>Offee was originally written to die in "The Wrong Jedi," but Dave Filoni "had plans" for the character and cut the scene.

>Offee was originally written to die in "The Wrong Jedi," but Dave Filoni "had plans" for the character and cut the scene.
10 years later and still nothing

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  1. 1 year ago

    She'll show up in Ahsoka Season 2 for one episode and clickbait websites will shit out a dozen articles of YOU WON'T BELIEVE THE STAR WARS CHARACTER WHO MADE A COMEBACK

    • 1 year ago

      You're probably absolutely right.

    • 1 year ago

      Wrong. You want to write a geek culture clickbait title you need to get it right.

      >An Old Friend of Ahsoka Just Showed Herself to be One of the Most Dangerous People in the Galaxy
      And then you write an article that just poorly summarizes the episode and ends with "What does mean for Barris and Ahsoka's relationship? Hopefully we'll find out."

  2. 1 year ago

    Personal plans clearly! How could he continue to jack off to his precious waifu knowing that he killed her in canon!? What kind of monster could live with themselves!

  3. 1 year ago

    I would never forgive filoni for killing Baras.

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        Good ol' Lego Terminator.

  4. 1 year ago

    How would you feel if she showed up in Ahsoka and they had a lesbian sex scene together?

  5. 1 year ago

    The only way to fix Ahsoka at this point is to circle back to the Mortis arc and make her the reincarnation/chosen successor of the Daughter. This would explain her ridiculous power with the Light (not to mention the fact that the Daughter transferred her life to her which probably gave her some kind of special status in the Force), as well as the imagery with the owl etc. etc.

    The kicker here is to reintroduce Starkiller as the reincarnation/successor of the Son. Anakin was supposed to succeed the Father on Mortis, but he didn't and became Darth Vader. Then he turned back to the Light before he died, so basically he embodies both aspects of the Force, and just so happened to have an apprentice as both a Jedi and Sith. Not to mention Starkiller is basically the perfect foil to Ahsoka at this point and might actually cause her to lose again and stop stagnating, which would be interesting. The fact she beat Maul at all is bullshit as it is, but at least this way it's partly explained by making her another "chosen" Force user. And unlike le Dyad, George actually played a hand in the whole Force Trinity thing, so expanding on it doesn't feel like anathema. He also signed off on both the ideas of giving Anakin and Vader an apprentice pre-Disney takeover so it'd further boost credibility.

    Inquisitor Starkiller almost happened in Rebels, but thankfully it didn't or else he would have probably been turned into a jobber like everyone else.

    >inb4 Ezra is the Son hurr durr
    That would be an awful idea, but Disney is full of those these days.

    • 1 year ago

      It just fricking works on every conceivable level.

      • 1 year ago

        First draft of Episode 9 included Mortis lore and it would’ve been so easy to frame these three as the reincarnations of the Mortis gods. Why god why was it so difficult for them to think for five seconds.

        • 1 year ago

          Would've required them actually knowing & keeping Star Wars lore. I don't believe it for a second.

          • 1 year ago

            You can look it up it’s all in the Colin Trevorrow script. Rey was looking for something called the Throne of Mortis or something like that. Not sure Trevorrow knew much about Mortis beyond the name, but the idea of Rey and Kylo being a dark and light balance seemed to be rooted there.

            >Why god why was it so difficult for them to think for five seconds.
            Kathleen Kennedy. But shit was totally fricked when the first movie after a 30-year timeskip turned out to be a soulless rehash of ANH. Rian just hammered the final nails into the coffin and JJ fed it along with the corpse of Star Wars into a wood chipper.

            Kennedy gets too much flack. She knew the movie lore because that’s the stuff Lucas made and she knew Lucas. JJ really was the weak link in the end. He destroys the New Republic just so it can be Empire and Rebels again and leaves the next movie with a cliffhanger to resolve. His mistake was being too presumptuous of what the next filmmaker would want. Rian can be faulted for making a chapter that’s slightly too insular, but his move to wipe the slate clean even further by removing the replacement emperor actually made sense. He wanted to take the repetition of Ep 7 and turn it on its head by making a trilogy all about breaking the cycle. JJ fricked that up by making a movie that seemed like all its script notes came from reddits front page. If they’d committed to Rian’s wired choices it would’ve benefited the saga in the long run. You can blame Rian for Clone Palpatine, that’s all on JJ.

            Sometimes I forget the version of the sequels my friends and I came up with, drunk, wasn't the version we actually got, and I get sad.

            I feel your pain, amigo.

            • 1 year ago

              Rian fricked up by removing the elements JJ did set up. His writing is all subversion for the sake of being subversive no matter how little it makes sense. Knives Out & Glass Onion are proof of this even further than The Last Jedi.

              • 1 year ago

                >Rian fricked up by removing the elements JJ did set up
                What elements? You mean the mystery boxes? Because apart from a bootleg copy of ANH that's all we were given. The sequels are literally the Mad Libs of storytelling.

              • 1 year ago

                Yes the mystery boxes. JJ didn't know what he was gonna do with them but anyone can easily have done ANYTHING with them. The problem is Rian chose to do NOTHING with them. The only closure you get is why Luke is on the island but it ruins his character & again makes no sense why he would leave a map if he wanted to die in isolation.

              • 1 year ago

                Exactly. It's like poetry, it rhymes. This one clip describes the Disney ST perfectly.

              • 1 year ago

                He didn’t leave the map, Max Von Sydow’s character had an incomplete one and then the missing piece was locked inside the deactivated R2-D2 presumably by Luke. Luke if anything intentionally segmented the map to prevent himself from being tracked, and R2 of his own accord coughed up the other half. These are the kinds of things that can be forgotten when you’ve spent years inside a Reddit echo chamber full of people who have misremembered or forgotten key details because they never bothered to watch the film again or just chose to ignore it and argue in bad faith.

              • 1 year ago

                WHY did a map exist in the first place if he was going there only to die?! Why did pointless old man have a piece of it? Why give a piece to R2 instead of just destroying it?
                Worse than all that? He decides to kill his nephew because he had a nightmare!

              • 1 year ago

                And even if we ignore all that, he just left his friends and family to suffer and die at the hands of the resurgent Empire. He basically decided that the best thing he could do is let the Dark Side win. What?

              • 1 year ago

                Exactly! Why take the jedi texts either if he became disillusioned?

                Does it always have to be anger? Apathy, bitterness, or a love for pure chaos can't empower them?

                Emotions running wild are what fuel them but anger is the strongest most prominent trait.

              • 1 year ago

                >Why take the jedi texts either if he became disillusioned?
                I know this is going to sound incredibly stupid, but I think we're supposed to believe they were just sitting in that cave for thousands upon thousands of years, exposed to the elements on a very moist, very salty (but not as salty as Crait) planet. Written on paper, instead of, you know, a holocron or special Force thingamajig that can withstand the elements.

              • 1 year ago

                That would be even worse than if he brought them there with him.

              • 1 year ago

                I have bad news then, anon.

              • 1 year ago

                I wish nothing but pain on Rian Johnson.

              • 1 year ago

                And even if we ignore all that, he just left his friends and family to suffer and die at the hands of the resurgent Empire. He basically decided that the best thing he could do is let the Dark Side win. What?

                I don’t fricking know maybe the map existed already from when he first discovered Ahch-To and he just split it apart later so he couldn’t be followed! Do some fricking thinking for yourself. And no he didn’t just want to kill his nephew because he had a nightmare. He scanned Ben’s mind and saw a dark vision of the future, and in a moment of weakness on par with being startled he forgot where he was and considered killing him for two seconds. It’s perfectly easy to connect those blank spaces based on what you know of the franchise and it’s history and the only reason you wouldn’t is if you were intentionally being stubborn to satisfy a narrative you have in your head. “Oh gosh how did the grandson of Darth Vader who was raised by the emotionally distant Han Solo and the super high strung Princess Leia wind up falling to the dark side while under the tutelage of the increasingly self satisfied Luke putting far too much pressure on his family legacy? Must be because the sjws hate my white male franchise and want to castrate me in the middle of the night. It’s all a conspiracy I tell ya”

              • 1 year ago

                Why didn't Luke do anything about the Empire 2.0? Why did he think it was a good idea to just roll over and let the Dark Side have its way with the galaxy? Did he know the Force would shit out an overpowered Mary Sue to solve the problem for him?

              • 1 year ago

                The First Order wasn’t on the same level as the old Empire until after the Hosnian System was destroyed in episode 7. So there was an entire galactic government on the table who could’ve been dealing with it. He left because he believed removing himself from the situation would cause less conflict since his power invited challenge. It’s a misguided philosophy that he ultimately walks back on in the end when he reconnects with the force and shows up the First Order in front of everyone, cementing himself as a legend and inspiring the galaxy anew. That’s literally the ending of the second movie, but again those clear details are lost in the mix when your first instinct upon leaving the theater is to go see what your favorite YouTuber wants you to think instead of sitting with the movie for a while by yourself.

              • 1 year ago

                >So there was an entire galactic government on the table who could’ve been dealing with it.
                So why weren't they? Why did Leia have to break off and make yet ANOTHER rebel faction to fight this supposedly "weaker" version of the Empire? You'll forgive my confusion because everything we see of the FO in the movies only suggests they're somehow even MORE powerful than the OG Empire.
                >would cause less conflict
                How? Doesn't he know that Snoke and the FO are already hell-bent on conquering the galaxy? Sure, he realizes his mistake at the end, but the problem is that the real Luke wouldn't do anything so foolish to begin with. His logic isn't so much flawed as it makes zero sense whatsoever. Even you can't bullshit a compelling enough reason for why he stayed on that island while a new Empire marched across the galaxy? At least I think it did, because I have no idea what's actually going on in those movies, because the state of the galaxy is never actually shown to us.

              • 1 year ago

                This is all well and good except for the fact that the first order is both magically ascendant the same weekend after having its trump card superweapon exploded and also unable to catch a convoy that's low on fuel with zero ways to escape, even though the Supremacy and an entire fricking support fleet that could have just jumped in front of them.

              • 1 year ago

                >I don’t fricking know
                Neither did anyone else writing these cinematic abominations lmao

              • 1 year ago

                >You mean the same youngling slayer 9000 you all b***hed and moaned wasn’t being respected enough by Luke?
                Did he know it was the Younglingslayer 9000? Did Ben or his dad tell him? Speaking of which, where the frick where they for the entire trilogy? Why was Yoda the only ghost who decided to actually show up?

                >it's never explained
                Lifting a lightsaber after concentrating on it after a 3-year time gap isn't like what we saw Rey do. Luke didn't use the mind trick until he was basically already a Jedi, so why could Rey apparently do it despite not even knowing the Force was a thing a day or two ago?

                Holy shit get the frick off Wookiepedia once in a while, gay. You make the same excuses for the OT that you use as demerits against the ST.
                >Durr well we can assume Luke learned it at some point
                >Hurr well it’s not all explained right to my neckbeard face so it’s a plot hole

              • 1 year ago

                I'm not assuming anything. Luke had 3 years to try and self-teach himself Force powers, and the end result was barely being able to lift a lightsaber out of a pile of snow. Rey knows nothing about the Force, but after a few days, can use abilities Luke could only access after a year of being taught by the Jedi grandmaster himself.

                I'm only arguing with you to humor you and amuse myself. You have no answers because neither did the writers who made this garbage.

              • 1 year ago

                >I don’t fricking know
                No one did. Not even JJ. Because there was no plan & it made no sense thanks to Rian. Again, mystery boxes left unanswered.

              • 1 year ago

                All of JJ’s stupid little mystery box questions were answered
                >Who are Rey’s parents?
                No one special, just a couple of dead beat drunks. They’re dead now anyway and Rey has simply mythologized them because she can only remember them from childhood.
                >Why did the lightsaber call out to Rey
                Because she’s strong in the force and objects touched by the force can commune with people
                >Why is Rey so gifted?
                Snoke said the force found a balance in Rey to compensate for Kylo Ren’s rise in power. This is consistent with Lucas’s own rules for how the force balances itself on a cosmic level
                >Who is Snoke?
                Just some butthole who filled the power vacuum left in the old Empire. He may have an interesting backstory, but it’s not important right now. Kylo is the more interesting character.
                >How did Luke’s temple fall?
                Ben was already teetering on darkness, but Luke mishandled the situation for too long and when he finally recognized how bad things were he had a momentary act of compulsion which he suppressed immediately, but that was all the excuse the already corrupted Ben required. This is all consistent with the established character of Luke and feels believable given what we know of the Skywalker family and its history.

                All those mystery boxes were filled, just not in the Glup Shitto fan service way JJ obviously assumed they’d be filled in when he left them. The irony is that in his efforts to change it at Disney’s behest he actually neglected a lot of his other mystery boxes that weren’t filled. Who was Maz Kanata and how did she get the lightsaber? What was Lor Santeca’s relationship to the Skywalkers? Who exactly were the Knights of Ren? All of these things were left on the table still, but JJ was too busy apologizing on behalf of someone else who had nothing to apologize for still.

              • 1 year ago

                Not an answer.
                Not an answer.
                That's something.
                Not an answer.
                No shown or communicated at all. Luke would not resort to murder of a defenseless child either.

                The mystery boxes weren't filled. Most of them are just empty air.

              • 1 year ago

                >No shown or communicated at all. Luke would not resort to murder of a defenseless child either.
                Let's say Luke does frick up and even gets so ashamed he runs away for a bit. He's coming back to fix his mistake. That's where Rian completely dropped the ball because JJ basically forced him into explaining why Luke stayed on the island even after Han died. Of course, I might be to generous to him, seeing as he didn't give enough of a shit about Han's death to show his best friend's reaction to it, because it's a deleted scene while everything Canto Bight made it into the final product. Maybe he could have cut the sea cow milking sequence to make room for that.

              • 1 year ago

                Rian doesn't give a shit about SW, he just wanted to make a movie with a modicum of effort spent into shitting on the franchise so that he'd be hailed by contrarians and hipsters as a masterful artist.

              • 1 year ago

                And I thank him for it, because the spell JJ had cast on everyone with TFA has been irrevocably broken, and TLJ fanboys are a fricking joke to begin with. There is no future for the Disney Star wars timeline thanks to him. Really, I thank him.

              • 1 year ago

                >Because she’s strong in the force and objects touched by the force can commune with people
                She does know she's holding the Younglingslayer 9000, right?
                >This is consistent with Lucas’s own rules for how the force balances itself on a cosmic level
                >girl with zero training just happens to master Force powers that took Luke an entire trilogy to master just because the Force says so

                >Glup Shitto

              • 1 year ago

                You mean the same youngling slayer 9000 you all b***hed and moaned wasn’t being respected enough by Luke? Frick outta here, b***h. Also force training is a video game meme. Luke didn’t go through 20 years of Prequel Jedi school to become a master, it’s never even explained how he could move objects with his mind at the start of Empire. Obi Wan never taught him that. Talk about plot holes amiright fellow redditor?

              • 1 year ago

                >You mean the same youngling slayer 9000 you all b***hed and moaned wasn’t being respected enough by Luke?
                Did he know it was the Younglingslayer 9000? Did Ben or his dad tell him? Speaking of which, where the frick where they for the entire trilogy? Why was Yoda the only ghost who decided to actually show up?

                >it's never explained
                Lifting a lightsaber after concentrating on it after a 3-year time gap isn't like what we saw Rey do. Luke didn't use the mind trick until he was basically already a Jedi, so why could Rey apparently do it despite not even knowing the Force was a thing a day or two ago?

              • 1 year ago

                >He may have an interesting backstory, but it’s not important right now.
                Or ever, apparently. Because now he's Pickle Snoke.

              • 1 year ago

                >Because she’s strong in the force and objects touched by the force can commune with people
                That is not at all how that shit works.
                What, is Anakin's lightsaber haunted by a bunch of child ghosts? Because that would way too based for nu-wars. Luke sure wasn't having a conversation with the very same youngling slayer 9000.

            • 1 year ago

              >Rey was looking for something called the Throne of Mortis or something like that. Not sure Trevorrow knew much about Mortis beyond the name, but the idea of Rey and Kylo being a dark and light balance seemed to be rooted there.
              Even then it was kept vague without any direct ties to them being the Son and Daughter reincarnated.
              >Kennedy gets too much flack
              She immediately stabbed George in the back and turned Star Wars into a funhouse mirror version of itself with a unhealthy dose of identity politics, she gets all the flack she deserves. Choosing JJ to start the next trilogy was her idea, she was the head of the studio and responsible for creative control.
              >muh Rian
              He just revealed that the Emperor had no clothes. His "subversive" decisions to replace potential reveals with... nothing wasn't exactly the creative master class people make it out to be. Rey is nobody? So was every Jedi in the prequels, now we just don't have a story to tell or an explanation for her Mary Sue powers. Snoke dies without anyone knowing who or what he was? I'm sure that won't have consequences for the history of the galaxy, which we also know absolutely nothing about. Rian "wiped the slate" so clean that there wasn't even a story left to tell by the end of it. Congratulations? It's no wonder that JJ defaulted to le dead speak, because nobody took Kylo seriously after the last 2 movies making him into a complete joke. And don't even get me started on Hux.

              I hate The Last Jedi, but even I acknowledge that it's the best of the trilogy, if only because it's the only entry to qualify as an actual piece of filmmaking, albeit a terrible one.

        • 1 year ago

          >Why god why was it so difficult for them to think for five seconds.
          Kathleen Kennedy. But shit was totally fricked when the first movie after a 30-year timeskip turned out to be a soulless rehash of ANH. Rian just hammered the final nails into the coffin and JJ fed it along with the corpse of Star Wars into a wood chipper.

        • 1 year ago

          Sometimes I forget the version of the sequels my friends and I came up with, drunk, wasn't the version we actually got, and I get sad.

    • 1 year ago

      It just fricking works on every conceivable level.

      It might even explain why the Disney ST is so haphazard and moronic, because in the "Ahsoka Dies" timeline, the Force freaks the frick out and shits out Rey and Kylo as a half-assed attempt to recreate the Daughter and Son, except it goes terribly. Not that I expect Disney to actually go with this, I know better than to have any faith in their ability to shepherd this franchise.

    • 1 year ago

      > The only way to fix Ahsoka at this point is to circle back to the Mortis arc and make her the reincarnation/chosen successor of the Daughter.
      I feel like that’s what Filoni is going for. At least I assume there’s some purpose behind her repeated narrow and improbable escapes from death and the recurring Daughter related imagery of the owl. I’m just waiting to find out the circumstances of her ascension to godhood at this point. Starkiller would also be good to bring back for this purpose.

      • 1 year ago

        >Starkiller would also be good to bring back for this purpose.
        And Sam Witwer voices both. It's too good to not be true. At least this'd give the absurd amount of Ahsoka wank a narrative purpose.

    • 1 year ago

      It just fricking works on every conceivable level.

      Bringing back Starkiller would be the dumbest fricking thing ever but I'd watch it.

      • 1 year ago

        Ideally with the stalker armor

        • 1 year ago

          Just without the goofy ass claws. Honestly, I'd prefer this look for him here:

          The only way to fix Ahsoka at this point is to circle back to the Mortis arc and make her the reincarnation/chosen successor of the Daughter. This would explain her ridiculous power with the Light (not to mention the fact that the Daughter transferred her life to her which probably gave her some kind of special status in the Force), as well as the imagery with the owl etc. etc.

          The kicker here is to reintroduce Starkiller as the reincarnation/successor of the Son. Anakin was supposed to succeed the Father on Mortis, but he didn't and became Darth Vader. Then he turned back to the Light before he died, so basically he embodies both aspects of the Force, and just so happened to have an apprentice as both a Jedi and Sith. Not to mention Starkiller is basically the perfect foil to Ahsoka at this point and might actually cause her to lose again and stop stagnating, which would be interesting. The fact she beat Maul at all is bullshit as it is, but at least this way it's partly explained by making her another "chosen" Force user. And unlike le Dyad, George actually played a hand in the whole Force Trinity thing, so expanding on it doesn't feel like anathema. He also signed off on both the ideas of giving Anakin and Vader an apprentice pre-Disney takeover so it'd further boost credibility.

          Inquisitor Starkiller almost happened in Rebels, but thankfully it didn't or else he would have probably been turned into a jobber like everyone else.

          >inb4 Ezra is the Son hurr durr
          That would be an awful idea, but Disney is full of those these days.

          • 1 year ago

            Anon look closer to that that hands

            • 1 year ago

              Yeah, and look how tiny they are compared to the steak knives in the original design.

        • 1 year ago

          Why did Vader teach Starkiller to grip his lightsaber like a dildo too?

          • 1 year ago

            Unorthodox tactics that would make him less predictable and more dangerous to Jedi - but in turn makes him more vulnerable to blaster fire from Stormtroopers, and is a form that is pathetically easy for a creative fighter like Vader to overwhelm, so it will be much harder for Starkiller to betray him.

          • 1 year ago

            Probably as a joke.

          • 1 year ago

            It's a variation of form five

          • 1 year ago


            • 1 year ago

              Post it. I bet the Eleven Labs version is amazing.

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                It's so close to being perfect. Maybe in a few years.

    • 1 year ago

      It just fricking works on every conceivable level.

      It might even explain why the Disney ST is so haphazard and moronic, because in the "Ahsoka Dies" timeline, the Force freaks the frick out and shits out Rey and Kylo as a half-assed attempt to recreate the Daughter and Son, except it goes terribly. Not that I expect Disney to actually go with this, I know better than to have any faith in their ability to shepherd this franchise.

      Hmm. This seems like a vaguely interesting and kino idea. That's how we know it'll never be in nu-Wars.

    • 1 year ago

      Which different console variation of Starkiller would he be based on though?
      For me, it's the Wii version.

      • 1 year ago

        Probably the Xbox/PS version, but the PS2/Wii "port" was an underrated gem.

        • 1 year ago

          I liked the PS2 one better just for enemy variety. I got tired of killing only Stormtroopers.

    • 1 year ago

      It just fricking works on every conceivable level.

      this is literally the only thing that could give me faith again

  6. 1 year ago

    The funniest thing is that because of the fact that Clone Wars is both Legends and nuCanon, it means that despite all the shit she pulled, Barris somehow manages to get reinstated as a Jedi AND given her own padawan by the end of the Clone Wars.

    • 1 year ago

      I have no fricking idea how people are gonna reconcile that. I never liked how much TCW deviated from the EU, it just makes everything so much more confusing. Yeah, if George said dewit then it's canon like with the Mandalorians, but you can tell a majority of the changes came from Filoni himself.

  7. 1 year ago

    I just thought they realized they couldn't kill her because she shows up in the movies.

    • 1 year ago

      That's AOTC you moron.

      • 1 year ago

        My bad, I'm thinking about a deleted scene where she dies in order 66.

  8. 1 year ago

    And while they're at it, recast Luke as Sebastian Stan instead of continuing to use deepfake CGI Franken-Luke and reintroduce Mara Jade as a former Inquisitor-turned-Jedi and a student of Luke's new Jedi order, and tease at a possible romance between them (respect George's wishes, if he doesn't want Luke to have a wife and kids, don't give him any, but don't turn him into yet another le attachment is bad moron like the prequel Jedi when his love for his father is what saved the galaxy in the first place)

  9. 1 year ago

    And finally, confirm that Starkiller killed Shaak-Ti so we can have sexy feral jungle space cougar Shaak-Ti be canon again, as the Maker intended.

    • 1 year ago

      And before anyone says otherwise, TFU is her canon death according to Lucas himself.

      • 1 year ago

        TFU isn't canon though, it's EU only along with 80% of Star Wars before the Disney buyout.

      • 1 year ago

        Lucas is notorious for approving EU material and then later contradicting it, and in this case he directly contradicts TFU's verison of her death in Yoda's premonition of order 66 in TCW which shows her being killed by clone troopers.

        • 1 year ago

          >which shows her being killed by clone troopers.
          You mean Anakin's blue lightsaber, which is a callback to one of her cut deaths in RotS. But since this is the only one Lucas has explicitly granted canon status to, it's the one I'm sticking with. Call it Schrodinger's Togruta.

          • 1 year ago

            Eventually we'll get a post-sequel Shaak Ti who's become a perfected precognetic, who survived Order 66 by meditating to foresee every single one of her hundreds of destined deaths, and overcoming them all.

            • 1 year ago

              Was she among the Jedi voices that were somehow talking to Rey Palpatine despite never becoming a Force ghost?

              • 1 year ago

                She's a being fully attuned with the Force, alive yet beyond the physical, luminous yet persistent in the material. She has experienced every death she might ever befall, and become them, and risen above them.

              • 1 year ago

                So she's just chilling in the WBW and watching herself die on repeat in every conceivable way?

              • 1 year ago

                >drowning in bull rancor semen
                >not really sure how that could happen but okay I guess

        • 1 year ago

          Visions of what MAY be. Not visions of what will be.

          • 1 year ago

            Exactly. Palpy isn't even wearing the correct outfit for when he shoots his lightning at Windu in that premonition.

      • 1 year ago

        >Lucas went on to describe at length how Vader would motivate the Apprentice through fear, threatening and punishing him at every turn, while still holding out the promise of one day taking on the Emperor together
        >Lucas felt we were not exploiting either Vader or the Emperor to their fullest. He compared and contrasted the two villains, suggesting that the Emperor's power over others comes from greed rather than fear
        >somehow Palpatine returned
        You know what they say: you never truly know the value of something until it's gone.

    • 1 year ago

      We need to have this outfit for her be canon in some way, even if it's in a different context as TFU
      (Also would love to have her "she died multiple times" thing be referenced in some way in canon)

      • 1 year ago

        >I have died before
        -Shaak Ti

        Filoni's greatest sin is not being able to just let people fricking die.

        (the irony being he should've kept Cad Bane alive a little longer to actually justify why him and boba have any connection in canon.)

        >implying he's actually dead

  10. 1 year ago

    I wish Filoni would let some of these characters die. He’s so attached to it all that it’s making the events of order 66 seem like the most ineffective operation ever. Things were so much more interesting when only Obi-Wan and Yoda were left.

  11. 1 year ago

    What if I told you that Fallen Order was originally an Ahsoka game and Second Sister was supposed to be Offee?

    • 1 year ago

      I'd tell you that despite how much I hate the FO protag, I prefer him to a game all about Ahsokunt

      • 1 year ago

        >not wanting to try angling the camera up her minidress at every opportunity

  12. 1 year ago

    Filoni's greatest sin is not being able to just let people fricking die.

    (the irony being he should've kept Cad Bane alive a little longer to actually justify why him and boba have any connection in canon.)

    • 1 year ago

      They DID have a connection. In the original planned season 6 of Clone Wars, Bane & Boba would have fought each other in a duel. Bane would've been the one who gave Boba the dent in his helmet.

      • 1 year ago

        And apparently that's still the canon story despite it coming out of a cut episode.

        • 1 year ago

          I like that they kept that but The Book of Boba Fett itself as a show... it's pretty low quality in not just the writing but the effects department.

          • 1 year ago

            It was a total shitshow like just about everything Disney puts out for Star Wars. Kenobi was somehow even worse.

            • 1 year ago

              Oh for sure. Kenobi is nothing but incompetent. They couldn't even so much as have decent choreography.

              • 1 year ago

                And what it does to the storyline is 10x worse. ANH just can't believably happen now if you consider that series canon. The Empire knows there's a connection between the Organas and Obi-Wan, and they know kidnapping Leia works to draw him out of hiding because apparently it's happened before. It's over.

              • 1 year ago

                Yep. It's a complete mess. Made Leia in insufferable bratty Mary Sue & Obi-Wan, our titular hero, pathetic.

              • 1 year ago

                I feel sorry for Hayden. He's barely in the damn thing and when he is, they don't even de-age him to look even remotely close to how he looked in AotC, where he was supposed to be fricking 19.

              • 1 year ago

                Harrison Ford hates Star Wars and playing Han, but everyone coomed their Yoda undies when he showed up on the big screen as a depressed old man. Meanwhile Liam Neeson apparently very much enjoyed playing Qui-Gon and defends the prequels, but despite depicting one of the best Jedi we've ever seen, he never gets another chance to reprise the role in live action until now, where he's a glorified MCU after credits cameo.

              • 1 year ago

                That's the kind of laziness prevalent throughout these live action Disney SW shows. Ashoka's montrals are too small & slacked. Boba's wrist rocket doesn't disappear after he fires it. They can't even get IMPRESSIONISTS to voice the two most iconic characters in the franchise. Luke & Vader. Instead they use obvious cheap AI programs with CGI faced Luke & lame Vader showing none of the skill that he's supposed to have in his prime. I hate it.

              • 1 year ago

                This never would have happened under George. For all his supposed faults, he gave a damn about the world he created. Some would even say he cared too much, going too far in a few places.

              • 1 year ago

                Didn't go far enough. He gave up & caved to give the franchise away all because of people like RLM who missed the point entirely of the movies.

              • 1 year ago

                And now those same "fans" are getting exactly what they want. If Damon Lindelof actually gets his Star Wars movie, then RLM will have gotten everything they deserve, since both he and Simon Pegg, a close friend of JJ and longtime prequel hater, thought those reviews were "inspirational".

              • 1 year ago

                In the end, Mike at least has gotten his karmic punishment through Star Trek being destroyed & William Shatner thinking he's a genuine podcast fake fan.

              • 1 year ago

                >thinking he's a genuine podcast fake fan
                Or he's just busting his balls while still thinking he's a sad loser, because he is.

              • 1 year ago

                Darth/Sith agent Jar Jar was kino and would have solved every problem people had with that character. An evil reflection of Yoda who uses the Force to appear clumsy and stupid while effortlessly bumbling through every obstacle. That said, I'm glad the late and great Christopher Lee got to play a Sith Lord.

              • 1 year ago

                Honestly yeah the idea is great. Still we got Christopher Lee & that is a nice if less satisfying replacement.

                >thinking he's a genuine podcast fake fan
                Or he's just busting his balls while still thinking he's a sad loser, because he is.

                Either way it's hilarious seeing Mike writhe in pain.

              • 1 year ago

                Please don’t tell me you actually believe he conspiracy that Jar Jar was a secret Sith agent. That’s seriously just cope, dude. If George wanted to reveal that he would’ve done so long ago. It’s okay to admit that Jar Jar was just a weak character.

              • 1 year ago

                I'm half a believer and half a shitposter. I think it's a good idea with some evidence to back it up. Jar Jar's actor already confirmed that there was some stuff relating to him that was left on the cutting room floor, and we all know how Episode 2 was originally and jokingly titled "Jar Jar's Big Adventure".

              • 1 year ago

                really, the problem is Gen Xers. They make baby boomers look like gods; except baby boomers actually accomplished good things.

                Gen Xers have all the entitlement, none of the talent or accomplishment.

              • 1 year ago

                >except baby boomers actually accomplished good things.
                You mean their parents did. But yes, the early children of boomers are almost just as bad as the boomers themselves.

              • 1 year ago

                >But yes, the early children of boomers are almost just as bad as the boomers themselves.
                *if not worse

              • 1 year ago

                nah man, Baby Boomers protested Nam, went all love and peace, pioneered rock and roll, disco and soul, on top of generating some of the most iconic movies and films of all time.

                Gen Xers hate star wars and have done nothing but churn out shit for 20 years.

              • 1 year ago

                millenials at least were the fun, wierd internet.

                Gen Xers were the fricking loser nerds that everyone hated.

              • 1 year ago

                >nah man, Baby Boomers protested Nam, went all love and peace
                And ruined marriage in the process.
                >pioneered rock and roll, disco and soul
                >on top of generating some of the most iconic movies and films of all times
                Only the talented ones did any of that.

              • 1 year ago

                yeah but Gen X didn't even do that.

                Every good movie that came out when Gen X was relevant was done by boomers.

              • 1 year ago

                Fair enough.

              • 1 year ago

                Go have a dirt nap, boomer.

  13. 1 year ago

    What is the point of the force family? At the this point force users are pushing planets into the sun now or something due to power creep? That is what it sounds like to me when hear fans talk about star wars.

    • 1 year ago

      They were a representation of the prophecy.

      • 1 year ago

        A prophecy we still don't know the origins of. It was probably the Whills, but all that left with George. Prior to that, I always saw the Force itself as the collective unconscious or "soul" of all the life in the galaxy. So the Sith are bad because they negatively impact the living Force by conquering and killing everything they can, which negatively impacts the cosmic Force, as it is fed by and binds together the living Force. If all life should cease because of their planet-destroying shenanigans, that would basically starve the Force.

      • 1 year ago

        And here I thought the force was a limited form of ESP in a select few. Powerful in their own right but still very killable. That is how they come off in the Lucas films. I don't know anything about the expanded lore or Disney lore.

        • 1 year ago

          The force is basically the life energy of the universe.

  14. 1 year ago

    Barriss steals/rescues Grogu in Mandalorian season 3

    • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      Eh, maybe. I'll be floored if they let her back inside the Jedi temple again after what she pulled. Seriously, what the frick is wrong with her? Don't like how the Jedi are conducting themselves as military commanders, so you decide to blow up a bunch of innocent people to... protest this? How would this possibly end the war? I feel like we need an explanation behind her blatant character assassination beyond "le dark side corrupted her". Because even Sith don't act this reckless.

      • 1 year ago

        Sith are extremely reckless. They're the embodiment of blind rage.

        • 1 year ago

          Does it always have to be anger? Apathy, bitterness, or a love for pure chaos can't empower them?

          • 1 year ago

            Fear, anger, hate and pain are usually what empower the Sith, but they can draw from any "passion" they choose. It just so happens to always descend into a feedback loop of negative emotions.

      • 1 year ago

        >so you decide to blow up a bunch of innocent people to... protest this?
        She did not plan on blowing up innocent people. None of them were innocent. They were all military workers and endorsed the militarization of the Jedi Order. She targeted a military hangar inside a Jedi Temple. Where the military machines that are designed to kill people and military personnel are stationed. And yes, terrorists do that. Out of desperation. Many terrorists in the Middle East, Chechnya, etc used to be students or medics. This is done for one purpose - to gain attention. Because no one cares and people feel powerless because of it. Do people really have a hard time understanding that? She was never "corrupted". She acted consciously. And she knew she was doing wrong. Yet it had to be done.

        • 1 year ago

          Anon, did you ever hear of contract workers before? Not everyone in that hanger was part of the Republic's war machine. And she's a Jedi, this is insanity. She would have been better off trying to sabotage a cloning factory on Kamino or something.

          • 1 year ago

            And then she frames what we thought was her best friend within the order, knowing full well that she'd be tried and executed in her place. It's quite a stretch to say the least.

          • 1 year ago

            >Anon, did you ever hear of contract workers before?
            So fricking what? She was sad that the Jedi died in the explosion. Not people who maintained war machines for monetary compensation.
            >And she's a Jedi, this is insanity.
            Jedi leading armies and participating in a war is insanity.

            Frick, people are dumb.

            • 1 year ago

              >She was sad that the Jedi died in the explosion.
              Then... why did she decide to bomb their hanger if she didn't want any to get caught in the explosion? And frame her best friend and basically try to get her executed, who was also a Jedi?

              • 1 year ago

                >Then... why did she decide to bomb their hanger
                Because the hangar had war ships, clones and personnel maintaining said ships. It had no place in the Jedi Temple. Which is why it was targeted. The episode made it clear, that she did not plan on Jedi being there during the attack.
                >And frame her best friend and basically try to get her executed, who was also a Jedi?
                Because Ahsoka failed to catch signals from her when she probed her, which disappointed Barriss. And then Ahsoka started digging under Letta.

                Go watch episodes again.

              • 1 year ago

                >Because Ahsoka failed to catch signals from her when she probed her, which disappointed Barriss. And then Ahsoka started digging under Letta.
                So the solution was to frame her, then get her executed?

                And once again, bombing the Jedi temple hangar and expecting there to not be any Jedi is kind of foolish.

                But none of that matters, because there still wasn't anything to show this radical change in her character. It happened almost completely off-screen.

              • 1 year ago

                >So the solution was to frame her, then get her executed?
                Yes. Because she realized her friend was a lost cause. And she was digging under Letta, and she needed someone to take the fall. She is a coward since she retorted to terrorism. So she was a coward to face her actions after that. Which is why she decided to make someone else take a fall for that.
                >And once again, bombing the Jedi temple hangar and expecting there to not be any Jedi is kind of foolish.
                Not necessarily. It can be timed right so that only foreign parties would be affected.
                >But none of that matters, because there still wasn't anything to show this radical change in her character. It happened almost completely off-screen.
                Nothing radical. It could be read in the Geonosis arc. But also it's irrelevant. Because the story is from Ahsoka's perspective. Much like if the story of Anakin's betrayal was told through Ahsoka's perspective, it would have come out of nowhere as well.

              • 1 year ago

                >Because she realized her friend was a lost cause.
                Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

                >it can be timed right
                So why wasn't it again?

                >but it's irrelevant
                No, it's pretty relevant to explain why character A would suddenly do action X even though they'd never do that sort of thing.
                >it would have come out of nowhere as well
                Which I hope we can both agree on would be bad. It's not like TCW had problems showing different character perspectives before.

              • 1 year ago

                >Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
                Barriss was desperate and emotionally unstable at this point. It's pretty obvious.
                >So why wasn't it again?
                Because shit happens. Because things often don't go as planned. Because life's like that. If you really have to ask that, there is really no point in discussing it.
                >No, it's pretty relevant to explain why character A would suddenly do action X even though they'd never do that sort of thing.
                It was sufficiently explained in the episodes and it could be inferred from her previous appearance in the Geonosis arc, and that it was a logical conclusion of rigid, contradictory teachings given by a strict, detached Jedi such as Luminara, and compared to Ahsoka, who was trained by Anakin. You could see Barriss killing the clones infected by the parasite in the Geonosis arc, you could see her willing to give up her life time and time again, and after everything, you could see that it was Ahsoka's not so Jedi perseverance and risk that saved them, her bond with Anakin, who wasn't willing to give up on her. And you see that Luminara did not even bother to come and check in on her. That was more than enough for me to see where her betrayal came from. It did not have to be elaborated more, because the story was from Ahsoka's perspective, and Barriss, obviously, kept it to herself. You don't need an exposition dump. The stuff is there. It's for you to see it.

              • 1 year ago

                >it did not have to be elaborated more, because the story was from Ahsoka's perspective, and Barriss, obviously, kept it to herself. You don't need an exposition dump. The stuff is there. It's for you to see it.
                And that's a mistake. Because she goes from what we saw in those arcs to a crazy terrorist seemingly overnight. Because they wanted it to be a "surprise".

              • 1 year ago

                >And that's a mistake.
                Skill issue.
                >Because she goes from what we saw in those arcs to a crazy terrorist seemingly overnight.
                At least a year passed between season 2 and season 5.
                >Because they wanted it to be a "surprise".
                I doubt that. It was pretty obvious it was her by the second episode. They did not really try to hide it. Numerous red flags were dropped, like her having "guilt" written all over her face and literally walking by the cell where Letta was interrogated. It was a surprise for Ahsoka, much like Anakin's betrayal was a complete surprise for Obi-Wan and Padme. But not to the audience (unless you are dumb).

              • 1 year ago

                >At least a year passed between season 2 and season 5.
                That's nice, but I don't really see how that means anything if we don't know what happened during that time period.
                >It was a surprise for Ahsoka, much like Anakin's betrayal was a complete surprise for Obi-Wan and Padme. But not to the audience (unless you are dumb).
                Yes, and Lucas wisely told us the story from Anakin's perspective rather than Obi-Wan or Padme's, because otherwise the audience would be completely lost. And even I think he could have spent more time on Anakin's downfall. The original cut of RotS was something like 4 hours-long, I'd like to see what that looked like.

              • 1 year ago

                >And you see that Luminara did not even bother to come and check in on her. That was more than enough for me to see where her betrayal came from.
                But isn't that the Jedi way? Barriss didn't say she hated the Jedi teachings, but the fact they were at the front of the war.

          • 1 year ago

            >Anon, did you ever hear of contract workers before?
            Any contractor working in that hangar knew the risks involved.

            • 1 year ago

              Yeah, sometimes a Jedi student will go all Aloha Snackbar. Just comes with the job.

              • 1 year ago

                They're in a war. A military hangar is a target. They don't know that they would be targeted by a disillusioned padawan Salafist but would have still taken the job all the same knowing they could have been targeted and killed at any time. Unless they were forcibly conscripted, then yeah it's their own fault. They willingly signed up to help feed a war machine for the purpose of making money. Innocent my ass.

              • 1 year ago

                I mean, of all the places you could be targeted, is the one occupied by the order of psychic wizard monks that high on the list?

      • 1 year ago

        >Don't like how the Jedi are conducting themselves as military commanders, so you decide to blow up a bunch of innocent people to... protest this?

        Are the people who she blew up really innocent if they are working for the Jedi?

      • 1 year ago

        I still theorize she was just mad Ahsoka wouldn't frick her again.

        • 1 year ago

          That's fair. Maybe she was secretly hoping they'd both get caught and become cellmates so she could go full Orange is the new Orange, but party pooper Tarkin had to ruin that by skipping straight to the firing squad.

          Point is she went from basically a levelheaded and friendly Jedi student to an insane terrorist zealot with nothing to show the transition because they wanted it to be a "surprise". Honestly, it's not that hard. Just show her getting disillusioned with the war before finding a Sith Holocron and deciding to keep it under her pillow or something, we can figure out the rest.

  15. 1 year ago

    Why didn't they ever think to hire Ewan and Hayden to play Force ghost Ani and Obi? We already saw Anakin revert himself upon death, and it's not like they have a "fixed" appearance because they're non-corporeal beings. It would have been easy to justify why Obi-Wan looks different because Alec Guinness both hates Star Wars and has been dead for quite some time.

    Of course, we all know the reason: le prequels bad was the prevailing orthodoxy for when those movies were made.

  16. 1 year ago

    Barriss went crazy because the Jedi teachings wouldn't let her eat Ahsoka's ripe peach. It's completely obvious.

  17. 1 year ago

    Why didn't she just bomb Palpy's office instead? Kill the chancellor, end the war.

  18. 1 year ago

    I'm telling ya, it was a Sith Holocron. Barriss was looking for ancient Force tantra techniques and found the Sith equivalent of the Kama Sutra. She couldn't handle it.

  19. 1 year ago

    Filoni went back and made an entire short to explain why Ahsoka could survive Order 66 while other Jedi didn't, so maybe he'll show the moment Barriss snapped and decided bombing the temple was a good idea.

    • 1 year ago

      They already did that in 2013.

      • 1 year ago

        Are those space Furbies?

      • 1 year ago

        >implying he won't retcon it again with something else

        • 1 year ago

          That's technically not canon anyway, because it's pre-Disney. But who cares about Disney canon anyway?

          Are those space Furbies?


          • 1 year ago

            >5'11" vs 6"

  20. 1 year ago

    Have they ever explained who is the one who is the padawan that died in Revenge of the Sith that looked like her?

    • 1 year ago

      Wasn't that a deleted scene?

    • 1 year ago

      fricking mandela effect, i checked and i swear i remember seen her get stomped by a walker with her master,

  21. 1 year ago

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