Now that the dust has settled, thoughts on Season 5 and Samurai Jack overall?

Now that the dust has settled, thoughts on Season 5 and Samurai Jack overall?

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  1. 2 years ago

    S5 had an incredibly strong start, stumbled on the finish. The game fixes it, causing the series overall to be enjoyable.

    • 2 years ago

      Was good in the first half
      Ran out of steam in the last half
      Overall, was a satisfying ending to a great series

      satisfying what?

      • 2 years ago

        Ending had jack get back to the past and save the future
        Granted it did erase people from history but it was what was going to happen

        • 2 years ago

          Every single character-centric episode of the series is focused on Jack a) coming to terms with what happened, b) accepting that what happened wasn't his fault, or c) overcoming his grief so he can move forward... hell, this is his entire arc in S5.

          The natural place for that arc to end is Jack ultimately accepting his place in the future.

  2. 2 years ago

    Was good in the first half
    Ran out of steam in the last half
    Overall, was a satisfying ending to a great series

  3. 2 years ago

    almost has overated as Cowboy bebop

    • 2 years ago

      Thought it was good. Most of the shows (usually cartoons) I watch, I never cared or even thought of what the fandom thought. It was pretty surprising to see Cinemaphile screencaps of people being outraged by this season. For a season that was created way past its due date and a more "adult" like direction it felt like a good continuation of SJ (the show) and eventually what would happen to Jack if he stayed for too long. I will say the whole ending was a bit of a mind frick, especially that wedding for me.

      Sounds like you just didn't like it or understood the hype of it anon

      • 2 years ago

        >I will say the whole ending was a bit of a mind frick, especially that wedding for me.
        is this bait?

        • 2 years ago

          Not sure how you would find this bait? I found the ending unsatisfactory, while seeing Jack as a damaged man fighting his personal demons was cool, it was a nice change of pace to see him fall in love. Seeing Jack and Ashi's relationship progress and their trust for one another grow was a highlight for me, though I get the whole thing about Aku and his defeat, in the moment it was a "WTF". Though at the very least Jack seems to how found peace with death and having the memories of his loved ones with him

          • 2 years ago

            anon the whole season 5 should have been like 3 season for the amout of stuff they introduce Jack relenshionship with Ashi was so forced and the fact that the whole series became about her, was terrible, specially with that terrible ending. They literally drop plot points and even killed a plot point off-screen.

            • 2 years ago

              Jack's main thing was to deal with his demons. There's multiple ways they could've gone, but a romance route wasn't bad. Wanting to expand season 5 into multiple parts would've been a bad call since the amount of stuff in the seasons didn't call for it. I mean you have Jack's inner turmoil and the Daughters of Aku really. The best I can see is S5 being split into two parts two focus on these things. I don't really see how they romance was force really.

              Was your problem the fact that SJ even has romance or that they had hot ugly sex after a fight? The series didn't become about her? Sure she became a bigger part of it but it's not like it was Ashi 24/7, Jack was still a player and they had to focus on Aku? Are you upset that Jack find a person to marry? This just seems like a difference of opinions vs there being something actually wrong here.
              >They literally drop plot points and even killed a plot point off-screen.
              Anything you can bring up to change my mind?

            • 2 years ago

              They did that in the old series as well. Remember the eye of cronus? Still it was better than season 5.

              • 2 years ago

                >Remember the eye of cronus?
                that was actually funny

  4. 2 years ago

    the first 3 or 4 episodes were pretty good. Back half switches between mediocre and complete shit.

  5. 2 years ago

    Perfer if it went down the king Jack route.

    • 2 years ago

      Comics already did it
      I prefer the show to have it’s own original route

      • 2 years ago

        >I prefer the show to have it’s own original route
        frick off, originality for the sake of originality is cancer

        • 2 years ago

          I like something to have it’s own thing than to copy even if it is good
          Just makes me want to watch the original instead of it’s copier

          • 2 years ago

            >I like something to have it’s own thing than to copy even if it is good

            • 2 years ago

              I’m saying that you should do your own thing than trying to copy something else just because people considered it good
              It’s why those Disney live action remakes suck so much.

              • 2 years ago

                >It’s why those Disney live action remakes suck so much.
                They would suck even if they weren't copies, that was never the problem.

  6. 2 years ago

    I loved watching it with you all

  7. 2 years ago

    I wished jacked stayed in the future and tried to make the world he was living in better

  8. 2 years ago

    For me it's AFAF

  9. 2 years ago

    All I remember is the ending dropped the ball bad enough that the video game had to do damage control.

  10. 2 years ago

    4 seasons were alright.
    Final season was shit when they decided to introduce love interest.
    It sucked.

  11. 2 years ago

    I think the original still holds up, especially in the later episodes.
    Season 5 was shit, way too rushed. Plus, I think each episode having its own plot instead of their being a continuous story suits Samurai Jack more.

  12. 2 years ago

    episodes 1/2/3 were unironically fricking amazing, everything after that was The Ashi Show ft. some samurai

    • 2 years ago

      First 3 episodes were godtier despite the small sequence and visual errors such as
      >Incorrect weapons on the Aku sisters on some scenes
      >When Jack escapes into the ruin's tunnel 7 Sisters chase him into the tunnel instead of 6 (One was already inside the tunnel)
      After that the quality went to shit and the whole thing felt too rushed

      This. There was way too much focus on Ashi, to the point where she feels like a mary sue
      >introduced out of nowhere
      >blood related to the main villain
      >absurd combat skills
      >love interest to the main character
      >most of the season's story revolves around her
      >ends up randomly solving the main problem with ease
      we finally get a final season and it ends up mostly wasted on some stupid mary sue self-insert

  13. 2 years ago

    Just disappointed that ladybug at the end didn't turn to the viewer laughing with Aku's face

  14. 2 years ago

    First 3 episodes were godtier despite the small sequence and visual errors such as
    >Incorrect weapons on the Aku sisters on some scenes
    >When Jack escapes into the ruin's tunnel 7 Sisters chase him into the tunnel instead of 6 (One was already inside the tunnel)
    After that the quality went to shit and the whole thing felt too rushed

  15. 2 years ago

    There was a Season 5?

  16. 2 years ago

    Amazing start, dove off the cliff once it started pandering to Ashi, forced a dumb romance, shoved all of the old characters into the last 20 minutes just to see them all wiped out cause the future is destroyed, and the dumbass wedding scene. Oh and barely any Aku

    A better thing would’ve been to
    >Keep Ashi but as a mentor/trainee relationship
    >Jack tries to teach her morality while she teaches him humanity, which would lead back to the sword episode and an emotional scene when Ashi gets blacked by Aku
    >Make the final episode 40 minutes long, why the hell are you showing TWO intros for the final episode, keep the regular one or the joke one and dedicate a minute to the ep itself
    >Make the future a separate timeline. Give us a satisfying finale fight where Jack and Ashi defeat Aku in the future, the future is at peace, then it’s revealed Aku had a secret time portal hidden in case Jack ever did free the future so he could escape into the past.
    >Ashi does not come back with Jack, she stays in the future as a sort of samurai protector, she and Jack share an emotional farewell
    >Jack goes back, keep the entire “YOU’RE BACK ALREADY!?” scene it was good and being peace to the past
    >Kill the wedding, replace it with a shot of the blossom tree but with Jack standing on the left staring out in the past reflecting on his journey while on the right is Ashi staring out to the future for what lies ahead

    There you go Gennedy I fixed your dumb ending

    • 2 years ago

      >Jack returns to the past with Ashi and defeats Aku
      >Ashi starts fading immediately and they have a bitter goodbye
      >Jack returns to his home, everyone celebrates Aku's defeat
      >Jack leaves, looking forlorn
      >His father finds him on the hill overlooking the village, meditating
      >Jack stares at his reflection in the sword, expressing doubts and lamenting whether he was right to change the future
      >Knowing the people he loved and fought for are probably gone forever because of his decision
      >The father plucks a cherry from a nearby tree
      >"The decisions you make and the actions that follow are a reflection of who you are."
      >He crushes the piece of fruit in his hand
      >"So, to, is destiny the future we choose to make for ourselves."
      >He places the cherry pit into Jack's palm
      >"Who are you? And what future do you choose?"
      >Jack doesn't understand at first
      >He looks at the seed, his reflection in the sword
      >Something clicks
      >He kneels down, planting the pit in the soft earth
      >Then looks out on the valley with a hopeful smile, his father resting a hand on his shoulder
      >We see the Edo castles and horse-drawn carts fade to skyscrapers and flying cars
      >We see a familiar looking redheaded man and his young daughter chiding him to watch his temper as he haggles with a street vendor
      >We see a familiar looking black man in a flashy outfit coaching a group of familiar teens on some dance moves
      >We see a familiar looking android playing trumpet in his apartment while a puppy snoozes, curled up on his jacket
      >We see some familiar looking girls playing in a park, and one in particular wandering off into the woods
      >She stops to catch her breath and rests her hand against a large blooming cherry tree overlooking a bright, shining, futuristic utopian city
      >Something catches her attention and she looks off to the side
      >An ancient stone, covered in ivy and moss, surrounded by bramble
      >But stuck in it, a sword, untouched by time
      >Waiting for the next worthy person in need of it

      • 2 years ago

        Pretty good, I like it

      • 2 years ago

        Aku's dictatorship set in motion all of these different walks of life coming together and birthing these characters into existence and the chances of them existing in a non-Aku future is extraordinarily slim. Hell, even in this ending of yours, those "familiar-looking people" might as well be entirely different characters since what made us grow to like them was how they developed by getting to bond with Jack. Double hell, what makes this new reincarnation of Ashi so deserving of getting this torched passed down to her when she grew up with none of the hardships from living in the Aku dominated future? This is the exact kind of feel good, wish fulfilment fanfiction that pic related made fun of.

        This anon was right

        Every single character-centric episode of the series is focused on Jack a) coming to terms with what happened, b) accepting that what happened wasn't his fault, or c) overcoming his grief so he can move forward... hell, this is his entire arc in S5.

        The natural place for that arc to end is Jack ultimately accepting his place in the future.

        and while his preferred ending may not be original, that's not the same as it being terrible as it would have been the most natural conclusion to Jack's character.

        • 2 years ago

          >This is the exact kind of feel good, wish fulfilment fanfiction that pic related made fun of.
          Forgot pic.

        • 2 years ago

          Is it a realistic ending? No - the nonlinear dynamics of life mean that reproducing even one of those lives a thousand years in the future is literally impossible... I agree with you that and

          Every single character-centric episode of the series is focused on Jack a) coming to terms with what happened, b) accepting that what happened wasn't his fault, or c) overcoming his grief so he can move forward... hell, this is his entire arc in S5.

          The natural place for that arc to end is Jack ultimately accepting his place in the future.

          that the better ending would be to have Jack choosing to stay in the future, it makes the most sense and is the most consistent with the rest of his arc in the series.

          BUT, if he HAS to go back to the past, then the story NEEDS an epilogue, however sappy, sentimental, and statistically illogical it might be, to give the audience some hope and reassurance that Jack made the right decision and that things are going to turn out for the best.

  17. 2 years ago

    They never answered the question of is jack still immortal? I don't
    Think he could be cured of his immortality if so aku would have already done that and just waited him out.

    • 2 years ago

      If time travel to the future made him immortal a time travel back to his own time should make him mortal again
      It wouldn't br surprising if they kept it ambigous to make a sequel though
      >Decades pass and Jack is still immortal
      >He brings his kingdom to prosperity but eventually gives up the Throne and wanders in search of Ashi's reincarnation
      >He eventually finds her and her sisters
      >They are still babies and chooses to raise them and train them in martial arts
      >They eventually fall in love again
      >Ashi and Jack travel around the world seeking an Immortality elixir for Ashi
      >He cannot find any
      >Chooses to spend his life with her and commit seppuku when she dies

      • 2 years ago

        >If time travel to the future made him immortal a time travel back to his own time should make him mortal again
        Why, would that be the case? For all we know time travel grants immortality either way through time.

        • 2 years ago

          He becomes doubly immortal and can't be injured now either. Now he can't even end his suffering through seppuku.

      • 2 years ago

        a daughter-wife huh good man

  18. 2 years ago

    Why is he so down?

    • 2 years ago

      He realizes it's over. He got his final season and Cinemaphile almost unanimously hated it. His story has been concluded and he will never be coming back... to the past, samuraijack, watchout

  19. 2 years ago

    It took a nosedive of a cliff once Ashi became a character.

  20. 2 years ago

    >Aku just conveniently fricked off after Jack lost his sword and never ONCE for 50 years ever even checked up on him.
    This always bothered me, you think even with the time portals gone he'd still try to do SOMETHING about the sword.

  21. 2 years ago

    Ashi was a mistake and should have died

  22. 2 years ago

    How could the rest of Season 5 maintain the quality and momentum of the first three episodes?

    • 2 years ago

      im not convinced that it could

  23. 2 years ago

    Starts interesting, ends like shit. Who would have known Genndy would just abandon all the ideas he has when actually making the OG show.

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