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  1. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago


  2. 8 months ago

    pastebin it or frick off

    • 8 months ago

      Shit was getting bad between Harmon and Roiland since the end of season and hit a boiling point at season 3. Roiland was barely involved outside of voices at that point. Big reason is Harmon filling the writers room with more and more of his friends. Lazzo even mentions how he hardly saw Roiland in the writing room.
      Apparently Roiland and Harmon had a big falling out in 2019 and barely spoke since.

      • 8 months ago

        >Roiland since the end of season
        *season 2

        • 8 months ago

          >without Roiland's tardmagic the show fell off
          >without Harmon to tardwrangle him, Roiland's Solar Opposites turned out to be a colossal piece of shit
          These two need each other.

          • 8 months ago

            Good luck Harmon admitting it.

          • 8 months ago

            Solar Opposites was fine besides the running sub plots like the wall. For all I know those are Justin's fault though.

            • 8 months ago

              >Solar Opposites was fine
              It's sad that he got cancelled, but you don't need to suck his dick this hard

            • 8 months ago

              I couldn’t handle the near constant referencing of old movies/shows/whatever garbage is floating through Justin’s head. Not even references half the time really, the characters just start talking about (insert media here) and how much they love it

          • 8 months ago

            What? Solar Opposites is fine. It's just low-stakes Rick and Morty, which in itself is already a massive improvement to the bloated mess that Rick and Morty has become. Only thing I don't care for is the Wall plot, which stopped being interesting after season 1.

      • 8 months ago

        >Shit was getting bad between Harmon and Roiland since the end of season [2] and hit a boiling point at season 3.
        Oh my god. That explains so much about the show.

        • 8 months ago

          Well when have Harmon squeezing out all the Indie writers for his clannish Hollywood friends. Show was on a fricking slope right then

      • 8 months ago

        >when Harmon filled the writers room with his friends and Roiland stepped down is when the show went to shit
        Explains so much. Truly nepotism ruins everything it touches.

      • 8 months ago

        I thought we've known this since the fricking premier of season 3.

        • 8 months ago

          Speculation about it has been around forever, but it was never fully confirmed with details until recently

        • 8 months ago

          Many anons were still in denial about it.

        • 8 months ago

          Yes we did and nobody denied it. There was no speculation we knew. We knew because all they did that season was showcase new writers and Harmon was going off the whole time about how proud he was of them.

          Was it a power grab? Who knows. But there was absolutely no denying that new writers were responsible for the shift in quality.

      • 8 months ago

        Look at any Behind the Episode they air right after, and you'll see a big fat frick who looks like he buys all of Harmon's beers, and a woman with a busted potato face talking about philosophic the story was in the episode, and it's not hard to realize Dan literally stole the show.

        Also he's a workplace predator.

      • 8 months ago

        that makes a lot of sense.
        the AI writers are already doing Harmon

      • 8 months ago

        >"nepotism is goo-ACK!"

      • 8 months ago

        "Friends" no, Harvard writers so Dan and Justin could focus on other things while letting the writers do more of the leg work. But that didn't happen and became a longer hour work week and Justin felt the oddman out and didn't like working all day. Over working in the writers room Was eventually fixed when Dan chose a talented show runner who could manage day to day operations far better outside and inside the writers room. Dan never finished college and never went to Harvard. Some of you autistic fricks like to start shit. The article is free to read on their website.

        • 8 months ago

          >the article is free to read on their website.

          Then why don't you try reading it again?

          And there it is.

          clearly states that the Harvard writers Harmon brought in were people he had worked with previously on his prior show Community. It's not unreasonable to assume he's probably friends with them.

          • 8 months ago

            Him being friends with them doesn't make them unqualified or make this nepotism. Networking is how the world works, dumbass.

  3. 8 months ago

    And there it is.

    • 8 months ago

      We already knew this

      • 8 months ago

        >This is a guy who likes being home with his dogs, not in a room with writers
        I see no problem with this

        • 8 months ago

          Well he agreed to write for a show and then signed for 7 more seasons or whatever the frick

      • 8 months ago

        >the team hired female writers, but this didn't stop harmon from doodling penis monsters
        what a bunch of literal pussies, they joined rick and morty and saw someone drawing crude sexual comedy and they keep having to mention this 24/7 as if it was traumatic

        • 8 months ago

          and the guys and roiland in general

        • 8 months ago

          Roiland not Harmon, but yeah.
          >he'd derail pitches and interrupt with sophomoric non sequiturs like, "What if his brains were on the outside
          >he doodled penis monsters and other vulgar characters!
          I think this is clear evidence that the new writers didn't understand the show they signed up for.

          • 8 months ago

            >he'd derail pitches and interrupt with sophomoric non sequiturs like, "What if his brains were on the outside
            if that's the only shit he's bringing to pitches, then yeah he's pretty worthless.

            • 8 months ago

              Goofy shit like that was a big part of show's appeal, or it was. More likely he would suggest something fun and stupid like that, then would get blown off and stop trying to contribute. Seems like the new people weren't willing to hear him out and just wanted him gone.

          • 8 months ago

            You'd think the fact the very first episode has Rick telling Morty to shove a seed up his ass would clue them in

          • 8 months ago

            >he doodled penis monsters and other vulgar characters

            That's like 90% of R&M alien characters though.

            • 8 months ago

              But the RICH HARVARD WRITERS arent into that

          • 8 months ago

            The new writers still throw in gross sophomoric jokes, so they knew exactly what kind of show they'd been hired onto. That "whiteboard" line from the Roiland article sounds like bullshit from the author, trying to make it seem like the new hires were somehow OFFENDED by Roiland's doodles when they were probably just annoyed by how he'd keep derailing things and making the writing process harder. The new writers likely still wanted to make a silly-but-smart cartoon, they just didn't like spending so much time entertaining a manchild who didn't want to work.

            • 8 months ago

              >The new writers still throw in gross sophomoric jokes
              Yeah but it feels forced and lame compared to how Justin did it

              • 8 months ago

                Case-in-point: Giant incest baby

              • 8 months ago

                I still can't believe an entire writers' room thought that shit was funny enough to call back to just 3 episodes later. Apparently Season 7 was written around the same time they saw all the audience blowback to Incest Baby, so hopefully they realize it's not so easy to make juvenile humor work.

              • 8 months ago

                Doesn't mean they were offended by how crass Rick and Morty could be. They just wanted a little structure. Writing the show is still a job at the end of the day, and it sounds like Roiland only enjoyed working on the show back when it was more experimental and unorganized, like how he pal'd around with friends to make his Channel 101 shorts. He just wasn't cut out for showrunning and wasn't mature enough to figure out how to step back the same way Seth MacFarlane or Pendleton Ward did. I wanna hear how he behaved at Hulu now.

              • 8 months ago

                Both Harmon and Justin fricked up, but I agree this is an accurate description of how Justin failed the show in his own way. The way Dan did it is louder and easier to see, but Justin had his own responsibility to it.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't think it's them being offended so much as wanting more structure and professionalism. I think you're right about that being the point of contention, but at the same time that loose experimental and unorganized approach to things can make things better.

              • 8 months ago

                >Using Ward as a positive example of stepping back and letting the writers work

              • 8 months ago

                Lol. This. Adventure Time's drop in quality is much larger than Rick and Morty's.

              • 8 months ago

                You talk like a b***h.

              • 8 months ago

                YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE, b***h!

              • 8 months ago

                The Paloni Show was a huge step forward for American animation and it's a tragedy that it couldn't last. Roiland was using his clout to give obscure animators a real budget and platform, and it led to some of the best animation I've ever seen on TV.

              • 8 months ago

                So you just want every cartoon to be an anthology series?

              • 8 months ago

                What? That's not what he said at all.

              • 8 months ago

                No, I just want more animation where the visuals are important. There were real cartoons in that anthology. I want to throw money at the people making them.

              • 8 months ago

                >The Paloni Show was a huge step forward for American animation
                eh, the shorts were very uneven.

            • 8 months ago

              After seeing the sperm episode I believe it 100%

          • 8 months ago

            Right. This was the moment that I realized that although Justin was totally a piece of shit, Harmon and his cronies probably were just as much so, wanted to be anywhere else as much as Justin and were more than willing to not only completely change Rick and Morty, but openly write into the show they would have wanted to be anywhere else, then essentially used this excuse to finally cut all ties with Justin and all pre season 3 writers.
            Honestly, as long as Justin gets royalties, he won, he can just retire, do indie animations again of all the crude shit he wants, and never deal with these homosexuals ever again while basically being remembered as Adult Swims first real big hit in pop culture.

      • 8 months ago

        >a turd with eyes
        Let this guy cook, there's potential there.

      • 8 months ago

        >worthless homosexual who was used to being the center of attention took his toys and went home when no one sucked his dick for his brilliant "turd with eyes" joke
        It's pretty obvious that the issue was always Roiland. He wanted all the praise and attention and respect that comes with being a good writer and creator, but he was and always has been fricking awful at everything he does. And when the standards got raised because of the popularity of the show, he got pissy and threw tantrums and pouted because it wasn't his poopy dickbutt show for overgrown manchildren anymore.

        • 8 months ago

          At the end of the day the show got worse without him.

          • 8 months ago

            The show wasn't that good to begin with. Harmon getting a big ego doesn't change the fact that Roiland was a seething manchild who would fuss and pout when he wasn't being treated like the coolest guy in the room.

            • 8 months ago

              seething seething seething, but never disproving my point. I like you

          • 8 months ago

            The show got worse because Harmon hired two writers whose only credits were "Return to Nim's Island" (a straight to video sequel of a straight to video movie for kids) for season 3. This is when the movie parody shit became super apparent (season opener was just a giant mad max parody)

            Harmon only hired them because he wanted to atone for his past mistake of sexualizing a female writer he (mutually) crushed on during Community. He felt the only way he could fix the problem was to help two women get into the industry (but these women were talentless, and only got their Return to Nims Island gig through nepotism)

            Things got better by season 4, and returned to form by season 5 (the Mr Nimbus episode is proof of that.)

            • 8 months ago

              So you’re in the “season 3 was the worst” camp huh? Interesting. I don’t envy these writers when the fanbase seems pretty divided on everything except for Season 1&2 being the best. To me, 4 and 5 is the dark age of the series and 6 is when it’s starting to get back on track.

              • 8 months ago

                >season 3 was the worst”
                Pickle Rick sucks, especially because of the scene where the therapist explains everything that's already been obvious to any fan, the writer who created that scene literally spoonfed everything and patted themselves on the back for it
                The mad max parody is gay
                The avengers parody fricking sucked (especially when the gay rapper, Logic, makes a cameo with no real punchline)
                The Beth and Summer shit was lame and lazy (wah teen daughter and mom eventually learn to love each other again. never seen this before...)

                Ultimately I got the feeling that the new writers (specifically the two females with no previous writing credits) didn't "get" the show, had maybe only watched a couple episodes, and were really just there for a paycheck and IMDb credit.
                Some of the lore was good though.

            • 8 months ago

              >and returned to form by season 5 (the Mr Nimbus episode is proof of that.)

              • 8 months ago

                >He controls the police
                A genuinely funny yet lazy concept/line that would've worked in season 1 and 2

              • 8 months ago

                >Jerry & Beth’s threesome
                >Rick being annoyed and having to awkwardly host a fancy dinner
                >Narnia portal fricking everything up
                >Summer ending the show on a solid note by tripping at the finish line and having Rick get his ass beat
                Great season opener. It all went downhill after the Decoys episode and then was saved by the lore dump at the tail end of the season.

            • 8 months ago

              >the Mr Nimbus episode is proof of that
              This was the only good episode in season 5. I don't know what people are smoking when they hate on season 3. Yes it started introducing many of Rick and Morty's issues, but overall it was a fine season. Better than seasons 4 and 6, and much better than 5

              • 8 months ago

                This. 5 was the show at its worst. Shit jokes and tons of derailment until the last three episodes. I’m not even that fond of the Birdperson episode in retrospect.

        • 8 months ago

          >rick and morty needs to be more mature
          >"standards got raised"
          This is the type of thinking that killed show

          At the end of the day the show got worse without him.


        • 8 months ago

          >the standards got raised
          Go back to bed, Dan.

        • 8 months ago

          >And when the standards got raised because of the popularity of the show
          Do you... believe the shit you're writing? I don't know how many times I've seen this kind of storyline come and go. Small project gets big, vultures smell the feast and swoop in, original team slowly gets replaced until the show/business/project is no longer recognizable from its humble beginnings.

          And of course homosexuals are going to be framing this as "drooling morons defending Justin Roiland??". Harmon won, that's the end of it. The only thing that brings me pleasure is that I can safely discard Rick and Morty from my watchlist. I've been holding out since season 3. The ship has long sailed.

        • 8 months ago

          >He was bad at everything he did, except make a wildly successful TV show

        • 8 months ago

          >man creates a thing
          >parasites come to take his thing
          >surprised when he doesn't like it
          you can't even say he should still try to do his best for the sake of other people's jobs because these people wouldn't have had trouble getting one. they're all just dans friends who he was gonna hire anyways

      • 8 months ago

        What made it good WAS the Channel 101 writers. Adding all these snooty community writers turned it into something else entirely. I like it because it felt like a fricking Channel 101 show

      • 8 months ago

        >“Dan is all on the page and mathematical about story breaking, and these guys that Justin hired were like, ‘Look, I drew a turd with eyes, let’s do a story about that.’”

        So one likes order and the other likes chaos and together they create worlds together. (fictional worlds) Holy frick guys! It's the physical embodiment of Ember and Umber!!!

      • 8 months ago

        Wow I'm actually on roilands side with this. Frick Harmon, always knew he was a b***h.

      • 8 months ago

        >"By Season 3 Rick and Morty had hired it's first batch of female writers"

        That explains a lot.

      • 8 months ago

        honestly i wouldn't be surprised fi everything that's happen to roiland were lies by dan's backstabbing buddies

        • 8 months ago

          Conspiratorial thinking does no one any good

          • 8 months ago

            That's exactly what a conspirator would say

        • 8 months ago

          >honestly i wouldn't be surprised fi everything that's happen to roiland were lies by dan's backstabbing buddies
          Dan and his buddies shot the guns, but Justin gave them the ammo.

      • 8 months ago

        >women writers
        to any TV execs or anyone on this board who might get into a position where you are being ordered to hire women for a previously all male team, hire a bunch of trannies off discord, none of them will care about crude sexual stuff and they can't claim you're not hiring women without offending people.

    • 8 months ago

      Wow Harmon is full of shit and just saw the shows success as a method to enrich his friends. Fricking shocker.

      • 8 months ago

        Hi Justin.

        You have no talent, you are a bitter, traumatized child who never grew up.

      • 8 months ago

        let's be frank. Justin is /ourguy/

    • 8 months ago

      What a fricking homosexual.

    • 8 months ago

      >if they were going to make a play for network primetime audiences, he reasoned, they'd need network primetime writers
      I can literally feel the soul being drained away

      • 8 months ago

        This was Dan’s biggest betrayal of the mission.

      • 8 months ago

        This. Harmon really pressured the show to become mainstream instead of letting it keep its unique identity and commit to a focused narrative.

        >The way that Rick and Morty is run now, Harmon believes it could mirror The Simpsons and continue for decades
        What show is he even trying to make then? Why is Season 7 even hyping up Rick Prime if we probably won't even see their showdown for another 5+ years? Are you telling a gripping story or are you shitting out another long-running sitcom?

        • 8 months ago

          >shitting out another long-running sitcom?
          This, obviously.

        • 8 months ago

          god I just miss the simple episodes from season 1 and 2. guess im glad that happened and my memory of the show wont be tainted by what it became (dropped it during the mulan sauce shit)

          • 8 months ago

            Too low IQ I presume. You wouldn't get it

    • 8 months ago

      What a moron. That being said Season 2 and 3 are pretty good anyway. The show didn't really shit the bed until Season 4, but still. Season 1 always had the most soul.

      • 8 months ago

        1 was best, but Season 2 was about as good I thought. 3 had some good episodes but a lot of weak ones, it was obvious things had changed. Then seasons 4 and 5 were passable but it kinda felt like a different show. Season 6 I actually enjoyed, even if it wasn't as good as 1 and 2. Maybe the new staff found their groove by that point. Feels like the show could still be a pretty fun sci-fi show from here on out, but the old soul of the show is dead and buried. It's sad because it had a unique vibe and that's what made it popular in the first place.

        • 8 months ago

          One thing anons look past is the turnover rate for this show. Many of the writers introduced in seasons 3 and 4 are gone and replaced

          • 8 months ago

            That's a good point. There's a lot more to it than just Dan and Justin.

          • 8 months ago

            That's standard now. Ditch your writers before they can have direct influence on the production of the episode they wrote.

    • 8 months ago

      It’s interesting to read all this. I remember one of the commentaries where Dan and Justin debate whether or not to have more movie parodies or something in the next season. The two were just too different it seems.

      • 8 months ago

        Who wanted more movie parodies?

        • 8 months ago

          Justin did. It’s the one for season 1 finale. Dan a bit iffy on whether or not doing a titanic spoof for the B story was the best idea while everyone else there loved it. Dan says it’s fine and all but just wonders why exactly and how they got there. He also mentions Community here so maybe he was just worried that he already did stuff like that too much? And then he straight up says no more pop culture stuff for season 2 and no more like “South Park style treatment of existing storylines” and Justin is like nah it’s fine as long as it’s funny. Justin literally says let’s not say no to anything until we try it? Dan figured they should just Matt and Trey do that kind of thing.

          So yeah. Putting aside all the creepy stiff Roiland did in his personal life, as far as why the show went downhill after season 2 and why Justin pulled back? All Dan.

          • 8 months ago

            Very interesting. Pop culture parody is one of my least favorite aspects of the show, wouldn’t have guessed that Harmon was the hold out based on the later episodes.

            >Following the ongoing identity crisis of the show is almost more interesting than the show itself at this point.
            Couldn't've said it better myself. It's fascinating to see the show try and juggle between comedy and drama, losing itself in the process. S6 is kind of starting to pick up the pieces again, but the new voices, the shaky production history surfacing this year, and the added pressure that comes along with it is gonna affect the crew even more moving forward.

            The writing was done by the time the drama came out so it’ll be Season 8 when we see what that really feels like. My guess is Season 7 will be a sister season to Season 6 like 4&5 were. If anything maybe a pinch more lore heavy.

            I keep trying to convince myself not to watch the new season.

            I'll probably end up watching it anyway, it will be all over here and Cinemaphile too

            You don’t have to? But as I said I still like the show when it’s mid so I’m still in. No shame in calling it quits if you hate it. Yeah it will be all over Cinemaphile and Cinemaphile.

            • 8 months ago

              >Pop culture parody is one of my least favorite aspects of the show,
              Would you include the movie parodies from the first season? I like those because they're always doing two movies at once and the way they're blended is clever.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, it’s always been one of my least favorite parts from the very beginning. Personally, I’d rather they lift from more obscure stuff like sci-fi short stories if they want to lift at all. Just takes me out of it and robs the show of its own thunder.

            • 8 months ago

              >Pop culture parody is one of my least favorite aspects of the show,
              Would you include the movie parodies from the first season? I like those because they're always doing two movies at once and the way they're blended is clever.


              Commentary if you guys wanna listen. Movie reference talk starts around the 7:00 mark. They’re all worth a listen though, especially knowing all what we know now. Prob will listen to them all again on the way home from work.

            • 8 months ago

              Actually season 8 has also been written pre drama, according to Harmon they wrote really far ahead

    • 8 months ago

      >Show was actually a success? Better bring in all my buddies and change it!
      >What the heck why does that upset you bro xd

      Euthanasia is needed.

    • 8 months ago

      >Harvard educated writers
      Ah yes clearly this is what a stoner comedy adult swim show needs. A room full of terrible fanfic writers. Not the guy and storyboard artists who made the show what it is. Truly a wonderful waste of money yes hiring 8-14 writers at 80k+ while the artists make nothing and lose even more rights to the show.

      This shit was all clearly made up because Justin is funny and creative god forbid other shows pickup is model or are allowed to be as free. No instead you gotta double down on cringe and shit no one is watching that is costing companies billions of dollars while the streaming market is getting more and more cut due to people only wanting to pay for netflix not over 9000k apps with one or two shows worth watching not even amazing shows just ok.

      >Translation I am a fricking moron who is wasting mommy and daddies money ruining the universities rep due to being moronic(literally) and screeching about marxism constantly.

      • 8 months ago

        Those first two Season 2 episodes were penned by Community writers that Dan Harmon brought on and they were fantastic. They built off the first season perfectly, so Harmon had a good eye for more educated writers who could still be goofy and funny. I feel like something just got rewired when he made Season 3 all about the divorce, and it hasn't been the same since. I still want to know how it was decided to make the whole family so fricking cynical out of nowhere. That was the main change that started pissing me off.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah season 2 was fine

        • 8 months ago

          >$12 maximum
          But they're doing the most popular show on TV.

    • 8 months ago

      We already knew this

      Didn’t the show also decrease in viewership when more of dan harmon’s buttbuddies got involved? I don’t even get why dan is still allowed to work on the show, he’s also been shown to be a creep, is it just because he gave himself more power than roiland early on by bringing in his buttbuddies?

      • 8 months ago

        The same article literally mentions his making amends with the writer he treated like shit after she turned down his advances. It also helps that Dan Harmon, while not always the most respectful of deadlines, still gets results. He's learned from his Community days and can be trusted to not be a competent showrunner without being such a hardass.

        Roiland on the other hand preyed on barely legal girls, got lazy in the office, and wouldn't even attend meetings or press events (would explain why we haven't seen him at a Comic-Con in years). He was a mess in both his personal AND his professional life. He burned all his bridges and lost any goodwill from his peers, at least at Adult Swim. I'm not sure how he was at Hulu tho. Mike McMahan and Michael Cusack have their own recent experiences with the guy.

        • 8 months ago

          Those bridges were ones harmon forced him to make and ones that ended up ruining the show by changing it into something completely different from its early run. Not defending roiland, but harmon is still a genuine wienersucker.

    • 8 months ago

      We already knew this

      Even in the Channel 101 days (used to watch it every week), Harmon was always his own worst enemy. It’s crazy to see someone as creative as he is constantly undermine and destroy anything he makes. The moment he makes anything with an iota of success he always takes the worst route and makes anything after season 1 (or 2 if lucky) shit. It’s such an odd habit that he never breaks.

      >I still don’t fully understand why.
      You turned a funny improve show into a deeply structured thing and ruined it for your shitpost friend. You Harmoned it.

      Yup. Every fricking time.

      • 8 months ago

        He is a low confidence narcissist and thus must sabotage his betters

    • 8 months ago

      We already knew this

      Wow. I think Roiland is a massive fricking tool, but Harmon sounds like a fricking parasite. Now we know the reason R&M fell off so hard. This motherfricker immediately wanted to bring in his rich nepo friends to turn the show into something it wasn't.

      After reading this I don't blame Roiland one bit for how he distanced himself from all of those people and the show.

    • 8 months ago

      Imagine these Harvard writers writing episodes of Venture Bros, Aqua Teen, Smiling Friends, 8 oz mouse, etc... Harmon is such a fricking tool.

      • 8 months ago

        >Venture Bros
        Haven't seen anything past season 1, but if they had Harvard writers, maybe they could have more seasons with less breaks between.

        >Aqua Teen
        ATHF already fell off before R&M was a thing.

        >Smiling Friends
        Would be interesting to watch the fallout with Hadel and Cusack doing commentary

        • 8 months ago

          >if they had Harvard writers, maybe they could have more seasons with less breaks between.
          And maybe it could have turned into soulless "comic books amirite" reference slop instead of the odd and distinctive show that it is.

          • 8 months ago

            >And maybe it could have turned into soulless "comic books amirite" reference slop
            I commend the show for not falling into that because it would've been so easy to do and might've made the show "mainstream".

    • 8 months ago

      We already knew this

      So basically Harmon made a hostile takeover for the show
      That's funny

      • 8 months ago

        >So basically Harmon made a hostile takeover for the show

    • 8 months ago

      >Harvard-educated Community writers
      >a play for network primetime audiences

      The show was the most successful thing adult swim ever did and has done. They don't need "primetime audiences" i.e. people who think The Big Bang Theory is brilliant.

      It's actually kind of shocking to me that Dan would openly admit all this.

      >but he insists that was not his intent

      He also insisted he wasn't threatening Ganz's job coming onto her, when he did just that.

    • 8 months ago

      >actual factual Community writers
      I KNEW IT

      Of course, there's other factors, but how fricking boneheaded does Harmon have to be to willfully admit that the shows turn was genuinely all his fault.

      • 8 months ago

        you know the writers are credited at the end of the episode right and not everybody is just now finding this out via this article.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah anon that's why I said everyone knew long before me. God, for as moronic as I am, you show an extra layer of illiteracy

    • 8 months ago

      So after season 1 he brought his friends
      After season 2 he brought in women he totally wasn’t trying to get with

    • 8 months ago
      Machine Jerk

      kek what a lie this is Rick and Morty was way bigger than fricking Community

      • 8 months ago

        Rick and Morty merch was sold at every big box store in the country, I don't even know what Community is but I can only assume it was awful.

        • 8 months ago

          It's on every major streaming network right now.

          >I don't watch [stream]

          Of course you don't, parasite.

    • 8 months ago

      No wonder I stopped watching after Season 2. I saw the blatant SJW-ization of it, the cuck episode was what cemented my opinion on it. Keep fetish shit to yourself.

    • 8 months ago

      >In order to succeed we must put my guys in charge
      >Even though we have already succeeded without them

    • 8 months ago

      >Wow I really like this writing it feels unique and cool i'll keep watching the show

    • 8 months ago

      We already knew this

      What a bumass

  4. 8 months ago

    Harmon probably rapes kids

    • 8 months ago


  5. 8 months ago

    >It was Roiland who suggested that they revisit one of his zanier shorts, an off-color parody of Back to the Future’s Marty McFly and Doc Brown, which he’d drawn for Channel 101 back in 2006. Harmon loved the idea, and the two hired their 101 pals to work with them. Initially, there was some pushback from Adult Swim about Roiland voicing both leads — in this case, a narcissistic, alcoholic genius (Rick) and his bumbling grandson (Morty) — but the network ultimately caved and the series premiered to widespread critical praise in 2013. And though the pair shares a co-creator credit, Harmon has always been sensitive to Roiland’s contributions. After all, they were his voices and his characters, even if many of the show’s writers suggest they’ve modeled Rick after Harmon. (Not all of them, however. Heather Anne Campbell, who joined the show in 2020, says the two have diverged over time: “Rick may be very intelligent and caustically funny like Dan, but the character is a callous, terrified man and, at least in the time I’ve been working here, Dan is open and almost recursively self-aware.”)

    >What happened next still rattles Harmon, which is one of the reasons he’s never publicly addressed it until now. When the show scored its second season, Harmon was eager to staff up, filling out their ragtag cable team with Harvard-educated Community writers. If they were going to make a play for network primetime audiences, he reasoned, they’d need network primetime writers. “If I had felt like I was imposing something, I would have never done it,” he says, having played the whole thing back in his head countless times over the past decade. He can see now how Roiland must have felt that that transition was about making the show more Harmon’s than his, but he insists that was not his intent.

    • 8 months ago

      >“If anything, what I wanted was for Justin and I both to be able to be increasingly lazy and not show up for work. That was the dream,” says Harmon. “We’d be these rich idea men. He could roll around and go, like, ‘What if a genie had a butt instead of a dick?’ And I could be like, ‘Yeah, and plus, we’re going to make people cry about it, and that’s going to make them freak out. It’s a story about a genie butt dick, but then we’d win an Emmy, and it’d be more ironic than ever.’ And then I’d come to find out later that it was like, ‘Oh, Harmon brought in his Harmon writers,’ and, man, that is not how I saw it.”

      >Roiland started to pull back during season two. By then, the room was working considerably longer hours, as Harmon obsessed over the show’s quality, and the environment was no longer as much fun. After the season wrapped, Roiland sat down with Harmon and acknowledged just how miserable he’d become working at the show. The implication, according to Harmon, was that it was his fault. “Honestly, I wasn’t sure what he was saying,” recalls Harmon, “other than, maybe, ‘I feel like I’m in your shadow and I wish I wasn’t.’”

      >Mike Lazzo, who was running Adult Swim out of Atlanta at the time, was aware of the growing tensions insomuch as he’d see signs when he came to visit. “Dan would be in the writers room and Justin would be running radio control cars around the studio,” says Lazzo, who gives Harmon the lion’s share of the credit for Rick and Morty’s success: “It’s so dependent on writing and character, and those are Dan’s strengths. I remember I’d get frustrated waiting on his scripts, but then they’d arrive and they would be masterpieces.”

      • 8 months ago

        >At some point in season three, Roiland simply stopped showing up. A mediator was ultimately brought in, but the exercise went nowhere. “I always felt like Justin wanted everybody to make him feel more comfortable, and I was just like, ‘Everybody wants to make you comfortable, communicate, tell us how to do that,’” says Harmon, who acknowledges: “I was freaking out about the whole thing because I wanted the partnership to function. I wanted him happy because when he’s happy, we have a hit on our hands.”

        >As drama waged behind the scenes, the show’s ratings continued to soar. Rick and Morty had quickly become the most viewed comedy among millennials in all of television. It was easily the most watched series in Adult Swim’s history. After season three, the two even managed to put their differences aside long enough to secure an additional 70 episodes, which was more than double the amount that had already aired. “It was like Justin and I were in love again, because we were dealing with the powers that be and talking about how rich we might be if we negotiated together,” says Harmon. But the moment was short-lived.

        >The last time he and Roiland spoke was over text in 2019, a conversation that left Harmon in tears. “He said things that he’d never said before about being unhappy, and I remember saying to him the last time we spoke in person, like, ‘I am worried about you, and I don’t know what to do about that except to give you all the string and also just say I’m scared that you’re not going to come back.’ But then this conversation became unprecedentedly confrontational.” Harmon stops himself there. “I think that’s as far as I get to take the story. At that point, we’re no longer both there for it, and it starts to become not only unfair for me to continue but totally uncomfortable because, from there, a friendship goes away, and I still don’t fully understand why.

        • 8 months ago

          >>The 70-episode deal proved transformative for the show and for Harmon, who used the opportunity to hire “a real showrunner” in Scott Marder. As Harmon explains it now, Marder brought a level of professionalism and structure to a production that sorely needed it, and it enabled him to relax his grip for the first time in his career. Rick and Morty writer Rob Schrab, whose friendship with Harmon dates back to their time on the Milwaukee comedy circuit, insists it was one of the smartest moves he’s made. “Dan is great as the person that’s going to sit on top of the mountain demanding quality, but the day-to-day management of the show needs to be done by somebody with a very special skill set,” says Schrab. “Honestly, I don’t think there’d still be a Rick and Morty if it weren’t for Scott Marder.”

          >The way that Rick and Morty is run now, Harmon believes it could mirror The Simpsons and continue for decades — though they’ve only aired 30 of the 70 episodes, and he’s been around the business long enough to know that nothing is promised. Adult Swim’s latest owner, Warner Bros., and its CEO, David Zaslav, whom Harmon has not yet met, could decide to pull the plug tomorrow. And in fact, there was a moment, earlier this year, when that felt plausible in a way that it never had before.

          • 8 months ago

            >On Jan.12, NBC News reported that Roiland had been charged with felony domestic violence in connection with a 2020 incident, which sent everyone involved with the show, many of whom have never actually met Roiland, into a tailspin. Roiland was later cleared of the charges due to insufficient evidence, but Adult Swim had already severed ties with him. When Rick and Morty returns for its seventh season Oct.15, it will do so without Roiland’s voice. They’ve hired two young, unknown voice actors for the roles of Rick and Morty, a process that Harmon says he largely avoided, mostly out of denial. “It’s all just sad because the goal is for it to be indistinguishable,” he says, “at the same time, it would be absurd to suddenly decide that the entire foundation of your creative project was, oh, coincidentally, unimportant.”

            >But a few days after my time with Harmon, the same outlet published a new report featuring nine separate accounts of Roiland’s alleged misconduct, which range from sexual harassment to sexual assault. To lure these women, Roiland, who has denied the allegations, reportedly leveraged his affiliation with the show and its success on social media apps and on dating apps. When Harmon and I connect again, more than a week later, he’s read the piece and he can no longer stay quiet.

            • 8 months ago

              >“The easiest thing for me to say about Justin has been nothing. Easy because he isolated so well and easy because I’m nobody’s first choice as a judge of anything or anyone. This is where I’d love to change the subject to myself, to what a piece of crap I’ve been my whole public life,” he says. “I would feel so safe and comfortable making this about me, but that trick is worthless here and dangerous to others. It’s other people’s safety and comfort that got damaged while I obsessed over a cartoon’s quality. Trust has now been violated between countless people and a show designed to please them. I’m frustrated, ashamed and heartbroken that a lot of hard work, joy and passion can be leveraged to exploit and harm strangers.”

              >If you spend enough time in Harmon’s company, retirement will come up. “I fantasize about it every day,” he tells me more than once. It’s not like the guy is looking at condos in Boca Raton, but he’s not so sure he is wired to thrive in today’s Hollywood, either. And from my very informal polling of the industry, plenty of suits still see Harmon as a liability. “He’s preternaturally gifted, but he’s also a lunatic,” one tells me; “I’m surprised he never got himself canceled,” says another. It may explain why he was never offered a nine-figure overall deal when Netflix and those trying to compete with Netflix seemed to be handing them out like candy. For the record, Harmon would have signed one in a heartbeat.

              >“I would have loved to tether myself to a place. I always used to joke, like, ‘Where do I sign up to sell out?’” he says, though he acknowledges there are real benefits to being a “redheaded stepchild,” which is how he characterizes himself and his patchwork of shows and lucrative distributor deals.

              • 8 months ago

                >Pre-strike, Harmon even had a serious conversation with executives at Warner Bros. about a Rick and Morty feature. He says they were all aligned on a kind of “super episode” conceit, the way that Matt Stone and Trey Parker approached the South Park movie years ago. He has plenty more percolating in development, too, including a musical and a multicam. “I’d have to check with my accountant, but it may be possible that the grand total of all these things is similar enough to the net of an overall deal that maybe I can finally go, ‘All right, that’s television, folks,’” he says. (To be clear, Harmon has had more than enough success to be financially secure for the rest of his life — but not necessarily the way that he’d like to live it. As he puts it, “I want to not worry about things, and I think that’s pretty expensive.”)

                >But the job itself has changed along with the culture, and Harmon has struggled to find his place. “I kind of feel like my job these days is to log in to a Zoom and tell younger, smarter, funnier, more conscientious people a bunch of bibble-babble about my personal life in reference to the story we’re trying to break, and their job is to patiently wait for me to leave the room so they can get back to work,” he says. “Because what else am I going to do? Go, ‘You’ve been awful quiet over there, Scott. Tell us about when you pooped your pants in the sixth grade.’ He can file an HR report about that now, and I can’t say that he’s wrong to do that. So, I just have to lead by example and go, ‘Here’s a story about me being a horrible person,’ and then leave it up to them. They’re the ones that are going to get canceled. They’re the ones who have to worry about their future careers. So, they listen and then they write things that are wonderful and funny in their own way, and it’s a good time to retire.”

              • 8 months ago

                >including a musical
                Rick and Morty on Broadway?

                >To be clear, Harmon has had more than enough success to be financially secure for the rest of his life — but not necessarily the way that he’d like to live it. As he puts it, “I want to not worry about things, and I think that’s pretty expensive
                I don't know what the frick this means. But the dude took a selfie with the Chapo socialist revolution book, so he's a hypocrite.

              • 8 months ago

                >I don't know what the frick this means. But the dude took a selfie with the Chapo socialist revolution book, so he's a hypocrite.
                tbf, understanding that you need to have capital in order to survive under capitalism is not the same as being a ruthless capitalist

              • 8 months ago

                >gibs me dat

              • 8 months ago

                Does this sound like something that would justify wealth accumulation?

              • 8 months ago

                What a brainlet.

              • 8 months ago

                Socialism isnt a vow of poverty lol, its a preferred set of economics that favors the working class over the owner class. At its most basic it replaces profit with pro social motivations. But its not a vow of poverty lol and many socialist leaders, particularly in the 1800s, were men and women of decent inheritance or means. Engels himself was born into a wealthy family and used that wealth to publish marx and his work as well as to fund socialist groups. But you dont even need to do that to be logically consistent tbh. As a socialist you are saying "capitalism has inferior outcomes, a worker owned economy would be superior" not "I HEREBY VOW TO LIVE IN MUD SO SAYETH THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL"

                Analogy; at a disaster relief station food is being distributed based on a game of eenie miney mo. You are not a hypocrite for saying "this is a bad way to distribute food" and also lining up hoping to be picked.

              • 8 months ago

                Socialism is unamerican devil-worship. All of human history comprises the struggle between the USA, led by Jesus Christ and his capitalist good works, and socialism led by Satan and his ministers.

              • 8 months ago

                >>“I would have loved to tether myself to a place. I always used to joke, like, ‘Where do I sign up to sell out?’” he says, though he acknowledges there are real benefits to being a “redheaded stepchild,” which is how he characterizes himself and his patchwork of shows and lucrative distributor deals.
                What's that thing Orson Welles says about self-depreciation and narcissism?

              • 8 months ago

                I googled and didn't find anything. Are you sure it was Orson Welles?

              • 8 months ago

                I googled and didn't find anything. Are you sure it was Orson Welles?

                I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man. He has the Chaplin Disease; that particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge. Like all people with timid personalities his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he loves himself; a very tense situation. It's people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it's the most embarrassing thing in the world - a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Every thing he does on the screen is therapeutic.

              • 8 months ago

                He also claims George Jean Nathan drinks piss and likes it, lest anyone take Welles' shit-talking too terribly seriously.

              • 8 months ago

                I'll take it to heart, Dan.

              • 8 months ago

                I get you Welles isn't wrong at all about woody types but he's displaying another kind of arrogance.

              • 8 months ago

                >tfw he's literally talking about me
                quiet arrogantbros...

          • 8 months ago

            >Harmon believes it could mirror The Simpsons and continue for decades
            Oh god please no NOOOOOO

            • 8 months ago

              Has Dan always been this much of a sellout? I swear he used to have some kind of integrity back in the Community days

              • 8 months ago

                He got old and just wants to collect his paycheck. He’s autistic enough to still want it to be good but he put limits on how much he’s allowed to work and rationalizes it as more healthy for him to let the team take care of it more now.

              • 8 months ago

                Harmon would LOVE to sell out for good. He says so in the interview. He's not a man of integrity.

              • 8 months ago

                He rightly figured out that the probability that he does something that’ll get him canceled is only going up with time. Better sell out while he can.

              • 8 months ago

                He's realized how hard it is, and how much of a dinosaur he is. When he started he wanted to work and make shit and show everyone what cool shit he could make. Now he's seen the industry is just a never ending minefield of tripwires and drama and he just wants to cash out and retire. But he's too paranoid to retire now with what money he has, he wants to set up a big recurring payday so he can actually relax and not worry about future living costs which are ramping up considerably. So no amount of 'set for life' money will ever help you relax when in ten years it could be 'not enough money to live on at all.' And he can't exactly come back and ride on nostalgia with a reboot of something he worked on since he's only really got community and R&M.

                Setting up a retirement fund is a never ending game, you never feel like it's enough and you're always getting older and shitter and closer to death but you want to be secure so you end up in the nicest care facility possible.

            • 8 months ago

              He Sacrificed uniqueness for middling.

          • 8 months ago

            >Aspiring to become a zombie show, shambling on only because of pop culture inertia

            That's unbelievably pathetic, especially for self-proclaimed creatives. I understand quietly resigning yourself to comfortable and financially lucrative stagnation. But to aspire to it?

            • 8 months ago

              It’s clear that’s what Lazzo wants so he’s saying what his boss wants to hear.

        • 8 months ago

          >I still don’t fully understand why.
          You turned a funny improve show into a deeply structured thing and ruined it for your shitpost friend. You Harmoned it.

          • 8 months ago

            You mean he Britta'd it.

        • 8 months ago

          > a friendship goes away, and I still don’t fully understand why.
          It's not you Dan, it's the people you keep.

          So the story is that Harmond hangs out with buttholes and the only reason Roiland didn't get unceremoniously expelled by S3 because he was the main VA

        • 8 months ago

          This is really such a shame. I feel like more than ever this a repeating story in the creative process nowadays. Liberal deep, progressive storytelling vs. wacky conservative ararchic comedy and storytelling. Every franchise seems to be struggling with this, but damn when they come together it's usually fricking fantastic. I feel like people have trouble making it work, so we get preachy soap box garbage or edgelord shit that goes off the rails when they try to oppose each other so hard. I want my balance again. If anything both men and their project are a byproduct of the time. I kind of feel bad for Dan here, he just doesn't even know what circle and movement he's in and it why it pissed off Justin. At the same time he's made his own mistakes and played the innocent liberal card. And Justin once again seems like a genius marred by a man child, autist-like wall around him. He never grew up, it's why he grooms kids. And he copes with it by being "edgy." Many such cases.

          What a disaster. It makes me genuinely sad reading this.

          • 8 months ago

            >wacky conservative ararchic comedy and storytelling

            1. It's "anarchic".
            2. Conservative and anarchic are ideologically opposed, you moronic skunk.

            • 8 months ago

              I don’t think that’s true anymore dude. Righties used to be the sticks in the mud and the lefties were the free spirited creative thinkers. Nowadays it feels like the opposite.

              • 8 months ago

                Honestly bro it feels like both sides have a bit of both at this point. Everything everywhere is homogenizing; even political parties, in spite of how much they like to show off their mutual loathing for each other. I can't pinpoint when or how exactly, but people seem to have less and less interest in the "why" of what they do, and more of the "what". They're bleeding reason, bleeding purpose and direction, flocking to the feet of "role models" to do the thinking and research for them. That's just how things are going to be from now on, in this gay-ass, performative clown show of a world.

              • 8 months ago

                that's because one side is running both.
                they're not hiding it, it was literally in the news

            • 8 months ago

              Come again? I didn't quite got that last part.

            • 8 months ago

              You are not paying attention anon, you're too ideologically sunk to realize it.

            • 8 months ago

              You're not aware of the modern political realignment.

        • 8 months ago

          >Harmon turns your shitty flash cartoon shitpost into a real show
          >you get deals that make you both rich as frick
          >he brings in some writers to do all the work so you can focus on doing silly voices and being the face of the most successful new cartoon of the current age
          >you start sulking and playing fricking RC cars in the office
          >get interested when you sign a deal for more money
          >immediately zone out and fight with harmon over fricking text messages because you're too much of a puss to talk man to man
          >check out and blame him for 'ruining' your sweet gig that you never would have had without him

          Roiland really is a grade A pussy ass piece of shit holy frick. The lol wacky mr poopface bits were always the worst part of the show and I'm glad he's fricking gone. What a baby. I guess life is gonna be so hard now that he can just sit on his ass collecting residuals all day, such a terrible turnout oh now. Poor baby.

          • 8 months ago

            He's really ungrateful for Harmon giving his big break. Would it really have been that hard to hire writers who match your sensibilities as well? You're the fricking CO-CREATOR. Nut up or shut up.

            You're right about the residuals too. As long as Rick and Morty keeps printing money, Roiland wins.

          • 8 months ago

            He's really ungrateful for Harmon giving his big break. Would it really have been that hard to hire writers who match your sensibilities as well? You're the fricking CO-CREATOR. Nut up or shut up.

            You're right about the residuals too. As long as Rick and Morty keeps printing money, Roiland wins.

            You guys wonder why people don't like you.

            • 8 months ago

              Roiland is not gonna frick you anon, I promise you

              • 8 months ago

                Good, I'm straight and like girls. I'm sure you do too, but get really mad at them when they don't like you, just like Dan.

            • 8 months ago

              >You guys wonder why people don't like you.
              Never wondered that a day in my life mate. I've got plenty of friends who aren't frickos like you.

              • 8 months ago

                And they either don't like you or are even bigger losers sucking your farts just like Dan's friends.

    • 8 months ago

      Nowadays, it feels like that's a red flag no matter the profession.

      • 8 months ago

        >Become president
        >Start one of the most hated and embarrassing American wars

        Yea may as well set own house on fire when you see it.

        And now all those writers will be getting even better benefits.

      • 8 months ago

        You know who tells people they went to Harvard?

        Unsuccessful people who went to Harvard.

    • 8 months ago

      >Heather Anne Campbell, who joined the show in 2020, says the two have diverged over time: “Rick may be very intelligent and caustically funny like Dan, but the character is a callous, terrified man and, at least in the time I’ve been working here, Dan is open and almost recursively self-aware.”)

      How many of Dan's wiry gray pubes have gotten stuck next to McDonald's apple pie in her teeth you reckon?

  6. 8 months ago

    I heard uhhh Justin didn't actually adlib it was a actually Dan telling him to say that.
    Actually it was a voice changer. Justin didn't even work on the show. Who's Justin?

  7. 8 months ago


  8. 8 months ago

    And suddenly we all believe self-professed pedo dan Harmon?

    >he said it as an edgy joke

    • 8 months ago

      Roiland dropping out after season 2 is common knowledge at this point. Anons have been trying to say this years before the allegations. Harmon brought in female/numale writers, Roiland stopped writing, Ridley noped the frick out, as well as other classic writers. I'm shocked that Harmon is finally admitting to it

    • 8 months ago

      It’s not a matter of believe what he says or don’t, it’s a matter of look at the kind of homosexual this guy is. He’s delusional, talking about how he thought if he brought in a bunch of elite educated writers they could turn his funny little show wiener and balls show into Emmy winning gold. The entire article is just Dan throwing himself under the bus, unintentionally

      • 8 months ago

        But it did win several emmys, so was he really wrong?

        • 8 months ago

          No he was just wrong for thinking Emmy=Good show

          • 8 months ago

            That's not what he was saying at all though. He was saying how fricking funny it would be for a shit show about a genie with a dickbutt to win an emmy.

  9. 8 months ago

    >Roiland is a wacky and zany guy who needs Harmon to keep him from writing jokes about Morty sucking off Rick
    >Harmon is too much of a weepy liberal to stop himself from giving his characters depression and his own childhood issues.
    No wonder their solo ventures suck

  10. 8 months ago

    I hope that Roiland did in fact end up doing it and Harmon also commits a crime so they both have to share a prison cell

    • 8 months ago

      Sounds like something that could get a tv series

  11. 8 months ago

    Read the article. My conclusions:
    > Roiland is a chronic terminal redditor, what the frick is his problem
    > Dan Harmon can make a good show without Justin Roiland but not the other way around

    • 8 months ago

      Even from Dan’s side of the story you can tell they both fricked it up. The real question is who fricked up first. My intuition says Justin couldn’t hang with how fricked it is to work with Dan (which is a blood, sweat and tears process but results in a better show). Dan took over the vacuum and the two never were able to meet each other halfway. Lazzo respected Dan more so the accusations and stuff were just exploited to oust Roiland and protect a brand. Meanwhile Dan has somewhat checked out and handed control to the new writers.
      >Dan’s a control freak
      >Justin couldn’t hang
      >Show suffers

      • 8 months ago

        Arguably when it comes to making a cartoon show a lot of people burn out because of how many things you have to over see. Look at Alex Hirschnin Gravity falls.

      • 8 months ago

        >The real question is who fricked up first.
        I think it's more complex than that. Dan has a history of being a self-absorbed asshat who torpedos all his relationships and Roliand is obviously a moronic ADHD sex pervert who's too autistic to function in any kind of professional setting so it's really more a case of throwing two volatile compounds into a pot

    • 8 months ago

      but Rick and Morty went to shit when Roiland and the channel 101 guys weren't leading the writing room and Harmon filled it with homosexuals

    • 8 months ago

      > Dan Harmon can make a good show without Justin Roiland but not the other way around

      • 8 months ago

        Community was a good show, gay

        • 8 months ago

          Nah not really

        • 8 months ago

          It was. I always heard it went downhill too though. I only watched the first season.

          • 8 months ago

            It went downhill because Harmon left and it kind of picked up again (but not really) when he came back. The main issue is that like a 3rd of the main cast had left by the point he came back, but I like Keith David and the Breaking Bad old man whose name I forgot.
            My main problem with Harmon is that he seems to think that if he tried really hard to be sincere and earnest he'll succeed, but it always comes off as an irony broken man doing a bit. If you can stomach that he's funny.

            • 8 months ago

              >My main problem with Harmon is that he seems to think that if he tried really hard to be sincere and earnest he'll succeed, but it always comes off as an irony broken man doing a bit.
              This is the most accurate description of Community that I've ever seen, and it's been my favorite sitcom for a decade now. Proud of you, Anon. I'm gonna use this when describing the show to people.

        • 8 months ago

          yeah, and so was Rick and Morty. Guess what the prevailing consensus for Community is in its latter seasons, and how many seasons are we at with Rick and Morty? bit of a running theme for Harmon, huh?

          • 8 months ago

            Community went to shit the moment they replaced Harmon as showrunner. So no, not much of a running theme.

        • 8 months ago

          there's no point arguing with Roliand simps, they don't actually care they just want to defend their base moronic groomer because they self-insert as him (a white man in a world that has declared war on white men or something)

          • 8 months ago

            The show was better when Roiland was more involved, simple as

          • 8 months ago

            >suddenly seething about white men

        • 8 months ago

          Community can be traced as the root of most of western media going to shit. Frick that piece of shit.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah, its good for an entirely different reason than OG Rick and Morty.

          People love The Office and Family Guy, but you'd never make either show better if you swapped writing teams.

    • 8 months ago

      >Dan Harmon can make a good show without Justin Roiland but not the other way around
      They both can make good shows. Solar Opposites is good.
      Dan can miss the mark too. Krapopolis is awful.

      • 8 months ago

        How much of Solar Opposites is Roiland and how much is McMahan tho? The nonstop references that

        I couldn’t handle the near constant referencing of old movies/shows/whatever garbage is floating through Justin’s head. Not even references half the time really, the characters just start talking about (insert media here) and how much they love it

        mentions could be attributed to anyone. I'm not all that familiar with McMahan's comedic sensibilities to know for sure.

        • 8 months ago

          My God what a sloppily edited poster

          • 8 months ago

            Korvy is so cute

            • 8 months ago

              >Korvy is so cute

              Yes anon we know

              • 8 months ago

                Pupa would’ve cleared, easily.

              • 8 months ago

                Why do you think they said "besides Pupa"? They alreadly knew that

              • 8 months ago

                >The sole female alien is the most disliked/least popular one


              • 8 months ago

                I’m not surprised that Jesse’s the least popular

              • 8 months ago

                The consequence of not allowing your female characters to be funny or have any personality traits besides "Girl"

              • 8 months ago

                Off Topic but WHY exactly is it so hard for adult sitcoms to write teenage girls? They're either chew toys like Meg Griffin, a nagging ass b***h, or just flat out boring as hell

                Bob Burgers is probably the only one where the girls aren't complete stereotypes

              • 8 months ago

                Oh frick it I'll just make my own thread on this

              • 8 months ago

                Because they're such grotesque creatures that there's no way to faithfully portray them without making them repulsive to the audience.
                >chew toys
                >nagging ass b***h
                >flat out boring as hell
                The overwhelming majority of actual teenage girls match not just one of these criteria but multiple.

              • 8 months ago

                straight up the reason is patriarchy. I'm not hating I'm just being realistic. women are dumb or whatever etc etc but that's the reason

              • 8 months ago

                That's not even fair though. Jesse is just as much of an idiot as the other Solar opposites. Her defining trait is that she's actually got a moral compass, but she's never a stick in the mud. Maybe the problem is that she just blends in with the rest of the cast.

              • 8 months ago

                Korvo is uptight and insecure, Terry's the CRAYZAY goofball with catchphrases, Yumyulack's the violent one who shit-talks everything but still wants to fit in at school, Pupa's the cute marketable baby mascot, and Jesse… is the nice one? She'll crush on a boy sometimes? She wants to be chummy with her brother? Her character is literally just "the teenage girl." She's not boring, but she is the least defined of the bunch.

              • 8 months ago

                Jesse is given a "girl boss" personality

              • 8 months ago

                What does that mean?

              • 8 months ago

                I actually kinda like these Humanizations better than the ones we actually got in the show but goddamn I'd be lying if I said Korvo in that image wasn't giving me some massive Johnny the Homicidal Maniac vibes

              • 8 months ago

                Lmao they pulled a Hotel Transylvania when it came to the Solar's humanizations. Only except instead of them being ugly, I saw people complaining about them being WHITE

              • 8 months ago

                Jesse has plenty of funny moments though. She's just held back a bit by the fact that she's also the (relative) voice of reason and morality

              • 8 months ago

                Based SolOppschad. I wonder if Eric Bauza's gonna take over for Poopybutthole. He wasn't too bad as Red Goobler.

          • 8 months ago

            Graphic design is a passion

      • 8 months ago

        It's better than SO

  12. 8 months ago

    honestly feels a little scummy. I don't think either of them are good people, but Harmon's clearly more experienced with showrunning.

    Last few seasons felt like they were phoning it in, so I think I'll stop keeping up with this show.

    • 8 months ago

      It lost that edge because Harmon filled the whole place with standard dreg Hollywood writers

  13. 8 months ago

    This sad piece of shit shouldn't be allowed to work in the industry

  14. 8 months ago

    >invites 'professional' writers
    >changes environment which made the show succeed and be unique
    >show becomes another soulless cashgrab
    >top branch hates Justin, but begrudgingly keep since he's the main VA
    >friendship goes away, and I still don’t fully understand why
    wow, it's almost like selling out to corporate shitstains makes people lose passion for their work and grows resentment for the guys who did this

  15. 8 months ago

    So Harmon is an butthole and Roiland an insufferable manchild. That explains a lot.

    • 8 months ago

      >So Harmon is an butthole and Roiland an insufferable manchild.
      we literally already knew both of these things

      • 8 months ago

        But that anon you responded to didn't know that

    • 8 months ago

      I watched the doc he made about his podcast Harmontown a few years back, there's a section where they interviewed Sarah Silverman and she recounts having to fire Harmon for being hard to work with. He was also fired from Community for similar reasons. And now there's this. But, at the same time, Roiland is spoiled tard that didn't know how to play ball. The show needed structure, the lol random schtick would've gotten old quick, and the general consensus for Solar Opposites is that that show needed someone to wrangle his ass

      • 8 months ago

        >Sarah Silverman
        Is a semitic c**t that made the worst claymation cartoon ever alongside Rogan.

  16. 8 months ago

    >the creative force behind Rick and Morty
    sucking his dick already

  17. 8 months ago

    Did Harmonquest die with VRV?

    I mean as D&D shows go the players weren't great but the semi live aspect of it and the animation made it fun to watch.

    • 8 months ago

      I actually also enjoyed Harmonquest, and I'm pretty sure it's dead in the water now

  18. 8 months ago

    This shitshow should have been canned rather than renewed for a million episodes.

  19. 8 months ago

    >muh sanitised smug middle class rich kid Harvard writers
    that explains so much about what happened to the show

  20. 8 months ago

    >Hey, Dan, let's make this fun show based around those characters I HAVE
    >We can make fun and zany, but you can add heart and structure, it will be like PB and J.
    >Crazy, what now?
    >Let's change the writing and everything that is about you. And add A TON of MCU references, b***hes love MCU
    >wait, wha...
    >Nah, forget it, this is not working. You fired, this is my show now, this will fix things
    >also, you are now a pedo, there is no evidence supporting this, but you are a pedo now
    >"well, i just din't know what happened", said Dan, completely confused about the situation

    If something the last 5 years taught me is, never hire women to your team, if you are obligated to hire women in to your team isolate them to avoid drama and if you can work on a project alone, work on it alone, because the chances are the moment it makes any sort of success you will be backstabbed by everyone close to you.

    Is true I'm upset, but those are valuable lessons to learn. So I'm also grateful, even if I don't seem like it.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm glad im not the only one seeing things this way, it's fricking crazy.
      I don't care what you think of Roiland but Harmon seems like he needs a good sock in the mouth.

    • 8 months ago

      Ironic when we know Harmon doesn't like capeshit. I guess he knows what sells.

    • 8 months ago

      idk much about this beyond enjoying a bit of rick and morty, but the interview does make out Harmon to be deceitful dick

    • 8 months ago

      >be harmon
      >have aspirations of creating "high art"
      >work on television instead
      >eventually find a way to marry the two with high effort writing
      >need total control for high effort writing
      >eventually ruin everything you touch because of this
      >make a habit of getting out early to solve this problem
      >"not my fault it got bad"
      >new show becomes a monster-mega-second coming of jesus slam hit
      >merchandising is crazy. producers are crazy.
      >can't get out early
      >"muh high art"
      >run show into the ground

      many such cases

  21. 8 months ago

    The show was about taking ridiculous things seriously. Low brow high art. Dan knew without spontaneity that his stuff eventually becomes old, so he hoped to partner with a rogue/out there creative mind and make it work.
    The problem is Dan has more pull and Dan is autistically the stronger voice in the room. As the stronger voice, it was up to Dan to protect Justin from the more serious side of writing and take his input seriously, but instead Dan stuck to his side of the formula too much, and flooded the room with too many people that fall on his side of the camp. Justin could have stepped up, but based on what I’m reading this was Dan’s fault. He squeezed the partnership too hard his way and it broke.
    The only way I could be wrong is if Justin really wasn’t prepared for running a show at all and was immediately over his head and Dan had to act to keep it moving, which is possible.

  22. 8 months ago

    This explains the frustration of wanting “classic Rick and Morty Adventures like season 1”.
    The fanbase felt the change when Justin was stifled.

    • 8 months ago

      >They were supposed to eat up whatever slop we threw at them!!

      • 8 months ago

        But they did? The show still prints money.

        • 8 months ago

          Then why are the scripts so insecure about audience reaction?

  23. 8 months ago

    ...oh. You mean when the show became noticeable worse?

    • 8 months ago

      uhm ackshully only works if it isn't true. So yeah he stopped and it sucked

      • 8 months ago

        What? It's specifically used for people being overly technical.

  24. 8 months ago

    >Partner with guy for his wacky sensibility
    >Drown out his wacky sensibility until he becomes the office monkey

  25. 8 months ago

    I wonder if Justin was able to get more control over Season 6. His comments saying it was a step up are interesting (and I like Season 6 way better than 3-5). Wonder how things would have turned out if the unproven accusation hadn’t come out.

  26. 8 months ago

    Season 1 and 2 was Justin and Harmon era
    Season 3 was Harmon era
    Season 4 and 5 was Harmon faking Justin era
    Season 6 was Harmon taking a step back for the writers era

    • 8 months ago

      >Season 1 and 2 was Justin and Harmon era

      An era with penis monster aliens, giant bugs ruling the galaxy as a federation, aliens that are uncomfortable about human nudity, Bird Person, Squanchy, Gearhead, Abradolf Lincler, Mr Poopybutthole, miniverse, Interdimensional Cable, cronenberged Earth, Purge planet, Council of Ricks

      >Season 3 was Harmon era

      the era that gave us Pickle Rick, Mad Max parallel earth, Vindicators, divorced Jerry, President overstaying his welcome, mostly writing out the federation, Toxic R&M, Morty's Mindblowers

      >Season 4 and 5 was Harmon faking Justin era

      era of planet Glorzo, Snake World, Vat of Acid, Mr Nimbus, writing off Jessica, Planetina, Heistcon, Story Train, clone families, Go Tron robots and outdated anime references, Space Beth, giant incest baby, return of Bird Person, writing off Evil Morty and the Citadel

      >Season 6 was Harmon taking a step back for the writers era

      era of fortune cookie megacorp, trying to wedge in Rick Prime, Night Family, Piss Master, dinosaurs, Morty merged with a video game while Summer does a Die Hard, the final episode that was just a 20 minute adaptation of a 15 second Robot Chicken sketch

      • 8 months ago

        Season 5 will go down in history as the Season that proved that R&M fans don't like it when they're the butt of the joke.

        • 8 months ago

          Good. Making the show itself a joke is just hack shit. Take it seriously or don’t, pick one.

          • 8 months ago

            >take it seriously
            >Rick and Morty

            You deserved to be mocked.

            • 8 months ago

              You’re allowed to feel that way. But if the writers feel that way then they don’t deserve fans. Simple as.

      • 8 months ago

        >the final episode that was just a 20 minute adaptation of a 15 second Robot Chicken sketch
        Oh god I forgot that this episode was a thing. Christ. It's like the writers heard "explore an idea until it's fully fleshed out" and then tried to do that with an idea that has no flesh.

      • 8 months ago

        Personally I really liked the Harmon faking Justin era

        • 8 months ago

          I'm sure you would, Han Darmon.

        • 8 months ago

          Really? Season 4 and 5 are usually seen as the worst.
          For me it’s 1=2>6>3>4>5

          • 8 months ago

            I’m one of the weirdos who likes Season 3 overall. 4 and 6 are on mostly equal standing, with 5 being the one that almost ruined the show's reputation worse than the Szechuan Sauce craze. If it hadn't been for the first two episodes and the last three, I think more fans would agree it's where Rick and Morty hit rock bottom.

            • 8 months ago

              Season 3 is underrated but it has the unfortunate position of pussying out of Season 2’s finale and having a really weak finale. I’d agree that 5 is worse than 4 but I still think 6 is a step in the right direction.

            • 8 months ago

              the sauce thing was just more proof that harmon is a perfectionist egoist. It would have been so easy to walk that one off. Ruining the show is better I guess

            • 8 months ago

              I never got all the praise for that vat of acid episode, like the main flaw with the vat idea was making it look like they willingly jumped into it instead of setting up a scenario where they appear to accidentally fall into it.

      • 8 months ago

        Season 6 also had the Beth selfcest ep.

  27. 8 months ago

    I still like Rick and Morty when it’s mid, so I’m still in it for now. Following the ongoing identity crisis of the show is almost more interesting than the show itself at this point. If Season 7 can be as good as Season 6 or better I’ll still be happy with the work. Sad how it turned out, though.

    • 8 months ago

      >Following the ongoing identity crisis of the show is almost more interesting than the show itself at this point.
      Couldn't've said it better myself. It's fascinating to see the show try and juggle between comedy and drama, losing itself in the process. S6 is kind of starting to pick up the pieces again, but the new voices, the shaky production history surfacing this year, and the added pressure that comes along with it is gonna affect the crew even more moving forward.

      • 8 months ago

        I'm still wondering why Dan left Starburns and made a new production new company. Starburns is basically dead now and hasn't done anything of note except podcasts in the better part of a decade.

    • 8 months ago

      I keep trying to convince myself not to watch the new season.

      I'll probably end up watching it anyway, it will be all over here and Cinemaphile too

      • 8 months ago

        You can't escape Rick & Morty. It's still too big to ignore.

        • 8 months ago

          I dropped it after season 2 and I've been fine.

    • 8 months ago

      Damn anon, I've been looking for someone to suck turds out of my ass and you sound like you love eating shit.

  28. 8 months ago

    I’m gonna laugh when the anime adaptation absolutely BTFOs the main show with a team that isn’t full of egoistic homosexuals.

    • 8 months ago

      The anime will likely be the best version of the show in years.

      • 8 months ago

        No one’s topping Bushworld Adventures

        • 8 months ago

          In a sick twist of fate Bushworld feels like what Justin would have wanted the show to be. Poor bastard.

          • 8 months ago

            That’s probably why it’s my favorite thing to come out of rick and morty since season 2

        • 8 months ago

          we kneel

    • 8 months ago

      why would it? All the ‘anime’ shorts we’ve seen already clearly indicate an inability to understand the appeal of the series. You’re gonna go to bat for shit like the samurai short?

  29. 8 months ago

    I hope Roiland makes new shorts someday at least. Would be a shame if he never made cartoons again.

    • 8 months ago

      this became 100x funnier after binging the cosby show.

      • 8 months ago

        My dad who grew up with Cosby thought he was having a stroke because he was laughing so hard at it.

  30. 8 months ago

    I think you guys all of a sudden simp for Roiland because you all have had girls accuse you of shit you did or didn't do, right? You suddenly SIMPathize with a guy if a girl tries to drag him down because you can relate personally to that?

    • 8 months ago

      Mostly I see people just saying the show was better with Roiland being more involved. That's not an endorsement of him as a person or anything he did outside of the show.

      • 8 months ago

        This. I’m a fan of the show and calling it like I see it, it’s not that deep.

    • 8 months ago

      I can't take anyone seriously if they still defend Justin. I feel for him having lost the passion he once had back in the early seasons, but it’s still his own fault for not shaping up and realizing that he was running an actual TV show. Also the grooming shit.

    • 8 months ago

      Learn how to separate the work from the laborer. No one gives a frick the guy who designed and brickd up your patio has a felony. Same should apply here.

    • 8 months ago

      >someone sees a clear injustice
      >complains about it
      >someone is incapable of understanding why if is not about projection, selfishness or petty revenge
      I know you are baiting but the simply fact you can pretend to think like this shows a lot about you.

      • 8 months ago

        Roiland has expressed attraction to minors, I can buy he did shady shit on the side. That being said I think he has made good work, he's still a very sleazy guy who just didn't know when to take shit seriously

        • 8 months ago

          "Minors" as in teenagers? Everybody is, you just don't act on it.

        • 8 months ago

          Wanting to frick Summer isn’t weird no matter how much you pretend it is.

          • 8 months ago

            Summer is an annoying teenage girl who can be a good foil to Morty and who clashes with Rick in funny ways. She’s generally dumb, immature, and also looks like Jerry. Justin has garbage taste.

            • 8 months ago

              >Looks like Jerry
              Tired meme. Opinion invalidated.
              Summer has a sexy voice and has big sister/stereotypical teenager appeal. She’s also a character that Justin created directly. It’s not weird that he’s into her when she has more personality than any of those background girls. She was also sexed up a bit more in the early seasons.

              • 8 months ago

                Bethic Twinstinct was an awkward episode because it was essentially the show's first actual bottle episode, but it wasn't all bad. Season 6 was good to Jerry. I hope they continue to build off of that.

              • 8 months ago

                I liked the episode and I don’t think the comparison to Incest Baby are warranted at all. I think Space Beth is actually being welcomed in to make Beth and Jerry more interesting because they’ve been the weak point of the family for a while.
                Morty is feeling more like Morty instead of Mini-Rick and Rick is feeling like more of a person and less of a God. I think the biggest challenge is figuring out Summer honestly, but it looks like we’re getting evil Summer this season so let’s see.

              • 8 months ago

                For a generation that grew up on South Park and Family Guy, it was weird to see people act all shocked and offended by Beth hooking up with her clone. I’m pretty sure Family Guy did the exact same thing years ago. The episode’s biggest offense was its weird pacing and the casual mention of Naruto, but they brought it home with how Jerry played into the whole story.

                Watching Season 6 live was weird because then Night Family—one of the show's best episodes—was mostly ignored only for everyone to then slam the show again for Final DeSmithation, not realizing that that episode repeatedly treated incest as gross and a ridiculous thing to receive as a fortune. Not the funniest joke, but what they did with it was creative. Couple episodes later and a one-off gag about Rick and Morty getting married in a fake flashforward had the show ridiculed again. Modern audiences are a mess.

              • 8 months ago

                People just stopped watching and started treating the show like you treat a lolcow, popping in to laugh at it when twitter tells them to. That's what modern audiences do to a show deemed "Uncool".

              • 8 months ago

                People are fricked now and just want to get angry at shit. The Angry Video Game Nerd generation.

              • 8 months ago

                People want to laugh at James. Not the AVGN. This is the kiwifarms generation.

              • 8 months ago

                How did Cinemaphile react to pic related?

              • 8 months ago

                Hint: The only people who were angry at this retweeted this scene without watching the clip in action.

              • 8 months ago

                I recall most people getting the joke. The biggest buzz of the episode was pregnant Summer and Rick complaining about “be more like season 1”

              • 8 months ago

                >For a generation that grew up on South Park and Family Guy, it was weird to see people act all shocked and offended by Beth hooking up with her clone. I’m pretty sure Family Guy did the exact same thing years ago.
                You're expecting Cinemaphile to adhere to their supposed principles and not stoop to double standards when an opportunity to shit on something they hate presents itself?

              • 8 months ago

                it's moreso that these incest jokes all happened within like, 2-3 years of eachother. a one-off family guy gag implying incest is funny because it's sudden and out of nowhere. rick and morty makes multiple episodes where incest is a major plotpoint, and these episodes all happen a few months apart. just makes one raise an eyebrow.

              • 8 months ago

                American Dad is guilty of the same thing and it was arguably worse because the incest jokes were often treated as casual occurrences that none of the characters took seriously.

              • 8 months ago

                The Space Beth shit was way overblown, but the Fortune Cookie episode and just the previous season having TWO episodes end with Incest Baby happened in such a short timeframe. People have BEEN tired of this show, so this gave them more reason to rag on it.

                American Dad is guilty of the same thing and it was arguably worse because the incest jokes were often treated as casual occurrences that none of the characters took seriously.

                American Dad is WAY worse about it. That show regularly uses incest as a "haha fricked up" joke and encourages it as a running gag. Rick and Morty isn't much better since its incest jokes aren't funny, but at least it always paints it as a gross thing that all the Smiths turn down or ridicule. The Smiths do shit like this:

              • 8 months ago

                >For a generation that grew up on South Park and Family Guy,
                Not everyone saw those shit shows, moron

              • 8 months ago

                All "adult" animation is fricking cringe

              • 8 months ago

                Anon she literally looks like Jerry

              • 8 months ago

                >Tired meme
                I don't know how you can get past that lantern jaw

            • 8 months ago

              remind me what centre bottom is from

              • 8 months ago

                Its from Rick and morty

              • 8 months ago

                lol! do you know which episode though?

              • 8 months ago

                One of the memories rick wiped from morty in the mindblowers ep I think. Morty found a magnet that can attract anything the user programs in, so naturally morty asks for hot redheads

              • 8 months ago

                Oooh, wait, those aren't giant girls are they? I thought there was a scene with giant girls descending on the house but it was just because some of them were very close to the camera and I wasn't looking closely enough at the small image, it threw me off.

            • 8 months ago


              enjoy your big tit playboy magazines until you run out of money to give smarter people

              • 8 months ago

                Literally so many options better than Summer. People don't want to actually LOOK and just go with whoever's in the main cast every fricking time.

        • 8 months ago

          That’s how I feel. Dude wrote the Cronenberg episode that put the show on the map, so he’s got good ideas. He’s also a really good voice actor even if he’s got limited range. I can praise his skills while also calling him out on being a pissy manchild in the studio and a weirdo who’s into high schoolers well into his 30s with enough clout and money to hit up actual women.

          I don't get it, was there any point where Roiland tried to talk to Harmon, or bring in more indie weirdos, or did he just ape out and play with dolls for 4 years?

          He already had Ryan Ridley and Mike McMahan who shared common sensibilities. When those guys wanted to go out and do their own things, I don't think Roiland even tried to staff up any new writers himself. He just sulked in his chair, played with his RC car, and started doing voice-over from home.

          • 8 months ago

            You know every semi-famous rock / metal band were dicky hounds, right? Elvis loved 15yr olds too.

            • 8 months ago

              nobody in the first world "knows" that men like young women they're all in denial about it. Deep down they know, but I guess a side effect of globohomosexual is being a pussy who knew

          • 8 months ago

            >a weirdo who’s into high schoolers well into his 30s with enough clout and money to hit up actual women.
            I feel like everyone's ganging up on Roiland because he seems like an awkward nerd that can't defend himself, but the fact he got more flak for *trying* something compared to guys that actually did it is so wild to me. Like Polanski actually did it and had 100 Hollywood celebs sign a petition to pardon him so he could come back to the US, crazy.

            • 8 months ago

              Trying something is a bit of an oversell even. He flirted over text.

            • 8 months ago

              Polanski was an established and celebrated artsy director before all of his nastiness came out. Roiland is a pasty nerd best known for his gross-out parody of Back to the Future.
              Polanksi was able to get away with it because of the culture at the time and also because he was embedded firmly enough in the upper crust of hollywood to get a pass on his crimes, if those around him even looked at them as such.
              Roiland has nowhere near enough influence and we’re currently at the stage of american culture where if youre caught looking at a woman thats attempted sexual assault but I can pop off to twitter and find people debating about the ethics of consuming child porn. its all fricked.
              Honestly I don’t have any sympathy for Roiland. Dude’s an idiot and couldn’t play the social games it takes to succeed in the cancerous hell that is modern media production. boo-hoo.

              • 8 months ago

                >Polanksi was able to get away with it because of the culture at the time and also because he was embedded firmly enough in the upper crust of hollywood to get a pass on his crimes

                He didn't get away with it and is still living in exile today. The #metoo movement only reopened the wounds over the Academy's decision to keep him expelled.

          • 8 months ago

            Harmon bullied and Roiland folded. simple as.

            • 8 months ago

              So Roiland's a little b***hboy is what you're saying?

        • 8 months ago

          >Roiland has expressed attraction to minors
          So has Gunn, and much more overtly, but you still worship him. Or at least you did until he left d*sney.

      • 8 months ago

        >sees a clear injustice
        Harmon hired some writers that Roiland didn't vibe with, he didn't rape the dude's throat or anything.

        • 8 months ago

          Overthrowing a creative partnership is pretty fricked dude. That’s friendship ending right there.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah, I guess in a world where Roiland's tongue wasn't cut out they could've talked it out or come to a compromise. It's a shame.

          • 8 months ago

            >Overthrowing a creative partnership is pretty fricked dude. That’s friendship ending right there.
            >bringing in writers is overthrowing a creative partnership

            You are so fricking dense. The point of bringing in the writers was for them to handle the gruntwork of the show. As the creative leads dan and justin could just not use anything the writers came up with that they didn't like. Roiland was just threatened by a bunch of people that were literally brought in to be his underlings.

            Imagine being the manager of a place and getting pissed that a bunch of temp workers are here to make your life easier because they're 'ruining the environment'. homie, tell them what to do and go sit in your office and collect your money you insecure frick.

        • 8 months ago

          The we know off.

    • 8 months ago

      never simped for the guy, nor did I assume all the accusations against him are real or false. Because guess what, anybody can make an accusation, I can accuse you of sucking off homeless against their will, but that doesn't mean it's true, it's up to the investigators/courts to confirm or deny it, but morons like you who think bandwagonning on people who got accused of shit and not waiting for results are the fricking worst. Even now you're just shitting on falsely accused people as if they are horrible people in a discussion that should have nothing to do with that, but rather the creative process going on behind the scenes

    • 8 months ago

      why do you think getting accused of heinous shit is something to be brushed off? the very accusation is enough to ruin someone's life

  31. 8 months ago

    I don't get it, was there any point where Roiland tried to talk to Harmon, or bring in more indie weirdos, or did he just ape out and play with dolls for 4 years?

    • 8 months ago

      This is where Justin’s side of the story would be valuable. We have Harmon and Harmon’s lacky’s to go off of and that’s it. If there’s anything Harmon would leave out, it would be Justin voicing his opinion on everything.

    • 8 months ago

      probably but dan was to drunk and trying to frick his new female writers to hear

    • 8 months ago

      Roiland seems like the kind of guy to get scared of seeing new people in the office and go hide in a corner and play with toys and get drunk. He seems like a 'if I'm not in control of a situation I'm not interesting and mentally check out' kind of gay. Which would explain why he's always hitting on teenagers since adults intimidate him if they're not kissing his ass.

  32. 8 months ago

    Season 1 was Roiland era, 2 was Roiland / Harmon butting heads era, 3-5 was Harmon era, 6 was bring in a new showrunner entirely. Interesting how season 6 was genuinely the best season since 2 and it's the one where Harmon stepped back. He actively hurt the show the second it became a hit - neither Harmon nor Roiland handled success well because they're both fricking alocoholic narcissists.

    • 8 months ago

      My ability to recollect R&M seasons drops off HARD after the Szechuan sauce episode but didn't season 6 start very strong and then quickly degenerate into one of the worst ever? Naruto, Gotrons, Independence Day etc

      • 8 months ago

        That’s season 5 stuff, to me the low point of the series.

    • 8 months ago

      I feel like only S3 was peak Harmon influence. S4 was after they got the huge episode order and had no idea how they wanted to pace the show. It was the Jeff Loveness season. S5 and S6 are where Rob Schrab and Scott Marder tried to course correct, to mixed results. You have cool ideas like Rick Prime, Night Family, and Decoys, but you also have Sperm Monsters and Beth being the most pointless member of the cast.

      • 8 months ago

        I group season 4 and 5 together they feel very similar. Season 6 feels like an outlier in a good way.

  33. 8 months ago

    All of this doesn't matter, I just need to know what the frick is up with incest shit and who kept inserting it. It can't be both, can it?

    • 8 months ago

      Justin is a summergay and Harmon is an incestgay. So, kind of both but not completely.

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Apparently they originally wanted Summer to only have nipple tassels but that didn't go so well with the fact that they hammer she's 17. I always had a feeling the two were perverts, there's no way they could slip in so much cleavage and pantyshots for the girls in the show. I was waiting for something like the text reveals, like I wasn't surprised at all.

      • 8 months ago

        Pilot has an extended dream sequence of Morty fondling Jessica's breasts. Dan and Justin have always been obnoxious about sexualizing kids. I miss Brad Neely

      • 8 months ago

        >she was only 17 years, 11 months, and 29 days old

  34. 8 months ago

    grass tastes bad

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        >Unironically putting up "WHAT UP MY homieS?!" as a intro to sexual assault awareness presented by a guy who got accused of it
        Please be a real image.

  35. 8 months ago

    Mostly still holds true.

    • 8 months ago

      why would I read all of that

  36. 8 months ago

    So if I read this right, Roiland's issue was that he was immature and naive and didn't have a super strong work ethic, while Harmon's was taking advantage of Roiland's naivete to edge him out of the show?

    • 8 months ago

      Pretty much, harmon seems like a giant scumbag even if roiland is a creep

    • 8 months ago

      That’s about right. Though I’d give Harmon the benefit of the doubt and assume his edging out wasn’t intentional (at least at first) and more of a reflection of his autistic obsession with “never good enough”.

      • 8 months ago

        That's how I interpret it. Harmon doesn't seem like he was trying to make Rick and Morty HIS SHOW. He's aware that the only reason it exists is because he chose to develop Roiland's baby in the first place. His influence still creeped into the writing the longer the series ran, but you can tell that he made efforts to try and keep the dual partnership and the show's spirit intact. He stuck out his hand for Roiland, but the guy kept making things more awkward and difficult by throwing a tantrum. The divorce arc was just a natural progression of Harmon's own contributions to the base premise. IIRC he's the one who added the sitcom-y Jerry & Beth failing marriage that the show started out with. Season 3's writing was darker but it never stopped being mostly comedic. There wasn't whiplash like with Adventure Time.

  37. 8 months ago

    Funny because Rick & Morty's art style is just a refined version of Roiland's style as well.

  38. 8 months ago

    We need to recancel Gunn and use that spare uncancelling to get Roiland back

    • 8 months ago

      Roiland was out there grooming minors. Shit is over.

      • 8 months ago

        >talk to a minor

        • 8 months ago

          I see what you did there

  39. 8 months ago

    >was a say-anything provocateur
    Was he really? I've watched Community, Rick and Morty, and even HarmonQuest a little, and never got an impression that he's some purposely offensive Chappelle type. Maybe because there was stuff way edgier on Adult Swim before R&M, or that Justin Roiland stuff was more outwardly gross

  40. 8 months ago

    >“The easiest thing for me to say about Justin has been nothing. Easy because he isolated so well and easy because I’m nobody’s first choice as a judge of anything or anyone. This is where I’d love to change the subject to myself, to what a piece of crap I’ve been my whole public life,” he says. “I would feel so safe and comfortable making this about me, but that trick is worthless here and dangerous to others. It’s other people’s safety and comfort that got damaged while I obsessed over a cartoon’s quality. Trust has now been violated between countless people and a show designed to please them. I’m frustrated, ashamed and heartbroken that a lot of hard work, joy and passion can be leveraged to exploit and harm strangers.”
    That's a lot of words to avoid talking about whether he knew what Roiland was up to or not.

  41. 8 months ago

    >The 70-episode deal proved transformative for the show and for Harmon, who used the opportunity to hire “a real showrunner” in Scott Marder. As Harmon explains it now, Marder brought a level of professionalism and structure to a production that sorely needed it, and it enabled him to relax his grip for the first time in his career.
    So the show turned to complete dogshit because Harmon took his hands off it.

  42. 8 months ago

    Krapopolis is unironically the worst cartoon show I've ever seen. Wild that it got pre-approved for 3 full seasons.

    • 8 months ago

      connections matter

  43. 8 months ago

    will people really watch rick and morty for decades

  44. 8 months ago

    From the thumbnail alone I can tell he's a complete fart huffing c**t.

    Never ever forget Harmon sexually harassed his professional subordinate and rejected all her work when she wouldn't sleep with him.

  45. 8 months ago

    >ALL OF IT
    >Man I just feel like I can't really talk about all of it just yet man it just wouldn't be right, it was the end of a friendship man
    Thanks Hollywood Reporter editorial staff

  46. 8 months ago

    Society is becoming more and more fricked up and it's genuinely because of people like Dan Harmon. I don't mean some fat idiot ruining an adult cartoon movie parody with a character literally named after shit. I mean people who stumble into success, and they have power, they have agency, they have a voice, and they sit behind interviews and desperately insist "I-I had no idea!" If I know one thing about this motherfricker (aside from the fact he's guilty of sexual harassment because he admitted it and said he had no idea!,) it's that he knew exactly what the frick he was doing to take over the show, and shove Justin out. He wanted them both to be rich idea men? Bull fricking shit. That's why he was working 14 hour days with all his Community buddies right? He wanted them to stay a partnership, and yet he did nothing (and I know that because he's admitting it here for frick's sake.) He's so disingenuous, as are his ilk. And the worst part about people like him? They're the exact same as Justin. At least Dan is. The rest aren't special, they aren't enlightened, they aren't naively optimistic, they just pretend. They love Rick & Morty because Dan made it. And Dan fricked a babydoll for a joke and thought it was funny and enjoyed it and he'll do everything in his power to swear to you that he didn't. He had no idea.

    Hey you know what, frick Lazzo too for being a clueless c**t. He pissed away so much creativity because he was too busy jacking off to the dollar signs a show of his was finally manifesting, and he couldn't even keep the source happy or at least working together. "It’s so dependent on writing and character" that's why he let them revive Tuca & Bertie right? b***h.

  47. 8 months ago

    So basically this is just Evil Morty taking over the the citadel

  48. 8 months ago

    >I didn't know what was happening. He was clearly unhappy and not engaged and barely even talking to all these great writers I hired to make our show better that I knew personally and were the complete opposite of his style of writing and humor. But I just didn't see it, y'know? Gosh, if I could go back and do it all over again ... I mean, gosh, I feel so bad about it. I still don't really know what happened. I feel like such an butthole.

    >Ah gosh, I would love to retire, get away from it all, y'know? Like, "uh, excuse me, where do I sign up to sell out?" Hehehe. But I just can't do it gosh darnit. I care too much. Maybe it would be better without me or would live on but, ahhh, I think my pain brings it something special. I'm such an butthole, huh?

    >Man I would feel so comfortable telling you this is my fault, what a piece of crap I've always been, y'know? Like maybe this happened because of me, or I didn't do enough to stop it? But *sigh* I ... I just can't, it's pointless. It's dangerous and worthless to try to figure it out. I'm just so frustrated and ashamed about all this. Maybe we could have ended the show butahgoshdangdarnitIcan'twhatanbuttholeIamhuh?

    I don't trust motherfrickers who tell me how much I shouldn't trust them and neither should you. Irony is not a personality trait.

    • 8 months ago

      These are the consequences of unchecked passive-aggression. Remember to be sincere, anons.

      • 8 months ago

        What are you implying

        • 8 months ago

          Sincerity is the opposite of irony.

          • 8 months ago

            I don't get it, where's the joke

            • 8 months ago

              You should be sincere instead of being disingenuous.

              • 8 months ago

                But what are you really saying?

              • 8 months ago

                That post-irony is destroying the world around us, and we all need to stop hiding behind it and be sincere.

              • 8 months ago

                IDGI, too many layers for me.

              • 8 months ago

                Be sincere.

                Post-irony IS sincere, it's embracing the thing people would otherwise only do ironically

                It isn't. Hiding your intentions behind shallow passiveness makes you a problem for other people.

              • 8 months ago

                Post-irony IS sincere, it's embracing the thing people would otherwise only do ironically

  49. 8 months ago

    >roiland is the creator of everything Rick & Morty
    >doesn't own the ip
    that's why he was investing in things outside R&M

    • 8 months ago

      How new are you guys that you didn't know that creators don't own their IP once it's sold to a network outside of very rare situations?

  50. 8 months ago

    >> reportedly leveraged his affiliation with the show and its success on social media apps and on dating apps.

    What in the frick does that have to do with sexual assault? Unless he was bragging about Mr. Poopybutthole while he was beating her unconscious, the responsibility for the encounter falls on the woman.

    “I regret having sex with a guy who bragged he was rich and had a Hollywood show” is not sexual assault. It’s sour grapes that you gave it up to Justin fricking Roiland for no reason. prostitutes all of them.

    • 8 months ago

      Anon he did shit in bed without their consent. Him using his clout is not the part that is objectionable.

      • 8 months ago

        Fricking kek, for a second I thought you said that Justin literally took a shit in her bed without her consent and honestly, it would sound in-character for him.

        • 8 months ago

          >take of your pants and your panties
          >shit on the floor

          • 8 months ago

            >i'm mr buldops
            what did he mean by this?

            • 8 months ago

              Quiet, general! Let Rick and Morty cook.

          • 8 months ago

            >i'm mr buldops
            what did he mean by this?

            For years I thought both of them were saying "Mr. Bulldog".

            • 8 months ago

              Haha that’s so random yet specific

  51. 8 months ago

    Roiland's role was very minuscule in the show, but Cinemaphile will cry about him and suck his dick after years of shitting on him because "If someone is cancelled I have to like them because only based people get cancelled and I'm based too!"

    • 8 months ago

      Give it a year and anons will turn on him again once a guy-esque autists starts fellating him. Same happened with John K. Anons sucked his dick after the reboot was announced and twitter hated it. Then guy started being so annoying about it that many anons went back to making fun of John

      • 8 months ago

        JK Rowling as well.

      • 8 months ago

        I was always against John K

    • 8 months ago

      The seasons he was more involved with were the best ones.

  52. 8 months ago

    Rick and Morty was never good.

  53. 8 months ago

    So overall Cinemaphile, what do you think of season 2? Just as fun as season 1? It's usually still seems to be loved based on what I've read since it aired and read today but it also where Harmon's harmonness started creeping in.

    • 8 months ago

      Season 2 is as good and arguably a tiny bit better.

      • 8 months ago

        The purge episode is pretty shit.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah, I didn't really like that one.

    • 8 months ago

      I thought it was a mild step down with some highlights like the brain parasite episode.

  54. 8 months ago

    Tldr even if you manage to make your dream show some butthole in a shit with a lot of money will change everything and kick you out and most people won't know any better because they just watch it because it's popular

    • 8 months ago

      ok justin

  55. 8 months ago

    Harmon wants a Simpsons on his hands where he can throw it to whoever's in the writing room and cash checks for decades...but it was totally an accident he alienated the edgy weirdo who wanted the show to be edgy and weird which could have derailed the gravy train. Sounds fishy.

  56. 8 months ago

    Season 7 trailer looks interesting. Looks like we’re getting a horror episode based on the blade vampires/zombies/ghosts. Another episode looks to be a Poopybutthole birthday episode where Rick and the boys go for a night out on the town (Hangover parody?) and then there’s another one where it looks like Rick is turned more nice and it grates on Morty or something?
    Also, they’ve teased Evil Summer, and it looks like there are a few shots of her being annoyed at cleaning up after Rick. The shot of her with muscles she looks like she’s wearing a powerglove. Space Beth is returning and Jerry seems to be going through some growth.

    • 8 months ago

      Also when Jerry says “Rake situation” I think he’s actually talking about a Rake monster and not the gardening tool.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah, maybe related to the ghost robot girl earlier in the trailer

    • 8 months ago

      Total guess but I think one of the first episodes (maybe the season premiere) will be Morty memory wiping Rick over and over at Rick’s request so he can forget about Rick Prime but it causes Rick to regress to Season 1 which is first a good thing but then Morty starts to find it grating as a more experienced adventurer.

      • 8 months ago

        There’s a small chance that regressed Rick could be a full season gimmick but I doubt it based on how they’ve done things in the past.

      • 8 months ago

        Personally I think wacky science Grandpa style Rick is just something they want to go back to based on feedback but it would make sense from the available clips. Unable to find Rick Prime -> Rick and Morty are back baby -> Big head surfing -> Rick wiped after freaking out -> Rick’s famous spaghetti -> I’m a leg Morty

        • 8 months ago

          Ngl, if we get pilot/season 1 Rick from now on I won't even care about the new voices.

          • 8 months ago

            They intentionally regressed Morty last season after the Die Hard episode so they might go for that with Rick too.

    • 8 months ago

      New poster references Spaghetti + MPB + Monkey that went Super Saiyan + Rick Prime + some kind of Ringu monster with long black hair below

    • 8 months ago

      We have the episode titles.

      >How Poopy got his Poop back
      This’ll be the hangover episode with the old characters.
      >The Jerrick Trap
      Lore episode
      >Air Force Wong
      The president and the freeze ray shots, some kind of invasion
      >That’s Amorte
      This’ll be Rick’s famous Spaghetti and the mob aliens.
      Based on the description I think this’ll be the attempt at a genuine classic Rick and Morty adventure
      >Rickfending your Mort
      Sad episode where Rick loses Morty?
      >Wet Quot Amortican Summer
      Evil Summer episode
      >Rise of the Numbercons: The Movie
      This year’s one off instead of an anthology episode. Action packed nonsense.
      >Mort: Ragnarick
      The super saiyan monkey episode which leads into…
      >Fear no Mort
      Mic drop lore episode. The one image preview they gave shows a matrix world so some frickshit is happening here.

      • 8 months ago

        >The Jerrick Trap
        >Lore episode
        It’s a bodyswap episode (The Parent Trap). Based on the description I think everyone will be constantly swapping bodies.

      • 8 months ago

        Wait, how does the Matrix part of the trailer necessarily connect with this episode? Fear no Mort has to be the designated Evil Morty episode since he appears in every odd-numbered one. Maybe it will be an encounter between him and Rick Prime. I also wonder if the art is any indication of what we'll be seeing.

        • 8 months ago

          They could be throwing us off but several of the images match stuff in the trailer.

        • 8 months ago

          I don't remember any Matrix shit in the trailer

  57. 8 months ago

    Cinemaphile warned us
    Cinemaphile warned us about harmon

    • 8 months ago

      Cinemaphile didn't do shit. FOH

  58. 8 months ago

    Getting a lot of introvert vibes from Justin when I hear insider shit concerning the show. Like, Justin could've spoke up about his idea for the show and bring more of "his guys", but instead he just backed off and started sulking.

    • 8 months ago

      We’ve only heard Harmon’s and his writer’s side of the story. Even then Harmon admits he said something he just “didn’t understand it”. Harmon’s public reaction to Solar Opposites has me doubting his telling of events is the whole truth.

      • 8 months ago

        I have no doubt that Harmon probably had more attitude than what he's trying to show publicly. It wouldn't be a pretty good look for him if he admitted to telling Justin “That's a stupid idea. Hey, guy I brought in for the show, do you have a better idea?”

  59. 8 months ago

    Dan's a fricking idiot.

  60. 8 months ago

    Wow this article perfectly explains why Rick and Morty started declining from season 2 onwards. Mystery solved.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah this was pretty much Cinemaphile‘s schizo theory but it turned about to be dead on.

  61. 8 months ago

    >The way that Rick and Morty is run now, Harmon believes it could mirror The Simpsons and continue for decades

  62. 8 months ago

    Harmon is a man who looked at Zombie Simpsons and said "that's the kind of show I want to run"

  63. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      >In the first two seasons especially…
      Damn, he knew.

  64. 8 months ago

    >Our funny comedy cartoon that started off as a crude Back to the Future parody is popular and getting a second season? Time to hire these unfunny Hollywood writers with no animation experience in!
    I'd be pissed too if I was Roiland

  65. 8 months ago

    Roiland is an unfunny ascended class clown with no substance to anything he makes, he's creative like a child is - aka not at all, just constantly referencing and imitating stuff he saw
    Harmon is a fantastic writer without the confidence to admit it and he lets other people with worse ideas take too much credit
    That is all

    • 8 months ago

      >fantastic writer without the confidence to admit it

      ...listen, I'm a big fan of Dan Harmon, but it's been ages since I saw a take as ass-backward as "Dan Harmon just doesn't have enough confidence in his own skills as a writer."

      Dude's a self-professed narcissist.

      • 8 months ago

        >Dude's a self-professed narcissist.
        Narcissists don't look like Dan Harmon
        A narcissist would kill themselves if they had to look at a fat slob every morning
        Don't confuse arrogance with narcissism

        • 8 months ago

          >A narcissist would kill themselves if they had to look at a fat slob every morning
          That is highly incorrect. There have been plenty of narcissistic fat slobs.
          However I do agree that Dan Harmon is more arrogant, because he can admit faults, something a narcissist would never do. A narcissist is someone who is never wrong, even in the face of overwhelming evidence proving they're wrong, they'll still deflect responsibility, accountability, and outright claim that the evidence is what is wrong.
          An obese person could be a narcissist, and many are, they're just the kind of person to be 400 pounds and say that they're perfectly healthy, and the doctor is wrong.

          Dan Harmon, if he was a true narcissist, would never have admitted blame, wrongdoing, or apologize about all the scandals and toxic behavior shit he was accused of.

    • 8 months ago

      Get back to the writer's room

  66. 8 months ago

    Dan deserves to have his teeth stomped against a curb.

  67. 8 months ago

    I think the 2nd half of the last season we got is probably the best the show has been since season 2 for what that is worth.

    • 8 months ago

      You LIKED Story Train 2.0?

      • 8 months ago

        I enjoyed it a lot more than the first story train.

        • 8 months ago

          I enjoyed it up until the third act with Joseph Campbell. Then it lost me and felt too full of itself. Never Ricking Morty is perfect.

  68. 8 months ago


  69. 8 months ago

    i think it's amazing everyone is analyzing this from a "hmm which one was more of an butthole / hard to work with / bad at his job. Was it both?" standpoint, instead of the "a man lost his job because someone accused him of hitting his wife" perspective that is a little more pertinent and troubling.
    we've known people who don't get along well can make great TV since I Love Lucy, but you don't fire the adulterer, you divorce him.

    • 8 months ago

      Maybe people are finally tired of retreading the same ground over and over every time another homosexual like you comes along in either genuine or pretended ignorance.

      • 8 months ago

        you wut

  70. 8 months ago

    >Justin restarts House of Cosbys
    >This time all the Cosbys are nice but people are always accusing them of shit they either didn't do or stopped doing when the 70s ended
    at least, I hope Justin has learned SOME kind of lesson from all this

  71. 8 months ago

    Hes abusing those goldfish, The bowl is too crowded, it has no filter and is too shallow to give proper swimming space.
    >It was only for a picture tho!
    Yeah and you think lazy bastard Dan Harmon is gonna take care of those fish or give enough of a shit to give them back to the pet store?
    >its only a fish tho!
    Ok and? I keep fish as pets, they are animals and deserve proper care

    • 8 months ago

      All good points. I appreciate your concern.

  72. 8 months ago

    Despite all his success, Dan is a loser, and he has to live with that every day.

    • 8 months ago

      All that money will surely wipe his tears:

      • 8 months ago

        Hasn't seem to yet.

        • 8 months ago

          This needs an update. I'm pretty sure he's not depressed in the end tag anymore

  73. 8 months ago

    Didn't Dan Harmon make that creepy skit video? Why was Roiland fired instead of Harmon?

    • 8 months ago

      Rioland was being creepy to actual minors in text messages.
      Harmon was being edgy in a video.
      The latter is bad taste, the former is sexual harassment and right on the edge of being an actual crime.

      tbh I am a little surprised Harmon still gets jobs after being inappropriate to Megan Ganz while working on Community, but I guess she forgave him after he apologized, so he's the Cancellation equivalent of being out on Parole, I guess.

      • 8 months ago

        Harmon really did the impossible and saved his ass. The Dexter video is totally irrelevant. What I want to know is why Tiffany Haddish is still getting work. Charges cleared or not, the shit she pulled is legit worse than Roiland's.

        • 8 months ago

          The victim put out a statement saying they no longer blame Haddish for the incident. To me, that sounds like code for "she gave us enough money to shut up", but it's hard to keep the Cancel train going if the actual victim is saying "nah it's all good now".

          • 8 months ago

            I just can't see her the same way now. If cancellation hadn't always been at arm's length while Tuca & Bertie was on Adult Swim, I wonder if they still would've kept her in the lead role for a potential fourth season. Hollywood loves to protect its own.

            • 8 months ago

              >That t-shirt with the cringiest speech in the show
              Reeks of Harmon

          • 8 months ago

            Same thing happened with Jonathan Majors, right?

  74. 8 months ago

    this shit is so funny to me. They have to parade this guy around like he's any less of a problem than roiland and because of his shame fetish he's gonna have to constantly drop hints that he's been sexting coworkers

  75. 8 months ago

    Reading all this and it sounds like Justin was a stupid man-child who didnt know how to communicate his feelings. Of course Dan is a moron who fricked everything up without even realizing and then going "WOE IS ME, HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?"

    • 8 months ago

      Bingo. Both are at fault. It's a miracle they managed to maintain a facade of stability for as long as they did. Happy 10th anniversary, guys!

  76. 8 months ago

    Setting aside their respective sex crimes, I don't see how anyone can read this and come out on Harmon's side. He just step-by-step walked through the plan he carried out using his clout to gut the show of its unique creativity and fill it with a roster of croney writers who can churn out infinite mass appeal slop using *Zombie Simpsons* as inspiration. He then expresses bafflement that Roiland checked out.

    It's telling that Rick Potion #9 is the only episode where Roiland has sole writing credit and it's far and away the best episode. Roiland made this series good.

    • 8 months ago

      While Roiland did bring a lot of the CRAZY to the show, I also feel like he had just as much appreciation for the more grounded sitcom family deconstructions that balanced things out. It really is a bummer that he distanced himself from the writers' room and threw his career away over the stupidest, most easily avoidable shit because I can't imagine he would've supported making the Smiths increasingly obnoxious and cynical like Harmon did. The Smiths being realistically dysfunctional yet still genuinely loving one another at the end of the day brought some warmth and levity to an otherwise edgy show:

      Him bringing along more writers who valued that sincerity would've been awesome. Harmon's writers seemed to care more about being all subversive and intellectual even in the B-plots set at home. You need that balance the show originally started out with.

  77. 8 months ago

    So they're both creepy buttholes/workplace menaces, and somehow the worst one isn't Dan Harmon.

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