Now that the animation is done, how much longer until LS Mark releases his pilot?

Now that the animation is done, how much longer until LS Mark releases his pilot?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    Will it better than Daftpina's?

    • 10 months ago

      It'll look better at least

      • 10 months ago

        this looks waaaaaaay better than Daft's

        • 10 months ago

          I never saw Daft's, though I have no doubt it sucked. How bad are we talking?

          • 10 months ago

            See for yourself:

            • 10 months ago

              this feels like an nft cartoon that'd be streamed on quibi

            • 10 months ago

              >shits on story time animators for being lazy and having no animation
              >makes something even worse

              • 10 months ago

                Most of those were little kids or high schoolers doing stuff for fun too. This was Daft’s legitimate attempt at a pilot. He tries to play it cool and be receptive to the backlash it got, but deep down, dude absolutely seethed that nobody seemed to like it.

                this feels like an nft cartoon that'd be streamed on quibi

                This really captures the vibe that shit gives. He’s trying to go for limited animation early AS vibes where the humor is more the conversation, but ATHF and Squidbillies still had inherently absurd situations and characters and not boring ambiguous furries just sort of rambling about nothing.

              • 10 months ago

                >ude absolutely seethed that nobody seemed to like it.
                I mean come on, it literally looks so bad, and seeing him acting like he has such high quality taste only to make

                See for yourself:

                and think it's good is honestly so funny. I thought it was a parody of a bad adult animated show but it's that

              • 10 months ago

                animation is one of the problems, yeah, but I think the biggest problem is that even if it was the best animated thing ever the pilot is just fricking boring. It's a whole 15 minutes of nothing interesting happening and nothing to captivate your attention.

              • 10 months ago

                Again, he was trying to do early AS limited animation material where the jokes are more the inherent absurdity and the anti humor in the dialogue, but shit is so flat and the characters are nonexistent, it just doesn’t work in any way, shape or form, and this was the guy who tried to bully kids publicly to not draw anymore because they made kinda cruddy storytime animations.

            • 10 months ago

              No frick off, don’t subject me to that shit again

            • 10 months ago

              >skim it and see maybe 10 seconds total of this
              damn, I finally found a show that looks worse than mr pickles
              still looks better than problem solvers

            • 10 months ago

              Here's some good furry animation to make you feel better

            • 10 months ago

              This is trying so hard to be animated Seinfeld and failing so hard.

            • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                >this looks better and has more of a point than the pilot
                it's like all the animator can do is 16 seconds of "effort" so it got stretched it out to 15 minutes by force

            • 10 months ago

              How do you create something that feels so ai generated without any help from ai?

            • 10 months ago

              The funniest thing about this is a decently known industry artist worked on the character designs and didn't put this on her resume lmfao.

              He was recently on a podcast with teenage robot storyboarder John Fountain and he says he's trying to pitch it to a studio

              honestly, good for him. I know one of his animators worked on a disney show so he's probably got connections

              I read in a thread a long time ago from some industry anon that basically all online "reviewers" are blacklisted from the industry

              There is no "official" blacklist but studios have certain people they won't hire and people pass around names. Industry people don't like to be criticized and Mark also shared NDA material. I'm honestly surprised he didn't get sued.

              What is it with these YouTube guys trying to make a pilot for a cartoon and always going with the most boring concepts possible?
              Like, these dudes got enough YouTube money to actually create something and they just go for...slice of life cartoon where there's animal people (which adds nothing to it or makes it more interesting) and it's not funny at all.

              I can see why Mark and Daftpenis used to be friends because they're sharing braincells over the most bland ideas.

              No life experience.

              A writer must go out in the world and life life to write.
              You can tell from how the characters interact Mark doesn't have a single life experience outside of uncured Oneitis
              He should've been more polite to those like Butch when they helped him. He might have learned something

              >He should've been more polite to those like Butch when they helped him. He might have learned something
              Holy shit he could have made connections with Butch and got into the industry if he wasn't such a moron.

      • 10 months ago

        Bothered by the inconsistent line weights
        >uoggh but it's indie
        You get less leeway from me if you're not an artist and make a living shitting on things. Literally all Mark did for this pilot was design these two bland main characters who look like they belong on a shitty restaurant's kids menu.

        • 10 months ago

          >who look like they belong on a shitty restaurant's kids menu.
          Perfect description

        • 10 months ago

          >inconsistent line weights
          like the arms compared to the legs or what
          t.not an animation expert

          • 10 months ago

            nta but he's probably talking about how the line thickness is different for the characters, like how the cat character's eyes are drawn with thinner lines than the mouse

            • 10 months ago

              oh I see now, thanks anon

          • 10 months ago

            nta but he's probably talking about how the line thickness is different for the characters, like how the cat character's eyes are drawn with thinner lines than the mouse

            This anon got what I meant.
            Wait, that character is supposed to be a cat?

            • 10 months ago

              It's what i've heard, which I guess makes sense since it's make it a cat & mouse dynamic. I originally thought it was a wolf; drawing the nose at that position makes his snout look more elongated like a canine. I moved the nose a bit closer to the middle and it looked a lot more cat-like imo

              • 10 months ago

                I commend the effort but that still doesn't resemble a cat to me.
                How the frick do you fail at making a cat look like a cat?

              • 10 months ago

                Honestly the design would be 100 times better if the tail was more apparent and there was more cat like features (like marks around the hands and feet, Whiskers, a face mark, etc) like the design is just too simple as it is for it to be distinctly a cat

              • 10 months ago

                my attempt at adding this stuff

          • 10 months ago

            it's the fact that the outside lines become thin just because it's inside the characters silhouette. but if he moved his leg it would look really weird for the line to grow when it should've stayed one size to start with. it's a consistency thing. I hope my autism isnt too bad today bc half the time I know shit but cant word it. wish I could post an image but for some reason I cant again

      • 10 months ago

        Why the frick does one have thicker lines than the other?
        Can't wait for this shit to flop man

    • 10 months ago

      Big Mouth is better than Daftpina's cartoon, much better.
      Brickleberry is better than Daftpina's cartoon, much better.
      By how bad Daftpina's cartoon was, LS Mark's is going to be better, but that's is not an achievement.

    • 10 months ago


      What are the chances of it actually being funny?

      >furry cartoon that looks like shit
      you'll be lucky if this even gets porn let alone laughs

  2. 10 months ago

    What are the chances of it actually being funny?

    • 10 months ago

      Most cartoons aren't funny and people watch them, if modern South Park and Family Guy and SpongeBob and The Simpsons can have fans than the standards are already extremely low.

    • 10 months ago

      >e-celeb cartoon
      What do you think?

    • 10 months ago

      looking at the artstyle.


    • 10 months ago

      We’ve seen some of the storyboards and it is painfully unfunny.

    • 10 months ago

      When's the last time there's been an honesty hilarious cartoon? I guess smiling friends counts

      • 10 months ago

        tamers12345's continuation of Sonic Underground

    • 10 months ago

      His inspiration and idol is Butch fricking Hartman of all people. His favorite cartoon character is Brian Griffin. There is no way this cartoon is gonna be in any way good. Especially when he and his wife will look at you with a straight face and actually tell you they enjoy shit like Sergio Show. Mark has never experienced what it was like to have an actual life as a teen, Veronica was that girl who no one liked and became an even bigger pick me after she learned how to get clout.

      • 10 months ago

        Does he have a relationship with Butch in any way? Butch charges people for video consultations and mentoring.

        • 10 months ago

          He (Mark) has been technically obsessed and stalked/harassed butch on multiple occasions. Starting as a fan, he got mad that butch rejected drawing his rantsona, and then made a video about how he did a GOTCHA moment by willingly paying $200 for it when he actually got punked into coughing up money because Butch didn't charge a child after Mark for his oc
          i believe butch knew who mark was becaude around that time, everyone and their moms thought it was cool to shit on him. Mark, years later, did a podcast WITH Butch while he was cucked by his wife at the time. Mark got 0 response from Hartman, but got an immediate one from Mark's wife. He spent $2K to do all of that (csme back from ireland after crying about getting cheated on), make up a whole fake podcast JUST to infiltrate Butch's office and basically harass him or dunk on him. He admits to doing that in a video he made bragging as if it was something worthwhile. He got cold feet because Butch's wife was there and claimed he didn't go through with it because he didn't want to "embarrass Butch" when in reality he was too much of a pussy to commit to his shit and got scared. I'm sure Veronica put him up to this because she has a history of being a weirdo and her and sonny enable their creepy behavior with each other.

          Mark's a loser and will never grow a spine.

          • 10 months ago

            Tfw I personally know Butch due to my circle of colleagues and friends text him a few times a week, when Mark has to resort to paying him or meeting him at cons

            After Chris finally had enough of her and she got bored of Mick's dick she discovered Mark and realized he was the perfect catch since he's a dumb kid with zero relationship experience that wound up in LA after spending his whole life in a small bumfrick part of Ireland. Since he never really had a GF before her Mark pretty much held onto her for dear life since he thought she was "the one" and would rather die than lose her, and Veronica went all in with it since he had that YouTube money and she could get away with just about anything. Unfortunately this type of thing is common with a lot of relationships.

            Veronica definitely has a big kink for Irish dudes too

            A drunken, lustful one. Because she fricked two dudes and Mark still didn't get a clue. Especially knowing the second timeshe tried to run away and hide and then got beaten to the punch of being dumped. Amin, one of chris' old friends who appeared on oneyplays, was the friend who brought them to meet up and "hash things out".
            The sad thing about this isn't just that he's too moronic to do anything... she told him or basically tried to instill the idea thst she wants to have kids already. Bro hasn't even lived a quarter of his life and she wants 4 kids. They argue a lot and he looks miserable and I feel bad, but then I remember the type of person he is and I stop feeling pity

            A drunken, lustful one. Because she fricked two dudes and Mark still didn't get a clue. Especially knowing the second timeshe tried to run away and hide and then got beaten to the punch of being dumped. Amin, one of chris' old friends who appeared on oneyplays, was the friend who brought them to meet up and "hash things out".
            The sad thing about this isn't just that he's too moronic to do anything... she told him or basically tried to instill the idea thst she wants to have kids already. Bro hasn't even lived a quarter of his life and she wants 4 kids. They argue a lot and he looks miserable and I feel bad, but then I remember the type of person he is and I stop feeling pity

            >LARPing this hard
            I gotchu senpai

            • 10 months ago

              Can't be larping when Veronica and Mark admitted to all of this in videos

              • 10 months ago

                Nuh uh

            • 10 months ago

              Not a larp, I genuinely know Butch, I’m a friend of his daughter and I work with colleagues of his

              • 10 months ago

                Isn't his daughter like 14?

      • 10 months ago

        Does he have a relationship with Butch in any way? Butch charges people for video consultations and mentoring.

        Tfw I personally know Butch due to my circle of colleagues and friends text him a few times a week, when Mark has to resort to paying him or meeting him at cons

    • 10 months ago

      >literal pic related clone
      care to ask again?

  3. 10 months ago

    how much porn will this get

    • 10 months ago

      Plenty, but it'll all be gay.

    • 10 months ago

      Plenty, but it'll all be gay.

      Only this so far


  4. 10 months ago

    What a funny cartoon, Mark. Ha ha. Anyway, how’s your sex life?

    • 10 months ago

      I can't imagine Mark fricking, he seems to reserved and autistic

  5. 10 months ago

    Jesus Christ, this looks like it belongs on early 2000s Newgrounds.

    • 10 months ago

      That's a complement, Newgrounds is PEAK

  6. 10 months ago

    this is what it looks like with compositing

    • 10 months ago

      It'll look better at least

      This shit looks straight out of Inkbunny

  7. 10 months ago

    Fricking ugly garbage

  8. 10 months ago

    Why do cartoon reviewers always suck at making their own shit? Aren't these people supposed to know what's right and what's wrong with the medium?

    • 10 months ago

      Well, in LS Mark's case I'm gonna assume it's because he's barely old enough to drink.

      • 10 months ago

        He's Irish, he's been old enough to drink since the Junior Cert

    • 10 months ago

      Because people who review cartoon made for children are all invariably extremely autistic and they critique shows like teen titans go for appealing to their target audience and not 30 year old manchildren, while making many of the mistakes they themselves criticize others of doing when they review singular episodes of fricking kiddie shows.
      If they were reviewing something with actual themes and messages like King of the Hill or The Boondocks that would be one thing, but reviewing individual SpongeBob episodes is entirely pointless.
      Cartoon reviewers are extremely arrogant and they’re always shit writers. Mr enter made the fricking 13 rules of comedy and that guy has never made anyone genuinely laugh in his life.

      • 10 months ago

        >Mr enter made the fricking 13 rules of comedy and that guy has never made anyone genuinely laugh in his life.
        ironically this sentence about enter made me laugh, which is more than he himself will ever do

      • 10 months ago

        He also made an entire blogpost claiming that the industry standard script format is stupid(likely because he refused to buy a software for it or just doesn’t understand it) and tried to defending his shitty, disorganized format as the superior way to write

  9. 10 months ago

    What is this and how is it being funded?

    • 10 months ago

      I assume via youtube dollars and the money he got from having a patreon 3 years ago

    • 10 months ago

      Youtube/Patreon money and he seems to have a rich family

  10. 10 months ago

    I don't know why the frick do they think these characters design fit for a high school drama, these looks more like some Spongebob-like slaptick show, no for some pseudo-relatable bullshit that probably never happened for teens and young adults

  11. 10 months ago

    He was recently on a podcast with teenage robot storyboarder John Fountain and he says he's trying to pitch it to a studio

    • 10 months ago

      honestly, good for him. I know one of his animators worked on a disney show so he's probably got connections

      • 10 months ago

        I read in a thread a long time ago from some industry anon that basically all online "reviewers" are blacklisted from the industry

        • 10 months ago

          That's hard to verify though since most of them self-blacklist themselves by skill issue.
          If Zach Hadel could say Black person multiple times on Sleepycast, associate himself with >, openly shittalk shows that were airing at the time, and still land a full season of an Adult Swim show, It's hard to believe that ass-kissing cartoon "critics" couldn't find work because of their videos alone

          my attempt at adding this stuff

          looks nice; adding the "mittens" did way more than I thought it would

          • 10 months ago

            The difference is that Zach's online identity isn't known as the guy who criticizes cartoons, the first thing that comes to mind is the actual stuff Zach makes, which a majority of the time these reviewers only start to make something off the back of their reviewing persona

        • 10 months ago

          It’s not that they’re blacklisted, but they insult everyone working, then do nothing to break in. Just being a semi-well known content creator is not enough to break into the industry and get something as major as a television show picked up. You need to network, make connections, email people, basically do everything to get yourself noticed and to show them what you’ve got.
          Final Space, Hazbin Hotel and Smiling Friends didn’t get picked up solely because their creators were internet famous, they had to do a ton of extra work to prove their products were worth being picked up, which is why so many other animators online can’t accomplish this.
          The reason most internet reviewers never manage to break into their field is because they often suck and can only make money by pretending to be experts in their field while simultaneously failing to understand why the stuff they hate so much is successful

          • 10 months ago

            Exactly, why else do you think these people start with their reviews? Literally anyone can review shit, everyone's a critic, that doesn't mean anyone's opinions are worth more than anyone else's. Nobody watches these LS mark videos about shitty family guy and Simpsons episodes, they watch them just to have episode plots retold to then

  12. 10 months ago

    I also want to post furry animation

  13. 10 months ago

    What is it with these YouTube guys trying to make a pilot for a cartoon and always going with the most boring concepts possible?
    Like, these dudes got enough YouTube money to actually create something and they just go for...slice of life cartoon where there's animal people (which adds nothing to it or makes it more interesting) and it's not funny at all.

    I can see why Mark and Daftpenis used to be friends because they're sharing braincells over the most bland ideas.

    • 10 months ago

      I don’t know why but it is so boring.

    • 10 months ago

      I think they are afraid of doing something too big and expensive and try to keep things small, but make it too small and ends up boring.

      • 10 months ago

        you can do small and cheap and still make it good (like making fiends) but there's no charm or creativity in what they do

    • 10 months ago

      Seriously, Harry Partridge and Zeurel put more effort into their stuff. Even Bung was putting more effort into the SCP cartoon and Battington with his Harmony and Horror stuff.

    • 10 months ago

      >What is it with these YouTube guys trying to make a pilot for a cartoon and always going with the most boring concepts possible?

      They’re semi-famous and their fans will never tell them their stuff sucks. They believe their vision is paramount and have sold themselves on the idea that all the bad movies and shows would have been good only if the original creator could have kept their vision.
      This is never the case. People need to be told when’s stuff doesn’t work, they need to be pushed and challenged to actually make something worth while, but these internet people never do that. They get instantly praised for everything they out out and can just block and ban people who criticize them

  14. 10 months ago

    Who cares?

  15. 10 months ago

    I really hate how Mark wants characters to kiss kiss fall in love and be r/wholesome at the end of the day. Also what face do you think Veronica made while she was cheating on Mark?

    • 10 months ago

      Mark really wanting to focus on awkward teen romance plots will always be really funny since his only romantic experience is with a woman that cheated on him and acts more like a mommy/caretaker for him because he can barely take care of himself and only sticks around to leech off of the cartoon reviewer money.

      I will never take Mark seriously no matter what his future endeavors are knowing that he's a 100% confirmed cuck

    • 10 months ago

      A drunken, lustful one. Because she fricked two dudes and Mark still didn't get a clue. Especially knowing the second timeshe tried to run away and hide and then got beaten to the punch of being dumped. Amin, one of chris' old friends who appeared on oneyplays, was the friend who brought them to meet up and "hash things out".

      After Chris finally had enough of her and she got bored of Mick's dick she discovered Mark and realized he was the perfect catch since he's a dumb kid with zero relationship experience that wound up in LA after spending his whole life in a small bumfrick part of Ireland. Since he never really had a GF before her Mark pretty much held onto her for dear life since he thought she was "the one" and would rather die than lose her, and Veronica went all in with it since he had that YouTube money and she could get away with just about anything. Unfortunately this type of thing is common with a lot of relationships.

      Veronica definitely has a big kink for Irish dudes too

      The sad thing about this isn't just that he's too moronic to do anything... she told him or basically tried to instill the idea thst she wants to have kids already. Bro hasn't even lived a quarter of his life and she wants 4 kids. They argue a lot and he looks miserable and I feel bad, but then I remember the type of person he is and I stop feeling pity

      • 10 months ago

        If you ever bother looking at their boring podcast that barely cracks 10k views on a good day, Mark just looks awful. Dude is getting progressively fatter and more disheveled by the day, he's getting the dad bod when he's barely at the legal drinking age.

  16. 10 months ago
    I fap to e-celebs

    I agree with literally everything these guys say and will defend them til the end, I need e-celebs to tell me how to think, I can’t think for myself. I fricking love e-celebs so fricking much, I watch them constantly so I can get a genuine idea of who I should be. I fricking love e-celebs, they’re so great. God. I wish Cinemaphile would post more of these guys. E-celebs are me, I am e-celebs, I eat, sleep, breathe, and shit e-celebs. I wish an e-celeb would shit right in front of me, I would gladly consume it. I fricking love them, I love e-celebs so fricking much. God, I want to be fricked by an e-celeb. I’m so happy everyone on Cinemaphile agrees. Fricking e-celebs are not annoying, and they should totally be posted more on this board. Same goes for Twitter screengrabs from political cartoon themed Twitter accounts calling out problematic stuff in cartoons. We need more Twitter screengrabs, as well.

    It’s the only way to save Cinemaphile.

    • 10 months ago


  17. 10 months ago

    >another youtube animation of furry characters

    why does youtube animators that makes cartoons are always fricking furries? can we have a normal non mental illness animator who actually make characters human and not fricking degenerate furries?

    • 10 months ago

      Because in the “golden age” all the characters were animals, so they’re going back to the roots

    • 10 months ago

      >can we have a normal non mental illness animator who actually make characters human and not fricking degenerate furries?

      >Tex Avery was a degenerate

      You realize audiences watch these because they animals are cute and not because they want to frick them right?

    • 10 months ago

      >autist can’t relate to a character unless they’re a human
      What’s funny is that you’re probably also the same kind of person who complains when people wanna be represented in animation

    • 10 months ago

      It seems like a lose/lose situation
      Make human characters, people are gonna call it Family Guy clone/Cal Arts
      Make animals, furry
      That's why my cartoon cast are all going to be vegetables

    • 10 months ago

      I don’t mind anthro characters if they look cute like

      Here's some good furry animation to make you feel better

      or have good writing, but this obviously looks like trash

  18. 10 months ago

    I will never for the life of me understand why Veronica left Chris for this guy.

    • 10 months ago

      After Chris finally had enough of her and she got bored of Mick's dick she discovered Mark and realized he was the perfect catch since he's a dumb kid with zero relationship experience that wound up in LA after spending his whole life in a small bumfrick part of Ireland. Since he never really had a GF before her Mark pretty much held onto her for dear life since he thought she was "the one" and would rather die than lose her, and Veronica went all in with it since he had that YouTube money and she could get away with just about anything. Unfortunately this type of thing is common with a lot of relationships.

      Veronica definitely has a big kink for Irish dudes too

      • 10 months ago

        >Veronica definitely has a big kink for Irish dudes too
        I'm Irish, love Sonic and have an autistic terminly online sene of humour like Chris and Mark, when is it my go on Veronica?

  19. 10 months ago

    LSMark has the most annoying accent. Like its not just Irish or whatever, there's something else

    • 10 months ago

      He's the only Northren Irish person I've heard that doesn't sound naturally angry which is ironic considering he gets angry in a lot of his reviews

  20. 10 months ago

    A writer must go out in the world and life life to write.
    You can tell from how the characters interact Mark doesn't have a single life experience outside of uncured Oneitis
    He should've been more polite to those like Butch when they helped him. He might have learned something

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