Peter Parker sucks

>Can't defeat Kraven, almost dies
>Can't beat Miles when souped up on symbiote, gets defeated
>Can't remove symbiote by himself, needs Miles to save him
>Can't defeat Venom by himself, needs Miles to help him
>Can't save Harry from the symbiote, forced to kill him. Miles saves Harry instead by reviving him with electric powers
>Can't deal with being Spider-Man, leaves the responsibility to his younger, less-experienced side-kick (who is just so good at being Spider-Man!)
>writers force him to say Miles is doing a better job, affirms him as the one, true Spider-Man
so glad Miles is stepping up to replace this little b***h

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    Go away shlomo, go back to


  2. 8 months ago

    Miles Chads, we won!

  3. 8 months ago

    Miles beats Symbiote!Peter
    for frick's sake Insomniac can you control your black worship for five fricking seconds

    • 8 months ago

      They were bought by Sony, so no

    • 8 months ago

      no fricking way

      • 8 months ago

        It was clear the moment they introduced that venom was going to be the main villain that you’d have to fight pete as miles to free him. You’re NEVER going to get a story about peter as a person living his life again you’re just gonna get him as the vestigial part of a mask that begrudgingly accepts his existence

    • 8 months ago

      You'll buy it anyway.

      • 8 months ago

        No I won’t. Never even touched Miles’ solo game.

      • 8 months ago

        I bought a ps4 for the first game, but I wouldn’t have if I knew miles was in in it. I never bought his game and won’t be buying this.

      • 8 months ago

        >Peter is a shit Tom Holland analog

        >They've steered from Web Swinging to some shitting Gliding Mechanic

        >All the character models look really shit overall.

        Nah I'm good. I may pick up the PS4 version at some point.

      • 8 months ago

        >not buying Mario Wonder instead.
        Shiterman's going to get rightfully dominated.

      • 8 months ago

        I've bought first game and was absolutely baffled by how main storyline was short and boring.

      • 8 months ago

        I haven't bought a video game in fifteen years.

        • 8 months ago

          So your opinions are invalid

          • 8 months ago

            I didn't say I haven't played a game in fifteen years, I said I haven't bought one.

      • 8 months ago

        No thanks. Call me when Insomniac gets back to doing Spyro.

      • 8 months ago

        No I won’t. Never even touched Miles’ solo game.

        BBC addict decimated in the first response

    • 8 months ago

      Has it been specified how he does it? I'm not particularly opposed if its like
      >Miles lets the symbiote chase him around and holds out in the fight as he has to while luring him to a parking garage and using some kind of device to set off all the alarms simultaneously.

      That would be a pretty satisfying way to... it's just a fricking fistfight isn't it?

      • 8 months ago

        Supposedly he beats sense into Peter, convinces him to take the symbiote off, and then uses the bells on him

        • 8 months ago

          It's Peter fighting the alien from within while Miles fights the body. Since the symbiote is vulnerable to electricity, Peter basically tries to hold himself into place so Miles can help zap it off his body

          See, the zap thing would make it better but now it has the opposite problem. It needed to be
          >Miles holds his own for a bit, but can't hurt the thing at all and it's clear whose winning, first section of the fight ends in managing to get the zap in.
          >Peter snaps back to his senses and is able to start fighting back against the symbiote, fight now more evenly matched.
          Now Miles is at a more comfortable level of proving himself, showing a level of competence where he's earned his wings by holding out against the symbiote long enough and getting in the hit that enables Peter to fight back, thus saving Peter and beating the symbiote without being handed the W

          • 8 months ago

            >but can't hurt the thing at all
            How does that make any sense? You're asking to remove a well established symbiote weakness because you're insecure about Miles doing ANYTHING to contribute

            • 8 months ago

              No anon, I'm saying he figures out the weakness as the fight goes but getting an actual good zap in is tough and when he gets that first zap in he's able to start doing damage throughout the fight as Petet starts managing to fight back against the Symbiote more and more with each one. Maybe like a QTE section
              Think about it, if the fight is already going to be Miles managing to fight the Symbiote with Peter's help, then wouldn't Miles holding his own in an uphill battle before Peter can start fighting back against the symbiote be more credit to his character?

            • 8 months ago

              Peter should statwall Miles far too much for him to even land a lightning strike to begin with

      • 8 months ago

        Supposedly he beats sense into Peter, convinces him to take the symbiote off, and then uses the bells on him

        It's Peter fighting the alien from within while Miles fights the body. Since the symbiote is vulnerable to electricity, Peter basically tries to hold himself into place so Miles can help zap it off his body

    • 8 months ago

      They worshipped homosexuals why did you think they wouldn't worship Black folk?

    • 8 months ago

      I looked at the leaks. He actually doesn’t. It’s a win in gameplay, lose in the cutscene thing.

  4. 8 months ago


  5. 8 months ago

    It’s so sad that there are so many bendis fans on this site

  6. 8 months ago

    It's what you people advocate for by helping to finance the sequel to Bendis's son's game.

  7. 8 months ago

    So... Harry lives? Then what happens with Norman? What drives him crazy?

    • 8 months ago

      Harry is revived but is in a coma, putting Norman right back at square one. He wants revenge on Spider-Man for doing that to his son.

      • 8 months ago

        Harry wakes up last minute and jumps in front of Peter to stop Norman from killing him
        There I just spoiled the third game's ending before the writers can create anything stupider than that

      • 8 months ago

        That's fricking stupid and contrived as frick considering he was a giant monster before that and had cancer before that. But oh well can't have the heroes do anything actually wrong that the villains would realistically hate them for.

      • 8 months ago

        They might as well have let him die

        • 8 months ago

          They're essentially shelving venom for later probably some venom v carnage shit in the last game

  8. 8 months ago

    Jesus really

  9. 8 months ago


  10. 8 months ago

    I've lost all interest in playing this game.
    You don't do my heroes like that.
    You just don't.

  11. 8 months ago

    What's wrong with teaming up to fight Venom? Not being able to defeat Kraven on his own is a lot more moronic.

  12. 8 months ago

    Where do they keep getting the idea that Miles can only exist of Peter is fully torn down and shoved out of the way for him
    Can't they just, like, be equals

    • 8 months ago

      As long as Peter exists, audience will always prefer him. That's why the need to tear him down and replace him. They can't stand people not liking their black GOD.

      • 8 months ago

        But the very reason people don't like him is because they keep doing exactly what they were doing.

        They keep somehow losing the plot that Miles being called Spider-Man worked in the Ultimate-verse where Petere DIED and thus he should be Spider-Man now that he's the only other one with powers. When he shares a universe with Peter, an already heavily established Peter no less, then why the frick would Miles insist so hard on being "Spider-Man too" when he should be building up his own brand/legacy or whatever.
        I mean for fricks sake he's friends with Peter, it's not like Miles is suddenly going around calling himself Peter Parker Morales.

        • 8 months ago

          Miles is the new Eric Sparrow. Pretending to be Peter's friend while he steals everything from him.
          Can't wait to beat him in the swing around the friendly neighborhood in Spider-Man 3.

          • 8 months ago

            Except Peter doesn't get to punch him in the face at the end of the game and skip the "final boss sequence" entirely

    • 8 months ago

      Because Miles can’t be his own person and has to be new black Peter, but now He’s louder his fans are angrier and he has access to electric powers and whenever he’s camouflages people say where’s Miles?

    • 8 months ago

      Because the only reason Miles was created in the first place was to be a replacement for Ultimate Spider-Man. It's why he's so bland and shares so much with Peter in terms of personality, struggles, superhero name, costume, villains, etc. He was never meant to stand on his own, or even stand side by side with Peter. He's a second Spider-Man, but black. And that's literally all there is to him.

      It's why Miles hasn't really worked at all in the comics since they shifted him over to 616, and it's why all the adaptations have struggled to satisfactorily integrate him into their narratives without taking something away from Peter or outright tearing Peter down. But Marvel keeps throwing him into everything, because Spider-Man but black is too much of a demographic godsend for them to pass up, and because unfortunately there really are some people out there who love the idea of having multiple Spider-People running around. Now we've come to the point where Miles is so heavily integrated into the popular notion of modern Spider-Man that there's no way any future adaptation or story will be done without Marvel creatives or dumbass secondaries asking "but where's Miles???

      The final death knell for The Amazing Spider-Man will be when Miles shows up in the MCU.

      • 8 months ago

        I am about 90% certain that what we're seeing in the Insomniac game series was the intended plan for MCU Spider-man. Peter goes professional, meets Miles and then gets replaced in record time. They literally spent liek half of Homecoming establishing that Miles exists and trying to set him up as a potential character.

        I guess the fact that MCU Spider-Man ended up being such a wet fart that they needed to bring back fricking Sam Raimi and the Amazing versions killed that idea though.

        What is it going to take to finally be rid of this Miles shit?

        At this point Miles is shielded entirely by the race card. They have both no reason and no choice not to continue building him up until he just outright replaces Peter.

        • 8 months ago

          >They literally spent liek half of Homecoming establishing that Miles exists and trying to set him up as a potential character.
          They had Donald Glover show up as Aaron Davis for one scene and make a single throwaway reference to his having a nephew. That's not half the movie, and I'm very thankful that that's as far as Miles has been referenced in the MCU

          • 8 months ago

            Homecoming spent the whole movie wanking Tony
            Far from home spent the movie wanking fury AND Tony
            And as much as I liked no way home, it wasn’t a story as much as it was a nostalgia fest. And the amazing movies spent the majority of both movies setting up failed spin offs no one wanted in the first place. Hell the fricking games BOTH spent to much time building up miles game to the point that this game is more about the importance of miles over Peter. Making the bulk of Pete’s story about how he can’t do this and miles about discovering he can

            So do you just say these schizophrenic rants for cheap (You)s?

            I understand you enjoy content, not stories, but even YOU have to see how shitty this is for anyone who likes Spider-Man. Was there a point in the miles game that you played as peter?

            • 8 months ago

              >I’m the only true Spidey fan
              Enough victimization

              • 8 months ago

                Oh go frick yourself you corporate sycophant.

      • 8 months ago

        >Now we've come to the point where Miles is so heavily integrated into the popular notion of modern Spider-Man that there's no way any future adaptation or story will be done without Marvel creatives or dumbass secondaries asking "but where's Miles???
        stay mad chud

        • 8 months ago

          Why is it that you people love corporate mandates yet get so mad when told about how much you love bendis?

    • 8 months ago

      Nope they need moronic drama

    • 8 months ago

      because NOBODY likes miles

    • 8 months ago

      Because they aren't willing to do the groundwork of giving miles his own thing. They won't even give him his own fricking name.

      You'll buy it anyway.

      They said the same thing about the first miles game.

      I'm getting BTSV shill defense worse flashback where the only possible recourse was to gaslight and outright lie about what happens

      Same here. Right down to calling people schitzos.

    • 8 months ago

      But the very reason people don't like him is because they keep doing exactly what they were doing.

      They keep somehow losing the plot that Miles being called Spider-Man worked in the Ultimate-verse where Petere DIED and thus he should be Spider-Man now that he's the only other one with powers. When he shares a universe with Peter, an already heavily established Peter no less, then why the frick would Miles insist so hard on being "Spider-Man too" when he should be building up his own brand/legacy or whatever.
      I mean for fricks sake he's friends with Peter, it's not like Miles is suddenly going around calling himself Peter Parker Morales.

      From now on Miles should be called "Black Spawn of the Antichrist"

      • 8 months ago

        >Black Spawn
        Hey now, don't disrespect Al Simmons like that

    • 8 months ago

      >white man
      >in current year

    • 8 months ago

      If Miles were white and nothing else changed people would be rightfully calling him out for the Poochie he is

      • 8 months ago

        someone post the pasta that milesgays have never been able to refute

  13. 8 months ago

    Hahaha, Harry cucked Eddiegays AND Flashgays, he is Agent Venom at first before losing control and turning into Venom.

    • 8 months ago

      >Harry is Agent Venom
      Genuinely what is the point?
      Agent Venom was interesting because he was someone without Peter's moral code utilizing a tamed version of the typically monstrous symbiote to make up for his broken body. If Harry is just some rich kid who isn't going to shoot anyone then I genuinely don't get the point.

      >t. PCbro


      • 8 months ago

        Can I change the controls on PCSX2?
        I emulated Saints Row on Xenia earlier this year, the original I mean.
        While I liked the game, I don't want to use emulators for open-world games ever again unless I can change controls the way I see fit.

        • 8 months ago

          Yes. You can completely remap the controls on most emulators. Frankly I am shocked that you can't on Xenia.

    • 8 months ago

      what a shitshow

    • 8 months ago

      Any more leaks? Wondering if there's any more video clips

    • 8 months ago

      >those subtitles
      Unreal, did they include color emoji's because they insisted on both Peter and Miles being labeled as Spider-Man?

      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          It's so silly. It's not like they're fricking Batman or something, where it's super important to call them Spider-Man at all times for thematic reasons. They have real names! That they use all the time! Just use those!

    • 8 months ago

      Does Harry get it after Peter? Does Peter warn Harry which causes Harry to freak out? They look pretty chill here.

  14. 8 months ago

    Oh man. I wasn't going to play this anyway just because of how MCU it is compared to the first one and my general dislike of Miles but it sounds like they went on full Mileswank.
    Why don't they make him a real character organically instead of stomping all over Peter and outright telling us that we have to like him?
    All that does is make Peter fans hate him more.

    • 8 months ago

      That’s the point anon, make miles shit on peter conceptually and metaphorically then the writers point at your reaction to tell you why he’s important. Everyone working on peter hates him these days, comics, movies, games, shows whatever it seems the people involved hate him and you. It’s so strange has this ever happened before?

      • 8 months ago

        >It’s so strange has this ever happened before?
        The only case that comes to mind is the Star Wars sequels, but even that was taking a risk on reviving a dormant IP for a modern audience with aged actors, Spider-Man has been continuously the most successful superhero for decades in every medium.

    • 8 months ago

      >All that does is make Peter fans hate him more.
      Sadly normalgays are conditioned beyond salvation, they'll sooner blame themselves for expecting Peter Parker to be Spider-Man than criticize a black sacred cow

      >it's okay that the Spider-Man multiverse movie did nothing of what I would expect to see in a Spider-Man multiverse movie and instead redirected everything into validating and affirming Bendis' "Spider-Man but black" fetish and that's okay it's my fault and I need to accept that because I just have to okay stop asking questions stop having standards Miles is black and black is gud do not have standards when black characters are in question

      • 8 months ago

        Img seems truth and your opinion seem shitposting
        I hate Miles as a concept too, btw:
        In the first spider verse movie, B. Parker was a mentor. How can you expect for him to have a (bigger) role in verse2?
        The only exception could be B. Parker as the villain and not Miguel

        • 8 months ago

          >In the first spider verse movie, B. Parker was a mentor. How can you expect for him to have a (bigger) role in verse2?
          You kidding? There's literally infinite ways to do that, you could make the whole movie about Peter B without Miles at all.

          • 8 months ago

            >In the first spider verse movie, B. Parker was a mentor. How can you expect for him to have a (bigger) role in verse2?
            >You kidding? There's literally infinite ways to do that, you could make the whole movie about Peter B without Miles at all.
            Ofc you can, but the story was not about that. It's like asking a Yoda spinoff after empire.
            I would love a spider noir or renew your vows or frick, even may day movie, but this story is about miles and his shananigans

            • 8 months ago

              >Ofc you can, but the story was not about that.
              So basically you're saying "my qualms are unrealistic it's Miles' story and I just need to accept that the other spideys are not as important" huh

              • 8 months ago

                >Ofc you can, but the story was not about that.
                >So basically you're saying "my qualms are unrealistic it's Miles' story and I just need to accept that the other spideys are not as important" huh
                There is nothing to accept if you don't care. I, personally, don't care. Because marvel as a whole is not a situation like manga where "the author has gone insane". Marvel has infinite authors that writes tons of shit, so continuity is not a big priority. Everyone can become an omega level mutant; everyone can 'kill the marvel universe' and other shit.
                Spiderverse movie is a what if "the entire multiverse lives and dies on the issue that Miles can be spider-man?"
                It's shit.
                Squirrel girl can beat thanos in a fight. It's shit.
                Who frickin cares if a writer has inserted himself into Spiderman and stole mj from Peter? It's shit, and since marvel print mostly shit, the only way to enjoy the good and remain sane is to accept as canon only the stories you like.

      • 8 months ago

        normalgays are always minority for they always change intro something new the moment it gets boring, they are all moved by funko pops

  15. 8 months ago

    The hatred these people feel towards Peter simply for being a white man is nothing short of scary. It's honestly bizarre witnessing companies spend billions tearing down a literal icon of western fiction (that they own the rights to!) only to prop up an empty idpol token.

    The best we can hope for right now is that this period is remembered as an embarrassing age of culture war prevailing over art.

    • 8 months ago

      >The hatred these people feel towards Peter simply for being a white man is nothing short of scary.
      It's extra funny because Pete isn't even white. He's israeli. They're doing a heckin antisemitism to own the chuds.

      • 8 months ago

        Peter Parker is Irish Protestant.

        • 8 months ago

          Not for a long time, if ever.

          • 8 months ago

            If pete was israeli than Stan would’ve written him as israeli.

          • 8 months ago

            His mother's maiden name is Fitzpatrick. He's not israeli in 616 or 1610. He's not israeli in any of the cartoons or any of the movies (except for Spider-Verse).

            • 8 months ago

              1610 version is israeli becauseof Bendis. Only the 616 version isn't

              • 8 months ago

                >1610 version is israeli becauseof Bendis
                He wasn't even, he just said israeli things for the lulz

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah. That's 1610 Peter being israeli

              • 8 months ago

                His mom's maiden name remains Fitzpatrick.

                East Coast people sometimes know and use Yiddish expressions. My mother was French Canadian roman Catholic, and my dad was NorCal white trash. we used more Yiddish at home than Bendis does.

              • 8 months ago

                Ultimate Peter explicitly says he’s not israeli.

          • 8 months ago

            >spider-verse secondary thinks he knows what he's talking about
            Every time

      • 8 months ago

        Not for a long time, if ever.

        The actual Peter Parker has never been israeli.

  16. 8 months ago

    This thread is on Cinemaphile too, btw.

    • 8 months ago

      Anon the funding pool is closed, you're too late
      Stop dancing around the obvious edit of the classic meme

  17. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      That’s fricking awful, what a shitty way to off a character as good as kraven.

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Wait since when is he a canibal?

      • 8 months ago

        Did you not know Venom eats people's brains?

      • 8 months ago

        Venom eats people. Though why he looks like Eddie Venom I've no idea. Frick that's a poor choice.

    • 8 months ago

      He deserved it

    • 8 months ago

      Awesome... Venom chads run this fricking franchise, I will gladly consoom anything with Venom

    • 8 months ago

      >can't have Kraven's Last Hunt
      >can't have Lethal Protector with Eddie or Agent Venom with Flash
      Odd choice to kill so much potential in your videogame.

      • 8 months ago

        It’s all about tearing peter down to prop up miles, because they assume (correctly) that people will buy this slop anyway so why NOT tear down the lead in hopes he rubs off on SOMETHING

  18. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      He moves and fights just like Ultimate Venom.

    • 8 months ago

      This legitimately reminds me of Werehog gameplay in Sonic Unleashed, lmao

    • 8 months ago

      At least they gave him his spider icon

    • 8 months ago

      Oh cool, this game has Werehog sequences

      • 8 months ago

        It is only once, so far anyway, could be DLC bait.

  19. 8 months ago

    So basically they did Spider-Man No More. Miles will fail either in the DLC or third game paving the way for Peter to return and fight ol' stormim' Norman.

    • 8 months ago

      Or they’ll just kill pete off in the third game

      • 8 months ago

        Those two things don't need to be mutually exclusive.

        • 8 months ago

          >already with the excuses
          you morons get btfo constantly

    • 8 months ago

      Or they will do the worst possible thing and introduce Spider-Gwen into the third game, which will focus entirely on Miles and Gwen and sideline Peter completely.

    • 8 months ago

      Or they’ll just kill pete off in the third game

      >Mission: You have to get to Peter and MJ before the Green Goblin does and protect them.
      >green gobbo gives miles shit for not being the original
      >"frick you I'm da real spider-man" *taser hands*
      >and then Peter says "thank you, the one true Spider-man"

  20. 8 months ago

    >Make a decently written Peter in PS4SM1
    >Make the Miles of that universe decently added in by having Peter play a mentor role for him
    >Scarvely actually show any of the mentor stuff in the Miles DLC, but that's fine since it gives Miles a story on his own so he can go through the usual trials of being Spider-Man
    >Then absolutely dropkick all of the good ideas built up so far out the window and do the usual "Miles wins LOL" thing everyone was expecting

    • 8 months ago

      Literally ITSV > ATSV repeating itself. I can only assume BTSV and SM3 are about to be far far worse.

      • 8 months ago

        considering both are likely to get hit by the writer's strike then yeah they're probably gonna be straight up dogshit

  21. 8 months ago

    >Le Animalistic Venom again
    >Plot is just Web of Shadows + the USM cartoon

  22. 8 months ago

    >looking at the absolute anal anguish over the spoilers

    That said, you fricks will buy it anyways.

    • 8 months ago

      Is this a "I dare you" shilling tactic? No, I won’t buy it.

      • 8 months ago

        What the frick kind of logic is that? I don't even have a platform to play this on even if I wanted to, I'm just saying for as much butt ravage that the leaks have caused so far, it's still going to do gangbusters simply because it's a Spider-Man game.

  23. 8 months ago

    I went to the same school as him

  24. 8 months ago

    Why do you people wallow in shitposting?

  25. 8 months ago

    Yeah I'm going to stick with the GOOD Spider-Man 2 video game bros (the webswinging is actually well-made and fun in this one)

    • 8 months ago

      >t. PCbro

      • 8 months ago

        Why are PC bros constantly fricked over by spiderman?

        • 8 months ago

          Because they're PC?

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah I was legit dissatisfied with the web swinging in the last game, it was alright but it held your hand to much. I understand the logic of prioritizing fluidity in the look over setting it up like the extreme sports style movement it should be like, but theme the breaks I guess. Why do the owners of Spider-Man hate peter?

  26. 8 months ago

    These threads remind me why I am embarrassed to be associated with the Spider-Man fandom

    • 8 months ago

      These posts remind me why I am embarrassed to be associated with the Sony shilldom

      • 8 months ago

        You're broken

        • 8 months ago

          >peter got REPLACED and he is still alive and GAVE UP
          That's not what happened. You're obsessed

          I'm getting BTSV shill defense worse flashback where the only possible recourse was to gaslight and outright lie about what happens

          • 8 months ago

            What lie? Peter's going to be in 3, and isn't retiring

          • 8 months ago

            It's funny how quickly the copes change as more of the leak is proven to be real
            >They won't do that
            >Oh he's just retiring for a bit to raise his new child
            >No he just needs a break after everything that's happened
            >No he's just curing himself

            • 8 months ago

              Also not a fan of him curing himself.
              >gets cool symbiote powers that won’t alter his attitude etc
              >puts him on par with miles
              >”sike he’s going to get that taken away”
              Like come on, I’d like him to actually keep anti venom

              • 8 months ago

                I'm fine with him losing the powers, but only because Spider-Man's powers are already perfect from a narrative perspective and power creep is shit. It's why Miles's new powers suck ass too

              • 8 months ago

                Turning Pete into Anti Venom is stupid as frick. That power originally cancelled his powers due to their relation with his radioactive blood.

          • 8 months ago

            Its the same shit time and time again

  27. 8 months ago

    >people are suprised that western Black worship knows no bounds
    lol how many times something needs to happen. Because of current socio political climate it was insanely obvious and clear from very second they announced this game that they will either retire or kill off Peter in one way or another.

  28. 8 months ago

    where are the morons that said peter is not getting replaced? even after it was obvious in the trailer they still tried to say that wasn't the case
    and most of the costumes suck ass my god

    • 8 months ago

      >where are the morons that said peter is not getting replaced?
      They're here to remind you that there's a 3rd fricking game confirmed with Peter returning as Spider-Man, and Peter is incapable of quitting, you moron

      • 8 months ago

        >they are here to move rhe goalpost
        no shit its the only thing they know, peter got REPLACED and he is still alive and GAVE UP
        no matter the number of sequels it will not change that fact that morons were wrong again and the plan of trying to replace peter is still going you homosexual

        • 8 months ago

          >peter got REPLACED and he is still alive and GAVE UP
          That's not what happened. You're obsessed

          • 8 months ago

            Do people hate Wally for taking over as the Flash when Barry dies or retires?

            As long as Peter is portrayed as growing up, I don't give a shit how they off-load him, Miles, Baley, Ben, dosent matter. Peter is coming back anyways. Peter retires every other week, no more Spider-Man has been done in half of his movies already.

            • 8 months ago

              You're talking with schizos who flip out when Miles sneezes. Ironically they b***h about Peter growing up, and yet never want him too

              • 8 months ago

                Why are you pretending the only way for Peter to grow up is to quit being Spider-Man?

              • 8 months ago

                Because they’re bendis gays anon, they have no understanding of context. They don’t WANT miles to be written INTO the story, just over it. They like it because they enjoy pointing at those who react to it.

              • 8 months ago

                Frick Bendis. Still doesn't change my mind Miles is fine in this universe

                that's how they weasel you, they present Peter dying/Peter retiring as the only options for the character. Both end up with Peter getting replaces which is all they truly want.

                Who said that? Peter isn't getting replaced you schizo

              • 8 months ago

                >frick bendis
                >but I still love him and his most popular stories and character

              • 8 months ago

                I don't love or even like Bendis. He's a homosexual that fricked over Peter Tomasi. However I am able to separate the character from the creator, because other writers handle them. Thing runs true for Slott creations too

              • 8 months ago

                So you “hate” the writers but still simp for their characters? That’s pretty pathetic anon, I get you hate Spider-Man just admit it. It’ll make you easier to talk to

              • 8 months ago

                I get that you can only think in shitposts but it's not a foreign concept. I love Spidey, I love Peter, and unlike you I don't use the material as an excuse for perpetual victimhood and whining

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                I didn't say that. You're now mad that I'm not giving you ammo, and now have to resort to fabricated shitposts

              • 8 months ago

                Because you guys are all the same. You "love" Peter but you're all too happy to see him retire and get replaced. You pretend that the only way for Peter to be happy is to step aside and stop being Spider-Man, or you say that him dying/passing the torch is the logical endpoint of his narrative. You're so full of shit. Frick off.

              • 8 months ago

                >Because you guys are all the same.
                So it's just easier for you to lump me into a completely unrelated group you fabricated in your own head as an easy way to deal with confrontation? Because this is schizo behavior making up stuff that I never said or agreed with, referencing arguments that didn't happen

              • 8 months ago

                >dude just stop b***hing, stop WHINING you fricking chud, stop complaining about Miles. STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT MILES JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE OKAY

              • 8 months ago

                Why do you keep backpedaling into schizo strawmen? Is it that hard to actually hold a conversation and make real arguments?

              • 8 months ago

                But you also don’t seem to actually read and watch the material as it’s presented. You just have an idea you like and think “it’s ok everything about him sucks right now as it was intended, but it COULD be good” your wishy washy nature of consuming makes you the perfect target for the new drivel of “content not art” the genre has become. Miles and spiderverse in general are the perfect example of that concept

              • 8 months ago

                >But you also don’t seem to actually read and watch the material as it’s presented. You just have an idea you like and think “it’s ok everything about him sucks right now as it was intended, but it COULD be good”
                So you just invent batshit insane headcanon for people now? Because that's not what was said or even implied here, anon. You're weird

              • 8 months ago

                Anon you literally JUST said “yes I hate the writers but their creations COULD be good” going as far as to bring Slott into the conversation as well. But it generally meaning you cling to the idea as you want to see them rather than AS they’re present or even just the reason behind said creations

              • 8 months ago

                >creations COULD be good”
                No I didn't. Other writers have handled the character(s), and in later examples better. How is this a hard concept to you? But Slott and Bendis are idea men fat slobs who don't put in real work.

                You need better reading comprehension and to get off your victim complex

              • 8 months ago

                So what you’re saying is that you shouldn’t consider the intention that writers have for their characters? You should just accept them and HOPE they’ll get better? That’s a pretty depressing way to think about art anon

              • 8 months ago

                You keep saying HOPE for some reason. Why? Intent is irrelevant when later writers come in to change it, and they have

              • 8 months ago

                But you still support the original writer with royalties and continued success and accolades through your support of their creations? So you don’t actually have any convictions in the things you consume, you just continue to do so until you may like it? Once again dude, that’s depressing, and also the mind set that got the entire genre in this mess “just keep milking it, they’ll just accept it like they always do”

              • 8 months ago

                So you're hung up on meta autism rather than the material itself? You're not a fan, or a reader, you're an outrage autist.

              • 8 months ago

                Dude I’m hung up on the fallout of the character and it’s consequences. If I agree with your hypothesis that I should just ignore miles then why am I not allowed to when consuming content in this franchise? You’re not a fan either, you’re just a sycophant

              • 8 months ago

                >If I agree with your hypothesis that I should just ignore miles
                When did I say that?

              • 8 months ago

                When did you say ANYTHING beyond
                >don’t consider the continued circumstances AROUND a character, just consume
                I dislike miles, I feel he doesn’t add anything to the story and actively dislike how they write peter to accommodate him. IGNORING HIM was my attempt to be diplomatic in these circumstances, why is that not an option they are affording me? And why are you so hung up on supporting the works of writers you claim to hate?

              • 8 months ago

                When have you said anything beyond, who cares just consume it? I’ve READ miles book and it’s always been mid. I dislike the character because I don’t think he adds ANYTHING to peters story and I actively dislike how they write Peter in tandem with miles. I chose to ignore the character because I was trying to be diplomatic I understand not EVERYTHING can be catered towards my taste. My question is why am I not ALLOWED to ignore him?

                Why are you incapable of understanding a character can go through changes and quality when handled by other, non shit writers? When will you understand not everyone cares about your author crusade autism?

              • 8 months ago

                And why can’t you understand that the character has done NOTHING but detract from a character I like. He actively BELITTLES peters story and is a generally terrible addition. And I don’t give a shit about the empty anime bullshit you like about his pointless comics when it ruins peters movies games and books including him. Frick the authors getting royalties to ruin a book is just the shit icing on the cake. You dead eyed frick

              • 8 months ago

                No he doesn't. That's your fragile ego you're projecting
                What? Who said that?
                >Frick the authors getting royalties
                And your b***hing changes that how? I move on with my life and pay attention to stories, I could give a rats ass what Bendis or Slott make. Which quite frankly isn't as much as you think. Slott is still trying to suck dick to get into Hollywood.

              • 8 months ago

                The fact that Peter has no life or story in his own game? That in the hour of footage showed miles saving him half a dozen times? That Ganke is a bigger character in the game than someone like Flash Betty or Randy? That Peter has looked like an emasculated b***h in every appearance he’s had with miles? That homosexuals like you enjoy supporting Slott and bendis while rooting for their characters but not even having the balls to just say “yes I like them and what they’ve created”?

                What has miles “added” to peters story anon? How has he made it better? And why is it WRONG for me to just not want him in EVERYTHING? Is it racist for me to just want to see peter deal with his life in his own with his own supporting cast?

              • 8 months ago

                >The fact that Peter has no life or story in his own game?
                The teaching position, then moving on to OSCORP to reconnect with Harry isn't "having a life"? What sense does that make?
                > That in the hour of footage showed miles saving him half a dozen times?
                >That Ganke is a bigger character in the game than someone like Flash Betty or Randy?
                What relevancy does Betty or Randy have in this universe/take? In fact, besides basic friends, what relevancy do Betty or Randy have in main canon? Robbie has more meaning, and he's in the game. Betty is a leftover friend from ages ago that's biggest claim besides one time love for Peter was hooking up with Ned, who was only good for Hobgoblin bait.
                >Looked like an emasculated b***h
                Wow, you got issues.
                >not even having the balls to just say “yes I like them and what they’ve created”?
                So are you genuinely this moronic to not follow a basic train of thought? You can be a shitty writer who has have an idea, that other writers can salvage. It's happened to characters even you enjoy, anon.
                >What has miles “added” to peters story anon?
                Providing Peter a mentor role, and ensuring adaptations don't push the dumb meme of high school Peter.
                >And why is it WRONG for me to just not want him in EVERYTHING?
                It's not wrong, you're just wrong to act like an autist whenever someone doesn't lash out in rage like you do.

              • 8 months ago

                >what do peters friends have to do with his life and story
                I hate you, god damn you don’t understand a fricking thing about this franchise. You just like shitty fights and peter being a b***h to make miles look good. They don’t have a good rapport, they don’t have chemistry, he has nothing to add to him as a person. Frick man, why don’t you just go to every other place that you can slip up this bendis shit happily? Why do I you have to be accepted here in this conversation?

              • 8 months ago

                I love how you didn't even answer the question and instead chose to throw a fricking b***h fit haha.

                >Ned is only good for hobgoblin bait
                So you don’t want a story about pete and Ned tracking a story down for the bugle? You just want Spider-Man one and Spider-Man two going around punching bad guys and having no stories beyond talking about how cool and important it is that black spiderman is the best one?

                No because I'd rather Peter grow the frick up and stop taking selfies for chump change. If I wanted to read/watch a plucky reporter, I'd go with Superman and Lois Lane.

                >What relevancy does Betty or Randy have
                Once upon a time Spider-Man used to have a strong supporting cast filled with a lot of characters. The game not having that is a depressing reflection of modern Spider-Man in action

                I know that, I'm talking overall picture here.

                Funny how the thread counter didn't move and yet there's an uptick in discuss all of a sudden....

              • 8 months ago

                Because you had such a dogshit take on Peter's supporting cast that we felt compelled to respond

              • 8 months ago

                And interesting how you still dodge the question

                Because your question was
                >why should Peter have a supporting cast?
                And you don’t seem to understand WHY that’s a moronic question to ask of a character who became the icon he is because of his relationship with his supporting cast. And miles ISN’T a support cast member, he’s not a friend or a student he’s a superior in how this story is presented. And NO pete working for a villain that he considers a mentors before he goes all mad scientist on him ISN’T a “fresh take” considering that was the fricking plot of the last game. You have an assumption about miles that’s patently untrue anon, you CLING to this idea that he and pete go together when bendis all of his writers and the MOVIES have shown you that he’s supposed to be peters BETTER. That’s what I’m poorly reacting yo anon

                And if you don’t have the balls to have an autistic b***h fit about a comics character on a comics board than you really don’t belong here dude.

                >Because your question was why should Peter have a supporting cast
                No, that's what you're twisting because you suck at arguments/conversation.
                >And if you don’t have the balls to have an autistic b***h fit about a comics character on a comics board than you really don’t belong here dude.
                Wow, that's truly pathetic. Notice how Cinemaphile has gotten perpetually more shit and impossible to talk about anything on here in recent years? Look in a mirror, there's. your answer

              • 8 months ago

                What question? I don't care about what spat you're having about Miles. He's a shit character and that's the end of it.
                I'm talking about the severe swerve away from the supporting cast that used to be one of the biggest draws for Spider-Man. Like seriously who are Peter's friends in this universe, that we actually see Peter interact with? MJ? That's it, really. I mean for frick sakes they've even got Peter getting chummy with Ganke for whatever fricking reason.
                Actually scratch that I do know the reason. He's the replacement Yuri because Peter isn't allowed to have a policeman friend anymore

              • 8 months ago

                >What question?
                Don't play dumb or forgetful, scroll up and read you illiterate.

                >no you’re twisting the conversation
                >What relevancy does Betty or Randy have in this universe/take? In fact, besides basic friends, what relevancy do Betty or Randy have in main canon? Robbie has more meaning, and he's in the game. Betty is a leftover friend from ages ago that's biggest claim besides one time love for Peter was hooking up with Ned, who was only good for Hobgoblin bait.

                You’re a disingenuous idiot with nothing to be but a consumer anon. You like miles and bendis shit? Fine, have bad taste, it’s a free country. Just don’t pretend like you actually ever liked these comics and characters before you watched the movies when you’re gonna come into Cinemaphile with your wiki glanced takes. What are you the writer of this game?

                >STILL trying to say I like Bendis.
                No, frick him. Your desperation backed into this conversational corner speaks volumes.
                >disingenuous and dishonest arguments
                In what way? I proposed a simple argument, which you failed to respond to.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm not that guy that you asked about whatever inane question, you sperg. I'm here to shit on you for your dogshit taste regarding the supporting cast. Genuinely, if you don't understand the importance of the supporting cast then you don't understand Spider-Man. Full stop.

              • 8 months ago

                You suck at hiding samegay, especially when you react this pissed off. I didn't shit on the supporting cast, I asked you a simple question

                Anon your “argument” has been
                >miles adds something that peters friends do not
                And he doesn’t, he doesn’t even fricking fit the role you claim he does by simple virtue that he’s presented as an equal and not a student. You don’t want a continuation of Pete’s story, you want it to end.

                And why are you so DESPERATE to not be called the bendis and Slott fan you are? We’ve been here for over and hour with you ANGRILY defending their contributions to the destruction of peters story. It’s sad that you love the rot but try to act cool like you only like HOW it’s destroying everything and not why

                >miles adds something that peters friends do not
                I never said that. Why do you lie? Are you that incapable of having a discussion?
                >he’s presented as an equal and not a student.
                Funny, I seem to remember Miles fricking up A LOT in his spin off game.
                >You don’t want a continuation of Pete’s story, you want it to end.
                No that's what you tell yourself to create a strawman
                >We’ve been here for over and hour with you ANGRILY
                I've actually been pretty chill while you lose your shit.

              • 8 months ago

                >You suck at hiding samegay

              • 8 months ago

                How many times do we need to clarify that those images mean nothing? I mean really now, we've established on this board how easy that is to fake. So why waste both of our time?

              • 8 months ago

                It's the best I've got. Believe what you want, you want to be the victim of samegayging, go right ahead I can't stop you.
                Btw we're actually the same person talking back and forth and you can't prove otherwise

              • 8 months ago

                I’m the one he’s

                How many times do we need to clarify that those images mean nothing? I mean really now, we've established on this board how easy that is to fake. So why waste both of our time?

                talking to. I don’t think I’ve presented myself as being anyone other than me. He’s just sadly desperate to think he’s so smart that he likes miles despite not bringing any actual examples of his b***h head canon being real to the forefront.

              • 8 months ago

                All you've done in this thread is attempt (and fail) to twist words and cry when met with an actual argument, defaulting on discrediting. Why is that?

              • 8 months ago

                You haven’t had an argument, you’ve just presented your subjective opinion as if it’s right (as have I, it’s called an argument people have them) but you b***h out when you’re presented with direct evidence of what people dislike about miles and how Peter is written as a character around and just say “nu uh that doesn’t happen”. Until this point I would’ve admitted I was the more passionate one here, but your NEED for me to “play characters” to bolster my argument is pretty sad

              • 8 months ago

                >but you b***h out when you’re presented with direct evidence
                When did this happen? You're guilty of what you just said here:
                >You haven’t had an argument, you’ve just presented your subjective opinion as if it’s right
                Did you not?

                At least you're trying to walk-back on your sperging, but it's a bit late for that now

              • 8 months ago

                Anon you shat on Betty brant as a character to build up miles. Seriously you have terrible takes on the character and I just dislike your thoughts on miles and why he’s important. The only thing I know about the miles game is peter jobbed to rhino to make miles look good (like how pete jobs to sandman in this to make miles look good) and pete telling miles that his suit is cooler. I didn’t PLAY HIS GAME YOU FRICK, why would I want to support bendis like you do by buying a game about a character I hate?

              • 8 months ago

                >Anon you shat on Betty brant as a character to build up miles
                I didn't prop up Miles, I asked you what Betty Brandt as a whole adds to the Spider-Man mythos besides being a blink and you'll miss it romance option, and partner to Ned Leeds.
                >The only thing I know about the miles game is peter jobbed to rhino to make miles look good
                So we've established you don't pay attention to what you're b***hing about. Shall I explain how Peter didn't "Job" to Rhino, or are you just going to throw your tantrum and ignore it like everything else in this thread?

              • 8 months ago

                >what does Betty brant add to the spider mythos
                Besides being the first love interest? She provides another look at being a poor kid trying to support their family with a job at the bugle. She provides a decent sounding board for peter as a friend, she provides cheap drama for the will they won’t they aspect of their relationship before they both moved on. God damn why do you hate Spider-Man and his supporting cast so much? I get you’ve ONLY read ultimate, but those interpretations of the characters were awful. Next you’re gonna say why would I want more JJJ in the game…

                >pete lost the fight to rhino to establish the threat to make miles look better in the opening scene of his expandalone DLC
                That’s the definition of jobbing you mong.

              • 8 months ago

                >She provides a decent sounding board for peter as a friend, she provides cheap drama for the will they won’t they aspect of their relationship before they both moved on.
                This is hardly unique in the Spidey cast, and you know this.
                >God damn why do you hate Spider-Man and his supporting cast so much?
                I don't, I just acknowledge what is is, and where some places grew more than others.
                >I get you’ve ONLY read ultimate
                Once again fabricating headcanon so you feel better talking to me.
                >Next you’re gonna say why would I want more JJJ in the game
                Comparing Betty to JJ like that? I'm disappointed in you, Anon. There's a clear difference. Wanna try for Randy?
                >That’s the definition of jobbing
                Jobbing is reliant on not having proper context and losing for contrived reasons, not applicable here. Again I could elaborate, and willing to, but I doubt you'll even pay attention given thread history.

                >I asked you what Betty Brandt as a whole adds to the Spider-Man
                She's a close friend of Peter's, she was Peter's first real friend, and she's his go to peer at the Bugle

                We know Betty is an old friend, not very new or unique when comparing the entire spidey cast unfortunately. That's not me crapping on Betty, just making a point

              • 8 months ago

                Are all friends interchangeable to you? Is that how you view people? If one friend overlaps with another friend in terms of interests or personality you just cut them off?
                And to get back to talking about the game, it is actually pretty unique considering Peter basically has no friends. There's MJ, and then for this game only we have Harry before he gets written out again. We know Betty exists because of the card, but we don't know anything about her, or Peter's personal life for that matter.

              • 8 months ago

                >Are all friends interchangeable to you? Is that how you view people?
                No? What an odd question. We're not talking about real life, we're talking about fiction. In fiction supporting characters are often a broad spectrum of personalities, ideologies, etc.
                >Peter's personal life for that matter.
       First game he was a graduate working under Otto Octavius after trying to break away from The Daily Bugle. 2nd game he moved on to a teaching career, later taking a job offer from Harry at OSCORP.

              • 8 months ago

                You've just talked about his professional career. We don't know about Peter's social life, the scraps of one he should have. As far as the game is concerned based on some throwaway lines in Miles's game, Peter spends more time hanging out with Miles than he does with any of his actual friends (and I mean in a non-Spider-Man context).
                It's not like it would be hard to allude to either, just small shit like a picture with the gang, or maybe a movie ticket to reference that one story that showed Betty and Peter seeing crappy old movies together (Slott story I know but I liked it). Maybe some boxing gloves as a reference to the story with Flash, and the rematch they had later on.
                Quite literally as it stands in the game Peter has no friends beyond Miles and MJ and that's really, really sad

              • 8 months ago

                >We don't know about Peter's social life, the scraps of one he should have.
                You mean struggling to keep his apartment, helping Aunt May at FEAST? I think the problem here is that you neglect the medium we're working with here, a game. Similar to a movie, there's pacing that's appropriate and needed to drive the narrative forward. While, yes, having Peter chit chat with someone other than MJ at a restaurant would be nice, it offers little in actual player input. In fact people criticism the walking sims of GoW and TLoU.

              • 8 months ago

                Yet you’re fine with wasting chapters on building MJ and miles walking simulators?

              • 8 months ago

                Did you ignore the parts where I say how they can offset that? I don't expect Peter to stop what he's doing to go bowling, just show something to make it apparent that Peter isn't a friendless loser. Hell, have a sidequest chain about Flash being Spidey's biggest fan, or have one where you help Betty out with a dangerous story (even better if it's initiated by a conversation started as Peter). Just anything, really.
                And yeah like that other anon said pacing clearly isn't an issue because the MJ sections exist.

              • 8 months ago

                >just show something to make it apparent that Peter isn't a friendless loser.
                I don't know why you keep saying this when it's evident that Peter has friends in this universe.

              • 8 months ago

                >it's evident that Peter has friends in this universe
                Is it? We know they exist, but we don't know that Peter ever spends time with them. We know he has something of a social life, because he hangs out with Miles and MJ, we don't know that he hangs out with anyone else. He has a huge supporting cast and they are completely underutilised.

              • 8 months ago

                Frick off you boring tart, you’re not smart or better. You’re just the worst version of a nerd with no taste and all of the love of consuming

                >but you b***h out when you’re presented with direct evidence
                When did this happen? You're guilty of what you just said here:
                >You haven’t had an argument, you’ve just presented your subjective opinion as if it’s right
                Did you not?

                At least you're trying to walk-back on your sperging, but it's a bit late for that now

                Look all over the thread to people pointing out your abysmal take of peter as a character. You don’t want progression you just want the same shit they’ve given us for the last 15 years

                Enjoy your shitty miles game I guess, IF I get it it’s not gonna be until it drops on the pc.

              • 8 months ago

                >Frick off you boring tart, you’re not smart or better. You’re just the worst version of a nerd with no taste and all of the love of consuming
                You're looping, anon.
                >Look all over the thread to people pointing out your abysmal take of peter as a character.
                You mean, you, and maybe one other guy? You can't really pull the numbers game here, anon.
                > IF I get it it’s not gonna be until it drops on the pc.
                I don't really care what you do. Why would you think I did?

              • 8 months ago

                You’re just boring dude, you have a bad idea on who peter is and his supporting cast. You want him to be b***h Batman it seems, but with every villain giving him daddy issues I guess? That seems to be what insomniac is going for in general. You don’t want other characters or see him be a person, just some b***h who fights his dads while telling his black friend how much better he is.

              • 8 months ago

                >You’re just boring dude
                And yet you keep responding.
                > you have a bad idea on who peter is and his supporting cast.
                And what exactly have I said to warrant that response? In fact, this entire discussion has been pretty light on Peter himself. It's mostly been your insults.
                >You want him to be b***h Batman it seems
                You're really reaching for anything at this point, aren't you? Where did that come from?
                >You don’t want other characters or see him be a person
                And where did I say or imply that?

                You really are an unbalanced person, anon. You fabricate things that weren't said so you can take the misguided moral high ground

              • 8 months ago

                >You really are an unbalanced person, anon.
                Yes, you’re boring. You spend your time defending writers you supposedly hate for what reason anon?

              • 8 months ago

                Why do you keep circling back to accusations that we've already covered? Are you that forgetful, or simply desperately reaching because you have nothing else to say? Be honest, are you just really fishing for the last word at this point?

              • 8 months ago

                No it’s just you like things I don’t and that’s about it. I hope you enjoy pete cellaring miles all game and helping him save the day

              • 8 months ago

                >I asked you what Betty Brandt as a whole adds to the Spider-Man
                She's a close friend of Peter's, she was Peter's first real friend, and she's his go to peer at the Bugle

              • 8 months ago

                Anon your “argument” has been
                >miles adds something that peters friends do not
                And he doesn’t, he doesn’t even fricking fit the role you claim he does by simple virtue that he’s presented as an equal and not a student. You don’t want a continuation of Pete’s story, you want it to end.

                And why are you so DESPERATE to not be called the bendis and Slott fan you are? We’ve been here for over and hour with you ANGRILY defending their contributions to the destruction of peters story. It’s sad that you love the rot but try to act cool like you only like HOW it’s destroying everything and not why

              • 8 months ago

                >no you’re twisting the conversation

                >The fact that Peter has no life or story in his own game?
                The teaching position, then moving on to OSCORP to reconnect with Harry isn't "having a life"? What sense does that make?
                > That in the hour of footage showed miles saving him half a dozen times?
                >That Ganke is a bigger character in the game than someone like Flash Betty or Randy?
                What relevancy does Betty or Randy have in this universe/take? In fact, besides basic friends, what relevancy do Betty or Randy have in main canon? Robbie has more meaning, and he's in the game. Betty is a leftover friend from ages ago that's biggest claim besides one time love for Peter was hooking up with Ned, who was only good for Hobgoblin bait.
                >Looked like an emasculated b***h
                Wow, you got issues.
                >not even having the balls to just say “yes I like them and what they’ve created”?
                So are you genuinely this moronic to not follow a basic train of thought? You can be a shitty writer who has have an idea, that other writers can salvage. It's happened to characters even you enjoy, anon.
                >What has miles “added” to peters story anon?
                Providing Peter a mentor role, and ensuring adaptations don't push the dumb meme of high school Peter.
                >And why is it WRONG for me to just not want him in EVERYTHING?
                It's not wrong, you're just wrong to act like an autist whenever someone doesn't lash out in rage like you do.

                >What relevancy does Betty or Randy have in this universe/take? In fact, besides basic friends, what relevancy do Betty or Randy have in main canon? Robbie has more meaning, and he's in the game. Betty is a leftover friend from ages ago that's biggest claim besides one time love for Peter was hooking up with Ned, who was only good for Hobgoblin bait.

                You’re a disingenuous idiot with nothing to be but a consumer anon. You like miles and bendis shit? Fine, have bad taste, it’s a free country. Just don’t pretend like you actually ever liked these comics and characters before you watched the movies when you’re gonna come into Cinemaphile with your wiki glanced takes. What are you the writer of this game?

              • 8 months ago

                Because your question was
                >why should Peter have a supporting cast?
                And you don’t seem to understand WHY that’s a moronic question to ask of a character who became the icon he is because of his relationship with his supporting cast. And miles ISN’T a support cast member, he’s not a friend or a student he’s a superior in how this story is presented. And NO pete working for a villain that he considers a mentors before he goes all mad scientist on him ISN’T a “fresh take” considering that was the fricking plot of the last game. You have an assumption about miles that’s patently untrue anon, you CLING to this idea that he and pete go together when bendis all of his writers and the MOVIES have shown you that he’s supposed to be peters BETTER. That’s what I’m poorly reacting yo anon

                And if you don’t have the balls to have an autistic b***h fit about a comics character on a comics board than you really don’t belong here dude.

              • 8 months ago

                NTA but wasn't Betty also married to Flash from before his de-legging up until Agent Venom? Just asking.

              • 8 months ago

                They were dating but they never got married. And now that Flash has been shipped off to symbiote land forever and Ned is alive again I doubt anything will happen with it, not that things happen with Peter's cast anymore anyway

              • 8 months ago

                Betty and flash were in a relationship in the mid 90s after he left felicia. It was never anything more than a “we don’t have much to do with these characters so let’s ring some relationship drama out of them” I honestly can’t even remember when they first would’ve met, because for the longest time Pete’s MASSIVE supporting cast stayed in their own groups for the most part. His high school buddies his bugle co workers his grad student friends all had time in their own separate comics to develop. Now pete has to give up 20 hours in his 30 hour game to tell the viewer why miles is better

              • 8 months ago

                The grad students all just sort of faded away didn't they.
                Deb got on a bus and left
                Marcy was stolen by Jack of Hearts of all people, retconned into being a space princess, then killed
                I can't remember what happened to Philip or the other guy

              • 8 months ago

                Phillip was kind of used briefly in the 90s as a back up friend, the Hispanic dude and other white guy just faded away. Phil was in the first game as a reoccurring side mission later in the game, he was the one who tells you about the negative mobs forming

                Honestly the biggest problem with miles is he fills a hole that should go to someone like Hobie or white tiger or puma, SOMEONE with a different look and character feel that you can do something with BESIDES tell you how cool black spiderman is

              • 8 months ago

                Hobie getting completely fricking shafted is one of the worst things about forcing Miles into Peter's life. His entire identity has been completely usurped by Aaron, in a way that Miles could only dream to do to Peter

              • 8 months ago

                >Ned is only good for hobgoblin bait
                So you don’t want a story about pete and Ned tracking a story down for the bugle? You just want Spider-Man one and Spider-Man two going around punching bad guys and having no stories beyond talking about how cool and important it is that black spiderman is the best one?

              • 8 months ago

                >What relevancy does Betty or Randy have
                Once upon a time Spider-Man used to have a strong supporting cast filled with a lot of characters. The game not having that is a depressing reflection of modern Spider-Man in action

              • 8 months ago

                You’re a brown homosexual Bendis

              • 8 months ago

                When have you said anything beyond, who cares just consume it? I’ve READ miles book and it’s always been mid. I dislike the character because I don’t think he adds ANYTHING to peters story and I actively dislike how they write Peter in tandem with miles. I chose to ignore the character because I was trying to be diplomatic I understand not EVERYTHING can be catered towards my taste. My question is why am I not ALLOWED to ignore him?

              • 8 months ago

                that's how they weasel you, they present Peter dying/Peter retiring as the only options for the character. Both end up with Peter getting replaces which is all they truly want.

              • 8 months ago

                Funny how no one was pushing for Peter to grow up and retire so Ben could take over, or Mayday, or Alpha, for like 50 years. Or how no one pushes for Bruce to retire so Dick can take over. It's probably a complete coincidence that this narrative that an evergreen character needs to frick off or die or retire so someone else can take over started basically at the same time as Miles' media-wide push, a really funny accident. And also that no one ever calls for Miles to grow up and retire so someone else can take the baton because that's such a great plot beat, also a complete coincidence how that never happens.

              • 8 months ago

                No one ever entertained Miguel, Ben, Mayday, Anya, or Cindy as THE Spider-Man successor. They were all rightly seen as derivatives of Peter. So why does Miles get special treatment here? Why does Marvel get their panties in a twist when the fandom doesn't lend Miles the same legitimacy that Peter has?

              • 8 months ago

                >No one ever entertained Miguel, Ben, Mayday, Anya, or Cindy as THE Spider-Man successor.
                That's all Mayday anons ever say! Now we're just lying?

            • 8 months ago

              Anon the problem is that most people don't give a shit about Barry or Wally, Peter Parker is one of the most beloved Cinemaphile characters ever.

              >As long as Peter is portrayed as growing up, I don't give a shit how they off-load him, Miles, Baley, Ben, dosent matter
              Uh-huh, sure you don't

            • 8 months ago

              I mean they did for a bit.
              The difference is that Wally was well established as Barry's sidekick and had been for years, and Wally actually got good stories.
              Oh an Barry died saving the Universe as a full grown man instead of being chumped as a teenager

              • 8 months ago

                And Wally was seen and PORTRAYED as the sidekick, the secondary. Not once during his tenure as Kid Flash did the publisher or the fans consider Wally to be just as legitimate and important as Barry. Barry was The Flash. Wally was the sidekick. And no one gave a shit about "affirming" Wally or believed that was even worth writing whole plotlines about.

              • 8 months ago

                And Wally was seen and PORTRAYED as the sidekick, the secondary. Not once during his tenure as Kid Flash did the publisher or the fans consider Wally to be just as legitimate and important as Barry. Barry was The Flash. Wally was the sidekick. And no one gave a shit about "affirming" Wally or believed that was even worth writing whole plotlines about.

                Wally earned his position and proved to be The Flash.
                Miles Earned nothing.

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                Biased is my wiener not inside of your mother and sister's ass yet slott

            • 8 months ago

              >b-bu the flash
              always with the same shit example, go look the thousands of replies in the archives about why it is different or better yet, read homie

              • 8 months ago

                And Spider-Man having been replaced by tons of characters before is irrelevant, even though he is always brought back?

                I honestly dont care much for Miles, but having a character that fills teenage Spider niche is good for those of us who want adult Peter back. People sperging endlessly on here like the replacements are permanent is ridiculous. I see it everytime there are changes, and yet people b***h again when the status quo is reset.

                You're taking this shit too seriously. We can already see people crying about a 3rd game that probably isn't even in preproduction. I refuse to believe that people like this are mentally sound. Are they all neets?

              • 8 months ago

                You repeating that same empty lie isn’t making it any more true anon, miles isn’t doing ANYTHING for peter both in and out of the meta context of the franchise. He’s just a replacement, not a friend or a pupil. Hence why he’s ALWAYS Spider-Man and doesn’t just use the name when Peter b***hes out because the writers need him to

              • 8 months ago

                In the game he is both a friend and a pupil. It looks like they're doing something like Life Story in this series.

                In 616 I can agree with you. But that is a symptom of many things. Like Peter being the perpetual manchild, and Marvel not knowing if Miles is from 616 or 610. Is Hobie the original Prowler or is it Aaron? What did Aaron do before he wore the black Iron Spider suit?

                Your emotional response is unwarranted either way. It seems to me like you pick specific things to b***h about and then ignore the points that speak against you.

                Are you seriously worried that Peter is going to be permanently replaced with Miles? They've made 5 Peter Parker movies since Miles first appearance. He's not going anywhere. But with MCU actually aging their characters I wouldnt be surprised if legacy characters are going to be more prevalent going forward.

          • 8 months ago

            Its exactly what happened

  29. 8 months ago

    Peter is not retiring, he's going to cure himself the Anti-Venom shit.

  30. 8 months ago

    Is it true a younger version of pic related is introduced at the end of the game as a love interest for Miles?

    • 8 months ago

      Yes and no. Cindy Moon shows up as the daughter of Miles' mom's new bf. Miles already has a girlfriend and Cindy is like 12.

      • 8 months ago

        Pics or vids of her?

  31. 8 months ago

    What is it going to take to finally be rid of this Miles shit?

  32. 8 months ago

    >Peter can't escape mantle passing even in his supposed game trilogy.

    >Then Peter becomes Spider-Man again in 3.
    >But is dragged down by a bulk of Miles, Spider-Gwen, and MJ levels.

  33. 8 months ago

    The leakers confirmed peter isn't retiring. He just wants to be cured of anti-venom first before returning

    • 8 months ago

      You speak the truth, yet they don't care. Shitposter never do. They just want to be OUTRAGED 24/7 because that's what Cinemaphile has become.

    • 8 months ago

      He has the power of cum in the palm of his hand and we wants out. Why is Peter such a gay?
      Anti venom has no risks doesnt it?

      • 8 months ago

        At least in the comics Anti-Venom's presence negated his natural spider powers, but that was for reasons I don't expect to be a thing in the game.

    • 8 months ago

      >Give Peter more powers so Miles doesn't leave him in the dust
      >uhmm actually you can't keep them

    • 8 months ago

      >The Anti-Venom literally makes you a better superhero
      >Cures CANCER
      >lmao no

  34. 8 months ago

    >OP doesn't know Peter needed the F4's help to get the symbiote off him
    >OP doesn't know Peter was unable to 1v1 defeat Venom until years later when writers stopped giving a frick
    >OP doesn't know Peter was unable to save Harry in Spectacular 200
    >OP doesn't know Peter left being Spider-Man to Ben Reilly in the 90s to start a life with MJ
    >OP doesn't know editorial had Peter backhand pregnant MJ to make Ben look better
    In short OP is a gay and the mods are gays too for letting this obvious bait thread stay up as long as it has
    >even if it's not bait OP and mods are still gays

    • 8 months ago

      >Haha, you the comics!
      >I checked the wiki and everything! Haha! Gottem!
      Swing and a miss you daft midwit.

      • 8 months ago

        >I checked the wiki and everything!
        I've been reading Spider-Man comics since your mother was buying the Plan B pill to abort you.

        • 8 months ago

          If that were true why were you bringing up the widely maligned clone saga as a gotcha?

          • 8 months ago

            Because as said here

            >he didn't go crying for help
            Someone obviously has never read Amazing Spider-Man 317 where Peter literally goes crying to the Fantastic Four for help against Venom, you colossal homosexual.
            >And everyone hated that too
            Really? 'cause every Spider-Man thread I see here is nothing but homosexuals crying about Ben turning into Chasm

            you homosexuals loved it when Ben took over as Spider-Man but are losing your shit when Peter does literally the exact same thing only with Miles

            • 8 months ago

              >you homosexuals loved it when Ben took over as Spider-Man
              no we fricking didn't you lying cretin

              • 8 months ago

                Clone Saga was a joke.

            • 8 months ago

              .....You know what? This anon is actually right. There's like one or two highly autistic Bengays on this board, and it's astounding the type of hypocorism at work here

              • 8 months ago

                >liking Ben means you must want him to replace Peter
                Talk about highly autistic

              • 8 months ago

                Ben isn't even a real character. Yet you'll whine and spam the same 3 pages like it makes a difference

              • 8 months ago

                b***h all you want, Ben has some fantastic stories and character moments under his belt and that's literally all that matters

              • 8 months ago

                You're an autist obsessed with a copycat Peter that only gets traction thanks to fricking costumes. You're the most surface level hypocrite fan around

              • 8 months ago

                >refuses to even read the panels presented before him
                >calls me surface level
                Kek, nice bait autist

              • 8 months ago

                > You're an autist obsessed with a copycat Peter that only gets traction thanks to fricking skin color. You're the most surface level hypocrite fan around

                >STOP SHITTING ON BEN!!!!!
                Also love how you proved my point about being a biased fanboy who just spams the same pages like it's an automatic win button. I don't give a frick about Miles, I just think you're a joke who keeps shilling Ben for surface level reasons

              • 8 months ago

                I’m not the one you were talking to. Ben isn’t perfect but he has great moments with peter and actually was written to inform peters story(even if it didn’t go well) miles is just there to write over it

              • 8 months ago

                >Ben isn’t perfect
                That's a fact.

                But I hadn't posted that page with Ben in the hospital before. That's how I know you don't read them and don't know what you're talking about.
                Until you can prove that you do know what you're talking about this conversation is over

                >Running away
                Figured. You like a moodier Peter, good for you. It's like having your cake and eating it with you. EVERY TIME you're met with pushback, you cry and act like everyone else is the problem

              • 8 months ago

                >I'm taking the moral high ground despite doing nothing but sperg out
                There's no use talking to you because you don't know what you're talking about. You're ignorant and delusional. Provide some concrete examples of why Ben is bad and bring receipts, or frick off and go scream at a wall somewhere

              • 8 months ago

                But I hadn't posted that page with Ben in the hospital before. That's how I know you don't read them and don't know what you're talking about.
                Until you can prove that you do know what you're talking about this conversation is over

              • 8 months ago

                > You're an autist obsessed with a copycat Peter that only gets traction thanks to fricking skin color. You're the most surface level hypocrite fan around

              • 8 months ago

                Cinemaphile should be love anon. Is that really called for here?

              • 8 months ago

                That guy is a known schizo who took refuge here after spending 8 hours a day every day getting BTFO on Cinemaphile.

              • 8 months ago

                Oh wait, wrong thread. He skadoodled to Cinemaphile.

              • 8 months ago

                who did?

              • 8 months ago

                The Milesgay who has a 6 posts long repertoire and fails to punctuate them all.

              • 8 months ago

                Oh wait, wrong thread. He skadoodled to Cinemaphile.

                The Milesgay who has a 6 posts long repertoire and fails to punctuate them all.

                You can dislike Ben and Miles, anon. No offense but you’re somewhat showing your insecurities a bit.

              • 8 months ago

                That's only, what, the 5th time I see that post from you?

              • 8 months ago

                Huh???? This is the first time I’ve commented on the subject. Isn’t that a valid statement?

        • 8 months ago

          If you had, then you would of known how uselessly service level your midwife take is.

    • 8 months ago

      >OP doesn't know Peter needed the F4's help to get the symbiote off him
      Because it was just a gross costume, and even then when it came back he got it off himself
      >OP doesn't know Peter was unable to 1v1 defeat Venom until years later
      Yeah which meant he had to outsmart him, and he did. He didn't go crying for help
      >OP doesn't know Peter was unable to save Harry in Spectacular 200
      Don't you dare compare this dumpster fire to SSM 200. Peter didn't mercy kill Harry there, and no one was around to save Harry to make Peter look bad
      >OP doesn't know Peter left being Spider-Man to Ben Reilly in the 90s to start a life with MJ
      And everyone hated that too. At least there he fully lost his powers before actually quitting
      >OP doesn't know editorial had Peter backhand pregnant MJ to make Ben look better
      And that's the single worst part of the Clone Saga which literally everyone hates. Is your only defense really that they've done this garbage before? Are you forgetting how it ended last time? And I'm saying this as a full on Clone Saga apologist

      • 8 months ago

        >he didn't go crying for help
        Someone obviously has never read Amazing Spider-Man 317 where Peter literally goes crying to the Fantastic Four for help against Venom, you colossal homosexual.
        >And everyone hated that too
        Really? 'cause every Spider-Man thread I see here is nothing but homosexuals crying about Ben turning into Chasm

        • 8 months ago

          >Someone obviously has never read Amazing Spider-Man 317
          Did you miss the part where despite asking them for help he didn't actually get it? Because having a hero's problems be solved by someone else is in fact really bad storytelling?

          Because as said here [...] you homosexuals loved it when Ben took over as Spider-Man but are losing your shit when Peter does literally the exact same thing only with Miles

          >Really? 'cause every Spider-Man thread I see here is nothing but homosexuals crying about Ben turning into Chasm
          I never said I didn't like Ben, I even like his costume as Spider-Man. Doesn't mean he ever should've been used to replace Peter, nor should they have tried to say Peter was a clone. Nice whataboutism though, also completely ignoring that people hated Ben as Spider-Man so much that he was killed off for it

  35. 8 months ago

    The thing is, normies are still gonna buy this game in droves. The hype for Spider-Man 2 is pretty big right now across the board, and I've not seen any fuss about the spoilers outside of Cinemaphile. These leaks, while being pretty bad omens for us hardcore fans, aren't anywhere near the outrage-causing levels of something like The Last of Us Part II. The likelihood is that most normies will be perfectly okay with this plot, because they already like Miles thanks to the Spider-Verse films and they don't care about them killing off villains like Kraven, Vulture, Shocker, etc. because they have no real familiarity or attachment to them. And, if Peter really is full-on retiring and letting Miles be the one and only Spider-Man, as opposed to simply taking a break (the ESL leaks have been unclear on that point), then they'll be fine with that too. They'll be fine with all of this solely because the game will tell them that it's fine.
    As much as I hate to say it, if this plot leak is true then I fully expect the game to go down smoothly with a sizeable majority of the audience regardless, and for all the shitty things they're doing with Spider-Man to be ignored simply because that majority doesn't actually know any better.

    • 8 months ago

      I've said it before, but normies don't even know what a good super hero story even is anymore. It's been far too long and most people these days forget everything they saw, read or played as soon as the next THING comes out.

    • 8 months ago

      Well yeah, normalgays were fine with ATSV and it was much more overt about shitting on Spider-Man and what he stands for. This'll get off easy

      • 8 months ago

        >normalgays were fine with ATSV
        it was more successful than the first movie, but still performed worse than all of Peter's movies. Miles isn't as popular as people think.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah but everyone who pointed out how stupid the plot was or how none of the Spider-Men would go along with Miguel or how Miles somehow beat every Spider-Man ever or how it's just half a movie, just got shouted down and the movie got widely praised as a masterpiece. Meanwhile similar travesties like the already mentioned TLJ got ravaged even by normalgays.

          I liked the first Spider-Verse film well enough, but I seriously don't understand how Across the Spider-Verse was so praised. It was overly long, left unresolved because Part One lol, obsessed with huffing its own multiversal farts, ruined Miguel O'Hara in the public eye, and it completely and utterly shat on the very fricking concept of Spider-Man all just to prop up Miles as the only good one.
          Was it just the pretty, kooky visuals that tricked people into thinking it was good?

          >Was it just the pretty, kooky visuals that tricked people into thinking it was good?
          Pretty much yeah

      • 8 months ago

        Capeshitters are lower than even Star Wars fans, there was zero reaction to the biggest character assassination in Cinemaphile history when the second Spider-Verse movie came out, when it was a TLJ level fiasco on paper. Fricking Star Wars fans have more integrity than capeshit fans.

        I liked the first Spider-Verse film well enough, but I seriously don't understand how Across the Spider-Verse was so praised. It was overly long, left unresolved because Part One lol, obsessed with huffing its own multiversal farts, ruined Miguel O'Hara in the public eye, and it completely and utterly shat on the very fricking concept of Spider-Man all just to prop up Miles as the only good one.
        Was it just the pretty, kooky visuals that tricked people into thinking it was good?

        • 8 months ago

          >Was it just the pretty, kooky visuals that tricked people into thinking it was good?

        • 8 months ago

          I feel the same way.
          But i actually think that ATSV praise may fade with time, specially if BTSV takes too long to come out

        • 8 months ago

          The same reason Castlevania Netflix was praised. Idiots don't know what a good story is if it walked up and kicked them.

        • 8 months ago

          It underperformed relative to No Way Home didnt it? I dont think it got that much praise

        • 8 months ago

          The visuals are pretty on a technical level, but they're overall a clusterfrick of clashing tones and styles in literally every shot. The movie utterly fails at every point where the first one succeeded

        • 8 months ago

          >Was it just the pretty, kooky visuals that tricked people into thinking it was good?

    • 8 months ago

      Capeshitters are lower than even Star Wars fans, there was zero reaction to the biggest character assassination in Cinemaphile history when the second Spider-Verse movie came out, when it was a TLJ level fiasco on paper. Fricking Star Wars fans have more integrity than capeshit fans.

      • 8 months ago

        Because it's not the same thing. Parker is still represented in the MCU and the comics as the definitive Spider-man. We hadn't seen Luke on screen for almost 40 years.

      • 8 months ago

        star wars stories aren't retold over and over

    • 8 months ago

      Will they? I know the Miles Morales Spiderman sidestory sold like shit

      • 8 months ago

        Pre-sales for the game is already well above sales the MM DLC. And because of how invested the fandom was in the previous entry, most people don't wan't to miss out on new content, just because some part of the story might leave people with a bad taste in their mouths, so to speak.

        Things are different. There's such a short time from the game goes to market and to when people can have insights on the whole thing, that marketing isn't about uplifting the good parts of the game. It's about obfuscating everything undesireable about it, and hoping the former will mellow out peoples sense of the ladder.
        So yes, it will sell. Thiswill be THE big dopamine source for a lot of people over the winter. You bet ya they'll already have bundles ready for christmas.

        • 8 months ago

          That is how it usually is with games.
          Any games company worth their salt will tell you however that a bad or otherwise unsatisfactory game will impact the sequels success. RE7 sold a good chunk less at launch than RE6 but still was seen a success since Capcom was well aware of 6's reception and the impact it had on the series.

    • 8 months ago

      >if Peter really is full-on retiring and letting Miles be the one and only Spider-Man, as opposed to simply taking a break

      It's a story you fix in the first 15min of the next game
      >miles is the only spiderman, everything is fine
      >new villain arrives and kills miles easily
      >Peter see it on the news and takes the mantle again, thirsty for vengeance

      • 8 months ago

        Except we’ve proven he’s not retiring

        • 8 months ago

          >you're not dying you're passing away
          That's the same thing

          • 8 months ago

            Grasping straws is unbecoming of you

            • 8 months ago

              Pilpul is very becoming of you

  36. 8 months ago

    >muh ATSV
    I'll do you gays one better, I didn't like ITSV either.

    • 8 months ago

      Neither did I

    • 8 months ago

      Same, both felt like such a waste of animation effort, knowing that Sony initially waned to make an animated Peter movie is such a gut punch.

  37. 8 months ago

    You've got to be fricking kidding me

  38. 8 months ago
  39. 8 months ago

    >capeshit is the biggest it's ever been in history and superheroes abound in countless big-budget movies, shows, cartoons, games, and every kind of media possible
    >comics are deader than ever and almost every piece of superhero media in the past few years has butchered characters and stories to the point of insanity, and the general audience laps it up because they don't care about the source material in the slightest

  40. 8 months ago

    You know what the most upsetting part of all of this is? It's how little I actually find myself being upset by it. It's been too much for too long that where once I would have nerd rage but now? I just don't care anymore. About anything. And that kind of depresses me.

    • 8 months ago

      That’s the end goal of pushing outrage as the core of a character

    • 8 months ago

      Yep, the demoralization campaign has been slow but successful

      • 8 months ago

        In your dreams, Slott.

    • 8 months ago

      Not me. I'm euphoric. In the storytime of pain sense. And after all, a shitty game is just a shitty game. Or perhaps an OK game with a shitty story.

      I do wonder if it's ever going to end, is there going to be a moment of sanity 5, 10, 20+ years down the line when everyone goes "hey remember that time Sony and Marvel were trying to force Separate But Equal Spider-Man onto everyone and tried to pretend having two guys called Spider-Man operate in the same place at the same time wasn't weird as frick"

      I really only see it going one of two ways, either they stop the lunacy, rebrand and slowly phase out Miles, or they crash the whole IP into the ground forever over their mental illness

      There's another possibility and they eventually find something that fits well enough for miles. Sidekick. His "war machine" role. Hell, maybe they make him a villian.

  41. 8 months ago

    so like what the spoilers on the other characters like Miles, Yuri, Felicia, Taskmaster?

  42. 8 months ago

    First hour of the game has miles constantly saving peter from sandman. Thanks you bendis gays

    • 8 months ago

      >The only thing they pull for Sandman is that one BND story
      >new suit is horrendously overdesigned and busy
      Gee I wonder if it's an original or not
      Also also, why the frick is Ganke Peter's tech support guy now too? Peter doesn't need that shit

  43. 8 months ago

    I do wonder if it's ever going to end, is there going to be a moment of sanity 5, 10, 20+ years down the line when everyone goes "hey remember that time Sony and Marvel were trying to force Separate But Equal Spider-Man onto everyone and tried to pretend having two guys called Spider-Man operate in the same place at the same time wasn't weird as frick"

    I really only see it going one of two ways, either they stop the lunacy, rebrand and slowly phase out Miles, or they crash the whole IP into the ground forever over their mental illness

    • 8 months ago

      >Separate But Equal Spider-Man
      I think Marvel would go bankrupt before admitting Miles and Peter were equal.
      >rebrand and slowly phase out Miles
      And I know for a FACT they'd go bankrupt before doing that/

  44. 8 months ago

    >told everyone the insoniac games have a shit story and they should just have done an adaptation of the comics 1:1
    >people call me an autist and that these are great stories
    >people hate mj a ton now
    >the ending has everyone mad
    frick all you homosexuals on youtube and reddit and of courese on here for saying I was wrong

    • 8 months ago

      IMO, I always wanted something like Arkham Asylum. By that I mean, "just another day" type of story that you can reasonably headcanon-fit somewhere in continuity of comics or some of the cartoons like TAS or Spectacular.
      I'm the kind of a weird autist who likes Asylum more than City so of course I did.
      Neversoft game was actually the closest to the kind of thing I'm talking about.

  45. 8 months ago

    Damn you guys are so fricking pathetic. You fricks are really going to pull a spiderverse again.... I can already see all the threads crying about Miles. Just give up on spiderman. It's clearly not for you.... Stop making it everyone else's problem.

    • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      We're talking about a hypersensitive autistic fanbase that has been going through the wringer via ASM comics for close to two decades now, thus reacting to ANY kind of less than perfect depiction of their obsession with complete frothing rage. And yeah we have legit shitposters and racists who don't care one way or the other if it means they can just whine

    • 8 months ago

      Who is it for? Miles has no stories or personality.

  46. 8 months ago

    Leakers confirmed that Gwen is making a quick cameo. I really hope they don't want to go the Spiderverse route with this

  47. 8 months ago

    you really expect writers to make Miles look bad?

  48. 8 months ago

    You people are shocked?

    • 8 months ago

      People somehow still have high hopes for Spider-Man related shit.

    • 8 months ago

      No but I'm still disappointed

    • 8 months ago

      A few years ago, console warriors gaslit themselves that the Slott with dashes of Bendis tribute was a love letter to the character, they're currently getting a reality check, please understand.

      And interesting how you still dodge the question
      >Because your question was why should Peter have a supporting cast
      No, that's what you're twisting because you suck at arguments/conversation.
      >And if you don’t have the balls to have an autistic b***h fit about a comics character on a comics board than you really don’t belong here dude.
      Wow, that's truly pathetic. Notice how Cinemaphile has gotten perpetually more shit and impossible to talk about anything on here in recent years? Look in a mirror, there's. your answer

      >Notice how Cinemaphile has gotten perpetually more shit and impossible to talk about anything on here in recent years?
      No one is particularly interested in your disingenuous and dishonest arguments. Feel free to leave if you don't like it.

      • 8 months ago

        >console warriors gaslit themselves that the Slott with dashes of Bendis tribute was a love letter to the character, they're currently getting a reality check, please understand.
        God, you just reminded me of "puddlegate".
        The problem people had was never exclusive to the puddles but the console warriors and journalists just latched on to the most absurd part and ran home with it to try and discredit any criticism.

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Ever since OMD, I really shouldn't be. Though I suppose still feeling something, even if it is just a deflating sigh, is a sign that they haven't won yet.
      It was a foolhardy expectation in these modern times for Peter's games to actually focus on him and not worry about whatever spider-sona showing up, for we know at this point it's only a matter of time before Spider-Gwen shows up, but alas. I miss those halcyon days.

  49. 8 months ago

    >Give Miles a frickton of electricity powers
    >Have Miles beat the fate of being Spider-Man in ATSV
    >He can bring people back to life in the video games

    Holy wankfest.

    • 8 months ago

      >He can bring people back to life in the video games
      It's called a defibrillator. Why is this foreign to you people?

      • 8 months ago

        Care to show me where Miles has ever done this in the past?

        • 8 months ago

          Are you saying he couldn't? It's a controlled jolt to kickstart the heart again

          • 8 months ago

            It's an ability he's never shown before, ergo a new ability. Is it an extension of his existing powers? Sure. But it's still new, just like how him shooting lightning out of his hands like a sith lord would be a new ability.
            Miles's new powers in general are a power creep wankfest no matter how you look at it, from their very inception to what we have now

            • 8 months ago

              >It's a new power
              It's really, really not. That's like saying Hulk's thunderclap is a new power when it's just repurposing his established talents

              • 8 months ago

                I said new ability, don't misquote me. Abilities aren't always new powers, but they are always the ability to do something new.
                It's the same type of shit as the classic Doug Ramsey power creep stuff

      • 8 months ago

        Are you saying he couldn't? It's a controlled jolt to kickstart the heart again

        Defribulators cannot restart a heart that has completely stopped beating. Meaning it can revive dead people

        • 8 months ago

          videogames don't know that, it's an absurdly common fiction trope that they do. Heck Batman did it in Arkham Origins, it's how you beat the final boss. Mr Bean did it with some jumper cables and a car. People think applying any electricity naturally jumpstarts hearts, so it's normal they also assume electricity coming from an electric superpowered guy can do it.

  50. 8 months ago

    Hmm... The backlash for this games story will be vocal but not as bad as the Last of Us 2. But close...

  51. 8 months ago

    Pretty crazy how they need to nerf the shit out of Peter morally instead of making him an actual Super Hero who's supposed to overcome those kinds of hurdles. "Yeah I'm a Super Hero that's supposed to have strong morals and tenacious affirmations, but damn I kinda suck so I quit lol"

  52. 8 months ago

    >Miles-sama, please save me! I can't defeat my rogues without your help!
    I think it'd be funnier/more impactful if it wasn't so predictable. No one saw TLOU2's big buff troony sex scene coming, and that's what made it so funny. But this is by the numbers nonsense at this point.

  53. 8 months ago

    They'll probably give Miles divine omnipotence before giving Peter the spotlight again lol

    • 8 months ago

      He's already been Thor

    • 8 months ago

      He's already been Thor

      He's also already been captain universe, and he was explicitly stated to be better at it than Peter

      • 8 months ago

        >he was explicitly stated to be better at it than Peter
        lol, what type of limp-dicked writing is that?
        >Oh Poochie, you are much funnier and more interesting than Itchy or Scratchy. After all, I am saying it in the cartoon so it MUST by true!

        • 8 months ago
          • 8 months ago


  54. 8 months ago

    There is no way they're writing Peter off while having plans for a 3rd installment. No matter how hard they want to shive Milea into our faces, Peter will always give them bigger numbers

    • 8 months ago

      They're not, he's going to take a pause until he can get the Anti Venom suit off.

  55. 8 months ago

    I can’t think of a character who has mindbroken a fanbase so hard.

    • 8 months ago

      It's mostly self-inserting Petergays losing their shit, but they tend to err on the side of the obsessed and crazy anyways. I just find Miles offensively boring and such a nothing character that it boggles the mind that he's gotten such significant pushes over the years. He's not even vanilla, because at least vanilla has a distinct flavor, he's just black, and that's really it.

      • 8 months ago

        >gee, I have no idea why people have such a violent reaction against an offensively boring character pushed down their throats
        I'm sure that sounded like a "reasonable neutral" stance in your mind.

        • 8 months ago

          >I'm sure that sounded like a "reasonable neutral" stance in your mind.
          I blatantly made a point that I don't like Miles, how the frick is that a neutral stance? Because I also pointed out that self-insertgays are mentally deranged with how they lash out the way they do? Look at the Spider-Man generals and story times on this board and tell me I'm wrong.
          >gee, I have no idea why people have such a violent reaction against an offensively boring character pushed down their throats
          >violent reaction

          • 8 months ago

            Yes, moron. "I don't actually like Miles, but it's LE SELF-INSERTgayS who hate him" is a shitty fencesitting position.

            • 8 months ago

              >"I don't actually like Miles, but it's LE SELF-INSERTgayS who hate him" is a shitty fencesitting position.
              That's not being a fencesitter, it's just pointing out a dislike for both things, you mentally ill frick. I'm pointing out that that the most passionate reactions against Miles tend to come from that section of the fandom. You can dislike something without it turning into virulent hatred or a full blown manifesto about replacement theory.

      • 8 months ago

        It's not mindboggling if you've paid any attention to the politics of the creatives. The more mindboggling question is why they're so shit at giving miles his own, compelliing thing that isn't just a direct copy of pete or dumping on him.

  56. 8 months ago

    Why are you all so racist? Spider-Man isn't. Peter accepts Miles as his successor, so why can't you?

    • 8 months ago

      Written in character he wouldn't

  57. 8 months ago

    Peter does get healing symbiote burning powers

    • 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      Looks like a cum suit lmao
      >the cumskin meme became real

    • 8 months ago

      >the Miles costume leak was real
      What the frick. It looks so genuinely awful, like they took the worst design they could find on Devianart from that spider-sona crap and made it real

      • 8 months ago

        Every time I'm reminded this is a thing now, I die inside.
        Feels great to see your favorite character become a part of the same autism that drives Sonic fans.
        Just give me a fricking gun with one bullet at this point, Jesus.

        • 8 months ago

          >Feels great to see your favorite character become a part of the same autism that drives Sonic fans
          It's actually worse here. At least everyone agrees that Sonic OCs are cringey and to be mocked, spidersonas was something that people actually took seriously because it's empowering or some shit.

        • 8 months ago

          >Feels great to see your favorite character become a part of the same autism that drives Sonic fans
          It's actually worse here. At least everyone agrees that Sonic OCs are cringey and to be mocked, spidersonas was something that people actually took seriously because it's empowering or some shit.

          >the Miles costume leak was real
          What the frick. It looks so genuinely awful, like they took the worst design they could find on Devianart from that spider-sona crap and made it real

          His costume is perfect already
          What were they thinking?

          • 8 months ago

            His costume is at best a boring mishmash of the black suit and classic suit

        • 8 months ago

          The thing is, Spider-Sonas are worse.
          With Sonic OCs, you can actually get some pretty damn good ones. Like, could actually be a character in the series.
          Then you got Spider-sonas which boils down to "Spiderman, but in urban clothes" with their best being "That's a neat alt outfit for Peter!"

      • 8 months ago

        It really is awful. They could’ve just given a white logo or something. The hair sticking out and the random blue is the tumblr tier design choices ever.

        • 8 months ago

          Real one is white

    • 8 months ago

      Wait is that really Miles' final suit and not just a random skin?

      • 8 months ago

        Its an alt color scheme, the final one is white instead of blue.

    • 8 months ago

      Why did the circumcise Mile's mask?

      • 8 months ago

        So you know he's black all the time

  58. 8 months ago

    Reminder that the people blindly defending Sony always pop up just before the release of a new product, instead of arguing call everyone who badmouths the product a loud minority or try other distraction tactics to discredit any criticism as racism, self-insertion etc and then leave 2-3 weeks later, it's so obviously shills it hurts.

  59. 8 months ago

    This is actually real? Miles straight up beats a Symbiote enhanced Peter?

  60. 8 months ago

    Just watched the ending. Peter doesn’t really retire. Miles just convinced him to take a break and lives his life

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, it seems like Peter is burnt out with the job. Even after he says that Miles doesn't need to call for advice Miles disagrees

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      So pete has no personality or friends and miles is letting him know he can do his job better? Sounds about right

    • 8 months ago

      Just casually standing in the driveway in full daylight with his mask off. Nice one man.
      Also shit ending, I don't care how you dress it up, having Peter retire for a while so Miles can be the only Spider-Man is moronic

      • 8 months ago

        It’s hilarious you’re coping this hard to shitpost
        >Lose best friend
        >Get mind molested by alien
        >Save the world
        >It’s asking too much for Peter to take a break so he can get his head straight

        • 8 months ago

          >Peter is betrayed by his friend and mentor
          >And loses Aunt May
          >And loses Yuri, who as far as we know is Peter's only friend as Spider-Man
          >Doesn't quit
          >But he does now though
          It's arbitrary and used to prop up Miles

          • 8 months ago

            Because last time around he didn't know about Miles. And Miles himself had 0 experience doing the job and would've gotten himself killed. He almost did in his own game.

            • 8 months ago

              >Because last time around he didn't know about Miles
              New York has plenty of heroes. Why can't Daredevil pick up the slack? Or Luke Cage? Or the Avengers? All of them are more experienced and skilled than Miles and should easily be able to cover it

              • 8 months ago

                Because outside of references none of those exist in this universe

              • 8 months ago

                Because they're not narratively relevant. Fricking hell anon this is basic story telling, go watch some more CinemaSins

              • 8 months ago

                No frick you. The story acts like there NEEDS to be a Spider-Man to pick up the slack if Peter wants to take a break, and then turns right around and fricking cums in its pants about the epic comic references to other heroes it's making. Either Spider-Man is the only hero and that shit matters, or he's not and it doesn't. Pick one.

          • 8 months ago

            Ah sorry anon, I missed the part were in Spider-Man 1 were Pete's brain exhaustion bar didn't hit the cap.

            He's had all that happen and then everything that happened in Spidey 2. As far as well know it never got that intense before

            • 8 months ago

              Sorry has Peter not met his arbitrary exhaustion quota until now? Luckily there's a second Spider-Man coincidentally hanging around who can become the true Spider-Man while Peter hangs out around home.
              Remember when they pulled this crap in the 90s and everyone hated it?

              • 8 months ago

                And 30 years later both Ben and Kaine are fan favorites on here

              • 8 months ago

                Yes we like Ben and Kaine because they aren't replacing Peter.
                Beyond was shit by the way too

              • 8 months ago

                And Kaine had to be unfricked by Yost AND Superior Spider-Man was pissing people off.

              • 8 months ago

                Other than that one Raptor storyline was Kaine ever really fricked?

              • 8 months ago

                Ehhhh, he did have the clone saga baggage but sometimes you need the right writer. And Miles needs the right writer at this point.

              • 8 months ago

                Kaine was based in the Clone Saga

              • 8 months ago

                See I have to reread the Clone Saga and the only thing that's stopping me is that it's the fricking Clone Saga. God, Peter's been screwed since the 90s

              • 8 months ago

                Clone Saga is mostly fine. It helps knowing that the moronic parts like the clone retcon don’t stick.

              • 8 months ago

                No because you can’t unturn the screw that miles inherently IS. He’s an albatross editorials desire to kill peter, for the last thirty years editorial has hated the core concept of peters character enough to want to replace him. Miles is the ONLY version that succeeds because his creator actively HATES peter and wrote that into the core of miles as a concept. Miles is there so peter can fail, lose and die, it was there in miles first appearance in ultimate, it was there in both spiderverses and it’s here in this game.

    • 8 months ago

      Not very responsible of Peter

    • 8 months ago

      Miles final suit looks pretty cool honestly

    • 8 months ago

      Okay, t's not as bad as full-on retirement, but it's still a pretty crappy ending. Miles doesn't deserve this, plus his rubbish new outfit makes him look like a tube of toothpaste

    • 8 months ago

      >Peter stammering, weak body language
      >Miles assertive, strong, confident body language
      >A teenager telling his adult mentor what to, mentor just nods and agrees
      they don't even try to hide their contempt for Peter

    • 8 months ago

      Wait, that's like, Miles' actual new "canon" outfit?
      Fricking seriously?

      • 8 months ago

        It’s probably a dynamic cutscene thing where he’s wearing the last thing the player made him wear

        • 8 months ago

          It is the final suit, but you can change.

    • 8 months ago

      also not sure where Black folk are saying he wants rid of anti venom. He didn't say that at all.

  61. 8 months ago

    • 8 months ago

      That is an UGLY AS FRICK MILES.

      And that peter is as deep in the cuckshed as I've seen without involving paul.

      Ending is idiotic.

    • 8 months ago

      That costume is so fricking ass jesus christ

    • 8 months ago

      Damn they really hate Peter

      • 8 months ago

        First they depowered him to the point where he can't even fight his own villains, then they paired him up with the worst version of Mary Jane is Marvel history and now he can't even recover from Venom and has to have someone take over.

  62. 8 months ago

    That final boss fight was weak as piss because you fight venom as miles for 90% of it and all the final peter stuff was cutscene only.
    And because of that the dialogue was piss poor with miles trying to connect with him, an it is painfully obvious that miles shouldn't even be in this story as he feels tacked on and shoved in our faces.
    They really tried to make the entire venom saga about miles lmao.
    Music is dogshit too.

  63. 8 months ago

    Is the costume Miles is wearing meant to be the equivalent of the Anti-Ock suit? Or is it meant to be his new default?

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah it is the one he comes out of nowhere with near the end of the game.

  64. 8 months ago

    They're killing Pete in the 3rd one

    • 8 months ago

      Of course they are, first one was the death of the heart, this was the death of the soul and the next is the death of the body. Just like these bendis fans want

      • 8 months ago

        So do you just say these schizophrenic rants for cheap (You)s?

  65. 8 months ago


  66. 8 months ago

    >MCU Peter loses literally everyone and everything
    >Aunt May, MJ, Ned, all his friends and colleagues, his identity, history, everything
    >this is widely celebrated as a return to form and overdue humbling for MCU Peter
    >MCU has Doctor Strange, the Avengers, Daredevil, She-Hulk etc as established peacekeepers in New York
    >despite all that Peter doesn't retire or take a break and his resolve and responsibility as Spider-Man are strengthened

    >Insomniac Peter loses Aunt May and Harry (to a coma) but finally settles down with MJ and has a supposed friend in Miles
    >"this is too much for him he's been through enough he just can't handle it he needs to take a break he needs to retire he needs to let Miles take over for a bit as the true solo Spider-Man actually he's not retiring he's just abandoning his responsibilities for a while how much we don't know but it totally makes sense for him to give up being Spider-Man in this New York that's filled with threats two Spider-Men could barely cover stop complaining just accept Miles stop noticing things this is good for Peter so he can grow up and be happy he's just not built to handle this despite having a separate but equal helper but of course Miles can take everything over solo what's that Miles never needs to retire or take a break to be happy and Spider-Man at the same time shut up"

    Peter has his ass saved by Miles multiple times in the games and he still somehow thinks Miles can take over solo? We saw that early fight with Sandman where Peter gets buried and Miles rescues him, what happens if Miles is stuck in a similar situation and there's no Peter to rescue him? He just dies, and Peter knows this but doesn't care? How is that responsible?

    • 8 months ago

      Don't ask questions just consume

    • 8 months ago

      >Peter has his ass saved by Miles multiple times in the games and he still somehow thinks Miles can take over solo? We saw that early fight with Sandman where Peter gets buried and Miles rescues him, what happens if Miles is stuck in a similar situation and there's no Peter to rescue him? He just dies, and Peter knows this but doesn't care? How is that responsible?
      Miles has black genetics, he has a superior athletics base compared to Peter and the spider shit amplifies that even further beyond. He could solo and his BBC knocks out better in one thrust

      • 8 months ago

        Least mentally broken american

        • 8 months ago

          >yet more third-worlder projection

          • 8 months ago

            Ah, hit the nail on the head

    • 8 months ago

      The only post with a semblance of thought in this entire thread.

  67. 8 months ago

    MJ looks really cute in some shots, then in others she looks like the hobgoblin. I'm guessing the cute parts are remains from before the ESG money dropped

    • 8 months ago

      Shame about her personality though. I'm looking forward to seeing her shit on Peter for saving innocent lives again.

  68. 8 months ago

    Whhhhhaaaaat? They shit up a current day video game adaption of a comic book that's been getting shit up for a decade plus now?

    YOU DONT SAY.jpg

  69. 8 months ago

    Since when /misc/ cared about Spider-Man?

  70. 8 months ago

    So what are the side missions like?

  71. 8 months ago

    The Anti-Miles crowd is very unhinged for some reason

    • 8 months ago

      Because any legitimate criticism they have gets drowned out by the insane part of the Fandom and the polgays who co-op shit for their culture war

  72. 8 months ago

    Turns out the person who said Peter retires was an ESL Moron. He's just taking a break for a while.

    • 8 months ago


      >MCU Peter loses literally everyone and everything
      >Aunt May, MJ, Ned, all his friends and colleagues, his identity, history, everything
      >this is widely celebrated as a return to form and overdue humbling for MCU Peter
      >MCU has Doctor Strange, the Avengers, Daredevil, She-Hulk etc as established peacekeepers in New York
      >despite all that Peter doesn't retire or take a break and his resolve and responsibility as Spider-Man are strengthened

      >Insomniac Peter loses Aunt May and Harry (to a coma) but finally settles down with MJ and has a supposed friend in Miles
      >"this is too much for him he's been through enough he just can't handle it he needs to take a break he needs to retire he needs to let Miles take over for a bit as the true solo Spider-Man actually he's not retiring he's just abandoning his responsibilities for a while how much we don't know but it totally makes sense for him to give up being Spider-Man in this New York that's filled with threats two Spider-Men could barely cover stop complaining just accept Miles stop noticing things this is good for Peter so he can grow up and be happy he's just not built to handle this despite having a separate but equal helper but of course Miles can take everything over solo what's that Miles never needs to retire or take a break to be happy and Spider-Man at the same time shut up"

      Peter has his ass saved by Miles multiple times in the games and he still somehow thinks Miles can take over solo? We saw that early fight with Sandman where Peter gets buried and Miles rescues him, what happens if Miles is stuck in a similar situation and there's no Peter to rescue him? He just dies, and Peter knows this but doesn't care? How is that responsible?

      • 8 months ago

        The only post with a semblance of thought in this entire thread.


  73. 8 months ago

    Any pics of costume Mysterio? Wanna see if they fricked up the dome

  74. 8 months ago

    anything that happened after they redid Peter's face is noncanon

  75. 8 months ago

    I like Peter, he is very cool. Not a fan of Miles sadly, he is ugly.

  76. 8 months ago

    Peter Parker is compelling because the character's life drama is interesting. If you want power level horseshit watch Dragon Ball Z.

  77. 8 months ago

    Cum man and Colgate man are my favorite superheroes!

    • 8 months ago

      I don't hate Toothpaste Boy but I'm really only playing this for Cum Man

  78. 8 months ago

    >Otto can still move
    I thought he was supposed to be completely paralyzed within a year

    • 8 months ago

      games takes place 6 months after the first one

      • 8 months ago

        No it takes place 2 years after the first. The game your thinking of for that time frame is miles morales.

  79. 8 months ago

    ENTER, the real and CONFIRMED final boss of the Spiderman 3 game

    • 8 months ago

      >leave Knull to us
      oh wait Eddie isn't Venom, rip this universe

  80. 8 months ago

    I haven't seen anyone mention this but the Baxter Building has replaced the old Fisk Tower.

    • 8 months ago

      Thanks anon, you've filled me with a bit of hope. Is there the big 4 helipad and/or does Peter make a reference to them?

      • 8 months ago

        Sorry, I don't have the game, I just noticed it in the background of a gameplay clip.

  81. 8 months ago

    If they don't like Peter and want to shill Miles, why not just kill Peter.
    It worked in spiderverse

    • 8 months ago

      They already killed him with the face change

    • 8 months ago

      Waiting for game 3 so they can kill him without having to face consequences

  82. 8 months ago

    Cletus is in the game btw.

    • 8 months ago

      played by Cameron Monaghan

    • 8 months ago

      He'll prob go carnage in DLC since i can't imagine Carnage being in the same plot as Gobby and Octavius along with some other third villain.
      Too many cooks in kitchen

      • 8 months ago

        Venom spin-off (hopefully with Eddie)

        • 8 months ago

          Can someone redpill me on why people want Eddie Specifically? Not against it at all just curious

          • 8 months ago

            It's like asking people why they want the Spider-Man game to be about Peter Parker. Eddie is Venom, others have taken the name for a bit but it will always be Eddie

          • 8 months ago

            he's the OG and has a pretty cool, complicated relationship with the symbiote
            for others its just a monster or powersuit

            • 8 months ago

              Can someone redpill me on why people want Eddie Specifically? Not against it at all just curious

              holy kino

    • 8 months ago

      Does he wear a fake clown wig?

  83. 8 months ago

    Why can't peter just keep his cool black suit?

    Do the writers just hate fun?

    • 8 months ago

      I'm sure you can keep it post-game

      • 8 months ago

        You can, but the tendrils are now all white even on black suits because Anti-Venom despite postgame being noncanon
        yes it's moronic

    • 8 months ago

      Sorry the idea of "black suit Spider-Man" used to be the cool special occasion Peter suit but now since Miles cribbed the coolness of the black suit for his default all the time now Peter has to be demoted to the cum suit so Miles can have the idea of "black suit Spider-Man" all for himself

    • 8 months ago

      Venom is too popular

  84. 8 months ago

    Any leaks of Sandman, Mysterio, or Wraith?

    • 8 months ago

      We have clear images of Sandman and Wraith, but still no Mysterio.

  85. 8 months ago

    You know what would be perfect for 3 besides Green Goblin? Spider-Slayers. Instead of Smythe, Otto's designs are rampaging through New York to wear down The Spiders and eventually the big 2nd or 3rd act villain reveal is Norman

    • 8 months ago

      At that point, I'd want to play Green Goblin instead.

      • 8 months ago

        Why? Curious

  86. 8 months ago

    >Peter and Miles are both shown to be competent in game
    >Cinemaphile blows a gasket because Miles does anything
    It's tiresome

    • 8 months ago

      Maybe I've only seen cherry picked footage, but are there any instances where Peter explicitly saves Miles's life? I've only ever seen the opposite happen

    • 8 months ago

      >only adaptations we get of miles free content are shitty mcu movies.

      Can't wait for the next adaptation where miles is peter's classmate or the next one where he's his stepbrother.

      • 8 months ago

        >where he's his stepbrother
        Frick me that would be a shitshow

  87. 8 months ago

    The fall from grace of Peter Parker across almost all forms of media has genuinely broken my heart ngl.

    • 8 months ago

      >Believing the OP
      >Not reading the thread

      • 8 months ago

        I've read the thread and I'm still not a fan of it.

    • 8 months ago

      Cleanse your soul by marathoning 1994 bro.

      • 8 months ago

        I'll never understand how some people nowadays hate this show. It's one of my favorite pieces of Spider-Man content ever and manages to capture the spirit of the character almost perfectly. Not to mention it has a b***hing theme song.

        • 8 months ago

          Peter wasn't allowed to throw punches and the editing was whack

        • 8 months ago

          I still go back and watch clips of the show on youtube. 1994 was a blessed series despite the censorship. I'm hoping ps5 Venom is as good as 1994 Venom.

          >You know nothing about us, but we know everything about you. You'll see us everywhere even in your nightmares.

          Peter wasn't allowed to throw punches and the editing was whack

          >Peter wasn't allowed to throw punches
          They try to be sneaky with it sometimes.


        • 8 months ago

          My only real problems with it are the animation and pacing. The characters were written well and that goes a long way, but it looks a little cheap and overly toyetic and the action's nothing special (especially when you compare it to the Batman stuff around the same time), and some of the episodes just feel way too long for some reason.
          That being said I still think it's pretty good for what it is, and it's one of exactly two genuinely great Spider-Man cartoons, so it's got that going for it.

        • 8 months ago

          My issue was some of the reused animation. I remember one where he was fighting I think Hobgoblin and he dives out of the way so it cut to a reused scene from the Lizard episode where he does the same thing so now he's suddenly in a sewer for that one cut

  88. 8 months ago

    this is the third major project in as many years to do this. Is Miles really so worthless that they need to tear down an actually liked character to build him up?

    • 8 months ago

      That's the MO for any major franchise. We have this new character, how do we make audiences like them? How about they overshadow the old character in every way imaginable so audiences can see how oh so totally awesome the new character is!
      If you are a fan of a legacy character and they're returning with a protege, just scream now.

      • 8 months ago

        >Been around for a decade

        >Hasn't secured any natural momentum anywhere

        They keep slinging and people still don't give a shit.

        Miles is just a "safer" version of Peter not allowed to be in Peril ever.

      • 8 months ago

        It's only Peter who gets treated like this though. People often criticize Luke Skywalker in the same way but that was more because of incompetent writing and bad ideas going out of control rather than spite. Luke got demoralized but he came back to save everyone, meanwhile Peter is a /dbs/ shitpost. A jobber, an actual cuck, a loser, a baby, he just can't catch a break.

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