New Bond hopes/expectations?

>return to fun Bond
>no references to Craig Bond and a return to the old Bond and loose timeline. IE: no reboot/young bond garbage

>Bond codename meme will be pushed
>Craig Era actors brought back with 0 explanation
>somehow still likely better than Craig Era due to not every single movie being grim dark vs when Craig was cast
>quips more prevalent

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  1. 3 months ago

    Era actors brought back with 0 explanation
    That would be based because it goes against the continuity autism of Craigslop. It'd be a shame to recast when Fiennes is a great M. Recast the gay Q and troony black "Moneypenny" and also keep Ana de Armas.
    >quips more prevalent
    a Bond movie without quips is not a Bond movie hence why I hate CR and Skyfall.

    • 3 months ago

      >It'd be a shame to recast when Fiennes is a great M. Recast the gay Q and troony black "Moneypenny" and also keep Ana de Armas.
      I agree Fiennes did good as a M. My point is they'll keep gay Q and make references to Craig Bond to imply it's in the same timeline as Craig rather than the loose continuity the way things used to be
      >Bond movie without quips is not a Bond movie hence why I hate CR and Skyfall.
      Correct. Not all my expectations are negative. I'm actually slightly hopeful based on the casting. Wasn't a wannabe drama actor like Pattinson

      • 3 months ago

        The actor playing ((Q)) pretty much publicly begged EON to let him back so he's out, same with the Moneypenny actress. Fiennes is too high profile and a draw plus he's starred with ATJ before and they had chemistry in the short time they shared. They'll keep him as tradition since M's cross over. I think they'll purge any and all references to Craig besides having the same M. Continuity should never matter to Bond, it should be episodic always. Just do what feels right at the moment as the movies did with Cubby.
        >I'm actually slightly hopeful based on the casting. Wasn't a wannabe drama actor like Pattinson
        ATJ is 10/10 choice. He's young, fits the zeitgeist and is an up and comer with seasoned credentials but still someone the average person doesn't know. Great body for action, great looks and has great comedic timing and mixing it with action as seen in Bullet Train. It couldn't have been anyone else. This is a great day.
        >inb4 israeli
        No, his great grandmother was partially israeli. He's 99 percent English.

    • 3 months ago

      >a Bond movie without quips is not a Bond movie
      American post

    • 3 months ago

      They don't need to recast M. They didn't recast Judy. No one gives a shit about "continuity"

      • 3 months ago

        Exactly and it'd be a shame if you have such a fricking kino actor like Fiennes. If it was anyone else, I'd say recast.

        Just make it a white male power fantasy and have lots of comedy instead of stupid grim dark shit all the time. It's not that hard to make Bond, but they'll probably frick it up

        Amazon will buy Bond in a few years.

        The Bond franchise has always followed trends. So if I have to guess, I'll say it'll be tongue in cheek with constant quips and will likely contain five new side characters who will each get their own spinoffs with the grand plan of selling an extended Bond universe

        The cinematic universe shit is dead but you're right with the rest. I'd say they'd go for a John Wick/Bullet Train aesthetic and style.

        • 3 months ago

          I dunno. I feel like every action movie is ripping off Wick now. It's unironically more influential than Bond at this point. Doing the whole Wick style would be really desperate

          • 3 months ago

            I feel like they'll just stick to what they did with Brosnan. Not really harping on any style, just a standard action/comedy blockbuster. The kind that Leitch is making right now and that are making money. The ATJ report says they've locked him down and will start filming by the end of this year which means that 2025/2026 is very possible for Bond 26 to release.

            • 3 months ago

              >2025/2026 is very possible for Bond 26 to release.
              Christmas 2025 is my guess

              • 3 months ago

                Makes sense.
                >Die Another Day 2002
                >Casino Royale 2006
                >No Time To Die 2021
                >Devil May Care 2025
                that title is my idea because it sounds unique and also tells you all you need to know about a new Bond. I hope someone at EON thinks this too since it's a book title already.

              • 3 months ago

                >it's been almost 20 years since CR

              • 3 months ago

                i'm glad it's over, 20 fricking years wasted when we could have had Bondkino. It's over with now and Craig is officially replaced.

              • 3 months ago

                CR and Skyfall are good and I don't give a shit what this moronic board has to say about it

              • 3 months ago

                No. I'll give you CR but calling Skyfall good is embarassing. It's even more subversive and pozzed than Spectre and NTTD but you're a zoomer frick who shouldn't be posting here.

              • 3 months ago

                >subversion is bad!

                Literally have a nice day

              • 3 months ago

                Subversion is fricking bad, you fricking moron. It's a synonym for fricking evil.

                Harsh truth for Bondcels: the Bond franchise has been trash from the beginning and is the original Marvelslop

                >muh capeshit
                Not true at all, you fricking zoomerfrick.

  2. 3 months ago

    >somehow outdoes the prior movies on taking a giant steamy shit on bondgays
    >pretty much the same as hopes

  3. 3 months ago

    It's an outdated series and outdated archetype tbqh

    This stuff was compelling during boomer cold war decades

    Now nobody believes some international man of mystery power fantasy nonsense

    Just retire it so we can tell new stories

    • 3 months ago

      GoldenEye disproved all of that, you fricking well-poisoning pseud Redditor. People love Bond because he's a male fantasy where the male is free and at the top of his powers. He's not a real spy, he's a bonafide action hero.

      • 3 months ago

        goldeneye was nearly 30 years ago you delusional twat

        • 3 months ago

          The last movie did 800m despite being shit and in peak post-COVID.

          >never saw the last Craig movie where he's riding on the back of a moped while strong independent black woman leads the scene and i never will
          There were two parts of the movie I really liked. He comes out of retirement to show up mi6 and proves he's the best by accomplishing the mission with the CIA.

          Second, toward the end he gets in quite a few gun fights and at least for me reminded me of times when bond accomplishes the mission despite insane odds

          Then he dies and it ruins what bright spots there were

          >There were two parts of the movie I really liked. He comes out of retirement to show up mi6 and proves he's the best by accomplishing the mission with the CIA.
          what the frick happened? that was the only time in his 5 movies Craig acted like someone resembling James Bond. It was like they baited you FINALLY with him being a real Bond then they fricking killed him as you said.

          • 3 months ago

            >It was like they baited you FINALLY with him being a real Bond then they fricking killed him as you said.
            it's that LE SUBVERTING LE EXPECTATIONS type shit where the TV show will be called Surfboard vampire and it's not until the last scene of the final episode of the first season do you see the Vampire even touch a surfboard

            • 3 months ago

              People blame the woman from Indiana Jones 5 but she actually is based and said Bond shouldn't change or be more cucked for modern times, unlike Barbara and Craig. She even added more Bond quips, that entire Paloma sequence was written by her and it was the best part. Go fricking figure lol

  4. 3 months ago

    I'm very optimistic. BOND IS SAVED. I really wish Sir Roger was around to give his opinion. RIp, sweet prince..

    • 3 months ago

      We will see. Im cautiously optimistic. Barbara and Michael have done a number on Bond since Craig took the role.

      Hopefully the new guy actually wants to be bond unlike craig

      • 3 months ago

        Barbara is a bit of a dummy, she just got carried away with her adoration and possible love for Craig. I think with him gone, she's going to take a back seat and let the creatives do their work. I'm very optimistic. Her not cowering to her wokie friends and casting some mystery meat as Bond shows she's got her fangs back from when Brosnan was Bond. I'd argue Craig did a number on Barbara from how she was clearly head over heels for this fricking guy.

  5. 3 months ago

    Frick you. Don’t care, not watching

    • 3 months ago

      >fun Bond again like you said, the first Kingsman movie did very well for a reason, this guy was great in the train movie and very funny
      i think the Doctor Who reboot also showed how something with such longevity can invoke and harken back to the camp and weirdness of the 60s and 70s without it being too distracting

      >doubling down on "gritty" Bond
      >unbearably woke, (Bond won't be 00/007 and has to learn how to be a REAL secret agent from a black woman)
      >gay/bisexual Bond
      >"Bond girls" as a concept will continue to be ignored or bastardized with horrible/ugly women

      also this, never saw the last Craig movie where he's riding on the back of a moped while strong independent black woman leads the scene and i never will

      • 3 months ago

        >never saw the last Craig movie where he's riding on the back of a moped while strong independent black woman leads the scene and i never will
        There were two parts of the movie I really liked. He comes out of retirement to show up mi6 and proves he's the best by accomplishing the mission with the CIA.

        Second, toward the end he gets in quite a few gun fights and at least for me reminded me of times when bond accomplishes the mission despite insane odds

        Then he dies and it ruins what bright spots there were

  6. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      >all calls for a black/woman Bond have disappeared now
      A necessary sacrifice.

      >a Bond movie without quips is not a Bond movie
      American post

      moron mindbroken by capeshit. Bond quipping is one of his defining characteristics.

  7. 3 months ago

    >Period setting
    >Bond is more like the books

    >Modern setting
    >More "modern" Bond
    >Plot about how MI5 and colonialism is bad

    • 3 months ago

      >Period setting
      I honestly don't want a period piece. Feel like it limits how far bond can go and what you can show vs keeping it modern.

      • 3 months ago

        Period setting would kill the franchise and character for good and undo 30 years of work after the Cold War ended.

    • 3 months ago

      Ancient Roman setting. Bond could still be British, have chariot chases, and travel all over the world as an agent of the Empire.

      • 3 months ago

        >Victorian Era Britain Bond
        >Feudal Japan Bond
        >1920s Chicago Bond
        Fund it.

        • 3 months ago

          >Jason Vorhees vs Bond

          • 3 months ago

            >Bond vs. Alien vs. Predator
            Goddamn what the frick is Hollywood even doing?

  8. 3 months ago

    >keeps calling James Bond a cuck

    >unceremoniously killed after being built up

    what did they mean by this

  9. 3 months ago

    A completeley normal classic bond flick. Gadgets, actions, girls, evil villains with accents and so on. No modern twist, no reimagining, nothing. Don't even think about straying off the path
    Women, Black folk, women Black folk, belittling men and white racism

    • 3 months ago

      >A completeley normal classic bond flick. Gadgets, actions, girls, evil villains with accents and so on. No modern twist, no reimagining, nothing. Don't even think about straying off the path
      You know the funny part? If they came out with a pretty standard Brosnan Bond movie it'd make 2 billion because people only know Craigslop. It'd be revolutionary to just do what they did back then lol.

  10. 3 months ago

    Frickin hippie needs to cut his hair.

  11. 3 months ago

    >Bond's not a black woman, we won!
    The books were censored a year ago. There's never going to be a fun, macho, womanizing Bond again.

    • 3 months ago

      Books and comics had been cucked since forever. No one gives a shit about anything to do with Bond that isn't the Fleming novels, the movies or the games connected to the movies.

      • 3 months ago

        The Fleming novels were censored.
        I wasn't thinking about the latest book that mentions Le Pen and Farage and Brexit and whatnot.

        >The books were censored a year ago.
        Oh no
        >buys old copy that's cheaper than a new one

        Of course, but the point is that the Bond property is garbage and the movies will follow the right holders' wishes.

    • 3 months ago

      >The books were censored a year ago.
      Oh no
      >buys old copy that's cheaper than a new one

  12. 3 months ago

    The Bond franchise has always followed trends. So if I have to guess, I'll say it'll be tongue in cheek with constant quips and will likely contain five new side characters who will each get their own spinoffs with the grand plan of selling an extended Bond universe

  13. 3 months ago

    Just make it a white male power fantasy and have lots of comedy instead of stupid grim dark shit all the time. It's not that hard to make Bond, but they'll probably frick it up

    • 3 months ago

      I miss 90s Bond so much

      • 3 months ago

        Just make it a white male power fantasy and have lots of comedy instead of stupid grim dark shit all the time. It's not that hard to make Bond, but they'll probably frick it up

        Where did the time go, millenialbros? We need to RETVRN to PierceSOVL.

  14. 3 months ago

    Would make a cool OST addition imo
    This ain’t soul train

  15. 3 months ago

    Fun Bond and comedy oriented spy genre is now held by Kingsman, so theres that.

    • 3 months ago

      Nobody gives a frick about Kingsman or even remembers it, anon. Over Bond? Are you fricking high? The original will always beat the Reddit copy.

      • 3 months ago

        Wake up, it's a zooms world, nobody remembers Bond for what it used to be, no one cares for what its gonna be

        • 3 months ago

          You're fricking high, the news that ATJ will sign the contract lit up the internet much less when he is put on a press conference. People will ALWAYS prefer Bond, the original and the best. Zoomzooms don't give a shit about Kingsman, that's some millenial reddit fantasy subversion of Bond.

  16. 3 months ago

    Enough gay womanly ballads, let's get a male singer like Alex Turner for a rock Bond belter. Chris Cornell, Duran Duran and Tom Jones and a-Ha sang the best Bond tunes. Not the ladies.

    • 3 months ago

      For me it's Tomorrow never dies. Chris Cornell was overrated. Frick male singers.

      • 3 months ago

        I hate Craigslop but the Chris Cornell song was amazing. Do you mean the Sheryl Crow or K.D Lang song?

        • 3 months ago

          Sheryl obviously, it's a masterpiece

    • 3 months ago
  17. 3 months ago

    I hope everyone involved dies and they hire someone who is actually a British white alpha male.

    My expectations is I won’t go see the movie.

  18. 3 months ago

    lots of jokes about white people being evil and bond making comments about how misogyny is bad

    • 3 months ago

      You're so oppressed. I bet you were whining all these years about how the next Bond will be black.

  19. 3 months ago

    >Cavill robbed again
    It's over

  20. 3 months ago

    Harsh truth for Bondcels: the Bond franchise has been trash from the beginning and is the original Marvelslop

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