Not only was he right, but he was so so based here

Not only was he right, but he was so so based here

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  1. 3 months ago

    Right about what? That everyone hates mutants? Well...yeah. You seen the shit that Magneto's pulled against humans AND mutants, yet the X-men simp for him time and again?

    • 3 months ago

      That humans should face consequences for repeatedly enslaving and killing mutants

      • 3 months ago

        Frankly, yes, we really should get right on that. In fact, we should start with Magneto and Apocalypse, considering how many they've enslaved and killed.

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah sure frick 'em, my rage is not about the x-men licking Magneto's feet, it's about how Marvel treated Scott like he was mutant hitler when clearly he was very much in the right, albeit fueled by blind rage which made things worse

          • 3 months ago

            Me, I've never known what he was "right" about just cause I've never figured out what he was supposed to be "wrong" about to begin with. Magneto's a total POS, but Scott's only real crime far as I could tell was being just as much an butthole as the rest of the X-men were in the 00's-10's, and even then it felt like every superhero was an butthole then too so Scott being mutant hitler genuinely didn't make sense when the actual mutant hitler was right there going "You go gurl, mmhmmm"

            • 3 months ago

              Yes, I see... The writers really fumbled the bag with this, I hate A vs X or whatever its called

              Its exactly like civil war, you can clearly tell the producers and story coordinators thought everyone was gonna side with Tony so they made him an butthole to make things seem more balanced
              But then lots and lots of people were on Steve's side so they were fricked lol

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, I think almost everyone doesn't count Avengers Vs X-men since it was exactly like Civil War, things were so tilted to make the X-men the obvious antagonists that the only ones really caring were the X-men fans who were obsessed with seeing the Avengers get their asses kicked while everyone else had already checked out and was just along to see how stupid shit got. And jesus did it get stupid.

      • 3 months ago

        Mutants have killed more mutants than humans did. Where's the justice there.

      • 3 months ago

        >I'm a better mass murderer

        which humans

        are we talking collective punishment because uh the only humans who have a mutant bodycount higher than double figures are those who were aided and abetted by mutants, like Trask, whose sentinels killed an astonishingly small number of mutants before being taken over by Cassandra Nova, who killed 16 million mutants

        the only humans who enslaved mutants were the human population of Genosha prior to Magneto taking the island over, but there were a million of them and they've never been mentioned as refugees anywhere else, and they're not included in the dead after the sentinel attack on Genosha, meaning they were already dead

        the mutants themselves, specifically Scott here

        Not only was he right, but he was so so based here

        in AvX, have also enslaved and killed humans (and mutants) who they simply disagreed with, Scott having ordered his personal hit squad (including several minors) to commit mass murders (spree killing) on multiple occasions, and by this point having imprisoned without trial any human or mutant who disagreed with Scott having absolute power to rule earth

        when Scott says he's winning, he's admitting that he's a better villain than Magneto, a guy who not long before this was on his own serial-killer rampage across America in his solo title dressed like fat old Billy Corgan

        Scott has it all: island fortress hideout, murderous henchmen, supervillain speeches

        and yet he's presented as a hero or antihero time and again when in fact, he was the one who invited most of the "former" villain mutants onto the X-Men in the first place, corrupting the team and what it stood for

        guy has a highschool diploma's worth of education from a rich bald guy in a chair who openly admits he was wiping the kid's minds from the start

        poor dumb bastard never stood a chance of not being a villain

  2. 3 months ago

    Interesting how so many people on Cinemaphile have this fantasy of being a stoic ruthless dictator who kills whoever he wants, shuts down any opposition with badass intimidation and generally has no qualms doing whatever for "the greater good"

    Meanwhile my power fantasy was always to more of a diplomatic influencer who brainwashes and manipulates people to fullfil his goals with as little violence as possible. I wonder if that means I have low test

    • 3 months ago

      It is morally wrong to change somebody's opinions or beliefs.

    • 3 months ago

      so you're brainwave from Jupiter's Legacy.
      At least Magneto, Dr. Doom, Lex Luthor, Rex Robot, etc have the balls to stab you in the front instead of the back

    • 3 months ago

      The redhead guy from 1 Billion Genies?

  3. 3 months ago

    should've kept the Phoenix look. Add in the Jim Lee hair. All New Imperium kind of deal

  4. 3 months ago

    >Jean loses control of her powers and the X-Men make every excuse in the book for her as to why it wasn't her fault

    >Scott loses control and snaps as the result of years of pent up anger because a man told him since he was 14 that it's his job to protect an entire race

    I wish Marvel didn't pussy out by the mid 2010's with X-Men. Rightclops never got a proper resolution and it still pisses me off.

    • 3 months ago

      >Rightclops never got a proper resolution and it still pisses me off.
      Jean came back, he got to cum in that firepuss again and he mellowed out.

  5. 3 months ago

    Charlie Sheen as Cyclops

  6. 3 months ago

    Scott was right about everything. His only crime was being white.

  7. 3 months ago

    >"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"

    Yeah, says the people with both eyes intact

    • 3 months ago

      Daredevil still has his eyeballs.

  8. 3 months ago

    what was he right about?

    • 3 months ago

      That's kind of the thing, in the decade since that stupid meme started, nobody's ever clarified what that was beyond "humans are buttholes". Which is something every superhero's probably said once or twice.

    • 3 months ago

      The writers dont know because they wanted him to be wrong by default

    • 3 months ago

      That's kind of the thing, in the decade since that stupid meme started, nobody's ever clarified what that was beyond "humans are buttholes". Which is something every superhero's probably said once or twice.

      The Phoenix Force coming to Earth was a good thing

      • 3 months ago

        That's along the lines of saying "Batman's secret JL protocols were a bad idea", the amount of detail left out of that statement does the actual conflict a massive disservice

        • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            Here's the issue with the whole Phoenix thing
            >The Phoenix Force has in the past shown itself to be capable of blowing up planets, and had just finished blowing one up in the process of punting Nova to Earth to warn them the Phoenix was on a rampage
            >The Avengers weren't planning on fighting the X-men, they just wanted to pull Hope Summers either away from Earth so the Phoenix Force didn't kill everyone or find a way to stall the Phoenix Force so it didn't kill her
            >After the Phoenix Five debacle, they were the ones to suggest helping Hope to better contain the Phoenix Force via training once they had a better understanding of the situation, compared to the X-men who were happy to frick around with their new godhood instead of using their powers to save mutants from...something
            And on the other hand
            >The Avengers: X-Sanction story, which depicted Cable going back in time to (fail to) kill the Avengers to stop them from making a mistake relating to Hope Summers fulfilling her destiny, which is something he relays to Cyclops but no one else. This is the plan that Cyclops is hinging his entire hopes on in Avengers Vs X-men but fails to actually relay it in the book itself
            >The Phoenix Force has been depicted as having a particular attachment to the Summers family line, and been slowly retconned over the years as having an attachment to the mutant people

            In terms of what happened, though? Yeah, the Phoenix Force comes to "fix" the issue of the mutants being nearly extinct...because Scarlet Witch helped a Kunlun trained Hope Summers to KILL the Phoenix Force in exchange for igniting the X-genes of a ton of regular people and forcibly turning them into mutants, none of which would have happened if the Avengers hadn't pulled Hope Summers out of the X-men's hands and forced her to train until she could handle the Phoenix Force.

            So, yeah. Avengers vs X-men can get stuffed, and so can the Phoenix Force.

            • 3 months ago

              And for the record, I'm not on team Avengers OR team X-men, I'm on team "There were so many gaping holes in the story that your head would spin if you sat down to think of them all", not least of which being that RACHEL SUMMER WAS RIGHT FRICKING THERE

              So, yeah, TL;DR In the story itself, the Avengers were clearly in the right cause they were stopping a rampaging god from nomming earth and the X-men were being dicks cause of Scott. But meta-textually, the X-men were obviously in the right cause every single writer and their mother was saying this was going to be THE big event that a literal child of destiny was going to fulfill so anyone going against that would have to be either stupid or evil or even stupid to the point of being evil, aka the ignorant Avengers. And when your conflict relies on meta-text to inform you who's in the right, something is very wrong.

              • 3 months ago

                Interesting that even for a comic released as recently as 2012, there was still such an active fan community that people were making spoof comics. I can't imagine that happening nowadays. I guess everyone grew out of comics or got tired of them..? Maybe the whole 2014 liberal invasion and comicsgate had its role by turning comic discourse political rather than nerdy like it used to be.

              • 3 months ago

                More that most artists overtime migrated to Twitter for the greater exposure. But yeah, the 2010s was a rough decade for cape fans. A lot of comics to make fun of if you're the fan of that kind of thing, but an increasing number of people who'd rather just stop bothering altogether

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