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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    the potion is WEED haha

    • 8 months ago

      and the real me is posting antisemitic rants on Cinemaphile in fast food threads

  2. 8 months ago

    It is modelo

  3. 8 months ago


  4. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      No, it's literally a magic potion that's a stand-in for HRT. It's every bit as stupid and tone deaf as it sounds.

      • 8 months ago

        Why is that stupid or tone deaf?
        Using magic to accomplish something that we use technology and surgery to do.
        It sounds fantastic. I want that potion.

        • 8 months ago

          Except technology and surgery can't make a man a real female and vice versa.

          • 8 months ago

            Putting aside definitions of "real female" and personal opinions on trans people, I don't see the issue with a potion as a plot device.
            They are very frequently temporary in fantasy. A lot of magic is short lived or has some upkeep cost like renewing a ritual or replenishing reagents.
            Its like food. You don't just eat once and then stop paying attention to your hunger stat.
            If you wanted to make the change permanent, that could be a higher level spell.

            • 8 months ago

              >I don't see the issue with a potion as a plot device.
              It's bad writing made explicitly to shoehorn in modern politics while ass raping the lore and logic of the fictional world.
              >A lot of magic is short lived or has some upkeep cost like renewing a ritual or replenishing reagents.
              This is a fictional world where the author can make it however the frick they want. They decided to make the potion a stand-in for HRT.
              >Its like food. You don't just eat once and then stop paying attention to your hunger stat.
              >If you wanted to make the change permanent, that could be a higher level spell.
              Or just make the potion permanent but oh wait, if the writers did that they couldn't virtue signal for trannies

              Genderbending i.e. turning into the biological sex that is opposite of what you are is NOT being transgender. You are, for all intents and purposes, the ACTUAL opposite sex. It's fundamentally different.

              >fantasy different from reality

              • 8 months ago

                I'm saying the portrayal of magic is consistent with many, many other depictions.
                Just because you disagree with the writer's politics or would have written it differently yourself, doesn't mean their magic mechanics are fundamentally wrong.

              • 8 months ago

                >It's bad writing made explicitly to shoehorn in modern politics while ass raping the lore and logic of the fictional world.
                >This is a fictional world where the author can make it however the frick they want. They decided to make the potion a stand-in for HRT.
                then how is it "ass raping the lore and logic of the fictional world" if it's the author's world you absolute moron? the show creator is a troony anyway, why is it remotely surprising that there's a troony character self-insert

            • 8 months ago

              You will never be a woman.

        • 8 months ago

          Because turning into a biological woman/man with all the bell and whistles via magic is not equal to modern day mental illness that manifests in mutilating the frick out of your body then offing yourself within 10 years. It's just simply not the same thing at all and the dynamics of such a potion existing would be radically different than those that exists for trannies.

          • 8 months ago

            >fantasy different from reality

          • 8 months ago

            Touch grass

  5. 8 months ago

    If you want to make a transgender fantasy scenario, why not just have it be a one and done spell?

    • 8 months ago

      Because it has to be "relatable" instead of a fantasy. Real troons don't get to have it that way, so showing an ideal fantasy version would cause them to 41% themselves

    • 8 months ago

      >If you want to make a transgender fantasy scenario, why not just have it be a one and done spell?
      It's like how troony d&d players make troony characters and then refuse any magical means of permanently changing their bodies, because it's not about being happy with their bodies, it's about being oppressed.

      • 8 months ago

        >Wheelchair accessible dungeons
        If I made a cripple in DND he'd be a wizard using making to make his body walk, or alternatively if I was feeling cheeky make his body flail around.

        • 8 months ago

          >If you want to make a transgender fantasy scenario, why not just have it be a one and done spell?
          It's like how troony d&d players make troony characters and then refuse any magical means of permanently changing their bodies, because it's not about being happy with their bodies, it's about being oppressed.

          I rather be a big booba crippled wizard that needs someone to piggy back me on their back.
          Or a light thin twink wizard that need to be piggy backed by larger Amazon women.

          • 8 months ago

            I usually play FUBs who are hammy.

            • 8 months ago

              Whoa. A based person on Cinemaphile.
              But yeah, pervy yet ultimately funny/hammy FUB are better than just the typical hentai FUB

              • 8 months ago

                >Pervy yet ultimately funny/hammy
                Literally me.

  6. 8 months ago

    How many tales throughout history resemble a story of someone trying to change them selves only to see that should have accepted who they are.

    Even in this ideal depiction of the delusion, the sheer logical dissonance shines through. To be the real you, you must change your self in ways only literal magic can.

    These shows impart world views and expectations.
    When someone goes looking for our worlds magic potion they'll find nothing and insteed substitute it for a culture and system that will skyrocket their likelyhood of suicide.
    They'll acuse people who don't support their impossible views of being the cause, even as they install the same expectations onto others despite their own failure.

    And they'll tie every value we hold to them so when the pendulum swings and their cause falls they'll further drag our values with them.

    • 8 months ago

      >also this potion gives me cancer and mangles my body-brain chemistry to the point of proven lunacy and deforms my body in such a way that if I ever change my opinion about myself I can never go back because it has ruined my puberty and, get this, it doesn't actually work!
      >That's right Rosie! The potion doesn't actually change what and who I am! It just makes me somewhat look like I have changed it. But none of the physical qualities of the change I am referring to are given to me, for that is unachievable by any means. But if only I sacrifice these things and encourage others to do likewise without telling them of the sideeffects, I can visibly look at least 5-10% more like I actually changed! You should too RoBBie.

    • 8 months ago

      > How many tales throughout history resemble a story of someone trying to change them selves only to see that should have accepted who they are.
      About as many as there are stories of someone changing themself and it’s great.

      • 8 months ago

        You're confusing the message of making yourself a better person with trying to be something you're not.

        • 8 months ago

          No i think you are

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      There needs to be a balance between improving yourself for the better and accepting yourself for what you are. People are normalizing morbid obesity because of "accepting yourself" message gone wrong.

  7. 8 months ago

    >was a cute girl
    >turns into a troony

    • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        >the real me is a boy
        >that's why I looked as girly as possible when I was young
        It's always the same shit. Guys who turn into trannies used to have beards and shit, and girls who turn into trannies used to have really long hair and shaved their legs.
        But suddenly they are not okay with it anymore and think their "real me" looks different. This kind of bullshit shows that they don't actually believe they are living in the wrong sex, just that they think if they change themselves into something they are not, they can fix something that can't be fixed by changing your body

        • 8 months ago

          You sure know a lot about people you've never interacted with huh

          • 8 months ago

            1. used to think I was trans until I realized I was not
            2. talked a lot to trans people on various websites
            3. looked at countless trans topics on youtube, both from trans people and from right winged people
            take your pick, they are all me

        • 8 months ago

          bro, what even is gender, though, really

          is it like, wearing blue and pink? playing sports or dancing? having short or long hair? having a high voice or a low voice? like... what is it? Where's the line? Every single thing has an exception. There's girls with short hair. Boys with high voices.

          at some point you realize that every single marker of "boy" and "girl" just doesn't actually mean shit, it's all some arbitrarily chosen horseshit that some super religious people chose one day because they hate women and then you're still here doing it. like... why

          and I can say this and be 100% sure of my gender as a cis person, it doesn't actually change anything for me, so what is your excuse buddy

          • 8 months ago

            >it's all some arbitrarily chosen horseshit that some super religious people chose one day because they hate women
            Right then and there I knew that you were moronic.

          • 8 months ago

            >bro, what even is gender, though, really
            The PG version of the term "sex," because that's a no-no word in the Western world whenever children could potentially read or hear it outside of a textbook. That's it. At some point some guy came up with the idea of "gender" referring to social constructs, and he later disavowed it because it was stupid.

          • 8 months ago

            gender = sex and this is true for 99.99% of the world population and has been true for most of humanity. You got a penis? Man. vegana? Woman. Something else? A mutant freak of nature

            >at some point you realize that every single marker of "boy" and "girl" just doesn't actually mean shit, it's all some arbitrarily chosen horseshit that some super religious people chose one day because they hate women and then you're still here doing it. like... why

            I feel bad for you people. Thoughts and prayers and all that jazz

            • 8 months ago

              1000 years from now humanity will be able to swap genders arbitrarily and easily
              They'll mock people like you for having primitive beliefs about gender, and they'll mock trannies for mutilating themselves to achieve a poor facsimile of the real thing

              • 8 months ago

                >1000 years from now
                Guess what dipshit, this is the here and now and that's not possible. 1,000 years from now this period in time is going to be taught in schools and will relate transgenderism to how we currently view lobotomies. You will never be a woman, no matter how hard you try. You'll just be a cruel mockery of what you wish to be because your parents failed you

              • 8 months ago

                >1000 years from now humanity will be able to swap genders arbitrarily and easily
                Well thats awfully optimistic

              • 8 months ago

                NTA, but I think 1000 years sounds about right, probably earlier. In like 500 years we have a pill that can change your sex entirely, all organs included. And in another 500 it will be completely painless and cheap to do so

              • 8 months ago

                >In like 500 years we have a pill that can change your sex entirely, all organs included.
                Man, I wish I was as ignorant as you

              • 8 months ago

                You're vastly overestimating how much we'll be able to do. Life isn't going to become star trek. Thats just plain laughable.

              • 8 months ago

                >In like 500 years we have a pill that can change your sex entirely, all organs included.
                Man, I wish I was as ignorant as you

                and you guys are vastly underestimating what will become of medicine in the future. You have no idea how fricking long 500 years is in the current age of technology, much less a 1000.

              • 8 months ago

                >and you guys are vastly underestimating what will become of medicine in the future.
                No, you're vastly underestimating the difficulties of fundamentally altering your DNA fricking requires. morons like you thought we would have flying cars in the early 2000's

              • 8 months ago

                I'd imagine it would be something less exciting, like transferring consciousness to a vat-grown body

              • 8 months ago

                Flying cars create more problems than they solve.
                DNA manipulation could potentially cure thousands of diseases.
                We really don't know the limits of the technology right now. I think it's premature to firmly say what it can and can't accomplish.

              • 8 months ago

                >I think it's premature to firmly say what it can and can't accomplish.
                No one said that homosexual, stop strawmanning. The point of contention of the time-frame.

                do you have ANY idea how much we improvement in the last 100 years in medicine? We can operate on brains of living people, we can transplant organs, we can cure several diseases that were uncureable at times, we can give people actual cyborg limps and implants, we can give several blind diseased people their eyesight back, same with hearing and other senses. We can transplant entire new skin on people. And that's just the common stuff, there are cases that are far crazier that would have been called witchcraft, not in the middle ages, but just 100 years ago.
                The reason why we don't have flying cars is not the technology, but the politics and lack of growth in society as a whole.But the actual technology is here.
                Though I admit we haven't gotten closer to hoverboards

                >do you have ANY idea how much we improvement in the last 100 years in medicine?
                uhh, last I check people are cutting off their dicks and breasts and calling themselves woman/men while we're in the middle of recovering from an opioid epidemic that was caused by "safe" pain meds that weren't really safe right as we spiritually fricked the entire world by locking down the world for 2 years. then there's the entire issue of the medical field being politically motivated and also doctors just handing out SSRI's like it's candy resulting in people doing mass shootings.

                Honestly, I rather just return to doctors doing lobotomies if this is considered "improvement".

              • 8 months ago

                the fact we even can cut off penises and make it look like a vegana is already amazing(It's wrong, but amazing that this even works without killing a person). You act like I said we already have a pill that can turn someone completely into another sex today. five hundred to a thousand fricking years, not today, not tomorrow, not in your lifetime, in your grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand childrens lifetime you fricking moron

              • 8 months ago

                >cut off penises
                You know that's not what they actually do right? They reconfigure the flesh and nerves into the new orifice. Yeah some tissue is discarded, but they try to re-use as much as possible.
                And they're getting pretty good at it. I saw a trans pussy the other day (porn not IRL) and it looked...really hot. I had to actually look at the person's info to see if they were trans or not.
                If surgeons keep developing their techniques and sharing it with colleagues across the world, there could be some fricking amazing trans veganas out there.

              • 8 months ago

                >I saw a trans pussy the other day (porn not IRL) and it looked...really hot.

              • 8 months ago

                It did dude. Like better than some XX females.
                Not to insult women as a whole, but some have really boring veganas.

                I know that they don't literally just cut it off.
                But I also know no matter how good it may look, it's just a fake one, both in functionality, and how it feels(and don't get me started on fake penises)
                as the other anon said, it will take medicine to rewrite dna to make a proper trans sex change, no amount of plastic surgery can get them what they(think they do) want

                >I know that they don't literally just cut it off.
                Okay just making sure. Some people really think it is that simple.

              • 8 months ago

                >some have really boring veganas
                what do you mean "boring" its a pusspuss what do you want it to look like? did the transsexual have a fricking rocket launcher attachment?

              • 8 months ago

                He's just a porn addict who got "bored" of regular veganas but instead of going for alien veganas with 9000000 teeth or prehensile tentaginas, he went with mutilated genitals, many such cases.

              • 8 months ago

                Holy shit you are mentally ill lmfao.

              • 8 months ago

                >cut off penises
                You know that's not what they actually do right? They reconfigure the flesh and nerves into the new orifice. Yeah some tissue is discarded, but they try to re-use as much as possible.
                And they're getting pretty good at it. I saw a trans pussy the other day (porn not IRL) and it looked...really hot. I had to actually look at the person's info to see if they were trans or not.
                If surgeons keep developing their techniques and sharing it with colleagues across the world, there could be some fricking amazing trans veganas out there.

                Why would you want to cut off the dick? It's the best part? I'm a homosexual, I love wiener, feminine body + wiener = hot as frick for me, why on earth would you desecrate God's most wonderful creation, the penis and turn it into a bastardization of God's mistake?

              • 8 months ago

                I know that they don't literally just cut it off.
                But I also know no matter how good it may look, it's just a fake one, both in functionality, and how it feels(and don't get me started on fake penises)
                as the other anon said, it will take medicine to rewrite dna to make a proper trans sex change, no amount of plastic surgery can get them what they(think they do) want

              • 8 months ago

                >I saw a trans pussy the other day (porn not IRL) and it looked...really hot. I had to actually look at the person's info to see if they were trans or not.

              • 8 months ago

                We got a live one here.

              • 8 months ago

                A pill just changing your sex sounds so unrealistic. A more realistic sex change in 500 years would be changing your dna to female while halting production of new cells to prevent your body from killing your self. Next step will be destroying the genitalia and reprogram the affected area to create female genitals. A device would have to be worn over the area to protect it just like a baby in the womb. The device would also have to be connected directly to the bladder in order to not damage the genitalia while it is being created.

              • 8 months ago

                do you have ANY idea how much we improvement in the last 100 years in medicine? We can operate on brains of living people, we can transplant organs, we can cure several diseases that were uncureable at times, we can give people actual cyborg limps and implants, we can give several blind diseased people their eyesight back, same with hearing and other senses. We can transplant entire new skin on people. And that's just the common stuff, there are cases that are far crazier that would have been called witchcraft, not in the middle ages, but just 100 years ago.
                The reason why we don't have flying cars is not the technology, but the politics and lack of growth in society as a whole.But the actual technology is here.
                Though I admit we haven't gotten closer to hoverboards

              • 8 months ago

                NTA, but I think 1000 years sounds about right, probably earlier. In like 500 years we have a pill that can change your sex entirely, all organs included. And in another 500 it will be completely painless and cheap to do so

                do you have ANY idea how much we improvement in the last 100 years in medicine? We can operate on brains of living people, we can transplant organs, we can cure several diseases that were uncureable at times, we can give people actual cyborg limps and implants, we can give several blind diseased people their eyesight back, same with hearing and other senses. We can transplant entire new skin on people. And that's just the common stuff, there are cases that are far crazier that would have been called witchcraft, not in the middle ages, but just 100 years ago.
                The reason why we don't have flying cars is not the technology, but the politics and lack of growth in society as a whole.But the actual technology is here.
                Though I admit we haven't gotten closer to hoverboards

                >vastly underestimating medicine
                Black person medicine not surgery has not made any true advancements since antibiotics and even now theyre beginning progressively more worthless because frickers who engage in degenerate orgies pop them after they have sex as a cure all even theyre told constantly thats a stupid thing to do. The new desperate thing is finding new antibiotics and keeping the ones we have effective.
                Vaccines have been a thing since Ancient Egypt. The flu has been here since time immemorial and the best we can do is cover up the symptoms as the vaccines themselves are only 60% effective.
                Incidentally thats the majority of what modern medicine is covering up symptoms. Your body is the one that cures itself and your body isnt going to find a way to change x chromosomes to y chromosomes, grow a womb, a penis, ovaries, eggs, sperm, stop production of hormones
                Said surgeries you speak of are mere facsimiles theres a reason why all of them are just dead useless stumps and EVERYONE can see you got work done
                If a chimpanzee and pitbull mauls your face that skin transplant isnt going to fool anyone.

              • 8 months ago

                Why would you want to cut off the dick? It's the best part? I'm a homosexual, I love wiener, feminine body + wiener = hot as frick for me, why on earth would you desecrate God's most wonderful creation, the penis and turn it into a bastardization of God's mistake?

                Besides being ugly and unfunny, this is something that really irks me about Big Mouth. I don't care how stupid the lowest common denominator requires writing to be, having a show simultaneously read as a raunchy adult comedy AND sincere sex ed for developing children is fricking off-putting.

                Dr. John Money is a criminal and a schlomo

                Why do they keep silent when facts and logic are presented?
                Why dont they like talking about John Money?
                Why dont they like to accept that there is only man and woman?
                Why dont they like to accept that archeplogist will label then as male when they dig their male shaped bones?
                Why dont they accept that they are the cause of plagues and death by destroying scientific progress through their irresponsible actions?

              • 8 months ago

                Yes, just like people in the 1920s thought we'd have flying cars and teleportation by the 2000s.

                And yes I'm aware that technology evolves at an exponential rate, but there are limits to how much scifi bullshit you can get away with. In 500 years, the best I could see (You) getting is scientists taking your DNA, removing the Y chromosome, copypasting the X chromosome, then growing a female clone of yourself in the lab, and then passing your brain into it (for the record, I believe artificial placenta, reliable human cloning and successful brain transplants are much more feasible in 500 years time than a magic pill that switches your entire body overnight). And even if any of this was even possible, there's still the ethical problem that the new female clone isn't even (You) anymore, it's still your moronic male brain in an artificial female corpse.

              • 8 months ago

                Bro we already have 5G radiation towers that alter your DNA to turn you into a liberal. Sex changes can't be that far behind.

                In all seriousness though, we actually are very near the capability to change people's DNA through engineered viruses, mostly targeting simpler genetic disorders like sickle cell anemia where small sections of DNA can be replaced and fixed throughout the body. Ethics and laws are the only things really stopping us from scaling it up to more drastic changes and turning us all into anime catgirls.

              • 8 months ago

                You're full of shit, troony

              • 8 months ago

                Look, unless humanity discovers how to create nanobots smaller than a cell (which is something physically impossible) I highly doubt that anyone can change their DNA without suffering some type of super cancer, plus you are forgetting how painful and deadly it would be for you body starts changing sex, your heart would stop or your brain would shut down before completing the process.

              • 8 months ago

                > Look, unless humanity discovers how to create nanobots smaller than a cell (which is something physically impossible) I highly doubt that anyone can change their DNA without suffering some type of super cancer

                You'd be surprised. The fact of the matter is that you don't need nanobots to change DNA, we can change DNA in a living organism *right now*, CRISPR is a hell of a thing and you can do it in your garage with the right equipment. Since I'm presuming you are not big into biotech, basically it uses specialized bacteria to target, snip, and stitch back together dna in a cell. So sort of like nanobots but using what nature gave us instead of making a very small robot. Again, this is already a real thing and there have been a lot of very neat procedures and discoveries in the past few years resulting for this.
                The problem for transgender people is that changing your DNA actually doesn't amount to squat unless it results in physiological changes, and it typically doesn't. Your body does not automatically just conform to the DNA in your cells by magic, once an organ is grown it doesn't un-grow. The most we have seen on this front thats relevant to the conversation is that there is a genetic switch you can throw in male testes that will, over time, cause them to revert to 'a gonad kind of like' an ovary in mice. It doesn't produce eggs, but it does switch from testosterone to estrogen production. Thats a pretty dramatic change, and could theoretically be used as an alternative form of HRT for people so their body produces the desired hormones naturally instead of by injection. But there is no evidence that its possible to make it go the rest of the way, and thats just for this one organ
                Unless there is a procedure that can force a human body to check its DNA and re-build itself, like a kind of puberty re-do, changing your DNA can't result in a sex change. Body transplants are unironically more viable with current medical trajectory.

              • 8 months ago

                by brother in XY chromosomes, I hope we've got more interesting shit in 3023 than x-change pills

            • 8 months ago

              >Something else? A mutant freak of nature
              Now man, don't give intersex people shit.
              They already have it bad enough being associated with the mentally ill freaks of the LGBT++++ community.

            • 8 months ago

              >>at some point you realize that every single marker of "boy" and "girl" just doesn't actually mean shit
              Moron, males produce (or have the capacity to produce) small gametes (sperm) and women produce (or have the capacity to produce) large gametes (eggs).

          • 8 months ago

            precisely, so why do trannies think they have to change themselves then?
            If there can be long haired guys, why does the OP character cut off their hair then? That's the kind of hypocrisy I was talking about. You don't want to think there are limits to gender, but without those limits the entire concept of transgender falls apart

          • 8 months ago

            Its either you're a dick or a pussy. Nothing in between. If you're a dick that likes other dicks, you're still a dick. Same goes for pussies.

          • 8 months ago

            >it's all some arbitrarily chosen horseshit that some super religious people chose one day
            you don't need to be religious to look at your genitals and see a visible difference

            Wish gender fluid wasn't necessarily a trans thing, feels like it's not designed to be a permanent change, though i get why it's still under the Transgender umbrella label.

            Most people have been cross dressing for all of humanity and that's because clothes aren't gendered.

            >Most people have been cross dressing for all of humanity and that's because clothes aren't gendered.
            right, because a wienertail dress meant for women would totally fit a dude and look natural

          • 8 months ago

            Gender is a made up concept concocted by a quack who removed a child's dick and forced him to make out with his brother; both of whom ended up killing themselves.
            Anyone who takes gender seriously is just mentally ill.

        • 8 months ago

          >the real me is Ryan Gosling
          >that's why I looked as fat and shitskin as possible

    • 8 months ago

      I cast dispel magic

    • 8 months ago

      Gay here, (s)he is not even a hot guy.

  8. 8 months ago

    >i have to magically alter my natural form to
    lol lmao

  9. 8 months ago

    Rember that one time he took advantage of Snapdragon's situation to groom him into transitioning? Kinda cool, huh?

    • 8 months ago

      Snap's is the saddest because his backstory consists of his father and brother telling him he's not manly enough, and so someone unironically suggests "why not try being a girl!". Like that meme, except the writers unironically used it.

  10. 8 months ago

    >Teacher completely hijacks the scene to talk about being transgender
    >The very next line after it has nothing to do with anything the teacher said
    I'm surprised no one made an edit of the MC saying her plot-relevant line while the teacher rambles in the background, just to prove how little it adds.

    • 8 months ago

      That would require watching this show

      • 8 months ago

        the horror.

  11. 8 months ago

    Obligatory comment that the show should have just been about the redhead femboy, the purple c**t, the shortstack b***h and also Slime Boy is there.

  12. 8 months ago

    Ok, Cinemaphile here's a challenge. How would (You) have wrote this scene to make it better? No cheating by changing the scenario or cutting the scene entirely. The teacher still has to mention being a troony, and Rosemary has to respond at least neutrally if not positively.

    • 8 months ago

      I mean I don't see any reason why you can't just have him say he used magic to change gender. It's the "once a month blah blah" thing that's too on the nose.

      • 8 months ago

        This. In a setting were transformation magic exists, someone using it to change genders is literally inevitable. Its just a matter of how easy it is to do.
        Really, the smart thing to do would have been to make it a one time transformation that can't be undone. Its an extremely important choice you have to be sure about and treat seriously.
        Making the potion *reverse after a duration* means that sex change potions are totally consequence free. If you try it and are unhappy with the results, you'll be back to normal in a couple weeks and then you never have to think about it again. This works against what the writers clearly want to do with the story by making such potions essentially just a party favor, a hobby, a prank. Something you do for spring break, or dare a friend to drink while wasted. Not something meaningful to be treated with any level of seriousness.

        • 8 months ago

          >making such potions essentially just a party favor, a hobby, a prank. Something you do for spring break, or dare a friend to drink while wasted. Not something meaningful to be treated with any level of seriousness.

          This is a much better idea for a storyline. Teens and young adults treating genderswap magic like a toy, while the older generation reacts with a mix of 'yeah, I remember that phase' and pearl-clutching. Most people try it once or twice and move on, but then you have Snapdragon who is being weird about it and the teacher is like "I know that look. For some of us this isn't just for fun." and gives him The Talk.

          • 8 months ago

            Immediately reminded of this


      • 8 months ago

        >I mean I don't see any reason why you can't just have him say he used magic to change gender

        It's because the only way you can change genders and pass is by using magic. It doesn't work in reality. Everyone can always tell. Transsexuality only works in a fantasy scenario.

    • 8 months ago

      You can do magical gender-switching without being transgender, Ranma and She-Zow handled it fine

    • 8 months ago

      Not mentioning it directly, keeping clues in the background so people might put the pieces together by themselves. Not make this aspect invasive, specially as polarizing it is.
      NEVER spoonfeed your audience with crap that doesn't progress your story. It's dishonest and you're wasting your audience's time.

    • 8 months ago

      >Im transgender.
      >Oh, cool.
      >Scene moves on

      • 8 months ago

        i mean, the scene is basically this. But with extra steps. A lot of extra steps.

    • 8 months ago

      Have it be a magic spell that literally genderbends them for 1 month until it wears off. No different than a magical girl transformation that lasts for a longer period of time. Portray it as a cool transformation sequence, that Rosemary will be wowed by.

    • 8 months ago

      Skip the part where he has to explain what being transgender is. Not the first to point this out, but a show aimed at teens/young adults in 2021 doesn't need to explain the concept as if it were a very special episode from '03.

      • 8 months ago

        Is Hunter Gathers a double troony?

        • 8 months ago

          I don't know. I think he still wants to be a woman, but the whole point of the character is you don't know where the eccentricity begins and ends.

          • 8 months ago

            >don't you dare ask where I got those hundred dollar bills!

        • 8 months ago

          I think he would prefer to be a woman, but being a classic G-man (emphasis on man) still comes first for him.

        • 8 months ago

          he's just gender fluid, that is allowed

          you can be a dude one day and then a chick the next, that's fine

          ...the only problem is that you might have a lot of clothes

          • 8 months ago

            Wish gender fluid wasn't necessarily a trans thing, feels like it's not designed to be a permanent change, though i get why it's still under the Transgender umbrella label.

            Most people have been cross dressing for all of humanity and that's because clothes aren't gendered.

          • 8 months ago

            >might have a lot of clothes
            Just wear unisex shit. Like Ranma.

      • 8 months ago

        Besides being ugly and unfunny, this is something that really irks me about Big Mouth. I don't care how stupid the lowest common denominator requires writing to be, having a show simultaneously read as a raunchy adult comedy AND sincere sex ed for developing children is fricking off-putting.

    • 8 months ago

      >oh by the way I was born a girl but I wanted a dick so I got it changed since magic is real
      >who cares?

    • 8 months ago

      >When I was younger I felt like I was different, like there was something about me that didn't feel quite right
      >I tried lots of things; tried wearing different, picked up some hobbies
      >One of those things was a potion that made me look different, but it also made me feel different
      >I felt like I was finally me
      >But the potion only changed the outside, like a mask
      >It was great to experiment with temporary changes like that, let me really get to find out who and what I wanted to be
      >When I was sure I decided to take the final step, a True Polymorph spell
      >A person can only be affected by a True Polymorph once in their entire lives so it was a big decision but it had been years in the making and by that point I was sure
      "Wow so I could turn into a dragon or a super buff and strong warrior!?"
      >You could but then you would be stuck like that forever, think of all the places a dragon can't go and all the things they can't do, and you'll grow into a super strong warrior in no time, there's no need to rush
      >You have a lot of potential and there's no need to decide anything right now, take this time to find out

      • 8 months ago

        This one is good. I like the consequence of getting anything you want, but it being a final decision.

    • 8 months ago

      >insert a scene where the MC is struggling with self-doubt or one of their friends are, so they ask the teacher for guidance
      >teacher gives lesson about how while being cautious is good, taking risks maybe better than living in regret; consequences will always be there but that doesn't mean they can't be overcome.
      >MC is fumbling around books and finds teacher's old album, asks who these people are, teacher explains its themself as a kid then MC asks why they're a girl
      >teacher tells them that they became a man, it was the biggest risk they've taken and it brought upon consequences but with time and patience, the teacher overcame it.

    • 8 months ago

      >I take this potion because I'm happier as a girl, it lets me feel like myself
      >Oh that's pretty cool!
      Don't use the word transgender when magic exists and there's reason for the concept to exist here. Let alone give a lecture on what transgender is.

      • 8 months ago

        it's a female to male, at least pretend to give a shit about what your writing

    • 8 months ago

      something like oda did it with kiku, no one complains aboit he being a troony because he is well written

      • 8 months ago

        It's not even that, it's just that you can see Kiku as a character and not just "the trans person" of the group

      • 8 months ago

        It's not even that, it's just that you can see Kiku as a character and not just "the trans person" of the group

        Not just that, but they have a brother that lived in the exact same circumstances but didn't become a girl, which deflects the idea they were groomed into it.

      • 8 months ago

        We knew Wano was the land of freaks since forever ago.

    • 8 months ago

      >"Professor, you were a girl?"
      >"When I was younger, yeah."
      >"How are you a man then?"
      >"Magic, kiddo"
      >"Woah, magic seems like it can do so much."

      Doesn't seem that hard.

      • 8 months ago

        Plus, the lesson would be "magic is strong" and not "TRAAAAAANSSS!".

    • 8 months ago

      >Is, this your daughter?
      >No, that's me.
      >But you're a man.
      >And I was back then.

    • 8 months ago

      >Make it permanent because a temporary gender swapping potion is comically lame and overly grounded concept in an other wise high fantasy world
      >Skip the lecture and just make it a line or two

      bro, what even is gender, though, really

      is it like, wearing blue and pink? playing sports or dancing? having short or long hair? having a high voice or a low voice? like... what is it? Where's the line? Every single thing has an exception. There's girls with short hair. Boys with high voices.

      at some point you realize that every single marker of "boy" and "girl" just doesn't actually mean shit, it's all some arbitrarily chosen horseshit that some super religious people chose one day because they hate women and then you're still here doing it. like... why

      and I can say this and be 100% sure of my gender as a cis person, it doesn't actually change anything for me, so what is your excuse buddy

      The only marker is wiener or pussy. You actually did a pretty good job of explaining why gender separate from sex is a moronic concept. Like up until the part about religious people I thought you were anti-troon.

      • 8 months ago

        >I thought you were anti-troon.
        I knew he was pro-troon the moment he said gender. This moron has been using gender in lieu of sex because the word sex scares him. Gender is a made-up word to let people identify as whatever the frick they want. Sex is biological reality

        I'm saying the portrayal of magic is consistent with many, many other depictions.
        Just because you disagree with the writer's politics or would have written it differently yourself, doesn't mean their magic mechanics are fundamentally wrong.

        I'm saying the portrayal of magic is consistent with many, many other depictions.
        Just because you disagree with the writer's politics or would have written it differently yourself, doesn't mean their magic mechanics are fundamentally wrong.

        >doesn't mean their magic mechanics are fundamentally wrong.
        magic mechanics can't be fundamentally wrong when it's not hard magic moron

        • 8 months ago

          >Gender is a made-up word
          all words are made up
          >hard magic
          Black person its all fictional bullshit

          • 8 months ago

            go be a Black person somewhere else

            • 8 months ago

              I'm already on Cinemaphile.

          • 8 months ago

            >all words are made up
            Context clues are hard for you, huh?

    • 8 months ago

      I'm glad you asked because I actually thought this thru before

      >Caraway sees Rosemary and is immediately intrigued by her, decides to mentor her and follow her progress, but she doesn't know why
      >He hides the fact that he knew her mother from her so that it doesn't go to her head or make her feel special
      >He doesn't invite her to his office to talk about troonyshit or any of that, he invites her to talk about her future
      >She brings up her mother, he keeps quiet about that

      >Finally, it is revealed he knew her mother all along and that's why he wanted to mentor her
      >He tells her he actually remembers her from when she was a kid, and how he and her mother used to go on adventures on all the time, and how much potential he saw in her
      >"But wait" she asks "If you were so close to my mom, how come I don't know YOU?"
      >"Oh, you do, I just looked a little... different... back then." He shows her the picture and everything finally clicks in her head

      That would make not only the reveal, but also him being a transginger, much more plot relevant, than just a random one-off statement that feels outta place

    • 8 months ago

      >"You were a girl?!?"
      >"I hadn't thought of myself as a man yet."
      >she looks through the photos and sees the pictures of the professors transition like she does in the normal scene
      >No PBS kids style explanation of transgender identity

    • 8 months ago

      I don't tweak, I change. So I can't meet your criteria, sorry.

  13. 8 months ago

    If it was the real you, you wouldn't need one.

  14. 8 months ago

    If you had magic, would you change your appearance? I would, I'd make myself a cool skeleton.

    • 8 months ago

      i would be a werewolf. And a ninja. Magic will suffice my needs, and no one can stop me.

    • 8 months ago

      As a furry I would literally anthronorphize myself into a cat. I literally hate my human myself and in the past I've tried praying to God and or any other deity that might hear me to make me one but it didn't work out. I've even asked on /x/ multiple times if it was possible or if they know any ways I could actually do it, that's how desperate I am to change my form

  15. 8 months ago

    The only thing sorta decent about the show was Amaryllis, and only because she's consistent.

  16. 8 months ago


  17. 8 months ago

    So if Professor Caraway was born a woman and has to use a magic potion to maintain his ideal form does that mean that hypothetically if Itachi's Crow from hit anime Naruto Shippuden were to cast Kotoamatsukami and to make him “Believe himself to be a cute girl” would he revert to being female again?

  18. 8 months ago

    The idea of a temporary transformation potion is stupid because that means when the magic runs out it somehow still has enough magic to convert your body into a different shape. Just get rid of the magic insantly so there is no magic trying to change you back.

  19. 8 months ago

    Wasn't there a guy that went mad because of this show?

  20. 8 months ago

    >Coping real hard about a hypothetical future science pill

  21. 8 months ago

    Dr. John Money is a criminal and a schlomo

  22. 8 months ago

    Why dont they celebrate Dr. Joh Moneys achievements and research? Why are they not publicizing his works or making highly publicized documentaries about dr. John Money?

  23. 8 months ago

    Snapdragon is such a homosexual, I'd rupture his butthole with my dick just to show him how gay he is

    • 8 months ago

      I like to think that Amaryllis pegs him at night.

  24. 8 months ago

    I love my chromosomes.

  25. 8 months ago

    >Cinemaphile looked at this show and unironically went "anime fans have no reason to be mad".

    • 8 months ago

      I watched the first episode and it was better than most anime (not a high bar of course)

  26. 8 months ago

    >you get banned for posting this show in Cinemaphile
    I always laugh.

    • 8 months ago

      I got banned on Cinemaphile for posting a thread about Crunchyroll. They are the worst board.

      • 8 months ago

        Cinemaphile has no time for American media companies (morons)

        • 8 months ago

          >banned on Cinemaphile for discussing CR.

          Case in point.

      • 8 months ago

        >banned on Cinemaphile for discussing CR.

  27. 8 months ago

    We need Zinnia art

    • 8 months ago

      Honestly, I'm more surprised that despite the sex change potion stuff being pretty much the only thing anyone actually talks about for this show, there are apparently no pictures of fem-Snapdragon. It feels like the sort of thing that would exist by now, even if just for shitposting reasons, you know?

    • 8 months ago


      Honestly, I'm more surprised that despite the sex change potion stuff being pretty much the only thing anyone actually talks about for this show, there are apparently no pictures of fem-Snapdragon. It feels like the sort of thing that would exist by now, even if just for shitposting reasons, you know?

      >for shitposting reasons
      but that's what the fans wanted right?

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