ok, so now that they'll try to adapt every manga under the sun into live action, who can play her?

ok, so now that they'll try to adapt every manga under the sun into live action, who can play her? And better yet how will they adapt multiple Looney Toones wars with shitty budget?

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    >worst two episodes were the ones that strayed farthest from the source material

    • 8 months ago

      So all of them? There wasn't one that was like the source material.

      • 8 months ago

        I never said they didn't stray. I said two episodes in particular strayed farther from the others, and that they happened to be the worst.
        Learn English.

        • 8 months ago

          Which episode of the series that aged up Nami to 30 with a small chested actress, raceswapped half the cast and made Luffy brown and curly haired did not stray from the series? That's the point, they all strayed. You're just saying the biggest turds in the pile smell the worst. It's all shit.

          • 8 months ago

            >Which episode of the series that aged up Nami to 30 with a small chested actress, raceswapped half the cast and made Luffy brown and curly haired did not stray from the series?
            What part of either of my posts disagrees with this? Not a single one, dumbass. Stick to spamming the pictures.

          • 8 months ago

            This picture is true, but One Piece is actually extremely unfriendly to SJWs. We can only hope Oda doesn't allow them to 180 the characters or messages. They probably will, though, because Netflix is a propaganda machine.

            >World Government
            Leftists also believe they're fighting for freedom, irrationally.
            >Newkama are separate species
            No. Are you moronic? And the reason you see them in Impel Down is because they're anti-World Government, which you just said was a good thing, remember? You're such a slimy piece of shit.
            True. Oda is close friends with crossdressers in real life and this is how they act, like Rocky Horror Picture Show. Oda doesn't find it demeaning at all because his friends really are like this, but there is no way in Hell Netflix will allow any of this in the live action.
            Pointing the wrong way. This is the Buddhist one. There's an easy way of chuddifying Whitebeard, but you fricked it up because you're not an actual fan.
            >Big Mom
            She's actually even worse. Her entire character is a satire of leftist politics. Her slaves are called Homies and everyone in her multiracial "utopia" is bullied for being different. As a child, she forced a bear and a wolf into a cage so they'd get along, but the bear killed the wolf, so she killed the bear; she also tried to rip the gills off a fishman and the extra joint off a longarm, stating it as unfair they had these when no one else does. Also, her name: Big Mom > Big Mother > Big Brother.
            True, but they are still considered awful. Their only saving grace is Sanji doesn't want them to die because they're family. That's it.

      • 8 months ago

        Which episode of the series that aged up Nami to 30 with a small chested actress, raceswapped half the cast and made Luffy brown and curly haired did not stray from the series? That's the point, they all strayed. You're just saying the biggest turds in the pile smell the worst. It's all shit.

        Will be reposted in Wan Piss threads going forward.
        ShillBlack folk tongue my anus.

        • 8 months ago

          It's already posted in One Piece threads, and has been for a month.

      • 8 months ago

        Counterpoint: his name is Monkey

      • 8 months ago

        Which episode of the series that aged up Nami to 30 with a small chested actress, raceswapped half the cast and made Luffy brown and curly haired did not stray from the series? That's the point, they all strayed. You're just saying the biggest turds in the pile smell the worst. It's all shit.

        why would you make these

        • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          Nta, but why not?

      • 8 months ago

        Oda doesn't care. He colors every character with the same skin tone because manga is black and white and colored art is a meme not worth wasting all that much time on. On the cover for Volume 27, Luffy is next to a bunch of dudes inspired by real-life black rappers, and they all have the same skin tone. The actor should obviously look like the character, but that goes for more than the color of their skin, and Oda obviously thought it was good enough because he gave the okay. He's talked about his involvement in author's notes before and they've had to reshoot scenes because he was unhappy with them. As for race, nips are more ignorant of that stuff than boomers are and it's mostly irrelevant because the One Piece characters aren't from Earth, they're fictional people from a fictional world where our races don't exist. Oda had to approximate where characters would be from if they were from the real world and he landed on Brazil for Luffy. Could it be that Luffy is secretly white? No, because if he were supposed to be white, Oda would've named a white country. He could've easily said Spain. He didn't. There are Muslims living in Sweden, but something tells me you wouldn't be okay with Nami being Muslim, right? Nobody cares about who lives there, the point is what that country is perceived as to a Japanese man. Brazil and Mexico are both countries full of mixed white-Amerindian people, so there's no point in splitting hairs between them. This adds up, too, when you consider his father has tribal tattoos and is the leader of an organization with parallels to Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. Luffy's not anything, because he isn't real, but if he were real, he'd be a Hispanic. A fair-skinned one? Maybe, but Oda doesn't care about that.

        Pictured here is Luffy with a character Oda said would be Somalian. Are you prepared to argue this guy shouldn't be black because Oda is was actually referring to the tiny Arab population? If so, why not call him Arabian?

        • 8 months ago

          Nta, but so much text to so little.

          • 8 months ago

            >so much text
            Brandolini's law.
            >to so little
            It completely debunks that stupid image.

            • 8 months ago

              >It completely debunks that stupid image.
              No.... It doesn't, as moronic as I think the seethe is over Luffy's casting, you wall of texted a bunch nothing, you could've condensed down, and to borrow one of your terms gave a bunch ""false equivalences"", and mostly just stated gift opinion

              • 8 months ago

                God, phoneposting sucks, I don't know how the frick "your" turned into "gift"

              • 8 months ago

                No. Here, let's break it down step by step, since you can't read.

                The troll said
                >Luffy's skin is colored to be white
                I showed how every character's skin is the same to Oda, even characters who are obviously black, so this means almost nothing.

                The troll said
                >Brazil has white people in it, so when he called Luffy Brazilian, he might've meant he was white
                Basic logic debunks this. There are actually white countries in the world, including ones with a similar language and culture as Brazil, so if Oda intended for Luffy to be white but retain a Brazilian-esque culture he would've named one of those. Brazilians are not white, they're a white-Amerindian mixed people. Some people call this Latino, some Hispanic, but it doesn't matter what label you use, the point is they're not white. Mexico is the same. Luffy's actor is Mexican and that's perfectly fine for portraying a Brazilian, they're indistinguishable.

                I explained further and gave some of my own thoughts to be parsimonious, but these confused you for some reason, so I'll stop here.

              • 8 months ago

                My god, you homosexuals really aim to destroy the meaning of every word.

                To steelman him, the main idea of his point is to point is Luffy isn't that brown in the canon, and this was obviously done on purpose for political reason

                Which episode of the series that aged up Nami to 30 with a small chested actress, raceswapped half the cast and made Luffy brown and curly haired did not stray from the series? That's the point, they all strayed. You're just saying the biggest turds in the pile smell the worst. It's all shit.

                is proof enough of that.

                Your point

                Oda doesn't care. He colors every character with the same skin tone because manga is black and white and colored art is a meme not worth wasting all that much time on. On the cover for Volume 27, Luffy is next to a bunch of dudes inspired by real-life black rappers, and they all have the same skin tone. The actor should obviously look like the character, but that goes for more than the color of their skin, and Oda obviously thought it was good enough because he gave the okay. He's talked about his involvement in author's notes before and they've had to reshoot scenes because he was unhappy with them. As for race, nips are more ignorant of that stuff than boomers are and it's mostly irrelevant because the One Piece characters aren't from Earth, they're fictional people from a fictional world where our races don't exist. Oda had to approximate where characters would be from if they were from the real world and he landed on Brazil for Luffy. Could it be that Luffy is secretly white? No, because if he were supposed to be white, Oda would've named a white country. He could've easily said Spain. He didn't. There are Muslims living in Sweden, but something tells me you wouldn't be okay with Nami being Muslim, right? Nobody cares about who lives there, the point is what that country is perceived as to a Japanese man. Brazil and Mexico are both countries full of mixed white-Amerindian people, so there's no point in splitting hairs between them. This adds up, too, when you consider his father has tribal tattoos and is the leader of an organization with parallels to Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. Luffy's not anything, because he isn't real, but if he were real, he'd be a Hispanic. A fair-skinned one? Maybe, but Oda doesn't care about that.

                Pictured here is Luffy with a character Oda said would be Somalian. Are you prepared to argue this guy shouldn't be black because Oda is was actually referring to the tiny Arab population? If so, why not call him Arabian?

                burried in your CWCesque wall of text here, about the coloring is solid, or at least would be if like Oda's art style, his coloring didn't also change, even in Jaya in the anime teach is clearly darker than Luffy.

                The choice Brazil is fine, because the whites there are a sizable portion of the population, and because of how diverse it is, it also justified Dragon looking the way he does. Again, the point isn't even Luffy being white, I disagree with

                So all of them? There wasn't one that was like the source material.

                on that, but him being darker is stupid.

                >but these confused you for some reason, so I'll stop here.
                God, is it just second nature for prog homosexuals to be condescending.
                My point was you mixing in your homosexual prog views wasn't unnecessary, and actually devalues any actual points you make.

        • 8 months ago

          Wait, is Blackbeard supposed to be black? I can see it, to be honest. He's kind of a Black person.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah, I mean look how's he's colored.

    • 8 months ago

      >removes Jango
      >keeps literal who underlings who are so bland people didn't even notice one of them got genderswapped
      Dumbest handling of the arc ever

      • 8 months ago

        They probably cut Jango because Michael Jackson is still taboo to reference. Don’t believe me? Pull up Stark Raving Dad on Disney+!

    • 8 months ago

      I really hope they start casting tall lanky actors because kuro and arlongs performances suffered when being played by manlets. and one piece is full of comically giant characters

    • 8 months ago

      these episodes were also shit in the anime though?

      • 8 months ago

        I didn't watch the live action past the first episode, which episode were they? Because I can't really think of anything that's bad in the Syrup Village arc.

  2. 8 months ago


  3. 8 months ago

    *insert random overweight black actress here*

  4. 8 months ago

    Me, I look like her pre time skip

  5. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Nah, by the time they reach Enies Lobby that wouldnt be what she says. Politics are changing.

      >Robin flashback: One day Robin...you will surely find people that share your world view..
      >*Robin leans back*
      >*music swells*
      >*Nami smiles in her "No such thing as cis" T-shirt
      >*chopper grits his teeth and grips his chromosome detector*
      >*Sanji smiles and lights a cigarette*
      >*Zoro unsheathes ans sheathes his sword, his brisk motion revealing a swastika on his wrist*
      >*OvenKing stands tall, looking at the trans flag he burned earlier*
      >*Luffy grins like a mad man*

      • 8 months ago

        At first I found this extremely cringe, but started laughing out loud the second time. The fact that you took the time to type out this dogshit is hilarious. Why are you so obsessed with trans people?

  6. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      >very start
      That's color works isn't it, it was drawn later. You can easily tell because Oda's drawing style change hugely since early chapters. Here's what her boobage actually was like in those chapter. Very reasonable boobage

      • 8 months ago

        >reasonable boobage
        Do real women with big breasts have "unreasonable" bodies?

        • 8 months ago

          Do you try to nitpick everything you hear in real life with real people? Or are you just a c**t on the internet?

          • 8 months ago

            How was that a nitpick?

            • 8 months ago

              >nooooooo don't question my opinions I'm mommy's special little booooooy

              >question my opinions
              You're not questioning anything, you're nitpicking semantics. I don't care, replace the world "reasonable" with whichever one that doesn't happen to trigger you today

              • 8 months ago

                1.That's 2 different anons the first being me
                2. Your post was just moronic, and wrong from conceptions, there objectively nothing wrong with big breasts, and I say that as someone who's not even a boob guy.

          • 8 months ago

            >nooooooo don't question my opinions I'm mommy's special little booooooy

    • 8 months ago

      This is probably your most disingenuous copypasta. No real One Piece fan would say Nami's breasts grow only after the timeskip. Her breasts have been growing since the beginning of the series. In Volume 6, the Baratie Arc, Oda listed her bust as 34"; seven years later, he listed them as 37.4"; eight years after that, he listed them as 38.58". He was prompted to give that 37.4" update by this question from a fan
      >Good day, Oda-sensei. You know, that Nami-chan is so gorgeous!!! That beauty, that figure! I'm already swooning By the way, when you compare her to the Nami-chan in Volume 1, haven't her breasts grown somewhat? by Saori-chan
      Oda responded
      >Yep. I get this a lot. But when you consider that she's only 18, she's still in her growth phase. She's got more room to grow! I'll give it my best!! (?) And Robin's only 28! I'll give it my best!! (?)
      This was five years before the timeskip.

      It's possible someone actually told you her breast growth was a product of the timeskip, because Usopp in the manga specifically comments on her boobs being bigger after the timeskip, but you and I both know YOU ALREADY KNOW ALL OF THIS, because you intentionally used a picture of Nami from "the very start of the freaking series" which was not drawn at the start of the series, it was drawn around the timeskip. It's not so much that Nami's boobs are actually getting bigger, it's that Oda has grown more and more accustomed to drawing women with that shape, so even when he redraws Nami's debut, her boobs are big. Pic related is the REAL Chapter 9 which your picture is referencing. It's a retcon. Which Oda doesn't care about, because it doesn't actually matter, they're just breasts.

      This has nothing to do with whether I think she should have big breasts or not, the point is you're lying.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm less offended (but still very offended) by her small breasts, and more by the fact that they cast all age-appropriate male actors and then picked a 30-something soon-to-be-roastie for the token hot chick.

    • 8 months ago

      >conveniently doesn't post any East Blue screenshots

  7. 8 months ago

    >Looney Toones

  8. 8 months ago
  9. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      It is true that they're minor characters.
      Alvida looks great.
      Yassop isn't race swapped, you're moronic.
      Koby's casting is gross, but she looks fricking identical to the character, which is exactly what you cried about with Luffy, remember?
      I'm okay with Kaya being black because this is a case where Netflix is less woke than Oda himself. No one wants to see that dude kissing a pretty white girl.

      Oda has talked about working on the live-action. He could be lying. But if he doesn't care, why do you?

      Reminder: don't watch Netflixs adaptation, they're woke trash who hate fanservice and don't have the balls to sexualize female characters, theyll censor every Nami outfit, theyll censor every Robin outfit, theyll remove any and all lewd fanservice scenes, don't support woke trash or theyll keep making trash without female nudity nor female lewdness

      This is true.

    • 8 months ago

      >complains about giving us a catgirl pirate
      opinion discarded

  10. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      What kind of strange autism is this?
      I'd you don't like spin off OP media maybe don't watch it?

      • 8 months ago

        it's just the usual Cinemaphile shonentard schizo

      • 8 months ago

        >I'd you don't like spin off OP media maybe don't watch it?
        If you don't like people criticizing things you shill, maybe don't comment on them?

        Have some self-awareness. People can comment and shit on whatever they like. If you can't defend your slop, that's on you.

        • 8 months ago

          I never said people shouldn't comment did I? I said why watch something that makes you sperg out.

          I thought you autismos were good at logic

    • 8 months ago

      Some are kinda reaching, but there are alright. I honestly can't believe someone can say in good faith that the show was good, when it did almost everything except three characters (Mihawk, Zeff and Sanji) wrong

    • 8 months ago

      If OPLA bombed, Oda would have distanced himself and said it was only a paycheck so he could buy another yacht. But it was a success so he reaps the credit.

  11. 8 months ago

    live action can frick off but using screenshots from the anime doesn't prove anything because that gets shit wrong too

  12. 8 months ago

    I don't know why they decided to adapt One Piece of all things.
    For one it's incredibly long so odds of completing it are almost zero. Not to mention the outlandish character designs and fights that become much bigger in scale as the story progresses.

    • 8 months ago

      >I don't know why they decided to adapt One Piece of all things.
      they've been trying to get the IP for years

    • 8 months ago

      probably easier to approach then something that takes itself seriouly like Naruto, and also can appeal to a larger demographic.

    • 8 months ago

      People fricking love pirates and it's interesting. If it has better acting and less Black folk it could have became the next GoT.

      Really the only thing that's adaptable that could probably perform better is Gundam especially since Star Wars is now culturally irrelevant.

      • 8 months ago

        >adaptable that could probably perform better is Gundam
        How is Gundam adaptable, it's entirely CGI, 90% of it is set either in giant robots or in sci-fi cities.

        • 8 months ago

          Giant robots in space shouldn't be so hard to make right. It's the ground fights that would suppose a bigger problem. Also the designs are simple, they probably don't requiere so much money as Transformers

  13. 8 months ago

    Wan Piss fans think the source material is some Shakespeare/Greek work

  14. 8 months ago

    jesus, youre a grown man,. these are cartoons for children. grow the frick up.. oh wait , youre probably a homosexual liberal... sorry for redundancy.

    • 8 months ago

      One Piece is a lifestyle, not a cartoon, get it right

      • 8 months ago

        * cringes *

        • 8 months ago

          *dabs and sharts*

    • 8 months ago
  15. 8 months ago

    What abou the Debicky look-a-like actress from Wrath of Man. She looked nice.

  16. 8 months ago

    starting to think One Piece was never good

  17. 8 months ago

    Reminder: don't watch Netflixs adaptation, they're woke trash who hate fanservice and don't have the balls to sexualize female characters, theyll censor every Nami outfit, theyll censor every Robin outfit, theyll remove any and all lewd fanservice scenes, don't support woke trash or theyll keep making trash without female nudity nor female lewdness

    • 8 months ago


  18. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago


  19. 8 months ago

    One piece is dogshit and Oda’s art style is hideous.

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      How does it feel to be so wrong about everything?

    • 8 months ago

      Wrong and wrong, the manga and anime are the greatest works of fiction in this universe

      • 8 months ago

        Took me a while to even understand who it was. Looked like the mermaid princess for a sec until i saw the background.

        Maybe the other guy is right.

      • 8 months ago

        why does everyone has her body now?

        • 8 months ago

          He might only have one female bodyshape, but it's a good one.

          • 8 months ago

            I like how he ignore everything below the waist

        • 8 months ago

          Cause it's peak female design so no point in making other inferior bodies

  20. 8 months ago

    They're going to cut everything from season 2 except for Alabasta and Choppers Island aren't they (and it's a good thing). Wapol will be made a joke character and the main villain of Choppers arc will be a Baroque Works member. Also Bon Clay will NOT be allowed to just be a crossdressing freak, he'll be a full on trans and we'll be calling him she.

  21. 8 months ago

    They need to get away from source material, unless they have infinite budget

    • 8 months ago

      Nothing until Marineford is all that expensive
      Just an Arabian setting, the villain is just Sandman from Spider-man
      Getting there and back would require a lot of CGI but while there it's basically just a vaguely Mayan jungle setting. The villain is just a guy that shoots CGI.
      >water 7
      Most city scenes can be replaced with indoors locations, ennies lobby is basically just a bunch of concrete boxes and a part of the arc is set inside a train. The villains are just some guys who don't even need to transform to be cool.
      >impel down
      Just a prison. The villain is just some guy that shoots goo.

  22. 8 months ago


  23. 8 months ago

    Hmmm. This is going to mean live action Nier Automata...

    Enji Night or Narga Lifestream for 2B?

    Jannet InCosplay or Shirogne-Sama for A2?

  24. 8 months ago

    say it Robin!

    • 8 months ago

      it ended after the time skip, and Oda left a long time ago

    • 8 months ago

      Don't forget, CoC is a form of mind control

  25. 8 months ago

    Just how badly does the timeskip ruin the series? I read the manga when I was younger and stopped around a bit after they defeated the thunder "god". But everything I've seen about timeskip looks way moronic, the character designs, the whole "gear" shit that just turns it into a bad DBZ copy and more.

    • 8 months ago

      I don't think anyone could describe in way that doesn't make it sound retatded, you'd have watch/read it for yourself.

      It was similar for me, I watched the 4kids dub like 20 years ago, and later looked up images of the series, and saw characters introduced later and was like "wtf is that", but it made sense watching it in context.

    • 8 months ago

      Expect Frank, Chopper and Brook to stay in the background because Oda can't handle a cast of more than 5 at a time.

    • 8 months ago

      >Just how badly does the timeskip ruin the series?
      everyone is reduced to walking stereotypes and the author was moronic to think he could handle +5 main characters at the same time

    • 8 months ago

      it was never good, it literally has every single shonen cliche in existence, but the author was smart enough to hide them between 100 chapters each

      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          go punch up another evil guy with the power of asspull and chosen one, Luffy

        • 8 months ago

          he is right, aside from the female characters being useless cliche

    • 8 months ago

      It doesn't. It's different, not as good, but it's still mostly fun and emotional. The only thing better about post-timeskip is there's a million unique characters with unique powers. Pre-timeskip, most arcs have like one or two interesting characters and everyone else is named fodder. Post-timeskip, even fodder characters have unique designs and powers. I wouldn't call them utilized well, though. There's not enough time.

  26. 8 months ago

    Cromartie High School is the only one worth adapting.

  27. 8 months ago

    Guys, the "culture war" is just bullshit that right-wingers made up to get votes from scared boomers, it's not actually a real lens for critical analysis of media

    • 8 months ago

      This, one of my youtube friends with a squeaky gay voice told me about it!

  28. 8 months ago

    More Buggy.

  29. 8 months ago

    As I said, the focus on race and bust size means shit over the fact that it's so north from source material. This show is overrated and dumb. Frick idiots

    • 8 months ago

      The characters' races, and breast size are part of the source material. homosexual.

      • 8 months ago

        Yes, Apart of the source material. but the sole part of the source material frickwit.

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