Now that the dist has settled, what do we think of Dave Filoni's Ahsoka show?

Now that the dist has settled, what do we think of Dave Filoni's Ahsoka show?

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  1. 8 months ago


  2. 8 months ago


  3. 8 months ago


  4. 8 months ago

    It was fun, but still not as good as mando s1 and 2. baylan and shin stole the show, thrawn was a let down, huyang was cool, light saber and space fights were underrated, didn't care about poo jedi and the other girl. plot was barebones, but episodes 4 and 5 delivered

    • 8 months ago

      Why was it called Asohka if half the show wasn't about Asohka?

      • 8 months ago

        idk, ask filoni

        Only episode 1/2 were ok because of cat and the dude from highlander.
        The story felt drawn out just to drag it out to another series

        episode 1 was the worst tho, 4/5 are way better

      • 8 months ago

        That’s what Disney does I’ve noticed
        >Obi Wan show is more about the black lady
        >Boba Fett is more about Fennec
        >Mando season 3 is more about Bo Katan
        I’d argue Ashoka was one of the shows that actually did focus on its titular character. It’s just trying to being a follow up to Rebels so has to divvy up time to all these Rebels characters.

        • 8 months ago

          Funny how the male protagonist shows focus more on the women now, but the female protagonist show does not. At least they're consistent.

      • 8 months ago

        Le we need to create New content and promote our shitty shows in the previous shows

  5. 8 months ago

    It sucked and was a total waste of time.

  6. 8 months ago

    I had low expectations, but holy shit.

  7. 8 months ago

    reminder all nu wars is homosexual shit

  8. 8 months ago

    I love Ahsoka's character, but the show was mid as frick, and Rosario Dawson was a severe fricking miscast. This is borderline Jake Skywalker treatment, IMO. And it's not about the state of the character in the narrative, it comes down to bored, disinterested, monotone, utterly stiff performance, line delivery and not being able to emote neither with your voice, nor with your fricking face whatsoever. This is simply not Ahsoka. It's someone else.

    Making Sabine a Jedi was fricking moronic, and worse of all, the characters decided to do it entirely off-screen, and the entire show acts like we are supposed to know what happened between them, when Ahsoka and Sabine had never interacted even once in Rebels, and this super important plot happened entirely fricking off-screen, and explained as a throwaway line in the last episode.

    And this show also showed how important it is to have a fricking writer's room. Filoni didn't write a single episode of Clone Wars during its original run, there was George and actual experienced screenwriters who wrote the scripts. Same with Rebels. Filoni can't write scripts for shit. But I do think his direction, visually speaking, is solid. Episode 5 directed by him was definitely one of the better directed episodes.

    Ray Stevenson, Ivanna Sakhno, David Tennant, Hayden Christensen, the actress who played young Ahsoka in the flashbacks were good. Lars Mikkelson was ok, but Thrawn was written as a moron. The music was good.

    It was better than Kenobi, Boba Fat and Mando S3, but overall it's like 5/10, maybe a generous 6. Disappointing and unfortunate.

  9. 8 months ago

    Only episode 1/2 were ok because of cat and the dude from highlander.
    The story felt drawn out just to drag it out to another series

  10. 8 months ago

    I feel like they should just make it a series about Rose Tico or Admiral Holdo at this point. Might as well.

  11. 8 months ago

    Pretty soon Star Wars will only revolve around Ahsoka.

    • 8 months ago

      Even her own fricking series didn't revolve around her. Get real.

      • 8 months ago

        I wish it revolved around these two

        • 8 months ago

          Ray never got to see how much people loved his performance and his character

          • 8 months ago

            the character is shallow and empty. the only thing people are desperately latching onto is him being the only actor with presence / gravitas. The character was tedious mystery box cookie cutter baddie, and he just elevated the crap material he was given to work with. The character probably has to be disposed of as quickly as Snoke was now. Piss slop show with bad video game writing.

            • 8 months ago

              Who cares about your nerd homosexual shit. The majority of Star Wars fans liked the character and it would have been nice for him to know while he was apparently dying.

              • 8 months ago

                He would have been honored to know that a bunch of low IQ low expectations slop eaters were dazzled by him being the only remotely interesting thing in a late stage Disney Star Wars show that none will remember a year from now

              • 8 months ago

                Imagine having people actually care about what you do for a living and that number being thousands of people. You're just jealous.

            • 8 months ago

              >The character was tedious mystery box cookie cutter baddie
              Agreed. I don't even doubt that Filoni had something in mind, but the reality is the show was well over 300 minutes long in total. It was as long as a movie trilogy. Does anybody think the series made effective use of that time? The plot wasn't that dynamic or eventful. The characters didn't benefit from that time, clearly. Where did it go? What was it for?

              • 8 months ago

                Not that anon but I didn't even think about that. A movie trilogy and all we got from Baylan was one talk about fall of jedi and how something big is somewhere. He could've been just straight up frick Anakin so frick Ahsoka raurgh gonna be a dad for Shin

              • 8 months ago

                This is where Andor does structuring better (on top of other things).

                In Andor the plot development is broken into three-episode mini arcs so you have something that starts, ends and you move on.
                But that's the exception.
                Any other current streaming show has everything designed to just keep building up for a cliffhanger or big set piece in the final episode of the season. So for the entire duration of the season they're just leading you on with vague talk about things aligning up, things that are meant to be, prophecies, predictions and characters just slowly maneuvering into position.

                Effectively the ENTIRE first season of Ashoka was just so Thrawn can return.
                Couldn't they just idk ... brought him back right away anyway?
                Why not just have Baylan spring that witch out of prison, she does some hocus pocus and he's back. Why even waste time fricking around when it's all just boring building for season 2.

              • 8 months ago

                No one watched Andor tho

        • 8 months ago

          frick, now I want a new cartoon made by gendy with these two

        • 8 months ago

          I didn't bother watching it until just now. I don't know what everyone was b***hing about, this show is great. I especially like the visuals and music, the beginning of ep 6 reminds me of Dune for some reason. Lightsaber fights are iffy thoughever.

          Also shin hottie is the best thing in this show

          this looks great, it's too bad it'll never happen

          • 8 months ago

            >I don't know what everyone was b***hing about,
            it's the hate bandwagon that started (deservedly at the time) with boba fett

  12. 8 months ago

    Some neat things happened but overall as a coherent season of a TV show it was a mess. These to I've action Star wars shows waste so much fricking time.

  13. 8 months ago

    Shitskins in space

  14. 8 months ago

    >Now that the dist has settled,

    No, but seriously, dude. Stay strong. You can get through it. Push through.

  15. 8 months ago

    Lame show, totally based as a sequel from a trashy cartoon, and made as a cartoonish live action, with zero creativity and even worse main characters adaptation.

    Hera is a bossy girl guest captain, Ahsoka has zero charisma, Sabine is dumb + irritating and the interaction between them terrible. Rosario was a mistake and Natasha cant act... Chemistry zero.

    Plot is just bad, the pacing is fricked and Thrawn was wasted.

    Pros? Shin and Baylan are great (good design and trama), but underused. The Seatos planet is nice and the ending theme is decent. Too little to save the entire show.

    Favreau-verse is dead. Mando S1 gave hopes too high for it, but its now just a corpse.

  16. 8 months ago

    not great, not terrible

  17. 8 months ago

    You know what really grinds my gears? Why the frick is everything a limited series now? Ahsoka was only eight episodes and wasn’t even that good. X files was puttin out 25 episodes a season of quinoa and now this is what we got

    • 8 months ago

      Episode count was never the problem. Pic related, 8 episodes. Many such cases. Get the actual screenwriters, cut down the bullshit pointless action. And suddenly, you can tell a story.

    • 8 months ago

      There was only 1 writer for all 8 eps and his name is Felony. Imagine how much worse it would be if he wrote 25 eps.

  18. 8 months ago

    >the dist has settled
    what fricking dust?
    everybody already forgot about it

  19. 8 months ago

    The good guys were pretty good, except for the silly blue dude, Ashoka and her friends were smug hippie types that needed a dressing down.

  20. 8 months ago

    >Ashoka stares at someone or something blankly
    >Mary-sue girl boss is also going to be a jedi now
    >Same jedi training we've seen a thousand times
    >Cool new fallen jedi characters that don't do anything of substance
    >Thrawn looks like Elon Musk
    Pretty forgettable show.

    • 8 months ago

      She's still irrelevant

  21. 8 months ago

    This show relies way too much on "homework". I have no idea what's going on and people say it's because I didn't watch the previous 5 season TV show or whatever the frick.

    And even if I did, would it have mattered? People say these characters don't even act like the previous show's iteration, anyway.

    • 8 months ago

      Disney is relying on a nonexistent fanbase who grew up watching TCW and Rebels when that demographic doesn't give a shit anymore about fricking Star Wars. They lost the people who were fans of shit like all the video games, comics, books, KotOR the moment they said the EU isn't canon and put out TFA. They either have to retcon shit or try to find a new audience and they won't commit to either. They've lost almost their entire fanbase.

      • 8 months ago

        They fricked up by being greedy and refusing to pay the EU people royalties and using their works to establish the post-ROTJ era.
        If they wanted to use the EU stuff, they'd have to pay hundreds of major and minor writers that created a patchwork of what happens after ROTJ, but instead of that, they opted for a blank slate with some sort of horseshit amalgam of bits and pieces of the EU and their own dreck.

        Now that their "vision" failed they resorted to going back to the EU in a pathetic attempt to redo it, except everything they adapt (like Thrawn) is halfassed and has to fit into the shitty timeline they constructed.

      • 8 months ago

        >Disney is relying on a nonexistent fanbase who grew up watching TCW and Rebels when that demographic doesn't give a shit anymore about fricking Star Wars.
        The audience WAS there. It's just that everyone has noped the frick out after Boba Fett, Kenobi, Mando S3. No one cares anymore. People are too burned out on Star Wars after so much shit.

  22. 8 months ago

    Ezra is supremely annoying
    Ashoka has a resting b***h face the entire time and is entirely unlikeable.
    Puta plays some sort of walled twilek mom who is bringing her annoying super genius son to work I guess to pander to single moms or something idk.

    The entirety of the "good guys" in this show is absolutely abysmal.
    Meanwhile Shin and Baylan are amazing, but now he's dead and that entire part of the plot is ruined.
    Thrawn was servicable and will likely get better.

  23. 8 months ago

    Was a decent Rebels S5, wasn't a great Ahsoka S1.

    • 8 months ago

      >decent Rebels S5
      Wouldn't even go that far.

  24. 8 months ago

    they had no clue how to handle thrawn
    as a result it's very mediocre

  25. 8 months ago

    >war in Israel begins
    >Star Wars threads stop to a crawl, Filonislop threads stop appearing completely

    • 8 months ago

      You might be on to something. Before the war, there were non-stop threads gushing over the sequels and prequels and Extended Universe comics. Now it’s over. Curious.

  26. 8 months ago

    I didn't care for the Rebels show. I don't care for the Rebels cast. And I don't really care about Ahsoka past TCW. Older Ahsoka just sucks.

    As for the show itself, the chain of events often came off as "convenient" and very unnatural. The logic and time of how one character gets from point A to C often seems to either cut out or just plain ignore point B: the rebels gang covering miles and miles to get back to the Chimera in time for departure was particularly unbelievable. And ignoring that the protagonists are so boringly unmotivated, the stakes were never really addressed.

  27. 8 months ago

    Ahsokasisters, where does our favorite duel-wielding,can-do-no-wrong orange girlboss go from here?

    • 8 months ago

      She's at a character development ded end.

      • 8 months ago

        she's been like that since 2008 dude

  28. 8 months ago

    Its all not so looking good style and no substance. 6 hours of footage where almost mothing happened story and character wise
    Lucas managed to tell the whole downfall of the Republic in those 6 hours, creating dozen memorable and iconic characters in the process

  29. 8 months ago

    The only people that had any sort of screen presence or charisma are:
    >bearded old guy
    All the female characters are just annoying or personality-less.

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