Oh no.

Oh no.

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    It's really no wonder eleutheromaniacs sympathize with Thanos; of course they want an apocalypse at the snap of some unknown being's fingers, that's what freedom means to them, and to them, that's a good thing.
    It's also what freedom means to me (and what freedom just plain means), but I'm not so psychotic to say it's preferable to the longest and most successful human experiment ever.

    • 2 years ago

      Are you the same dude from the Kim Possible's parents are horrible thread?

      • 2 years ago

        You only ask because your mind rebels at the thought of more than one person taking down the sacred cow of apocalypse worship known as "freedom." Satan is also a rebel. Remember that.


        homie, the bourgeois revolutions that spawned the modern social orders were born out of copious amounts of bloodshed, most of the time spearheaded by bona fide psychos. We downplay how violent they were because it's hard to admit that FREEDOM IS THE ONLY WAY

        How close are you to reciting that demonic "tree of liberty" metaphor?

        • 2 years ago

          >Satan is also a rebel.
          He also doesn't exist.

          • 2 years ago

            Yet he has more substance and impact on human history than you ever will. You. BIG. FAT. NOTHING.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah yeah yeah. Whatever. You desire the perfect dictatorship yet you lament that fascists blew it because they too want "freedom".

              I'm sorry that we don't love in a perfect society where everyone willingly licks the bootheels of their superiors and knows their place.

              • 2 years ago

                Yup, you’re definitely the same guy from the Kim Possible thread.

                Funmily enough, that guy decried Commies and Nazies for being "Eleuthromaniacs" as well, which makes me scratch my head what the frick he really wants.

                Again, it's really easy to tell you're mentally frothing at the possibility that multiple people can come to the same conclusion. None of these people you replied to are me, in fact, they'll just as likely line up behind you to call me any number of insults.

                Are you fricking moronic? Anyone that prizes freedom realizes Thanos is fricking moronic. If not because his plan is absolutely moronic and based on complete fallacy, but for the fact that killing people just because they happen to have resources you want shared by everyone else is the furthest from freedom you can get. If anything communist and socialist homosexuals sympathize with Thanos and should feel like idiots for doing so.

                >killing people just because they happen to have resources you want shared by everyone else is the furthest from freedom you can get
                Could've. Fooled. Me.


                >Satan is also a rebel
                Oh, where does it say that in the bible?
                Because I'm pretty sure it never says that anywhere in Christian canon and that it was invented over 1000 years after Nicaea along with misattributing the reference to the Mesopotamian prince "morning star" to an entierly ficticious entity called "Lucifer"

                t. Your Friendly Neighborhood Satanist

                >where does it say that in the bible?
                What told Adam and Eve to eat the Forbidden Fruit? Whether I'm right or wrong, thank you for proving my overall point with your lovely image.

              • 2 years ago

                All that and you still never give us straight what your stance is beside "hating eluethromaniacs" which oddly enough seems to include tyrants and dictators who spit in the face of freedom.

              • 2 years ago

                >seems to include tyrants and dictators
                What part of "multiple people" is flying over the Grand-Canyon-sized chasm where a head should be?

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, and you said they reached to the "same conclusion" which implies they AGREE WITH YOU.

                Either own up to it or shut the frick up if you don't like it.

              • 2 years ago

                *same general conclusion; freedom is not a virtue, but a corrosive force.
                >they AGREE WITH YOU
                Well, by your own admission, you're not entirely sure what I believe.

              • 2 years ago

                You're not as clever as you think when you're admitting that they're saying the same things you would have said if you were them.

              • 2 years ago

                >What told Adam and Eve to eat the Forbidden Fruit?
                A magical snake that represents the descent down the tree of life into its negative aspects the qlippoth. Eve's black snake is represented alongside Adam's golden snake on Baphomet's caduceus.
                I mean, fricking DUH. This is Satanism 101.
                >Whether I'm right or wrong, thank you for proving my overall point with your lovely image.
                Your point was "Satan is a rebel", which is provably a later invention.
                My point is you have no idea what you're talking about because you just like to hear the sound of your own voice.

                Most references to Satan in the bible were originally references to angels to test man's mettle, but Christians had trouble coming to terms with the idea that their god is a fricking dick so theologens started retroactively calling these angels Satan.
                Like that whole bit with Job? Oldest surviving copies of the story has an angel and not "Satan" questioning god. It's also why in the New Testament Jesus is tested by angels and not Satan.
                In reality Satan itself is just a title meaning "opposer", which is why you have so many figures in the bible now being called Satan millennia after the fact.
                Theologically speaking the Opposer is an important role, and why you have a Vatican office called "Devil's Advocate" whose sole job is to talk shit about a potential saint during the canonization process.

                But you wouldn't know any of that.
                Because you're not actually smart.
                You're only just smart enough to be fricking moronic.

            • 2 years ago

              And what impact on humanity did you make?

            • 2 years ago

              Yup, you’re definitely the same guy from the Kim Possible thread.

        • 2 years ago

          >Satan is also a rebel
          Oh, where does it say that in the bible?
          Because I'm pretty sure it never says that anywhere in Christian canon and that it was invented over 1000 years after Nicaea along with misattributing the reference to the Mesopotamian prince "morning star" to an entierly ficticious entity called "Lucifer"

          t. Your Friendly Neighborhood Satanist

    • 2 years ago

      homie, the bourgeois revolutions that spawned the modern social orders were born out of copious amounts of bloodshed, most of the time spearheaded by bona fide psychos. We downplay how violent they were because it's hard to admit that FREEDOM IS THE ONLY WAY

    • 2 years ago

      Are you fricking moronic? Anyone that prizes freedom realizes Thanos is fricking moronic. If not because his plan is absolutely moronic and based on complete fallacy, but for the fact that killing people just because they happen to have resources you want shared by everyone else is the furthest from freedom you can get. If anything communist and socialist homosexuals sympathize with Thanos and should feel like idiots for doing so.

      • 2 years ago

        Funmily enough, that guy decried Commies and Nazies for being "Eleuthromaniacs" as well, which makes me scratch my head what the frick he really wants.

  3. 2 years ago

    Waldron thinks he is clever.

  4. 2 years ago
  5. 2 years ago

    It was never about being clever. The world isn't clever, it's a mass of stone with a thin layer of water and the occasional self-sustaining chemical reaction.
    What should one do when a love for the world and a trust for its people is betrayed by that world and those people? Is it true, that behind every cynic is a disappointed idealist? If so, how far the legacy of Diogenes of Sinope has fallen. Of course, he would give a damn either way, so perhaps I shouldn't either.
    I use picrel to express my most 'based' political ideal, even though I believe many things this legend of a man would decry as a "spook," such as belief in a higher force that may be argued to be a god, or more. Recently, I've even grown interest in divination.
    I hoped that to behave as my opposite would harden people against those who genuinely believe what I say in jest, but I now fear that I'm slowly cursing the world and myself. Even now, I feel a part of myself roll its eyes at the other for caring the slightest modicum about the elusive beast and angel, demon and saint, that we call freedom.
    My only salvation is how limited the reach here is, and even that must come with the revelation that I'm profoundly wasting my time either way.

    • 2 years ago

      You like to fancy yourself as a big fish in a small pond, don't you?

      • 2 years ago

        The opposite, actually.

  6. 2 years ago

    Why don't mods deal with schizos at all?
    I can't even find a single thread not spammed by one of the autists.

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