>No kiss. >Wedding offscreen

>No kiss
>Wedding offscreen
LMAO get fricked

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    Imagine Suletta and Miorine having sex while Eri is watching

    • 12 months ago

      Suletta was logically still heavily crippled on her wedding night, it would be too kinky to show visually and still air on tv

  2. 12 months ago

    > No kiss
    > Wedding off screen

    I haven't even watched most of the second season, but if there's even an implied wedding then that's more than most couples get in Gundam finales.

    • 12 months ago

      >if there's even an implied wedding then that's more than most couples get in Gundam finales.
      Gundam X and 8th MS Team would like a word with you.

      • 12 months ago

        Mika has offscreen sexo too
        Kira has actual sexo on screen.

        • 12 months ago

          Heero flat at ask Relena's hand in marriage, no implications whatsoever was there.

        • 12 months ago

          Heero flat at ask Relena's hand in marriage, no implications whatsoever was there.

          Lets not forget Domon and Rain

          • 12 months ago

            How could I forget.

            In short yuri bait BTFO on all counts

          • 12 months ago

            They were the 2nd best couple in the show.
            Pic rel was the 1st..

      • 12 months ago
        dorkly_chair at instituteforspacepolitics.org

        yeah 08thMS even dropped a c**tturd

      • 12 months ago

        Most doesn't mean all, moron.

        • 12 months ago

          Name the ones its better than, then.
          I want to laugh at you.

          • 12 months ago

            Already a thread where that is happening.

            • 12 months ago

              None of them listed there are correct though?

              • 12 months ago

                >Proceeds to cope
                You love to see it, here's one more thing that your yuri show never had.

              • 12 months ago

                If that's how you feel then you aren't arguing in good faith and just want to shitpost.

              • 12 months ago

                No, I think you are just being illiterate. Anon claimed that this one "got more" than most mains, which isn't true. That thread is about chemistry, a different subject.
                Take this moron

                >Proceeds to cope
                You love to see it, here's one more thing that your yuri show never had.

                who thinks Shiro, who canonically impregnated Aina, got less than Suletta somehow.

                Now, if you want to argue chemistry like there, I think there are probably worse. But this show is still one of the worst main couples.

              • 12 months ago

                Except the topic wasn't about chemistry but about what the implied marriage being more than what other Gundam pairs had

                >if there's even an implied wedding then that's more than most couples get in Gundam finales.
                Gundam X and 8th MS Team would like a word with you.

                now I miss read the about the topic being "less" but that still doesn't change the fact that G-Witch had one of the worst case of couples in any Gundam show; that there remains fact.

              • 12 months ago

                >"got more" than most mains, which isn't true.
                It is true. Marriage is more than most Gundam leads get.
                Amuro got nothing in MSG
                Kamille got on screen kisses
                Judau got nothing
                Uso got nothing
                Domon got a romantic confession, can't remember if they kiss
                Heero has implied feelings with a novel that came out 15 years later getting him a marriage
                Garrod got a kiss and married years later in a manga iirc
                Loran possibly got married
                Kira and Lacus hugged. Flay isn't the main girl
                Shinn got a kiss iirc
                Setsuna got nothing but wanted nothing
                Two of AGE's leads got married and had kids. One didn't get anything
                Mika had a kid
                Suletta got married
                Going into OVA
                0080 has nothing
                08th has a kid
                0083 implied they dated but broke up. Pretty sure they didn't kiss.

                Gundam doesn't do main romance well at all. You have maybe two couples that people actually say are done well in X and G. I'd even throw Kamille's romances in there since they feel real. He felt like an actual horny boy without it being exaggerated. Aside from that? Gundam is shit at romance.

              • 12 months ago

                how could you ever forget Hathaway getting cucked in 2 different movies

              • 12 months ago

                >0083 implied they dated but broke up. Pretty sure they didn't kiss.
                They kiss, and Nina's there when Kou gets out of jail and happy to see him.
                If that's a good thing or not is up to you.

              • 12 months ago

                >Uso got nothing
                Uso got to live with Shakti and the baby at the end, that's more implications than you could ask for plus a child.

              • 12 months ago

                >Amuro got nothing in MSG
                he ultimately got Beltrochika
                >Judau got nothing
                >Uso got nothing

              • 12 months ago

                >he ultimately got Beltrochika
                Not in MSG
                You can't b***h about Witche's romance when Roux and Judau had no romantic moments together. No kiss, no wedding, no baby, not even a hug. The most they got was him putting his arm around her at the end. The entire show was focused on Judau and Haman and Roux and Glemy. Judau and Roux don't even qualify as a couple.
                Uso and Shakti have no romantic moments or confessions either. Uso likes Shakti as a backup to Katejina but they never have any romance on screen.

              • 12 months ago

                Suletta and Miorine had absolutely nothing either, they felt more like friends than a couple until the ending happened and I guess they married now.

              • 12 months ago

                They hugged each other twice and only one of those times was even mutual

              • 12 months ago

                This thread isn't about how well written the couples were. Just who went further. A marriage is further than anything outside of a baby.

                >if I can't see a sex scene then there was no love
                zoomer moment

                Sounds like people crying about Witch.

              • 12 months ago

                >Sounds like people crying about Witch.
                Witch promised yuri gays that there will be yuri but it didn't deliver lol

              • 12 months ago

                They got married and yurigays are happy. The only people I see b***hing are people who hated the idea of yuri in the first place.

              • 12 months ago

                >yurigays wanted kisses, hugs, awkward sex gags, etc...
                >all they got is a shitty half-assed scene that barely implied there was a marriage

              • 12 months ago

                >yurigays are celebrating the couple getting married
                >nonyurigays are trying to tell others how they should feel

                They "married". There is no indication that they love eachother anyway, because the show did a piss poor attempt at showing it at all, so the ending feels like "hey here's this consolation prize for people who wanted yuri, but wasn't any in the main show" doesn't feel organic at all, so it might as well not even be a thing.

                Except it is a thing and no amount of complaining won't change it. Mind you, you're the same people who were hoping Suletta would die so Miorine could end up with a guy later or people who were hoping the show would end with her "growing up" and marrying a guy.

              • 12 months ago

                So you're literally a self admitted yurigay and are here purely to celebrate a half assed """"romance""" ending that was clearly scraps thrown so that people like you wouldn't complain, and you somehow think this is a win and that it upsets people, instead everyone just saw it for what it was and called it out except you. Imagine being (You), sad.

              • 12 months ago

                I said nothing of the sort. I never even praised the couple. I said that yurigays were celebrating and people who didn't want the couple to get together are trying to tell them how to feel.
                >instead everyone just saw it for what it was
                This is the only place b***hing. All over the Internet people are talking up the show as a whole.

              • 12 months ago

                >I said that yurigays were celebrating
                Point in case. Those morons are some of the most rabid c**ts, they'll take anything no matter how bad and pass it as a win. This doesn't invalidate how they b***hed and moaned about the show all the time when Suletta and Miorine got split up, I was in the Cinemaphile threads and it was a bipolar ride of hate until they got what they wanted eventually and are now pretending they always loved the show.

              • 12 months ago

                What does that have to do with this thread?
                >it was a bipolar ride of hate until they got what they wanted eventually
                So they're happy and all your b***hing means nothing? It's like you don't even remember what the thread was about.

              • 12 months ago

                I'm not even the OP, just pointing out your disingenuous arguments. But keep going though.

              • 12 months ago

                I'm not talking to the op. I'm talking to

                They "married". There is no indication that they love eachother anyway, because the show did a piss poor attempt at showing it at all, so the ending feels like "hey here's this consolation prize for people who wanted yuri, but wasn't any in the main show" doesn't feel organic at all, so it might as well not even be a thing.

                >yurigays wanted kisses, hugs, awkward sex gags, etc...
                >all they got is a shitty half-assed scene that barely implied there was a marriage

                >Sounds like people crying about Witch.
                Witch promised yuri gays that there will be yuri but it didn't deliver lol

                You don't know what the word disingenuous means.

              • 12 months ago

                You don't know what the word b***hing means nor that you were talking to multiple people either, moron.

              • 12 months ago

                >i enjoy
                ok, shit eater

              • 12 months ago

                They "married". There is no indication that they love eachother anyway, because the show did a piss poor attempt at showing it at all, so the ending feels like "hey here's this consolation prize for people who wanted yuri, but wasn't any in the main show" doesn't feel organic at all, so it might as well not even be a thing.

              • 12 months ago

                >if I can't see a sex scene then there was no love
                zoomer moment

              • 12 months ago

                In MSG amuro got literally nothing except haunted by Lalah for like 7 years because he was too potent of a newtype. he got beltorchika briefly and chan before getting datastormed??? actually no just melted. Dude lived a sad life

              • 12 months ago

                Remember when Beltorchika was supposed to be Sayla? And Chan was supposed to be Beltorchika?
                Amuro got fricked by production issues hard.
                Though Tomino wanted to kill him back in the original show.

              • 12 months ago

                >Though Tomino wanted to kill him back in the original show.

                I thought he only did that for his novels as he didn't think Gundam would be popular enough?

              • 12 months ago

                >Remember when Beltorchika was supposed to be Sayla?

                No, and neither do you, because (a) you're probably not that old anyway and (b) there's not even anything actually indicating that was the case and not just a persistent fan rumor. We do at least know that he wanted to use Chan originally in Char's Counterattack, but that's because there's actual proof of that in various forms.

                >Though Tomino wanted to kill him back in the original show.

                I thought he only did that for his novels as he didn't think Gundam would be popular enough?

                He did. There's nothing indicating he ever intended to or even wanted to kill Amuro in the original show.

              • 12 months ago

                The point was not about "better", but about which ending had more than an implied wedding; a subjective measure like "better" has nothing to do with that. Domon and Rain have an implied wedding by flying through a stylized wedding arch that Allenby and Kyral make, but that's about it, Heero doesn't have anything notable with Relena in the finale of the TV show or Endless Waltz, and the wedding proposal is from a novel written decades later and Kira only had sex with Flay, and there's nothing with Lacus, his actual main love interest in the finale of SEED or Destiny.

              • 12 months ago

                >Domon and Rain have an implied wedding by flying through a stylized wedding arch that Allenby and Kyral make, but that's about it,
                The final episode hinges entirely on Domon expressing his true, heartfelt feelings to Rain before they quite literally use the power of their love to the final enemy.
                Saying "but that's about it" the way you did to try and prove your point does not make your cope correct.

          • 12 months ago

            Already a thread where that is happening.


            Proceeds to laugh at the yurigay getting breadcrumbs.

      • 12 months ago

        You know Domon absolutely destroyed her when they got home

        • 12 months ago

          Absolutely. How many years of 'practice' would she need before Hyper Mode?

  3. 12 months ago

    >oh shit, my endless seetheposting about how the yuri couple wouldn't end up together was wrong
    >how can i act like i was right??
    >y-yeah they explicitly got married, but it was part of the epilogue! take t-that yurigays!

    • 12 months ago

      >my endless seetheposting about how the yuri couple wouldn't end up together
      kek nice headcanon

      • 12 months ago

        have you not been on the board at all since this show started?

        Actually my seethposting was always about how sterile and lifeless their romance was, on the tier of a tertiary gundam romance (some of which like Kihel and Harry actually manage to outshine it)
        And it looks like I hit the nail right on the head!

        fair enough, that is how it played out

        • 12 months ago

          yes and I've seen morons complain about nonexistent people's opinions of the show ever since the second cour started, your point?

          • 12 months ago

            either you're either being dishonest or you weren't paying attention

    • 12 months ago

      Actually my seethposting was always about how sterile and lifeless their romance was, on the tier of a tertiary gundam romance (some of which like Kihel and Harry actually manage to outshine it)
      And it looks like I hit the nail right on the head!

      • 12 months ago

        What are you talking about they canonically see each other in gremlin mode, that is the most intimate you get without genital contact.

  4. 12 months ago

    >watch Prologue
    Wow, cool! I can't wait for the series!
    >watch first 6 episodes
    Hey, this is pretty fun
    >watch rest of season 1
    Well, it's kind of dragging a bit but it's still pretty fun
    >watch season 2
    >it's the biggest piece of dog shit I've ever seen
    >completely empty, I don't even care about the characters anymore
    >wasted hours of my life talking about this show
    /m/ was right

    • 12 months ago

      >/m/ was right
      it always is

    • 12 months ago

      >schwarzette was relegated to 5 minutes of Lauda being a moronic in the last 3 episodes.
      I will never forgive this show.

      • 12 months ago

        At least he looked cool during his tard freakout

    • 12 months ago

      Oh boy, just got into the second half of S1 and it matches all that so far.

    • 12 months ago

      This happens to alot of AU Gundams that get a second season or series. 00, GBFT, IBO, WfM...
      I feel like I'm missing one or two others.

  5. 12 months ago

    Such is the fate of unconventional pairings.

    • 12 months ago

      Now you're making me imagine Sule and Eri in Build Divers and that has so much potential for fun
      >game Suletta grew up playing was GBN
      >her avatar is a tanuki, when she gets called to Eldora she chooses to switch to an alt account with a human avatar to seem more normal, not knowing she's going to a furryland
      >the alt account is actually Eri's main, with a Suletta lookalike as her avatar, she uses the account to play when Sule is asleep and the latter suspects nothing
      >Keychain functions 100% identically to el-diver mini bodies

  6. 12 months ago

    So that guy in the most recent Voltron show got more on-screen gay marriage than the yuri Gundam series?

    • 12 months ago

      Going explicit BL/GL on-screen is still a bridge too far for Sunrise.

  7. 12 months ago

    What’s even the point of the marriage if they don’t build up the chemistry well on screen? They seem happier and closer now that they are actually married but all before that it never felt like they were courting each other or anything, just like they thought getting married would somehow make their love real without any of the work that comes in before actually tying the knot.

  8. 12 months ago

    It's how Japan see lesbian relationships. Sexless and based on sisterhood. At least that's how it make the mainstream to feel safe

  9. 12 months ago

    No matter how much yurigays and twitter seethe, het is the default because porcentages and that's how mankind reproduce. Gay relationships on media will always need a confirmation like a kiss or else fall into plausible deniability

    • 12 months ago

      I mean, they're both wearing matching wedding bands at the end of the series, so ya know.

    • 12 months ago

      I mean the confirmation is the show yelling "They're bride and groom guys!" in your face. Honestly, I'd have no problem with the yuri if it was naturally developed instead of shouted from the rooftops

  10. 12 months ago

    >No kiss
    >Wedding offscreen
    >Resident homosexual gets cured of his gay by the power of pussy
    wtf bros I thought this was supposed to be woke?!

  11. 12 months ago

    So is no one gonna talk about the fact that Destiny's "flawless victory" has been outclassed by an order of magnitude? No named character was even mildly injured in the finale and the entire conflict was literally handwaved away by Suletta conjuring a NOPE ray out of nowhere.

    • 12 months ago

      Then she managed to shrug off getting crippled like Kamille and also the one sacrifice that would have had any meaning, Eri dying, gets undone twice

      • 12 months ago

        i enjoyed the series overall, but that ending was Nerf Junior tier.

    • 12 months ago

      People are giddy like morons over the epilogue and completely ignore that the actual ending was trash.

  12. 12 months ago

    Defenders are missing the point here. Yes, there is a lesbian marriage implied in the epilgoue. Big deal. IBO did that too. What the BTFO part here is, is that G-witch was praised to high heaven as THE big LGBT anime of the year. A big portion of the viewers were here for the lesbian romance, in the progressive year of 2023. I don't care either way, but I say that if you are gonna bet it all on lesbian stuff, just be up front about it. No vague blushing, cryptic wording, or implications. Just have the girls swap spit in ep 16, discuss their feelings for each other, and actually get together. Go all out. But no, they made a big deal out of it, ran on that yuri hype, and then delivered a very vague marriage ending, because apparently kids/China was watching. That's some weak shit. Commit to it, or don't do it at all. And like look at the last 4 very big Gundam shows.
    >Kira fricked early in the show, and was in a stable relationship in the sequel
    >Setsuna was too Gundam sexual to care
    >Age had two leads get married and have kids
    >IBO had Mika knock up his girl, who also got her own yuri marriage later
    Aside from 00, previous shows managed to take the blandly written relationships further, than the one that put the relationship out there as it's main selling point.

    • 12 months ago

      its because literally no one wants to see gays. Het or nothing.

      • 12 months ago

        This but unironically
        As opposed to having a romance that just slots into the main narrative Yuri romance and shipper-targeted romances in general sell themselves upon vagueness and shallowness where the viewer fantasises about what the characters "might" do rather than what they actually do

        • 12 months ago

          >Yuri romance and shipper-targeted romances in general sell themselves upon vagueness and shallowness
          sad but true

    • 12 months ago

      its because literally no one wants to see gays. Het or nothing.

      This but unironically
      As opposed to having a romance that just slots into the main narrative Yuri romance and shipper-targeted romances in general sell themselves upon vagueness and shallowness where the viewer fantasises about what the characters "might" do rather than what they actually do

      >Yuri romance and shipper-targeted romances in general sell themselves upon vagueness and shallowness
      sad but true

      These points is why I don't like yuri bait shows, as the quality of the show itself degrades for the sake of baiting its fans while still doing the usual in terms of vage and shallow relations. It's cheap and obvious used to get money in the most desperate of fans. Which is why at least with ecchi or staght up ero shows they are straightforward and get sto the point while please fans with lewds.

      • 12 months ago

        Theres a review of crunchyrolls anime trainwreck that I always think back to whenever this or similar topics come up. Basically, the guy says that even though in reality lots of boring, irrelevant things happen, in stories, because time is precious, there is a push to minimize waste. Therefore if something is in the story, then it should be important for some reason, and viewers can get a feel for what the story is trying to be from those seeming irrelevancies. The holder system is there to push yuri, but it cannibalizes the natural development of corporate politics and relationships in the show. Simple as.

    • 12 months ago

      Even IBO made Atra marry Kudelia post-show

      • 12 months ago

        So IBO was the first Gundam to have a Lesbian interracial marriage (Kudelia is a israelite) and not G-Witch?

      • 12 months ago

        Yup, and unironiacally, you can argue that it was better and more developed than SuleMio, as even when both were thirsty for Mika, as they both loved and cared about each other too, to the point where Atra pushed for menage a trois instead of the rivalry shit.
        Then again, it might feel like that because Suletta is barely a character.

    • 12 months ago

      You forgot G-Reco. Belri is so thirsty of Aida's backend he betrayed his country twice in a guide of spying and then after found out they were related by blood, he well completely butt hurt and lashed out in a full episode killing many people before realized how crazy he were.

      • 12 months ago

        Should've just fricked his sister.

        • 12 months ago

          Firing a warning shot into nee-san’s box

    • 12 months ago

      >IBO did that too
      I forgot that part.

    • 12 months ago

      its because literally no one wants to see gays. Het or nothing.

      It's less of being gay or woke.
      Lot's of modern yurigay came from(and still) Waifu-gay who uphold purity above everything else.
      Deep down despite them liking a lesbian pair, they still waifuing them and wish for threesome material

  13. 12 months ago

    >we don't want to lose the China market
    >yurigays will eat anything up and proclaim bait to be 'canon'

  14. 12 months ago

    worthless image. no epic fight, majority of the group just shuttled off to get captured off screen and accomplished nothing.

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