>oh no, turns out miguel is quite sympathetic and giving some valid points, our attempts to make him an antagonistic figure are failing, how could ...

>oh no, turns out miguel is quite sympathetic and giving some valid points, our attempts to make him an antagonistic figure are failing, how could we solve this?
>oh i know make gwen look right into the screen and say "we're supposed to be the good guys"

terrific writing guys

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  1. 10 months ago

    This movie was unironically worse than Mutant Mayhem and I'm tired of pretending it wasn't.

    • 10 months ago

      Wow, you’re moronic.

  2. 10 months ago

    Miguel isn't a "bad guy", really, he's just a guy who has aims that run counter to the protagonists, who are also good guys

    Being an antagonist doesn't automatically equate to being evil

  3. 10 months ago

    Jonathan and Miguel were the best parts and they shouldn't have cut the Bar With No Name scene

  4. 10 months ago

    Yeah, I think they overestimated the amount of people who would somehow think the main characters would lose or be in the wrong, as if in the end they weren't going to win regardless of anything, so it makes the whole conflict kind of boring.

  5. 10 months ago

    >"miguel is quite sympathetic"
    >literally every scene he's in goes out of its way to say directly to the audience "hey don't trust this guy" so the babies realize he's wrong and miles is right

    just admit you were outsmarted by the movie for children

    • 10 months ago

      OP is literally complaining about an instance of the movie doing this and is saying it's stupid, what are you on about?

    • 10 months ago

      >>This move is too heavy handed and on-the-nose.

    • 10 months ago

      /co/mbrl deserved to be bullied with post like this

  6. 10 months ago

    Maybe the series will improve once she dies

    • 10 months ago

      Imagine how horrifying it is to discover that every universe you're in, you die for someone else's story

      • 10 months ago

        Imagine how horrifying it is to write something like that when only 2-3 Gwens died, ever

  7. 10 months ago

    So far Miguel hasn't been proven wrong in any way. It just looks like Miles and Gwen are being emotional teenagers and the adults are just kind of standing around sighing making sure they don't hurt themselves.

    • 10 months ago

      If Miguel is correct and his original universe collapsed, and he’s been living in a universe that isnt his own, why does he exist at all? Shouldnt he have died through glitching or had any universe he inhabits collapse?
      Calling it now, Miguel is some transdimensional vampire that needs to eat interdimensional people to survive oe some shit like that.

      • 10 months ago

        >Shouldnt he have died through glitching or had any universe he inhabits collapse?
        Not if he built the wristbands or had got one by joining the spider dimension.

        • 10 months ago

          Didnt he start the spider dimension crew though? How did he invent the wristbands and how do they work?
          we dont know.
          fact of the matter is all the foreshadowing around miguel points to hidden motives and mechanics that the audience or the rest of the spiders arent privy to. which kinda makes all the media illiterate morons shouting how right he is look moronic.

          • 10 months ago

            >Didnt he start the spider dimension crew though?
            He jumped dimensions to replace a guy who died and then collapsed that dimension. His dimension should be fine.

      • 10 months ago

        >f Miguel is correct and his original universe collapsed, and he’s been living in a universe that isnt his own
        You have brain damage or did not watch the movie. His original universe is the Nueva York of 2099 we see housing Spider Society. The universe he hopped into was exactly like it, but his counterpart died instead of his daughter. That’s the one that folded.

        • 10 months ago

          So why is mile's universe still intact? According to the movies logic every Spider-man has a canon event, but Mile's universe doesn't have it's Spider-man so it should be erasing itself

          • 10 months ago

            Well Miguel calls him the anomaly and seems to have genuine hate towards him for getting away with it

          • 10 months ago

            Because the movie explicitly states miguel is a moron that doesn’t know what he’s doing any more than miles does.


            >oh no, turns out miguel is quite sympathetic and giving some valid points, our attempts to make him an antagonistic figure are failing, how could we solve this?
            >oh i know make gwen look right into the screen and say "we're supposed to be the good guys"

            terrific writing guys

            Like OP, missing out on Gwen pointing out that Miguel doesn’t actually know what will happen to the multiverse.
            Anomalies crush whatever realities theyre in, not whether or not individual spiders adhere to “canon events” since theres tons of spidermen that dont have the same events happen in their lives. Miguel crashed the alternate universe he resided in, but is too much of an egotistical butthole to admit he himself was an anomaly and so he projects that onto miles.

            Cinemaphile is too moronic for this movie. Miguel is not a villain, and he'll surely be "redeemed" in the third movie, but, I get it. The only way Cinemaphile can express itself is rage.

            I don’t think miguel will be redeemed in the sense that he’s proven correct in his assumptions about the universe, but will just be shown to be misguided. Plus we still don’t have anything on whats the deal with him shooting up with the green shit or why he has vampire fangs.

            • 10 months ago

              The fangs are literally just his canonical powers from the comics.

              • 10 months ago

                Neat, that barely has anything to do with what they mean in the movie and theyre clearly set up as foreshadowing for… SOMETHING.

              • 10 months ago

                >Miguel goes completely insane in the third movie
                >"I'm the greatest of all Spider-Men!"
                >"I'm the Superior Spider-Man!"

              • 10 months ago

                sony, hire this man

              • 10 months ago

                Otto's end goal is to steal Miles' body and obtain his power of exaggerated swagger.

    • 10 months ago

      >Miguel hasn't been proven wrong in any way
      He hasn't proven himself correct either.
      >Canon events are integral to the foundation of universes
      >I broke a Canon Event once...I went to a world where I was supposed to die and replaced me,a and it collapsed. Also Peter B was there too? So he knows it collapsed
      Miguel never explained what Canon Event he violated. In the universe he replaced himself, Miguel wasn't even the Spider-Man because he fricking dies like a chump. We know from ITSV that alter-dimensional Spideys don't subsequently cause the world to rift, so his presence alone shouldn't violate any Canon. If the violation was himself as an Anomaly, then how has Miles' world and Universe-42 survived? Universe-42 doesn't have a Spider-Man. Miles' Spider-Man died, yet the universe is intact?

      The very argument that Singh was meant to die as a Canon Event is ridiculous because that catastrophe was created -by an anomaly, Spot-. Miguel contradicts himself even further when he implies that Jefferson has to die as a Canon Event but that Miles isn't supposed to be Spidey. Which is it? If he's not supposed to be Spidey then Jefferson's death means nothing since Peter Parker is both already dead and wasn't close at all to Jefferson. But if Jefferson's death IS integral to the Canon, then the Canon paradoxically ISN'T as fragile as he thinks because the Canon would be interpreting Miles as the Spidey in question given the framing.
      It's a GREAT conflict because Miguel IS wrong, he just can't see it.

      • 10 months ago

        Miguel says he was his dimensions only spider-man, but he should be the 2099 spider-man and the 1990s spider-man should still be peter. so does this mean his dimension never had a peter? He just became a spider-man without being inspired by peter? And there are no other spidey 2099s in the spider base?

      • 10 months ago

        >If the violation was himself as an Anomaly, then how has Miles' world and Universe-42 survived? Universe-42 doesn't have a Spider-Man. Miles' Spider-Man died, yet the universe is intact?

        Because since Earth-42 never had a Spider-Man it had no canon events on its timeline, there was no bite, no death uncle, no death captain. So that Earth remain intact.

        1610 Peter died as a result of a paradox, since Miles was bitten and earths can't have two spider-men (as far as the movie goes), its Peter died and Miles took his place as the Spider-Man of that Earth in the web of life and destiny and now he must go through said canon events.

        >Miguel contradicts himself even further when he implies that Jefferson has to die as a Canon Event but that Miles isn't supposed to be Spidey. Which is it?

        He wasn't supposed to but now he is, so now he have to face the hardest part of be it

        >Jefferson's death means nothing since Peter Parker is both already dead and wasn't close at all to Jefferson

        The event states it has to be close to Spider-Man, Jefferson is Miles dad and at the same time his friend as Spider-Man

        • 10 months ago

          >1610 Peter died as a result of a paradox, since Miles was bitten and earths can't have two spider-men

          >Insomniac Peter's face when

        • 10 months ago

          But Earth-42 only doesn't have a Spider-man because the spider was removed through mutiversal meddling. If anything that universe's canon should have been broken the second the spider was taken and Spider-man and all associated events were made unable to happen.

    • 10 months ago

      >So far Miguel hasn't been proven wrong in any way.
      Mayday existing at all proves him wrong.

      • 10 months ago

        Mayday is a canon event. She's destined to stop Mephisto one day...

  8. 10 months ago

    Did you really expect a movie with multiverse bullshit to be intelligently written?

    • 10 months ago

      I expected it to not be an order of magnitude dumber than the first one with multiverse bullshit. They ended the big confict in the fricking middle.

  9. 10 months ago

    all they needed to do was have pavitr's universe actually collapse instead of maybe collapse.

    they set the stakes, crush homeboy's spirit, boom actual stakes

  10. 10 months ago

    sony's plan:
    is gonna win.
    is going to show that 'canon' events are not necessary (telling audience, fans, and comic book readers canon doesn't matter)
    is going to win against every spiderman in the multiverse
    2099 and everyone is gonna bend the knee and say miles is the one true spiderman
    are still gonna bend the knee to china and make sure miles and gwen aren't a thing (which is the the only good thing to come out of it).

    • 10 months ago

      >spiderman 2099 and everyone is gonna bend the knee and say miles is the one true spiderman
      Top kek.
      >disney/marvel are still gonna bend the knee to china and make sure miles and gwen aren't a thing (which is the the only good thing to come out of it).
      Damn, anon, I don't think that's gonna happen. It's been pushed too hard at this point.

  11. 10 months ago

    i still don't understand why they picked the rebellious anti-authoritarian Spider-man to be the overbearing authority of the movie.

    • 10 months ago

      What are you talking about, Spider-Punk isn't an overbearing authority.

    • 10 months ago

      His design is neat and the stinger from the last movie had him primarily in it. The smart move in the sequel would be to bring up his anti-authoritarian origins to make him get his head straight over the canon police state he accidentally created. That would actually be a fun way to use the character and have him parallel to Hobie of all people, lol

      • 10 months ago

        Wouldn't be surprised if movie 3 opens with a chapter on Miguel's actual origin.

        What are you talking about, Spider-Punk isn't an overbearing authority.

        Punk isn't the anti-authoritarian rebel. Miguel is. Or at least comics Miguel is. Punk is just a poser.

  12. 10 months ago

    What's her name's performance is terrible too, not that I can blame her much with this shoddy script.

  13. 10 months ago

    Racemixing Propaganda> The Movie

  14. 10 months ago

    >turns out miguel is quite sympathetic
    he's not. he's ok with killing people because the AI told him to.

  15. 10 months ago

    I can't make a good conclusion on who is right until I see what side Takuya is on.

  16. 10 months ago

    Frick it, screencap this. No one should be surprised by how well Across the Spiderverse did despite the terrible writing. James Cameron's Avatar series proved you could trick an audience into liking something as long as it looks and sounds pretty enough. There are people out there that genuinely believe The Last of Us Part II was a good game.

    • 10 months ago

      and Top Gun Maverick, Oppenheimer and Blade Runner 2049.

    • 10 months ago

      >you could trick an audience into liking something as long as it looks and sounds pretty enough
      Hollywood didn't need Cameron to confirm that. Producers have known this shit for decades.

  17. 10 months ago

    Cinemaphile is too moronic for this movie. Miguel is not a villain, and he'll surely be "redeemed" in the third movie, but, I get it. The only way Cinemaphile can express itself is rage.

  18. 10 months ago

    Everything woman say is true though so I have to believe and listen to her

  19. 10 months ago

    does anyone else think Spot is a shit villain for Miles, Peter and this movie?

    it should be someone more personal to Miles like another Aaron Prowler or Ultimatum (616 Miles).

    • 10 months ago

      Not at all, Miles is his villain and Miles didn't give a frick about him and didn't take him seriously. He's not only the perfect villain for Miles but one of the best villains we've seen in a long time.

      • 10 months ago

        He's just Rob from Gumball, watch more things

    • 10 months ago

      Spot was fantastic and its a fitting villain with appropriate stakes. His powers stem from happenstance just like miles, with the added kick of that personal connection since miles did indirectly create him. Nobody read Miles’ original comics runs because theyre dogshit so I have no qualms with not including some random dipshit called “the ultimatum”, and prowler has already served his purpose to miles’ story.
      Spot is just fun to watch in action. You don’t see many straight unhinged lunatics anymore so its refreshing from the usual “sympathetic” villain dogshit we’ve been getting.

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