Paulo and Abbey are sort of friends edition

Paulo and Abbey are sort of friends edition

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    name field edition

    • 7 months ago
      Bittersweet Candy Bowl — BCB

      TIL you can make threads without a subject. In my defense, I am moronic.

      • 7 months ago

        You dummy. I thought this thread had gotten janny'd for a bit there.
        Anyway, let's see what today's update...

        Paulo and Abbey are sort of friends edition

        >mfw Abbey forgets he was right
        >mfw Paulo is on screen

  2. 7 months ago

    The most forced friendship in the entire comic.

    • 7 months ago

      That's not Lucy and anyone she yelled at moments ago

  3. 7 months ago

    >I thought we were sorta friends?
    >Immediately shows off why no one should be friends with him
    Christ, what an butthole.

  4. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      For what purpose?

    • 7 months ago

      >Molly tells Paulo off for insulting her brother
      Come on, let something fricking happen

      • 7 months ago

        I'm gunning for Abbey realizing that, while he no longer hates Paulo, he still has no reason or desire to hang out together and walks off.

    • 7 months ago

      Didn't he just run out of mikes house into the snow because he was in a death spiral after seeing his mom had moved on and had started a new happy family without him? I was hoping him bouncing from on the edge to making dick jokes was a sign he was about to completely break and assault somebody in a fit of point-no-return rage but I guess that kind of drama doesn't have enough gay blushing for veronica

      • 7 months ago

        I think she's just too ADHD to keep a consistent tone throughout a chapter.

      • 7 months ago

        >Paulo getting into fight
        b***h only strikes from ambush, and never against someone who will fight back.

  5. 7 months ago

    Where the frick did Mike and David go lmao

    • 7 months ago

      >H-hehe, now that you don't hate me anymore social norms dictate you must find my teasing to be charming instead of offensive
      >pls don't shove my face against a table tho

      They saw the chance and tan away, JUST LIKE HIS MOM

      • 7 months ago

        Paulo is not teasing here, he's just being a stupid immature dork who is trying too hard to be liked by someone he himself does not like.

    • 7 months ago

      Ditched him. It'd be so embarrassing for Mike to follow Paulo around as he struck out with people who avoid him instead of talking to his supposed best friend, and David didn't give a shit.

      • 7 months ago

        Mike is not Paulo's supposed best friend because Paulo never recognizes the truth. It should actually be David but he has been reduced to just a moronic troublemaker.

        • 7 months ago

          Hey, I don't think they're best friends either but Paulo's claimed they are.

          • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Banished to some pocket dimension out of narrative convenience. A better author would use this moment for some rare one on one time and character exploration.

      Alas, David is but a tired meme and Mike is a sadsack who exists to be bullied..

    • 7 months ago

      To a better comic.

  6. 7 months ago

    At least we got good reaction image potential out of this page.

  7. 7 months ago

    Lmao Paulo trying so hard to be friends with Abbey when he knows damn well that he'll be draining his balls into his Daisy in less than a month. It's like he's trying to piss Abbey off.

    • 7 months ago

      Daisy is not even on Paulo's romantic radar. If anything, he would be terrified by the prospect of her wanting to boink him.

      • 7 months ago

        I doubt even Taeshi is dense enough to make Daisy still be all about Paulo after he shoved her aside to chase after a twink and then let her leave on her own instead of making sure she was ok

        They're both interested in each other but too cowardly to say anything.

        Why does Taeshi do this annoying thing where she starts a chapter with a character and suddenly decides to focus on a completely different one? We started with Lucy then went to Mike and now it’s a Paulo chapter.

        She'll switch characters again this chapter, I'm sure of it. This will just be a chapter where every character gets their little new years event.

        I wonder what Sue and Amaya are up to. Maybe we'll get so see more of Amaya's family this chapter!

        • 7 months ago

          Paulo loves Daisy but sees her as unattainable. One of the AU BCIs showed that he has no idea what to do when she confesses her feelings and runs off in terror.

          • 7 months ago

            >Taeshi leaving important characterization on paywalled AU comics, tumblr asks and discord comments but not in the comic
            So tiresome

    • 7 months ago

      I doubt even Taeshi is dense enough to make Daisy still be all about Paulo after he shoved her aside to chase after a twink and then let her leave on her own instead of making sure she was ok

      • 7 months ago

        Why not? The characters have goldfish-tier memory retention, with attitudes that invert from chapter to chapter.

      • 7 months ago

        As opposed to when she had to run to keep up when he ditched her on their semi-date so that he could bully Mike because the dyslexic girl was sad?

        • 7 months ago

          Daisy loves it when Paulo defends The Girls like a good boy. She stopped thinking she was on a date the moment David showed up.

          >Jasmine coming over and Abbey and her being flirty
          I would be fine with that simply because it furthers one of the rare plausible ships in this comic.

          It would work out, especially for Abbey's asexual ass, but taeshi said on stream that Jasmine wouldn't be interested in Abbey.

          Paulo loves Daisy but sees her as unattainable. One of the AU BCIs showed that he has no idea what to do when she confesses her feelings and runs off in terror.

          I wouldn't be surprised if that's how this chapter ended, "sorry about your mom, I love you, gonna leave you behind now". Then Paulo has the most confusing fap of his life and we cut to David being "funny"

          • 7 months ago

            >It would work out, especially for Abbey's asexual ass, but taeshi said on stream that Jasmine wouldn't be interested in Abbey.

            She really hates any and all ships that aren't Lucy x Mike or Daisy x Paulo huh?

            • 7 months ago

              The Discord seethes about Abbey/Jasmine and she can't afford to alienate the few fans she has left.

              • 7 months ago

                Literally why?
                They have chemistry.

              • 7 months ago

                Shippers man, there's Dabbey shippers who still won't accept that Daisy was just using him as her store brand boyfriend, and then there's the b***hes who want to ship him with Paulo even though they're awful together. Also some people just don't like Jasmine since they have no taste.

              • 7 months ago

                Daisy sucks, and Abbey is defacto the smartest extant character in the comic for realizing it and dropping her like a rock.

                If Abbey had Mike's life he would've broken up with Sandy ages ago, and told Lucy to frick off way earlier.

              • 7 months ago

                >Daisy sucks
                Pfft, he'd wish. Actually, I guess she tried but he turned her prostitute ass down before she could baby trap him.

                >If Abbey had Mike's life he would've broken up with Sandy ages ago, and told Lucy to frick off way earlier.
                He stayed together with Daisy only because Paulo bullied him into keeping her. He dumped her desperate ass the day after she fawned over Mike during Rachel's birthday party.

              • 7 months ago

                The discord will change their tune the moment #jabbey actually happens

                Shippers man, there's Dabbey shippers who still won't accept that Daisy was just using him as her store brand boyfriend, and then there's the b***hes who want to ship him with Paulo even though they're awful together. Also some people just don't like Jasmine since they have no taste.

                Daisy is a bigger bawd than Rachel confirmed. Rachel only lied about her intentions once, Daisy kept the fairytale going for way longer.

            • 7 months ago

              Taeshis done nothing but shit on MxL since volume one
              >Retcons that Mike never cared about Lucy
              >Spends volume two showing in great detail how Paulo is just a flat upgrade
              >Spends volume three, six and seven showing how Augustus is a better friend than he ever was
              >Longest chapter in the comic is a showcase of how bad Mike is to Lucy
              Genuinely confused how this idea she likes the ship persists in spite of getting nothing but crap heaped on it.
              Are MxL people a huge case of Stockholm syndrome and just project onto taeshi, or is this all just because they're ostensibly the two main characters?

              • 7 months ago

                I wonder if Lucy has a secret crush on Mike in that AU. Nothing she'd admit to anyone else of course, but it's just an effect Mike has on the female gender. Even Sue and Amaya wanted a piece of him at some point.

              • 7 months ago

                >Well, perhaps we should take her advice
                What advice?

              • 7 months ago

                It's because MxL is based off her own relationship with her husband Suitcase. If you know creator lore you know how Sandy is a stand in for a rival named Goldie on the old Sonic shipping forums.

                I would not be surprised in the least that Taeshi is in the toxic camp of women who feel relationships need to be some hard-fought war of patience, trials and tribulations. MxL's fighting is meant to reflect how much they love each other and how meant to be they are, yea it's toxic and moronic, but Taeshi has a case of BPD-brain so this somehow works in her twisted little mind.

                She feels probably the more dramatic, the more toxic, abusive and difficult the relationship, the more cathartic it will be once they do get together, like it's some big emotional payoff. Lest we not forget the absolute bonkers autismo showing that both Taeshi and Suitcase did around Eternal Flame, (iirc, Taeshi was literally doing the rashiram chant saying MIKE AND LUCY LOVE EACH OTHER, LOVE EACH OTHER when she posted them kissing) getting that MxL shipping fuel after years of it being a trash-fire. Which then immediately gets shut-down to repeat the cycle once more.

                In short actual interesting or healthy relationships like Paulo x Rachel, Abbey x Jasmine or Jordan x Matt, Mike x James or Mike x Stacy isn't insane enough for Taeshi's tastes.

              • 7 months ago

                It always comes back to this meta garbage and lore crafting because there's zero actual case for tae liking MxL in the comic or the AUs, it's impossible to disprove something that requires no evidence like this theory that MxL is confirmed because Mike is Suit

                She put out an AU alternative to Eternal Flame that painted their horrible friendship as a good thing and teased that they would mend fences enough to try romance again down the line, and canon-wise keeps treating their fallout as some great tragedy instead of the best outcome for both cats. Apparently she has some enthusiasm toward the ship.

                Even if we include AF, is that it?
                One chapter in almost fifteen years with no romance at all where they're sort of friends means she ships it, and overwrites all of the Canon chapters where Taeshi went out of her way to undermine even the most basic foundations of what you can consider a ship?
                The redraw was nothing but retcons to remove positive aspects of MxL and that was like four years agp

              • 7 months ago

                Riddle me this: If no one actually likes Mike x Lucy, and we've seen that the comic can shift its framework to no longer focus on them, for years on end, then why else continue focusing on it?

                Answer: Because someone does care about it, and that person is Taeshi.

              • 7 months ago

                I didn't say no one likes MxL, I'm confused why they like it, and I'm even more confused why people think taeshi likes it despite having zero shipping fuel, it seems so insane to me that a ship can persists off literally nothing
                BCB tried hard not to focus on them, it just makes the most money so taeshi does the most minimal job of reminding people Mike and Lucy exist in the same world and people just eat it up, I genuinely want to understand why this is but everytime I ask I get meta analysis that is completely based off personal interpretation

                >no proof Taeshi ACTUALLY likes this ship

                homie do you read

                How do these comments sound positive to you, especially given Mike makes a conscious and deliberate choice to be with Sandy after this, she even did the same stupid comment shit when Mike kissed Daisy, it's just her trying to hype up the moment like it matters

              • 7 months ago

                >I didn't say no one likes MxL
                You didn't have to, because it's a statement of essential fact. Next to no one actually likes the ship, in or outside of the fandom. That much should be plainly obvious by now.

                >it just makes the most money
                Pressing X to doubt. If you are talking about the Patreon spike during Eternal Flame, the far more likely explanation--given the animosity/antipathy toward the ship-- is because a major plot shift was finally going down after literal years of same old, same old.

                You say you want to understand, but that means accepting the weaknesses in your own argument.

              • 7 months ago

                I'll accept there's a flaw in my argument when one is actually presented
                MxL gets tons of fan art still, by far the most for a ship, Taeshi is constantly asked in streams to draw them and everytime they so much as breathe in each other's direction the fandom explodes, they were consistently in the top echelon when the discord was putting ships in tier lists, etc
                The alternative idea of it only being because it's a major plot point holds no water because A: No one gave a shit when it was just Mike getting cucked finally and the main storyline of Sandy was perceived to be ending
                And B: It's not the only major plot point, it's just the one people care about, now you have to explain why people would only care about Mike and Lucys storyline if they don't care about Mike and Lucy (each of their own stories separate of each other doesn't gain traction)
                C: It's not the only instance of the Patreon jumping for them, it fell between EF and Double Down and only started climbing when it became clear it was another Mike and Lucy chapter
                To suggest the fandom doesn't like them is just wrong

              • 7 months ago

                >I'll accept there's a flaw in my argument when one is actually presented
                Yeah, given your past showings, that's about what I expected.

                >MxL gets tons of fan art still, by far the most for a ship
                Prove it. Show your work.

                >they were consistently in the top echelon when the discord was putting ships in tier lists
                Blatant lies/delusion. They are consistently at or near the bottom.

                >No one gave a shit when it was just Mike getting cucked finally and the main storyline of Sandy was perceived to be ending
                Pressing X to doubt. Even if true, that is easily explained as no one giving a shit about Mike's personal storyline compared to the seismic shift that would occur by restoring Mike x Lucy.

                >It's not the only major plot point, it's just the one people care about
                Correction: It is the most dramatic and therefore the one with actual narrative stakes. Everything else has proven inconsequential or could be but goes nowhere.

                >it fell between EF and Double Down
                The supposed massive shift turned out to be a time loop, so of course there was a fall-off.

                >and only started climbing when it became clear it was another Mike and Lucy chapter
                So, a chance for closure and/or Lucy getting to shit on Mike again. The latter is far, FAR more popular among the fans than Mike x Lucy.

                >To suggest the fandom doesn't like them is just wrong
                You are divorced from reality and there is no point in debating with you further.

              • 7 months ago

                I hate how you only expose yourself as the same schizo moron who always tries and fails to have a conversation with me when I'm already halfway into it, and I know who you are because you think being verbose and posting smug faces means your insane headcanon is a valid replacement for actually backing up your argument
                Go to the candybooru, filter out taeshis art and look at what ship has the most art drawn for it then have a nice day, this isn't up for debate you're just assblasted and too stupid to form a counterpoint so you do this shit
                I'm wanting an actual conversation about stuff so how about next time you just don't respond since you clearly can't let go of whatever seething hatred forces you to plaster my (You)s with schizo rambling

              • 7 months ago

                >oldest ship in the comic
                >its biggest focus for years
                >only 2 pages more than Paulo x Lucy
                Wow, such a ringing endorsement from the fanbase.

                >i just want to talk!
                >that's why i make up blatant horseshit on the spot
                I don't know who you think you're fooling at this point.

              • 7 months ago

                Anon does not understand sarcasm or the tongue-in-cheek attitude Taeshi and Suitcase have towards BCB/their fanbase.

                Are you autistic?

                >I'll accept there's a flaw in my argument when one is actually presented
                Yeah, given your past showings, that's about what I expected.

                >MxL gets tons of fan art still, by far the most for a ship
                Prove it. Show your work.

                >they were consistently in the top echelon when the discord was putting ships in tier lists
                Blatant lies/delusion. They are consistently at or near the bottom.

                >No one gave a shit when it was just Mike getting cucked finally and the main storyline of Sandy was perceived to be ending
                Pressing X to doubt. Even if true, that is easily explained as no one giving a shit about Mike's personal storyline compared to the seismic shift that would occur by restoring Mike x Lucy.

                >It's not the only major plot point, it's just the one people care about
                Correction: It is the most dramatic and therefore the one with actual narrative stakes. Everything else has proven inconsequential or could be but goes nowhere.

                >it fell between EF and Double Down
                The supposed massive shift turned out to be a time loop, so of course there was a fall-off.

                >and only started climbing when it became clear it was another Mike and Lucy chapter
                So, a chance for closure and/or Lucy getting to shit on Mike again. The latter is far, FAR more popular among the fans than Mike x Lucy.

                >To suggest the fandom doesn't like them is just wrong
                You are divorced from reality and there is no point in debating with you further.

                Fricking apparently.

              • 7 months ago

                PauloXLucy is just as old and it had multiple chapters dedicated to shipping them, nice cope though, thanks for conceding that it has the most artwork after you stupidly tried to call me out for saying that
                >that's why i make up blatant horseshit on the spot
                I'm the one posting things to backup my statements, you just seethe and state your opinion as though it's fact and not the complete schizo headcanon it is, not even one time have you tried to post proof of your statements
                You've made it very clear you're either low IQ or incapable of/not wanting to have a conversation by this fact alone, post more smug Twitter reactions and samegay if you want but I'm done having this boring and utterly pointless "discussion" with an ESLtard who struggles with basic logic

              • 7 months ago

                >thanks for conceding that it has the most artwork after you stupidly tried to call me out for saying that
                I told you to back up the one falsifiable claim you made, lazybones.

                >I'm the one posting things to backup my statements
                You post bad arguments, faulty interpretations, and blatant lies that you hope no one looks at too closely. Whenever someone invalidates them by pointing out the obvious, you jump arguments. If that doesn't work, you throw a tantrum. Exactly like what you are doing right now.

              • 7 months ago

                >I PROVIDE PROOF!
                >the proof..

                Nobody fricking cares about your schizo posting. Go back to smearing feces on the wall moron, it's a better use of your time.

              • 7 months ago

                >no proof Taeshi ACTUALLY likes this ship

                homie do you read

              • 7 months ago

                Seems like the final game was MxL. But with december it seemed like to be MxS. But with the stuff in current chapters it seems like that anything besides Lucy or Sandy would be a better option for Mike. The ending just being Mike telling both to frick themselves and going off to College.

              • 7 months ago

                Well who the frick else will she ship Lucy with?
                Explicitly said she changed her mind about Pucy and now writes him as a snivelling crybaby unworthy of Lucy's love or friendship.
                Repeatedly hard no-sold her on anything other than friendship.
                >Liam, Larken
                Removed from canon
                Taeshi's said things that imply she was toying with this ship, but unless it's the curveball ending it's not happening.

              • 7 months ago

                You could just ship her with some other girl. People usually ship her with Sue or Jessica.

              • 7 months ago

                Speaking of ships that will never be canon.

              • 7 months ago

                No ship will ever be canon
                Taeshi will keep pulling the same will they won’t they with every single ship until she drops dead with no conclusion to the series

              • 7 months ago

                Wanna know one that will be cannon? Mike and Haley

              • 7 months ago

                Unattached, so maybe but their relationship is entirely that Sue respects her boundaries and Lucy won't reach out.
                Shed most of her personality, practically nothing but Madison's girlfriend now.

              • 7 months ago

                All she said was Paulo would have to change because the old dynamic was gross, and it really really was, she said she still likes the fun parts
                But I don't think Lucy has to be paired with anyone at the end, Taeshi talked a lot about Lucy needing to be alright without relying on someone else in that same excerpt you're referencing

              • 7 months ago

                She said Lucy needed to stop being co-dependent, not all alone. Whenever Lucy does end up alone in one of her AUs, she is miserable.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah, but it hasn't become less gross. Now Paulo goes into tearful tantrums when Lucy doesn't do what he wants.

              • 7 months ago

                Paulo's bigger problem is being a massive simp for a girl who clearly does not want him as anything more than a personal convenience and will, at best, occasionally apologize for treating him that way.

              • 7 months ago

                Taeshi retconned a lot of the grossness, and deleted the grossest part in Another Path from the BCI library, so it seems like shes on her way to fixing it, all she has to do now is address how grossly submissive and pathetic Lucy was in their shipping "dynamic" and her soviet style revisionism will be complete

              • 7 months ago

                I didn't mean retcons, I meant after Lucy came back. How could anyone come away from Paulo screeching
                >I GAVE MYSELF TO YOU
                And think Taeshi isn't salting the earth for Pucy?

              • 7 months ago

                Lucy being grossly submissive and pathetic is kind of her base state, though. The girlbossing is apparently a thin veneer of false confidence, making it basically an evolved form of the tsundere bullshit due to insecurity.

                Lucy at a basic level is a character that doesn't trust anyone else because she's nuts, and doesn't trust herself because she knows she's nuts.
                So what she wants is someone to give her affection and support, even and especially when she pushes them away. If someone overcomes her being a brat, screaming, assault, etc., they've passed her test, and thus she will love them unconditionally and follow them around like an imprinted gosling.

              • 7 months ago

                Imagine how easy it'd be to lure Lucy into a relationship like a trap with baited love. Even when things are going well for her her first impulse is to withdraw, just start working on her with some real gaslighting and get her to really cut her friends and family off and you'd have your pretty little songbird locked up forverer.

              • 7 months ago

                It would take one single look from Mike for her to leave for him. Childhood nostalgia would trump any and all conditioning forever. It took so little effort and time for her to being a rabid butthole to kind of sympathetic to full-on kissing Mike.

              • 7 months ago

                *and time for her to go from

              • 7 months ago

                I do wonder how Lucy would handle a broken Mike smiling sadly while he tells her she was right about everything. My guess is that she would try to act huffy to mask how she has no idea how to handle this.

              • 7 months ago

                >Gets huffy
                >set off (again) when Mike says she's right to hate him
                >goes stand-offish
                >waits for him to make the first move
                >gets mad when he doesn't
                >belatedly realizes he's not going to
                >dithers for weeks/months because that's what Lucy does

              • 7 months ago

                Lucy will wait for him

              • 7 months ago

                Do you guys think Tae has a thing for tiny girls with big dudes?

              • 7 months ago

                Probably surfacing trauma from when she got raped back when she was like five years old

              • 7 months ago

                could we not bring that up?

              • 7 months ago

                No, it will always be brought up.

              • 7 months ago

                Shut the frick up

              • 7 months ago

                Suitcase is massive compared to Taeshi IRL.

              • 7 months ago

                >Waits for him to make the first move
                I found it hilarious that, maybe unwillingly, Taeshi showed that if Lucy had a Mike that broke up with Sandy and had made peace with him she would still be tsundere about him trying to make him make the first step
                >Don't think that just because you're single I'm up to date you
                >Yeah ok
                >A-and I'm not looking to be in a relationship
                >agreed, me neither
                >b-but I would totally be cool if you had gotten up back with Sandy, I'm mature and wouldn't blame it on you

              • 7 months ago

                we literally saw basically this in Eternal Flame, though. Wouldn't this be getting repetitive?

              • 7 months ago

                Mike was a pathetic sad sack in ET, so here he would need to be resigned to his fate and not beg.

              • 7 months ago

                He knew damn well that kissing Lucy was a mistake, but he still did it because he wanted to feel better. He can do it again, except this time there won't be a Sandy to distract him from his primary objective in life: making many babies with Lucy.

                The initial trick is to sweet-talk her and shit-talk her friends. She'll melt even if she knows you're manipulating her, and then you start withholding bits of affection until she jumps through hoops. Make her do things like flirting/kissing back. Then play jealous, and make her feel like her friends/family don't approve of you, and she'll lean in out of contrarianism. Soon she'll only be talking to you, and you can make her do anything you want just by running a bit of the ol' hot/cold routine on her.

                Wonder how much you can lean into it, she thinks the concept of asking consent is a pretty funny joke

              • 7 months ago

                >Wonder how much you can lean into it, she thinks the concept of asking consent is a pretty funny joke
                Lean in plenty. Lucy likes being 'edgy', so the taboo will excite her, and to her mind, it further proves how important she is to one, that they're willing to go that far.

              • 7 months ago

                Imagine how easy it'd be to lure Lucy into a relationship like a trap with baited love. Even when things are going well for her her first impulse is to withdraw, just start working on her with some real gaslighting and get her to really cut her friends and family off and you'd have your pretty little songbird locked up forverer.

                It may have seemed like Lucy was talking to Daisy, but Lucy was really talking to herself when she said she oughta get her a rape whistle. The only reason she hasn't been groomed yet is that every groomer knows she's too easy. Too good to be true, must be a setup by the cops.

                It would take one single look from Mike for her to leave for him. Childhood nostalgia would trump any and all conditioning forever. It took so little effort and time for her to being a rabid butthole to kind of sympathetic to full-on kissing Mike.

                She can go without Mike if you keep her distracted for long enough. Paulo did for a while, and then Augustus did. Eventually you'll have to take her away from Mike permanently so she doesn't relapse, but she can go quite some time without being around green eyes.

              • 7 months ago

                Imagine how easy it'd be to lure Lucy into a relationship like a trap with baited love. Even when things are going well for her her first impulse is to withdraw, just start working on her with some real gaslighting and get her to really cut her friends and family off and you'd have your pretty little songbird locked up forverer.

                The initial trick is to sweet-talk her and shit-talk her friends. She'll melt even if she knows you're manipulating her, and then you start withholding bits of affection until she jumps through hoops. Make her do things like flirting/kissing back. Then play jealous, and make her feel like her friends/family don't approve of you, and she'll lean in out of contrarianism. Soon she'll only be talking to you, and you can make her do anything you want just by running a bit of the ol' hot/cold routine on her.

              • 7 months ago

                She put out an AU alternative to Eternal Flame that painted their horrible friendship as a good thing and teased that they would mend fences enough to try romance again down the line, and canon-wise keeps treating their fallout as some great tragedy instead of the best outcome for both cats. Apparently she has some enthusiasm toward the ship.

              • 7 months ago

                Mike and Lucy NOT being a romantic couple is treated like some awful, horrible sin in the comic, as if the universe itself is unstable because they aren't macking on one another.

                Given Taeshi's tendency to be overtly dramatic and saccharine about the sanctity of her relationship with Suitcase - always putting emphasis that they were teenaged sweethearts that endured this is no surprise.

                Taeshi guilt-tripping Suitcase about her childhood trauma and rejecting a possible love-interest in Sandy must have seemed like her greatest achievement. She groomed him into being the perfect moron-handler for her and in turn she subsists them solely on her cat-comics despite Suitcase having a literal law-degree (albeit useless in the US). So all he has to do is be her guard-dog to keep the gravy train coming.

                Essentially Mike's whole arc will be his realization of what an amazing god-send Lucy is and how he should throw down his life to devote himself to her, because she is the best he will ever get and *truly* understands him unlike anyone else.Lucy will *defeat* Sandy, likely in some epic-argument which she totally pwns her hardcore and gets whisked away by her hard-fought prize. Bonus points if we see Sandy seething in disbelief in the background.

              • 7 months ago

                Given the nature of Taeshi's hang-up, while Mike will indeed see that Lucy is--according to the narrative--the person best suited for him, Lucy's "defeat" of Sandy will be indirect. It will come in the form of Mike's choice to reject Sandy in favor of Lucy. Lucy will not even have to lift a finger, aside from maybe swooping in to console Mike when he thinks she is too good for him or some such trash.

              • 7 months ago

                She portrays it likes it’s some 2000s anime where there is so much shot thrown at them but they overcome it all in the end because muh true love overcomes everything
                It sounds moronic but you probably aren’t as mentally ill

              • 7 months ago

                If it was the case that Mike and Lucy just had bad things thrown at them I'd see how Taeshi might be gearing up for that kind of ending, but that really isn't the case
                In fact it's almost opposite, there's a lot of the story bending over backwards to give MxL chances only for Mike's disinterest or Lucy's slattery to mess it up, Acapulco, Confron, the entire play made to bring them back together, EF where Lucy teleports in to save Mike, they all didn't help not because of outside influence, but because taeshi made a point that they're shitty together even as friends
                My point is that it isn't like they had a good thing going and then Taeshi threw bad things at them, that's a very common trope
                Taeshi went back and reconned that it was ever a "good thing" and has done nothing since then to show that her opinion has changed

              • 7 months ago

                Wow, it's almost like Taeshi drags will-they-won't-they way out beyond its expiration date. See also: Daisy x Paulo.

          • 7 months ago

            >It would work out, especially for Abbey's asexual ass, but taeshi said on stream that Jasmine wouldn't be interested in Abbey.
            That's rich coming from someone who plainly cannot or will not do consistent characterization.

  8. 7 months ago

    >Paulo breaks Mike's mouse
    >barely talks to him on the way to the park
    >ignores Mike so hard he disappears
    >tries to get chummy with people he has beef with instead
    God please let Mike flat-out reject him in the inevitable Maulo scene, I need a good laugh

  9. 7 months ago

    Why does Taeshi do this annoying thing where she starts a chapter with a character and suddenly decides to focus on a completely different one? We started with Lucy then went to Mike and now it’s a Paulo chapter.

  10. 7 months ago

    Wow, she is really so creatively bankrupt. Why do we keep having the same shitty interactions over and over? Like she has to reinforce the dynamics of a relationship or the base personality traits of the characters in the most obvious ways possible.

    Anyways, in b4 Paulo is BIG SAD FEELS about Jasmine coming over and Abbey and her being flirty. We really gotta twist in that dagger that Paulo truly is utterly alone and fricked up big time for that forced supposed gay New Years kiss with Mike... """""""supposedly""""""""".

    Otherwise what's the point? Paulo just to feel shit this chapter cuz his Mom moved on with a new husband and new kid and doesn't give a frick? Also, his friends don't give a frick? And he is woefully single and alone?
    Unless he and Mike frick and/or decide to date or do something to drastically shake up the status quo it feels pointless. But I've come to expect nothing less.

    • 7 months ago

      >Jasmine coming over and Abbey and her being flirty
      I would be fine with that simply because it furthers one of the rare plausible ships in this comic.

      • 7 months ago

        The little bit of Abbey and Jasmine was actually mildly interesting. Too bad they got banished to shadow-realm once Abbey's use as a plot-device as the resident sperg got used up.

        She really has no idea what to do with him now that he isn't apart of the main group, like she does the most bare-bones basic kind of plot and character development then nothing more with that. It's why we get recycled plotlines. It's why Abbey is still acting like he did when he was with Daisy though he has no reason to.

        Paulo still slips into the douche-sona when the plot calls for it or he's a sad misunderstood babygirl.
        Mike is either softboi woobie or utter raging cuck-moron lashing out at everyone.
        Lucy drifts between turbo c**t 3000 or b***hy c**t who gives backhanded compliments..
        Daisy is either a jealous two-faced dickhole or the sweetest widdle cheerleader you could imagine.

    • 7 months ago

      >inb4 Paulo is BIG SAD FEELS about Janet coming back and Abbey and Molly getting to have two mothers who fricking love them and Paulo has none

  11. 7 months ago

    I'm just glad my boy Abbey is getting screentime. Yeah the dialogue is still shit but you can always rely on the art to deliver

    • 7 months ago

      I love his expression, it's less "right, I forgot" and more "oh frick he's serious"

  12. 7 months ago

    >Daisy FLIPPED when she overheard
    Where's this magical universe where Daisy would ever defend Abbey?

    • 7 months ago

      I think Taeshi recently added some pages to some older chapter to establish that Daisy will, at least occasionally, tell Paulo off. Because apparently even Taeshi can only stretch offscreen development so far.

    • 7 months ago

      This is
      >Daisy enabling Paulo because she thinks she'll get something out of it
      Mode, the other one is
      >Daisy going into a snit and suddenly having standards because she wasn't getting anything out of you
      Same way as when she turns on Mike.

      • 7 months ago

        Do you think Taeshi is aware of this or just writing another aspect of herself without trying?

        • 7 months ago

          >Daisy can be sweet, but she's at times thoughtless and petty and had no shame in using Abbey just because he was available and really would have dumped him in a heartbeat for Mike
          Paraphrasing from her tumblr replies. Taeshi can be reasonably lucid about this things, but she doesn't convey it well. Like that bit in Unwanted Gift where Mike and Lucy are having an OK moment and then Daisy butts in because she's still seething that Mike yelled at her over a week ago. But that subtext doesn't come through at all from the comic itself.

          • 7 months ago

            Has she ever explained why on Earth that Daisy suddenly got so interested in Paulo?

            • 7 months ago

              Paulo x Daisy is basically Mike x Lucy but with the script flipped. Paulo is the jerkass instead of Lucy and Daisy is the shy-soft-one in place of MIke.

              I think also because its Suitcase's favorite ship so she pushes it hardcore.

              • 7 months ago

                Reminder that this comic has 3 characters with 6 different names, and a bunch of extras.

            • 7 months ago

              Not really. Pretty sure it's supposed to be something about how Paulo acts like such an butthole to everyone else but he keeps going out of his way for her, so it makes her feel special. Then Taeshi keeps doing that Taeshiism where Paulo keeps pouring cold water all over Daisy's hopes because she wants to keep the Will TheyWon't They going, but since there's no obstacle to them getting together it just comes across as They Shouldn't. Even the Discord hates Paulo/Daisy these days.

              • 7 months ago

                There is plenty in the way of Paulo and Daisy hooking up, but Taeshi refuses to put those pieces into play.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah bro, I mean how many times can one girl get shut down by a guy before she gives up and moves onto greener pastures? Especially for someone supposedly so horny and so eager for male attention. Shit isn't realistic at ALL.
                Paulo has shown numerous times he wants dick more than Daisy even, but it still somehow keeps getting pushed??

                The only reason Paulo seems to like her is because she is nice to him, other then that there is no overlapping interests or chemistry. It's just literally bottom of the barrel kind of settling you'd expect someone in their 30s would do. Not a horny 16 year old who apparently has all kinds of rizz with girls and willing to frick dudes too.

              • 7 months ago

                They don't even share values. Daisy is up for tutoring all her friends, but she doesn't with Paulo because Paulo would rather give up than try academically. How the frick is that supposed to mesh with a girl who is planning on having the next decade of her life taken up by medical training?

              • 7 months ago

                >How the frick is that supposed to mesh with a girl who is planning on having the next decade of her life taken up by medical training?
                He can tag along and work his burger job to make rent. Paulo would be supportive enough to pay for the both of them.

            • 7 months ago

              Apparently because Paulo has always threated her well, but that's forced bullshit, Daisy has defended Paulo any time he has been a dickhead to anyone with some sort of "you don't know him like I do" that never actually shows were it comes from, her whole character is wanting to be someone's first choice and goes for the womanizer, Daisy wants to be on everyone's good graces and be the avatar of reconciliation but Paulo can't stop fricking things up by using his "boyish charm" to make things worse with others. It feels forced because there's no actual reason Daisy would feel attraction to Paulo that isn't merely superficial

              • 7 months ago

                I think the most sensible motivation, given Daisy's personality, is that Paulo's simply the last boy available who she already knows well.

              • 7 months ago

                If Paulo was my last option I would rather risk the narrative punishment of defying Lucy and just try to get closer to Augustus

              • 7 months ago

                >Daisy has defended Paulo any time he has been a dickhead to anyone with some sort of "you don't know him like I do"
                And yet Paulo has never opened up to her that much, and when she gets a peak it usually blows up in her face and hurts her feelings. What a bizarre ship,.

              • 7 months ago

                You'd almost think if Daisy got a good look and saw what a needy mess Paulo is on the inside her pussy would get drier than the Sahara and she'd give Augustus another try.

              • 7 months ago

                It's sad but telling that Daisy has genuinely better chemistry with the guy who sexually assaulted her.

            • 7 months ago

              Always has been. Before Paulo got his little gay scare, Paulo was:

              - attractive
              - confident
              - funny
              - flirty
              - constantly groping Lucy
              - sexually accomplished

              For a girl who wants nothing more than for hot men to comment on her body, Paulo would be the perfect partner. She wants Paulo to not just love her like he does Lucy, she wants him to treat her like a hot babe he can get handsy with.

              • 7 months ago

                Except Daisy was not seriously interested in Paulo until after his feminization. She has only come to like Paulo that way after he became somewhat Mike-ified.

              • 7 months ago

                She always had a thing for Paulo, but it took a while to puberty to kick in. Daisy has been jealous as hell for years but she was more into Mike and knew damn well that there were about 10 hotter girls he would ask out before he'd even consider her.

              • 7 months ago

                It's more that Daisy only had eyes for Mike but the fact that Paulo also overlooked her irrationally fed into her jealousy complex.

              • 7 months ago

                She was primarily after Paulo, but she liked it when boys were fighting over her.

                Anon does not understand sarcasm or the tongue-in-cheek attitude Taeshi and Suitcase have towards BCB/their fanbase.

                Are you autistic?

                Fricking apparently.

                >Are you autistic?
                He's commenting on a furry webcomic on Cinemaphile. What do you think?

              • 7 months ago

                >She was primarily after Paulo

              • 7 months ago

                Mike* sorry typing is hard frick these cats

              • 7 months ago

                Ah, the good ending.

              • 7 months ago

                The orgy ending would be the good ending, but I guess the burn-it-all-down ending would suffice.

  13. 7 months ago

    This comic is still going?

    • 7 months ago

      For some godforsaken reason, yes.

  14. 7 months ago

    So will this chapter just be Paulo realising that he have burned a lot of bridges?

  15. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      >you just know

      • 7 months ago

        Is this canon?

        • 7 months ago

          Of course not, canon is Amazon Molly taking Paulo by force

  16. 7 months ago

    >paulo based schizophrenia one sided conversation haver

  17. 7 months ago

    Frick man I don't know this is the best I can come up with

    • 7 months ago

      > I can't believe I've nutted all over that picture of your mom you keep on the nightstand
      I laughed so fricking hard, thank (you), bro.

    • 7 months ago

      This is funny, man. Truly a light in the miasma of these threads.

    • 7 months ago

      Paulo: Hey Abbey!
      Abbey: Don't talk to me in public.
      P: Jeez, sorry! I just wanted to get some more of those pics you sent me of your sister in the bathtub. I couldn't stop getting horny.
      A: You're horny over stuff like that...
      A: You're just like me...
      P: I'll be honest, I had to wipe off so much cum off my bedroom floors and wash my bedsheets. You shoulda been there! Could've called it a slip and slide.
      P: Thankfully being an only child, you can get away with fapping to porn for hours on end. Imagine having your sibling walking in on you with your hand on your dick? Haha!
      P: Uh, that hasn't happened to you, right?
      P: ....

      • 7 months ago

        just make a trash thread dude

  18. 7 months ago

    where is the 'do not read this comic' poster?

    • 7 months ago

      Took his own advice and stopped clicking on the thread

      • 7 months ago


  19. 7 months ago

    you think Molly's existence is going to make Paulo cry like a little b***h again?

    • 7 months ago

      It would be funny.

    • 7 months ago

      His mom abandoned him and he went after older women. Now he finds out he's got a baby sister who doesn't even know about him, they'd better put him on a watch list.

      He was fine when he approached Abbey, though.

      • 7 months ago

        >looks at pic

        Yeah, she knows exactly what she is doing. And who she's doing it for.

  20. 7 months ago

    >I thought we were sorta friends?
    Paulo's brain tumor is acting up again, or he's a male BPD I guess. Really ugly conversation for him to be repeating on a loop where he wants Abbey to like him, but as soon as Abbey lets his hackles down he starts being an butthole again.

    • 7 months ago

      Anon... this chapter takes place like two weeks after that chapter...

  21. 7 months ago

    Taeshi needs to stop mixing degrees of nudity like that. Either have all of them wear pants at the same time or none of them, having Abbey fully clothed here just highlights Paulo being naked.
    bawd wants Abbey to drag him behind a tree and nail him right there is what it looks like.

    • 7 months ago

      Mike should break up with Sandy, put Lucy aside, and make out with his true love, Amaya.

      Paulo has thicker fur so he doesn't need as many clothes

      • 7 months ago

        I love this pic, who's the author?

        • 7 months ago

          An anon from these threads

          • 7 months ago

            My OTP!

          • 7 months ago

            I love it, got any more? KEEP POSTING!

            • 7 months ago

              Not really

              • 7 months ago

                K*zuna my beloved

              • 7 months ago

                Okay, I'll try to fit my new name and draw more of the doggo who finally mastered her ninja skills to the point that she completely disappeared from the comic

              • 7 months ago

                Time to being the Yakuza back into BCB

            • 7 months ago

              Sorry, I haven't drew any new stuff yet, haven't come up with any good ideas. Aside one with Molly but it will take a lot of time, hopefully gonna be worth it when it's done

              • 7 months ago

                Just keep up the good work, mate

  22. 7 months ago

    Who hasn't tried to get back with an ex by running up to them in public, naked?

    • 7 months ago

      That makes Molly's blushing take on a whole new meaning.

  23. 7 months ago

    Which BCB character makes the worst decisions and why is it Lucy

    • 7 months ago

      I guess she got a friend out of it. Though I maintain that Augustus moving in with her with so little friction was forced and best explained as a meta pet replacement.

      • 7 months ago

        He makes sense as a pet replacement, he's a broken boy from a broken home that she can apply her motherly instincts to, even if he's older than her.

  24. 7 months ago

    I wanna screw Abbey´s lil sis!

  25. 7 months ago

    soo appearance when

    • 7 months ago

      Noooo Sue that's not how you enter Swordsvale!

      To a better comic.

      The infection spreads

    • 7 months ago

      Finally Sue can join McCain.

  26. 7 months ago

    Is BCB Fannel done with the comic dub yet?

    • 7 months ago
      BCB Fannel

      The dub is still set to be 2 parts.

      I have recieved voice lines from someone who is trying out for Chirpy, one of the beach girls, and Janet. Haven't listened to any of them, don't know which one I will greenlight them to be yet. I've been busy working on a video about why Date Night doesn't work.

      • 7 months ago
        BCB Fannel

        Here's some PNGs for you guys

        • 7 months ago
          BCB Fannel
          • 7 months ago


            Here's some PNGs for you guys

            Would hold hands with

        • 7 months ago

          I want a parody dub where Jasmine is maximum Chinglish.

          • 7 months ago
            BCB Fannel

            She will be in a few upcoming dubs, but no idea what her VA will sound like.

      • 7 months ago
        BCB Fannel
  27. 7 months ago

    favorite tess moment?

    • 7 months ago

      When she went away for good

    • 7 months ago

      I haven't read the chapters with her in them in a long time, but I remember liking that she's relatively good to Mike compared with the rest of the cast. Like she helps him out after Paulo's lynch mob and gives him a scarf. A minor one but I also liked her being sympathetic to him at the end of that one where Mike finds out everybody's been wiping shit on his scarf. It was a nice break from literally nobody giving a shit.

      She's not even necessarily that good to him, like I went back and checked and she pretty much leads the dogpile in Unrequited. Still somehow better than the majority of the cast.

  28. 7 months ago

    Only two characters that makes sense
    Abbey has anger issues because he hates his dad
    Paulo is a prostitute because his mother left him
    Mike chose to be a cuck and chose to simp for Lucy
    Lucy chose to be a c**t because he could get away with it
    Daisy always acted like a background character

  29. 7 months ago

    I know you're here, bait or mental moronation?

    • 7 months ago

      I believe he posted the MikexHaley fic

      • 7 months ago

        Ooooh boy! I'm getting famous!

        .. Actually not that hard, there are, like, only two or three BCB fics getting updated there.

      • 7 months ago

        And he didn't even get banned?

    • 7 months ago

      Both not Sure why I haven’t been banned yet.

      Anyway got no ideas for strange AUs outside Mike and Mcain making cameos in my alternate history book. Anons any ideas?

      • 7 months ago

        Oh Alejandro also makes a Cameo as well

        • 7 months ago

          Cuz my ADHD results in me coming up with a bunch of cringe Ideas that I feel compelled to share.

          Brief list of my AUs:

          1) Election 2040: Mike, Abbey, and Sue form a political coalition to stop Alejandro from becoming president(very stupid I know)
          2) Corrupted Mike AU: You already know
          3) Anti-Hero Mike AU: Pretty similar to the Spectacular Silver Sentinel but Mike gains the power after witch hunt.

          What's with the Alejandro fixation? He's not an interesting character.

          • 7 months ago

            Everyone here hates Lucy. Al is her biggest trauma. He's also supposedly the big bad guy of the comic

            • 7 months ago

              >Al is her biggest trauma
              Is she over water yet?

              • 7 months ago

                I would not be shocked if Taeshi had her take care of that off-screen and it's just casually mentioned with no consequence.

              • 7 months ago

                >PE switches to swimming again
                >Everyone is shocked when Lucy actually joins in this time instead of sitting it out
                >Lucy stares right at the fourth wall and makes fun of the idea she'd have this phobia for life
                I can see it happening

              • 7 months ago

                I think Taeshi had this long-term idea of Mike helping Lucy get over it, but we have seen she is prone to sabotaging such moments for momentary gratification.

              • 7 months ago

                Maybe the aunt she lives with lives on a boat. Face your fears!

                Well al can assault her underwater

                She faints at the sight of water, if she actually falls in she's dead.

                Lucy being in distress does powerful things to me.

                Imagine telling Lucy you've got a surprise for her, blindfolding her, taking her onto a boat, and refusing to take her back to shore until she does everything you tell her to.

              • 7 months ago

                >Imagine telling Lucy you've got a surprise for her, blindfolding her, taking her onto a boat, and refusing to take her back to shore until she does everything you tell her to.

                Al might as well just do this to get Lucy to do humiliating stuff

              • 7 months ago

                Is this Taeshi's art?

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                From her more based era

              • 7 months ago

                I want this Augustus, not the wet towel we have right now

              • 7 months ago

                Well al can assault her underwater

              • 7 months ago

                Lucy being in distress does powerful things to me.

              • 7 months ago

                It's when she is at her most relatable.

          • 7 months ago

            He’s the only part of the story with any tension

          • 7 months ago

            BCB male cast is shit, like a total fricking shitshow

          • 7 months ago

            >one of the few characters who fricks
            >canon abusive rapist
            >despite lucy acting like shes strong her behavior with Paulo betrays the fact she wants to be treated like a stepford wife
            >has clearly stated she doesn't want choice and wants a boy to take control of her or she breaks down
            >has a thing for bad boys given how easily she gushed over paulo and latched onto Augustus while constantly keeping nice guys at arms length with her tsun crap
            It's not so much an Alejandro thing as it is an Alejandro x Lucy thing, Lucy's ideal relationship partner if she was capable of being honest with herself
            Also Lucy is a literal size queen, she's the only character who comments on dick size and did it frequently enough I can make a collage, she's disappointed or laughs at the small ones and blushes or straight up can't help jerking off the big ones, Alejandro is the tallest character which always means they're packing, plus Lucy just generally gushes over size difference if you look at her and Paulo

            • 7 months ago

              >tallest character which always means they're packing
              Tell that to Abbey, lol.

              Lucy isn't just into tall guys either, she'd totally let Mike ram her if the opportunity ever came up.

              • 7 months ago

                All the chars she's unabashedly horny for (liam, Paulo, larken) are tall as frick and her love for Mike's never really been sexual

                I think the anon you're replying to read old BCB. In modern BCB, all the horny has been purged unless it needed to happen (like that time Paulo nearly fricked Lucy).

                Lucy used to be quite horny but most of that has been cut out over the many many many years.

                Yeah, but I mean in particular Lucy is always blushy over big dicks and laughs or mocks small ones, which I guess might not mean much if Lucy wasn't also the only character that even talks about dicks, making my little collage now though just as a laff

              • 7 months ago

                >Lucy is the most horny character
                >she also insults Daisy for being boy-crazy, as if it was Daisy who was going around looking for desperate psycho sex
                Lucy's kind of an intolerable b***h. At her best she's just humoring you, at her usual she's really fricking rude. Can't believe she's still hung up on how Daisy and Paulo complained about how mean she was back in Confrontation when she's only gotten worse.

              • 7 months ago

                Her bad influence BF will save her

              • 7 months ago

                Lucy has zero self awareness
                >implies Daisy is a bawd for liking one boy's attention but Lucy indescriminately chases Mike/Paulo/Augustus' attention like it's oxygen and she's about to asphyxiate
                >calls Jess a bawd repeatedly for banging one dude while Lucy's tries to frick every boy she knows
                >shits on Tess for being a b***h when she's no better at all
                >calls Sandy a "bimbo b***h" for cheating when she was constantly one argument with Mike away from fricking her backup boyfriend Paulo
                there's probably more, but Lucy projects constantly and has no empathy for anyone but expects the world from everyone around her.

              • 7 months ago

                >Lectures Tess on how she can't expect forgiveness from anyone, even if she has changed
                >Expected forgiveness from Mike when she only stopped slapping him for no reason because he dropped her cold turkey
                I really can't tell if this was meant to be Lucy being hypocritical or not

              • 7 months ago

                Daisy is a bawd
                She is though
                on Tess for being a b***h when she's no better at all
                Lucy is a c**t, but she never really bullied anyone.
                Sandy a "bimbo b***h" for cheating when she was constantly one argument with Mike away from fricking her backup boyfriend Paulo
                She never pretended to be in a relationship with anyone. She would've loved to be, but she never actually dated anyone.

              • 7 months ago

                >She is though
                Daisy is a virgin who has only willfully kissed two boys, Mike her lifelong crush and Abbey, her boyfriend, how is Daisy a bawd?
                >Lucy is a c**t, but she never really bullied anyone.
                Nani? Lucy bullied Mike his entire life, example, Mike's flashbacks during December, also picrel, also the entire second half of volume 1 where she does nothing but hurt him and verbally berate him.
                >She never pretended to be in a relationship with anyone. She would've loved to be, but she never actually dated anyone.
                In her mind she was devoted to Mike which is why she would push anyone else away when they were getting along, and she proved she wouldn't be faithful because everytime her and Mike fought Lucy runs to Paulo looking for a dicking, like when Mike is assumed dead and she instantly swaps her dependency to Paulo
                Imagine if Mike had actually been dating her at that point, she thinks he's dead and not even a minute later she's trying to monkey branch to another guy

              • 7 months ago

                >how is Daisy a bawd
                Wetting her panties thinking about her unwillfull kiss was pretty loose.

              • 7 months ago

                That's just being a woman. loose is being mad that the school rapist won't touch you.

              • 7 months ago

                >mad that your bestie has banned the school rapist from touching you

              • 7 months ago

                All we need is for Paulo to get b***hy because Matt is absolutely not attracted to him and he tries out the other oreo cat.

              • 7 months ago

                >Daisy gets molested by Augustus and does her best to avoid him, getting visibly uncomfortable when they meet next time
                >Lucy malds over the fact this rapist doesn't like her, follows said rapist to his home for an overnight stay and doesn't leave even when he makes it clear he's in contact with his boss who is also a rapist
                >then tries to rape the boy who molested her friend when she has power over him
                >not a bawd
                that's kinda weird, innit?

              • 7 months ago

                Always find it weird when the crazies talk about Paulo bawdshaming Lucy. She absolutely deserves to be shamed for how she goes about sex, it's gross. Is Lucy even capable of just having a normal frick without some crazy shit?

              • 7 months ago

                >Is Lucy even capable of just having a normal frick without some crazy shit?

              • 7 months ago

                ... Did Larken and Lucy just fricking rape Mike?

              • 7 months ago

                What? No. Lucy gets sexually aroused by angry shouting matches, and Larken started a shouting match so she would frick him, so Mike would get jealous, start a fight, and end up bedding Lucy. Maybe Larken joined in, but it certainly wasn't rape.

                Larken passes Lucy around like that.

              • 7 months ago

                I don't know, for all you know Larken knocked Mike out there, we never see what happens next

              • 7 months ago

                Do you just assume someone is a rapist when you find out they had sex, or is it just BCB?

                Amaya deserves an experienced boyfriend, so he should get the practice in.

              • 7 months ago

                That's how the BCB boards usually are

              • 7 months ago

                Just because they hate each other, doesn't mean there's any rape involved.

              • 7 months ago

                >censoring it
                I love how you keep just randomly posting ancient BCB lost media though lmao
                also it will never not amuse me how Taeshi drew tons of degenerate porn of Lucy fricking every male in the comic EXCEPT Mike.

              • 7 months ago

                Are these lost media? They all came from candybooru. The last one was cut out like that from some guy who did the BCB art meme by copy pasting random online stuff, I don't know what the original was. I suspect there's more but I'm guessing it's all lost to time.

              • 7 months ago

                Oh, I thought you were the oldgay who randomly drops lost media, like when he dropped that panel of the Jasmine piss comic/Liam post-coitus with Lucy

              • 7 months ago

                I'm probably considered and oldgay by this board but I was young and stupid and didn't save a copy of all the media now lost. I did make a copy of candybooru later, though.
                >Jasmine piss comic
                >Liam post-coitus with Lucy
                What thread was that? I don't remember either of those.

                Yeah lol, taeshis endgame ship tho

                Their love is pure and shall not be perverted by porn.

              • 7 months ago

                >Jasmine piss comic
                There's a single page of her pissing herself in church during confession. There is also a BCI where Jasmine has drunk tons of soda and now wants water, but is too scared after ghost stories to go downstairs in the dark. The comic cuts off abruptly, suggesting that there's more pages after she drinks water and is too scared of the dark to go to the bathroom, and doesn't want to bother Lucy a second time.

                >Liam post coitus
                I dunno about "post" coitus, but there's one comic where the character that goes "I love Lucy!" Interrupts their fricking with a gun. Also her tied up on the bed with her ribbon.

                I mean it also depends on what Alej does to her but I could see that

                If what he does is anything like SC, it looks like a net positive.

                That is true and honestly I think a knife fight would be more entertaining. It would be funny if Alejandro attempts to shoot at Mike but Mike who is now in Combat Instinct mode just deflects all of them with his knife/machete or dodges them Matrix style

                Sounds on par for Taeshi's action sequences.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah lol, taeshis endgame ship tho

              • 7 months ago

                Can you start a /trash/ thread and post more lost shit? Where's the full image?

              • 7 months ago

                That's all I got, sorry

              • 7 months ago

                Ok going to a questionable guys house without letting a single person know was a pretty dumb move on her part, I'll give you that.

              • 7 months ago
              • 7 months ago

                >how is Daisy a bawd?
                "bawd" isn't exactly the right word for what Daisy is, but she is unfaithful and untrustworthy. Abbey was her fallback boyfriend because she couldn't nab Mike, and once Abbey realized it she guilt-tripped him into stringing out the relationship for an extra while. Daisy just really wants a boyfriend, and while she wants Mike ideally, she'll settle for anyone.

                But yeah, Lucy constantly talks shit behind her "friends" backs, but most of what she says applies just as well or better to her. It's especially egregious when you note that the people she mocks, snipes at, and insult are all super nice to her.
                >Tess goes out of her way to be a good friend and tells others to be nice when Lucy's upset, Lucy calls Tess a b***h
                >Sue tries to be Lucy's confidant and tells Lucy her insecurities, Lucy uses that as ammo to mock Sue
                >Daisy tries to be Lucy's friend and always invites Lucy along, Lucy calls Daisy boy-crazy both to her face and to others
                >Abbey tries to be polite and encourages Mike to forgive Lucy, Lucy calls Abbey a wimpy loser whenever she gets a chance
                >Paulo loves Lucy and tries everything he can to make her happy and comfortable, Lucy hits Paulo with the most vindictive comments she can think of
                Lucy is just a bad friend, no matter how you slice it. She will gladly take other people's kindness and friendship, but all she offers back is mean gossip and nagging.

              • 7 months ago

                Lucy comes across as a blatant wish fulfillment vehicle with no greater purpose.
                >embodies all of the dysfunctional behaviors that Taeshi has publicly recognized as her own struggles
                >gets away with or is even rewarded for them
                >only ever suffers when she tries to stop being a shitty person
                >exists to be fawned over or inflict suffering on others
                Which is why she is such a terrible character.

            • 7 months ago

              >she's the only character who comments on dick size and did it frequently enough I can make a collage

              • 7 months ago

                I think the anon you're replying to read old BCB. In modern BCB, all the horny has been purged unless it needed to happen (like that time Paulo nearly fricked Lucy).

                Lucy used to be quite horny but most of that has been cut out over the many many many years.

              • 7 months ago
              • 7 months ago

                Sidenote, second place for dick obsession is Rachel, whose only contribution is saying "cat dicks"
                Rachel, supposedly the hyper loose girl of the cast and she simply cannot compete with Lucy

      • 7 months ago

        Why do you want to make bcb AU's?

        • 7 months ago

          Cuz my ADHD results in me coming up with a bunch of cringe Ideas that I feel compelled to share.

          Brief list of my AUs:

          1) Election 2040: Mike, Abbey, and Sue form a political coalition to stop Alejandro from becoming president(very stupid I know)
          2) Corrupted Mike AU: You already know
          3) Anti-Hero Mike AU: Pretty similar to the Spectacular Silver Sentinel but Mike gains the power after witch hunt.

          • 7 months ago

            Wait I forgot my sins of the father AU

          • 7 months ago

            Explain this.

            • 7 months ago

              Ah that abomination. He was created as the Main Antagonist of the Sins of the Father AU but I decided to scrap him.

              Anyway on the subject of Alej x Lucy do you have a link to SC? My curiosity has gotten the better of me and I want to see what SST is cooking.

              • 7 months ago

                hasn't had an update in a while

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                Abandon all hope ye who read

                If I ever decide to leave the Discord I am posting SC on my way out

                Cringe tbh

              • 7 months ago

                If you've been visiting these threads, I doubt you'll find anything new or good for that matter.

                If I ever decide to leave the Discord I am posting SC on my way out

                Don't be cringe

              • 7 months ago

                This reminds me does anyone have a rundown of the Physic AU? This is what caused me to find these threads in the first place.

              • 7 months ago

                I don't think there is a concrete timeline, just a bunch of anons contributing and building on each other's ideas.

              • 7 months ago

                >Porject ROSEVILLE is an incubator for psykers
                >Lucy and Mike are the most powerful latent psykers out of the batch
                >Lucy is a telepath, and is subconciously putting the whammy on people to make them like her (which is why everyone was so distressed when she left, they're literally addicted to her)
                >Mike has precognitive abilities, some degree of telekinesis and can enhances his body's abilities
                >Psychic powers are awakened by deep emotional pain, December was engineered to activate Lucy's powers and now they're working on Mike.
                >Sandy, David, Augustus along with the school staff are all working for the project as handlers or field agents
                >McCain is either an agent of Project ROSEVILLE or is working against it
                >Alejandro was the best of a previous generation of psykers and is embittered that he's already obsolete
                >There's a clown car of Mikes coming back in time to try to fix things, but they're just making things worse
                That's what I remember about it.

              • 7 months ago

                There was also a notion that Sandy was the original psychic who subconsciously activated Mike's potential, then he spread it to Lucy and so on.

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                >Sandy is the premier female psychic of this generation, being both powerful and stable
                >Lucy is extremely powerful, but unstable
                >Sandy and Lucy are engaged in a psychic struggle for domination over Mike's psychic awakening
                >McCain and Abbey might be resistant to psychic powers due to autism

                There was also a vague future-plot:
                >At some point Lucy/Mike get wise to their lives being a big experiment
                >Lucy instigates Psychic war against Project ROSEVILLE/the normals
                >Mike is caught in the middle between Lucy/Rebels, and Sandy/Loyalists
                >Eventually the psychic war triggers global thermonuclear armageddon
                >Mike as the last surviving psyker wanders through the post-apocalyptic wastes and cyberpunk cities, trying to evade capture and piece together his fragmented memories of what happened.

              • 7 months ago

                >Sandy is the premier female psychic of this generation, being both powerful and stable
                >Lucy is extremely powerful, but unstable
                >Sandy and Lucy are engaged in a psychic struggle for domination over Mike's psychic awakening
                >McCain and Abbey might be resistant to psychic powers due to autism

                There was also a vague future-plot:
                >At some point Lucy/Mike get wise to their lives being a big experiment
                >Lucy instigates Psychic war against Project ROSEVILLE/the normals
                >Mike is caught in the middle between Lucy/Rebels, and Sandy/Loyalists
                >Eventually the psychic war triggers global thermonuclear armageddon
                >Mike as the last surviving psyker wanders through the post-apocalyptic wastes and cyberpunk cities, trying to evade capture and piece together his fragmented memories of what happened.

                I'm glad people remembered my stupid psychic ideas

              • 7 months ago

                I sure do, anon.
                These posts are more-or-less where it originated, with various spinoff ideas and storylines coming later.
                You can search tbharchive for "Psi-bcb" or "Psychic AU" if you want to go looking for the threads.

              • 7 months ago

                Thank you for this information

              • 7 months ago

       is the thread where anons started speculating that Lucy must be psychic, since everyone is always fawning over her constantly.

                Just discovered the Slave Auction AU man you people are depraved

                Yeah, a bit. It's a furry webcomic thread on Cinemaphile though, so it's kind of amazing it's not worse.

              • 7 months ago

                Damn it, I figured out what I want the ending of Second Confrontation to be but I don't want to spoil it in case it's close to the actual ending.

            • 7 months ago

              Oh shit a sibling

              • 7 months ago

                I like the idea of Lucy having to bear and raise alone a child of Alejandro

              • 7 months ago

                She'll have her friends and family to help out

              • 7 months ago

                Nah, this time line Lucy pushed away most of her family and friends. Got married to Augustus out of pity and has become an alcoholic.

                Tries to raise her daughter properly, but abuses her in her drunk rages

              • 7 months ago

                Damn, poor kid deserves a better mom.

                He's a little grabby!

                Hope she won't frick up and lose this one!

              • 7 months ago

                Maybe the kid will taken revenge on her mother one day

              • 7 months ago

                Would be interesting not going to lie

              • 7 months ago

                Well then. After "it is forbidden" is over, you guys might see this fic idea after it

                (Chapter 4 and 5 already have their first drafts

              • 7 months ago

                Nice. Got my own fic I am working on rn actually.

              • 7 months ago

                what is it about?

              • 7 months ago

                (Pic not Related)
                It’s called sins of the father and while I am not going to spoil it here is the background:

                EF never happens and Mike never meets james as a result he continues to spiral into buttholeism. The final straw comes when Mikes parents increasingly concerned with his behavior decide to transfer to a boarding school up in Maine for senior year and Mike agrees wanting to get way from his failing relationships in Roseville.

                The table group reacts negatively to this and Mike and Paulo get into a fight causing mike to snap. He goes full blown Dark Empath and basically obliterates his friend group mentally on his way out.(He also breaks up with Sandy during all this)

                Some years pass by and Mike while not a Sociopath anymore is still kinda butthole and is a ruthless corporate raider. Eventually during a charity event for the mute he was attending he runs into Amaya and they reconnect and it gradually becomes a romance. They get married and have a kid with the family living in NYC.

                Somewhat sadly though Mike gets cancer and dies. Amaya and the child move back to Roseville with the kitten being enrolled in Roseville High. The Mike x Amaya kitten ends up becoming friends with other kittens( Lucy x Augustus, Polo x Sue, and Daisy x Abbey to be specific) and the parents find out leading to them trying to isolate the Mike x Amaya kitten

              • 7 months ago

                Oh, that's kinda neat.

                I had an similar idea for another one, but there it was Mike x Sandy kitten, there wasn't any sort of falling out with his old friends group, Mike just left and never talked again.

                Then when Mike passes away, his family moves to Roseville and his son goes on to meet his father's old friends and they find out how Mike saw his childhood in his adulthood.

                He completely removed Lucy and Daisy out of the stories he told his son, he changed events around to remove the connection to his friends, like saying that in Acapulco he actually slip off the bridge instead of trying to save Lucy.

              • 7 months ago

                False, Augustus is going to give Lucy and his wife's child a happy life.

              • 7 months ago

                I don't think that's possible anymore, Lucy seems kinda too broken to be with anyone halfway normal like Augustus
                their sex scene kind of gives it away

              • 7 months ago

                It's true, and applies to both SC and the comic.
                Just replace "their sex scene kind of gives it away" with "Lucy's attempt at raping him kind of gives it away"

              • 7 months ago

                He's a little grabby!

          • 7 months ago

            >Corrupted Mike AU: You already know
            I don't but am now curious.

            • 7 months ago

              Mike snaps, Joins Alejandro’s gang and Gives Lucy’s location to him

              • 7 months ago

                Intriguing premise. Is Corrupted Mike a spiteful Alejandro clone or is there more nuance to his character?

              • 7 months ago

                Kinda but not really as Mike feels really bad for selling Lucy and Augustus out(not that he would ever admit it) Also Mike doesn’t treat his gang members like shit(He broke off from Alej and is now in a gang war with him)

              • 7 months ago

                Is this an ongoing story or just a loose scenario right now?

              • 7 months ago

                Just a lose thing so far

                Also what Mike looks like in this timeline

    • 7 months ago

      If I ever decide to leave the Discord I am posting SC on my way out

  30. 7 months ago

    Did Taeshi ever do the retcons she talked about on the stream a bit back?

    • 7 months ago

      she retconned Mike's height

      • 7 months ago

        Made him even shorter I would imagine.

        • 7 months ago

          Every chapter, Mike gets shorter. Soon enough, Sandy will take him to kindergarten on her way to work.

          Oh shit a sibling

          They'll be making so many kittens

          I want this Augustus, not the wet towel we have right now

          Sorry, emotional support goth no longer works for Alejandro so he cannot have his old edge anymore

          • 7 months ago

            >Sorry, emotional support goth no longer works for Alejandro so he cannot have his old edge anymore
            Classic Taeshi throwing characters in the trash once they are no longer useful

    • 7 months ago

      What retcons?

  31. 7 months ago

    Last for Lucy being a good housewife and dutifully keeping Alejandro's house clean, his stomach full and his balls drained

    • 7 months ago

      Here here!

      • 7 months ago

        I forgot about that AI, didn't they nerf it because they didn't want to be known as "that website where you can pretend to frick your favorite character"?

      • 7 months ago

        Is spicyai as good as was?

        • 7 months ago

          Spoiler, it's like talking to a chatbot from 2013, does anyone have anything even half as good as character ai?

          • 7 months ago

            I tried the local thing you run on your GPU once but you need to buy a super expensive GPU to get anything useful out of that, unless you're okay with waiting half an hour per message.

            • 7 months ago

              I've got a pretty decent GPU so I'm down to try it, what's the name?

              • 7 months ago

                Pygmalion, details here:

                Last time I tried, the 4B model barely loaded, filling up 8GB of VRAM and about 20GB of RAM. Maybe things improved since then? One advantage is that you have a lot more freedom over the character, you can basically rip scenes straight out of the comic to train it to try and get the personality down.

              • 7 months ago

                >you can basically rip scenes straight out of the comic to train it to try and get the personality down
                Good thing they're getting their discord to transcribe the entire comic for free then, Lol

              • 7 months ago

                I don't think they've done much with that, I noticed something on the website half a year ago and they never added more chapters as far as I can tell.

              • 7 months ago

                Last I checked the transcribing only went up to chapter 30ish and now it's up to chapter 80~
                So it's goin

  32. 7 months ago

    >Lucy stuffing and stretching her cheek out with Alejandro's wiener
    >Sucks on him like a baby bottle while he leaks salty precum into her cheek and between her gums
    >One hand down her pants and the other rolling and playing with Alejandro's full and heavy ballsack
    >All she tastes is sweaty wiener and precum, all she smells is the manly musk of his package
    Goodnight /BCB/

    • 7 months ago

      Just go make a trash thread, jesus

  33. 7 months ago

    Apart from suicide, what could Mike do that would break Lucy but could be considered in-character for him?

    • 7 months ago

      Nothing that Taeshi hasn't done before. Can't put his life on the line for her because he did that twice already.

      Can't kill himself because Taeshi already wrote that with Lucy, it'd be so weaksauce.

      Honestly too much damage has been done. Taeshi fricked MxL ever making since after Eternal Flame.

      • 7 months ago

        >Can't kill himself because Taeshi already wrote that
        Never understood why people say things like this as if it isn't confirmation that there's going to be a Mike Suicide Arc. You can't predict what Taeshi is going to write from good taste.

        • 7 months ago

          Taeshi prefers to see herself as a competent writer (or better), so I imagine she would at least introduce some minor tweaks. It would make sense for suicidal Mike to be a passive death-seeker in contrast to Lucy's deliberate ketchup slam. A hypothetical Alejandro Returns story beat meshes well with that as it would give Mike a chance to dive into a dangerous situation with no intention to make it back out alive while still accomplishing some positive outcome. Two birds, one stone.

          • 7 months ago

            One idea similar to this I have had bouncing around in my head for a long time is this:

            >Mike reaches his breaking point decides to ketchup himself
            >Heads over to Alejandro’s side of the city so he can illegally purchase a gun to blow his brains out with
            >At the same time Alejandro gets off his ass and kidnaps Lucy and Augustus to get his revenge
            >Mike purchases gun is about to kill himself when he somehow finds out about Lucy being kidnapped
            >Decides to “Atone” for his actions by saving her fully intending to die in the process
            >Alejandro is busy having his torture/rape fun time with Lucy and Augustus
            >Mike kicks down the door to his apartment
            >Gunfight between Mike and Alejandro ensues with Lucy and Augustus trapped in the Middle.

            • 7 months ago

              Guns are pretty loud and Mike has absurdly sensitive ears. An outright gunfight would put him at a disadvantage. Perhaps a knife or--if you want to get brutal--a machete would work better for him?

              • 7 months ago

                That is true and honestly I think a knife fight would be more entertaining. It would be funny if Alejandro attempts to shoot at Mike but Mike who is now in Combat Instinct mode just deflects all of them with his knife/machete or dodges them Matrix style

              • 7 months ago

                Given how wonky the comic's tone can get, I am unsure whether Mike going full anime protagonist would be portrayed as a joke to laugh off, something he can reasonably do with no questions asked, or another borderline impossible stunt like the one he pulled during the vacation arc.

                I suppose it all depends on how deep he would be into whatever Taeshi considers a redemption arc.

              • 7 months ago

                If it gets portrayed as something he can do no questions asked at that point Mike might as well join Mcain in the CIA.

                Would also be interesting if Alejandro shoot him but because in canon Mike is very durable he just shrugs it off and keeps going.

              • 7 months ago

                >in canon Mike is very durable he just shrugs it off and keeps going.
                It was forever ago, mind, but Taeshi did state that Mike could dance around Paulo like a butterfly yet go down like a brick if he took a direct hit. Mike is "durable" in that he has not been seriously injured enough to die.

                Now, bear with me here: Taeshi does love her poetry. So I could see Mike laying on the ground and bleeding out because Alejandro nailed him with a bullet. It mirrors Lucy's krazy ketchep kersplat, thus assuring White Cat that Mike no less down for the count than she was. So when he pushes himself to his feet anyway, it tells Lucy that all that inconceivable willpower is directed at saving her. Which of course in her mind would be incredibly meaningful and give their sour relationship a much needed twist.

              • 7 months ago

                >It was forever ago, mind, but Taeshi did state that Mike could dance around Paulo like a butterfly yet go down like a brick if he took a direct hit.
                Really? I always thought he was durable because he put up with Lucy’s abuse for years not to mention surviving falling into a river with (seemingly) no permanent injuries
                >Now, bear with me here: Taeshi does love her poetry. So I could see Mike laying on the ground and bleeding out because Alejandro nailed him with a bullet. It mirrors Lucy's krazy ketchep kersplat, thus assuring White Cat that Mike no less down for the count than she was. So when he pushes himself to his feet anyway, it tells Lucy that all that inconceivable willpower is directed at saving her. Which of course in her mind would be incredibly meaningful and give their sour relationship a much needed twist.

                Oh Veronica would absolutely do this and honestly would be a kinda satisfying way for the series to end. Also I get the feeling this would cause the Lucystans to seethe for some reason

              • 7 months ago

                >Also I get the feeling this would cause the Lucystans to seethe for some reason
                I think it depends on whether Mike had "proven" himself to be a worthy friend to Lucy by that point. Though the standards of Lucystans are so fricked that such a thing may not be possible. They might begrudge that he is useful to have around or that it's a start but that he should otherwise steer clear of Lucy for her sake, since he eternally owes her.

              • 7 months ago

                Most likely though odds are the Hardliners will hate him for eternity.

                Speaking of Whitecat related things how would Lucy and Augustus react to all this going down? What would be the aftermath? Who wins the fight?

              • 7 months ago

                Mike "wins" the fight by incapacitating or scaring off Alejandro, or perhaps wears him down enough so that Lucy or Augustus can knock him out cold. If additional Mike trauma is desired, he kills Alejandro and wrestle with his overactive sense of empathy wigging out. Either way, Mike ends up in the hospital and Lucy feels guilty about it. This tops the will-they-won't-they tank back off so Taeshi can drag that out to her heart's content. Lucy may have to address how she has been using Augustus as a Mike surrogate now that Gray Cat is has slipped back into her good graces a smidge. Meanwhile, Augustus may have to deal with his old links to Alejandro coming to light if the law gets involved in the aftermath.

              • 7 months ago

                >If additional Mike trauma is desired, he kills Alejandro and wrestle with his overactive sense of empathy wigging out.

                I can see Alejandro saying some derogatory things about Lucy causing Mike to go full rage mode and kill him and then feeling guilty later because his empathy is comparable to an Anime character.
                >Lucy feels guilty about it. This tops the will-they-won't-they tank back off so Taeshi can drag that out to her heart's content.
                This will definitely happen
                >Meanwhile, Augustus may have to deal with his old links to Alejandro coming to light if the law gets involved in the aftermath.
                I mean if Alejandro dies during the fight I see it being swept under the rug and the adults doing nothing as usual.

                I also wonder how the rest of the cast would react to this going down

              • 7 months ago

                >I can see Alejandro saying some derogatory things about Lucy causing Mike to go full rage mode and kill him
                Mike would probably feel guilty even if he had killed Alejandro on accident or out of necessity.

                >I also wonder how the rest of the cast would react to this going down
                That probably depends on the state of their friendships at that point. If we assume no appreciable deviance from the here and now:

                Jokes that he didn't know Mike could man up but is not-so-secretly relieved that he is alright. There is an awkward moment in the hospital hallway when he runs into Lucy and asks how she is holding up. She may be vulnerable enough at the moment to open up or tries to bottle up as per usual. Later he "subtly" encourages the two to mend fences.

                "OHHHH MIKIEEEEEEEEE!" Cue glomp hug that upsets the nurses and gets the group shooed from Mike's room. Otherwise she hangs around and consoles Paulo. Maybe she spares Lucy a look of concern. I can't think of much for her to do because right now she's stuck as a Paulo simp, but it would be nice if she made good on becoming Mike's confidant and advisor.

                Largely the inverse of Paulo. Glad that Mike is okay but mostly she focuses on Lucy's well-being. Is openly worried if they start edging back toward friendship because of her own guilt in that department.

                Inflicts ill-timed comedic relief.

                >Lucy's family
                Concerned with White Cat first and foremost. Are roundly skeptical toward Mike but tolerate him for the moment. Like Sue, they are uncomfortable with any signs of growing friendship.

                >Diversity squad
                Up in the air, could go any which way.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah this is probably it. Diversity Squad would be mixed honestly would also be nice to see David act seriously for once but that won’t happen. Also wonder how Abbey and the Track Team would react

              • 7 months ago

                Genuinely happy that Mike and Lucy are alright. Brought flowers to the hospital. Augustus gets a stoic acknowledgement and he endures some of Paulo's antics before heading off.

                >Track Team
                That one is tough since we don't know what the situation is or how much James gives a flip now that David is the apple of his eye. I would like to think they burst in with games, presents, and such, raring to cheer Mike up and telling him he'd better get back on his feet in a hurry so they can smoke whoever they usually go up against.

          • 7 months ago

            Taeshi is very vague about what she's trying to get across, but as far as Taeshi goes she's being very unsubtle that Mike's promise to leave Lucy alone is a unspoken declaration that he's going to attempt suicide because he thinks Lucy would be better off if he was dead. Taeshi loves callbacks, Mike's promise to Augustus is a role reversal of Lucy's promise to Sandy.

            It's not about good taste, it's the fact Mike also trying to suicide would take the wind out of Lucy's attempt making her suffering less special and that won't happen.
            Also Mike rebounds from depression way too easily to ever try to kill himself.

            Implying Taeshi won't use it to present Mike as pitiable and Lucy as compassionate.
            >Mike rebounds from depression too easily
            Oh, it's you again.

            • 7 months ago

              >she's being very unsubtle that Mike's promise to leave Lucy alone is a unspoken declaration that he's going to attempt suicide because he thinks Lucy would be better off if he was dead.
              He already violated that once and is not in the proper headspace for a suicide attempt at this moment. Mike needs to be pushed further before that becomes a possibility.

              • 7 months ago

                Mike is not enough of a drama queen to kill himself, not because of Lucy or Sandy.

                He doesn't need to be handhold through his entire life, that's Lucy.

              • 7 months ago

                In direct contrast with Lucy's overly selfish and tunnel-visioned thinking, Mike is more others-oriented. He would need to be convinced that leaving Lucy alone is insufficient, that his mere presence or even his existence causes her suffering. Ideally he would have to feel the same way toward his friends and family to really seal the deal.

            • 7 months ago

              >Mike depressed and upset over Sandy's behavior to the point he looks pissed when she calls on Lucy's birthday
              >the very next page is Mike giddy and excited over Sandy because of one call in weeks
              >Mike depressed and upset over Sandy breaking up with him
              >One night of talking to Sandy has him coming to school with a giant smile on his face throwing up anime peace signs
              >Mike depressed and upset over Lucy
              >makes one friend and is instantly happy again
              >Mike gets sleepy eye depression over this one friend ditching him for David
              >the chapter's not even over before he gets over it and is blushy and smiling
              I legitimately do not understand why you would go online to an imageboard, seek people to talk to and then act like a weirdo sperg when you see ideas different from your own but it's really annoying

              • 7 months ago

                Don't forget how Mike was so torn up that his post-EF relationship no longer felt good, then one Daisy pep talk later he's happily texting Sandy as if nothing had happened.

        • 7 months ago

          It's not about good taste, it's the fact Mike also trying to suicide would take the wind out of Lucy's attempt making her suffering less special and that won't happen.
          Also Mike rebounds from depression way too easily to ever try to kill himself.

          • 7 months ago

            >Also Mike rebounds from depression way too easily to ever try to kill himself.
            For Mike to avoid a rebound, he would need to believe he has absolutely nothing left. Lucy is insane enough that losing her special teddy bear forever meant the end of the world. Mike clearly has some sort of mental dysfunction himself but is nowhere near so hyper-focused. He reacted badly to losing Sandy but would have moved on inside of a month. To drive Mike over the edge, he would need to lose all of his friendships and the love of every single family member.

            • 7 months ago

              Yeah, and I can't see how he would ever get that low, the person who has the most reason to care about Lucy's suicide attempt, which is the only possible way, already knows and apparently doesn't care or hold it against Mike.
              What could he possibly do that he hasn't done already to drive everyone away, even his family?
              Accidentally kill Chris like Hereditary?
              Get Lucy Alejandro'd?
              Use Daisy as a one night stand and break her heart? That one wouldn't effect his family at all, but honestly Mike barely interacts with his family so I don't think they're much of a pillar at this point.

              • 7 months ago

                All three

    • 7 months ago

      Give her location to Alejandro

    • 7 months ago

      To frick Lucy's mom

    • 7 months ago

      Cheat on Sandy. With Daisy, not with Lucy. Then try to rekindle their friendship once he finally dumps Sandy. He'll hammer home the feeling that Lucy will always be the second woman, and she just can't resist him being nice to her so she'll let him lock her into the friendzone.

      Give her location to Alejandro

      I can see him so it, but accidentally. He's staring at his phone waiting for Sandy to call when some guy in a postman outfit comes by and says he has a package for Lucy Whitecat but no address, and Mike mumbles something like "she lives three houses down my street". He doesn't notice the postman following him home either, because he's still staring at his phone. By the time he notices something is off, it's too late.

      Not that any of that would happen in the comic, because Alejandro is a grown man, he knows where Augustus goes to school so he can easily track him and Lucy down if he cares

      • 7 months ago

        I am imagining the sheer look of horror on Mikes face when he realizes what he has done.

        • 7 months ago

          The sense of relief would amplify Mike's guilt.
          >"Oh thank god, she's his problem now"
          Followed quickly by
          >"Wait, did I really just think that? What the frick is wrong with me?"

          But then he'd see that while Lucy's withdrawing and her grades are suffering, she is being more polite to her friends, and doing a lot less sniping and backbiting. Augustus seems livelier, Sue, Daisy, and Paulo are all less on edge... It's like when Lucy was gone, but she's still there, just less rude. Maybe, just maybe, it's for the best.

          • 7 months ago

            I mean it also depends on what Alej does to her but I could see that

      • 7 months ago

        >Cheat on Sandy. With Daisy, not with Lucy.
        That would be fun.
        >Mike stops giving a shit about anything and throws caution to the wind
        >sees Daisy glum because boo hoo Paulo won't notice me
        >asks her out on a date
        >"uh wait aren't you with Sandy?"
        >"yeah but i like you better"
        >gives her a cute confident smile while Daisy soaks her panties
        >Lucy has to live with the fact that Mike would double-time Sandy with Daisy of all girls instead of her

    • 7 months ago

      Hook up with James. Lucy would spiral into madness over being in love with a gay guy. Imagine her wandering through resentfully fuming that Mike led her on (for years!) and anxious worry that she can't kick her obsession and that it's going to block her from ever having a happy relationship.

  34. 7 months ago

    Daisy could beat up Alejandro single handedly. She's got that cheerleader strength/ agility.

    • 7 months ago

      I'd like to see her try

      • 7 months ago

        she'd body him, dude.

        • 7 months ago

          She's not even as tall as he is, and her physical training consists of "showing her ass in ways that won't get her banned". Plus, she's a girl, she's inherently weaker.

          If they ever meet, he'd only need to smarmily call her hot and she'd be all over him.

    • 7 months ago

      She could if she went all out

    • 7 months ago

      >She's got that cheerleader strength/ agility.
      He's a young, non-obese adult male. I get that Daisy is strong for a girl her age, but realistically she would get trashed. More relevant is how Alejandro is a terrible fighter vs two kids who know some taekwondo, but Daisy has never shown any aptitude toward violence either.

      • 7 months ago

        >Daisy has never shown any aptitude toward violence either.

        • 7 months ago

          I'm sure that would work very well against a mugger in his early 20s.

          • 7 months ago

            lmao alejandro is a loser ass wannabe thug. can't even beat up kids and hustles for money in a shitty bar.

            • 7 months ago

              Yes, and Daisy is an overweight teenager girl who can lift other, lighter teenage girls.

              • 7 months ago

                Alejandro is about as powerful as a teenage girl

              • 7 months ago

                He manhandled Sue just fine and Daisy was frozen helpless the whole time. Alejandro is pathetic for sure, but the reasons he lost were Lucy tricking him into opening up for a crotch shot and Mike's anime protagonist powers.

              • 7 months ago

                >Lucy tricking him into opening up for a crotch shot and Mike's anime protagonist powers
                Mike and Lucy practice tae kwon do, it's self defence.

              • 7 months ago

                >Alejandro beats the shit out of Paulo
                >Round one with Mike ends with Alejandro stomping Mike's faces in the pavement completely unaffected by Mike's shoulder tackle
                >Round two ends with Mike in a headlock getting choked out despite getting two early kicks into Alejandro's face

              • 7 months ago

                baby mode
                alejandro could only take mike on while mike was drunk.

                also daisy could beat lucy up. ez.

              • 7 months ago

                >also daisy could beat lucy up. ez.

              • 7 months ago

                True, Daisy at least twice Lucy's weight

              • 7 months ago

                The only beating up Daisy can do is with her digestive tract.

              • 7 months ago

                Mike at full power would obliterate Alejandro

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                I suppose it could be argued that Mike was "beat Paulo" mode, i.e. not having to even try, and that he failed to shift gears because he didn't see David as a participant or was too busy arguing. But I also think that would be a cope for Taeshi's shitty writing.

              • 7 months ago

                Mike needs a growth spurt right now

              • 7 months ago

                He really does, it's getting ridiculous.
                Taeshi did a picture of them all graduating and Mike is somehow taller than Paulo so who knows, he just might become a real boy eventually

              • 7 months ago

                Mike robs everyone of there inches

              • 7 months ago

                >Taeshi did a picture of them all graduating and Mike is somehow taller than Paulo so who knows, he just might become a real boy eventually
                I am curious if you could post it but also skeptical. Taeshi is awful at keeping heights consistent.

              • 7 months ago

                Who knows, she consistently makes Mike shorter than everyone else as per her fetish for emasculating Mike

              • 7 months ago

                I don't think something drawn before Taeshi totally lost her marbles is terribly indicative. She probably felt less spiteful toward Mike back then.

              • 7 months ago

                I would laugh if Taeshi decided he was finally "worth Lucy" and gave him some physically nonsensical 11th hour growth spurt. He is 17 so unless Mike is some sort of genetically augmented freak he's not gaining an inch.

        • 7 months ago

          It's a testament to his self-control that Abbey hasn't beat the tar out of Daisy/Paulo/Augustus, despite them giving him ample excuse.

          • 7 months ago

            He will never hurt a girl (physically).
            He will never hurt Daisy's best friend unless he thinks she won't find out.
            If he ever sees him talk to Daisy, he'll beat the shit out of him. Unless Augustus has some kind of street fighting skills, he doesn't stand a chance.

            • 7 months ago

              Abbey seems to be making progress away from his white-knight attitude and towards a more balanced form of moral code, but he'll probably never be willing to raise hands against a girl unless in dire self-defense.
              Which is a bit of a shame, because good god does Daisy deserves a whuppin'.

              • 7 months ago

                >Daisy deserves a whuppin'
                She deserves to have her friends correct her shitty behavior, she hasn't done anything too bad really. She's just jealous as hell for no good reason.

      • 7 months ago
  35. 7 months ago

    Stupid thing won’t let me post my First and so far only BCB fic. So anyway it’s on Ao3 and Called election night 2040. Come laugh at it

    • 7 months ago
      BCB Fannel

      It was a pretty good story. You should write more.

      • 7 months ago

        Thanks I am currently writing something else BCB related along with Original Work but If I ever get motivation I will write a sequel(spoiler it may involve Jordan and a bunch of tanks)

        • 7 months ago

          Oh wait I didn’t see it was you. You already know that

          • 7 months ago

            >the two biggest /bcb/ autists are already working together

            • 7 months ago

              Good, let them cook

            • 7 months ago


  36. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      I'm 99% sure James is her long lost sibling, Jaisy is plain incest

      • 7 months ago

        don't you guys like incest?

        • 7 months ago

          No, we like Mike X Haley, the incest is circumstantial.

        • 7 months ago

          On second thought I love Jaisy now

          No, we like Mike X Haley, the incest is circumstantial.

          MikexHaley is the only common incest pairing but for a while LucyxSam was a common meme crackship

          • 7 months ago

            Forced meme, Mike and Haley's interactions in comic are always entertaining.

            • 7 months ago

              Haley is pretty much Lucy so it makes sense.

              • 7 months ago

                Haley is just a better Lucy. She's like, 10 times less b***hy than her.

              • 7 months ago

                >She's like, 10 times less b***hy than her.
                Yeah, because she's been in like 10 panels in total.

                Who knows, she consistently makes Mike shorter than everyone else as per her fetish for emasculating Mike

                Mike is just a short guy

  37. 7 months ago

    Not only could daisy beat up alejandro, amaya would bring him to his knees.

    • 7 months ago

      Amaya would just do what American soldiers did to the German me in WW1 and blow Alejandro’s head off with a shotgun

  38. 7 months ago

    Just discovered the Slave Auction AU man you people are depraved

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      its okay anon theyre just cats you can own cats

      • 7 months ago

        True lol. Can’t seem to find the thread where it began though or the bidding thread as it was called anyone got a link?

  39. 7 months ago

    If Taeshi did bestow Mike with an anomalous late and rapid growth spurt, do you think she would even pay lip service to the growing pains he would surely endure?

  40. 7 months ago

    Before the thread 404s, is that anon writing the creepily-sadistic SC spinoff still around?

    • 7 months ago

      Haven't heard from him in a while, I assume he bailed and found a better hobby

    • 7 months ago

      I'm still here, I wrote one chapter and a lot of a second chapter which doesn't sound like a lot but my chapters get stupidly long, I was really hoping to have the second ready by next trash thread but I could just post it without the chunk of unfinished stuff if you're down

  41. 7 months ago

    Reading the old Eternal Flame threads I feel bad for the Mike x Lucy shippers they got Blueballed so hard.

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      The only version of Mike x Lucy ship is a fully hypothetical one in which both cats are way less dysfunctional and stupid, and I the end of EF as moronic yet ultimately a good thing. If Mike and Lucy had reconciled like that it would have just been another status quo reset because none of their core problems were given anything more than lip service.

      • 7 months ago

        I still can't believe this shit hasn't been banished to the far reaches of anywhere because frick this shit.

      • 7 months ago

        The BCI AU where Mike didn't take Sandy back has them meet up in private and talk about how stupid it would be for them to date, and how they both feel they should just be friends.

        Which makes me think that if only Mike would've taken Sandy back a day later, Lucy wouldn't be so angry and annoyed at Mike. Unless all she cares about is for Mike to be single so she could pounce on him if she wanted to.

        • 7 months ago

          Surface level improvements. The lies they told each other during EF went unquestioned. Mike is the same old pushover who just accepts whatever bullshit Lucy sells, including the obvious lie that she would be fine with him and Sandy staying together. It is not a matter of timing; Lucy's most prominent hang-up toward Mike, ever since her return, is that Sandy comes first. The reason why the scarf line hit so hard? Because it implied that, for once, Lucy came first in Michael's mind. If he suddenly got back with Sandy, Lucy would never react well. She would, in the absolute best case scenario, unsuccessfully try to hide her irritation while she seethed like a boiling cauldron inside.

          • 7 months ago

            So many problems would be solved if Lucy and Sandy just learned to share Mike. Sandy only needs him a few days a year anyway.

            • 7 months ago

              Sandy probably would have gone for that back when she was busy cheating on Mike, just to get him out of her hair. Lucy would only be desperate enough to try back in volume 3. Mike would have hated the idea either way.

              • 7 months ago

                You talk like she stopped cheating. She'll be treating her uterus to a Francis cum soak next time she's out on a business trip.

                Remember, she's the empowered-woman-who-takes-what-she-wants character, we're supposed to be on her side!

              • 7 months ago

                If Sandy still had the option of cheating on Mike with Francis, she would have never launched into her sob story or kept up with his texting. Michael is clearly the only guy she has left.

                You know, for now. It's not like she wouldn't drop him again if she had the chance.

              • 7 months ago

                She had her needs satisfied and didn't need Francis anymore, so she dropped him, just like she'll drop Mike the moment she doesn't need an emotional support puppet anymore.

                He's the only guy left for now, but give it a week or two, she'll be back to her old hoe ways.

              • 7 months ago

                Is Sandy the type of girl who dates a dog Francis for the benefit of never needing birth control, or did she specifically seek out a cat for the added risk of getting knocked up and making Mike raise the baby?

              • 7 months ago

                I'm sure it's a safety thing. Her slender body is her money maker and her college career isn't exactly taking off any time soon, so if she wants some kind of income when she hits her thirties, she can't afford the risk of getting bloated by a baby.

                She wouldn't cuck Mike out of malice or baby trap him, she's just being smart and careful about her future. If she's getting herself knocked up on purpose, it'll be because she wants to leave the modeling industry and having a kid would be an easy excuse to escape her mother's meddling.

              • 7 months ago

                >She is upset because she isn't pregnant.

  42. 7 months ago

    Anons I am bored. Combine the Physic and Slave Auction AUs

    • 7 months ago

      >The psychic girls like Lucy or Rachel getting mistreated by their handlers, or forcefully impregnated to bear the next generation of psychics
      Yea sure why not

      • 7 months ago

        More like
        >handlers using psychic powers to keep their property in line
        The psychics being oppressed doesn't make much sense, they're supposedly the powerful group.

  43. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      Thanks for posting, I needed this image and couldn't find it anywhere.

      • 7 months ago

        Needed for what, anon?

        >She is upset because she isn't pregnant.

        >Mike didn't tell her about his vasectomy, so now she's struggling to keep him trapped in a relationship with her

  44. 7 months ago
  45. 7 months ago

    dumb half deaf cat

  46. 7 months ago

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