the hoops of a process like that were legitimate hacks that got me laid and gave me the groundwork to get through those conversation without dropping my spaghetti. Like learning about the concept of 'frame' and dealing with AMOGs. Or even peawienering -- easy to overdo, but if you did it right then it gave women a reason to talk to you. The social engineering aspects of PUA were legitimately life changing for me, but eventually the incels button mashed this stuff so hard that it became a meme and all the guys relying entirely on the popular techniques got exposed as autistic weirdos. Once women learned about negging, it was over lol. All that stuff still works if you're subtle, don't overuse any of it, and you have some level of improv skill.

        some people just need that script to give them to confidence to talk to women. nothing wrong with that.

        I always thought the negging was kinda moronic. girls like it just as much when you come on to them, you just have to do it right and not get sappy. make a girl feel sexy and wanted. not hard to do, but hard to do well.

        • 1 month ago

          >I always thought the negging was kinda moronic
          The key was to do it playfully like you're picking on your little sister. You wanted to shift the frame so the woman was justifying herself to you and seeking your approval vs the other way around. But a lot of morons got the wrong idea and thought the idea was to verbally abuse the women they're trying to pick up lol. If you had the tone right, you basically COULD do that and still have fun with them but many dudes got it completely wrong.

      • 1 month ago

        The Game came out when I was in my early twenties and I couldn't put it down. Finished it in like 3 days. I never really used any "techniques" but it totally changed how I interacted with women and I started getting laid way more than usual.

  2. 1 month ago

    The Pick Up Artist tv show was something I vaguely remember do you guys know where to watch it now?

    • 1 month ago

      the second-hand embarrassment was unbearable, don't watch it.
      >"This is Pablo, he is a chubby 5'7" Latino with a high-pitched voice."
      >"He has 1 hour to hit on 20 tall, blond girls in this club! GO!"

      • 1 month ago

        but Cinemaphile told me whit girls loves latinos

  3. 1 month ago

    >afraid i might...steal yo girl?

    • 1 month ago

      the book actually is very adamant that you do not go stealing people's girls and that sort of behavior will cause many more problems than it solves. its one of the few things that stuck with me about it, since the rest of it is just textbook (what would come to be known as) frickboyism.

  4. 1 month ago

    >mentally ill man selling tricks to pick up mentally ill girls
    That's how I see it.

  5. 1 month ago

    It's a system designed by social morons. All the stuff about actually talking to a bunch of girls, being the most genuine version of yourself, learning how to tell a story in an interesting way etc. is all good...but then they went from zero pussy to some pussy, and decided that dialling everything up to 11 would therefore get them way more pussy.

    The result is a bunch of mindbroken morons 'holding frame' and negging everyone while dressed like clowns, so they can hone in on the bawdtiest girl in the room in record time, and then complain how awful all women are when she turns out to be a bawd who cheats on them.

  6. 1 month ago

    the neil strauss book had some good points, and at least back in the 00's some of it was good advice. it was just a different time, things were better overall and shit like this could just be a funny sort of weird sideshow.

    the internet really ruined dating and fricked with the heads of young men & women to the point where odd stories like that of Mystery seem incomprehensible. best to put it out of your head if you born after 1995-ish

    • 1 month ago

      I remember reading The Game in like 2013, right when Tinder arrived in my city
      reading about the shit Mystery and Style were doing just seemed dumb as frick even then

      >RSD Tyler admits that pickup is inherently beta because "Chad doesn't approach woman."
      What's the point then? Is the blackpill all that's left?

      RSD Tyler always came across like an actual schizo and Mystery was an unmedicated manic depressive if Neil Strauss' book was accurate

      It's a system designed by social morons. All the stuff about actually talking to a bunch of girls, being the most genuine version of yourself, learning how to tell a story in an interesting way etc. is all good...but then they went from zero pussy to some pussy, and decided that dialling everything up to 11 would therefore get them way more pussy.

      The result is a bunch of mindbroken morons 'holding frame' and negging everyone while dressed like clowns, so they can hone in on the bawdtiest girl in the room in record time, and then complain how awful all women are when she turns out to be a bawd who cheats on them.

      like TheRedPill people on reddit, pick up artists were on the right track but they came at it from the most autistic direction and made the dumbest conclusions
      like the whole thing with negging vs being too nice
      the real goal is to be able to banter and not put up with shit and playfully tease the person you're talking to, PUAs took this to mean you should autistically call girls fat and ugly to their faces and then wondered why girls weren't giving their phone numbers over
      same deal with peawienering - basically dress like a put together adult with a bit of flash like a nice watch or israeliteelry, PUAs took this to mean they should dress like complete homosexuals with stupid hats or boas thinking it'll act like a conversation piece

      exactly, PUAs were the original online grifters


      The best tip to picking up girls is to tease them like you would with your little sister

      also correct

      • 1 month ago

        by the time 2013 rolled around the world had already changed dramatically. the book really only was relevant for kids who started college between 2005 and 2010.

  7. 1 month ago

    >RSD Tyler admits that pickup is inherently beta because "Chad doesn't approach woman."
    What's the point then? Is the blackpill all that's left?

    • 1 month ago

      you know what you need to do to be more attractive to women. its innate, and usually obvious. you just don't want to do it.

  8. 1 month ago

    It was complete nonsense but I think this show either coined or popularised terminology like "negging" and "kino escalation"

  9. 1 month ago

    Karl Jobst was a great PUA

  10. 1 month ago

    dude just go out there and pick up chicks me, it's easy bro just be more confident!

    • 1 month ago

      What the frick

    • 1 month ago

      What the frick

      And this butthole wore height lifting boots to be even taller

  11. 1 month ago

    The real secret was just taking to more women. If you throw enough shit against the wall some will stick. And you’ll improve at talking to women. But that lacks the mystique of esoteric techniques and goofy outfits. Either way these days you’ll probably be labeled a creep and thrown out or beaten. So good luck.

  12. 1 month ago

    The fundamental thing was just hitting on as many women as possible and that is always going to work out better than hitting on no women. All the dress up around that was just fake shit.

    • 1 month ago

      >All the dress up around that was just fake shit.
      A lot of the stuff like palm reading and cold reading and making women jump through the hoops of a process like that were legitimate hacks that got me laid and gave me the groundwork to get through those conversation without dropping my spaghetti. Like learning about the concept of 'frame' and dealing with AMOGs. Or even peawienering -- easy to overdo, but if you did it right then it gave women a reason to talk to you. The social engineering aspects of PUA were legitimately life changing for me, but eventually the incels button mashed this stuff so hard that it became a meme and all the guys relying entirely on the popular techniques got exposed as autistic weirdos. Once women learned about negging, it was over lol. All that stuff still works if you're subtle, don't overuse any of it, and you have some level of improv skill.

      • 1 month ago

        >All that stuff still works if you're subtle, don't overuse any of it, and you have some level of improv skill.
        It's about reacting to the interaction in an appropriate way, if a situation warrants a little playful teasing or a sharp rebuke you should deliver it.
        It's the simplest test which should require no explanation

  13. 1 month ago

    >What's the matter, anon? Afraid we might...frick your b***h?

    • 1 month ago

      If Style managed to pull any b***hes in that suit then there is hope for all of us.

      • 1 month ago

        It probably helped that he was a writer for Rolling Stone too.

    • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      >a gang of pajeets in the background


    • 1 month ago

      >Strauss' sleeves so long he looks like a kid wearing his dad's clothes
      It's impossible to fap in that jacket, much less pick up women wearing it.
      The Game and mostly everything behind it was a grift, there's a seed of truth to it but the book itself was a co-ordinated grift by Strauss and a few other characters who realised they were sitting on a goldmine.

  14. 1 month ago

    It's a shame that the students got more attention than the master.

    • 1 month ago

      The game ain't never changed.

      • 1 month ago

        the power dynamic swings about once a decade. its actually in the process of swinging back now, since the dating apps can no longer count on the LLM's to buy all that data they have to monetize on their own merits. its rendered tinder, bumble, hinge etc. all basically unusable for men and women alike, that and people are just fatigued with it.

        as we go back to meeting people in person the power dynamic will shift dramatically back to men. its already started.

      • 1 month ago


        the power dynamic swings about once a decade. its actually in the process of swinging back now, since the dating apps can no longer count on the LLM's to buy all that data they have to monetize on their own merits. its rendered tinder, bumble, hinge etc. all basically unusable for men and women alike, that and people are just fatigued with it.

        as we go back to meeting people in person the power dynamic will shift dramatically back to men. its already started.

        Dating apps are a red herring, the main issue is economic: individuals and couples are reaching financial stability later in life, or not at all. Marriage is a worse deal for women since they have to work anyway.
        Fewer and fewer people can envison themselves and the potential partners around them being parents and homeowners. You can't achieve it without believing it.

  15. 1 month ago

    Bros, why didn't he get the girl? Does he just needs more confidence?


    • 1 month ago

      I remember there was a compilation of some bald Indian PUA trying to hit on women on some British street, I never managed to watch more than 3 minutes of it.

  16. 1 month ago

    PUA shit was based and cringe at the same time

    • 1 month ago

      PUA was redpill without the politics. It's unfortunate it died because bluepill has no advice for attracting women.

  17. 1 month ago

    I dunno, it's a bit like Nostradamus, very vague, you kind of read your own meaning into it.
    "Virtual insanity is what we're living in" you can get behind that, but would you agree that we're "to young to doo-da-un-doo-dun? Doo-dat-un-dooooo-dun"?

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