kino game

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Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago


    NASB 1 didn't sell under a million. It sold nearly a mil on Steam alone and when you combine it with the other platforms, it's estimated to sell well over a mil. Which is good for the standards of a low budget licensed game with zero funding from Nick. You say that's not impressive but it doesn't change the fact that it's successful. It sold and wasn't a failure like you claim it was.
    >Such a disingenuous comparison
    Claiming that because they pumped out a new game thus that means NASB 1 failed is dishonest bullshit. It objectively succeeded, Gamemill being greedy and instantly insisting on a sequel after they can't milk money out the first game anymore doesn't change that.

    • 5 months ago

      it did not sell near a million you liar

      • 5 months ago

        Got any proof?

        It did if you count all versions together. Lots of people bought it on Switch, Playstation and Xbox. It was everywhere even LTG paid full price for two versions of the game. Made millions in pure revenue as well from steam alone.

        • 5 months ago

          You keep using this as if it means anything.
          Enough of this bullshit, we want to know how many copies it sold.

          • 5 months ago

            It does mean something. And frankly, that's the only concrete shit you're gonna get. No big name company like Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft's gonna care to release consistent sales data for shovelware games. We have to assume and estimate, with it clearly leaning towards a success.

            • 5 months ago

              Frick off with your biased assumptions i want real evidence and the fact that no one has released specific sales data for this long is suspicious. And the fact that what we do have is even more vague is even more suspicious.
              >But the big three won't reveal anything
              Yeah no shit, they're not the ones who need to reveal the sales that should at least be GameMill.
              It took around a week for the Multiversus devs to reveal how many downloads the game got. GameMill, or anyone working on the game, hiding the numbers is suspicious.

              • 5 months ago

                >Biased assumptions
                Oh brother. Getting mad won't change the truth. It's a success, look at NASB 1 and the frick ton of people that got scammed by it. Even LowTierGod paid full price for two versions.

                Even people who bothered to actually track the game after its launch is saying it did well. Let it go, it's not a failure just because you don't like it. You're going into full conspiracy theory mode to insist that they're hiding something.

              • 5 months ago

                Haven't you been reading what i post?
                I don't give a shit about what random eceleb has to say, i want official sales numbers from an official source.

                So you can frick off with your babyraging, homosexual. Your ranting and conspiracy theories won't change that it's officially thought of as a success if they describe it as such. With NASB 1 getting DLC and a higher budget sequel.

                No one official thought the game a success, no one has said such a thing, and don't say "But the sequel", no, i already said why that means jack shit.

              • 5 months ago

                You won't get it. Gamemill doesn't care to post concrete sales data because it's a shovelware company. Insisting that because Multiversus did it that means NASB has to do it or it flopped is an insane amount of conspiracy theorying.
                >No one official
                Devs literally said it performed beyond their wildest expectations. The game wasn't even set to get DLC until it did from the game's performance. The sequel wouldn't have a bigger budget if NASB flopped and the kart racers prove that.

              • 5 months ago

                >You won't get it. Gamemill doesn't care to post concrete sales data because it's a shovelware company. Insisting that because Multiversus did it that means NASB has to do it or it flopped is an insane amount of conspiracy theorying.
                They won't release sales yet they (Or at least someone working on the game) would give out the more vague info possible? That's suspicious.
                >Devs literally said it performed beyond their wildest expectations.
                That means nothing when their wildest expectations was such a low bar.
                >The game wasn't even set to get DLC until it did from the game's performance.
                DLC was confirmed before the game's release, i already told you this.
                >The sequel wouldn't have a bigger budget if NASB flopped and the kart racers prove that.
                And what makes you think the kart racers did get bigger budgets for thei sequels?
                In fact, the kart racers are proof that Nick and GameMill will give any game a sequel no matter how much it flops.

              • 5 months ago

                Gamemill doesn't care and is notorious for not communicating. And look at this tiny ass dev team, none of them are gonna have the time nor opportunity to grab at sales data. Only Gamemill would have that. The fact that it "passed the low bar" like you mentioned means that made enough to succeed.
                >DLC was confirmed
                Since when? I don't remember seeing that.
                The kart racers still look and feel extremely low budget. NASB 2 clearly got some favoring of Nick, it did not flop just because you say so.

              • 5 months ago

                >Gamemill doesn't care and is notorious for not communicating. And look at this tiny ass dev team, none of them are gonna have the time nor opportunity to grab at sales data. Only Gamemill would have that
                Then where the the revenue info came from?
                >The fact that it "passed the low bar" like you mentioned means that made enough to succeed.
                Something can jump over bar placed right on the ground but just because people were expecting it to trip over it doesn't make that jump any impressive.
                >Since when? I don't remember seeing that.
                During the big hype train the game got before release.
                >The kart racers still look and feel extremely low budget.
                Yes, but the sequels are at least bigger budget than the first one.
                >NASB 2 clearly got some favoring of Nick
                Over blind hype that has clearly worn off.
                >it did not flop just because you say so.
                And i can not believe in it being a success just because you say so.

              • 5 months ago

                It came from steam bro. As I said, we don't know the full picture. You personally not finding the jump impressive doesn't mean it didn't succeed lol.
                >big hype train
                source? We didn't know shit about DLC until the Universe Pack. The official NASB twitter account never announced anything like that, the trailer was just dropped on us after launch.
                None of the kart racers have NASB 2's budget. Make all the excuses you want but the fact that Nickelodeon gave them a bigger budget this times shows it did succeed.
                >Just because I say so
                There's more supporting it. You have to resort to dumbass conspiracy theories. Not only that, but you say I'm biased but you actively hate the game. The devs words have more value than yours no matter how hard you whine.

              • 5 months ago

                >It came from steam bro
                Can i get a link?
                >source? We didn't know shit about DLC until the Universe Pack.
                We didn't know what'd be in it but we did know that DLC was coming.
                >None of the kart racers have NASB 2's budget.
                But the budget was bigger than the first.
                >Make all the excuses you want but the fact that Nickelodeon gave them a bigger budget this times shows it did succeed.
                It shows they overestimated the hype and interest.
                >There's more supporting it. You have to resort to dumbass conspiracy theories.
                I can say the same about what you're saying.
                >Not only that, but you say I'm biased but you actively hate the game.
                >The devs words have more value than yours
                The devs have no words about it, they have said nothing. Everything that you want me to believe that comes from the devs has been your words without any proof that they come from any of the devs.

              • 5 months ago

                I gave you the link. It's literally that article where it sources GameSensor's forecast from Steam.
                >DLC was coming
                Again, where? Give a source, DLC was not confirmed until after launch.
                >But the budget was bigger than the first
                Yet, again, still less money put into it than NASB 2.
                >Shows they overestimated the hype
                Headcanon. It's a response to the fact that the first game sold extremely well. Which it did, a lot of people who never even touch licensed games got NASB 1.
                >"No u!"
                You literally have to brush off the devs words and insist that because Gamemill didn't personally share it then that must mean it flopped. That's slippery slope logic.
                >The devs have no words about it
                Literally said it exceeded expectations with you resorting to "it doesn't count" tier logic.

              • 5 months ago

                >I gave you the link. It's literally that article where it sources GameSensor's forecast from Steam.
                Oh yeah that. Already gave my thoughts on that.
                >Again, where? Give a source, DLC was not confirmed until after launch.
                Here's an article from September 2021, a month before the game released. They were in talks for DLC a month before release.
                >Yet, again, still less money put into it than NASB 2.
                You're missing the point here, the point being not that it got the same amount as NASB2, but it got more than kart racers 1.
                >It's a response to the fact that the first game sold extremely well. Which it did
                Again, this is just your word, nothing official.
                >a lot of people who never even touch licensed games got NASB 1.
                Yeah, competitive players who don't give a shit about the Nicktoons and dropped the game after a week.
                >You literally have to brush off the devs words and insist that because Gamemill didn't personally share it then that must mean it flopped. That's slippery slope logic.
                Again, you have not given any of the dev's words. All you have been doing is giving me your own words and trying to pass it off as the dev's.
                Unless you're one of the devs yourself i have no reason to believe in your words.
                >Literally said it exceeded expectations with you resorting to "it doesn't count" tier logic.
                And like i said, it being so vague is suspicious. Not to mention how such vagueness is a tactic companies use to make something seem bigger than it actually is.

              • 5 months ago

                I don't care what you think. What is shown is pure fact. Fact that you're handwaving while having the nerve to tell me I'm biased.
                Yes, TALKS. That's what I said, DLC wasn't fully approved nor expected to happen. The game did well. That's not an official announcement or confirmation that it's coming.
                >You're missing the point here
                Your point falls flat since NASB 2 is specifically getting favored treatment like I said it was.
                >Competitive players who don't give a shit
                Doesn't matter, don't move the goalposts. They bought it and helped make it a success.
                >All you have been doing
                Nope. You're shifting the goalposts now and conventionality trying to brush off that you believed it but said that it's a low bar so it magically doesn't count.
                >Vagueness is a tactic
                Except we can see for ourselves that NASB 1 had no budget so it clearly made back what it put into the game. That's a fact. There's documented history of the game having a ludicrous amount of people buying and playing that's disproportionate with the actual quality of the game.

              • 5 months ago

                >I don't care what you think. What is shown is pure fact. Fact that you're handwaving while having the nerve to tell me I'm biased.
                You have given me to prove that what you're saying is fact.
                >Yes, TALKS. That's what I said, DLC wasn't fully approved nor expected to happen. The game did well. That's not an official announcement or confirmation that it's coming.
                The fact that they were in talks is proof that DLC was considered before the game actually release.
                Also actually read the article i sent you, it outright confirms DLC.
                >Your point falls flat since NASB 2 is specifically getting favored treatment like I said it was.
                And like i said Nick overestimated the hype and interest. Don't try to make this go in circles.
                >Doesn't matter, don't move the goalposts. They bought it and helped make it a success.
                It does matter because they proved how little they actually care about the game. And stop calling it a success when you still don't have any solid evidence.
                >Nope. You're shifting the goalposts now and conventionality trying to brush off that you believed it but said that it's a low bar so it magically doesn't count.
                I'm not shifting any goalposts. You just haven't provided any proof that what you're saying is the words of the devs. The only thing you have proved is that you take everything you hear from the devs at face value without question.
                >Except we can see for ourselves that NASB 1 had no budget so it clearly made back what it put into the game.
                That doesn't make the sales impressive, it just means the game was dirt cheap, the least impressive "success" story anyone can ever tell.
                >There's documented history of the game having a ludicrous amount of people buying and playing
                The game peaked at 9k on steam and the numbers tanked fast, yet you act like it did as well as Street Fighter.
                >that's disproportionate with the actual quality of the game.
                Well at least you can admit that the game is crap.

              • 5 months ago

                It's fact that it made the team lots of revenue from steam. You essentially just went "I don't caaaaareee, you're biased, doesn't count!!!".
                >DLC was considered
                Read what I'm saying, moron. The devs wanted DLC but Nick and Gamemill wasn't as into the idea. That much was given about game development history of NASB 1. Nickelodeon calls the shots with everything and has the final say, not the devs.
                >Nick overestimated the hype
                Your point means literally nothing. You failed to change my point that NASB 1 was a success.
                >And stop calling it a success
                I call it whatever the frick I want lol. I have more solid evidence and proof than you. You just handwave it because you don't personally care. And nope, what you're babbling about means frick all. I don't care whether or not they care, that's irrelevant to my point. You're moving the goalposts to b***h about a completely different topic.
                >I'm not shifting any goalposts
                Yes you are. You're making completely random and irrelevant points to what I'm saying. "You take everything you hear from the devs at face value" so sorry for not putting on a tinfoil hat with you anon. You have zero solid evidence that shows what they're saying is false. Your only counter to their words is you personally not finding that impressive. As if your opinion means shit.
                >That doesn't make the sales impressive
                Doesn't change that it's a success, dumb frick. By objective definition its a success. You not finding it impressive doesn't change the fact.
                >Yet you act like it did as well as Street Fighter
                No the frick I'm not, moron. Again, for the standards of a licensed game with zero budget, it getting players in the thousands at all shows the game did a lot better than you think it did.
                >Well at least you can admit the game was crap
                Not once have I said NASB 1 wasn't flawed.

              • 5 months ago

                >It's fact that it made the team lots of revenue from steam
                Revenue that has to be split between four companies. I hope you knew this.
                >You essentially just went "I don't caaaaareee, you're biased, doesn't count!!!".
                I never said i didn't care.
                >The devs wanted DLC but Nick and Gamemill wasn't as into the idea. That much was given about game development history of NASB 1. Nickelodeon calls the shots with everything and has the final say, not the devs.
                Yeah no shit. That doesn't disprove what i'm saying about the DLC. Like i said, read the article.
                >Your point means literally nothing. You failed to change my point that NASB 1 was a success.
                Ignoring the fact that this doesn't address what you greentexted.
                You haven't changed my point that NASB1 wasn't a success.
                >I have more solid evidence and proof than you. You just handwave it because you don't personally care. And nope, what you're babbling about means frick all. I don't care whether or not they care, that's irrelevant to my point. You're moving the goalposts to b***h about a completely different topic.
                The only thing i have to say to this is back at ya. Seriously, everything you said here would make more sense if i were telling it to you.
                >Doesn't change that it's a success, dumb frick. By objective definition its a success. You not finding it impressive doesn't change the fact.
                Calling it a success when it's made dirt cheap is disingenuous. Whatever success you claim the game has is disingenuous for the simple fact that it was made cheap. That's not what people would consider a fulfilling success. The only people who'd consider such a story a success story are hacks.
                >Not once have I said NASB 1 wasn't flawed.
                Never said you did. Just saying that it's nice of you to admit that.

              • 5 months ago

                Another goalpost shift. Thanks for nothing anon. Gonna lie to me too? You actively dismissed the article without even reading it.
                >That doesn't disprove what I'm saying
                Yes it does. It wouldn't have got DLC if the game bombed. Use common sense.
                >It wasn't a success because I said so!
                Cope harder. You had to resort to bringing up irrelevant shit. People bought the game, it sold. You cannot revise history.
                >"no u!"
                Try again. You didn't provide a single worthwhile evidence that suggests NASB 1 didn't do well.
                >Calling it a success when its made dirt cheap is disingenuous
                Nope. NASB 1 passed a point that shows it made a good amount of money for a licensed game. Your idea that it can't be a success because it's dirt cheap is objectively wrong. Get a grip on reality. You not finding it fulfilling is your personal opinion, doesn't change that it's a financial success.
                There's nothing to admit either, moron. I said from the very beginning that NASB 1 isn't great but sold well.

              • 5 months ago

                >You actively dismissed the article without even reading it.
                Actually i have read it before.
                >Yes it does. It wouldn't have got DLC if the game bombed.
                It would if it were planned before release.
                >You had to resort to bringing up irrelevant shit.
                What are you referring to? Not to mention everything you've been saying is "The game was a success because i said so!"
                >You didn't provide a single worthwhile evidence that suggests NASB 1 didn't do well.
                The fact that it was ditched so fast for a sequel is a good sign.. When things do badly a sequel tends to be rushed out to compensate.
                And you have yet to give any good evidence yourself, everything you brought up i have provided counter points to that you just try to counter by repeating yourself.
                >NASB 1 passed a point that shows it made a good amount of money for a licensed game.
                It being a licensed game means jack shit. Just because it's a licensed game doesn't mean it should be treated any differently.
                >Your idea that it can't be a success because it's dirt cheap is objectively wrong.
                Not being able to sell at least a million (Especially compared to the hype it got) and losing over 90% of players in a week isn't what i'd call a success no matter how cheap it was made.
                >You not finding it fulfilling is your personal opinion, doesn't change that it's a financial success.
                Like i said, the only people who'd consider such low sales and playerbase a success just because of how cheap it was to make are hacks.
                >There's nothing to admit either, moron. I said from the very beginning that NASB 1 isn't great but sold well.
                Yeah, that's you admitting that the game is crap.

                >Something can't be a success if its made cheap
                Actual moron.

                I never said that, you misinterpret me.
                What i'm saying is that a bomb is a bomb no matter how cheap it is.

              • 5 months ago

                It isn't a bomb though. It's clear you're a dipshit that doesn't know how investment works.

              • 5 months ago

                Yet no one has given any solid evidence that it wasn't a bomb.
                NASB2 sold even worse with a bigger budget so so much for for that investment.

              • 5 months ago

                You're the one that claimed it was a bomb. The burden of proof on you to prove how it bombed. There's more leaning to it making the money it needed to make.

              • 5 months ago

                You clearly didn't.
                No it wouldn't have. Again, Nickelodeon calls the shots. The game was only getting DLC if it made money to justify further investment.
                >Not to mention everything you've been saying is "The game is a success because i said so!"
                You're projecting. I gave sources that clearly show the game made money but you brushed it off because it didn't suit your narrative.
                >When things do badly a sequel tends to be rushed out
                Objectively wrong. Gamemill was just greedy. Your counterpoints weren't good counters. They were handwaves and you stating your personal opinion. Like how you think it's not impressive in your own opinion so that must mean it bombed.
                >It being a licensed game means jack shit
                Fricking idiot. It means a lot actually, low budget games have less to earn back than triple A titles.
                >Not being able to sell at least a million
                Nothing shows it didn't. That's your assumption and playerbase. It sold to justify further support and a higher quality sequel.
                >Low sales
                It's called different standards for a different game, moron. That's like saying every game that isn't a best seller a complete flop. And again, low budget games making double what they initially invested in is a success for the standards of a licensed game. You're a fricking moron to argue otherwise.
                >That's you admitting the game is crap
                Thanks for continuing to show how much of an illiterate dumbass you are.

              • 5 months ago

                playerbase doesn't equate to financial success.

              • 5 months ago

                >You clearly didn't.
                Now you're trying to gaslight me.
                >No it wouldn't have. Again, Nickelodeon calls the shots. The game was only getting DLC if it made money to justify further investment.
                Yes it did. Nickelodeon were wanting DLC after noticing the hype it got before release.
                >You're projecting.
                >I gave sources that clearly show the game made money but you brushed it off because it didn't suit your narrative.
                Sources that i debunked and provided counter points to, and then you responded by repeating yourself.
                >Objectively wrong.
                Oh please, this has happened before with Nick's kart racing games.
                >Gamemill was just greedy.
                If that's the case then they would have kept milking NASB1 if they thought it was successful enough to milk it dry.
                >Your counterpoints weren't good counters. They were handwaves and you stating your personal opinion.
                How is me pointing out the fact that companies give out vague info to make a product seem bigger than it actually is an opinion?
                >Like how you think it's not impressive in your own opinion so that must mean it bombed.
                Don't twist my words, i never said that, what i was saying is that the game bombed so it's not impressive.
                >It means a lot actually, low budget games have less to earn back than triple A titles.
                No shit. But now you're going into a whole other conversation about the problems with the industry, that basically boils down to NASB isn't special.

              • 5 months ago

                >Nothing shows it didn't. That's your assumption and playerbase.
                And nothing proves it did. That's just your assumption based on vague information.
                >It sold to justify further support and a higher quality sequel.
                If the game actually sold well then it would have gotten more support instead of being ditched as soon as possible.
                >It's called different standards for a different game, moron. That's like saying every game that isn't a best seller a complete flop. And again, low budget games making double what they initially invested in is a success for the standards of a licensed game.
                And like i keep telling you, those standards are so low that it means jack shit when it only manages to get slightly above those standards, yet you act like it went above and beyond all the way to the moon.
                >Thanks for continuing to show how much of an illiterate dumbass you are.
                You just agreed with me a while ago that the game is crap, so you admit the game is crap. Don't try to take it back now.
                And you know, it's really saying something about you when i'm the one who's actually polite while you're the one seething like a sperg.
                You know, you're actually lucky that NASB isn't as big as you think it is because if it were you'd have people less forgiving than me laughing at you.

                You're the one that claimed it was a bomb. The burden of proof on you to prove how it bombed. There's more leaning to it making the money it needed to make.

                Actually it was someone else who made the claim that it was a major success and all i did was disprove it, provided a counter points and debunked evidence.
                I wasn't the one who started this.

              • 5 months ago

                Nope, never said the game was crap, moron. You can't provide a single instance where I completely said that NASB 1 sucked. It giving disproportional success with the laundry list of issues doesn't equate to me seeing the game the way you do.
                >seething like a sperge
                You're such a pansy lmfao. You get called an idiot for saying stupid things so I must be seething.
                >less forgiving than me
                lol, I interacted and debated with countless anons. They don't match the narrative you made up about them and they're far less stubborn to boot. Meanwhile you'll actively ignore actual dev words of the game being bigger than they ever imagined. And you ignore it, claiming it doesn't count since it doesn't fit your narrative.

              • 5 months ago

                Stop lying, homosexual. The other thread clearly shows another anon trying to claim it was a failure then you hopped on arguing. You didn't debunk evidence either. You just said you didn't care about an e-celeb despite that e-celeb providing numbers and history of purchases. He made better informed decisions than you, you were dumb enough to try and compare it to Multiversus.

              • 5 months ago

                Nice headcanon but that's not confirmed. You're a massive hypocrite, directly trying to repeat what I say and throw it back at me because you lack good counters.
                >Sources that i debunked
                You didn't debunk shit. All you b***hed about was "muh e-celeb" without watching the video. You say I'm gaslighting you but you've done a good enough job at gaslighting yourself.
                >This has happened before with Nick kart racing games
                You mean the games that got zero support or DLC.
                >They would have kept milking NASB 1
                Not really, the devs wanted to make a sequel and Gamemill took advantage of that as they helped pour lots more budget into it. But they were greedy enough to rush the devs on the sequel and intentionally sold it at full price in an attempt to capitalize on the first game. Matter of fact, they had NASB 2 launch with different packs, like $80 and $70 packs. Your idea of "milking NASB 1" wasn't the only thing they could do and how they priced NASB 2 is a testament to that. They also made the DLC more expansive than last game too.
                >How is me pointing out
                Dumbass. You straight up said that the game can't be successful because you think the sales weren't impressive
                >Don't twist my words, I never said that
                You literally fricking did. Saying that because the bar is on the ground that means what it earned doesn't count even though that's not how it works.
                >Whole other conversation
                No I'm not. The game was made with no budget so it getting lots of money.

                >Nothing shows it didn't. That's your assumption and playerbase.
                And nothing proves it did. That's just your assumption based on vague information.
                >It sold to justify further support and a higher quality sequel.
                If the game actually sold well then it would have gotten more support instead of being ditched as soon as possible.
                >It's called different standards for a different game, moron. That's like saying every game that isn't a best seller a complete flop. And again, low budget games making double what they initially invested in is a success for the standards of a licensed game.
                And like i keep telling you, those standards are so low that it means jack shit when it only manages to get slightly above those standards, yet you act like it went above and beyond all the way to the moon.
                >Thanks for continuing to show how much of an illiterate dumbass you are.
                You just agreed with me a while ago that the game is crap, so you admit the game is crap. Don't try to take it back now.
                And you know, it's really saying something about you when i'm the one who's actually polite while you're the one seething like a sperg.
                You know, you're actually lucky that NASB isn't as big as you think it is because if it were you'd have people less forgiving than me laughing at you.
                Actually it was someone else who made the claim that it was a major success and all i did was disprove it, provided a counter points and debunked evidence.
                I wasn't the one who started this.

                >Vague information
                Because 2-3 mil revenue on steam alone is vague. It's more concrete than your dogshit opinion.
                >Ditched as soon as possible
                How stupid are you? It objectively wasn't. It had a year of support and straight up spent extra money to add voice acting.
                >Those standards are so low
                Making the game a success. It doesn't need Smash numbers to succeed when it's a much smaller project. An entire point of a product is to earn money back from what was invested. Which is exactly what NASB did in spades

              • 5 months ago

                *it getting lots of money matters more. Not only that, but it definitely made it into the millions, with the game's unknown amount of sales being officially confirmed to make millions in revenue. You didn't have a counterpoint to that, you just resorted to a weak argument of "w-well that revenue goes to the company anyway...", a weak counter.

              • 5 months ago

                >Something can't be a success if its made cheap
                Actual moron.

              • 5 months ago

                So you can frick off with your babyraging, homosexual. Your ranting and conspiracy theories won't change that it's officially thought of as a success if they describe it as such. With NASB 1 getting DLC and a higher budget sequel.

    • 5 months ago

      Got any proof?

  2. 5 months ago

    It would've been if not for the roster cuts. sucks cuz they made some good roster additions, the addition of Norbert and Daggett was based, yet they really removed a character as iconic as Catdog

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        The theme song was just that good

  3. 5 months ago

    If Bowser did the butt pound thing on his head, he'd get a prostate exam.

  4. 5 months ago

    I like how this game makes people genuinely angry.

    • 5 months ago

      Actually it's contempt.

  5. 5 months ago

    TARD FIGHT!!!!!!

    • 5 months ago

      What are your thoughts?

    • 5 months ago

      >34 replies
      >6 posters

      • 5 months ago

        Quite a show.

  6. 5 months ago

    I really didn't like the first game's gameplay. Too much "wobbling" where you combo an attack into itself. Didn't bother picking up the sequel because the first didn't impress me. However, as a racist, I like that they added minorities to beat up, so I might grab it if it ever drops below 10 bucks

    • 5 months ago

      >However, as a racist, I like that they added minorities
      Hey, the first one had like three asians, a ginger, AND an illegal alien.

  7. 5 months ago
  8. 5 months ago

    This thread is all the autism in NASB threads reaching a crescendo

  9. 5 months ago

    >itt semantics
    a game is considered a success when it makes the money back, pays the bills and keeps the studio alive (every game can potentially bankrupt an indie studio).
    A game is succesfull though, when you still give a shit a year after. NASB is clearly not a succesfull game, nobody is playing it.
    >t-the devs said
    lol lmao

    • 5 months ago

      >A game being niche means it failed!

      • 5 months ago

        try again, this time with less strawmen and more copium.

        • 5 months ago

          nope, a shovelware game getting sales, a community even after its peak and a year of support is the opposite of failure. Being niche after a peak isn't failure otherwise Slap City's a flop.

          • 5 months ago

            you clearly don't play games, you think they are like movies and only focus on the peak interest and revenue. The game lost all it's players in less than a year, the sequel did fricking awfull and failed to farm public interest. Is not even a niche, it's a fricking flop.

            • 5 months ago

              >lost all its players
              It didn't though. NASB became a discord fighter like the average fighting game. It had a very dedicated community, a deceptively sizable and active one to boot. Constant tourneys and people playing in private lobbies. Same case for the sequel with the sequel having long term support AGAIN and an even bigger dedicated community. It's not a flop, you have no idea what the frick you're talking about. It's more well received than the first game too. Otherwise again, by your own logic, Slap City, Battle for the Grid and a lot of other games are failures because it became a discord fighter very quickly.

              The only legitimate problem involved the games being overpriced, making people feel scammed.

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