Not woke at all

Absolutely no one gets demasculinized, Ramona is nothing but supportive, it's a what if Scott lost first fight till the finale. It's great. ..l., the woke haters that didn't get what they wanted, happy ending for all at end.

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  1. 7 months ago

    more like snot pilgrim

  2. 7 months ago

    Woke just means thing I don't like.
    Its like 'racist' and 'nazi'

  3. 7 months ago

    I always fricking hated this comic because it reminded me of how I never had a gf

    • 7 months ago

      Homie, getting a girlfriend is not the goal. Getting one who is your "Ramona" aka someone who can love you and you them is very hard. Most people fail, but you do not have to lose hope.
      Workout, dress your best, and partake in more social physical or mental activities you enjoy. Be social, don't try dating immediately. You will meet people you can befriend and trust eventually. Teamwork makes the dream work, this is especially true for dating. It is usually better to date a friend of a friend than a friend.
      >But breakups!!!
      I have only had amicable breakups. Life is a lot easier when you realize loving someone who does not love you is only going to hurt you and them.

      • 7 months ago

        yeah all this loneliness is starting to turn me into a homosexual. i started feeling weird things towards a friend and now im scared

        • 7 months ago

          I have dated friends before, still friends with most. I would recommend you just admit you have weird feelings in person. Although, be clear about your intentions. If they say no, you are embarrassed but life goes on man.

          • 7 months ago

            >I would recommend you just admit you have weird feelings in person.
            I did this. In high school. To this girl I was friends with from playing tabletop games. She turned me down. I was absolutely fricking devastated because, you know, dumb seventeen year old boy getting rejected for the first time after hyping himself up.
            But the funny thing was after that, we still talked like nothing happened, so it was cool I guess?
            And then high school ended and I drifted apart from/lost contact with everyone I knew from there, including her. Now I'm twenty one, just wondering if it was my fault and what I could have done differently to make it work. It wasn't and nothing, respectively. Her rejection was subtly telling me she had serious personal issues to work through and she wasn't ready for a committed romantic relationship.
            And I can't get completely over her since, even if she wasn't all that attractive, thinking about it, she was cute, had a nice sense of style, and had a charming demeanor and I genuinely liked her despite all that. I think one of the reasons I can't get over her fully is that I haven't had a genuine romantic relationship since then, and I'm just generally alone and don't have any non-Internet friends. Maybe I should try online dating.

            No, there isn't a point to any of this.

            • 7 months ago

              Same anon here. Take what you learned to heart. You met a person who you enjoyed, even when you were not dating, and you fell for her after knowing her as a friend for a while. This is the key, friend. I recommend meeting people as friends in real life. Even if you end up single, you'll still have people who make life better. Rejection from friends or friends of friends can lead to wisdom. Failure through intentional dating apps leaves you with nothing and no wisdom.

            • 7 months ago

              You sure had better friends than I did Anon. I was in the same scenario but instead of trying to move on like nothing happend, she straight up stopped talking to me after a while. Almost to the point of pretending I never existed. I try not to let it bother me and i have moved on, but now looking back on it, romance kinda...died for me after that.
              I never found anyone quite like her, and I feel that I blew it with "the one". She wasn't the prettiest or the most delicate, but she was perfect to me. Isn't that what real love is supposed to be right?from the inside? Wouldn't know, never dated...

              • 7 months ago

                Real love is mutual appreciation. It feels different from one sided love in many ways. Unrequited love is pain.

              • 7 months ago

                >Real love is mutual appreciation. It feels different from one sided love in many ways. Unrequited love is pain.
                I couldn't have described it better, anon.

              • 7 months ago

                >Unrequited love is pain.
                Explains why I'm so numb nowadays...

            • 7 months ago

              Hey man. I went through pretty much that same situation too, right down to being the same age and still feeling conflicted about it for a few years after the fact. I do still reflect on it every once in a while, but it doesn't sting. I think the reason that experience sticks with you is because it's special, even in its' own embarrassing kinda way. The most I can say is look at it as a formative experience and learn to laugh about it. Don't look at it as a story of how you got rejected, look at it as a moment you pulled enough confidence together to take that leap. I'm sure if you put yourself out there like

              Same anon here. Take what you learned to heart. You met a person who you enjoyed, even when you were not dating, and you fell for her after knowing her as a friend for a while. This is the key, friend. I recommend meeting people as friends in real life. Even if you end up single, you'll still have people who make life better. Rejection from friends or friends of friends can lead to wisdom. Failure through intentional dating apps leaves you with nothing and no wisdom.

              is saying you'll feel the same for someone else again someday. Next time, taking that leap will be a little easier

      • 7 months ago

        >more social physical or mental activities you enjoy
        I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer but this is 2023. The only social activity people do anymore is going down to the East Side and shooting drugs.

        • 7 months ago

          Same anon. I go hiking, rock climbing, and tabletop gaming. I used to go to anime and comic club meetups, but my job at Boeing is literally overlapping the cool meetings. I haven't dated anyone from these activities, but I have dated people's friends and most are now good friends themselves... Who try hooking me up with other people. It's a fun cycle, though.

          • 7 months ago

            how old are you and where are you finding comic/anime or even tabletop meetups? is it awkward to barge in on a new tabletop group as a stranger?

            • 7 months ago

              homie, don't buy into larps.

    • 7 months ago

      I took my gf at the time to see the movie. We ended up breaking up because she ran away when some shit got too real. It's like pottery.

  4. 7 months ago

    It's possibly the best original "alternative timeline" story I've seen for a comic adaptation. They had things for everyone, especially the video game fans. I hope the team gets to do even more interesting projects with other IP or original work.

    • 7 months ago

      Yes, I liked that it unoriginal and new.

  5. 7 months ago

    why lie about it though? why shoot themselves in the foot

    • 7 months ago

      because they wanted to surprise you

      • 7 months ago

        why do authors think this is good

        • 7 months ago

          Because it was. What, you just want the same story told a third time? Might want to get yourself checked for autism, repetition is a symptom of being on the spectrum.

          • 7 months ago

            Because people want the comic with sound , voices and movement, and see the spectacle fleshed out. The same reason anime is popular , despite the manga already exists because you can only get so much from a still piece of paper

          • 7 months ago

            It's real funny to me how this sentiment has risen up in defense of this. As if the very concept of anime hasn't been about adapting manga/comics into motion.

      • 7 months ago

        Imagine if they could surprise with effective and creative writing.

      • 7 months ago

        Surprised me with how bad it was

    • 7 months ago

      because they wanted to surprise you

      > """"subverting expectations""""

    • 7 months ago

      Everybody likes this besides you gays who always feel slighted by cartoons. Grow some balls

      • 7 months ago

        >grow some balls by having the same opinion as everyone else
        Weird flex there, anon.

    • 7 months ago

      Let it all out. Maybe this will be the thread you can finally start to heal, but no pressure. If you need to keep venting for a few more threads, then that’s what you need to do. We’re here for you, anon.

    • 7 months ago

      I have a feeling that the only people that took the lie so personally are people who have major trust issues. It's a fricking cartoon, who cares?

  6. 7 months ago

    >show about white heterosexual-love
    lol what's wrong with these gays?

    • 7 months ago

      he man was also a white straight couple too and they did the same thing to the main character. thats while people compare them

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah sure, but I don't remember seeing Ramona shave the side of her head and become a complete b***h over night because Scott "lied" to her.

        • 7 months ago

          never shaved her head you 42%er

    • 7 months ago
  7. 7 months ago

    Aaaand another generation of white people ruined
    Thanks O'Malley, you've done it again

    • 7 months ago

      A new generation of women is doomed.

  8. 7 months ago

    >Mostly white cast
    >show ends with woman admitting that she's the problem
    >main white hetero couple stays together
    How did they get away with this in current year?

    • 7 months ago

      Because it's a "What If" style sequel to a 20 year old movie reusing the existing cast.
      Knives and Patel got way more screen time than than they ever did in the movie or the comic.
      The japan twins are still woefully underdeveloped.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah, it’s funny hearing people say this show is feminist woke garbage when it’s literally about a woman being forced to own up to her mistakes since a man can’t clean them up for her. I’m honestly surprised there’s no woke people complaining about that

      • 7 months ago

        >when it’s literally about a woman being forced to own up to her mistakes
        The only mistake she owns up to is leaving Roxy without a word. She doesn't apologize to Lucas for cheating on him, she did nothing wrong with Todd, she didn't confront the twins at all for playing them for revenge, didn't confront Matthew for the pump and dump relationship, and she only exchanges a few words with Gideon. Why would woke people have anything to complain about?

  9. 7 months ago

    Wallace and knives aside, the main mistake of the show was trying to subvert the expectations, is like Lupin, a good show that got a lot of shit becuase the promotional material implied a raceswap instead of what was really going on. Netflix and the people involved fricked up, if it had been promoted as a pseudo sequel the reaction could had been better. Most people agree it was fine, and if anything we could had enjoyed more exes episodes

  10. 7 months ago

    >Absolutely no one gets demasculinized
    Remember when this guy was suppose to be a major villain? O'Malley certainly didn't.
    >Ramona is nothing but supportive
    Which defeats the lesson of her to stop running from the ones she loves.
    >happy ending for all at end
    You're so easy to please.

    • 7 months ago

      >Which defeats the lesson of her to stop running from the ones she loves.
      She has to confront that more directly than this one.
      >Gideon demasculinized
      He gets a new girlfriend and pushes her into the path of supervillainy, frick off

      • 7 months ago

        >She has to confront that more directly than this one.
        She doesn't confront it at all because the whole show is her not running away. It's one scene in the finale (which makes no sense when Gideon of all people is shown there) and then poof, it's resolved.
        >He gets a new girlfriend and pushes her into the path of supervillainy, frick off
        After becoming a bum and so weak he cowers in fear of her. And he didn't push her into shit, she was the one who was bored with him not being evil. You frick off.

    • 7 months ago

      when this guy was suppose to be a major villain? O'Malley certainly didn't.
      Remember how in the comic the most villainous thing he did was make a single b***hy phone call and force Envy to dress like a moronic butterfly?

      • 7 months ago

        >Remember how in the comic the most villainous thing he did was make a single b***hy phone call and force Envy to dress like a moronic butterfly?
        So we're just going to forget all the mental manipulation, torture, frozen girlfriends, and forming a whole league to harrass Ramona's future prospects? O'Malley, is that you?

        • 7 months ago

          >So we're just going to forget all the mental manipulation
          Is that not a thing in the show? That's kind of the character's whole point when you look past all the surface-level nerd culture stuff.

          • 7 months ago

            >Is that not a thing in the show?
            Not at all. He never once tries it on Matthew in their fight, he just uses hand-to-hand and his swords, then after he loses he's basically just a bum until the last episode where in the final fight he uses one ki blast to no effect and is defeated again. His big master plan to get back his empire is to blow up Matthew's stage play, which ends up not working but he gets his stuff back anyway because Matthew is bad at managing it. He shacks up with Julie and never does anything abusive with her because she's already into being evil and is basically her b***h. They not only defanged him but declawed him as well.

  11. 7 months ago

    >what if Scott lost first fight till the finale
    It's not even that, he didn't lose, he was kidnapped by...himself.

  12. 7 months ago

    what do you think "woke" means, OP?

  13. 7 months ago

    All the meme talk aside, did anyone else find the soundtrack really weak? I love anamanaguchi but there's nothing to take notice here other than the I feel fine song that's way too short and I thought there was gonna be a longer version.

  14. 7 months ago

    >not woke at all

    Idk having the male straight white lead literally cucked from his own show seems a little woke

    • 7 months ago

      When you realize that it's an FF7:Remake style stealth sequel it makes sense.

  15. 7 months ago

    At the end Ramona even realizes her own tendency to push people away is what sent Old Scott on his spiral.
    It was all very fairly handled.

    • 7 months ago

      A last minute realization that contradicts all the events before it. Amazing and brave.

      • 7 months ago

        Scott's untimely disappearance drew out a different response from her than when she sat back and let him fight for her. Things went differently and she had a broader perspective being able to look at it all from both sides. It wasn't a sudden contradiction, it was earned character development.

        • 7 months ago

          >Scott's untimely disappearance drew out a different response from her

          • 7 months ago

            Because they were still in a sort of honeymoon phase and cutting that short left her wanting to know what could have been and pulled her further into emotional investment. Scott fighting and winning allowed her to remain a bit more emotionally distant, with all her "Why are you fighting over me" angst. In the former, Ramona also ends up facing her own past head on while in the latter Scott was facing it for her so she never actually had to confront her own mistakes.

            • 7 months ago

              >Because they were still in a sort of honeymoon phase and cutting that short left her wanting to know what could have been and pulled her further into emotional investment.
              Why would that matter to her? When she was going out with Todd and he disappeared suddenly she almost forgot about him in 2 weeks. One date with Scott and she's suddenly willing to deal with over a decade of avoidance issues? I don't buy it, and neither does the writers since they made sure to bury the vast majority of her flaws to make her as inoffensive as possible.
              >she never actually had to confront her own mistakes.
              She still didn't. Any conflict outside of Roxy was dealt with before she had to herself. See

              >when it’s literally about a woman being forced to own up to her mistakes
              The only mistake she owns up to is leaving Roxy without a word. She doesn't apologize to Lucas for cheating on him, she did nothing wrong with Todd, she didn't confront the twins at all for playing them for revenge, didn't confront Matthew for the pump and dump relationship, and she only exchanges a few words with Gideon. Why would woke people have anything to complain about?

              . Either any potential conflict was resolved before she could get involved or does nothing to make up for her own actions. You're writing a narrative that isn't there.

              • 7 months ago

                Episode 3 shows just how intrigued Ramona was with Scott on the first date alone, but she was definitely affected by the guilt of being responsible for his "death". So at bare minimum she wants to absolve herself by solving the mystery, but its clear she has a little emotional stake.
                But at the same time they're not a couple, not yet. Still the sparks are there. And isn't that enough in this setting?

              • 7 months ago

                >And isn't that enough in this setting?
                For an already heavily established character as Ramona? No. You're basically replacing the character at that point.

              • 7 months ago

                Whatever on the sparks -- as someone who didn't read the comic until after the show (and only half-remembered the movie), the "my ex killed him" angle followed by "is he really dead?" felt like reason enough for this Ramona to dig into things. Funny thing is that there weren't any sparks or hearts in their original date/kiss in the first comic volume, but her initial characterisation in the anime has a more demure vibe overall. The impression of this primmer, softer Ramona, as compared to the more "independent" initial Ramona of the comic, feels like an actual shortcoming of the show; the comics-version early Ramona seems more like the kind of person who'd go out of her way to dig into the Scott mystery. On that note, I'm not really fond of a lot of the other character-depictions in the show. Wallace in particular felt ruined, where his original "funny, self-possessed snarker with a good guy underneath" gay edge got replaced by a "snide, standoffish egotist with extra layers of callous b***h" simplification. Like a complete regression in quality of depicting a leading gay character, as if they think people are more inclined to like a mean narcissist bottom.

              • 7 months ago

                I'm reading the comic as well, following the daily storytimes. We finished volume 4 today that features Roxy. I'm already convinced that the author didn't bother rereading his own work before writing this. I learned more about her from that volume alone than I did in the show, even though the whole point of the anime was to flesh characters like her out more by taking Scott out of the equation which is just fricking hilarious to me.
                >The impression of this primmer, softer Ramona, as compared to the more "independent" initial Ramona of the comic, feels like an actual shortcoming of the show
                It's a problem that affects the majority of the show. All the exes had their more abrasive qualities sanded down in order to fasttrack all of them becoming friendly at the end. Gideon gets the worst of it by just being reduced to just a bad relationship. Episode 3 actually tricked me into thinking we would get conflicts like that for all the exes but the writers were so far up their butt on cramming a meta joke with the movie into the show that it eclipsed what the goal was suppose to be. Plus wasting time on a time travel plot that was completely unnecessary. And like you said the side characters like Wallace was just minimized. It's why I don't understand why people keep saying the show expanded on the characters, as if more screentime equals development.

              • 7 months ago

                >Episode 3 shows just how intrigued Ramona was with Scott on the first date alone
                She was literally intrigued and in awe of him. If this is what it's like to date men, then I applaud all the women dating men right now, because this is incredible.

  16. 7 months ago

    >old Scott become Ramona pet-project for her own self-rehabilitation.
    Well, aside that it wasn't woke at all.

  17. 7 months ago

    I think people are just sensitive after He-Man, where something really similar happens and its dealt with WAY worse

  18. 7 months ago

    Imagine not only getting with a girl who had 7 past relationships, but honestly fighting to the death for her. Fricking rough.

  19. 7 months ago

    Ramona being loyal to guy she just met is the most unrealistic aspect of the anime.

  20. 7 months ago

    Michael Cera is already effeminate to the point of looking like Adolf Hitler's mother.

  21. 7 months ago

    Literally every evil boyfriends got a more flashed out stories that goes beyond "We hate women" stereotype.

  22. 7 months ago

    Nobody is calling this shit woke, just that its another lame bait and switch which it objectively is because you cant get a honest adaptation of anything in current year

  23. 7 months ago

    so was this in-story retcon retconned?

    • 7 months ago

      there's a random mention of it but it never really gets explored

    • 7 months ago

      yeah, what the frick was about that. it was actually a kino moment when you realize Scott actually did a frick up

  24. 7 months ago

    not as bad as homosexuals say and not as good as shills will have you believe, I understand him not wanting to sell out and just do an anime because he was approached through Wright (who was asked directly by the studio), but this is such a weak version of the story they wrote down. You want to redeem the exs and shit, fine, actually have Ramona talk to them rather than just give up on the plot when she found out it was the twins. Needed more episodes for sure

    • 7 months ago

      Doing a straight adaptation that nearly everyone wanted is selling out?

  25. 7 months ago

    My main problem is old Ramona being mad at old Scott for not calling her. You broke with him, the frick you expected him to do?
    I mean, it was inferior to the OG work but it was still an enjoyable experience. But I wish they focused more on Ramona being a frick up. It is only touched in the Roxxane episode, the finale and when she told them about the twins cheating

    • 7 months ago

      We can't have female leads be the frickup anon. That's why stuff nowadays with female leads suck dick.

  26. 7 months ago

    A new generation of women is doomed.

    • 7 months ago

      Rent free

    • 7 months ago

      The damage was done by 50 Shades of Grey and that c**t Katniss. Scott Pilgrim is a splash in the bucket compared to those.

  27. 7 months ago


  28. 7 months ago


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