Now that the dust has settled, how did he survive ejecting at Mach 10?

Now that the dust has settled, how did he survive ejecting at Mach 10?

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  1. 12 months ago

    he's Tom Cruise

  2. 12 months ago

    He didn't, the rest of the movie is his death vision

    • 12 months ago

      >death vision
      most moronic shit ever made up by movie theorists

      • 12 months ago

        not as moronic as surviving a Mach 10+ crash

        • 12 months ago

          i would survive it

  3. 12 months ago

    I dunno, any human in peak physical condition can survive that

    • 12 months ago

      Superhero comics are so lame

  4. 12 months ago

    It would be possible for him to, if the plane used an ejection cabin instead of a seat. Hell, he might even survive a Mach 10 ejection (look up the tests they did on tracks when developing ejection seats). But the problem really is that the scene literally shows the nose of the Darkstar slamming directly into the wienerpit rather than crumbling around it. That's what makes me skeptical of survival above everything else. There really isn't an ejection seat that will protect you from material flying into your face at Mach 10.

    • 12 months ago

      If you are doing Mach 10 and the material is also doing mach 10 and you're both moving in the same direction, then it's not as big an issue as you think it is.

  5. 12 months ago

    Maybe he had some futuristic g-suit. If he didn't spin then maybe he stays conscious while falling.

  6. 12 months ago

    He put it on cruise control

  7. 12 months ago

    Do pilots still have access to oxygen tanks when they eject? It's a bit cold and un-oxygenated up that high.

  8. 12 months ago

    Why did he destroy the billion dollar prototype plane on purpose?
    It was built to go to Mach 10, and with some effort he took it to Mach 10. Then he just derped out and went "I'm gonna keep accelerating until it frickin blows up lol" while everyone was screaming for him to stop

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah, there wasn’t a good motivation for him to do so. It was careless, not envelope-pushing.

    • 12 months ago

      Because it was kino

    • 12 months ago

      >Test pilots are lunatic cowboys
      >Maverick is crazy and reckless to the point of getting the name "Maverick"
      >The trillion dollar jet is not going to eject a dude like in an F-4 Phantom over Haiphong

      I get it it's a goofy movie but at least think for a second

    • 12 months ago

      That's what prototypes are for, we go though those things like gummy bears.
      And they don't cost anything, military spending is basically money you pay to yourself.

    • 12 months ago

      you wouldnt understand

    • 12 months ago

      it's called character building
      it was establishing that maverick still acts like maverick after all these years

  9. 12 months ago

    Complete anal sphincter control.

  10. 12 months ago

    Which is more likely to survive:
    >ejecting at Mach 10 in stratosphere


    >riding a nuclear blast in a lead refrigerator

    • 12 months ago

      What about riding a nuclear blast in a lead refrigerator at Mach 10 then ejecting into the stratosphere

      • 12 months ago

        Which is more likely to survive:
        >ejecting at Mach 10 in stratosphere


        >riding a nuclear blast in a lead refrigerator

        The refrigerator scene worked because it was a direct extension of the moronation in the "jumping out of a plane with a liferaft instead of a parachute" scene in the previous film

    • 12 months ago

      wouldnt his brain have splattered against the side of the fridge when it hit the ground

      • 12 months ago

        even if he survived from the impact, those kinds of fridges dont open from the inside.

        • 12 months ago

          After that impact it may have busted open anon

        • 12 months ago

          Didn't he leave it cracked slightly and just hold it most of the way closed?

  11. 12 months ago

    Didn't the plane start slowing down before it exploded?

  12. 12 months ago

    He didn't. He died almost immediately and the rest of Maverick takes place entirely in his head as a fantasy in the split seconds before death. This has to be it because there's no way the rest of the movie could be real. An F-14 Tomcat taking on an SU-57 Felon? Female pilots? C'mon now.

  13. 12 months ago

    Plot armor, it would've fit well if he died in the end since the movie's called Maverick

  14. 12 months ago

    You can see him throttle all the way down just before contact is lost. It's safe to assume he'd be able to decelerate to safe velocity before ejecting.

  15. 12 months ago

    By being in a shit movie. Just liek the first one

  16. 12 months ago

    what a fricking movie dude, i was in the teatre leaning with the plane on some of the shots like a fricking idiot and not realising.
    Oh right, match 10, who cares, it's a dumb movie with a stupid premise, nothing makes sense.

  17. 12 months ago

    This was discussed by a physics professor when the subject was raised at the time of the film's release. Ejection was possible at that speed because of the thinner atmosphere at that height which resulted in less resistance. But there's still plenty of friction. At the point of failure, the vehicle's propulsion would have cut out and the lack of propelled forward momentum would immediately slow down the Darkstar as it met the wind resistance. He would have then slowed down further after ejection as he descended and the atmosphere became thicker. The one thing everyone overlooks is that several vehicles designed for supersonic speed (like the F-111) have an ejection capsule that jettisons the entire wienerpit module from the aircraft, allowing the entire module with both pilots to reduce speed and then parachute safely to the ground. I was actually photographing one the other day and discussing the mechanism with the retired pilots.

    Re: lack of Wind Resistance: The same principal of wind resistance applied to helicopter lifting blades - which is why they can't fly to Mount Everest to recover people or bodies. The air up there is far to thin. This is much lower that aircraft fly. One chopper made it to the summit for a selfie but it was lightweight and the pilot stripped out the other seats and unnecessary equipment to reduce weight.

    • 12 months ago

      thanks for the informative post

  18. 12 months ago

    The absolute state of modern education.

  19. 12 months ago

    He hid in a 1950s lead-lined refrigerator.

  20. 12 months ago

    because jets made for hypersonic speeds are designend with escape capsules that protect the pilot from the heat.
    What kind of moron assumes they would let pilots fly jets like that without thinking a little bit about safety first? Test pilots are rare and expensive.

  21. 12 months ago

    I watched this on a plane and lost interest after the f18 raid part. Stopping there it was an ok movie.

  22. 12 months ago

    cruise irl survived a botched roof to roof jump at 60 years old, it literally does not break my suspension of disbelief when his characters do crazy shit

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