Thor: L&T reviews bury the lede

46 posts · Film & TV · 2 years ago

What was his secret?

146 posts · Cartoons & Comics · 2 years ago


52 posts · Film & TV · 2 years ago

Which one was right?

198 posts · Film & TV · 2 years ago

Which season was the best?

51 posts · Film & TV · 2 years ago


29 posts · Cartoons & Comics · 2 years ago

The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

42 posts · Film & TV · 2 years ago

Kill Bill 3

88 posts · Film & TV · 2 years ago


307 posts · Film & TV · 2 years ago

Lotr bros..

34 posts · Film & TV · 2 years ago

What was in the box?

28 posts · Film & TV · 2 years ago

H-how did she know?

43 posts · Film & TV · 2 years ago

Gunnerkrigg Court

117 posts · Cartoons & Comics · 2 years ago