one thing that DC will always have over Marvel is that theyre a lot better at showing off obscure characters in adaptations, and they dont file ...

one thing that DC will always have over Marvel is that they’re a lot better at showing off obscure characters in adaptations, and they don’t file down the more out-there concepts.

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  1. 4 months ago

    Moon Girl is using a lot of obscure Marvel characters, partially out of necessity since Feige won't let them use any MCU stuff, but still.

    • 4 months ago

      Does that mean that the MCU isn't gonna use the Beyonder?

  2. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      i shouldn't be surprised that some anon has a collage of these exact characters

  3. 4 months ago
    Hitman Monaghan

    Still waiting for Tommy, although I always wanted Norm MacDonald to voice him.

    • 4 months ago

      As much as I love norm, I shudder to think what his accent would’ve sounded like

  4. 4 months ago

    Why is there always some annoying c**t trying to shill obscure characters that nobody gives a frick about? Those characters are obscure for a reason, tard. Shut the frick up.

    • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago

        No, this isn't bait. I'm being completely serious. Why do you idiots keep doing this? If these characters were at all worth a damn, they wouldn't be obscure. The cream rises to the top after all. Stop it.

        • 4 months ago
          • 4 months ago

            This board really has become such a godawful echo chamber. No capacity for discussion nor admission of fault. Pathetic.

            • 4 months ago

              >obscurity has no effect on whether something is good or not.
              If your literally who favs are so good, why aren't they popular then? moron.

              Also, Hitman is tryhard garbage that spun out of fricking Millennium of all things. You have no standards.

              • 4 months ago

                meant for

                >obscurity has no effect on whether something is good or not.
                If your literally who favs are so good, why aren't they popular then? moron.

                Also, Hitman is tryhard garbage that spun out of fricking Millennium of all things. You have no standards.

                This board really has become such a godawful echo chamber. No capacity for discussion nor admission of fault. Pathetic.

        • 4 months ago

          >popularity = quality
          anon, you should know this isn't true by now.
          obscurity has no effect on whether something is good or not.
          most people don't know Hitman by Garth Ennis, yet it's one of the greatest DC comics of all time.
          same with Sgt. Rock

          • 4 months ago

            >obscurity has no effect on whether something is good or not.
            If your literally who favs are so good, why aren't they popular then? moron.

            Also, Hitman is tryhard garbage that spun out of fricking Millennium of all things. You have no standards.

          • 4 months ago

            I have no idea why you're judging the quality of characters and concepts based on how many people know they exist.
            It makes NO sense. I don't understand your mindset.
            >the cream rises to the top
            this isn't always true.
            what rises to the top is, often. stuff that appeals to the lowest common denominator. now. something that appeals to the LCD *can* be good. but doesn't automatically guarantee quality.
            there are things that are popular that are good. there are things that are popular that suck. there are things that aren't popular and are good, there are also things that aren't popular that suck.

            >Fricking Avengers,
            have a nice day for being moronic.
            >Guardians of the Galaxy,
            Meme shit.
            >and Shang Chi says hi
            Flop, proving that nobody ever gave a shit.

            Shang-Chi's comics are pretty kino. it's a shame you're a plebian casual with bad opinions.

            >obscurity has no effect on whether something is good or not.
            If your literally who favs are so good, why aren't they popular then? moron.

            Also, Hitman is tryhard garbage that spun out of fricking Millennium of all things. You have no standards.

            okay. list off some comic books *you* genuinely enjoy, and think are quality works, then.
            you can't just shit on my tastes and not give any of your own.

  5. 4 months ago

    Fricking Avengers, Eternals, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Shang Chi says hi

    • 4 months ago

      >Fricking Avengers,
      have a nice day for being moronic.
      >Guardians of the Galaxy,
      Meme shit.
      >and Shang Chi says hi
      Flop, proving that nobody ever gave a shit.

  6. 4 months ago

    still waiting

    • 4 months ago

      i don't think he's gonna deliver

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