>Nuke dropped on a military base 20 miles away. >Makes everyone retarded and they all forget how to speak english

>Nuke dropped on a military base 20 miles away
>Makes everyone moronic and they all forget how to speak english
Is this what would really happen? This truly is the most horrifying movie of all time.

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  1. 5 months ago

    >nuclear war
    Its actually quite optimistic, and not just for a British film.

    • 5 months ago

      lol youre one of those homosexuals who actually think nukes can take out all of humanity

      • 5 months ago

        Not everyone would die in a fireball but the decades of nuclear winter afterward would finish us off

        • 5 months ago

          Nope, society as we know would collapse sure, but it wont wipe humanity off the earth.

          • 5 months ago

            Nope. The survivors of the blast go into a hole. Nobody comes out.

            • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          Nuclear winter was invented by Carl Sagan to make nations afraid of using nuclear weapons. His modeling was dubious when the theory first came out, and now it is just considered to be flat out wrong. With fusion warheads fallout us an acute problem as the fission warhead that sets off the fusion blast is very small.

          • 5 months ago

            "nuclear winter" theory also ignores the thousands of nukes that were detonated in the 40s and 50s that didnt cause a dinosaur extinction event
            it is a thoroughly debunked theory, anybody pushing that shit is more embarrassing than a global warming activist - for Chrissakes Sagan said the Gulf War was going to cause Nuclear Winter with all the burning oil fields

            • 5 months ago

              >"nuclear winter" theory also ignores the thousands of nukes that were detonated in the 40s and 50s that didnt cause a dinosaur extinction event
              would probably help if you knew what nuclear winter theory was actually about.
              i will never understand why uninformed midwits try their hand at this "well ackshually" shit.

              • 5 months ago

                >muh soot in the atmosphere
                Firebombing of Tokyo and Dresden failed to inititate "nuclear winter", give it up you whiny zipperhead clown, your homosexual pseudoscience has been debunked, rebunked, and re-debunked.

              • 5 months ago

                I dont even believe in nuclear winter theory.
                im just pointing out that you're a fricking moron who doesnt even know what nuclear winter is about but still feels the need to have a strong opinion on it.

              • 5 months ago

                Kek, you got rekt

              • 5 months ago

                even bigger moron

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah, why do you try your hand at that?

          • 5 months ago

            You forgot that it was overhyped by the Soviets to intimidate American leaders and the American public into being afraid of starting a conventional war with the Soviets. The Soviets knew they would never win an all out conventional war with NATO which is why they hyped up their nukes and were more willing to use them in the event of a NATO attack on Soviet territory.

          • 5 months ago

            We also have to consider that in a counter-value strike, the nuclear devices would be airburst to maximize damage, which removes radioactive fallout from the equation. You only have to worry about radiation when the fireball comes in contact with the soil or other matter, but the nuclear fireball itself is not what causes damage in a nuclear strike, but the heat-blast and concussive force it creates far beyond it.

            Radioactivity in general is also massively overhyped
            >The 7-10 Rule of Radioactive Decay
            >A basic rule for easily predicting approximate future exposure rates is called the "7-10 Rule of Thumb." This rule, based on exposure rates determined by survey instruments, states that for every seven-fold increase in time after detonation of a nuclear device, there is a 10-fold decrease in the radiation exposure rate. For example, if the radiation dose rate at one hour after the explosion is taken as a reference point, then at seven hours after the explosion the dose rate will have decreased to one-tenth; at 7x7 = 49 hours (roughly 2 days) it will be one-hundredth; and at 7x7x7 = 343 hours (roughly 2 weeks) the dose rate will be one-thousandth of that at one hour after the burst. Another aspect of the rule is that at the end of 1 week (7 days), the radiation dose rate will be about one tenth of the value after 1 day. Of course, for accuracy and reliability, nothing can replace direct instrument readings.

            "nuclear winter" theory also ignores the thousands of nukes that were detonated in the 40s and 50s that didnt cause a dinosaur extinction event
            it is a thoroughly debunked theory, anybody pushing that shit is more embarrassing than a global warming activist - for Chrissakes Sagan said the Gulf War was going to cause Nuclear Winter with all the burning oil fields

            You forgot that it was overhyped by the Soviets to intimidate American leaders and the American public into being afraid of starting a conventional war with the Soviets. The Soviets knew they would never win an all out conventional war with NATO which is why they hyped up their nukes and were more willing to use them in the event of a NATO attack on Soviet territory.

            serious question, is there a good book that talks about all this and how nuclear winter is horseshit?

            • 5 months ago

              On Thermonuclear War by Herman Kahn

            • 5 months ago

              Nuclear War Survival Skills
              Chapter 1 goes over several myths regarding nuclear weapons.

              • 5 months ago

                My plan: Die

        • 5 months ago

          >nuclear winter
          It's really not that likely. It's based off the idea that the cities hit would burn and firestorms would ensues in the wreckage. But neither Hiroshima or Nagasaki "firestormed" after being bombed, despite being built out of shitty papper and matchstick houses that would be perfect for it. Most of the material is likely instantly vaporized, and the rest gets covered in tons of concrete and other non flammable debris, making fires more difficult.

          >standard 1 megaton device

          Just using 1 Megaton generally with the soviets, they always ranged around 1-2 megatons because of there inaccuracy issues. But It's a decent approximations

        • 5 months ago

          soviets blew up the biggest bomb ever in history and it didnt create shit

          • 5 months ago

            It's kind of amazing that bomb didn't leave any sort of meaningful crater, high enough altitude i guess, despite it's size.
            Compared to some of the big American bombs in the pacific where they literally vaporized whole islands like at Enewetak Atoll.
            Got to make sure that parachute works I guess

        • 5 months ago

          >nuclear winter

        • 5 months ago

          Living in the Mojave'll make you wish for a nuclear winter.
          There's a settlement that needs your help, btw.

        • 5 months ago

          Maybe civilization as we know it would cease to exist, but humanity would not die.

    • 5 months ago

      Not everyone would die in a fireball but the decades of nuclear winter afterward would finish us off

      In a nuclear war, your most likely outcome is counter-force strikes, i.e. nuclear missiles launched against nuclear missile launch sites, following that the biggest military bases and command centers. The point is to minimize how much the enemy can nuke you back. This strategy has the benefit of reducing casualties on both sides. You're looking at death tolls in the hundreds of thousands, several millions at most.

      A counter-value nuclear exchange is the one people are actually afraid of, although it's much less likely than a counter-force strike, because it results in massively increased casualties on both sides if you're not putting any effort into preventing the other guy from nuking you back. Conservative death toll estimates put this in the range of tens of millions to 100 million worldwide (excluding China and India). If you include China and India you're looking at a death toll of about a billion people thanks to the Three Gorges Dam having the capacity to wipe out 600 million Chinks all at once.
      Of course, this is assuming Russian and Chinese nukes actually A. exist, and B. work.

      • 5 months ago

        Nuclear winter was invented by Carl Sagan to make nations afraid of using nuclear weapons. His modeling was dubious when the theory first came out, and now it is just considered to be flat out wrong. With fusion warheads fallout us an acute problem as the fission warhead that sets off the fusion blast is very small.

        You forgot that it was overhyped by the Soviets to intimidate American leaders and the American public into being afraid of starting a conventional war with the Soviets. The Soviets knew they would never win an all out conventional war with NATO which is why they hyped up their nukes and were more willing to use them in the event of a NATO attack on Soviet territory.

        >nuclear winter
        It's really not that likely. It's based off the idea that the cities hit would burn and firestorms would ensues in the wreckage. But neither Hiroshima or Nagasaki "firestormed" after being bombed, despite being built out of shitty papper and matchstick houses that would be perfect for it. Most of the material is likely instantly vaporized, and the rest gets covered in tons of concrete and other non flammable debris, making fires more difficult.
        Just using 1 Megaton generally with the soviets, they always ranged around 1-2 megatons because of there inaccuracy issues. But It's a decent approximations

        We also have to consider that in a counter-value strike, the nuclear devices would be airburst to maximize damage, which removes radioactive fallout from the equation. You only have to worry about radiation when the fireball comes in contact with the soil or other matter, but the nuclear fireball itself is not what causes damage in a nuclear strike, but the heat-blast and concussive force it creates far beyond it.

        Radioactivity in general is also massively overhyped
        >The 7-10 Rule of Radioactive Decay
        >A basic rule for easily predicting approximate future exposure rates is called the "7-10 Rule of Thumb." This rule, based on exposure rates determined by survey instruments, states that for every seven-fold increase in time after detonation of a nuclear device, there is a 10-fold decrease in the radiation exposure rate. For example, if the radiation dose rate at one hour after the explosion is taken as a reference point, then at seven hours after the explosion the dose rate will have decreased to one-tenth; at 7x7 = 49 hours (roughly 2 days) it will be one-hundredth; and at 7x7x7 = 343 hours (roughly 2 weeks) the dose rate will be one-thousandth of that at one hour after the burst. Another aspect of the rule is that at the end of 1 week (7 days), the radiation dose rate will be about one tenth of the value after 1 day. Of course, for accuracy and reliability, nothing can replace direct instrument readings.

      • 5 months ago

        I think even a counter force strike against the chinese would result in apocalyptic death tolls. There whole population is crammed into eastern coastal area - exactly where the nuclear fallout will drift. This is also where there agriculture area is.
        There's no sort of nuclear war scenario where China comes out of "alive" They have to know they need to avoid such a situation, even more than the US or RUssia does.

        • 5 months ago

          I don't know where Chinese nuclear missile silos are, nor their most significant military installations. Striking cities and infrastructure is considered counter-value, and considered strategically unnecessary (in theory) when you have enough weapons for counter-force. Of course, when you're a pissant penny-ante turd-world tinpot dictatorship (like France) you probably don't have the ability to neuter all your enemies' war forces, so you probably are going to chimpout on civilians.

          • 5 months ago

            well a lot of ^ 6% area is useless desert, full of nothing but sand and Uyghurs slave labor camps I assume. That's the most logical place for them to build there ICBM's.
            They have nuclear subs now, but they are ass...
            They probably have equipped some of those hypersonic missiles (which are shorter range) with nukes for taking out US carrier groups, which means putting them on or near the coast. Which would make cities collateral damage for counter missile fire at them.

            • 5 months ago

              >hypersonic missiles
              I can't believe the CCP-aligned lugenpresse came up with this moronic copeaganda language, all ballistic missiles since the German V2 rockets of WW2 have been hypersonic, how the frick do they think they're able to travel 15,000 miles in under an hour?

              • 5 months ago

                poohbear must have vetoed "megamissile" "flash-the missile" "super missile"
                Whole thing strikes me as boondoggle, the media shitting themselves over a supposedly chinese wunderewaffen that in reality is something we considered and rejected as a dumb idea in 1960's. But now we are going to invest billions to build them anyways to keep pace with the chinese.
                Yet with the current rate of laser advancement they will probably be rendered useless in a decade or sooner.

              • 5 months ago

                >Yet with the current rate of laser advancement they will probably be rendered useless in a decade or sooner.
                It's funny how nukes are just like dreadnought battleships in the early 20th century
                >weapons that are a game changer
                >level the playing field for the first time in decades
                >subject to countless myths about their supposed power
                >useful tool for politicians to scare the public with
                >hundreds of treaties created around limiting them
                >eventually see use but are not as dangerous as once thought
                >gone before the end of the century due to military advancements making such weapons completely obsolete

              • 5 months ago

                battleship was supplanted by the airplane, or the carrier, same thing essentially. New avenues for explotation rending old ones inert.
                My guess, is when (and IF) we get to space, the simple rock will render the the nuke inert. Who cares about nukes, when any rockhopper with a grudge can toss an asteroid at earth.
                That'll be the 22nd centuries concerns anyways, everything gets supplanted eventually.

        • 5 months ago

          What's rural China like? That 6% region fascinates me

          • 5 months ago

            It's just useless Gobi desert assumedly.
            Beyond the gobi are the Uyghurs which are literal turkic people, obviously we all know they are being genocided but idk if anyone really gives a frick apparently.

      • 5 months ago

        It is interesting how post-Ukraine invasion the world attitude regarding the viability of Russian and Chinese nuclear arms took a nosedive.

      • 5 months ago

        exact same muh counter-value post was made in a thread with same op yesterday
        hmmm, what's going on Cinemaphile?

        • 5 months ago

          >exact same muh counter-value post was made in a thread with same op yesterday
          that would be an odd cohencidence since this is the first time I've posted on the subject off of /k/, and the last time I did that was in the spring or summer, before they switched to the israel war

          • 5 months ago

            as it turns out,

            exact same muh counter-value post was made in a thread with same op yesterday
            hmmm, what's going on Cinemaphile?

            is just a fricking schizoid liar because I checked the archive and the most recent use of the term "countervalue" on Cinemaphile is December 9th

    • 5 months ago


      Oh look, a moron.

  2. 5 months ago

    UNBELIEVABLY BASED British leftists took a long, sober look at the WW2 and decided it wasn't great for Britain, so they loosed an artistic salvo that propagandized people away from world war. Imagine an indie film so good, it makes peace in Palestine

  3. 5 months ago

    The showrunners couldn't show what happens when people die of fallout radiation poisoning because it would be too much of a bloody mess for 80s TV audiences (and Thatcher-era UK TV censors). Also it would be boring showing footage of dead bodies for an hour with no dialogue.

    • 5 months ago

      Japan made a movie like that called "Prophesies of Nostradamus" which showed mutants fighting over scraps of food in a post-nuclear wasteland, but it got censored after people complained to the Eirin ratings board.

  4. 5 months ago

    daily reminder
    now that film is dead, "minor" movies like this become one of a handful of relevant movies ever made, they're historical documents. Future generations will study THREADS

  5. 5 months ago

    moron bait

  6. 5 months ago

    It escalated when the Yanks detonated a nuke over a Russian base in Iran and then the Ruskis detonated a nuke over NATO troops at the Fulda Gap

  7. 5 months ago

    Why does he wear the mask, Cinemaphile?

    • 5 months ago

      he appears to have suffered some burns in one of the nuke strikes. Being a public official, he was undoubtedly outside in the line of duty when the attack occurred. He's a hero, and looks to be doing quite well in light of the situation.

      • 5 months ago

        The idea of traffic wardens (already with a reputation for being unreasonable, bureaucratic and overzealous) becoming armed triggerhappy refugee camp guards that indiscriminately shoot inmates is delightfully devilish.

  8. 5 months ago

    Ridiculous antisemitic dog whistle

  9. 5 months ago

    Remember how shit was locked down for the coof and child literacy ficking plummeted because distance learning sucked? Now give every adult severe PTSD, make one third of the kids moronic, and the only person available to be a teacher is the one older lady who worked at a bank during the 80s and whose only teaching materials are three barney DVDs and a partially burned caillou book. How fricked are those kids?

    • 5 months ago

      the black death wiped out 90% of the population in some regions in europe and they didnt lose their language or culture
      it would be rough decades afterwards, but you dont need to be a professional teacher to pass on valuable knowledge to kids, there will be orphans and widows, but the idea of a family structure will still be intact.
      also nuclear fallout doesnt cause moronation, but tumors and cancer. there will be high child mortality, but those that make it will be as mentally capable as anyone else

      • 5 months ago

        90% of the population over decades or centuries and in small regions while a whole bunch of people two towns away were very much alive.
        Now do 90% of people everywhere in a day.

        • 5 months ago

          >Now do 90% of people everywhere in a day.
          the most pessimistic estimates for nuclear devastation - assuming the largest possible arsenal each successfully detonating at the precise location to cause the maximum amount of casualties - typically ranges 500 million people worldwide, of which the global south is almost totally untouched
          now thats a lot of people but its hardly 90% of the human population
          pretty much the entirety of Central and South America and Africa won't even notice

          • 5 months ago

            > the global south
            In English we say, “the Southern Hemisphere”, zoomer.

            • 5 months ago

              It's hard to make "turd-world" sound positive

              Post sauce, you won’t have one.

              Which source, source for modern Russians wanting to nuke Britain https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/vladimir-putin-ally-london-bomb-world-war-3-b2108980.html
              or source for Britain being the primary subverted country owned by KGB espionage?

              • 5 months ago

                Are there even any Anglo-Saxons left in London?

              • 5 months ago

                anglo-n*rmans more likely

              • 5 months ago

                >unable to provide sauce
                Just as expected

  10. 5 months ago

    I can't stand the room temperature IQ shit at modern UK studios where they crop all old 4:3 content to widescreen
    at least when American studios do it they shot on 35mm and usually have extra image on the sides that is restored
    the Threads "remaster" is them cropping a tape master of a 16mm source to widescreen and it looks like muddy cramped shit

    • 5 months ago

      The remastered Blu-ray has both versions.

  11. 5 months ago

    Well this was back in the 80’s when the soviets had shittier targeting computers so they opted to make their nuclear weapons have higher yields so that if the nuke missed its target by a few miles it would still create an explosion big enough to destroy its target.

    • 5 months ago

      Well the Russians Satan II is supposedly now accurate, but it's still ridiculously over sized yields. It's just a Russian form of machismo that they have to build everything as phyisically large as they possibly can, an obvious form of compensate.
      >father of all bombs
      >Tsar bomba
      >nuclear torpedo
      >Czar Tank
      >worlds largest submarine
      >worlds largest transport plane
      >copy the US space shuttle, make it slightly larger, fly it once, mothball, roof caves in and destroys it
      >largest moon rocket
      it's like a bad joke.

      • 5 months ago

        I'm trans, btw, not sure if that matters.

        • 5 months ago

          obvious ork is obvious

          • 5 months ago

            rent free

  12. 5 months ago

    It's really not.
    If they where 20 miles away from a soviet standard 1 megaton device that would put them in the "light blast radius" limited structural damage, broken windows, etc. They wouldn't have become "moronic" like this.
    >The Day After
    Is a much better film, higher budget, better visuals, had military participation so it was pretty kino in that it showed how the "doomsday plane" worked

    • 5 months ago

      there's mutliple nukes dropped in that movie.
      first one on the army base nearby, then one which pretty much falls on the town itself.
      then there's a ten years gap or so between the attack and the after effects on the population


    • 5 months ago

      >The Day After
      >much better film, higher budget, better visuals, had military participation so it was pretty kino
      The only part that's correct of this is the budget size, and that means jackshit. The Day After and Testament are good standard movies, Threads is a masterwork, only surpassed by that other TV-made israeliteel, The War Game.

    • 5 months ago

      >standard 1 megaton device

    • 5 months ago

      Threads is based off assumption that around 210 megatons would fall on UK
      Bear in mind - modern nuclear arsenals are much smaller overall despite some very large individual weapons that get lots of press coverage, but back when Threads was set soviets had between 30 and 40k nuclear warheads, several times more than current stockpile

      • 5 months ago

        Threads makes the faulty assumption that soviet doctrine in the 80s was to nuke the UK. It was the opposite.

        • 5 months ago

          Its funny how soviet doctrine was to only nuke countries that didn't have nukes, while American doctrine was to nuke the frick out of anyone whose used a nuke.

        • 5 months ago

          Actually Soviet doctrine DID involve heavy nuclear saturation of Great Britain, and in fact the Russian Federation still maintains this desire to take out England in the event of a nuclear exchange - for some reason of which I am historically ignorant, Russians have a colossal hate-boner for the British despite British being the primary exporter of NATO state secrets to the USSR.

          • 5 months ago

            Post sauce, you won’t have one.

  13. 5 months ago

    >Cinemaphile morons manage to have turned contraian even on Threads
    Disappointing but not surprising

    • 5 months ago
  14. 5 months ago

    >year of lockdown turns kids into blibbering morons who can barely read or speak and have no emotional control
    >op is surprised that total collapse of society creates feral kids who never learnt to speak proper english in the first place

  15. 5 months ago

    The 1) nukes aren't real lolz and 2) nukes aren't that bad online psyop started since the Ukraine thing sure feels organic and natural.

    • 5 months ago

      the "nukes arent that bad" thing has been going on for 60 years, just because communist propaganda has controlled the narrative on the idiot box doesn't mean the conversation doesn't exist

      the "nukes aren't real" schizos are definitely inorganic though

  16. 5 months ago

    It could only happen in places like us where people only live in few big cities
    Uk is hugely populated
    You nuke london there's still a lot of people left

    You are safe from Nuclear warfare if you live in walkable cities

    • 5 months ago

      This is pretty rotten bait, even for a eurosnore. Try harder next time.

      It is interesting how post-Ukraine invasion the world attitude regarding the viability of Russian and Chinese nuclear arms took a nosedive.

      The total collapse of the image of Russian and Chinese military potency and competency has been so depressing, being an absolute hegemon is so fricking boring

      poohbear must have vetoed "megamissile" "flash-the missile" "super missile"
      Whole thing strikes me as boondoggle, the media shitting themselves over a supposedly chinese wunderewaffen that in reality is something we considered and rejected as a dumb idea in 1960's. But now we are going to invest billions to build them anyways to keep pace with the chinese.
      Yet with the current rate of laser advancement they will probably be rendered useless in a decade or sooner.

      >But now we are going to invest billions to build them anyways to keep pace with the chinese.
      This reminds me of the time the Russians made the MiG-23 (or was it 25?) with outrageously advanced performance metrics that also happened to be completely madeup but US military intelligence thought it was real and then made the F-15 Eagle which despite being nearly 50 years old is still the most advanced jet fighter fielded by any country on earth (except the USA, which also has the F-22 and F-35, two generations ahead of everybody else)

      • 5 months ago

        >being an absolute hegemon is so fricking boring
        cool cool how is Suez deblocking going ameribro?

  17. 5 months ago
  18. 5 months ago

    >Makes everyone moronic and they all forget how to speak english
    When did we nuke America? I don't remember that happening.

  19. 5 months ago

    i dont get why you guys are so scared of nukes especially considering that most of our missiles will take out everyone else before we get hit, it'll also help with the drastic overpopulation problem that the world has, its actually a good thing and you homosexuals are too contrarian to see it.

    • 5 months ago

      Overpopulated as the world is, why don't you die yourself?

      • 5 months ago

        Nuke America. It's the only way to be sure.

        i won't die, the russians will tho and that geniunely makes me happy, i don't care if a few homosexual leaches from toledo ohio, florida or new york even get hit they're weak anyway.

        • 5 months ago

          >Using that gay reddit meme in 2024
          Just stop

        • 5 months ago

          >article 5 means war

        • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Nuke America. It's the only way to be sure.

    • 5 months ago

      >it'll also help with the drastic overpopulation problem that the world has
      No it won't. The nukes are all pointed at the developed countries with declining birthrates below 2.3 children. No ones targeting nukes in the southern hemisphere. I mean, MAYBE someone lobs one off at the Aussies for all there shit talking, but they deserved it tbh.
      No ones gonna nuke Africa, no will nuke south America, etc. In the post nuke world it will be planet of the ape,

      • 5 months ago

        russia and china are the greatest existential threats to the free world and they have way more people than us and they pollute and destroy more than any other people even africans and south americans have shown to be based at times like with milei or pinochet china and russia are just evil entities and they NEED TO DIE

        • 5 months ago

          Why can't we just kill them all?

  20. 5 months ago

    Amusing that burger /k/atamites are blase about/thirsting for nuclear war when after such a war they would be living under martial law with all constitutional rights revoked

    • 5 months ago

      constitutional rights being temporarily done away with to deal with a problem is a consistent thing throughout the history of western civilization, until the russian and chinese threats of communism are wiped out we cannot enjoy these things.

      • 5 months ago

        >constitutional rights being temporarily done away with
        > temporarily
        lmao yeah they'll give you your guns and habeas corpus back just as soon as the emergency is over, honest!

        • 5 months ago

          why should i care about what weapons peasants use? besides gun ownership is a slippery slope to a communist revolution you know that?

    • 5 months ago

      the government has been ignoring our constitutional rights for decades, at least let us get a few hundred million dead chinks and russkies out of the deal

      • 5 months ago

        >the total and permanent suspension of the constitution without redress is just like contested erosion of the constitution we have now

        why should i care about what weapons peasants use? besides gun ownership is a slippery slope to a communist revolution you know that?

        >why should i care about what weapons peasants use?
        You know, I'm something of a peasant myself, as are a lot of people, and I don't fancy on the spot death penalty if I have a gun

        • 5 months ago

          >Using that gay reddit meme in 2024
          Just stop

          >article 5 means war

          we actually used to have people who understood politics on this place back in 2016, so many fricking triggered lefties who want to collaborate with the west's sworn enemies come here and shit it up.

          • 5 months ago

            sounds like you should gb2 /k/
            you belong there

  21. 5 months ago

    Nukes? Thought it was just about living in Sheffield.

  22. 5 months ago

    Can some bong explain why this guy is front and center? He’s in the movie for like 20 seconds

    • 5 months ago

      in all honesty, it was probably the clearest and sharpest production still taken during filming
      for some fricking reason British productions used to do a terrible job of taking pictures for marketing

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