Pick one to make a sequel about. Tell us why and the direction you would go with the plot.

Pick one to make a sequel about. Tell us why and the direction you would go with the plot.

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  1. 3 months ago

    It's an Inception sequel, and a new team has is hunting a shadow organisation that plans on using the dream technology to control humanity. Maybe the technology is now in every household, and that's how the bad guys plan on using inception to brainwash the masses.
    If they manage to capture someone, they would have to enter the targets mind for more information. Starring my waifu.

    • 3 months ago

      Wow! Thanks for sharing. Christopher Nolan is that you?

      • 3 months ago

        I'm not Nolan, and just the smartest anon on Cinemaphile, with the best ideas.

  2. 3 months ago

    Only good film on the chart is Fight Club, but it doesn't need a sequel

  3. 3 months ago

    Inception or Forest Gump. I don't rate Fight Club at all and hate Tarantula. Haven't seen District 9

  4. 3 months ago

    Is this bait?
    The one set up for a sequel, of course.

    Turns out the prawn ship was a cheap prison ship, explaining why most of them were moronic, the leaders and military members of their race are all intelligent like Christopher. Christopher returns with the prawn army and they quickly exterminate and enslave humanity. Christopher is now the villain and Wikus has to fight back and/or help everyone get along. Like how District 9 was about Apartheid, District 10 would be about Whites in modern day Saffrica.

    Or something better, I'm not a writer. But obviously this should be the pick

  5. 3 months ago

    Forrest Gump but tell it from Jennys side and make her a hero.

    • 3 months ago

      can't remember much of her details from Gump but it might be a great kino if it was believable and didn't have a bunch of untalented women and communists poking their nose into production

  6. 3 months ago

    Forrest Gump II: The ForrFather (Genre: Action/Dramady)
    >Forrest Gump's Gump and Co fishing business is losing profitability due to Chinese fishing trawlers going off the American coast sucking up all the shrimp
    >In response, Forrest uses his past experience in the US Military to sneak about one of the trawlers and engages in a shootout with the crew
    >By pure luck and tenacity, he wipes out everyone on board before scuttling the ship
    >It turns out that a Cuban gang engaged in the cocaine trade was using these ships to transport the drugs from the Americas to China, and they punish Gump by killing Lt Dan and firebombing Forrest's house, killing eight year old Gump JR in a massive fireball
    >Forrest survives, albeit horribly scarred, (think Harvey Dent) and goes on a rampage against the gangs responsible

  7. 3 months ago

    The plot of the sequel would pick up a few years after the first movie where the team is approached by Cillian Murphy's character who has found out what they did to him, he explains to them that they were misled when and the consequences of him stepping down as C.E.O have dire consequences. Callian's character still unable to entirely let go of the implanted idea hires the team to extract it from his mind to while also hiring the team to remove the new powers at the corporation.

    • 3 months ago

      That's not bad. I don't like that you think they should reuse the original team, though. Did you see what happened to Ariadne?

      • 3 months ago

        >Did you see what happened to Ariadne?
        Yes, that a shame. Maybe retain some of the team like Leo and maybe Tom Hardy and write the rest out, JGL's time on the big screen has passed.

  8. 3 months ago

    None because not every movie needs to be a never-ending "franchise" you fricking manchild.

  9. 3 months ago

    only district 9 can really have a workable sequel, the rest either had pretty straight forward conclusions that wrapped up the main theme of the plot, or in inceptions case its supposed to be left open ended

  10. 3 months ago

    Forrest Gump: Journey to the Centre of the c**t
    >Forrest finds himself sucked inside Jenny's cavernous vegana, and alongside alll-new sidekick Hoshi, must find a way out... Until Hoshi accidentally wakes a Balrog deep inside the hallowed cave of wonder, and Forrest must face his toughest battle yet

  11. 3 months ago

    Pulp Fiction is probably the only one you could do without being a needless and self fellating sequel.

  12. 3 months ago

    i dont remember a single thing about district 9 other than i know i've seen it, and it had aliens in it or some shit? i dunno.. so that

    • 3 months ago

      Wow, I'll be taking your Cinemaphile card back. good luck out there.

  13. 3 months ago

    Inception, as it would be easiest to plausibly justify a sequel:
    >Shot starts with the end scene of Pt. 1, with the spinning top spinning
    >Dom Cobb outside playing with his kids
    >Eventually comes back into the house
    >Spinning top still spinning
    >"No... no... nonononono NO"
    Screenplay basically writes itself from then on.

    • 3 months ago

      >didn't even understand the ending
      Why do you think he walks away from the top? He doesn't care whether he's dreaming.

      • 3 months ago

        You are not as smart as you think. Everyone understood that. Nolan explicitly spelled it out, too. This is irrelevant, though. His character has been established as someone who eventually cares about what's real and what isn't.

        • 3 months ago

          >His character has been established as someone who eventually cares about what's real and what isn't.

          Yes, and that led to the death of his wife. Thanks for trying to insult me. I may not be as smart as I think, but I'm smarter than you. Feel free to reply.

          • 3 months ago

            Maybe the saltiest post I read in the last 6-8 months on all of Cinemaphile, except for some guys on Cinemaphile reacting to someone calling their favourite show overrated.

  14. 3 months ago

    Inception but I would take only so much from the original and would probably use all different characters. A trapped-in-dream premise could be cool, the protagonist only waking for limited periods of time compared to dream-time. Imagine an alloy of Inception, Waking Life, The Machinist, Groundhog Day, 12:01PM, and Crank

  15. 3 months ago

    Only movie that yould use a sequel is District 9
    Inception would just be the same shit again
    Forrest Gump is perfect
    Pulp Fiction 's best part are Vincent and Jules so at best you would have a prequel
    Fight Club works as a gimmick, I don't know how you would even approach a meaningful sequel

  16. 3 months ago

    The only one that i can think of that could use a sequel is District 9. All of the other films stories basically ended pretty nicely.

    I want it to be about Wikus van der Merwe and his new prawn life. Not accepted by his new compatriots and equally not accepted by his old one. Ultimately he will become the prime prawn. And he'll exact his vengeance on his old human compatriots. And they end up in the slums. Basically a new spin on planet of the apes.

  17. 3 months ago

    i'd make a sequel to district 9, but its on the prawns' homeworld and a spaceshift full of indians go there, and a prawn starts becoming an indian.
    he neglects all hygene
    he starts shitting wherever he pleases
    but the movie is tragically cut short when he wanders on to some space alien train tracks and gets killed by a train

  18. 3 months ago

    District 9.
    I'd make it about district 10.

  19. 3 months ago

    Fight Club 2 but it's just Brad Pitt staring at the camera explaining why his character was evil and telling incels to respect women and vote Democrat for 2 hours.

  20. 3 months ago

    forest gump
    and it'll be all about his illegitimate kid growing up with AIDS because his mom was a prostitute

  21. 3 months ago

    Anyone else read the first one as Incestion?

  22. 3 months ago

    A sequel to Forrest Gump was written. They paid the author seven figures for the rights to it to settle his lawsuit against the studio and avoid having to give him the percentage points they owed him Forrest Gump's earnings.
    It's awful. I can't remember the specifics but Forrest loses his money and ends up a janitor in a strip club at some point.

  23. 3 months ago

    fight club have comic sequel amd it's SHIT.

  24. 3 months ago

    district 9 is the only movie that would work, making a sequel to the others will guarantee a bad movie

  25. 3 months ago

    Pulp Fiction
    not as a direct sequel reusing characters or anything concrete but using the same storytelling techniques and aesthetic vibes for a story about electoral politics. a political thriller for clownworld.

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