Other than eyeballing and live references how do you usually make sure your animation is,physically correc, especially on locomotion and how the body ...

Other than eyeballing and live references how do you usually make sure your animation is,physically correc, especially on locomotion and how the body are positioned relative to each other during runs or gaits? Like making sure leg A is at x position when leg B is at y, you know, correlation or something.... it feels almost sciency and numericals but i cant find it myself nor do i know if it is...

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  1. 2 years ago

    motion capture

    • 2 years ago

      Ah sorry im talking about traditional animations... handmade effecta

  2. 2 years ago

    OP is a b***h.

    • 2 years ago

      Whats the mathemthics

      • 2 years ago

        OP is a fricking b***h!!!!

        • 2 years ago

          Whats the mathemathic
          Also this is a spam

          • 2 years ago

            There are no mathematics to this, stupid. Unless you're intending to make entirely physics based movement in some 3D rendering software, you should be looking to footage and studying it for a grasp on how the human body moves.

            • 2 years ago

              Why do i take your word. Maybe yer just dumb. Physics programming is "written". Not exactly observed.

              You dont write just by seeing.

              • 2 years ago

                You learn the lengths of each limb and body part, the range of sizes on the muscles on them, and the range of motion of each joint. Use a visual reference, anatomy textbooks, use your own body as reference and feel out how far each joint moves, etc

              • 2 years ago

                Or maybe i just want thw mathemathics cuz i m double checking my own findings and its faster than asking "is this ok"500 times for every single cycle i make

              • 2 years ago

                You can also go to a doctor and get your own range of motion measured and use that as reference

              • 2 years ago

                No i dont need to do that especially since the subject is not me like im not animating me, feels like you arent taking this as serious as i am, you cant be this lost about such basic physics

                I mean it is fun and images' but getting my range dont just magically make a right movement isnt it

              • 2 years ago

                I can’t stress enough how references are natural and simple here. If you want a realistic pose with realistic weight on paper, you will ultimately be referring to reality in motion which is a little too complex to handle purely mathematically. Beyond that though keep in mind center of gravity, how a person will lean forward or back based on their motion. If you’re asking for something like ‘when you’re running your legs always make a supplementary angle even when you begin to trip’, I’m not sure it’s really like that. You can use a mathematical and volumetric approach but I think you still have to apply that with real models or peoples studies of reality to learn it. It takes a little study, I don’t think we have the full human posture catalogue mathematically boiled down for human use, except for by having a learned feel for it.

              • 2 years ago

                I know how the pose works so this is straightforward on how the limbs are motioned by the movement. Simple as that.

                I think most of your points are valid and i learned those too so it s time for the advanced definitions, which are exactly like how i described so unless dicussed that way i think we re on different pages and you are not exacty helping nor can you help in any applicable ways too.
                >not having
                Thats valid but i d like to wait a little bit more since someone elses might know better and since you also said that center of gravity affects the posture towards a direction it contradicts your own statement that the subject has no mathemathics boiled into but maybe you are just not that knowledgable in it so maybe refrain from confusing the subject with voodoo or similar poltergeist you cant seem to process with science for the lack of informations you need

              • 2 years ago

                I didn’t say there’s no mathematics I’m saying the numerical math required to model the entire human rig in your mind is probably too complicated for any one brain to store without being learned from real observation and references. I can’t give you a formula to plug an arm A and a leg B into that always shows where arm C goes, but I can tell you to imagine how you would move in order to make that action.
                I believe in vocabulary keywords: Center of gravity, mass, range of motion, balance, counterbalance. Knowing these words as you draw and see the world will definitely improve your awareness of these things and increase your ability to draw them

              • 2 years ago

                I didnt ask for rig just the motion and pretty sure animation and rigging are two independent subject, mathemathically so this topic is half the things you said.
                >imagine how it moves
                Even that has mathemathical value in cartesian coordinate but i just realize this Cinemaphile and i supposed to post in Cinemaphile.
                >counterbalance, range of motion
                Well theyre all to be described with numbers relative to each other but again i guess Cinemaphile does not always make the cartoons they have...

                I do genuinely think you’re a real person and not kidding, but I also think you’re incredibly lazy, have never delivered a piece of meaningful or even preliminary work, and try to make up for a lack of practice and doing your homework by asking advanced questions beyond your skill level and blaming the people who answer you for not talking you into being a better artist

                Yeah i share your sentiment especially since numbers and discussion seems to elude you and you just want to see results right away and ignore any real work or meticulous information and not even posting a single mspaint but i guess that's Cinemaphile s job and marvel cinematic universe isnt exaactly the same as marvel comic so pardon me for beinf incredibly lazy by putting so much time to doublecheck with the "pros" who dont even care anything but how it looks and not a thing about how it works except ctrl v i gueas

              • 2 years ago

                Link me to the thread on Cinemaphile when you post it, I’m curious as to what they say

              • 2 years ago

                Are you the nice guy or the one who says i m lazy because maybe i m too lazy to share the thread and the diligent should do the searching then.

              • 2 years ago

                I’m both guys, one and the same. I’m nice and trying to talk to your earnestly about what you’re asking about so you can be a better artist, but I also detect you really do have an attitude and understanding problem, and evaluating that might be the secret to your future success. You have to practice drawing though

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah it does sound the same since both are pretty "diligent" at evading the complicated subject and just wants me to shutup and prefers life drawing in a converrsation about motion and frame by frame dicussion. I guess grid drawing dont use numbers huh. Just squares for the convenience.

                Pretty sure it's cartoons but i guess cg goes to G and numbers go to SCI,so my fault for thinking co cares that much. It's too conplicated anyway.

                Please dont bump this anymore
                It s disappointing enough as i took tries and numbers to do picrel only to be given "lazy" and "not talking the overcomplicated with you" "but im still the diligent guy""who doesnt wanna talk the overconplicated"

                It s so funny its almost painful but i guess you are inCinemaphile making boku no pico with actual kids and not even israelitebook

              • 2 years ago

                Honestly the board and me can be pretty stupid and bull-headed but if you’re the same guy who shows up every month or so posting some scratchy doodle and always getting into fights like this, I want to know have you ever made progress on any of this stuff? Do you have a work you’re working on, a picture to show, something that indicates something you learned from any of these studies you go through? I’m prepared for me to be the butthole here it’s just Ive seen this song and dance enough times with probably exactly you posting it, and it looks like you always yell at everyone and get nowhere.

              • 2 years ago
                Covid drains me like my failurez/you thought it will motivate me huh

                My progress is as far as your vocabulary on "overcomplicated" math, basically. In which you are still at the life drawing part when i am pushing buttons on screen and trying to tell the machine to spit me equations, only to realize my Cinemaphile cohorts finds themselves to be diligently evasive on overcomplicated things.
                I dont see it that way but maybe you do find anything else to be overcomplicated, like math or anything that is not range of motion.
                >show that i learned
                I learn that computer needs numbers and you think it is too complicated. Also i learn that you think your life drawing is diligent enough for numerical question.
                That's the stage i am on because you just find everything else more meticulous and detailed to be troublesome, basically.
                And modularity and universality. You sure love your emmy statues huh...
                I am not the one who snapped and call you lazy, first. But i do think you like being right and than your opinion is oscar winners because it is simple like you prefer your life drawings be... right?

                But maybe it s my fault since co dont like numbers and anything complicated for you just screams "moron" at you... an acceptable schizophrenia and the only cure for you is to try harder,with numbers and not doctor links... or take meds. So far, one of them is overcomplicated, as you said.

                Just try harder maybe, and not be in your "life drawing" comfort zone.

              • 2 years ago

                It’s pretty tough when you don’t explain your medium, what you’re trying to do, what you’re trying to animate, and you just post a scribble that indicates you can’t draw a cube. But you’re right I’ve been ignorant and harsh, I assume the worst because you do do this on and off and you never show anything you’re talking about or working on. At the end of the day the 2D interpolation solution is just having the computer draw from reference for you

              • 2 years ago

                Well the interpolation has numbers too and it works in patterns and relative position

                Nvm i m done, have fun

              • 2 years ago

                But will you do it? Or was this a brainstorm for a project you won’t start, then a month from now when you’ve done nothing you’re going to come back with another scribble, asking us how to model volumetric flow while you can’t even draw or render a cube?
                What 3D program are you working in? You said you were plugging in numbers at the computer, where and what are you plugging in? What software are you using or plan to use

              • 2 years ago

                next month it's back to asking about the data and metrics in order to earn 500k with a comic or whatever that was.

              • 2 years ago

                >will i do it
                Here s your life unanimated anatomy with complete lack of instructional numbers sir.
                Pardon if it s a gengar but it has more sales than your emmy opinions on Cinemaphile.
                Picrel has more edge than your cube. Maybe check that first since you are too lazy to doodle anythinf yourself. And our conversation works just fine without images, seen from how you reply ofc.
                >what software
                >what 3d
                >do i win emmy like you
                You got balls asking things when your knowledge are all cubes and spheres and you cant even explain how it moves in centimetres like it just "whoosh" and "swoosh", your only vocabulary.

                I guess Cinemaphile also stands for "/co/mpletely measuring you based on your emmies and being a great instructor who doesnt talk or teach and just put points on your homework"

                I think this thread is abit out of your wlement like

                OP is a moron. Don't bother trying to help him, he'll just argue with you because he doesn't understand anything and then ragequit before coming back and doing the same thing a few days later. He's been doing this for two years with no visible improvement.


                . Maybe give it a rest like a normal person with life and not always having to be right all the time


              • 2 years ago

                I know things move, dumbass. I know a person is a biped balancing a center of gravity between two points and his joints have a range of motion and he leans forward and balances his tipped center of gravity by stepping forward then repeating with the other leg. You want me to tell you he always does it at .5m/s? Because he doesn’t, it’s different every time. I’m not trying to upstage you though, really, I’m drilling into the fact that you don’t even work on anything, are crazy arrogant about the no work you have done, and pathologically come here every month to attack us for your lack of progress. Probably so you can blame someone else after you feel guilty and realize you wasted another month by just not working.
                Wish I had some art of mine on hand, I’m not great or anything but I do okay, the real thing is I don’t lie to myself it’s other peoples fault when I don’t work and I don’t attack random boards for not giving me instant solutions to projects I never start

              • 2 years ago

                Also is that really what you think? That that Gengar is not only special or good, but it’s actually some type of ‘Emmy winning’ (your vocabulary is so redundant btw) picture just because you copied it from a company? Go ahead and sell those Gengars

              • 2 years ago

                Well the gengar is more special than your long ass conversation on anatomy and refuses to leave the thread despite your apparent disinterest and speciality

                Speciality mostly.

                Dont be too pissed sounding. It makes it clearer how you really like your brand of anatomy than some other plushy looking ugly biceps which also locomotes better than your "life drawing"
                Well i am lazy as you say and you need your life drawing to be praised so i just avoid using numbers for your convenience

              • 2 years ago

                I’m not disinterested, I’m actually very curious about your workflow and attitude, and now specifically how I’ve caught you pretending you’re going to find and rotoscope a horse when you don’t even have the 3D software you were lying about tweaking numbers in.
                I also don’t need praise for life drawing, you asked ‘how do you animate a horse right’ and I said ‘look at a horse’ which you eventually agreed to do when you lied to yourself you were going to find a horse and photograph it for the computer to reference anyways. None of this is about my life art

              • 2 years ago

                How have numbers eluded me when I literally provided a link to the CDC’s average numerical range of motion per joint, told you to consider weight and it’s counterbalance, and how it relates to center of gravity? Sure I may not be a mathematical physician or what have you, but what numbers do you think you’re asking for?
                Also I understand your belief that you need to be told how to draw before you can draw, but you do need to practice drawing. If you are stuck at a doodler’s stage only able to post these shaky shapes after months and months of this, the answer isn’t really that you don’t understand the math of things, the issue is that you lack technique and have a bad eye. You’re trying to skip drawing from reference because you don’t know how to draw from life, don’t you?

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah well you avoided the part of the actual motion. Also calls me lazy and just wants me to post stuff but feels the whole math is too complicated. Notice the jarring contradiction? Now it becomes clear the stuff exist but you just dont want the confusion.
                >how to draw
                Sorry but it s animation and you only gave me range of motion so it s clear we re not talking about drawing nor did you think it is. Please just dont make this any sadder i am genuinely waiting for important detailed answer not long winding pedantics that contradicts your own self for no additional useful information since you think its too conplicated, but then calls me lazy.

                And you only know range of motion and didnt do a single mspaint on this. Pretty sure picrel is more "life" than your lengthy evasive manuever from "conplicated" things and just tries to agitate me as that is simpler math than whatever "life" or "numbers". Range of motion from doctors isnt numbers for animation like hammering your leg for reflex, maybe try to uh, not collect agitating choice of words from urban dictionary. It s pretty easy.

              • 2 years ago

                I’m in my phone so I’m not able to make any mock-ups for you, but what motion are you trying to animate? Honestly just read the Animators Survival Kit, he explains animation very well.

              • 2 years ago

                Richard williams r okay but i guess i need more general idea or just a supplementary. Books cant replace live human talents...

                As in i have the books but im just curious how does the number works since cg modular animations uses them. Also it s not about rigs

                Nvm i think i got epiphany but this still dont work for horses or swimming fishes...

              • 2 years ago

                Was your epiphany a math related equation or did you get a feel for it by thinking about a reference

              • 2 years ago
                Covid drains me like my failurez/you thought it will motivate me huh

                It's rotoscoping the stuff into 3d grid so abit of mix but still dont explain if it is gonna be correct numerically so it s flaky but i dont wanna push the diligent guy here because he just cant be bothered with overcomplicated numbers so the epiphany is just me taking off and realization that marvel Cinemaphilemic just dont make marvel cinematic universe nor did it animate the series so numbers and technolo/g/y tens to frustate it

              • 2 years ago

                You mean like a 3D scan of a moving object? Or more like video of the moving object from different angles? And was this for 2D or 3D?

  3. 2 years ago

    You study anatomy and anatomical drawings. I’ve seen you before by the way

    • 2 years ago

      A still drawing of horse skeleton dont make motions my friend
      Otherwise i just need to draw muscles and they ll move on their own? Doctors might as well be animators by now or you dont need to even invent CG
      Pls think first before your comment i was being very specific on my topic
      >seen me before
      Perhaps. Im generic

      • 2 years ago

        You use 3D software or you animate it frame by frame. Download blender for free and take tutorials on rigging and posing, even if you’re not trying to make a 3D animation, you will be able to build, get a feel for, and specifically set ranges of motion and such.

        • 2 years ago

          Again i know the "feel" of the range. I have action figures for that and i also memorize sizes like proportions so i know enough when the "range" is too much. But then wven 3d goes beyond the "range" like snappinf and culling like in goat simulator so this is really really just about the cycling and how an ACTUAL gait walk runs whatever should be than "ranging" it out. But i understand your concern and i just think that is abit too general than what i need.

          • 2 years ago

            In terms of clipping and such you should just study the different ways skin and muscles fold. I know it sounds too simple but really look up a reference as needed

            • 2 years ago

              Again this is about motion why are you going off like it s funny maybe take this abit on the subject or just say you dont know and leave it than being off topic and sidetracked

              Or maybe show me how this range just turns into motion suddenly without any correlation id like to see

              • 2 years ago

                Motion occurs within a range of motion, I thought that’s what you meant by what mathematical information you could find about motion.
                Are you talking about motion lines and how to communicate motion in 2D? Manga has a lot of good ideas for this, JJBA, Berserk and OPM are all accessible manga full of good motion oriented art. Use their ideas

              • 2 years ago

                And another

              • 2 years ago

                Yes it s probably artistic and visual in nature but i was pretty specific that it s about locomotion in subjects and not just motion lines. An "animation"' for the very least. Not just communications.

                I hope everyone falls for this guy only once. If you manage it two days in a row you need help.

                Maybe you need help given your lack of any substantial conversation and still joining a topic you have no interest of.

                Also I do have to ask, is that picture in the OP yours? I’d that the type of thing you show people to show that you’re drawing? Is advice about movement really helpful at this stage?

                It's Cinemaphile's culture to be off notes. Beside some anon here seems to read it fine albeit the lack of the specific information.

                I’ve fallen for him a couple times out of wishful thinking I just want some confirmation he’s an actual troll and not genuinely some drugged up burned out scribbler

                I guess this is off topic from the way you put it too.

              • 2 years ago

                I do genuinely think you’re a real person and not kidding, but I also think you’re incredibly lazy, have never delivered a piece of meaningful or even preliminary work, and try to make up for a lack of practice and doing your homework by asking advanced questions beyond your skill level and blaming the people who answer you for not talking you into being a better artist

              • 2 years ago

                I have to teach art to a class of kids soon and I hope to christ I don't get someone like that.

              • 2 years ago

                Pretty sure you wont.

              • 2 years ago

                Given the difference in curriculum you prefer.

  4. 2 years ago

    >it feels almost sciency and numericals but i cant find it myself nor do i know if it is..
    you mean perspective?

    • 2 years ago

      No. The motion. Aside from perspective and 3d space.

      You learn the lengths of each limb and body part, the range of sizes on the muscles on them, and the range of motion of each joint. Use a visual reference, anatomy textbooks, use your own body as reference and feel out how far each joint moves, etc

      Yea it s easy to "feel out" how far the motion are like in action figures...your body... so on. But im talking about motion, and that is not always as simple as "seeing it out". Unless yer talented ofc. I notice the patterns too but honestly i think it can be explained more correct in math but maybe Cinemaphile is just drunk 24 hour like the desertpeople and their american connections.

  5. 2 years ago

    I hope everyone falls for this guy only once. If you manage it two days in a row you need help.

    • 2 years ago

      I’ve fallen for him a couple times out of wishful thinking I just want some confirmation he’s an actual troll and not genuinely some drugged up burned out scribbler

    • 2 years ago

      Oh well, atleast he's not the /ic/ schizo. He would've shown his powerlevel by now.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm pretty sure it is him. Either that or there's two of these c**ts.

        Hey OP, have you made your six figures yet?

        • 2 years ago

          Well dont you know it all

        • 2 years ago

          >Hey OP, have you made your six figures yet?
          yeah that's him

  6. 2 years ago

    Also I do have to ask, is that picture in the OP yours? I’d that the type of thing you show people to show that you’re drawing? Is advice about movement really helpful at this stage?

  7. 2 years ago
    Covid drains me like my failurez/you thought it will motivate me huh

    Nvm im done here

  8. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago
      Covid drains me like my failurez/you thought it will motivate me huh

      Fancy shit. Can you do it on horses or legged things now? I imagine legs are rotation of a kind but not v sure to proof except with math.

      You mean like a 3D scan of a moving object? Or more like video of the moving object from different angles? And was this for 2D or 3D?

      It ll be like interpolating 2d image to 3d. Abit complex,and risky. Which is why numbers may just help. The epiphany is more about not staying in Cinemaphile and expect anything more in whatever board of genre it chooses to "excel". Basically the thread 's dead

      • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          Did you mock that up just now? Impressive.

  9. 2 years ago
    Covid drains me like my failurez/you thought it will motivate me huh

    Whatever i ll just sleep than read insulted angry Cinemaphilener whose life drawing got emmy so it just file all conversations to its favour and calls everyone else a lazy fool because his "life drawing" answers all numbers and you are an idiot for talking otherwise

    Zzz goodnight, self centered anon(s)

  10. 2 years ago

    Wait a minute I’m looking back and you specifically said this is about traditional animation and not 3D, you said handmade affecta. And your solution is to film the subject in 2D, run it through the computer and make it 3D, then make it 2D and handmade again somehow? How is that not just rotoscoping, which you said was not the answer.

    • 2 years ago

      Roto is not mocap.

      homie you trying to learn the elements of euclid not art at this point


      OP is a moron. Don't bother trying to help him, he'll just argue with you because he doesn't understand anything and then ragequit before coming back and doing the same thing a few days later. He's been doing this for two years with no visible improvement.


      And you also havent improved your capacity of getting a life. Heh
      Maybe you are the one dragging everyone else.

      • 2 years ago

        >I haven’t gone anywhere in years so neither did anyone else!
        Nta but I bought a house this February

        • 2 years ago

          With your inheritance i assume. They must be proud.

          >oh the things i do to even talk to jason pollocks than some nobodies who only say numbers and not praise my house


  11. 2 years ago

    homie you trying to learn the elements of euclid not art at this point

  12. 2 years ago

    OP is a moron. Don't bother trying to help him, he'll just argue with you because he doesn't understand anything and then ragequit before coming back and doing the same thing a few days later. He's been doing this for two years with no visible improvement.


  13. 2 years ago

    Bye. Tired reading emmy winninf life drawers and their self serving desire since numbers are moronic

  14. 2 years ago

    You said it was traditional and handmade (your words), so people respond as if you’re asking for math to help hand drawings, then suddenly you’re talking about rotoscoping a horse to put in 3D? And that doesn’t give you math either, that’s just having the computer draw from its eye because you can’t.
    Did you even have this project started when you came here? You talk like you’re animating something and having trouble, then you switch mediums entirely halfway through the conversation, like you haven’t even started. We’re you really just asking for the most general tips for the swing of an arm youre not even working on? This is why people doubt you, because you never post any work at all, and won’t talk about what you’re trying to do. Prove to me you’ve gone anywhere with this, over the years you’ve posted here, because in all your threads all you’ve ever done is get mad at people and tell them they don’t understand, while sharing nothing and giving no indication you even have a project. Post some work!!!

    • 2 years ago

      2 dimension has numbers and dimension so yer just playing fools or just completelt out of your element.
      >do i have projects
      Now yer just making a fool out of me.
      >never post
      I never said i m gonna share. This is a discussion, so we talk. And you cant even keep up on my level, maybe it s uselss to share anything since you only care about your emmy winning life drawing and everythinf else is gsrbage, ncluding talking.

      >prove to me
      You cant even define relativw numbers on limb positions. So i am as stuck as you are: glorifying past emmy awards of your lucky life drawing you cant even put into words. Except i dont have emmies so you ll just say anything i do is garbage while you shove your emmy statues into your arse in your unemployment because no one hires teachers who cant even explain to its students in numbers or physics, even if they win emmies.
      >oh wait they do
      Well, i guess we re just not on the same language or even topic.


      • 2 years ago

        I understand numbers and the relative, the problem is you don’t even have a medium decided and literally told everyone you were doing hand made traditional animation. Im no expert but I have worked in 3D and have programmed art from the coding level, yeah obviously pixels on a screen have coordinates. Though you’re still just having the computer trace the image because you can’t figure it out, which I suppose is fine. The bigger issue is I fricking caught you, you don’t have ANY projects and could not even name which program you would interpolate this animation with, without completely guessing. All of your bravado about this being math and you being the computer man is totally bunk, you’re not at your computer tweaking a horse animation, you’re on a message board daydreaming about maybe you might (you won’t) and you’re changing your story so you can better disagree with anyone trying to give you advice!

        • 2 years ago

          And I’ll do you one more! You’re not asking how to avoid life drawing or using references because you have a larger other skill set and are working on something you need a unique solution for, you’re avoiding life drawing because you tried it and failed! You’re not picking an alternate method because it’s smarter, you’re demanding someone teach you how to use a computer from scratch because you have up that your life drawing didn’t look right the very first time you tried it!


          You used cap so you yelled at me before i yell at you. Maybe get those facts first.
          Also your life drawing means nothing because the realism follows a certain physical pattern above your emmy winning ways of sketching.
          >throwinf project names
          Like i m some big hotshot huh.Student learns without some miramax winning titles... but i guess you just feel so full of yourself.
          I am not the one who finds number being overconplicated and then joins an academic discussion for any sort of praises your life "drawing".

          I suspcetd OP was ban-evading when the numbers of posters kept rising suspicously, but now I am convinced he's juggling IP in order to keep going.

          I suspect ye have adhd that is need for my attention.

          Cool but not the whole limb. Also that leg swing looks terrible. Why s that.

          I know things move, dumbass. I know a person is a biped balancing a center of gravity between two points and his joints have a range of motion and he leans forward and balances his tipped center of gravity by stepping forward then repeating with the other leg. You want me to tell you he always does it at .5m/s? Because he doesn’t, it’s different every time. I’m not trying to upstage you though, really, I’m drilling into the fact that you don’t even work on anything, are crazy arrogant about the no work you have done, and pathologically come here every month to attack us for your lack of progress. Probably so you can blame someone else after you feel guilty and realize you wasted another month by just not working.
          Wish I had some art of mine on hand, I’m not great or anything but I do okay, the real thing is I don’t lie to myself it’s other peoples fault when I don’t work and I don’t attack random boards for not giving me instant solutions to projects I never start

          >5 ms
          U should. But it s too conplicated i guess. Easier to praise your life drawing.
          >not work on anything
          Oh yer the same guy. Neat.
          >another month without work
          You are quite the work. You dont find my circle beinf circle enough ever. I guess i just dont have talent by your emmy standard. So we re here, talking, because nothing works for you and your emmy awards. But then it happens you also cant talk because it is "overconplicated". Theres nothing to share then.
          Just give up.
          Get other conversations.
          Everything fails for you anyway, including simple numbers that are "too complicated" for your oh so hardworking ass.
          >crazy no work
          Hey im not the one who use CAPS and then calls other as yelling. Also blames other that your thread gets washed up because it is not interesting like your oscar winning opinion no body likes to hear being egomaniac like that
          Maybe go home and cry. I can see you pissing of yourself in anger alr.

  15. 2 years ago

    And I’ll do you one more! You’re not asking how to avoid life drawing or using references because you have a larger other skill set and are working on something you need a unique solution for, you’re avoiding life drawing because you tried it and failed! You’re not picking an alternate method because it’s smarter, you’re demanding someone teach you how to use a computer from scratch because you have up that your life drawing didn’t look right the very first time you tried it!


  16. 2 years ago

    I suspcetd OP was ban-evading when the numbers of posters kept rising suspicously, but now I am convinced he's juggling IP in order to keep going.

  17. 2 years ago

    And because you bugged me about it, here’s an old picture of mine I found. It’s not much and I have posted it here before, but I will continue to tell you, you have to work on things, you can’t just ask a message board once a month to make you an artist with their words. You have to develop technique and familiarity or even just pick a program you’re doing your 3D art in instead of lying that you’re tweaking numbers somewhere when you aren’t

    • 2 years ago

      literally mfw every time I see OP in the catalog

    • 2 years ago

      >ask monthly to be smart
      >you cant
      Yeah i cant do it with you. Also you ask for anatomy but you dont even do biceps? You are very sadly self centered. Even talking about locomotionwhen you cant even do legs.
      "Life drawing" sure. Maybe try to match up your words first before doing "overcomplicated numbers".

      literally mfw every time I see OP in the catalog

      Yeah you sure love yourself alot dont you

      • 2 years ago

        You used cap so you yelled at me before i yell at you. Maybe get those facts first.
        Also your life drawing means nothing because the realism follows a certain physical pattern above your emmy winning ways of sketching.
        >throwinf project names
        Like i m some big hotshot huh.Student learns without some miramax winning titles... but i guess you just feel so full of yourself.
        I am not the one who finds number being overconplicated and then joins an academic discussion for any sort of praises your life "drawing".
        I suspect ye have adhd that is need for my attention.
        Cool but not the whole limb. Also that leg swing looks terrible. Why s that.

        >5 ms
        U should. But it s too conplicated i guess. Easier to praise your life drawing.
        >not work on anything
        Oh yer the same guy. Neat.
        >another month without work
        You are quite the work. You dont find my circle beinf circle enough ever. I guess i just dont have talent by your emmy standard. So we re here, talking, because nothing works for you and your emmy awards. But then it happens you also cant talk because it is "overconplicated". Theres nothing to share then.
        Just give up.
        Get other conversations.
        Everything fails for you anyway, including simple numbers that are "too complicated" for your oh so hardworking ass.
        >crazy no work
        Hey im not the one who use CAPS and then calls other as yelling. Also blames other that your thread gets washed up because it is not interesting like your oscar winning opinion no body likes to hear being egomaniac like that
        Maybe go home and cry. I can see you pissing of yourself in anger alr.

        You think I’m doing this to one-up you? I’m not, really, I just see you come here and constantly fight with everyone, and I’m right that you don’t have a project going and probably never start any, you don’t have a 3D program you’re working in, and you seem to think you’re a celebrity when you can’t even show drawing that isn’t a terrible scribble. I told you my art isn’t much, that’s fine, but I know the reason it’s not better is because I haven’t worked on it more. It’s not because Cinemaphile didn’t explain to me the math of how to do an ear before I even started, and I decided to argue the whole time then didn’t even start the project. You have to work on your shit, because so far you don’t have any shit to work on. You don’t even have a project. You don’t even have a 3D horse or a drawing of a horse. Learn the basics first.

        Are you actually a student somewhere? Did you even make that thread on Cinemaphile? How much more research do you do on this stuff besides visiting and asking here? Honestly if you’re going somewhere with all this, that’s great and I give you my fullest blessing, but I think the main thing that’s going in here, is you ask questions without any actual piece or subject in mind. You ask about the intricacies of part 47b of realistically animating… something, and then you reveal you haven’t decided a medium, haven’t started, and probably don’t even know how to draw a still horse or make one in 3D. So you leave everyone confused, because you keep changing your question about a project that doesn’t even exist

        • 2 years ago

          I think i got the gist of what you are. You are basically a child who just goes on Cinemaphile for a thrill and pornography, and basically since richard william's book has alot of words to get his point across, i think you also need alot more words to explain how things work than just asking me for a bicep life drawing you dont even do yourself.

          You are bsically 1/100 of the words i need to read to understand the animator survival kit.

          I think you are not right in the head i would like you to cease posting at once, so to proof you are not one upping me because it just seems like you just cant help it but drag everyone to praise the bicep drawing you dont even do. I think it s toxic and i really, really am serious that i need some actual useful programmatix model to learn, because thats how things work since they invented math for physics and unless we can be of some sort of level, technical conversation,

          I think you are just here to one up me because no one else is as interesting of a victim to you. Goodbye. I hope you find peace, elsewhere.

          • 2 years ago

            Do you work in 3D art though? Do you have a program you’re working in? Can you say you’ve made meaningful progress in these two years? If you have, then I’m prepared to be all wrong. If I knew you had gotten places with some projects, or were in art school, or were going to download blender and figure this out based on this thread, then I would feel like an idiot and a fool. But will you? Will you even say you’re going to? You’re kind of driving me crazy by talking around all this. Are you actually working, or will work, on a 3D animation project? If you would say so, it’d make a world of difference, but so far you’ve dodged that question. Please prove me wrong. Just say you’re going to animate this thing. Without that you’re just daydreaming. That’s all

    • 2 years ago

      I just dont understand why cant you just post opinion that is not yours. Do you love your correctness so much???? Like you life drawing knowledge is so special i can just piss you off by not considering it because idk, that it is not the flair i am looking for???

      Man arent you petty.

      • 2 years ago

        I’m just posting my understanding of this stuff, of what it takes to even begin a project. What’s the problem, can’t handle it?

        • 2 years ago

          Seems like i pushed your button already.

          I’m not saying I’m better than him, I’m trying to show the guy he’s spinning his wheels without working on the basics, and I’ve seen him do it for two years.

          No i think you said what you said. That you are better than mathemthical conversations. That your life drawing corrections are better. It s pretty clear.
          Otherwise you ll follow my choice of discussion. But you think yer better so.

          Well yeah either you do it for income or because it’s personally satisfying to you.
          I guess whatever these threads are must satisfy you, if not the idea you’re going to become an ‘Emmy winner’ in the future, which seems to be a huge sticking point for you. I’m really not sure what you’re trying to say with your post there. I just think you need to work on producing even one deliverable before you can consider yourself on your way.

          No i mean you as emmy winning. Sinxe it seems complicated numbers are below you and you just wanna scratch on my papers. Like you are above numbers and words.

          I’m not disinterested, I’m actually very curious about your workflow and attitude, and now specifically how I’ve caught you pretending you’re going to find and rotoscope a horse when you don’t even have the 3D software you were lying about tweaking numbers in.
          I also don’t need praise for life drawing, you asked ‘how do you animate a horse right’ and I said ‘look at a horse’ which you eventually agreed to do when you lied to yourself you were going to find a horse and photograph it for the computer to reference anyways. None of this is about my life art

          I dont get what you mean. Horses are not always have to be 3d. Nor does roto has to be 3d. Nor does mocap. But they all has numbers and you keep, constantly looking down on this things.
          You sure twists words to your own liking huh. Must be feeling so smart.
          >so tired dealing with people who seems to be above human languages
          >gotta sleep
          >please close thread if yer not one upping me, clearly you prefer your life drawing conversations

          • 2 years ago

            It’s important to know what medium you’re working in so we can teach you the relevant animating techniques. You started by saying you were doing handmade traditional animation, for which anatomy study and life drawing is really a key, then you switch to talking about having a computer do it from video references for you. You can do whatever you want, but this is all a daydream and purely conceptual unless you’re actually working on the project.
            But you’re not going to animate a horse, or anything, are you?

            • 2 years ago

              You are all so good at frustating me. Not sure what 3d or what 2d... every characters are in 3d space. 2d or 3d is just the mediums but nevermind.

              I am just daydreaming and all these conversations i want about correct physicality and structure is also a daydream. Hell you are all not real and part of my very elaborate and technically demandinf daydreaming too.

              This conversation never happened too because i am just daydreaming so hard it posts on Cinemaphile on its own.

              Good night. Please keep posting about how noble you are and how everything is below your daydream of bicep drawing you asks from anyone but dont do yourself. Also please dont throw acid randomly.

              • 2 years ago

                No the daydream is that you’re working on your art, but you’re not. You made up some idea that you were going to go find a horse and film it from several directions then use 3D software to analyze it mathematically so you can… use it as a life reference. But you’re not going to. That’s the daydream

              • 2 years ago

                Didnt say i am doing all those. Are you drunk? Maybe yer daydreaming that somehow the conversations goes your way when we re not even on the same level since you won an emmy and i m just lowly asians who tries to work on the numbers to be more meticulous while you just draw naked people and call it done i suppose.

                Are you talking about kinematics? Describing the motion of objects and systems through math? Cause that may help you get a better understanding of how motion works, especially if you're using modeling rigs on a computer, but there's no general equation to describe how a specific person moves based only on their rig or body shape. You still have to have a good understanding of what movement looks like in the real world in order to model it with math.

                >no general equation
                Yeah this is a better NO than all those above. Though the motion still looks like it s in pattern and so does realism has range and limits and has relative weight to each other... i guess i can take this very nice No. Thanj you and bye

              • 2 years ago

                >Though the motion still looks like it s in pattern and so does realism has range and limits and has relative weight to each other.
                There are patterns of course and there are general mathematical descriptions for how human bodies move. For instance a solution describing how two jointed objects move when anchored to the same point can be used to create a walk cycle. The thing is though that that's a generic solution, so your walk cycle will end up looking, well, generic.

                The human body is a complicated machine, there's a lot more variables going into its motion than is immediately obvious. Each person moves slightly differently within the same space. Being able to observe and determine the differences and tweak the pattern to your needs is what comes with experience, it's not necessarily a task that can learned through math, the math is just a tool.

              • 2 years ago

                This is what I said at the beginning and he hated it

    • 2 years ago

      This shit looks pretty cool. You got a handle, or atleast more pics?

      • 2 years ago

        Nah but I need to redouble my efforts and make a page people can visit somewhere. I’ve been fricking around too long in the office environment, it’s time to do a comic about someone blowing up a government building

  18. 2 years ago

    N G M I

    • 2 years ago

      Yes arent you proud of that? It s practically your goal from day 1, to make yourself right. Since thats how costly life is.

      • 2 years ago

        Well yeah either you do it for income or because it’s personally satisfying to you.
        I guess whatever these threads are must satisfy you, if not the idea you’re going to become an ‘Emmy winner’ in the future, which seems to be a huge sticking point for you. I’m really not sure what you’re trying to say with your post there. I just think you need to work on producing even one deliverable before you can consider yourself on your way.

  19. 2 years ago

    Im tired of this thread it s just full of people servinf themselves and looking down on anyone as schizo handicaps just to make good feel on themselves.

    Man pls close this thread

    • 2 years ago

      I’m not saying I’m better than him, I’m trying to show the guy he’s spinning his wheels without working on the basics, and I’ve seen him do it for two years.

    • 2 years ago

      If you're really that tired of it then stop fricking posting these moronic threads. It's the same shit every time, you're never going to improve, just shut the frick up already.

      • 2 years ago

        This thread is mine and you are in my place. Also you cant draw biceps you ask from everyone. It looks like you arent improving either.

        Do you work in 3D art though? Do you have a program you’re working in? Can you say you’ve made meaningful progress in these two years? If you have, then I’m prepared to be all wrong. If I knew you had gotten places with some projects, or were in art school, or were going to download blender and figure this out based on this thread, then I would feel like an idiot and a fool. But will you? Will you even say you’re going to? You’re kind of driving me crazy by talking around all this. Are you actually working, or will work, on a 3D animation project? If you would say so, it’d make a world of difference, but so far you’ve dodged that question. Please prove me wrong. Just say you’re going to animate this thing. Without that you’re just daydreaming. That’s all

        Yea i made more progress whenever the thread is not above technical words ans is not one upping me for topics they dont like.
        >drive you crazy
        >difference in the world
        >just say
        I think you are kinda nuts and making this extra insane. Heres one: if i am just daydreaming, why am i asking you for infos? Might as well not post on Cinemaphile and just sit it out. I dont even need to bother with numerics since i can just daydream it to conpletion.

        Get it? Are you gonna one up me again?

        Please dont post anymore

        You and the other lengthy butthurt commentary just feels so full of yourseld it seems theres no way to not cause you hurt because you just reallly reallly need me to yes you all the way.

        • 2 years ago

          > if i am just daydreaming, why am i asking you for infos?
          For the satisfaction of feeling like a smart artist who people talk to like he’s working on something, when you’re not working and you’re just telling people they’re wrong about things you don’t know how to do, duh

          • 2 years ago

            I can just daydream about that then, can i? Arent you just being massively paranoid. Maybe if you dont look up on your bicep drawing so much you wouldnt feel this way.

            And look okay I respect asking about what you don’t know, but we don’t see you use any of this information. What’s a piece you’ve made that was helped by one of these threads? Since we’re responsible for your entire artistic well being I guess. Since you actually do rely on us to teach you but argue when people say things you don’t expect? I’m sorry if we’re not the teachers you hoped we would be, but are you really going to just show up once a month making no progress then get mad we don’t make the progress for you? Did you make that thread on Cinemaphile btw I don’t see it, I thought you said they’d know?

            Sigh. It s not about if it helps me. It's about it being the most basic and general of things. The fundies of fundies. The thinf they tell you to learn, supposedly. Like anatomies.
            Your bicep face drawing is not working either without it. So what do.
            I am not the one who feels like getting yelled even without caps. But i guess yer Cinemaphile and not stackovie. I rely on you to speak in numbers so you need to be on that page.
            >no progress
            I m not the one saying NGMI and then feels yelled am i

            Im too tired thanks to you. Posting takes time and ye all wasted mine already with your bicep faces you so look up upon. I am just doing the numbers from basics and yer all already up there so mayb this is not your thread but whatever

            I ll sleep and wake up seeing alot more agitated thread that just cant leave despite being so high up there.

            • 2 years ago

              It’s been more than just me in this thread btw, there’s at least one another anon saying things like NGMI

              • 2 years ago

                Its always more than you, but idk.


                Pls close thread jannies

              • 2 years ago

                I t’s a pattern man. Do you get better responses elsewhere or do you post only here? I was pretty unimpressed when you claimed you were ‘too tired’ to ask the question at the place an epiphany told you you’d get the answer, especially when you failed to leave the thread after saying you were a dozen times. Again dude just post any progress or anything you have and I will recant all of this and say I’m a sniveling hater. If you can’t, then I do have one real serious kernel of advice, if you’re calling yourself an artist, you need to make art. You need to produce a product, not just wonder about the math and then never render anything. This conversation has been a mess, but I think you have it in you to understand that, and know it’s not a trick I made up just to frick with you. Your goal needs to be to produce an image or animation, are you getting there?

              • 2 years ago

                You got one part wrong. I havent called myself an artist. Thats why we re doing numbers but i guess i should ve taken that to sci.

                Goodbye. Pls dont bump anymore

            • 2 years ago

              You haven’t achieved the most basic of basic things. That’s the thing, you’re asking about something advanced that you don’t even have the capability to get to. You ask ‘surely there is a way to do this with only purely math’, I say there’s more to it than math, then you act stupid like I’m saying physics don’t exist. Do you have what it takes to render a horse in any way shape or form? Or aren’t you talking about tweaking an animation at step 40 without knowing steps 1-39?

              • 2 years ago

                You again. Your ways of sketching dont decide your motion but i guess yer just always up there and prefers conversation to always go your ways.

                maybe yer the step 40 and i am the 39 and less, who knows? There are animators and ther3 are artist and they dont have to be over one another. The point is i cant use your infos and i didnt ask about how to draw and you just had to keep selling your stuff isnt it?
                Well pardon me i am just tweaking physics when you are doinf fancy sketchings that just works on everything, while i am just the daydreaming idiot who s just matchinf numbers to make sure the stuff looks correct. But you just have to also be right on that too huh

                Lol mayb relax and get a life or somth

              • 2 years ago

                Are you tweaking physics though? I asked you dozens of times what program you’re working in, do you have a program you’re working in? Why when people do ask about the math and the actual animation you’re making, you’ve got nothing? Please please tell me what are you doing? If you’re learning to animate other people’s models, fine, do you have one though? Do you have animation software? Where is the tweaking happening? This should be easy to answer!
                By the way 3D animators who don’t create models at all still need to reference life.

        • 2 years ago

          And look okay I respect asking about what you don’t know, but we don’t see you use any of this information. What’s a piece you’ve made that was helped by one of these threads? Since we’re responsible for your entire artistic well being I guess. Since you actually do rely on us to teach you but argue when people say things you don’t expect? I’m sorry if we’re not the teachers you hoped we would be, but are you really going to just show up once a month making no progress then get mad we don’t make the progress for you? Did you make that thread on Cinemaphile btw I don’t see it, I thought you said they’d know?

  20. 2 years ago

    I just came here because I thought it was an advice thread, what the hell did I walk into?

    • 2 years ago

      Adv is not here so yer just playing me or just completely lost by your oh so amazing sense of direction

  21. 2 years ago

    Are you talking about kinematics? Describing the motion of objects and systems through math? Cause that may help you get a better understanding of how motion works, especially if you're using modeling rigs on a computer, but there's no general equation to describe how a specific person moves based only on their rig or body shape. You still have to have a good understanding of what movement looks like in the real world in order to model it with math.

  22. 2 years ago

    I d like to be positive but some things are just vile or stuck so i guess it matters not

  23. 2 years ago

    I can't believe nobody told OP of the shortcuts yet. Is it really that obscure, or are you people just fricking with him?

    • 2 years ago

      Shortcut to understanding physics, motion and anatomy? I really don’t think I was wrong by saying you have to study physics and life to get those things. This isn’t even a stretch, you have to get an idea for the whole thing, there’s no formula

      • 2 years ago

        And what kind of schmuck told you that? *Work with me here*, I'm trying to tell OP the easiest path to drawing motion without all that study crap. I just need a few key details from him, and its been difficult already trying to sift through this thread to give him the right shortcut.

        • 2 years ago

          He never said, because he doesn’t have a subject in mind. He wants a formula for it all

          • 2 years ago

            Alright. I'll just wait for him then.

  24. 2 years ago

    So let’s boil it down to a few core questions left unanswered
    >are you actually working in a 3D program and debugging/developing physics, or are you just thinking about it and don’t know how to use 3D software?
    >is this what you were working on for two years? Or do you change projects and never finish let alone start any of them
    >are you actually a student? If you’re self-studying, what resources do you use?
    >are you really a math guy? Have you done any math or physics in art, or are you claiming you’re good at it because of your race, while asking people for help because you don’t know the math, and then attacking them?
    These questions remain conspicuously unanswered and are critical to the whole thread

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