>noo I keep hearing voices, better ask the 21 year old dope-smoking D&D high school senior for cocaine

>noo I keep hearing voices, better ask the 21 year old dope-smoking D&D high school senior for cocaine
did people in the 1980s really

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  1. 2 years ago

    He just thought it was her anxiety.

  2. 2 years ago

    New Starship Troopers when?

  3. 2 years ago

    I don't understand why they casted 30 year olds to play highschool kids

  4. 2 years ago

    >is told his girlfriend was found dead
    >her body was found brutally mutilated in the home of some other guy
    >this was was a known deadbeat 20 yo still in highschool who did drugs and was a provocative weirdo into weird satanic stuff
    >he also is missing after the a girls body was found in his home
    >pic related is depicted as a bad guy for wanting to catch this guy
    Makes no sense, this character is depicted as a good kid otherwise

    • 2 years ago

      He’s white and Christian so that makes him the bad guy in current year

    • 2 years ago

      you are being obtuse on purpose. He was simpathetic at first but he crossed several lines and acted like a maniac until the end. Granted, he didn't deserve to die but it's netflix and he was white so what did you expect

      • 2 years ago

        A satanist used black magic to turn his friend into a pretzel right in front of him. If anything, he was behaving calmly and rationally.

      • 2 years ago

        He was just a dumb kid, how did he cross lines?

        • 2 years ago

          Even after he sees one of his friends killed by Vecta, it just confirms his beliefs that his gf was killed in some satanic ritual and demons are real. And why shouldn’t he? He DID witness first hand a bizarre paranormal death, and he has no clue about this paranormal secret project in his town, why wouldn’t he believe it’s actually the devil?

          He was actually a good person, unlike a scumbag like Billy, and he was depicted as a villain for doing nothing wrong and basically just some weird therapeutic torture of the chads who bullied the nerd writers, but they didn’t even give you a reason to not like him other than he’s a white athletic male

          he was aggressive and wanted to kill other people. He was pretty much ok until he got a gun and it was clearly depicted that he is losing his mind and he is unable to think straight. Like i said, he didnt deserve to die like he had .but he still crossed the line

          the entire thing would've been stopped if they just told him what actually happened
          >inb4 he wouldn't believe them
          yeah maybe but seeing as new characters believe pretty much everything as soon as theyre told it isn't out of the realm of possibility

          >the entire thing would've been stopped if they just told him what actually happened
          lucas told him but he was too angry to listen so I guess that makes it ok to be literally torn in half.

          • 2 years ago

            >18 yo kid loses his nerve after being in the middle of a secret Cold War satanic conspiracy theory that basically brought the devil out of hell and killed his girlfriend
            >this makes him a bad guy deserving of a brutal death that the viewer is supposed to see and think “yeah, take that haha”

          • 2 years ago

            >he was aggressive and wanted to kill other people. He was pretty much ok until he got a gun and it was clearly depicted that he is losing his mind and he is unable to think straight. Like i said, he didnt deserve to die like he had .but he still crossed the line
            True, if he was thinking straight he'd have gotten a rifle and killed them stealthily from a safe distance so they couldn't use their satanic magic on him. His irrational behaviour came from that he was actually too good of a person.

          • 2 years ago

            If I was in his shoes and didn't know about some moronic demon from the upside down (literally hell) killing everyone and just had all the circumstancial shit he had I'd probably want to kill the homosexual hellfire club satanists too.

      • 2 years ago

        Even after he sees one of his friends killed by Vecta, it just confirms his beliefs that his gf was killed in some satanic ritual and demons are real. And why shouldn’t he? He DID witness first hand a bizarre paranormal death, and he has no clue about this paranormal secret project in his town, why wouldn’t he believe it’s actually the devil?

        He was actually a good person, unlike a scumbag like Billy, and he was depicted as a villain for doing nothing wrong and basically just some weird therapeutic torture of the chads who bullied the nerd writers, but they didn’t even give you a reason to not like him other than he’s a white athletic male

        • 2 years ago

          >they didn’t even give you a reason to not like him other than he’s a white athletic male
          all his public speaking made him come off like a sociopath. that's literally it though. and then they go and humanize him by having him freak out as his griflriend's death and show that he genuinely cared about her and had real feelings. he even goes and hides his sorrow, showing that maybe the strong side is the fake part and he's actually a good guy playing a role he's no really up to and that's why he sounds so weird. there's several possible interpretations anyway. but the "he's a psycho" one is legit deranged. you'd have to selectively misremember everything that happens for that to make sense.

      • 2 years ago

        the entire thing would've been stopped if they just told him what actually happened
        >inb4 he wouldn't believe them
        yeah maybe but seeing as new characters believe pretty much everything as soon as theyre told it isn't out of the realm of possibility

    • 2 years ago

      He was good. He deserved a better ending. They set up so much and could have had a way more interesting end for him, even if he still died

  5. 2 years ago

    Also the writers were no alive in th 80s.

  6. 2 years ago

    Ketamine. If you're already freaking out coke is a bad way to go, also doesn't last that long. You'd know this if you weren't a lame ass square.

  7. 2 years ago

    >goes through a bizarre paranormal traumatic experience as a kid
    >misses out on a normal childhood
    >is a socially awkward nerd with a close and small group of friends
    >friends end up getting girlfriends while he is still not developing into that phase yet
    >really just wants to hang out with his friends playing games like before
    >feels sad and anxious at the thought of losing his friends to girlfriends/them growing out of their nerdy hobby while he struggles to engage in regular preteen behavior

    • 2 years ago

      >it's a netflix show
      >it's 2022
      yes he is a gay. its the only proof you really need. It's not an allegory or a metaphor or anything at all. He is just a gay cause it's a current year and we have to have a gay in our show.
      t.prettier duffer brother

    • 2 years ago

      Even when the other guys were saying how hot girls were, Will was like “Huh? Girls are hot?”
      “Jonathan’s fricking Nancy in bed? Gross!!!”
      “Girls go to science camp?”
      “Who needs those stupid girls anyway?”

      Face it. Will was a daisy since the beginning.

      • 2 years ago

        This is all obvious “girls have cooties” stuff. Again, he’s established as the nerdiest outcast of even the group of nerds. There’s that line that his father was mean to him and would call him a homosexual, but this was obviously to establish his father was a piece of shit and called him that just because he was a wimpy nerd.

        • 2 years ago

          Jonathan was a wimpy kid too (couldn’t even hunt) but Mr Byers never called him gay, because he wasn’t one.
          Will on the other hand. You can tell.

          • 2 years ago

            >you just know

          • 2 years ago

            I disagree. I really think there was never any intention to make this character homosexual, but the show decided to lean in on it to appease the they/them audience of zoomers

            • 2 years ago

              its been obvious since season 3

              • 2 years ago

                He’s a weird nerd kid who isn’t good at talking to people and especially girls, I really don’t see how that is a sign he’s gay

              • 2 years ago

                mike literally says "ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU DONT LIKE GIRLS"

              • 2 years ago

                Mike said this in a fit of rage when Will kept bugging him to play D&D with him while Mike was clearly upset that his gf just broke up with him and he was panic plotting on how to win her back.

              • 2 years ago

                He’s a weird nerd kid who isn’t good at talking to people and especially girls, I really don’t see how that is a sign he’s gay

                Will's actor confirmed he is gay and Will the character has been gay since the original pitch for the show.

                >Will Byers, twelve, is a sweet, sensitive kid with sexual identity issues. He only recently came to the realization that he does not fit into the 1980s definition of “normal.” His innocent choices, such as colorful clothes, prove a constant source of bullying. Like Mike, Will escapes through fantasy gaming, where he can be himself, uninhibited. He has a close relationship with his mother, Joyce. His brother, Jonathan, helps raise him in lieu of their father, who abandoned them four years ago.

                That said you'd think they'd have a better plot for him since they've known he's gay for almost 10 years but whatever.

              • 2 years ago

                I mean, that's just awkward. Fine make him gay but forcing love between them when clearly Mike isn't gay..

              • 2 years ago

                People in my class thought I was gay because I didn't wanna sleep with the fat chick. Also because I'd rather play video games than go to parties. Also because I didn't get drunk and frick random bawds during the weekends like everyone else was doing.

                If you're the kind of person who constantly drinks and fricks around and flirts, they can't comprehend that people exist who don't do that. So they rationalize you as gay.

                People are so exhausting, man. I just don't wanna have to deal with them unless it's gonna turn into a long-term relationship and so be worth the investment.

              • 2 years ago

                Exactly. I went through similar stuff of being an awkward teenager who didn’t have a gf Bc I was just a nerd who didn’t know how to talk to them. And I had older people who just couldn’t even grasp the idea that a boy could just suck at talking to girls for some reason.

                That’s what this feels like. A nerdy kid who likes to LARP and draw fantasy scenes and spend time with his friends? Must be gay!

  8. 2 years ago

    Well her counselor certainly didn’t help

  9. 2 years ago

    The homosexual french postmoderists that lamented the recycling and repackaging of culture from previous eras would look at s4 of stranger things in a perplexed daze beyond horror. It's a fricking exhumed zombie

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