>People are calling this franchise repetitive as if they dont show up for the latest Marvel Star Wars slop

>People are calling this franchise repetitive as if they dont show up for the latest Marvel Star Wars slop

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    no caesar no watch

    • 2 weeks ago

      OP, the guy in the pic IS Caesar.

      • 2 weeks ago

        the og andy serkis caesar died

      • 2 weeks ago

        No! That is NOT Caesar!

      • 2 weeks ago

        shut the frick up Proximus

      • 2 weeks ago

        Frick off Proximus

      • 2 weeks ago

        He's our Caesar, not ape's Caesar

  2. 2 weeks ago

    who gives a frick? stop listening to what other people have to say about shit you like.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    It hasn’t become to repetitive yet, but it’s in danger of doing so.

    • 2 weeks ago

      first one is kinda unique, but it devolves into breaking out of a prison and revolting
      the second one I don't really remember, I need to go watch it
      third one is about revenge but then devolves into breaking out of a prison and revolting
      fourth one is about revenge but then devolves into breaking out of a prison and revolting

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Hasnt became repetitive yet
      wtf are you talking about?
      even war ripped off the first movie by being some prison escape shit

  4. 2 weeks ago

    it is star wars slop

  5. 2 weeks ago

    I don’t watch the latest marvel slop and I’ll say that bringing in intelligent humans with guns to fight for dominance with apes is needlessly regressive and not a good direction to take the franchise, especially since they seem to want at least 5 more movies

    • 2 weeks ago

      >bringing in intelligent humans with guns to fight for dominance with apes is needlessly regressive

      That's the foundation of the story, without it you've got nothing but apes slowly reinventing the wheel.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It’s the foundation but we’ve already had three movies about it, I wouldn’t mind a new trilogy about apes and humans struggling to coexist without the humans being the exact same guys we’ve been dealing with for the past three movies.

  6. 2 weeks ago


  7. 2 weeks ago

    Proximus dindu nothing wrong btw

  8. 2 weeks ago

    People want to see statue of Liberty go boom, studios are full of boomers who refuse to show that

  9. 2 weeks ago

    I wonder what Rakka would think of Mae if he had lived long enough to watch her ruthlessly murder dozens of apes. Would he regret saving her?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >ruthlessly murder dozens of apes.

      She was literally saving humanity. If you're going to make an omelette, you have to break some eggs.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >She was literally saving humanity
        *trying to save
        The humans never leave the bunkers and apes inherit the earth. All she did was worsen human ape relations. Her actions made humanity look like deceitful maniacs. Mae is literally the reason humans never achieve peaceful coexistence with apes.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >The humans never leave the bunkers and apes inherit the earth.

          Obviously the hard drive Mae recovered will allow humans back on the surface.

          It’s the foundation but we’ve already had three movies about it, I wouldn’t mind a new trilogy about apes and humans struggling to coexist without the humans being the exact same guys we’ve been dealing with for the past three movies.

          >struggling to coexist

          Means conflict between apes and humans.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >le magical hard drive
            Did they seriously lack the ability to turn some fricking satellite dishes? And how is this going to help the dumb humans to speak?

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Obviously the hard drive Mae recovered will allow humans back on the surface.

              >OMG! We can talk to some guys in France!
              >That's great, now our bunker of 20 inbred people can meet up with theirs?
              >Yeah we just have to make it through thousands of miles of hostile territory
              >There are dozens of us, the Apes don't stand a chance

              I dunno how regaining communications with other normal humans will address the monkey pox issue but we can be assured that getting the hard drive will lead to this, as it _has_ to happen for the humans to directly confront the apes.

              As for the feral humans, they're too far gone and thus irrelevant (though maybe the normal humans will enslave them?).

              • 2 weeks ago

                Jesus fricking christ that waist to hip ratio is insane

              • 2 weeks ago

                Jesus fricking christ that waist to hip ratio is insane

              • 2 weeks ago


                Jesus fricking christ that waist to hip ratio is insane

                You know how a Boomer shows you a picture of granny back in the day and talks about how beautiful she was but her young version looks generic as hell? This doesn't apply to Linda Harrison. She was legit hotter than most chicks today.

              • 2 weeks ago

                She was a q.t. I'll bet Charlton Heston tapped dat ass.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Look at how much hair Heston has on his chest. Is there an ass he couldn’t tap?

            • 2 weeks ago

              I thought the information inside the drive was the protocols for the other channels (possibly military channels that are encrypted)

            • 2 weeks ago

              those satellites are encrypted. The humans just wanted to re-establish communications because they've been isolated for so long; maybe this is the first step towards a cure. Mae just said that it's a special book because that's the extent that Noa can understand.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >The humans just wanted to re-establish communications because they've been isolated for so long; maybe this is the first step towards a cure

              I'm guessing Mae's bunker has been working on a cure for monkey pox but have been stymied for some reason and by reestablishing global satellite communications, the scattered normal humans living on bunkers around the world can now exchange data and between them, they'll come up with a cure, allowing normal humans to begin the Reconquest Of The Planet Of The Apes.

              Its the Internet bros
              90% of our internet flows throw Camp Roberts
              Im guessing that bunker was the goverment bunker and they were the first to get reinfected.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Obviously the hard drive Mae recovered will allow humans back on the surface.

            >OMG! We can talk to some guys in France!
            >That's great, now our bunker of 20 inbred people can meet up with theirs?
            >Yeah we just have to make it through thousands of miles of hostile territory
            >There are dozens of us, the Apes don't stand a chance

          • 2 weeks ago

            I thought the information inside the drive was the protocols for the other channels (possibly military channels that are encrypted)

            those satellites are encrypted. The humans just wanted to re-establish communications because they've been isolated for so long; maybe this is the first step towards a cure. Mae just said that it's a special book because that's the extent that Noa can understand.

            >The humans just wanted to re-establish communications because they've been isolated for so long; maybe this is the first step towards a cure

            I'm guessing Mae's bunker has been working on a cure for monkey pox but have been stymied for some reason and by reestablishing global satellite communications, the scattered normal humans living on bunkers around the world can now exchange data and between them, they'll come up with a cure, allowing normal humans to begin the Reconquest Of The Planet Of The Apes.

            • 2 weeks ago

              They’re not reconquesting anything after losing 90% of the population and having an additional 90%++ be reduced to animal status. . What I want to know is whether ape societies developed in other parts of the world

              • 2 weeks ago

                According to War, "Bad Ape" is from another part of the world where apes developed separate from Caesar's clan. What I want to know is, do apes in other continents speak French or Chinese or Russian?

              • 2 weeks ago

                I miss bad ape. He was legit funny

              • 2 weeks ago

                I should watch War again. That's the only one I truly loved.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >They’re not reconquesting anything
                why the hell not?
                its been 300 years and apes barely have agriculture down, they dont even know how to make bow and arrows. Meanwhile human have self sufficient bunkers with working machine shops. Theyre so far ahead of apes theyre about to restablish the internet.

              • 2 weeks ago

                > its been 300 years and apes barely have agriculture down

                They’re getting it down a hell of a lot faster than it took humans to get there and they vastly outnumber human beings. The overwhelming majority of humans have been reduced to prehistoric capabilities and they are going to stay there. There’s a very small number of humans that are still sapient but they are vastly outnumbered to the point that they’ll never be able to get their birth rates up to keep from going extinct. It’s like saying that mankind will reconquer the world during a zombie apocalypse. It won’t happen.

              • 2 weeks ago

                and what do you think those bunker humans are doing? you saw extent of the beach facility. Theres no way theyre just jerkin off all day doing frick all, they have to be constantly expanding. They even have enough resources to service the huge ass satellite dishes. The only threat to them was Proximus getting a stash of tank, and they took care of that with a single girl.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >They’re getting it down a hell of a lot faster than it took humans
                they didnt do shit, everything they have was stolen, theyre literal Black folk

        • 2 weeks ago

          >All she did was worsen human ape relations. Her actions made humanity look like deceitful maniacs. Mae is literally the reason humans never achieve peaceful coexistence with apes.
          And how would that change with Proximus in charge? Proximus was gonna kill all humans he came across anyways, he just needed one alive long enough to help him open the bunker.

          Had any other ape been in charge, Mae would at least been a little less desperate. But Proximus was gonna use the contents of that bunker just to do what he did to Noa's clan, just on a larger and more efficient scale. Neither Mae nor Noa stood to gain from Proximus. And for all Mae did, Noa understood that. That's why he gave her the necklace with Caesar's emblem.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >And for all Mae did, Noa understood that. That's why he gave her the necklace with Caesar's emblem.
            No he didn't. He straight up tells Mae that Proximus was right. He gives her the emblem because it meant something, but not to him. Raka's belief in Caesar's message is something Mae needs to learn, not Noa. He's pretty much done with humanity by the end of the film.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >No he didn't. He straight up tells Mae that Proximus was right.
              He says Proximus was "right" about humans still not being able to let go of the time they were dominant, but that was it. He was not at all okay with someone like Proximus at the lead of Apekind.
              >He gives her the emblem because it meant something, but not to him. Raka's belief in Caesar's message is something Mae needs to learn, not Noa.
              You literally just explained how Caesar's message is still important to him. In spite of his prejudices and all he's been through, he still asks if Apes and Humans could truly live as one, showing that the topic is still on his mind. And he gives her that necklace as a way of showing that she needs to think on Caesar's message just as he is. If he was done with humanity and Caesar's ways he would have told Mae to frick off right then and there. Instead he gave her something he still considered important, just as Raka did to him.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >He says Proximus was "right" about humans still not being able to let go of the time they were dominant, but that was it
                Cope. Tremendous cope. Noa saw first hand that humans couldn't be trusted. Proximus was right to hate himans and Noa understood that.
                >he still asks if Apes and Humans could truly live as one, showing that the topic is still on his mind
                He was expressing doubt that it was possible, after everything Mae did his trust in humans is gone. Noa is a good ape. He wants to live and let live but he knows that Mae isn't capable of that. He asked her what would happen once humans were dominant again and Mae didn't answer. Silence like that is telling. Afterwards he gives her Ceasars medallion and tells her it's important. Because it's clear to him coexistence is not something Mae ever thought about.
                >Instead he gave her something he still considered important, just as Raka did to him.
                He gave her the medallion because it was clear she needed to reminder more than him

              • 2 weeks ago

                shut up stupid monkey

              • 2 weeks ago

                >You literally just explained how Caesar's message is still important to him.
                What the hell are you talking about? Caesar's message was never important to Noa. He didn't even know who Caesar was before all of this because the elders kept shit hidden. Not to mention that as far as he knew, all humans were morons. Even Raka, the guy who believed in Caesar's word, had some doubts about the capabilities of humans and if they were ever truly equal.
                Noa was genuinely upset when Mae revealed she could talk and kept it a secret from him. He just spent all this time with Raka, hearing him gas up humans because of Caesar, and here is Mea, betraying his trust over and over again. He saw her kill the only other speaking human he knew without mercy. When he begs her not to blow up the damn, she does it anyways without hesitation and killing members of his clan. Their final conversation he questions her motives and she's aggressive as hell about taking back the world from Apes. He gives her the necklace to remind her of Raka's sacrifice and Raka's belief in Caesar's word. Noa doesn't give a shit. The only smart human he ever met is a b***h that lies and kills to get her way no matter who suffers and she's going to keep doing it.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Noa was genuinely upset when Mae revealed she could talk and kept it a secret from him
                Was he? Considering she was being hunted down specifically for her ability to talk, it's pretty reasonable that she'd hide that fact until she could trust whatever ape she's hanging out with.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >it's pretty reasonable that she'd hide that fact until she could trust whatever ape she's hanging out with.

                Mae should have gone under cover and dressed up in a rag bikini to blend in with the feral humans because as soon as we saw her in pants and a t-shirt, it was obvious she was a normal human who could talk.

              • 2 weeks ago

                those pants were distracting in certain shots

              • 2 weeks ago

                Noa wasnt reasonable, his racism toward humans wasnt because humans actually did anything to him. He just saw them as disgusting.

      • 2 weeks ago

        reminder that she canonically stinks, even Apes can't stand her smell

        • 2 weeks ago

          I think humans in general probably stink to them.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Also, she didn't exactly have an opportunity to wash herself.

            • 2 weeks ago

              They didn’t look like they took baths either. I think it’s kinda like how it’s confirmed in Star Trek that Vulcans and the Voth both think humans stink badly or how humans think Klingons stink.

            • 2 weeks ago

              My first thought was why isn't she naked, but then it became clear she wasn't feral.
              I think animalistic humans wearing loincloths and bathing suits made of hide is stupid. I want the next Apes movie to have humans running around naked.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    people gave up on marvel and star wars 5 years ago

  11. 2 weeks ago

    >Oil-Exporting Country of the Planet of the Apes

  12. 2 weeks ago

    how woke is it? that is the only question.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Have you tried to stop listening to grifters?

      • 2 weeks ago

        he seems to be anti wokeness though

      • 2 weeks ago

        have you?
        are you a grifter?

    • 2 weeks ago

      it's the exact opposite of woke, the movie's message is "you can't trust others outside of your own race". I'm not kidding.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's the most genuine and non-woke movie in a while

    • 2 weeks ago

      Literally the central theme is the open ended question of racial holy war.
      its based

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Literally the central theme is the open ended question of racial holy war.
        Is it though? Noa seemed a little slighted at Mae destroying the bunker but he still seemed open to cooperation.

      • 2 weeks ago

        an interesting question is ape religion but modern mass media is way to anal about secularism to explore it. i’d love to see new mythology arise to explain the world around them and hear history get turned into legend, or apes being influenced by human religion like christianity and having their own weird versions of it. you get vague tribal spirituality in this movie but a new and dominant monkey faith spreading along with the new empires would be cool

        • 2 weeks ago

          wasn't caesar just a version of jesus in this? it felt like protestants vs christians.

          • 2 weeks ago

            They might be going into an angle like that

          • 2 weeks ago

            Kind of. But seeing as only one monkey actually still gave a shit about Caesars legacy shows that they probably didn't care all that much. If it was Jesus then I would imagine he'd have been more important in every apes life. And after 300 years from War to Kingdom they kind of just forgot.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >But seeing as only one monkey actually still gave a shit about Caesars legacy
              Raka implied there were more like him. And Proximus is literally named after caesar and is pushing a caesar religion onto his followers...

          • 2 weeks ago

            He was like Moses, he even died right before venturing into the promess land just likd him.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >apes being influenced by human religion

          Noa's people are kinda animists/nature worshipers but Proximus should have been shilling a militaristic distortion of Caesar's teachings.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Have you tried to stop listening to grifters?

      it's the exact opposite of woke, the movie's message is "you can't trust others outside of your own race". I'm not kidding.

      It's the most genuine and non-woke movie in a while

      Literally the central theme is the open ended question of racial holy war.
      its based

      They subtly hint that the orangutan is gay. Really weird but I guess it's mandatory, no matter how discreet.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Are you seriously doing this
        If that was his lover he'd be more broken up about it, instead it was just "Oh well, my friend is dead, but there's more important stuff to do"

      • 2 weeks ago

        moron. instead of lying go rim your boyfriend

      • 2 weeks ago

        >They subtly hint that the orangutan is gay

        >You literally just explained how Caesar's message is still important to him.
        What the hell are you talking about? Caesar's message was never important to Noa. He didn't even know who Caesar was before all of this because the elders kept shit hidden. Not to mention that as far as he knew, all humans were morons. Even Raka, the guy who believed in Caesar's word, had some doubts about the capabilities of humans and if they were ever truly equal.
        Noa was genuinely upset when Mae revealed she could talk and kept it a secret from him. He just spent all this time with Raka, hearing him gas up humans because of Caesar, and here is Mea, betraying his trust over and over again. He saw her kill the only other speaking human he knew without mercy. When he begs her not to blow up the damn, she does it anyways without hesitation and killing members of his clan. Their final conversation he questions her motives and she's aggressive as hell about taking back the world from Apes. He gives her the necklace to remind her of Raka's sacrifice and Raka's belief in Caesar's word. Noa doesn't give a shit. The only smart human he ever met is a b***h that lies and kills to get her way no matter who suffers and she's going to keep doing it.

        >lies and kills to get her way no matter who suffers and she's going to keep doing it.
        She's doing it for her own race so it's based. It's actually baffling that some people see her as a villain. Proximus was going to annihilate humans, what else was she supposed to do? Despite what he was saying, he definitely wouldn't let her go and the other apes were helping her with preparing the explosives.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Watching these movies and rooting for humans is moronic. Humans should stop being the focus until they make a remake of the original. They should focus more on apes. I want to see apes thrive and success.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I actually have the opposite problem. We are supposed to care for muh apes while it's obvious that the interest of our own race should be our primary concern. This series should conclude with humans becoming intelligent again and either wiping out apes or enslaving them (hard supremacy way) or driving them away from their lands and living separately but as dominant species (soft separatism way).

            • 2 weeks ago

              >This series should conclude with humans becoming intelligent again and either wiping out apes or enslaving them (hard supremacy way) or driving them away from their lands and living separately but as dominant species (soft separatism way).

              The new movies are going to copy the olds ones, with humans and apes eventually living happily ever after in peace and harmony.

      • 2 weeks ago

        They do not. He's a part of a monastic order and his only surviving brother died.

      • 2 weeks ago

        i like how none of the replies even tried to convince me you’re wrong

    • 2 weeks ago

      least woke movie I've seen since obama years

    • 2 weeks ago

      homosexuals ITT are trying to gaslight you (because literally all they do is lie). They hint the orangutan is gay but he's Based so its forgiven. The white woman takes over the second half of the movie and becomes a fake ass Lara Croft who saves humanity with her camp of nearly all female humans. Clearly she's only there because woke producers forced rewrites.

      >Here's our script for Apes 4
      >Where's the female representation?
      >Its a movie about apes?
      >Rewrite it with female representation now. Also make her a badass. Also make her talk. Also make her smart. Also she cant dress like a primitive.
      >None of this fits with the setting but ok

      • 2 weeks ago

        >They hint the orangutan is gay
        He says he had a whole bunch of people with him when he started, and him and the other guy who died were the only people left when Noa arrived.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >and becomes a fake ass Lara Croft who saves humanity with her camp of nearly all female humans.
        She didn't really feel like Lara Croft to me. She only managed to accomplish her goal because the apes did most of the work. The only thing she did on her own was kill an old man.

        Calling it Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes and shoving Proximus on all the marketing was fricking gay because both these aspects are barely in the film. The movie should have been about Proximus rising to the throne and going on ape conquests across the planet like a Ape Genghis Khan.

        I was a little disappointed they killed off Proximus at the end considering how much build up there was to him amd how late into the film he shows up. I figure they would've had him survive to the next movie.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >first one to die is the black guy

  13. 2 weeks ago

    I like these movies but the third act of kingdom felt no different to war

    • 2 weeks ago

      I felt like it was a better version of the "Biblical Flood" scene

      >Mae betrays them and kills dozens of apes, which becomes a pivotal moment in Ape vs Human conflict
      >Noa steps up to become a leader ("Eagle clan! Climb!!")
      >Noa kills the gorilla by using his wits
      >Noa and his clan uses their unique skill to defeat Proximus instead of relying on strength

      it's much better than Reeves' version
      >oh no the human Caesar spared shot him and now the evil gorilla saved him, what a subversion

      There's just more agency and dramatic moments in Kingdom's finale

  14. 2 weeks ago

    who's "they"?

  15. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      I wish they didn't kill him in this movie, I wanted to see more of the kingdom and stuff

      • 2 weeks ago

        Calling it Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes and shoving Proximus on all the marketing was fricking gay because both these aspects are barely in the film. The movie should have been about Proximus rising to the throne and going on ape conquests across the planet like a Ape Genghis Khan.

        • 2 weeks ago

          A movie like that would be kino but you can't make a movie about colonialisn. Hell, it's 2024 and we are not even allowed to show feral humans full naked as

          It IS repetitive. There's too much focus on humans. I don't care about humans. Humans are supposed to be feral animals who are naked and act like how chimps do in real life. Read the fricking book. Stop making humans the main focus of the movie unless it's an actual remake of the original movie.


        • 2 weeks ago

          Certified ApeKino idea. I hate the fact the marketing talked up how Proximus perverted Ceaser's teachings but the movie barely brings that up. It's like there was supposed to be a different film until Disney forced rewrites like

          homosexuals ITT are trying to gaslight you (because literally all they do is lie). They hint the orangutan is gay but he's Based so its forgiven. The white woman takes over the second half of the movie and becomes a fake ass Lara Croft who saves humanity with her camp of nearly all female humans. Clearly she's only there because woke producers forced rewrites.

          >Here's our script for Apes 4
          >Where's the female representation?
          >Its a movie about apes?
          >Rewrite it with female representation now. Also make her a badass. Also make her talk. Also make her smart. Also she cant dress like a primitive.
          >None of this fits with the setting but ok


          • 2 weeks ago

            >until Disney forced rewrites
            Imagine making up stuff just so you can be mad.

        • 2 weeks ago

          title having nothing to do with the movie is on par for this series, Dawn was a typical injun war movie, War was a revenge western with a prison escape shoved into it

      • 2 weeks ago

        Kingdom will become EMPIRE

    • 2 weeks ago

      I wish they didn't kill him in this movie, I wanted to see more of the kingdom and stuff

      I loved Proximus too, but he died on a high note. Fantastic villain, second best after Koba and better than the guy in War

    • 2 weeks ago

      I liked him.

  16. 2 weeks ago


  17. 2 weeks ago

    >they dont know

    • 2 weeks ago


  18. 2 weeks ago

    I only saw the first one. It was OK, not bad.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    It's just Apocalypto but with chimpanzees.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    It IS repetitive. There's too much focus on humans. I don't care about humans. Humans are supposed to be feral animals who are naked and act like how chimps do in real life. Read the fricking book. Stop making humans the main focus of the movie unless it's an actual remake of the original movie.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Read this a while back,it's a good book. The original 1968 movie was a decent adaptation even if it changed a lot of things around. I've heard Boulle wrote a screenplay for a sequel to the movie that never got used. Someone should try making a film of that sometime

    • 2 weeks ago

      The Marky mark joint felt like a good remake of the first. It skipped beneath and went straight to conquest.. would have if the sequel had worked out.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    Girl monkey was FRICKING hot

  22. 2 weeks ago

    This guy literally did nothing wrong. He didn’t kill most of the tribes he conquered and they lived well. Got along with humans and was willing to cooperate with them. Realised technology and rebuilding society was the future. Reasonable and smart. Fought his own battles and died to bullshit eagle magic.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Got along with humans and was willing to cooperate with them.
      He wasn't, he told Noa from the get-go he didn't trust them. He just needed that crippled guy to tell him history and Mae to open the bunker. After that, it would be open season.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >This guy literally did nothing wrong.

      Proximus is literally ape Hitler.

  23. 2 weeks ago

    How are they going to reconcile the Aldo stuff and the alternative explanation of how humans started owning chimps instead of pets? Weren't the last two movies in the original series just stories being told by an unreliable narrator. They seem to almost all but forgotten who Caesar was in this movie. So I guess it is possible

  24. 2 weeks ago

    The next movie needs to go back to being more like Dawn. More daily life with the monke, monke on monke drama. Stop being so fricking slow. Needs more orangutan and gorilla characters.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Needs more orangutan and gorilla characters.
      This, I'm sick of chimps always being the heroes. We need a based gorilla protagonist.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Needs more orangutan and gorilla characters.

      They should have incorporated other intelligent apes/monkeys, like baboons as warriors (they're far more dangerous then gorillas) and gibbons as builders, etc.

      • 2 weeks ago

        cute monke with a sad face

  25. 2 weeks ago

    i saw this movie this afternoon with my cousin
    i haven't seen any of the others
    i thought it was really boring

  26. 2 weeks ago

    I want them to explore the idea that the apes are inherently genetic freaks. They were the product of a lab experiment. Their speech is halting, their gait is awkward, and despite being free for hundreds of years, they still live in mud huts. This is because they were forced to evolve by the virus; it's all unnatural.

    The Colonel in War had one line that I wish they expanded more
    >The irony is, we created you.
    I want to see apes come to terms with the fact that humans were their fallen creators.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I felt like it was moronic to have them still half moronic hundreds of years after the first movie. Like they at some point have to be able to speak fluently. Movie should have followed that trajectory

      • 2 weeks ago

        To be fair most apes can speak now, they have traditions and laws like only taking as many eggs as required. But at some point they lost the ability to read because Maurice probably fricked up. The clans are also isolated from each other. This movie could use a prequel.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Their speech is halting, their gait is awkward, and despite being free for hundreds of years

      It took humans _thousands_ of years to get their act together.

      "For most of their history, humans were nomadic hunter-gatherers. Humans began exhibiting behavioral modernity about 160,000–60,000 years ago. The Neolithic Revolution, which began in Southwest Asia around 13,000 years ago (and separately in a few other places), saw the emergence of agriculture and permanent human settlement; in turn, this led to the development of civilization and kickstarted a period of continuous (and ongoing) population growth and rapid technological change."

    • 2 weeks ago

      So? Humans were HGs for like 400,000 years

    • 2 weeks ago

      > Their speech is halting, their gait is awkward, and despite being free for hundreds of years, they still live in mud huts.

      It took humanity hundreds of thousands of years to get to living in mud huts.

      Why is it that people think 300 years is a long time? The fact that they’re living in mud huts at this point, 300 years after becoming sapient, is freaking remarkably fast.

  27. 2 weeks ago

    >people think Burtons Planet of Apes bad
    >watch this garbage
    every day Cinemaphile proves it's just reddit.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It'd be better if it weren't for that dogshit ending.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Burton's film's ending was more faithfull to the book.

        • 2 weeks ago

          But he made humans TALK and in the book feral humans are literally wild animals always naked and growling snd shit

      • 2 weeks ago

        the ending is the best part by far

      • 2 weeks ago

        the ending is the best part by far

  28. 2 weeks ago

    >"What if monke?" Part 31
    y? who asked for this?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Meeeee :3

  29. 2 weeks ago

    I want to see evolved gibbons and macaques as well. I wanna know if the greater apes see them as inferior or what

    • 2 weeks ago

      Me too. Doesn't Raka mention gibbons at some point?

  30. 2 weeks ago

    Silence, marketer!

  31. 2 weeks ago

    Not really interested in the modern ones.
    What about these?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Where's the 1968 one in your image? Also I think the bottom ones are made by cutting the tv series into films for tv.
      The originals are great though. Definitely watch them if you get the chance.

  32. 2 weeks ago

    I'm honestly so glad I pirated this slop
    I cant imagine how bummed people feel after paying 10 dollars for 2 hours of monkeys doing nothing

  33. 2 weeks ago

    Not so sure why it was so important to stop Proximus from getting weapons. Surely these weapons, without proper maintenance and ammunition resupply would have become useless in a matter of months

  34. 2 weeks ago

    How is there so many apes in dawn? In rise there's like 150 max that escape in to the forest then in dawn theres probably 1000. Where'd they all come from and how'd they all get intelligent?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Apes sexually mature within 10 years

    • 2 weeks ago

      >How is there so many apes

      The monkey pox spread around the world and apes in zoos all over the world escaped and set up their own communities while humans died off from the plague.

    • 2 weeks ago

      UC Davis has 5,000 chimps for animal testing

  35. 2 weeks ago

    >a tenous peace is presented between Apes and Man
    >Human and/or Ape is ignorant and bigoted
    >a tenuous peace is established

    Please, lets do this 5 more times.

  36. 2 weeks ago

    In case you haven’t noticed, they stopped showing up for those a few years back. Even the shows that they don’t even have to leave the house for have bombed. It isn’t 2019 anymore.

  37. 2 weeks ago

    How far into the future are they in this movie?

    • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      Its a modern day documentary on detroit

  38. 2 weeks ago

    I don't watch anything with muh empowered wimminz in a leading role. The previous three told and finished a complete story arc. At this point they're just flogging it for money and wokeism points.

  39. 2 weeks ago

    torrent when

    • 2 weeks ago

      Camgrabs are available but they're pretty washed out. Still, if you want to get in on the discussion you can watch that, then download a proper version when it drops.

  40. 2 weeks ago

    This is the kind of black representation I want to see in my movies.

  41. 2 weeks ago

    >they dont show up for the latest Marvel Star Wars slop
    You something right, congrats.

  42. 2 weeks ago

    Movie sucked, Proximus was barely in it
    Macy was wasted, how the frick do you have 2 history obsessed apes and not have a scene with both of them, awful awful movie in 2nd half
    1st half worldbuilding rules though
    5/10, very dissapointed in the marketing LIES

    • 2 weeks ago


      • 2 weeks ago

        You cant read, first half ruled 2nd half was all wasted potential

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Movie sucked
          _Movie_ as in "movie in general", you can't write.

  43. 2 weeks ago

    It's not repetitive. I'm not into CG slop but I have to admit these have good ideas behind them.
    >animal testing sci fi drama
    >apocalypse movie
    >snow apocalypse movie
    >the 1968 movie again but better
    Good flix

  44. 2 weeks ago

    why is every movie so wack man
    between this and furiosa it's just like who thinks this shit is cool

    • 2 weeks ago


      • 2 weeks ago

        lol do israelites think this is cool

        • 2 weeks ago

          Clearly israelites think Black folk are apes and will enjoy this chimpy nonsense.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Human beings are categorized as apes tho

            • 2 weeks ago

              We are primates not apes

              • 2 weeks ago

                Apes are a branch of primates Anon.

  45. 2 weeks ago

    When I see this, I just know it is a israelite's fantasy of a Black fantasy about ruling the world after White people are pushed from power.
    >apes in charge
    Return to tribal nonsense and no technology.
    It is reverse-wakanda, nothing more.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >no technology
      based and tedpilled

      • 2 weeks ago

        Enjoy your short painful life of manual hardship and your kids dying in infancy.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Enjoy ~~*debt*~~, wageslavery, degeneracy, globohomosexual and ~~*vaccines*~~.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Still better than death and oblivion.

  46. 2 weeks ago

    The entire series is just avatar but on earth

  47. 2 weeks ago

    That is literally every franchise ever. I'm pretty sure that the two words are now synonymous. It's why I rarely if ever bother watching a sequel. Perhaps it is the Franchise Model itself that is the problem.

  48. 2 weeks ago

    Guys I am not even kidding you
    I had a dream a few years back that they made a new planet of the apes movie and it was the most generic barebones shit imaginable and then this movie comes out
    Am I a psychic ? Am I a prophet of God?

  49. 2 weeks ago

    I will watch 1000 monkino before i watch another fricking marvel movie.

  50. 2 weeks ago

    It is repetitive. Monkey good. Humanity bad.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Monkey good. Humanity bad
      Except the villain in Dawn is Koba and the one enslaving Apes in Kingdom is another Ape. Caesar said his biggest mistake was thinking Apes were better than humans instead of seeing how like us they really are

  51. 2 weeks ago

    The first two movies were great. The third movie was a pretty by-the-numbers adventure movie but Andy Serkis' Caesar carried it. This one completes the franchise's transformation into standard popcorn films and without Serkis' performance it's just not as compelling as 3 was. It's not bad, I enjoyed it, it's just the same as everything else at this point. Also the CGI during movement scenes was noticeably worse, which was disappointing.

    Also, Proximus getting Animal Swarm cast on him during the climactic confrontation was goofy as hell. Like I get that they were trying to convey that Noah was establishing himself as the leader of Eagle Clan by befriending the eagles like his father did but that was just silly.

  52. 2 weeks ago

    When I went to see Ghostbusters Frozen Empire, there was a kid in my row and when the trailer for this movie came on the kid was like "OOOH ANOTHER KONG MOVIE!" I'm not trying to make a profound point or anything but I think it's funny that two "ape kingdom" movies are coming out within a few months of each other.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Ghostbusters Frozen Empire
      Why would you watch this slop?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >think it's funny that two "ape kingdom" movies are coming out within a few months of each other.
      PC was just s small scar king. Evne had apes move rocks for no reason and pull chains.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I think Proximus was having those apes build a dam. The entrance to the bunker could have been partially under water. It would exp,ain as to why it was flooded by blowing up what was essentially a dam. He had them pull the chains in an attempt to pull the doors open. Frankly, cutting through the doors or surveying the area to find another way inside would have been a smarter thing to do.

  53. 2 weeks ago

    No Koba, no watch

  54. 2 weeks ago

    Why did Jacob hate apes so fricking much? Did he had internalized self-hate and asociated apes with racism? It was kinda odd the only black guy in the whole franchise apparently had a hate bone for apes.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I know this is pasta but did anybody else notice that that there are no black people in Kingdom?

      • 2 weeks ago

        I think that there was a one when the apes catch humans and one semi-negress at the end.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Anyone notice how every bad ape has dark skin face in most these movies? (except Rocket).

      • 2 weeks ago

        the orangatan is pic rel
        i think theres a nog in the bunker as well
        and one of the feral humans was one

        • 2 weeks ago

          Yeah, not counting the apes. I thought I recognized the orangutan's voice, but I looked him up and haven't seen anything he's been in. I didn't notice any of the feral humans being black, but it was only that one scene. I kind of wish we'd see more of them.

    • 2 weeks ago

      He just viewed them as inferior beings

      >They’re getting it down a hell of a lot faster than it took humans
      they didnt do shit, everything they have was stolen, theyre literal Black folk

      So the literal village of apes that raise falcons and made their own building and stuff had stolen that? Explain that to me.

      and what do you think those bunker humans are doing? you saw extent of the beach facility. Theres no way theyre just jerkin off all day doing frick all, they have to be constantly expanding. They even have enough resources to service the huge ass satellite dishes. The only threat to them was Proximus getting a stash of tank, and they took care of that with a single girl.

      > and what do you think those bunker humans are doing?
      It doesn’t matter what they’re doing. The human race is doomed either way. They’re trying to contact other groups but there aren’t enough humans in existence to really do shit.

      > Theres no way theyre just jerkin off all day doing frick all, they have to be constantly expanding
      Hahaha expansion. Right. Humans were more widespread in the second movie than in this one. They haven’t even made any progress since this groups goal was basically the same as the group from the second film. Their goal was to contact other groups. I’m afraid I need to see more than a blown out bunker from fallout and satellite dishes covered with vines to convince me that they are expanding rather than desperately trying to avoid the inevitable.

      There’s like, what, a few dozen humans in that bunker. Tops. Proximus had hundreds of apes and that’s not even representative of how many other ape tribes there were in the world.

      • 2 weeks ago

        yeah how are humans supposed to expand? the bunker people were wearing hazmat suits so they cant just go conquering shit, what theyre going into battle wearing the suits? theyre basically fricked

      • 2 weeks ago

        >The human race is doomed either way.
        its been 300 years and the bunker chans havent died out. Your train of thoughts dont make sense, you are clearly operating on emotion

        • 2 weeks ago

          What’s that supposed to mean? They are going to die out eventually. You’re talking about 300 years but that’s not really very much time, my guy. The native Americans are still around after a near extinction event too. Did they take north America back?

          > you are clearly operating on emotion
          Hahaha have you watched the films? The last remnants of humanity are mostly wild animals and the ones that aren’t are hiding away in isolated bunkers trying to eek away a living while making no progress. Humanity is done. That’s not my emotions speaking. I have no reason to be emotionally invested in a fictional movie. I’m just giving an honest assessment of what’s shown in the movie. The movies demonstrate that humanity is fricked in every way imaginable. I’d say the same thing if it were a zombie apocalypse and you were talking about how humans would reclaim the watch with a few small pockets of small groups living in bunkers and shit.

          yeah how are humans supposed to expand? the bunker people were wearing hazmat suits so they cant just go conquering shit, what theyre going into battle wearing the suits? theyre basically fricked

          Yup, 100%. Humanity in the films is basically already dead. It’s just taking its last striggled gasps. It took Neanderthals 40,000 years to go extinct, sapient humanity is going out way faster than that.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >die out eventually
            2 more weeks
            >The last remnants of humanity
            watch the movie next time, the reveal is that theres a shit ton of normal humans and the girl isnt what she said she was.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >shit ton of normal humans
              homie there was like 10 dudes in that bunker

              • 2 weeks ago

                There was a small group of humans in that bunker. Like a few dozen at most. I’d be surprised if they even had 50 people there. You’re acting like they had a hidden city will millions of folk

                that ending bunker looked like it had a big outside structure, theres has to been a sustainable population in there to last 300 years. We hear american voices in the comms, so in the U.S. alone there has to be several colonies left, let alone the world. Ceasar's influence would of only been limited to the west coast, doubtful the other zoos had a chimp that was educated as a child like ceasar was. Those other groups would be like uncontacted tribes, without a human language.

              • 2 weeks ago

                in the U.S. alone there has to be several colonies left, let alone the world

                Not in numbers enough to actually conquer anything. And after 300 years the population in that bunker is most likely dwindling. If they had large numbers then they would have been able to send a larger force to secure the tapes rather than a small handful of people that were easily gutted with a single survivor to complete the mission.

              • 2 weeks ago

                and how do you expect them to conquer anything considering the apes carry the virus? they will go moronic the minute they try to go outside the bunker.

              • 2 weeks ago

                in the U.S. alone there has to be several colonies left, let alone the world

                Not in numbers enough to actually conquer anything. And after 300 years the population in that bunker is most likely dwindling. If they had large numbers then they would have been able to send a larger force to secure the tapes rather than a small handful of people that were easily gutted with a single survivor to complete the mission.

                idk just shoot em
                proxmas got got and most of his kingdom scattered, there really isnt anything to do ape hitler got killed

              • 2 weeks ago

                I think the virus would have to be dead by now. If they really want this to be linked to the original it makes sense. Taylor isn't effected by a virus after being around Apes for weeks and even Nova is able to speak in the second film

              • 2 weeks ago

                i hope they go this angle, bunker humans just keep protocal just in case another mutation hits them

              • 2 weeks ago


            • 2 weeks ago

              There was a small group of humans in that bunker. Like a few dozen at most. I’d be surprised if they even had 50 people there. You’re acting like they had a hidden city will millions of folk

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yes. He was supposed to be white bur they thought it would look bad for anglo Saxon Americans

    • 2 weeks ago

      half expected him to say ape no kill ape at the end

      • 2 weeks ago


  55. 2 weeks ago

    It was solid for what it was but it would've been better if they had balls to just have humans be completely like apes and maybe make the conflict have no humans in it at all besides them being like animals we never really got that perspective.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It didn't even feel like 300 years since last movie, felt more like 60.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Gotta drag this shit out to like 12 movies and spin-offs my guy

      Think of dat cheddar etc etc Hollywood israelites can't let movies simply be movies anymore

    • 2 weeks ago

      It was clearly setting up the trilogy. The humans will have a main role in the next two. Also

      >bunker full of human scientists
      >80% of them are women, the men are all minorities

      they just couldn't help themselves

    • 2 weeks ago

      >ruin Godzilla, Transformers and Apes
      Every time.

      • 2 weeks ago

        A Planet Of The Apes movie that's all apes would unironically be such a fresh take but they never do it lol.

  56. 2 weeks ago

    But people don't show up for marvel or star wars anymore. That's why the movies/shows bomb

  57. 2 weeks ago

    With each installment they're getting worse. I don't know about other anons but I found this movie to be pretty terrible. Seems most people liked it, kind of surprised tbh.

  58. 2 weeks ago

    no chuck heston
    no watch
    simple as

  59. 2 weeks ago

    There are only two data points that matter when it comes to how humans are going to fare in the future.

    >1. Humans lose at some point prior to the events of the original story.
    >2. Humans will not lose until the franchise stops selling tickets.

    That's it. There's no point analyzing it beyond that, humanity will last as long as the franchise does.

  60. 2 weeks ago


  61. 2 weeks ago


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