>No Krillin!

>No Krillin! If you kill your enemies, they win!
Goku really said this

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  1. 4 months ago

    Well, if Kulilin killed Bejita, it'd be all over.

  2. 4 months ago

    How come Vegeta, the character with the most depth and character development is also the most hated character by the author?

    • 4 months ago

      every frickin time

      • 4 months ago
        Thomas Astruc bro btw

        Asstruck is my FUARKING hero.
        She's always was going to be written as an unchanging incel, cope!

      • 4 months ago

        >depth and development

      • 4 months ago

        Will never not be frickin hilarious at how much Thomas seethed at her popularity. Then again what else can one expect from a guy who bases all his characters off of people he knew in High School?

    • 4 months ago

      kojima is a hack

    • 4 months ago

      Toriyama always looked at Bejita as a way to move the plot along. He never felt anything for him as a character. When Goku finally arrives to fight Frieza, Bejita no longer has a purpose, so he dies and is written out of the story. If you re-read the manga and focus on Bejita, you start to see this is true. Probably why he acts so different when Namek saga is over because he isn't needed to push the plot along like he was back then, so he has no real purpose anymore

      I think he should have just stayed dead. I don't like his character after Namek. Toriyama clearly didn't know what to do with him, other than feeding him to #18, feeding him to Cell, then that was it

      • 4 months ago

        > I think he should have just stayed dead. I don't like his character after Namek. Toriyama clearly didn't know what to do with him, other than feeding him to #18, feeding him to Cell, then that was it
        that can be said about all of dragonball passed Namek

    • 4 months ago

      I'd read before that Toriyama wanted to kill-off Vegeta but his daughter liked the character and wanted him to stick around..The saiyan saga arc was also when the series became the super-saiyan shitshow where barely anything mattered other than saiyans so he maybe had a bit of grudge against saiyans in general

    • 4 months ago

      because he's a whiny pity party who feels like he's owed respect. Toriyama is that rare Jap who hates authority, hated teachers, hated tradition.

      • 4 months ago

        >that rare Jap who hates authority, hated teachers, hated tradition.
        90% of Japanese like this become mangaka because, despite the tyranny of editors, it allows them way more freedom than most other jobs in Japan.

        • 4 months ago

          This is true, even in the beginning you have guys like Shigeru Mizuki who just about went AWOL from the Japanese army in WWII because he thought it was stupid to go on a suicide mission.
          It's fun to see the 70's mangaka character in Godzilla vs Gigan making up monsters based off authority figures Japanese kids would feel annoyed by.

          • 4 months ago

            Is that image from the mangaka in Godzilla vs Gigan? I’ll watch it just for that scene.
            Mizuki is under-appreciated in the west, and I’m glad his stuff has finally been getting released in English. It’s interesting to see his view point on history. He was pissed off at the Allies and the Japanese government. Also, his brother was jailed for a time as a war criminal for shooting an American paratrooper.

            • 4 months ago

              >Is that image from the mangaka in Godzilla vs Gigan? I’ll watch it just for that scene.
              Yeah, the plot of Godzilla vs Gigan is a mangaka getting hired to work on a theme park that's a cover for an alien invasion. being a manga artist isn't a huge plotpoint after the initial set up, but there's one dumb fun scene where he has to draw something really fast towards the end.

    • 4 months ago

      Piccolo is Toriyama's favorite and the best character in the series

  3. 4 months ago

    If Krillin killed Vegeta, the number of killers in the universe would remain the same.

    • 4 months ago

      The number of Krillers would stay the same, the number of Vegetas would decrease.

      • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      in elementary school we went to a museum and there was a quote on one of the walls along the lines of
      >if we hanged everyone who has done something bad, there would be nobody left
      but in more eloquent terms
      and my interpretation was
      >at least one person did something bad
      >that person would be executed
      >then the executioner killed someone, which was bad
      >then the executioner would be executed
      >then the executioner's executioner would be executed
      >but then there would only be one person left eventually
      >and you can't execute yourself
      >therefore the quote is wrong

      • 4 months ago

        It's just like other stupid virtue signal bullshit like "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." Yeah, except for that last guy with one eye.
        >In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

      • 4 months ago

        that one surviving person dies childless and that's it for the species

        quote holds up

        • 4 months ago

          she could be pregnant with twins

  4. 4 months ago

    no he didn't, he just wanted to fight Vegeta again.

  5. 4 months ago

    How much pain do you think Vegeta's body was in after getting thrashed around by monkey Gohan?

    • 4 months ago

      Not as much as Goku's was after getting thrashed around by monkey vegeta

  6. 4 months ago

    how do swords even work in the dbz universe? sometimes they get shattered instantly and sometimes they cut through people like butter.

    • 4 months ago

      Only thing that matters is the power level of the guy using it.

    • 4 months ago

      Only thing that matters is the power level of the guy using it.

      also lowered/weakened power level means more susceptibility.
      It's life energy. If you're near death, all the ki you might have at full power won't mean much.

    • 4 months ago

      You just described how they work. Why are you asking?

    • 4 months ago

      auras in dbz are like the spaceship shield in id4
      the weaker the aura gets, the easier it is to get killed

  7. 4 months ago

    >HOLY MOLY MACARONI! Bulma, what are you saying??? You just created a GIANT dildo that's green with spots just like CELL's body for 18 to get FRICKED by?!? And this dildo has the ability to produce SEMEN that has the DNA of all the Z fighters, myself excluded, and all the villains we've ever fought!? And when you'll force this dildo up 18's pussy, it will inseminate and impregnate her with TENS, if not HUNDREDS of babies, one for every person whose DNA exists inside the dildo!?!?!?!? You and the Capsule Corp will also perform numerous body surgeries on her so that she'll be able to mother all of these children without dying from the pain??? She'll be unable to move for the rest of her life, will be in constant agony and you'll keep giving her drugs against her will to keep her alive? Also, you and your father are planning to make me take part in this by using your advanced technology *gulp* to turn me into an ARTIFICAL WOMB?!?!? You're gonna perform a number of surgeries to attach me to 18's body!?!? Not only will I be forced against my own will to basically carry the child made between my wife and another man, but I will be able to SEE, TASTE and FEEL the sperm of what could be some random Frieza soldier enter one of 18's egg cells and be given life??? Even though I'm practically inside 18, I will ironically never be able to feel her up close, as I will only have the opportunity to watch her involuntarily cuck me as she's suffering the worst pain a woman can feel times one thousand??? And the only reason you're doing all of this is because you're just curious to see how long it'll take for the both of us to die due to emotional trauma from this experiment!?!?!? What can I say other than YABBA DABBA I HECKING LOVE SCIENCE DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • 4 months ago

      Hmm, I've read this over several times now and I must say this is quite based and kinopilled. Well done, sir.

  8. 4 months ago

    The English dubs of dragonball z gave the impression that Goku was some kind of noble altruistic hero with high minded concepts of life and mercy; just like every other american Cape superhero.

    This is a jarring departure from Toriyama's intended characterization of Goku as a backwoods battle-crazed moron, who would refuse to kill at least two objectively evil characters just because he wanted them to get stronger and fight them again. Goku doesn't give a shit about his immediate family and progeny, much less the entire earth. He's not a hero, hes a donkey moron that just wants to fight people

    • 4 months ago

      He said to raditz that the only way to beat him was to kill him.
      How come he never said that to any of his other foes.

    • 4 months ago

      The anime as a whole paints Goku up more as a hero than the manga does. Even if you turn on the Japanese subs, it doesn't fully make it go away. Toriyama expressed discontentment with that, wondering why Toei changed the character so much. He wrote Goku as you said: a huge battle-hungry moron who looks at his family as friends, but not as a family man would. He'll let genocidal murderers live solely so he can fight them another day. He doesn't care that they'll come back and rape his wife and butcher his son, as long as he gets what he wanted, which was another fight

      Thankfully, Super and most of the movies were a return to form, with Toriyama monitoring them at least a little bit. Goku actually pays for his moronation in some ways. He lets Frieza live again, only this time, Frieza destroys the whole planet. This is the Bad End that should have come in most circumstances with Goku's stupidity. Letting Jr live, Ginyu Force, Frieza, giving Cell a Senzu Bean, playing rock paper scissors over who gets to fight Kid Buu, etc

      • 4 months ago

        You're overstating it. Goku was a family man. The description was with a dark spot or something. yes he goes monkey brain over getting stronger and fighting stronger people but that's an exception to his character.
        Letting Cell live was to prep up Gohan as new protector of earth.
        Don't remember what he did for ginyu force but Frieza was just mercy because he won absolutely.

        • 4 months ago

          >You're overstating it. Goku was a family man. The description was with a dark spot or something

          I'm aware of when Toriyama mentioned the poison that creeps into Goku sometimes. He also mentioned that Goku does not look at his family the way that other men would. To him, they are like Yajirobe, or Bulma. A nice friend to have, but little else

          • 4 months ago

            am i supposed to be surprised goku sees his wife who he only married because he thought marriage was a food as a companion instead of a family member?

  9. 4 months ago

    In hindsight, it worked out for the better. But at the time, it was a moronic as frick decision. It took all of Goku + getting lucky with Gohan going great ape mode to take Vegeta down, and even THEN Vegeta was still the last man standing (other than killing). Goku and Gohan were both incapacitated. If Vegeta were to come back with a vengeance, they probably won't be able to defeat him.

    • 4 months ago

      >even THEN Vegeta was still the last man standing
      Did you not watch it or see the pic in op? Vegeta dragged himself back to his pod before retreating, Krillin was the last man standing. Krillin gets that W.

    • 4 months ago

      Vegeta lost his tail, hes fricked in the runback

  10. 4 months ago
  11. 4 months ago

    Goku gave a senzu bean to piccolo, cell, and moro. Goku was going to let frieza live and gave him his energy. He remarks in the buu saga that he would have been able to destroy majin buu but then he wouldnt have enough time left on earth to take goten and trunks to fuse. Also he missed the potara earring toss to gohan.
    Goku DOES NOT give a shit about the earth

  12. 4 months ago

    Because if Vegeta was killed then he never would have got with Bulma & made Trucks who travelled back in time to tell them about the Androids

  13. 4 months ago

    He didn't though, that's some dub shit. Goku asked him to spare him because he's a fight autist and he wanted a rematch.

  14. 4 months ago

    No he didn't. He just wanted to fight Vegeta again because Vegetas strong

    • 4 months ago

      He didn't though, that's some dub shit. Goku asked him to spare him because he's a fight autist and he wanted a rematch.

      OPs a shoot moron

  15. 4 months ago

    This was dub nonsense. In the manga, he just wanted to fight him again because he was so strong.

  16. 4 months ago

    fricking weird how goku had this shift in z where he never killed anyone when in dragon ball he was a complete fricking murder hobo, seriously he fricking killed everything in his path without hesitation or remorse
    in z he kills yakon and he kills buu, that's it, not even fricking frieza

    • 4 months ago

      I feel like Toriyama had to tone that shit down in Z to put him in starker contrast with the evil, non-brain-damaged Saiyans once he figured out that plot point.

    • 4 months ago

      almost like in the original he started as some dumb kid raised by a moron in the jungle and grew as a virtuous character over the years. it would make no sense for his character to regress to being a cold blooded murderer after starting family and having a kid. considering Z was intended to be Gohan's coming of age story, it would be weird for him to see his father murder people left and right.

      • 4 months ago

        Goku isn't virtuous lol, he literally spares galaxy wide slavers and planet destroyers just so he can fight them again, he's like a really cucked out capeshitter

    • 4 months ago

      Because he could kill those guys in Dragon Ball. When he encounters Vegeta and realizes he couldn't have taken him down alone- it's calling back to the Jackie Chun fight where he realizes there can be people stronger than him. Besides Tien, he's able to take down everyone after Jackie Chun. The Saiyans make him realize he's not top dog anymore.

  17. 4 months ago

    considering that by this point in the series like 70% of Goku's crews was made up of former enemies, he had a point.

  18. 4 months ago

    Early DBZ > Dragonball > Late DBZ > ToP Super > GT > Rest of Super

    • 4 months ago

      Dragonball > Dr. Slump > That comic where the superheroine gets raped and becomes a prostitute > early DBZ > dog shit > all the rest

    • 4 months ago

      Dragonball > Dr. Slump > That comic where the superheroine gets raped and becomes a prostitute > early DBZ > dog shit > all the rest

      >grouping Dragonball into 1 category
      It's 2 different shows. 2/3 of it is a kiddie adventure show and then suddenly people start getting murdered and it got very dark and kino.

  19. 4 months ago

    vegeta beat goku
    goku wanted a rematch

  20. 4 months ago

    >Bodied hard by default form Cell
    >Fast forward several years
    >Able to stand toe to toe against SSJBlue Goku
    >Goku had to train under the strongest celestial characters in the series to get that strong
    >One of Dr.Gero's failures is that powerful with no training needed
    >Jiren dodges time skipping by Hit flawlessly
    >Gets snuck up on by #17
    >#17 is the first to actually hurt Jiren
    >Can withstand a direct confrontation with Jiren and come away from it without issue

    What the frick was going on with #17? Why did they make him so absurdly strong for? It isn't even explained how, he just is. #18 was scared shitless of Majora and she was nearly as strong as #17 was originally. Did Toei boost #17 to sell toys or something? I don't see him in any media, so that can't be it. What were they thinking?

    • 4 months ago

      Red Ribbon > whatever ugly alien shit that exist outside earth.
      Simple as.

    • 4 months ago

      The original android plots made no sense. Frieza was the strongest being in the universe and then some evil professor on Earth simply builds four (4) robots that mog him to oblivion, AND modifies himself to be stronger than Frieza. Like hundreds of times stronger by canonical power level.
      We can explain cell as being a biotechnological phenomenon and having the DNA of every strong being. But the androids were just robots and he himself was just a modified man.

      • 4 months ago

        Piccolo blows up the moon like it's nothing in the first couple episodes then later on we're supposed to act like blowing up a planet is some big deal. It never made sense.

        • 4 months ago

          Jackie Chun did it in fricking Dragonball.

    • 4 months ago

      A big idea behind Dragon Ball that gets overlooked a lot (in fact, probably THE MOST overshadowed aspect of the story) is the plot point of the Red Ribbon army and its heartless soulless machines, along with their creators, being the main antagonists, and the juxtaposition when sometimes their machines end up having huge hearts and redeeming themselves and their robotic nature by sacrificing themselves for the greater good. First it was Eighter, then 16, recently it was Gamma 2 or whatever his name was from Super Hero. I think they wanted to include some sort of element of that in Super but didn't really have a good way of doing it, so they just sort of put that role on 17 and excecuted it horribly. But that's a huge part of the story that just doesn't seem to drive home with people, even though it's actually extremely kino if you appreciate it for what they're trying to accomplish. I wish they'd actually double down on it and make it a more significant aspect to the story, rather than their half assed attempts at trying to shoehorn it in behind rainbow hair battles.

      • 4 months ago

        >headcanon everywhere
        paco go back to bed

        • 4 months ago

          Which part was headcanon? The part where I described things that literally, objectively happened in the series, or the part where I transparently gave my opinion on what may or may not have been the case?

          • 4 months ago

            >Which part was headcanon?
            You think someone like Toriyama, a guy who primarily wrote gag manga and greater favors it over shonen like Dragon Ball, gave even two moderate fricks about anything regarding Red Ribbon in the overarching story of Dragon Ball?
            Frick no. He primarily writes shit he just wants to see and thinks is funny, which is also why shit he primarily writes is fricking moronic without an editor telling him to knock it off. He's literally done the "Red Ribbon survivors were in hiding and here's their revenge plan" TWICE as of Super Hero.

    • 4 months ago

      >What the frick was going on with #17? Why did they make him so absurdly strong for?
      It was an apology for that god-awful Super #17 shit they had in GT. Maybe they overcorrected a bit but it was nice regardless to see him treated as a capable fighter and not jobbing out.

  21. 4 months ago

    When will the SDBH episodes air on Toonami?
    I just want to see Z normies reaction to the stupid weird ass shit they animated online, but on western TV.
    >but it's a jap-exclusive card game, they have no reason to do it!
    TPCI okayed the Mystery Dungeon miniseries anime to be dubbed and air, Toei & CCT can do the same.

    >implying they're not planning another World Mission game at this moment

  22. 4 months ago

    Goku was right. If he hadn't let Vegeta go that time, they would have all died on Namek.

  23. 4 months ago

    Goku is a canonical moron tho.

  24. 4 months ago

    adult Goku is kinda stupid evil
    he only cares about fighting strong opponents and doesn’t care about the consequences if he loses

  25. 4 months ago

    No he didnt. It was a selfish request by goku to keep what was clearly the strongest opponent he'd ever faced alive for him to fight again one day. Maybe this is a dogshit dub line. IMAGINE watching any anime dubbed.

  26. 4 months ago

    >Goku wants to ask Zen-Oh to start the new tournament Goku was interested in
    >Beerus tells him frick no because Zen-Oh is unstable and could kill and erase everyone
    >Goku watches Zen-Oh annihilate Future Trunks entire universe and all the souls in it, including Future Bulma's, so he knows full well Zen-Oh could do it
    >Doesn't even care
    >Still wants to badger Zen-Oh about the tournament
    >Beerus loses patience and threatens to kill Goku and erase his soul because Goku is out of his mind and might get the whole universe killed and erased
    >Goku still goes to see Zen-Oh

    What the frick is wrong with him?

    • 4 months ago

      he's homer simpson crossed with rocky balboa, he's an idiot that has to find something to do.

  27. 4 months ago

    No he didn't that was dub fanfiction
    Soon after I watched the episode I learnt how butchered it was and have watched very little dubbed anime since, not as vigilant about original audio for Vidya as I am other mediums though

  28. 4 months ago

    Frick, he really did. Son Trudeau

  29. 4 months ago

    Goku let Vegeta live because of a selfish desire to fight him again. In the anime, they tried to make this look more heroic and noble than it actually was.
    >let Vegeta go because there a chance he’ll change and become good
    This was pure fanfic
    I don’t blame for Toriyama getting pissed over Goku being turned into some type of Superman type hero

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah that's what I always liked about Goku. He can't help himself, seeing someone strong and fighting them is his raison d'etre and an addiction. It's that primal spirit of conpetitition that is strangely Faustian.

      • 4 months ago

        Master Roshi earlier in the manga compared Goku's purity of heart to be like a feral wild animal. A wolf wants meat, so it eats you. It has no ill intent towards you in particular, it is just hungry. Goku wants fights, so he's going to get them, one way or another. The fighter he faces could be kind or cruel. The repercussions of the fight may do nothing, or destroy everything. Either or, it isn't important to Goku, just the fight is. Any good that comes of it is happenstance

        • 4 months ago

          Yes, this is how I view Goku giving Cell a senzu bean. It was a stupid decision but there was no evil intent behind it. Goku genuinely believed it would be wrong for Gohan to take on a weak cell as it would be bullying and he had faith that his son would win despite the risk. The man is a simpleton that loves fighting above all else. He was having the time of his life fighting Buu and wanted him to come back one day

    • 4 months ago

      in fairness, Vegeta never killed anyone but Napa at this point.

  30. 4 months ago

    Bulma is actually the most important character.

  31. 4 months ago

    What Goku actually said was fricking worse

  32. 4 months ago

    In the old Funi and Ocean dubs, not in japan, kai, latino, Brazilian portuguese, or even the spaniard dub.

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