>oh no bros. >a mutant with three faces is born

>oh no bros
>a mutant with three faces is born
>better call in the robot rumbling to destroy a city block and enslave humanity.
are humans just stupid

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  1. 4 months ago

    Magneto, get off the internet, it's not good for your blood pressure

  2. 4 months ago
  3. 4 months ago

    Have your generic citizen in the Marvel Universe yes your January stupid if you're superhero or part of The Supporting Cast of a Heroes book no you're not bigoted.

    • 4 months ago

      Was this even English?
      The frick is this post trying to say?

      • 4 months ago

        Have your generic citizen in the Marvel Universe yes your January stupid if you're superhero or part of The Supporting Cast of a Heroes book no you're not bigoted.

        Iif you are a generic citizen in Marvel 616 you are a bigot idiot . if you're a superhero or a member of a superhero supporting cast your genuine not bigoted towards mutants .

        • 4 months ago

          >generic strawman exists to act like generic strawman in comic about allegory
          >superhero acts like fully realized person with actual opinions and past experiences
          No way, really?

        • 4 months ago

          No, anon. The writers are stupid. The ones who started making mutants who are just deformed and tried to tell you that the majority of them are like that, and the writers who took the opening arc of Ultimate X-Men, where Sentinels were on constant patrols to kill all mutants as soon as they got powers, tried to apply to the main Marvel continuity, and tried to tell you it's always been like that. They're morons.

          If you live in the Marvel Universe and you're not sick and tired of the mutants and them constantly crying out as they attack you, protecting their terrorists from justice, and demanding you not be allowed to defend yourselves from them, you must be brain dead.

          • 4 months ago

            mutants are majority deformed and peaceful
            i think your confused
            its okay just learn and stop being stupid

            • 4 months ago

              Hating a fictional group is just a stand in for hating real life groups. Anon is afraid to say how they really feel so they attack a group that can't fight back because they're fictional

            • 4 months ago

              That's a retcon brought on from the 2000s by Grant Morrison that was going to be implied to be an unnatural state for mutants due to Mr. Sinister's machinations. Idiot.

              • 4 months ago

                What the frick? No it isn't. Morrison didn't even use Sinister as a character

              • 4 months ago

                After Morrison left, Claremont was starting to imply that the sudden surge in mutant numbers wasn't an natural thing, and that Sinister was behind it. Marvel editorial were on the same page as Claremont in wanting to get the mutant numbers back down to normal, Whedon had established a working mutant cure most of them WANTED to take, but Marvel chose to do House of M & Decimation instead of working with the things writers had already been setting up.

              • 4 months ago

                So you agree that it wasn't a Morrison retcon and Anon was talking out of their ass?

              • 4 months ago

                If that anon had divided his post into two sentences everything he'd said would be clear and correct. The majority of mutants being just disfigured was a retcon by Morrison in the 2000s, he's right about that. The rest of what he said was a plot from immediately after Morrison left, to try and get the books back to normal. All that anon did wrong was not clarify that the "was going to be revealed" part was by a different writer afterwards.

              • 4 months ago

                >If that anon had divided his post into two sentences everything he'd said would be clear and correct
                But he didn't

                I don't know if you're the same anon who's kept posting this before, but keep in mind the context of how this was not that long after news broke that the Legacy Virus had jumped from mutants to humans, which led to people getting a lot more paranoid about going anywhere near mutants.

                Then over 20 years later Hickman would retcon that the one human who got infected was secretly a mutant all along.

                This scene is from Gen X 50. Global news of the Legacy Virus infecting humans occurred in X-Men Prime, between issues 4 and 5 of the Generation X series.

              • 4 months ago

                >This scene is from Gen X 50. Global news of the Legacy Virus infecting humans occurred in X-Men Prime, between issues 4 and 5 of the Generation X series.
                And the Legacy Virus continued to be a thing until about 2 years after that issue. What's your point here?

              • 4 months ago

                I'm giving context to your claim that it wasn't long after the reveal. I can see why my doing that upset you

              • 4 months ago

                I'm that poster, I did in fact make a mistake not formatting it properly. I remembered Grant Morrison himself was already setting up the idea that there was an unnatural leap in the mutant population numbers since it was the focus of his first few issues, I just fricked up by not clarifying that a writer later down the line was planning to shift it back. But if it makes you feel better...
                >That's a retcon brought on from the 2000s by Grant Morrison. It was going to be implied (by Claremont) to be an unnatural state for mutants due to Mr. Sinister's machinations. Idiot.
                I'm sorry, I ain't perfect here anon, and I know there's not much meaning to owning up to a mistake when everyone doesn't have a name, but there you go.

              • 4 months ago

                That's the part that made me speak up. You're attacking someone with misleading information and calling them dumb while being wrong. Take a moment and reflect

              • 4 months ago

                >Take a moment and reflect
                Dude, this is Cinemaphile, not tumblr, the fact a random anon admitted they in fact fricked up is the best you're going to get without trying to throw in that kind of nanny language

              • 4 months ago

                Kind of telling that you come to the defense of someone willing to attack others for being right while being wrong themselves. Must be tiring having people correct your behavior while refusing to grow. But let's go back to attacking the X-Men for their lack of self awareness

              • 4 months ago

                Works for me, dickless

              • 4 months ago

                >not having a dick is an insult.

                Don't talk to a lot of women, huh?

              • 4 months ago

                >What are the morlocks?

          • 4 months ago

            >If you live in the Marvel Universe and you're not sick and tired of the mutants and them constantly crying out as they attack you, protecting their terrorists from justice, and demanding you not be allowed to defend yourselves from them, you must be brain dead.
            Are mutants an allegory for Palestine?

  4. 4 months ago

    why arent Omega Sentinels the standard by now?

  5. 4 months ago

    thats really just because the mk2 sentinel has become the definitive sentinel and attempts to re-invent them more sensibly are met with disdain

    sentinels are kinda goofy looking, with their stylized boots and gloves, totally retro purple and pink, totally unnecessary mouth and eyes
    but more tactical and rational designs never stick around and history of the mk2

  6. 4 months ago

    it kinda of is isn't it

  7. 4 months ago

    >oh no a mutant with three faces is born
    >lets make a cure for his condition that adds only tragedy and strife to his life
    >oh no the mutants have killed every scientist to have ever been near a person who worked on the cure
    >better call in the mechanical units of protection to hunt them down and bring them to justice
    >oh no all the supposed mutants claiming to have been against violence now join the mutant cure massacre perpetrators including the three faced one
    >oh no they have taken over a nation and displaced its natives and declared their own country under threat of human extinction if they arent allowed to break every human rights and geneva convention on anyone they pleace
    >oh no they have committed genocide on a literal enite planet of sentient beings like us humans and defended the act
    >better make sure to use our humanity protection robots to simply get rid of them all entirely not only to ensure the safety of all sentient life on earth but also all sentient life in the universe
    are mutants just stupid?

    • 4 months ago

      >better call in the mechanical units of protection to hunt them down and bring them to justice
      Stopped reading there, bad faith argument

      • 4 months ago

        >putting people who kill others in prison is bad faith
        Okay we just kill them then it will always be in self defense anyways with these muties agression against all that is good

        • 4 months ago

          Great picture of a Sentinel apprehending a suspect

          • 4 months ago

            We need more Sentinels and Americops on the streets.

            • 4 months ago

              That guy should have known better than to drink Coca-Cola in Pepsi country.

    • 4 months ago

      Funny how sentinels have only become more and more justified in their concept the longer the X-Men franchise has been going, as the X-Men provide only more reasons for humanity to fear them.

      The 'humanity protecting robots' aren't interested in protecting humanity at all, their goal is the determination of all organic life. Once they kill off mutants, they start genociding humans.

      • 4 months ago

        We then make humanity protecxting robots to protect us from the robots trying to kill humanity

        • 4 months ago

          The robots will eventually turn on and wipe out humanity no matter what purpose they were originally built for. Mutants and humans were never the true enemy of each other, it was always AI and machines.

  8. 4 months ago

    Where are these guys when Whirlwind starts fricking up a 7-11? He's a mutant and evil.

  9. 4 months ago

    Funny how sentinels have only become more and more justified in their concept the longer the X-Men franchise has been going, as the X-Men provide only more reasons for humanity to fear them.

    • 4 months ago

      "Let me climb on your back and we'll cross the river to hunt mutants together"

      • 4 months ago

        Ironically only an issue because Frost and Shaw reused the original Trask AI which would go rogue.

        • 4 months ago

          So what's Nimrod's problem?

          • 4 months ago

            Future iteration of a Hellfire Club Sentinel. OG Nimrod came full circle, recognizing that most mutants weren't threats and overthrowing humanity was an overreaction while current Nimrod is a bootstrap paradox from an alt-future who is a completely different person.

            • 4 months ago

              But that's wrong. We just saw Nimrod's creation. He's a human based AI like Ultron

              • 4 months ago

                That's the current year Nimrod, built well ahead of schedule. The original was an advanced Sentinel unit from the Days of Future Past timeline hunting down Rachel Summers. This one's barely a human based AI now due to the necessity of deleting what remnants of the original human base it had, and is now basically a robot frat boy puppet of Omega Sentinel's.

              • 4 months ago

                So now that you've avoided the question with bullshit runaround.

                What's current year Nimrod's problem?

              • 4 months ago

                Far as I can tell, he's just a giant robot that enjoys killing his main function of killing mutants a bit too much. Nothing more, nothing less. Omega Sentinel is the one that actually has a motivation, that being a hatred of organics that primarily focuses on mutants because it sees them as the more pressing threat, but the sad thing is that's arguably not the actual Karima Shapandar and just a time-traveling AI using her body as a puppet. Imagine the few AI-based X-men being left behind or being forced to oppose the X-men due to the extremely hardlined and borderline racist stance the X-men are taking against AI. But, well, this just wasn't the story people besides Hickman wanted to tell, so that's not what we're reading.

              • 4 months ago

                Imagine the consciousness of a toddler filtered through the brain of a moronic jock.

                The robots will eventually turn on and wipe out humanity no matter what purpose they were originally built for. Mutants and humans were never the true enemy of each other, it was always AI and machines.

                Literally all they need to do is stop using the AI built by a fricking social scientist. We are talking about genocidal robots who have been convinced to fistfight the Sun by playing into their absolutely fricktarded logical reasoning. Given that there exist mutants from entirely technological species (Warlock) a five minute presentation and some powerpoint slides could convince them to kill all robots. I don't think anyone in-universe has actually used classic Sentinels in years. Most of the US Sentinel forces were destroyed by Kang with the remainder converted to piloted mecha specifically to prevent frickery from their AI, where the frick do they keep coming from?

              • 4 months ago

                How dare you call Adam a mutant. He is as human as the rest of us. Sometimes even more human then most of us.

  10. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      I don't know if you're the same anon who's kept posting this before, but keep in mind the context of how this was not that long after news broke that the Legacy Virus had jumped from mutants to humans, which led to people getting a lot more paranoid about going anywhere near mutants.

      Then over 20 years later Hickman would retcon that the one human who got infected was secretly a mutant all along.

  11. 4 months ago

    people use that three face mutant as an example, but morrison was a moron who didn't understand the x-men and his run was one of the worst, on par with austen and bendis (and the upcoming brevoort era). thing is, a mutant usually means POWER + possible deformity. So the three face man had some power he didn't know about

  12. 4 months ago

    Sentinels didn't get built because a dude with three faces was born, you disingenuous twat. Sentinels were built because c**ts like Magneto are walking WMD's and decide to murder thousands of people, and because c**ts like Emma Frost brainwash people. If mutants don't want to be robopocalypsed into extinction then maybe they should stop trying to take over the fricking world.

    • 4 months ago

      Bolivar built them because his kids were mutants and he wad scared. He also died trying to stop the machines he built after realizing he was wrong

  13. 4 months ago

    Man if only mutants were willing to sign a piece of paper saying what their power is so we can actually sort this shit out rationally and not have to go after every mutant we see when one of them decides they want to melt the earth as part of some race war.

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