Now that the dust has settled, is it Bigfoot or is it aliens?

Now that the dust has settled, is it Bigfoot or is it aliens?

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  1. 3 months ago

    Well at least one of the kids got murdered by a camp counselor, so homosexuals is the correct answer

    • 3 months ago

      You better not be calling my homie Bigfoot a homosexual.

      • 3 months ago

        ok hes zesty and has a hairy encrusted butthole
        sheesh hes not gay alright

  2. 3 months ago

    >watch this shit
    >think "oh damn that's creepy"
    >research the cases
    >the film conveniently left out crucial info that would help explain some of the cases shown

    • 3 months ago

      Any examples

      • 3 months ago

        Most of the cases involving hunters and hikers are caused by them not bringing enough supplies and not having the appropriate gear. Even Paulides states this right in the beginning of the documentary. The cases with missing children or old people are likely coverups by family or friends.

      • 3 months ago

        I remember one where the guy who wandered off was an alcoholic and on benzos or something
        it made more sense that he acted strange

        • 3 months ago

          But who gave him the benzos? Most likely explanation: Bigfoot

    • 3 months ago

      I like watching these as fun "what if"s, and some cases are genuinely interesting, but most just aren't that believable, not just because Paulides is a misleading hack like said. Everytime some parent says
      >little Billy was only gone for less than 10 seconds!!!
      I smell bullshit. More likely a minute or two or more, and the parents are either mistaken or lying because they don't want to look irresponsible. A minute is plenty of time for a kid to wander off and fall into a ditch, never to turn up again.

    • 3 months ago

      >no, you don't understand, they were EXPERIENCED hikers! nothing ever goes wrong in the wilderness!

    • 3 months ago

      Haven't watched it but yeah I can guess it's
      >bear got them
      >they slipped off into a ravine and were eaten by animals
      >ventured into a cave alone and go lost/stuck

      • 3 months ago

        They were there, and 3 seconds later, they were gone, their clothes all folded into a neat pile and a giant eagle was seen flying away. explain that

    • 3 months ago

      >look it up
      >not once in the book does it mention this at all, ever
      >even sit and go through all the results for "neatly" "folded" "clothes"
      >a few unrelated things but nothing about clothes at all

      Where does this bullshit come from, did he just embellish in an interview or something?

    • 3 months ago

      Not true at all, name one example

      • 3 months ago

        His clothes were neatly folded

  3. 3 months ago

    Is he Cinemaphile's guy?

    • 3 months ago


  4. 3 months ago

    There's people that live in the forest. When I used to work for a vintage automotive mechanic we had a customer who was one of those super rich dudes that looks like he's homeless, and he would talk about how he hunts deer (illegally) in the Los Angeles Crest Forest for sport, but so he could get away with it he would skin and cut them up deep in the woods and then bring them back to his house. I mentioned to him that it sounds fun and that if he ever wants some company that I'd go with him, and he told me that the "mountain people" would frick me to death if they caught me. So of course we went hunting and we're DEEP...I mean I'm talking like 2 days of hiking, cutting brush with machetes to we could move further away from civilization. I hear this fricking guy singing a song that wasn't in English one day and it's coming from behind us which was like impossible and my guy just unloads towards the sound but then it starts up again. We took off running and then he grabs me and shows me one of those Vietcong style hole traps with leaves covering it. We got out of there and he explained that there's like a tribe of people that live off the grid around there and they even speak their own language; that they're basically animals and they enslave lost hikers and torture them and eat them. Claims he rescued a family once and killed a few of them. That shit was horrifying. Said that the Rangers know about them and don't do shit.

    Not even close to larping on this one I swear.

    • 3 months ago

      And that super rich dude’s name? Albert Einstein.

      • 3 months ago

        We called him Cadillac Bob. He was good friends with Jay Leno. Met Leno a few times myself because I ended up being Bob's little grease monkey. Fricker literally had like 50+ 1949 El Dorado Convertibles on his property alone. Half of his house didn't have a roof. He was one of the most enigmatic people I've ever met, and he taught me a lot about cars and old films. In fact the only part of his house that was spotless was his theater. He said in his younger days Pink Floyd used to have sessions in that theater, and that he fricked Sophia Loren inside a 1959 eldorado brougham (they only made 99 of those cars), and he HAD it on his property.

        And all that shit just to get killed by a hooker in Chinatown in a cheap motel in his 90s.

        • 3 months ago

          anymore details on these woods people? Did he have more insight into them?

          • 3 months ago

            Oh yeah he talked about them all of the time. Literally told me there were little villages spread out throughout the entire northwest with a heavy concentration in Oregon and that they know the mountains like you know your own backyard. They even go to war with each other. He had a theory that the reason the government keeps a tight lid on them is because they're afraid people will consider them a sovereign people and then push legislators to give them land and/or the government conducts experiments on them and that they may even be the byproducts of experiments. He showed me pictures and videos of those traps and makeshift homes made out of old dead trees.

            It's worth noting that he wouldn't go into the woods without an AK-47 with two clips duct taped together AND several side arms, extra ammunition, and a grenade with a cotter pin in place of a safety pin with galvanized twine connected to it and hooked up to his wrist so if he got cornered or ran out of bullets he could just wrap the twine around his wrist and blow himself up....preferably within close proximity to them.

            If I knew that dude had a live grenade with him with only a fricking cotter pin and twine holding down the striker lever, I would've never gone with him to the forest.

            • 3 months ago

              >It's worth noting that he wouldn't go into the woods without an AK-47 with two clips duct taped together AND several side arms, extra ammunition, and a grenade with a cotter pin in place of a safety pin with galvanized twine connected to it and hooked up to his wrist so if he got cornered or ran out of bullets he could just wrap the twine around his wrist and blow himself up....preferably within close proximity to them.
              This is a lot of effort to kill a deer

        • 3 months ago

          of course he was friends with grey leno ew

    • 3 months ago

      Kino larp

    • 3 months ago

      pretty good larp but actually there are communes and crazy frickers and psychos not fit for society living deep in the forest and they do kill.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      >he explained that there's like a tribe of people that live off the grid around there and they even speak their own language; that they're basically animals and they enslave lost hikers and torture them and eat them
      These are called 'rednecks' and it ain't no mystery

  5. 3 months ago

    It's the parents.

  6. 3 months ago

    it's me. hey guys, i'm an interdimensional sasquatch, ama. luckily the local ranger station had the wifi password written on the wall so i'm posting from my cave on an iphone i found

    • 3 months ago

      Ever get freaky with a Reptilian?

    • 3 months ago

      sneed or chuck?

  7. 3 months ago

    demons dude. demons.

  8. 3 months ago

    it's bigfooted aliens dummy

  9. 3 months ago

    I once saw in one of these threads a while back someone explaining that reality begins to distort and fall apart the further you get away from civilization. I forgot what that anon called it (collective reality?) but I always thought that was a cool concept

    • 3 months ago

      homies gone into creative mode

  10. 3 months ago

    When I thought about suicide I didn't want anyone to know I did it do I planned on hiking out in the woods then leaving all my clothes and belongings before going even deeper in the woods before shooting myself. Then animals would eat what's left of me
    I realized that's likely what happened to the adult hikers I think

    • 3 months ago

      Search and Rescue teams spearheaded by the coast guard and very well trained scent dogs would've found you and almost always find lost hikers. Sure, if the weather is severe and enough time has passed they might not find an actual body, but the hounds can locate your remains to some extent, whether it be a finger or even digested fecal matter. We're talking about people that just up and vanished and literally could not be found to any extent despite any and every sensible search efforts put in place.

      • 3 months ago

        This is bullshit. Remember when that actor went missing and it took like five months to find his corpse? Parks have a ton of land and stuff like forests or deserts are good at concealing bodies, animals get to them and any tracks or scents are quickly covered up.

  11. 3 months ago

    Some cases do have weird facts surrounding them, however I'm too lazy to actually see what is pontentially left out of the reporting.

    Still, I wouldn't ever go so far as to say it's Bigfoot or aliums.

  12. 3 months ago

    Is it true that dogs ward off spirits?

    • 3 months ago

      Why would the most domesticated animal have any spiritual component to it
      If anything they should be the least spiritual

    • 3 months ago

      Don't know about warding off but they might be able to sense them. Why else would a dog bark at nothing for hours.

  13. 3 months ago

    It’s people taking advantage of our large national parks to murder unwanted relatives
    Note how many are special needs kids or elderly people. Who takes their grandma or moron and lets them wander around unsupervised in s big park? Nobody. Those people are being killed or even just abandoned and left to die naturally. The parks are too big and remote to be patrolled regularly and even a thorough search won’t find anything most of the time. Especially if you’re smart enough to lie about where they went “missing” and have them in the complete wrong area. The animals act as natural body disposal.
    The author of these books hit upon a real story, but there’s nothing supernatural about it, it’s just murders we’re powerless to solve combined with some people who are just really dumb about hiking.

  14. 3 months ago

    I thought he switched to interdimentional portals?

  15. 3 months ago

    Bob Gymlan youtube

    • 3 months ago

      That guy is the good kind of autistic. I genuinely enjoy his work.

  16. 3 months ago

    Underground reptilians

  17. 3 months ago

    I think one of the funniest explanations why Bigfoot hasn't been found is that the bones are made of cartilage and the hair breaks down when they shed too so everything rots away. Those homies would constantly be breaking their bones (if you can even call them that) and their hair would probably fall out..

    • 3 months ago

      Their cartilage bones are reinforced with a interdimensional force field to keep them firm. When they die, the force field goes away and the cartilage dissolves just before it can be tested in a lab. Sometimes these simple answers are the best solution.

  18. 3 months ago


  19. 3 months ago

    bigfoot is an alien moron

  20. 3 months ago

    >morons don't know that it's fairies
    Read Jacques Vallee

  21. 3 months ago


  22. 3 months ago

    As much as I'd want it to be aliens, bigfoot, mountain people or molemen it's usually the family members.

  23. 3 months ago

    412 after julian sands

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