New Futurama Season

I have to say the newest Episode just barely saved Hulurama. I really liked the creativity, and the story was good until half way, when everyone randomly decided nibbler should go brain dead because he took too much LSD. The new season is still kinda mid tho.

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    I thought this was the worst our of the batch so far. Characters were poorly written, Leela & Nibler was dumber and the whole plot felt moronic, (couldn't they have just spayed the entire litter box as normal size). They could have saved a bit of the plot with the joke that Leela would go to great lengths not to change the litterbox but in the end realized the only way to save Niblers mind was to finally do it, thus treating the entire epiphany Nibler had as a bit of dark humor.

    • 10 months ago

      When she actually listened to nibbler I was so confused because his "epiphany" felt so forced and superficial. His epiphany wouldn't convince most people, so no idea why Leela did? I guess she has brain worms too. Also the pacing is so weird, it was better than previously, but still bad and the jokes don't land or they go by too quick versus OG Futurama

  2. 10 months ago

    >the worms are infecting Nibbler
    >they are inside of his body
    >literally eating his brain
    >they have to kill the worms in the litterbox


    • 10 months ago

      They explained this. He was taking medicine that killed the worms, but he would keep getting re-infested because they've infested his litterbox.

      Also beetle lady a cute

      • 10 months ago

        >but he would keep getting re-infested because they've infested his litterbox.
        Something similar happens with dogs shit. They infect and die

      • 10 months ago

        Fallen for the eyelashes huh?

  3. 10 months ago

    I'm half way through ep3
    and its all so fricking shit

    what happened?
    its like people are physically incapable of making good tv these days?
    like making a good futurama or simpsons or whatever episode is impossible

    • 10 months ago

      Effort equals expenditure, it’s a cost and everyone has been primed by 40 years of cost cutting to never go the extra mile even if that mile is required because someone decided to call it an extra cost.

      • 10 months ago

        its writing though
        its basically been the same cost for writing always hasn't it?
        what happened to all the talent

    • 10 months ago

      The woman at HR is some black landwhale with pink hair. That happened. She decides who's hired and who's not.

    • 10 months ago

      This season has the same problems that plague a lot of modern shows.
      1. They try to give every character equal time, and balance the amount of dialogue male and female characters get.
      2. They try to squeeze in as many jokes as possible, as if they don't want to edit the writers, and this comes at the expense of storytelling.
      Even this latest episode, which got a few genuine laughs out of me, felt meandering and overstuffed with ideas even though it was a direct parody.

  4. 10 months ago

    This felt like a first draft. Leela felt off from the moment Nibbler just ate the man and the dog and she didn’t react, then repeated the same ‘NIBBLER YOU CAN TALK’ line, like she was the one with harmful brain worms. Jokes didn’t really hit and it felt like Dune as retold by somebody who only saw trailers for the new movie.
    Always enjoy some Fry, Leela and Bender getting involved in violence, though.

    • 10 months ago

      The more she has sex with Fry, the stupider she becomes.

    • 10 months ago

      Essentially agreeing with that this felt like a first draft, and that nobody really feels correct in terms of byplay. Beginning to feel like any scene involving Zoidberg was put in well after the first pass, as he feels the most like 'time filler' material now.

      • 10 months ago

        it feels like theres a forced mandate to include every character in every episode
        whereas old episode would leave out characters all the time

        • 10 months ago

          I don't think it's some kind of mandate. As the seasons went by the characters became more of a "group" and got more involved in episodes plots, even when they didn't serve a purpose. Hulurama is just the accumulation of it.

  5. 10 months ago

    She better not change her mind in the end

    • 10 months ago

      >woman moving into a bachelor apartment

      She'll get sick of the noise very quickly.

  6. 10 months ago

    I just finished ep3 and yeah it sucked
    unfocused and amateur

    Whilst just being generally bad with way to many story threads happening at once and it not being funny or emotionally engaging
    Theres some really amateur stuff in here, like that mountain lion attacks and fry shoots a gun, but its never established fry has gotten a gun
    and them thinking the borax kid shot his gun is really forced and nonsensical.
    Hermes son uses those anti gravity shoes at the end that are never introduced.
    The bender singing on his mule, breaking its spine, and taking it to zoidbergs is completely irrelative to the plot. Its not entertaining and the plot makes the same amount of sense with it all gone.

  7. 10 months ago

    Anyone got a link? Missed the last 2 weeks.

    • 10 months ago


  8. 10 months ago

    your opinion baffles me... ive been enjoying the other episodes but this one was difficult to finish. None of these top my fave old ones though.

  9. 10 months ago

    >"behold a map of the universe"
    why was this funny

  10. 10 months ago

    The show and characters have zero energy, it's like they're all reading scripts at a table read and the scenes just feed into each other completely linearly. It's all fricking FLAT and it pisses me off that they brought it back just to bank on old episodes or do obvious 'parodies'. You can't just say 'get it, it's Old West' or 'get it, it's Dune' every episode.
    Fry is the most disappointing of all, not just because Billy West sounds old and tired but because the character has none of that dumb youthful energy he's supposed to have. He's also completely assimilated to the point that he doesn't feel like he's from the past anymore. I'm forcing myself to watch this just to see if there's any spark left at all, but it really is just a dead horse.

    • 10 months ago

      might be pacing issue episode 4 of any show is a nothing episode
      i mean one of the plotpoints was going into a litter box

      • 10 months ago

        I'm talking about every episode so far, they all feel the same.

    • 10 months ago

      The show became too aware of itself and also overestimates its lifespan. The show is written with the perspective of its reputation, and the show has done basically every with its episodes.

      I know people will hate to hear this, but the show is outdated. It has nothing more to offer. The Comedy Central revival was pushing it. Hulu Futurama is just an old man coughing and gasping while doing his same comedy routine during his younger days.

    • 10 months ago

      >The show and characters have zero energy, it's like they're all reading scripts at a table read and the scenes just feed into each other completely linearly.
      I've felt this way since the last reboot at least.
      >The show and characters have zero energy, it's like they're all reading scripts at a table read and the scenes just feed into each other completely linearly.
      I'd be surprised if they'd brought it back to do anything else. It's a 20+ year old show about living in the future.

      • 10 months ago

        >It's a 20+ year old show about living in the future.
        A future based on predictions/expectations/fanfiction from the late 90s and early 2000s, which comes off dated as frick now.

  11. 10 months ago

    worst EP by far was the crypto focused one, they didn't even attempt to set up how it was still around after several alien invasions and rebuilding over a thousand years, they just treated it like current year but gold rush haha, whoever they have working on the show as writers should quit

  12. 10 months ago

    Way worse than the crypto episode. This felt like modern Simpsons writing tier, nothing but references, the fricking worms appeared for 5 minutes and funny enough, forced drama as if they were actually going to turn Nibbler into a moron permanently.

  13. 10 months ago

    Mid season so far.
    3 and 2 were decent, about Comedy Central standard I think but a streaming and a Dune parody episode just reeked of having pop culture references as a crutch rather than just having fun with a setting.

    • 10 months ago

      Frick the greater than signs are pointing the opposite direction.

  14. 10 months ago

    I found some the jokes funny, but the story was a mess. It almost felt like they had the jokes, they knew what references they wanted, but they completely forgot how to connect everything together. I got a similar feeling in the previous episode at some points, but here it was permanent, and it made the episode pretty awkward.
    I still wouldn't consider Simpsons-tier because when I stopped watching The Simpsons the episodes didn't have anything remotely interesting to me, but this episode made me lose a bit of hope in the season.

  15. 10 months ago

    I think the problem with episodes 2 and 4 is that they failed to be good sequel episodes and you would always thinking about the original ones when watching. 4 suffered from this a lot more. 1 and 3 for better or worse could stand on their own.

  16. 10 months ago

    Can't believe the best episode will probably be the first one with the Hulu reference.

  17. 10 months ago

    Has Leela gotten naked yet?

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