>people unironically defending this movie while calling themselves Superman fans

>people unironically defending this movie while calling themselves “Superman fans”

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  1. 2 years ago

    i don't call myself a superman fan. i call this the first good superman movie

    • 2 years ago

      I'm a redditor zoomer btw. Forgot to mention this.

    • 2 years ago

      No, the Kirk Alyn and George Reeves serials were better than this film. Snyder had some cool fight scenes but it was still moronic. Miles ahead of the MCU atleast.

  2. 2 years ago

    I was lurking in that other Supes thread with the YouTube thumbnail as the OP image as well.

  3. 2 years ago

    I'd sooner call this a Dragon Ball Z movie than a Superman movie

  4. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      stop my invincible son will live on forever

    • 2 years ago

      Honestly its the only thing in this movie I can't defend. Its especially cringe because Jonathan risks his life for the dog. The very next scene THE VERY NEXT SCENE. Martha has a totally different breed of dog. Its so dumb.
      >Jonathan believed so much that he had to protect Clark that he gave his life
      Thats not right. Superman would never let that happen. Meanwhile the kino story is Jonathan having a heart attack and Clark being unable to save him because it was inevitable.(nevermind that in the comics Superman goes to hell to save Jonathan's soul from the devil who stole it)

      • 2 years ago

        >Superman would never let that happen.

        He isn't Superman, he's just a normal kid who's about to go to college. A guy who grew up believing his father was right and that he should figure out why he was sent to Earth before he reveals himself to the world. And Jonathan being a guy who risks his own life even for a dog is leading by example and showing Clark first hand what heroism is. It's taking charge and not willing others to risk it when you can do it yourself, because your job is to protect them.

        • 2 years ago

          >He isn't Superman, he's just a normal kid who's about to go to college.
          He's a teen who can see through walls, bend steel and has 100% discovered his invincibility by this point in his life, letting his father get torn to shreds (you say) because of "consequences".

          It'll never not be moronic.

  5. 2 years ago

    Look I don’t care if Supes killed half of metropolis the ending fight was kino and the closest thing I’ll get to a decent live action DBZ fight with a gender bent Vegeta to boot.
    But dear Lord is everything else an absolute snore.

    • 2 years ago

      >Look I don’t care if Supes killed half of metropolis
      He mother fricking did not.

      See pic related? That was before Clark threw a single punch in Metropolis. Was done by the World Engine (while clark was on the other side of the planet) and the scout ship crashing. And once they started fighting in the city only 1 Skyscraper fully fell and Superman did ZERO damage to it.

      Here is the full fight, I defy you to show me where he punched Zod into a building.

      Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVco65KekFo
      Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06Qm8cKJ-jo

      I will list the damage Clark intentionally does by his own hand here...

      In Part 1 at 3:14 he collides with Zod near the side of 1 building leaving a crater.

      In Part 1 at 3:23 he burst through a already damaged concrete floor causing very little damage.

      In Part 2 at 0:21 he pushes Zod through some construction beams.

      In Part 2 at 0:50 Zod punches him into a building and he drags Zod's face across the windows of the building opposite in response.

      In Part 2 at 1:50 Superman gains "control" of their decent at the last minute and pushes Zod into the train station.

      THAT IS IT! That is all the destruction Superman causes during their hand to hand fight. Not once did he actually punch or throw Zod into a building in Metropolis.

      • 2 years ago

        >Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVco65KekFo
        >Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06Qm8cKJ-jo
        >le destruction porn
        Yo, Znyder must jerk off to the weirdest shit....wonder if he's switched it up since his daughter became the first member of the Suicide Squad.

      • 2 years ago

        ew this shit is so gay. it was gay when i was a kid and watched it. it remains gay now. god, you snydergays are sad.

      • 2 years ago

        Is funny how people forget that superman dragged a fight to smallville and we all saw how that went

        • 2 years ago

          And that was a frick up if someone who's never been in a fight before. And when he tried to leave he got stopped.

          • 2 years ago

            He literally dragged zod there that shit wasn't an accident

            • 2 years ago

              Like I said, dumbass, it was a frick up on Clark's part. He just wanted Zod away from his mom. He wasn't thinking, he was reacting.

            • 2 years ago

              The fact that he almost immediately into the fight tried to drag Faora back out of town suggest otherwise.

    • 2 years ago

      >Look I don’t care if Supes killed half of metropolis
      he didn't, 90% of the destruction was Zods dubstep machine.

  6. 2 years ago

    This is the best Superman we've ever gotten. Take a look at this scene. It's the defining moment that tests Superman's conviction. His strength drained, he is weakened. Perry White holds hands with Jenny Jurwich and Steve Lombard, symbolizing humanity collectively holding onto each other before the inevitable end. Superman looks so small and powerless, pummeled by this celestial force, the literal weight of the world on his shoulders. And from deep within emerges a vast power, from whence previously there was none, which lifts Superman off of the ground, and rockets him upwards with great speed, into the light.
    This movie was a love letter so Superman fans. Frick you OP. It doesn't matter what you say.

    • 2 years ago

      They made him a cold blooded killer with no humanity

      • 2 years ago

        You're trying too hard

    • 2 years ago

      There was no hope, there was no humanity.

      He had no personality, and I'm not even sure he smiled once.

      • 2 years ago

        Was literally posted in the last thread.
        Does it hurt to reach this far?

        • 2 years ago

          Unspeakably handsome actor, as Clark and Supes.

          Does anyone have that gif of Gal Gadot biting her lip at Henry.

          • 2 years ago

            Wasn't that Chris Pine

            • 2 years ago

              He's handsome too. But he's best as Kirk.

    • 2 years ago

      Superman vs. Good Water Pressure

    • 2 years ago

      It would've been cooler if this scene ended with him punching up the beam like in the Fleischer cartoons.

    • 2 years ago

      I have always wanted to put this scene to The Planet Krypton theme from 78. I think it even syncs well.

      >the music swells as Superman flies into the beam

  7. 2 years ago

    I'm a Superman fan and this was top tier capeshit. Now what?

  8. 2 years ago

    I never once felt hope coming from this Superman, just a ticking pyschopath

  9. 2 years ago

    It’s good. The only Superman movie I ever liked. I don’t think he’s that interesting but the movie has cool fights. Feels like actual gods during it out over the city.

  10. 2 years ago

    > Not addressing the destruction.
    > Execution of the tornado scene.
    > Smashing the trucker's truck.
    > Pa Kent not having enough positive/optimistic scenes.
    > Pa Kent's "maybe" line.
    > Clark accidentally taking Zod into Smallville.

    Pro or Con depending on your subjective preferences!
    > Killing Zod.
    > Clark being genuinely conflicted about revealing himself to the public and the potential dire consequences of such.
    > Fight scenes/battles are not short. IMO they are just the right length but some consider the final fight to have been overly long.
    > No jokes breaking tension during the fight or life & death sequences.

    > Clark learning to fly + him stopping the world engine are universally praised scenes even among haters.
    > Extremely well choreographed epic fight scenes.
    > Simultaneously grounded in a realistic feeling earth but with a truly epic feel, scope & scale.
    > Incredibly well crafted sets and outfits.
    > Beautiful score.
    > Flawless cast.
    > Best, most competent, least overly emotional Lois Lane in the history of live action except MAYBE Durance.
    > Zod is a great villain.
    > Faora is iconic & sexy as frick.
    > No homaging/copying/retreading the Donner films (aside from using zod)
    > Fantastic Krypton opening.
    > Some nice military porn without overdoing it or being "America frick yeah" like MBay.
    > Inspiring despite the honest & slightly dour presentation of humanity being flawed. Scenes of the Daily Planet staff, the main solider & Toby from the West Wing being willing to sacrifice themselves are all well done.

    • 2 years ago

      Love her so much.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Nah the production design was beyond magnificent just needed some more crystaline aspects.


        Nah added to the grounded realism.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >Best, most competent, least overly emotional Lois Lane in the history of live action except MAYBE Durance.
      tf is ppl's problem w/ margot kidder? she was great. i guess not a hottie, but she pretty much delivered on the emotional axis of who lois was at the time and exceeded that.

    • 2 years ago

      >Pa Kent's "maybe" line.

      It's a good line. It paints Jonathan as a father struggling to deal with a difficult situation and trying to explain something to a kid who doesn't have to capability to understand it properly and when he's asked a difficult moral question he can't deliver a perfect answer when the choice is between revealing his son to the world which endangers his son's entire future vs people dying and there's no guarantee a small kid with powers could do anything except make things worse atop of revealing himself to the world. So Jonathan fumbles and says maybe because that's what every parent would do, first and foremost think of their child before anyone else. And then he immediately realizes he has to come forward and explain to Clark everything now so he can understand why he has to ve careful and hide

      • 2 years ago

        "We have to hide him or the goverment will do speriments on him and stuff. Im a good person overall because I care about my family and now ill die to prove that"

        Oh yeah definately not moronic writing in a shitty movie by writers who have fricking clue how humans act or how morality works

        • 2 years ago

          t. someone who isn't a parent.

    • 2 years ago

      >> Clark learning to fly + him stopping the world engine are universally praised scenes even among haters.
      It was purty!
      >> Extremely well choreographed epic fight scenes.
      The climactic fight with Zod was stupid, and did not live up to the Smallville fight, the only good fight.
      >> Simultaneously grounded in a realistic feeling earth but with a truly epic feel, scope & scale.
      So purty.
      >> Incredibly well crafted sets and outfits.
      Did I mention how purty it was?
      >> Beautiful score.
      Purty music too!
      >> Flawless cast.
      Lois is too old, Perry is an imbecile, but the main problem is that all the characters are written like shit, not that they don't look appropriate.
      >> Best, most competent, least overly emotional Lois Lane in the history of live action except MAYBE Durance.
      Yes, she can climb ice cliffs in lethally cold arctic nights in her mall-coat, wowzers.
      >> Zod is a great villain.
      He's a 40 IQ military strategist who gets his ass kicked by farmers and labcoats. He'd be low-tier in the MCU with Malekith and the like.
      >> Faora is iconic & sexy as frick.
      So, so purty.
      >> No homaging/copying/retreading the Donner films (aside from using zod)
      (aside from using all 3 of the villains from Donner effectively)
      >> Fantastic Krypton opening.
      Purty space dragons!
      >> Some nice military porn without overdoing it or being "America frick yeah" like MBay.
      Jets go whoosh!
      >> Inspiring despite the honest & slightly dour presentation of humanity being flawed. Scenes of the Daily Planet staff, the main solider & Toby from the West Wing being willing to sacrifice themselves are all well done.
      Despite the hackneyed "humans gonna freak" plotline, the humans all act completely reasonable at all points in the movie, aside from strafing the piss out of Smallville to "save it". Anything resembling a profound story is lost as soon as Snyder starts bashing his action figures together, and are never taken up again.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, being "purty" is not a bad thing in a visual medium. I don't like the movie at all but you type like a homosexual.

        • 2 years ago

          Being Purty is the ONLY merit the film has, and is the ultimate fall-back for Snyderpajeets.
          And really it's purtiness relies heavily on your tolerance for oversaturation.
          It's plot is garbage, it's characterization is garbage. But sooo sooo purty.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, being "purty" is not a bad thing in a visual medium. I don't like the movie at all but you type like a homosexual.

        Being Purty is the ONLY merit the film has, and is the ultimate fall-back for Snyderpajeets.
        And really it's purtiness relies heavily on your tolerance for oversaturation.
        It's plot is garbage, it's characterization is garbage. But sooo sooo purty.

        It’s spelled “pretty”

    • 2 years ago

      >> Clark learning to fly + him stopping the world engine are universally praised scenes even among haters.
      I probably qualify as what you would consider a hater and I don't think the world engine scene works. I think it would've been better if it were actually around people so that it would have delivered on the whole "Clark will inspire people" thing.
      As for your other pros, nah.

  11. 2 years ago

    It's classic Hack Snyder:

    >few good moments that pay homage and nail Superman
    >80% of it is shit

  12. 2 years ago
  13. 2 years ago

    snyder spiders

  14. 2 years ago

    People who hate this movie tend to like All Star Superman and nothing else.

  15. 2 years ago

    Hack Znyder's a cuck to the nth degree

  16. 2 years ago

    It was a really good movie that did Superman good

  17. 2 years ago

    Damn, homies. 70s Johnathan Kent was based af

    >No, no. (raises a finger) Now, you listen to me. When you first came to us, we thought that people would come and take you away because, when they found out, you know, the things you could do...and that worried us a lot. But then a man gets older, and he thinks very differently and things get very clear. And there's one thing I do know, son, and that is you are here for a *reason*. I don't know whose reason, or whatever the reason is...maybe it's because...um...I don't know, it's uh...
    >But I do know one thing.
    >(soft smile)
    >It's *not* to score touchdowns. Huh?

    If your dad is still alive Cinemaphile, did you call him today?

    If he's gone, R.IP., man.

  18. 2 years ago

    frick hack snyder

  19. 2 years ago

    I know right. As if the content its self wasnt shit (His father commiting suicide, Superman barely talks) lets stand back and look at it from an artists point of view to see what this film conveys:

    1) A bleak colorless atmosphere, worse than a regular movie. (comic book heros, THE comic book hero wears absurd bright colors)
    2) One dimensional thinking thats unoriginal and indicative of borderline IQ: "Durr, uh, he real strong so he uhh must be like god/Jesus and is god/" Effectively giving Superman zero personality.
    3) Superman kills, theres a thousand unlimited ways you could write him winning without having to kill since its fiction, just something to tell you Superman not killing is dumb and unrealistic
    4) Jonathan Kent self murder - a hopeless attempt at something deep that ultimately comes across as stupid, when his son runs so fast no would see - but really only written in to give you a bleak atmosphere.
    5) Murder City, not so much intentional, but just to make everything "cool" with disaster porn. Ultimately makes Superman incompetent and betrays what he stands for
    6) Superman is mute and not uncharismatic, a loser even.
    7) A one dimensional movie overall with none of the morality associate with Superman.
    8) They didnt even want to title the Superman movie "Superman", because thats obviously stupid, amd Superman is stupid.

    This is the quintessential non-Superman fan movie. And Cavill is sort if a victim here because he always wanted to play a proper Supermam but had to settle for this hoping it wouldnt suck ass as it went.

    Now, I'm not a Reeve wanker, frankly I think people should get over him since Im tired of people aping him. But look at how his color pops and how he looks like Superman in his world. And frankly its quite sad Reeve is still Superman essentially because there have been so many flops or just mediocrity.

    • 2 years ago

      >8) They didnt even want to title the Superman movie "Superman", because thats obviously stupid, amd Superman is stupid.

      Still something that infuriates me.

      >Batman movies are called "The Dark Knight"
      >Superman movies are "Man of Steel"
      >Batman/Superman movies aren't "World's Finest"

      At least be fricking consistent about it.

  20. 2 years ago

    All Snyder had to do was address the ONE big criticism of MoS and it would've worked fine as a Superman origin story and the point Clark grows from.

    But Snyder can't stop himself from sacrificing character for destructive spectacle.

    He wants a Clark that won't act to save his father's life, but will turn a truck into a pretzel. He wants a Batman that is opposed to Superman's wanton destruction, but also has a massive bodycount. He wants a Batman who kills, but for there to still somehow be a Joker.

    I think the best scene of the DCEU is still the opening scene of BvS because it actually seems to know this and to orient itself towards fixing Man of Steel's problems. It addresses the wanton destruction, actual people die and survivors experience consequence, it's not like in MoS when the Daily Planet staff escape their crumbling office and are back at work in the final scene.

    It sets up the central confict between a Batman who values life and a Superman who can't stop destruction and wants to do better, and with every subsequent scene Snyder shits on that promise. Batman kills, Superman kills, both are high and mighty about the other killing, the confict doesn't develop in any substantial way until the final scene, yadda yadda, we've all heard these gripes before...

    But no shared universe has delivered a scene where they have their cake and eat it. Where they can turn the camera on themselves and change the context in which an earlier film operates. Marvel's work is too cookie-cutter to ever have the level of self-awareness this scene has, and I don't understand why Snyder couldn't take the lessons of it, but then he missed the point of Watchmen too so I guess the guy just has no clue about the messages of his own works.

    • 2 years ago

      >He wants a Batman that is opposed to Superman's wanton destruction, but also has a massive bodycount.

      The hypocrisy is intentional, you fricking idiot.

      >He wants a Batman who kills, but for there to still somehow be a Joker.

      And? Joker even in the comics survives from all kinds of shit, and Batman is still incapable of finding Joker if he's hiding. Batman turning unhinged is a new development. You're proving that Snyder it too smart for you with such stupid complaints. You're a whiny fanboy buttmad you didn't get the version you wanted in your own developed hype

      • 2 years ago

        >The hypocrisy is intentional

        Explain why. Explain why it's not a bad thing that these characters stand for nothing and have no redeeming qualities.

        >Joker even in the comics survives from all kinds of shit

        And it's dumb as frick there too. And there Batman isn't living, eating, breathing and shitting murder. Batman goes out of his way in the comics to save Joker a stupid amount of times. If Batman put that same effort into killing him, as DCEU Batman presumably has, why is he alive?

        >Batman is still incapable of finding Joker if he's hiding

        In Suicide Squad he goes to Arkham after killing Robin, escapes with Harley Quinn, goes to a nightclub, and Batman finds him there on his personalized lamborghini.

        I know that's not a Snyder movie, but still.

        >Batman turning unhinged is a new development

        If you think "Batman, but with muder" is an original Zack Snyder idea (TM), you are in no position to lecture people about Batman.

        • 2 years ago

          >Explain why it's not a bad thing that these characters stand for nothing and have no redeeming qualities.

          Because they're human and err. Batman deranged and drunk on his fear and anger because he's lost faith in humanity as a bitter, broken man is important factor when Superman proves you can be better and literally inspires Bruce to get his shit together.

          >And there Batman isn't living, eating, breathing and shitting murder.

          Batman is focused on destroying Superman, not running around murdering everyone, you stupid c**t. He's slowly growing more erratic and sadistic instead of being murder man from day one.

          >and Batman finds him there on his personalized lamborghini

          And then he loses him when he saves Harley. Just because you can find someone occasionally doesn't mean you can always find them.

          • 2 years ago

            >Superman proves you can be better and literally inspires Bruce to get his shit together

            Superman is also a sad man struggling with his faith, and he doesn't do much better than Batman, considering he's still murdering people with impunity and not working to establish a relationship with the world he intends to save and represent.

            Lois' entire arc in the UE is struggling to explain to people that Superman didn't execute someone with a gun, something people struggle to believe. That's your inspirational Superman?

            >Batman isn't murder man from day one

            He brands the human trafficker in his introductory scene, and then Clark explains that the brand is a death sentence in prison. In the UE it's explained that Lex is orchestrating the murders, but Batman still knows its a death sentence and continues to do it. So he is a murderer from day one. There is no progression in Batman or Superman's character from the first scene until they fight.

            • 2 years ago

              >Superman is also a sad man struggling with his faith

              No, he's struggling with the pressures of being a public hero, like the impossibility of being sure that every action he takes doesn't have unwanted consequences, either indirectly or by ther people.

              >and he doesn't do much better than Batman, considering he's still murdering people with impunity

              Nope, wrong again.

              >and not working to establish a relationship with the world he intends to save and represent.

              He just wants to help, and not be the story. Him appearing at the senate hearing is him accepting that he cannot just go around saving people like a good Samaritan anymore, and has to get personally involved to control the narrative told about him. It's another lesson and development for the character.

              >That's your inspirational Superman?

              My inspirational Superman is someone who takes a man who's lost in his own fear and rage and lifts him up and makes him become a better man again. Superman singlehandedly restores Batman's hope and faith in humanity by proving Batman's cynical fears wrong.

              >He brands the human trafficker in his introductory scene, and then Clark explains that the brand is a death sentence in prison

              I.e. he isn't murdering people directly. It's an indication of him turning more sadistic, brutal and cruel and that's why his actions develop more violent and erratic until he's about to murder Superman with his own hands.

              Again, you're too stupid to understand the movie, ya silly c**t.

              • 2 years ago

                He does still murder people with impunity. He flies those terrorists through concrete walls. His propensity for killing with impunity is so well known in-universe that Lois struggles to convince people he didn't execute someone with a gun.

                Nobody in the DCEU looks up to Superman. The people he saves are grateful to him, the people he is against are usually murdered or fear murder, and most people don't trust him.

                DCEU Superman is not an inspirational figure, least of all to Batman, whose opinion of Superman doesn't evolve for 3 hours of the movie up until the Martha scene.

                There is functionally no difference between many indirect murders via torture, imprisonment and shanking vs killing one guy yourself. The moral difference there is something you've invented to sell yourself a character arc that doesn't exist. Again, most of what you like in this movie isn't actually in the movie. You silly c**t.

              • 2 years ago

                >Nobody in the DCEU looks up to Superman
                Hey now, that's not true, he had plenty of cultists who worshiped him like the second coming of Jesus.

              • 2 years ago

                Killing in defense of others isn't fricking murder.

              • 2 years ago

                He could've easily disarmed them, stood in front of the bullets, etc., but he flies him through a concrete wall.

                Again, he acts so brutal that Lois struggles to convince people he didn't commit a war crime.

                If Clark had grown from the ending of Man of Steel, he'd be more careful about applying lethal force. But Snyder wants him to kill people because that's realism bro, realism is when things are badass.

              • 2 years ago

                It's also not something Superman does.

              • 2 years ago

                >He flies those terrorists through concrete walls.
                No. Knyazev was the one who killed Amajagh. Not Superman.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm gonna have to ask you to cite specific lines from the movie as I haven't seen it since the UE came out and you've been making shit up this whole thread.

                Superman flies the head terrorist through a wall and kills him. The other terrorists are left for authorities, but found later to have been killed execution style. Thus the Lois plot of the UE.

              • 2 years ago

                The tub scene with Lois. Clark says, "I didn't kill those men". Later we find out it was Luther who ordered the hit on Amajagh to make Superman look bad.

              • 2 years ago

                I assumed that meant the remaining men. He clearly takes out Amajagh with excessive force.

                Either way, even the negligibility of the kill, and the fact that most people Lois encounters readily believe Superman kills, shows that he's not putting enough emphasis on disavowing lethal force to take the high road when it comes to Batman, thus the entire central conflict and character arcs are sacrificed for wanton violence, as is my original argument.

                >Nobody in the DCEU looks up to Superman

                Plenty of people do. He even has a statue.

                >>east of all to Batman, whose opinion of Superman doesn't evolve for 3 hours of the movie up until the Martha scene.

                Almost as if that's a pivotal scene climaxing in Batman realising he's been in the wrong that whole time, ya dumb fricking troglodyte.

                He gets a statue after he dies because Snyder wants to treat Superman as a god figure in the back end of the movie without doing any of the work in the front end showing him or his perception by the world changing. The same thing happens with Batman.

                Pivotal scene my ass, it's called a character arc, not a character straight-line-until-it-veers-wildly-at-the-end. Batman's opinion doesn't evolve. Contrary to what that other anon says, he doesn't get more unhinged through the movie, he's killing people from day one. The character is stagnant up until his opinion takes a 180. Snyder had three hours of a movie to build something leading up to that, his best attempt was to show us the Waynes being shot... again.

              • 2 years ago

                >He gets a statue after he dies

                No, the statue is built after the events of MoS. You also see him saving people and articles detailing his heroism and media debating his role and how to view him. It's all part of the larger narrative about Superman's existence dividing people until there's unity when he publicly sacrifices himself to save the world.

              • 2 years ago

                Superman didn't kill Amajagh. That was a plot point. It's shown later in the Ultimate Edition.

              • 2 years ago

                He pushed the guy at high speed through two brick walls. Is it like the later DCEU scenes of carnage where we are assured "that entire section of the city has been evacuated."?
                They're never shown to have been evacuated, there's no sirens or anything, but conveniently it's mentioned after they blow up the district.

                I guess Batfleck didn't kill any of Luthor's guards, including the one he dropped his tank on from the second story.

              • 2 years ago

                Superman headbutted the walls I'm pretty sure. And in the original theatrical cut Clark says he didn't kill anyone. In the Ultimate Edition it's made even more clear by showing us that the killer was Anatoli.

              • 2 years ago

                >He pushed the guy at high speed through two brick walls

                Yeah, and? Where is it shown he's dead instead of just injured?

              • 2 years ago

                >I guess Batfleck didn't kill any of Luthor's guards, including the one he dropped his tank on from the second story.

                Batman killing people with a vehicle has always been fair game.

              • 2 years ago

                >Nobody in the DCEU looks up to Superman

                Plenty of people do. He even has a statue.

                >>east of all to Batman, whose opinion of Superman doesn't evolve for 3 hours of the movie up until the Martha scene.

                Almost as if that's a pivotal scene climaxing in Batman realising he's been in the wrong that whole time, ya dumb fricking troglodyte.

              • 2 years ago

                >Superman singlehandedly restores Batman's hope and faith in humanity by proving Batman's cynical fears wrong.

                That happened in the most contrived and stupid way possible which is why the no one takes this movie seriously outside die hard cultist.

            • 2 years ago

              >Superman is also a sad man struggling with his faith
              Sort of? They really fricked up by not giving Clark the character of "Clark Kent: mild mannered reporter for the Daily Planet."

              Like, idgaf about some hobo gayface

          • 2 years ago

            Sorry, I forgot to call you a stupid c**t for making up scenes in a movie you claim to like so you can like it more.

            Delusional schizo.

  21. 2 years ago

    >DCucks still whining about a movie a decade later
    It's over. Move on. What happened to that CW shit you morons couldn't stop sucking the wiener of for like a month?

    • 2 years ago

      >What happened to that CW shit you morons couldn't stop
      It was pro North Korea globalist commie propaganda.

  22. 2 years ago

    >Son, the world must never know of your powers, you must never risk exposing yourself even if it means kids might die
    >but if you want to turn some trucker frick's cab into an Optimus Prime skewer, go for it
    Nice movie, Snydergays.

  23. 2 years ago

    What's with some people's obsession with cavill? He can barely act.

  24. 2 years ago

    >while calling themselves “Superman fans”
    They don't. They're Synder cultists

  25. 2 years ago

    Ye cuz Superman movies are just that boring usually.

  26. 2 years ago

    I think being so concerned with "branding" (is it appropriate for Sonic to have mature themes or these things in it? Or Mario? Or what about Pokemon?) is sign of corporatist brain-rot where storytelling has been monopolized by IP-holders and the extent of media criticism by their target audiences isn't with respect to art's meaning but instead whether or not it's "on-brand". You'd have children's stories all throughout history where animals maim each other or little kids were devoured by demons, cute aesthetics that go dark by the end, but what apparently counts as legitimate criticism now is to point out that something that looks childish goes to dark places and how awful that is for a children's IP.

    • 2 years ago

      Nah. IT's called a property having a consistent tone and how weird that gets when the tone is all over the fricking place. Sonic is a good example.

  27. 2 years ago

    It has some good parts to it, like Zimmer's music and the Smallville battle. Or the final aerial battle with Zod (if you can somehow ignore the scores of dead people). I think Snyder captured the visuals of Superman's flight and the impact of his punches better than anyone else did.
    But yeah overall it sucks, and BvS was somehow even worse. The third trailer for it is absolute kino though.

  28. 2 years ago

    i think this movie was supposed to be a doomsday movie, the metropolis fight scene and Superman killing zod makes more sense if you think that way
    also Superman returns is better

  29. 2 years ago

    I'm curious. Do you guys that like this movie type up your responses each time, or do you have a file that you copy and paste it from?

  30. 2 years ago

    I also want to say that WB's weird decision to make all their superheroes 30-somethings who have to have arguments with their Mommy/Daddy/parent-figure/gf so they can go out and superhero (like they are 16 yr olds who want to go to a house party past 9pm) is baffling.
    This shit really started with Bale-bats and his israeli Mom-Butler, and has not let up since.
    They aren't teenagers, but apparently all the Superfriends need to seek parental permission.

    • 2 years ago

      >israeli Mom-Butler
      My Cocaine is English-Irish

      • 2 years ago

        Yes, but he harps on Bruce like his israeli mother. It's okay for him to have adventures shooting up the third world for the Crown (probably at an earlier age than 30), but Bruce is absolutely a fool for trying to undo the havoc he created by pissing off a cult of assassins.
        Better to leave the city to their revenge!
        It's creepy how middle-aged DC superheroes need permission. Man of Autism seeks it out in all 3 movies. What an inspiring guy.

  31. 2 years ago

    I mean, if you're a 35 yr old billionaire and you are still shouting "YOU AREN'T MY DAD" at your manservant unironically, you have problems.
    It's like the DC movies are made for autists who will never leave the nest.

  32. 2 years ago

    It’s obviously not a good movie but it’s not as bad as a lot of people say

    • 2 years ago

      It's a lot of money to throw away on a tedious, off-tone Superman movie, when the PREVIOUS Superman movie was the same expensive tedious off-tone shit.
      Is it really necessary to reinvent Superman as a sad, reluctant man of constant sorrow?

      • 2 years ago

        Wtf are you talking about? The movie made like $1 billion adjusted for inflation.

        • 2 years ago

          >The movie made like $1 billion adjusted for inflation.
          Can I have what you are smoking? Man of Steel was not made in 1970.

          • 2 years ago

            $328,276,427 domestic box office adjusted for inflation
            $151,359,070 domestic home market adjusted for inflation
            ~$485,820,000 international box office adjusted for inflation [this one is a bit funky] [it's a conservative estimate]
            The movie made WB a lot of money.

            • 2 years ago

              You know desperation has set in when Blu Rays and T-shirts start getting added into Box office.
              Only DCKeks do this. I have never seen anyone try to justify Eternals by Blu Ray/4k sales, and the Eternals 4k was phenomenally expensive.

              • 2 years ago

                I mean 328 million adjusted for inflation is pretty decent- it's higher than Thor Ragnarok.

              • 2 years ago

                Even without the Blu-ray, DVD, and streaming sales (which is all perfectly legitimate taking into account ZSJL and movies such as Turning Red are made to turn a profit and have successfully done so) that's still like $850 million. I don't understand that criticism.

              • 2 years ago

                Stop trying and failing to do math. I'm second hand embarrassed for you.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not failing anything though. Those numbers all cut off at like May.
                I don't really care if you do or don't hate it. The fact is that MoS made around $1 billion. Removing the $150-$175 million it made from DVD sales and such, it's sitting around $800-$850 million.

              • 2 years ago

                >The fact is that MoS made around $1 billion.
                It made $750 million adjusted, and absolutely no one but Snyderpajeets figure in vidya sales into box office. You absolute kek.
                You can't just make up figures, you aren't Orange Leader.

              • 2 years ago

                >no one but Snyderpajeets figure in vidya sales into box office
                $485,820,000 international box office adjusted for inflation
                $328,276,427 domestic box office adjusted for inflation
                This is already over $800 million. And it doesn't account for DVD sales.

              • 2 years ago

                >$485,820,000 international box office adjusted for inflation
                This is a number you have completely made up, unless you want to cite it.

              • 2 years ago

                It's an estimate for the international box office adjusted for inflation. And you can calculate for inflation in other countries.
                Try it out for yourself.

              • 2 years ago

                I know you want to believe that the international sales experienced no inflation whatsoever, but they did. And now who is really fudging numbers?

              • 2 years ago

                >I know you want to believe that the international sales experienced no inflation whatsoever
                THE YEAR that Man of Steel made money, all that International money was converted to Dollars, Hollywood does not vault Rupees.

                TODAY, those DOLLARS convert up to 113%, you do NOT figure all International Box office by the inflation rate of the Rupee, you beyond ignorant Poo.

              • 2 years ago

                Hollywood does actually hold foreign currency. And if you want the numbers adjusted for the inflation rate of the dollar then...
                Clean your own house before criticizing others.

              • 2 years ago

                You are using the inflation rate of the US economy, rather than the inflation rate of ticket costs. Ticket prices have not inflated at the same rate as the cost of gas or broad economy.

              • 2 years ago

                It's 291mil domestic, adjusted to 328 million
                and 377mil worldwide adjusted to 426 million
                Added together that's 754 million, not a billion, not "close to a billion, not 800 million.

                You do not get to make up your own math.

              • 2 years ago

                You don't get to bargain like a Persian Bazaar; it's a simple process of MATH.

              • 2 years ago

                Btw, using a computer, Man of Steel's box office inflation is 113%. 113% of it's (rounded up) box office is 754 million. Not even close to a billion.

                >box office inflation
                Dude, do you understand how money works? Each country has its own inflation rate. Worldwide box office inflation is an impossible calculation to perform.
                That being said MoS did respectable in the domestic box office all in all. The problem is that the movie opened so well it should have done more.

              • 2 years ago

                >Worldwide box office inflation is an impossible calculation to perform.
                All that world box office is converted to American dollars; those dollars are convertible through ticket inflation. I'm aware you are using moron-mathestimacation to try and make Man of Steel a bigger success than it was, and I am asking you to cut it out.

              • 2 years ago

                >All that world box office is converted to American dollars
                I can't believe this is something I have to explain to an adult human capable of typing words on the internet, but here we go:
                The amount of USD a ticket in Japan cost in 2013 is almost identical to the amount of USD a ticket in Japan costs today. WB, from Japan, has made "no more" money from inflation with MoS in Japan, because if they sold the same amount of tickets they would get the same amount of USD out today.
                On the other hand domestically the inflation rate has made US/Canada tickets worth more. So if they sold the same amount of tickets in US/Canada today as they did in 2013, they would make more money than they did back then. That's why you can't just say "lmao just do 1.13 x worldwide gross" for an accurate adjusted picture.
                This is why box office sites only report "domestic inflation adjusted" instead of "worldwide inflation adjusted," because they aren't total morons like you. Tell me, where's the "international adjusted" tab? If it's 750M like you're saying then why isn't it an official stat?
                And you should note that I am not a Snyder shill. I overall dislike Man of Steel and I think it would have easily made 800M+ in 2013 if it was a better movie, given how well it opened.

              • 2 years ago

                Yes but that money doesn't stay in Japan (outside of the theater's cut). So it's irrelevant what Japan's inflation is, Hollywood isn't in Japan. Their banks aren't either.

              • 2 years ago

                >Dude, do you understand how money works? Each country has its own inflation rate.
                I am aware.

            • 2 years ago

              Btw, using a computer, Man of Steel's box office inflation is 113%. 113% of it's (rounded up) box office is 754 million. Not even close to a billion.

  33. 2 years ago

    According to Thenumbers.com, Man of Steel made close to $750 million adjusted for modern ticket prices. it's budget would also be closer to $300 million by those same adjustments.
    It had a phenomenal opening weekend, but collapsed when audiences got a good taste of it and word spread.

  34. 2 years ago

    Basically DC's ambitious tentpole, that cost as much as an Avengers movie, made Thor: Dark World money, and that's FINE.

  35. 2 years ago


    MoS made WB so much money, giving the company the buying power of around $1 billion, and you're going to have to swallow that fact. It was an incredibly successful movie all-around.
    Criticizing the film's revenue is laughable. Find something else to criticize because you won't succeed making fun of its box office.

  36. 2 years ago

    I maintain this movie is the victim of bad timing more than bad execution. People just weren’t interested in dour dramatic superheroes at this time thanks to Ironman and Avengers. Lots of other movies got an unfair shake for the same reason like Amazing Spider-Man. I have a feeling in years to come people will look back more kindly on it for its attempt at deeper themes and forget about all the cheap meme reviews that blasted it for superficial reasons.

    • 2 years ago

      >People just weren’t interested in dour dramatic superheroes at this time thanks to Ironman and Avengers.
      Or maybe Superman isn't a dour character?

  37. 2 years ago

    Why didn't he just fly up while bending backwards so the eye laser goes straight up?

    • 2 years ago

      Because that would destroy the ceiling of the building they were in.
      Because Zod would fly down with equal force and they'd go nowhere. Because he was visibly struggling already to hold Zod's head where it was.

    • 2 years ago

      >And then what? They'll just keep fighting forever because they're evenly matched and by evenly matched I mean Zod is stronger because he has to be a threat but also Clark is still strong enough to break his neck.

      • 2 years ago

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