>Picks up the most unsuitable low paying blue collar work which is entirely unsuitable for a woman in a %90 male dominating workplace for no frickin...

>Picks up the most unsuitable low paying blue collar work which is entirely unsuitable for a woman in a %90 male dominating workplace for no fricking reason
>Compains about sexism and harassment

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  1. 7 months ago

    is she pro-trans?

    • 7 months ago

      >Average Cinemaphile user's first thought upon seeing anything

      • 7 months ago

        The whole idea of it is a generative mechanism for transgender identity. She's rebelling against the existence of masculinity and so encourages the youth to go trans.

    • 7 months ago

      What does pro-trans even mean, seriously?

  2. 7 months ago

    >Picks up the most unsuitable low paying blue collar work
    I thought people pick this job because it DOES pay well.

    Is OP ignorant or am I?

    • 7 months ago

      She complains throughout the story how low paying it is and how she would leave it if it weren't for her loan debts. Even her family is saying at the start of the story how stupid it is to pick a job like that even though she easily could be a teacher in a better workplace environment with her degree.

      • 7 months ago

        >Picks up the most unsuitable low paying blue collar work
        I thought people pick this job because it DOES pay well.

        Is OP ignorant or am I?

        remember a lot of people who never would've cared about comics went into because it's now trendy and are angry it didn't live up to their expectations
        that's one of, if not the biggest reason, for the state of the industry now- it's full of tourists who don't belong there

        • 7 months ago

          Comics industry? We're talking about working in the oil industry.

          • 7 months ago

            Comics industry? We're talking about working in the oil industry.

            anon you don't actually think this story is a biography about her working on an oil rig, do ya? you don't actually believe it's not a big ol "muh metaphor!" aka her co-opting an actually difficult job in a low paying industry in order to whine and cheese about her comic work do ya? or is this just some of the usual womanly disingenuous "ummm what do you mean tho i don't getit" shit

            • 7 months ago

              you mean she didn't work in an oil rig and got raped in there? is it just a fricking fiction? what the frick?

              • 7 months ago

                She's a liar, a fabulist!

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago


                anon you're being had lol

              • 7 months ago

                But why would anyone lie to get clout?

        • 7 months ago

          it really easy to observe how the entire autobiography genre in comic book industry has just evolved to artists' (it's almost 99% some millennial woman) stories about various terrible life decisions.

      • 7 months ago

        That’s not right. It pays better than the job she wants and is qualified for at the museum and she’s able to save and make progress paying off her loans because she has next to no expenses when working at the camp. She leaves to go to the museum and has to come back to the oil sands because she can’t make her payments. That’s kind of the whole metaphor of the Ducks getting caught in the run off pond. You get stuck there.

        • 7 months ago

          What payments did she have? If her student debt was the main one she could have had her loan adjusted to match her income. Most financiers would rather have lower payments with a higher interest to compensate than their debtor default.

          • 7 months ago

            Man, idk what to tell you. It’s set in Canada more than a decade ago and she doesn’t get into too many specifics beyond student debt. Read the book for yourself and form your own opinion instead of trying to nitpick your notion of its premise as a masturbatory exercise.

    • 7 months ago

      It only does pay well for experienced field workers. Kate is just a freshman in her 20's without an actual job experience who just got hitted on or bullied by her co-workers who are way older than her.

      • 7 months ago

        Albera Oil Sands? During the 100+$ a barrel boom of the early 2000s? I saw job openings for 120-150,000$ for cooks and shelf stockers. Had a cousin who bought a house before finishing college with that money. Pay was insane, required living in the middle of nowhere, but they paid for that.

        She apparently didn't do her research.

        • 7 months ago

          I feel that Kate was paid well but obviously not that well compared to his colleagues who are way more experienced in the field and that's why she felt bad about it.

      • 7 months ago

        I, on the other hand, wish to be her, like a fricking troon

    • 7 months ago

      If would pay well if she had like 10 years of experience and an expert knowledge on operating machinery. But guess what, she haven't got any of those.

    • 7 months ago

      >I thought people pick this job because it DOES pay well.
      A woman in her sane mind wouldn't pick on working as a blue collar worker in a fricking oil mine even if it pays like hell (as it often does not which is the entire story of how she got disappointed with her poor life choices).

    • 7 months ago

      The pay was good, it was intended to help pay off her college debt.

      • 7 months ago

        How good it actually is to pay off a stupid college debt in 2007's inflation rates if you consider the fact that she endured working there for 2 years?

      • 7 months ago

        >the pay was good
        >works for 2 whole years to clear off a school debt
        pick one.

        • 7 months ago

          how many other jobs help you clear off debt in two years? I don't think she'd get the same result working at Tims for two years.

          • 7 months ago

            Anon she gets her debt in 2006, not 2016. It's something that can be easily cleared off within a year with a normal paying job.

            • 7 months ago

              20-40k was the average debt during those years.

            • 7 months ago

              >hurr 15 years ago nobody had student loans worth talking about
              how are you people so fricking stupid
              crushing student debt has been a thing for decades
              it is self-evident to anyone with a brain that the ability to pay off your loans in just a couple of years in exchange for taking an othewise shit job is an incredible deal and fully explains why she was interested.

              • 7 months ago

                A debt amount of that time still wasn't crushing enough to try her luck in an oil field. She just wanted to leave home while making that debt as an excuse.

              • 7 months ago

                student debt is only crushing if you're dumb enough to apply for it without a back up plan. For example my family were completely ok with the debt and I got their assurance beforehand. If you can't do that or your degree won't assure any secure job, then just don't apply, it's simple.

    • 7 months ago

      The pay was dramatically better than any other job she could get

      • 7 months ago

        So is becoming a prostitute

    • 7 months ago

      It's not like doctor money like machine operators and experienced drillers would make, but it would be more money than she'd make as a teacher or a docent or whatever. Anon has no clue what he's talking about and just wanted to start a thread where him and other chuds could go "women deserve to be raped for being libtards" or whatever

  3. 7 months ago

    >have the privilege of making art for a living and having it be seen by thousands of people, every real artist's dream
    god i hate culture vultures

    • 7 months ago

      Comics industry? We're talking about working in the oil industry.

    • 7 months ago

      Its the internet

    • 7 months ago

      For a female artist it's even easier, she just needs to find a bf who will provide for her forever while she can draw all day long forever

    • 7 months ago

      She got famous after she stopped working in the oil sands

    • 7 months ago

      >I did not read the book in question
      Jesus. You know you have to be 18 to post here.

  4. 7 months ago

    >you will NOT believe what happened to this woman in this melancholic and depressing slow-burn autobiographical book

  5. 7 months ago

    >get an art degree
    >decide to work in an entirely foreign and a male environment that's completely unrelated to your expertise and your interests as a regular worker, not even in a white collar desk job.
    I also have debts but I don't choose like, going to work in a fricking Chinese fishing fleet to pay them off. There's something called common sense.

    • 7 months ago

      I think it's because she wanted to slum it. More credibility for the artist who fought their way from the bottom over the kid from the suburbs that studied art in college.

      • 7 months ago

        >I think it's because she wanted to slum it
        I didn't know Kate was a masochist who wanted working in a male dominated environment where she regularly gets ogled and called at. Maybe next time she could try slumming as a stripper or a prostitute too.

    • 7 months ago

      Her degree wasn't in art, it was in history, which you'd know if you read the book, which you haven't

      • 7 months ago

        A BA in History is an art degree, which you would know if you had one. Dumb shit, fricking homosexual

        • 7 months ago

          In what country? In U.S. colleges, history may be part of the liberal arts, but it is most certainly not considered an art degree. An art degree means painting, sculpting, etc.

          • 7 months ago

            In every country you fricking queer. There isn't such a thing as a art degree either. Its either in Fine Arts, Art History or a sub field

        • 7 months ago

          lol moron

  6. 7 months ago

    Are we doing a Let's Read, or you just going to b***h about a comic most of us have never read?

    • 7 months ago

      That shit's like 600 pages long, I'm going to make a storytime out of it. Besides it's not even worth it as the entire book is just a boring auto biographical story about a dumber Kate in her early 20's and about her poor life choices.

      • 7 months ago

        Could you post some select bits from the comic?

        • 7 months ago

          there aren't any shining or striking moments in the comic. the entire thing is just like a long newspaper strip.

        • 7 months ago

          there aren't any shining or striking moments in the comic. the entire thing is just like a long newspaper strip.

          There's only a few that ever get posted here, this one being the most posted page.

          • 7 months ago

            wow almost like telling women to avoid male dominated environments is about keeping them safe, and not about some bullshit patriarchy.

            My god is this why every feminists hates men, because they all get raped trying to be trailblazers or some shit. Reminds me of the dumbass women who think they'll be perfectly safe walking alone in 3rd world countries.

            • 7 months ago

              It takes two of them to be recorded being beheaded by total scums for them to get the message that 1st world living is so different to 3rd world living.

              • 7 months ago

                I think they’re literally incapable of understanding this. They’ve been fed so much anti American propaganda that it twists their world view. They think they can just walk safely around 3rd world countries because the evil white westerners haven’t corrupted the natives yet.

                He’ll just look at all the rapes the peace corps keep under wraps.

              • 7 months ago

                the only ones that got that message were those two

          • 7 months ago

            do canadian women really?

            • 7 months ago

              Do they what? Leave their bodies behind to wander arouns in the astral plane?
              Well, apparently yes!

          • 7 months ago

            This is just a scene from Annie Hall combined with a Mattress Girl larp.

            • 7 months ago

              Yeah it's almost guaranteed not to have happened that way. You know if that guy saw that he'd be so upset by the little things you know she definitely changed and left out. And I'm sure in her mind she's like "oh, this makes a cleaner story, and it's not like I used his real name" but man, that's just fricked up.

              • 7 months ago

                >it's almost guaranteed to have happened only like how I personally imagine it

              • 7 months ago

                No, by "almost guaranteed not to have happened that way" I don't mean "it has to have happened the way I picture it", the reality could be anything, it's just that she's presenting it in a very hollow and stereotypical way that should trigger anyone's bullshit alarms. He might as well say out loud "RAH! I'm a man, and you, you are a woman! This is what women get!" like it might as well have been written by Nice Pete for all that it's believable.

              • 7 months ago

                So you believe her, who’s profiting on such misery porn but not people wondering why she has such a conveniently miserable life?

                Has anybody actually even verified she worked there?

              • 7 months ago

                >Has anybody actually even verified she worked there?
                At this point in the conversation, I would like to remind you to take your meds.

              • 7 months ago

                So I’ll take that as a “no” because the mock offense you’re taking is absurd when people rightfully questioned if Tom king was ever really deployed and hardly anyone took offense.

              • 7 months ago

                NTA but she did post about working there years before this when she was doing her early webcomics. I can't find the exact one right now, but here's one where she talks about working in a museum beforehand for shitty pay.

              • 7 months ago

                Blackbeard sounds cool as hell

          • 7 months ago

            lol, someone edit in like John Constantine or something.

          • 7 months ago

            I really hope this isn't how most women operate.

    • 7 months ago

      You expect these idiots to read? Why do that when they can scream and cry about women all day long?

      • 7 months ago

        Gentleman, take this roastie away, she seems to be on her period.

  7. 7 months ago

    She stans Hamas 🙁

    • 7 months ago

      you are not a leftist if you don't oppose Zionist occupation of Palestine 😉

    • 7 months ago

      >stans Hamas, the organization that carried out a mass raping of shiksas
      >gets raped herself


      • 7 months ago

        Shiksas are non-Jews and the rapes are propaganda. You’re misinformed on both counts.

      • 7 months ago

        funny post since neither Beaton got raped nor did Hamas rape

  8. 7 months ago

    Why do you keep making this thread?

    • 7 months ago

      What do you mean? It's my first time making a thread about this comic.

    • 7 months ago

      You're a Black person. This is the first time I saw a thread about this comics and I also want to talk about it.

  9. 7 months ago

    >woman can only see men as enemies and women as victims
    how many awards did it win

    • 7 months ago

      I don't remember it winning any awards but Obama gave it his book of the year nod, which is something of an accomplishment.

      • 7 months ago

        Lmao even

        • 7 months ago

          regardless of whether you like him or his politics, getting your work promoted by a former president is something people would give their right hand for.

          • 7 months ago

            It's just the former president, what does he know about comics or literature in general?
            It's as if I get the approval of some random normie. Which isn't bad, but what's the point? It holds no real weight. Except for marketing purposes.

            • 7 months ago

              >Except for marketing purposes.
              You just answered the question of why it matters. I don't think Obama read this book, someone on his team did and thought it'd make him seem more relatable to the public if he included it on the "I'm just like you" list he drops periodically. People who like Obama will put it on their reading list or buy the book. Sure, some random guy's endorsement may be meaningful, but some guy who I know saying that a book is good is not going to be amplified as much as the former president.

              • 7 months ago

                >I don't think Obama read this book
                Sure he did. It's a comic book, he can read it in a couple hours or so. And comic books are only given to him rarely, so he doesn't get comic book burnout like we do.

              • 7 months ago

                >like we do
                Speak for yourself, I only watch the cartoons

              • 7 months ago

                >he doesn't get comic book burnout like we do
                but you don't read comics

              • 7 months ago

                You're just saying that because I post on Cinemaphile.

              • 7 months ago

                >People who like Obama will put it on their reading list or buy the book.
                There are people who actually do that? Cringe
                Just because a person I like, likes something, doesn't necessarily I mean I'll like it too

              • 7 months ago

                Celebrity endorsements for products remain a big thing in advertising and people will even do it with influencers who aren’t even famous for anything besides being popular on TikTok or Twitch. It’s just different flavors of the same thing.

              • 7 months ago

                Celebrity endorsements for products remain a big thing in advertising and people will even do it with influencers who aren’t even famous for anything besides being popular on TikTok or Twitch. It’s just different flavors of the same thing.

                People want to partake in "important" and "noteworthy" media. Being read by a celebrity marks a comic as "noteworthy" and "important". For other examples in the comics industry, see people who voluntarily choose to read Crossover Events.

            • 7 months ago

              obama reads comics

              • 7 months ago

                Doesn't necessarily mean he has good taste, which is subjective, I know

              • 7 months ago

                >It's just the former president, what does he know about comics or literature in general?
                lol I forget how young Cinemaphile is, "obama reads comics!" was a huge thing in 2008

                More of "Comics love Obama" thing
                Obama's election is easy to understand if you explain it this way: Imagine if all the anti trump shit was positive.

                Obama could do no wrong, he could kill american citizens with drones and no one bats an eye.

                But was his taste good or bad?
                Also, I remember reading this comic recently and I saw this page made way back in the 2008 election and it felt like a time capsule of a different time. I think the artist regrets it, I heard, since she's like a socialist or something.

            • 7 months ago

              >It's just the former president, what does he know about comics or literature in general?
              lol I forget how young Cinemaphile is, "obama reads comics!" was a huge thing in 2008

              • 7 months ago

                More of "Comics love Obama" thing
                Obama's election is easy to understand if you explain it this way: Imagine if all the anti trump shit was positive.

                Obama could do no wrong, he could kill american citizens with drones and no one bats an eye.

              • 7 months ago

                And it wasn't any less phoney back then, either.

  10. 7 months ago

    People make bank in the oil sands. Whats she b***hing about.

  11. 7 months ago

    Few other pages I have, since I doubt OP is going to storytime this.

    • 7 months ago

      Every year every news station also talks about the horrors of the oil fields and their tailing ponds. These ponds kill some thousand of wildlife and every year the industry promises to fix it, but they don't because they can't. She 100% knew she was setting herself up.

      Anon, the story takes place in 2006 where the woke shit didn't exist yet and sexism was a common thing in workplaces. but still, no woman would work in an oil field as a normal worker even in the best circumstances.

      Ah, so she was definitely in it for the money. Should have just taken hare Ralph bucks and stayed home

      • 7 months ago

        I'm not Canadian, what's "hare Ralph"?

  12. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      >No ammo
      >No ammo
      >Throw a grenade
      This is what women think videogames are like

  13. 7 months ago

    >entirely unsuitable for a woman in a %90 male dominating workplace
    Isn't this just an admission that women are justified in having to be wary of men?

    • 7 months ago

      As much as a male preschool teacher should be on the look out.

      • 7 months ago

        Bait, however for the sake of morons; Sausage fest type enviornments aren't typically a good idea for women to willingly go into unless they actually enjoy the work for in it's own right, same as dudes going into a woman-dominated field. Gender politics are going to lean harder one way or the other, meaning fewer friends who don't want to frick you and less people in your corner to fight for you for for that type of stuff. If it's fulfilling for her to work on an oil rig without factoring dudes, then maybe it's an okay idea. As it stands it sounds like she set herself up for a shit time.

        I was asking the question legitimately. Yes working in a field where your coworkers are primarily the opposite gender will be a bad idea for many reasons including cultural ones, but a distinction should be made for when those coworkers are constantly trying to frick and crossing boundaries in order to do so. There's being asked out on a date or something and stuff like

        And just because it was her stupid decision to go into this specific job doesn't mean there aren't glaring systematic problems that should be exempted. It's like leaving a nice car unlocked in a shady neighborhood; yes it's your fault in this instance if you come back and find it damaged or stolen, but you begin to wonder why groids are so prone to criminal behavior in the first place

        • 7 months ago

          I don’t know anon, Californian's fight for criminals rights to break into their cars.

        • 7 months ago

          Anon, the story takes place in 2006 where the woke shit didn't exist yet and sexism was a common thing in workplaces. but still, no woman would work in an oil field as a normal worker even in the best circumstances.

          • 7 months ago

            >the story takes place in 2006 where the woke shit didn't exist yet and sexism was a common thing in workplaces.
            t. some zoomer born in 2007
            Canada has been pozzed since the 90s.

          • 7 months ago

            >sexism in the workplace
            Holy shit do zoomers really think this?

            • 7 months ago

              oh yeah, we all had perfectly gender friendly workplaces, before those nasty "esjaydoubleoo's" came and blamed us for being sexist.

              • 7 months ago

                Political correctness at work was a huge meme in the 90s, zoomie.

              • 7 months ago

                >just keeps going
                aren't you too young to be here?

                why do you incels keep pretending that sexism at the workplace was just a woke invention?

              • 7 months ago

                Because it hasn't been real since the 70s when feminists and "enlightened" boomer men invaded HR departments and kept the memory of it as a spectre to scare everyone else into compliance.

              • 7 months ago

                My god I wish the left would move on from the 70s already. Blaming white men for every fricking thing gets old when they're no longer the fricking majority.

              • 7 months ago

                >just keeps going
                aren't you too young to be here?

        • 7 months ago

          Why do you believe it happened? Let alone as described?

    • 7 months ago

      In a blue collar place where they usually work in camps without any connection with outside for weeks? Yeah.

    • 7 months ago

      It means they should be wary of the work they'd be doing.
      This whole bs reminds me of when an HR roastie came to the workshop to complain about us not having any female workers, like there must be some kind of moral-of-the-story right there

    • 7 months ago

      Bait, however for the sake of morons; Sausage fest type enviornments aren't typically a good idea for women to willingly go into unless they actually enjoy the work for in it's own right, same as dudes going into a woman-dominated field. Gender politics are going to lean harder one way or the other, meaning fewer friends who don't want to frick you and less people in your corner to fight for you for for that type of stuff. If it's fulfilling for her to work on an oil rig without factoring dudes, then maybe it's an okay idea. As it stands it sounds like she set herself up for a shit time.

  14. 7 months ago
  15. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      None of this happened.

  16. 7 months ago

    >Dumb b***h goes to the Oil Sands in ALBERTA
    Wow. Just wow.
    Everyone in Canada knows that women don't work in the oil industry unless they're in a supervisory role. Men that work the fields are mostly high school drop outs with a huge chip on their shoulder. They'll get paid $150k+ a year and blow it all on McMansions or they go to Fort McMurray and frick prostitutes all day, because the only women that go up north to these fields are typically sex workers.
    This is the equivalent of a woman flying to Saudi Arabia to help with manual construction. She's stupid as frick.

    • 7 months ago

      no anon, she's FIGHTING THE PATRARCHY.
      Next she'll go down a dark alley way by herself, to prove how much of an independent women she is/

    • 7 months ago

      I like how beginning of the story her family literally called out how dumb that was. But some people supposed to learn from the hard way.

      • 7 months ago

        Do you think her folk gave her the "i told you so" speech after hearing about the rape?

        The pay was dramatically better than any other job she could get

        >my safety is worth the money
        what, was she ignorant to the possible rape. The other anon said her parents warned her

        • 7 months ago

          >Do you think her folk gave her the "i told you so" speech after hearing about the rape?
          I doubt it. Anything like that will get someone labeled as a victim blamer. Thing is though is that there are people that use a victim blaming defense as a way to excuse themselves for having zero self-preservation.

  17. 7 months ago

    Should've stuck to her silly history comics but nnnooo I apparently need to read "Average Girls' Lives are SOOOO Hard Boo Hoo"

    • 7 months ago

      Average girls work in the oil industry?

      • 7 months ago

        One quarter of Oil and Gas Industry jobs are filled by women.

        • 7 months ago

          Jobs such as secretary and caterer.

  18. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      >And you can't really accuse someone of anything, unless they crossed the line
      Didn't the #metoo movement disprove this line of thinking?

      • 7 months ago

        Me Too was like 10-12 years after the events of this comic.

      • 7 months ago

        That movement was primarily aimed at powerful individuals who already had sketchy histories like Weinstein and Epstein(weird that so many steins keep coming up), and many of the accusers were actresses or people with some degree of clout beforehand. #metoo didn't change the average workplace that much

        • 7 months ago

          men now actively avoid or ignore women at the workplace. Did you just ignore all the "men don't approach me at work anymore" articles that came out?

    • 7 months ago

      I don’t believe that any of this happened in all honesty. Stand up comedy stories are more believable.

      • 7 months ago

        If she believes it happened (even if it didn't), then it happened

  19. 7 months ago

    >Be such a massive incel that you have to b***h at rape victims for the flimsiest reasons
    >Assume that makes you smart

    • 7 months ago

      >rape victim
      half consenting over a casual sex with someone you've met and then feeling a regular aftersex remorse isn't rape buddy.

      • 7 months ago

        It is for women lol

      • 7 months ago

        >a regular aftersex remorse isn't rape

        It is for women lol

        >It is for women lol

        It ain't rape. The law's clear on that at least.


        Yes, I get my law from a comic.

    • 7 months ago

      >there was this guy in the work place
      >we had a quickie anyway
      >I felt bad afterwards and decided to tell about it after decades

      • 7 months ago

        The "subconscious" memories thing has been used by feminists for a long time. They'll implant the idea into your head that the sex wasn't really consensual, reframe the memory into something else.

        It's what UFO therapists do, and of course feminists.

        • 7 months ago

          Not to mention that famous daycare thing with all the kids who claimed to have been molested and then it turned out the lawyer representing them was influencing them to make up stories that ended up not even being possible when you stitch them all together, all so he could pursue a lucrative case. I swear to god, we should just abolish profit in the courts system entirely and have all lawyers be paid with tax dollars instead of making personal profit off of cases. Make lawyers and doctors just be like firemen, paid by the state to make sure you're okay and that's it.

          • 7 months ago

            I was literally just watching The Hunt 2012 today

    • 7 months ago

      >hey you see all those men overthere?
      >They are a bunch of low iq morons who barely interact with women so if you go over there they are going to try and rape you.

      >goes over there anyways
      >gets raped
      >how could this happen to me

      Its like with the migrants in europe. Men kept telling them that letting 3rd world shit heads in would rape them but the women protested and let them in with open arms, and now they are getting raped constantly.

      • 7 months ago

        yeah except the difference is that the immigrants thing is trying to paint all people of certain races as inherently monsters and sub-humans, whereas the 'dude space' problem isn't about them being biologically predisposed to being creeps and rapists, it's contextual. It's about them being isolated and deeply depressed. It's not genetic it's environmental. Don't use that as an excuse to say black people should be removed from society, that's just blatantly racist.

        • 7 months ago

          >talks about islam refugees
          >makes it about black people

          You're part of the problem. No one can criticize these refugees because OH NO THEY'RE A DIFFERENT RACE

        • 7 months ago

          >people of certain races as inherently monsters and sub-humans
          They fricking are. You think the middle east and mexico are a fricking dude space? Why do you think people are against having them in our countries? They are so fricking uncivilized we jumped from 2nd worlders to 3rd.

          • 7 months ago

            We must lower the west’s standard of living, it’s the only way to save the world

          • 7 months ago

            The middle east and mexico are interesting choices of examples because those are two very specific locations that have been absolutely decimated by american corporate interests, from overworking and underpaying mexicans for factory work and raising their cost of living until their only opportunities for profit involve drugs and violence, to the middle east's multiple healthy, thriving democratic governments that american corporations paid the CIA to undermine and dismantle back in the 60s and 70s, like our own tax dollars were used to replace those governments with religious extremists. And now you blame it on their skin color? That's a smoke bomb created specifically to deflect any analysis of the actual problems! The exact same way that if you criticize international banking, you're "anti-semitic" and they pay people to promote anti-semitic arguments about it specifically to have a controlled opposition.

            • 7 months ago

              Anon we nuked Japan and made them our b***h and they don't have those problems, you think some CIA medling was the cause of an entire population to be savages? The middle east and mexico have always been shitholes that's why first world nations use them for cheap labor. If they where an actual civiled force they wouldn't have these issues.

              • 7 months ago

                >The middle east and mexico have always been shitholes that's why first world nations use them for cheap labor.
                Those countries are way too unstable for cheap labor. Actual cheap labor comes from Asian servile races like Malaysians or Pinoys.

              • 7 months ago

                >Anon we nuked Japan and made them our b***h
                And then they were heavily involved with reconstruction afterwards. Do you look at the state of post-war Japan, Germany, and SK and assume these countries are thriving simply because of a genetically superior populace while ignoring all other history?

    • 7 months ago

      There’s no reason to believe her stories when she’s using them to craft a more marketable narrative.

    • 7 months ago

      yeah except the difference is that the immigrants thing is trying to paint all people of certain races as inherently monsters and sub-humans, whereas the 'dude space' problem isn't about them being biologically predisposed to being creeps and rapists, it's contextual. It's about them being isolated and deeply depressed. It's not genetic it's environmental. Don't use that as an excuse to say black people should be removed from society, that's just blatantly racist.

      Shut the frick up. Leftist homosexual

      • 7 months ago

        Frick off electiontourist

        • 7 months ago

          you are not a leftist if you don't oppose Zionist occupation of Palestine 😉

          Shut the frick up. Leftist homosexual

  20. 7 months ago

    i dont give a SHIT about her time on the oil field.. why? she couldve gotten the training to become a paramedic/first aider on the very same oil fields, made more money, and avoided the problems with the actual oil workers. she is moronic

    • 7 months ago

      Seriously. She could have literally taken an H2S Alive course (It's like 3 fricking weeks), gotten certified and worked in safety, but no.

    • 7 months ago

      Seriously. She could have literally taken an H2S Alive course (It's like 3 fricking weeks), gotten certified and worked in safety, but no.

      anons please, she MUST go against her parents warning and fight the patriarchy

    • 7 months ago

      Seriously. She could have literally taken an H2S Alive course (It's like 3 fricking weeks), gotten certified and worked in safety, but no.

      tell me more

      > or something and stuff like

      No, this is basically workplace hazing. This is completely normal in blue collar environments and still is today
      Hazing happens all the time in blue collar workplace environments. most of it between men will be the occasional prank and a literally a hundred different ways of banter about getting cucked.

      They know the chick doesn't belong so they double down on in.

      • 7 months ago

        Facts I remember my first day as a aviation mechanic I went to use the shitter and they shut the lights off on me. Hazing is fun cause after getting put through the ringer you can do it back.

      • 7 months ago

        Facts I remember my first day as a aviation mechanic I went to use the shitter and they shut the lights off on me. Hazing is fun cause after getting put through the ringer you can do it back.

        hazing is so fricking lame, "male bonding" is just an excuse to act like a total gay.

  21. 7 months ago

    >Sees the "getting eaten by sharks" hole
    >Sees the guard rails around the "getting eaten by sharks" hole
    >Remembers all the media about how entering the "getting eaten by sharks" hole gets you eaten by sharks
    >Complains about how people should be allowed to enter holes until someone lets her do it
    >Jumps in the "getting eaten by sharks" hole
    >Complains about being eaten by sharks
    The absolute state of some people

    • 7 months ago

      >equates men to sharks
      >but more moronic, rapey sharks
      >also wants women to stop complaining about moronic rape sharks on the loose
      >anon wonders why he is alone and will never sire children

      never change anon, never change

      • 7 months ago

        I'm not equating "men to sharks" I'm calling specific environments with specific vibes exactly what they are, which is a hazardous environment to certain kinds of people. If you have asthma, you shouldn't be working in an environment with poor air quality. If you can't handle being in a mostly 'dudes rock' environment, don't go working with a bunch of isolated dudes with limited entertainment options. If you can handle it and can trade metaphorical blows, it's fine. If you're going to go "eugh, there's guys who are attracted to women who are going to want to try and fool around because they see very few women" maybe you shouldn't go to that environment. Should it be different than that? Sure! If you ask me, they should have a company 'companion' for places like that whose job is to give time and attention to lonesome employees, because I think sex work should be legal and there are plenty of women who would love to basically be an HR rep who is legally able to give you a handjob. The source of the problem isn't "men being gross" it's "chronic isolation and loneliness".

        • 7 months ago

          Anon why are you excusing men behaving like moronic apes who can only oscillate between "sleep, food, MUH DICK, video games, food, MUH DICK, sleep"? You want feminism and women to recognize that men are multi-faceted creatures but also reinforce the feminist idea that men are misogynist morons who shouldn't be allowed in public because they're dangerous.

          • 7 months ago

            > Anon why are you excusing men behaving like moronic apes who can only oscillate between "sleep, food, MUH DICK, video games, food, MUH DICK, sleep"?
            You're literally describing the behaviour of the 90% of blue collar "muh dude" guys. I can say she even got it easy because it's Canada. She would probably received a lot worse treatment in America.

          • 7 months ago

            >recognize that men are multi-faceted creatures

            >reinforce the feminist idea that men are misogynist morons who shouldn't be allowed in public
            Absolutely not. It's not inherent to men, it's a circumstantial byproduct of sociocultural forces, and that can be changed. We need to help these guys be less chronically isolated and lonely. One option of questionable effectiveness would be "sex-bots" (whatever practical and realistic form that would take in like a decade) but another would just be changing the way we socialize men. Men need to be encouraged to have more non-romantic female friends. And I know that sounds impossible to people in this kind of cultural environment, but that's why we have to change the cultural environment so later generations of men don't have to feel like they're predators and women are their prey. Women are people, and can be valuable friends and confidants without needing it to be sexual, or romantic. Plus, men should feel more open to being sexual and romantic with other men, *even if they consider themselves to be otherwise heterosexual*. A lot of teenage boys would be a lot less pavlovianly-programmed to view women as sex objects if they could go hang out with their friend after classes and bang out their sexual frustrations with each other. THEN he can decide if he wants to "ask Trish Stratton out" after he's busted multiple loads and has a clearer head.

            • 7 months ago

              Why do you believe this issue is nurture and not nature? At least half the posters in this thread probably don't believe it's possible for a man to have platonic female companions

              • 7 months ago

                >At least half the posters in this thread probably don't believe it's possible for a man to have platonic female companions
                Yeah and guess what the unifying factor is between them? It's the over-arching american cultural hegemony that has told them that it isn't possible for men and women to be friends, and has told them that women are prizes to be captured and stolen away and hoarded, rather than actual people with perspectives and opinions that can enrich your life, even if she was just a brain in a jar.

              • 7 months ago

                Unless they're fricking ugly or gay then yeah, why do you think it's common knowledge?

          • 7 months ago

            If I was a woman, I wouldn't work as a waitress in a truck diner because I know what sort of people usually hang out there and some of them would ultimately harass me at some point.

            Some people who work on some jobs are like that. Call you whatever you want it but that's a fact.

        • 7 months ago

          >The source of the problem isn't "men being gross" it's "chronic isolation and loneliness"
          But you make it sound like if men aren't sated with sexual release specifically, they're start getting handsy and aggressive, which just paints us like cavemen. It's like those crackpots who attribute the spree of incel shooters to them not getting laid
          AFAIK women don't turn out that way if you subject them to the same conditions

          • 7 months ago

            Isolate a woman from being able to engage in gossip and socialization and she'll be as bad as the forcibly celibate man.

        • 7 months ago

          Nah you make a shit analogy. You should have said there where 2 pits, one with man eating sharks and one with will cook you food and give you head pats sharks. Then she chooses the man eating sharks and comes out claiming all sharks are man eating.

  22. 7 months ago

    I have spent my life in jobs that are male dominated truck driving was dope being 22 and getting to spend the weekend in Nashville while getting paid crazy money was awesome. And there was no sexism or harassment all the men would say it was neat seeing a girl drive a flatbed. The tree industry on the other hand fricking sucks I'm gonna read her book now seems neat

    • 7 months ago

      you can be anything if you want anon, pretending to be a woman in this thread is also one of them.

      • 7 months ago

        This is always so funny to me been here since hs and it makes me feel like a mythical creature

        • 7 months ago

          getting your dick chopped off doesn't make you a woman

          • 7 months ago

            and yet in a different context, you'd tell a guy who lost his dick that he's "less of a man". Interesting how that works.

            • 7 months ago

              No I wouldn't, he'd just be a dickless man. Objective reality doesn't give a flying frick about your social collective conciseness bull crap.

          • 7 months ago

            I mean I feel for trans women you know they have it rough but I don't think they'll ever truly be women. But I'm not gonna vote against their interests either

            • 7 months ago

              >I mean I feel for trans women
              They will never extend that same curtesy to you
              >have it rough but I don't think they'll ever truly be women
              Gender is fluid so this becomes a non issue. Feel like your being oppressed as a women, become a man.
              >But I'm not gonna vote against their interests either
              I will. I spent months bending over backwards trying to understand their view point. Problem is it's just a political ideology parading around as a civil rights issue.
              They don't want equality, they want power. They don't want their own trans spaces, they want the womens spaces to reinforce their control over culture and the populace.

              It's about power, not freedom

              • 7 months ago

                Well we'll see what the future holds, I hope the country sees fit to treat all trans people as lawful fellow citizens with all the rights and privileges they deserve

              • 7 months ago

                >Well we'll see what the future holds
                Putting a stop to this shit. Europe already started back peddling on this trans shit. America is keeping it afloat to turn trannies into a class completely reliant on the medical industry.
                Trannies make the medical industry money, and provide the left with a new "underclass" to prop up and support during election years.

                you're a disguising people who want the world to play pretend with their delusions, or ELSE.

              • 7 months ago

                >you're a disguising people
                A disguising people like the martian manhunter lmao

              • 7 months ago

                Yes, you infiltrate communities with the soul purpose of ideologically compromising them. A literal cancer on the world.

              • 7 months ago

                I'm not trans though you're assuming something so you can get your anger out but I'm just an anonymous user on an image board I'm barely real. Your words are wasted if you want a trans person to see them or want to yell at one you'd have to actually go outside or harrass people on their social media. In a minute or so I'll get bored of probing at your comments to see if youre a weird little misguided dude or an actual troll because I've been here for ages on and off amd non of this affects me or even bothers me

              • 7 months ago

                >even though we're both arguing on an anonymous image board, Im superior to you

                That is one big ego

              • 7 months ago

                NTA, but yes. That poster came here to discuss a comic book, you joined that poster's conversation as an excuse to get upset.

              • 7 months ago

                >thinks I haven't been having other conversations in the thread
                assuming what I do instead of coming up with a real comback, thanks anon

                Whew lad seems like you care a lot about this. Life gets better when you stop taking things so personally I promise, have a sweet day you bunch of cute words on an image board I'll never meet

                >ignore the radical ideology being pushed on kids bro, don't you see how silly you look
                Yes anon, I do care about radical activists limiting my hobbies with their shit

              • 7 months ago

                >thinks I haven't been having other conversations in the thread
                Where did I say that?

              • 7 months ago

                >radical activists limiting my hobbies with their shit
                Yeah ban trans people from the slopes!

              • 7 months ago

                unironically yes, they'll target the children with their perversion

              • 7 months ago

                Do people actually believe that? Or is that just a meme used to dunk on them? I'm asking sincerely, how seriously am I supposed to take that "trans people targeting kids" stuff?

              • 7 months ago

                seriously enough that a Europeans documentary has completely put a halt to all pro troony talk therapy.

                The gay shit is a social contagion also, but a harmless one that won't sterilize your kids chop off their breasts.

              • 7 months ago

                You're saying that sincerely? Like you're not trying to do a bit, you really think that? And you're not embarrassed by that?

              • 7 months ago

                Is that your only comeback, trying to shame me?
                I guess when your stuck defending child groomers you don't have much of a choice but to deflect.

              • 7 months ago

                Which documentary?

              • 7 months ago

                Sweden already stopped, and they were the "go to" example for pro trannies.

              • 7 months ago

                Whew lad seems like you care a lot about this. Life gets better when you stop taking things so personally I promise, have a sweet day you bunch of cute words on an image board I'll never meet

              • 7 months ago

                People like you tilt the unaffiliated towards trannies by sounding like unmedicated schizos

              • 7 months ago

                You still giving hormones to children?
                I don't know anon, chemically castrating children isn't really a positive image

              • 7 months ago

                >Trannies make the medical industry money, and provide the left with a new "underclass" to prop up and support during election years.
                I never realized the part about the medical industry, but I always suspected the latter. Trannies have been the new Gays for some time, now, since LGB people don't really suffer discrimination anymore & can get married in most states.

            • 7 months ago

              >I mean I feel for trans women you know they have it rough
              How can they, when trans people don't exist?

  23. 7 months ago

    Read False Knees instead for the superior leaf comic.

  24. 7 months ago

    This shit was like a checklist of midwit CBC cliches.
    >20 something urbanite woman goes to job she's totally unsuited for and complains about sexism
    >enviromental nagging about the oil sands that's fashionable among middleclass Toronto libs
    >tacked-on white guilt about the injuns at the end of the book
    This country sucks.

    • 7 months ago

      Trudeau gets it, he was black for a while too

      • 7 months ago
  25. 7 months ago

    She straight up defends them and in the end justifies their behaviour as a product of the enviroment

    • 7 months ago

      You don't blame animals for behaving like animals, do you? So why blame men for behaving like men?

      • 7 months ago

        Because men behave like animals

  26. 7 months ago

    I genuinely don't understand some people.

    >be a woman
    >demand equal entry to almost every conceivable institution or space that exists in society, some of which are male created spaces that have been entrenched for centuries
    >unironically expect Men to just arbitrarily bend over backwards to accept you into every facet of their society, with absolutely 0 pushback

    It's just so fricking batshit that women complain that men have influence and power, go into a male space, then complain they aren't treated well. It's absolutely narcissitic, megalomaniac behaviour, the ironclad expectation that the entire world should bend before your will. Why would it, didn't women complain that it doesn't?
    Why are they one moment complaining about the patriarchy, and then the next moment, complaining about it again? You thought that passing a bunch of laws would change things overnight? Men know it doesn't work that way, but women unironically do not, they use male laws based on male legal systems and then think something they didn't create will suit them perfectly - but they complain because they simultaneously know it doesn't.

    It's a level of doublethink I genuinely cannot comprehend.
    Most women just band together with other women and make their own female spaces to thrive in, because they aren't moronic, they understand it's easier to just gather power and security through alternative means. Men have enough sense to not work within them because they know they won't be treated fairly. Women don't get this?

    • 7 months ago

      It's a leftist western problem. Same issue happens when left leaning black people leave america, they'll call the country racist for not bending to their every whim.

      These people don't live in the real world, they live in a bubble.

    • 7 months ago

      >Most women just band together with other women and make their own female spaces to thrive in, because they aren't moronic, they understand it's easier to just gather power and security through alternative means
      Anon if most women thought like that, suffrage would have never taken off and most white collar professions would still skew heavily male. Not that I think Beaton is worth comparing to the braver/nobler women who came before her but treating this as some competition between sexes is dumb

      • 7 months ago

        >Anon if most women thought like that, suffrage would have never taken off

        You fricking beetroot, how do you think the Suffrage movement happened?

        Did lone women march into male dominated systems and demand preferential treartment, or did they form a collective and then use that collective power to get what they want?
        And there's the funny thing - after getting their votes, did they magically assume that overnight everything would bend in their favour? NO.

        • 7 months ago

          A "women's union" would be pretty cool, honestly.

        • 7 months ago

          Majority of women didn't want the right to vote and if you look up who was behind the movement, well it should be pretty obvious at this point where I'm going with this.

  27. 7 months ago

    This comic has been showing up on "Must read graphic novel" lists for awhile now so I decided to check it out. It was pretty much what I expected
    Girl from nowhere gets worthless degree and goes into debt because her degree will never pay enough to be able to pay the debt off. Gets job that she has absolutely no experience for (has to lie to get the job) in the absolute worst place possible for her because it pays well and discovers that not only does it not pay will but it is a very hard job. The entire book is her family telling her to pull her head out of her ass while she b***hes and whines about her poor life choices never taking responsibility for those poor life choices

    • 7 months ago

      >she b***hes and whines about her poor life choices never taking responsibility for those poor life choices
      She gets a debt as a poor life choice.
      She takes an unpleasant job to pay off her debt.
      Getting an unpleasant job to pay off her debt doesn't count as taking responsibility because ??????????

      • 7 months ago

        She entirely jumps to the job without even making a research about its pros and cons. That's quite irresponsible if you ask me.

        Besides, she had way easier alternatives like Teaching or other white collar desk jobs but she just chose the worst job for a woman with an art degree because she wants to prove herself for some reason we don't learn anywhere in the story.

        • 7 months ago

          It was 2006 you couldn't really google up a reddit board about how much it sucks because reddit was just created the year before

          • 7 months ago

            She was browsing a forum page at the beginning of the story but she was too lazy reading through all of it and just wanted the job for settling her debts. An older co-worker even berates her for that and tells her that she should pick a different job as a late paid student debt would't kill anybody and she's literally free to choose anything unlike him who has children to feed.

        • 7 months ago

          Anon most people (not just women) chase a high paying job if the entry skill level is low with little risk assessment or consideration for how shitty the reality of the job is. Anyway, why are you excusing men for behaving like idiots?

          • 7 months ago

            A high paying job with a low entry skill is like a cheese in a mouse trap. There's always a good reason of why the high wages. She just learned that truth the hard way.
            > Anyway, why are you excusing men for behaving like idiots
            It's not men who behave like idiots, it's idiots who behave like idiots and she's a bigger idiot who realized that and still sticked to it.

            • 7 months ago

              But blue collar workers here are always bragging about their jobs because it pays six figures and it doesn't require an expensive degree

              • 7 months ago

                That's because it's easy for men to dismiss the soul crushing loneliness and sheer absolute monontary of a job compared to women.

      • 7 months ago

        >She takes an unpleasant job to pay off her debt.
        She went out of her way to find the worst job possible, known for having terrible working conditions, where she'd be totally inexperienced having never done ANY kind of industrial work, out on the middle of nowhere with a bunch of psychopaths who willingly choose to keep coming back to one of the worst professions around, and then cried about it when she chose not to leave to go do literally anything else.

        • 7 months ago

          I am actually surprised(and a relieved) she is able to survive there. I mean there are accidents shown even in the comics so it wont be surprising to surmise to have more accidents there in real life.

        • 7 months ago

          In 2023 you're able to decide that her coworkers were psychopaths. How much did you know about her coworkers or working conditions in 2006?

          It's not like 2006 Wikipedia had much to say on the subject.

          • 7 months ago

            People working in oil drilling have always been psychopaths. That's what happens working in those conditions for any period of time.

            • 7 months ago

              I met a woman in a flying J who worked in the oil fields in Texas as a driver she said it paid the best money she'd ever made in her life. She was 48 and she said she'd never had an issue with the dudes on the rig because she just didn't talk to them they do have a reputation. She also wore black jeans instead of the fire proof pants because they didn't make them in her size.

              • 7 months ago

                >who worked in the oil fields in Texas as a driver
                >as a driver
                Good for her, but that's not exactly the same as living and working on the oil fields.

      • 7 months ago

        Because you illiterate turnip just because something pays well doesn't mean it will be a good idea to take the job especially if you have absolutely no experience. Should she have taken a position as a prison guard in a maximum security prison just because it paid well? Her entire family told her it was a bad idea and she did it anyway. Your head is as far up your ass as hers was

  28. 7 months ago

    >paying college debt

    I thought this was a meme? Do people really give a shit about paying college debt off? College debt actually eats up your income? I went to community college and had zero debt so I wouldn't know.

    • 7 months ago

      college debt was just an excuse, she just didn't want to stick with her family. she could literally pick any other desk job but she chose to be a sexual object for horny oil workers in his 40's.

    • 7 months ago

      If you went to two years of community college to get a degree in like mechanical repair or what have you, all paid with federal aid and you were still living with your parents or whatever and so never had to take out student loans, sure. But if you had to go to school for longer, or at higher institutions that provide educations in expanded fields, and I don't mean "feelings dancing" I mean like anthropology or whatever, then you almost certainly will accrue debt. Which is why higher education should just be free. It should be like the fire department, a service you can use that, in order to get paid, negotiates with the state or federal government for their payment, not you personally.

      • 7 months ago

        education is literally free in any part of the world except Murrica and even if people take debts, they're dirt cheap still like again unlike Murrica and can be paid even with working on part time jobs just for 6 months.

        maybe you should ask why your government wants to give such a heavy loan to a fricking 18 year old and expects to see it's paid in full.

        • 7 months ago

          I absolutely agree with every single point you made there, I think based on your phrasing you think I disagree, but every point you made there was completely correct.

    • 7 months ago

      It is mostly an excuse.
      People just pay a bit towards it every month like their water or electric bill.
      No one is going to send the leg breaker to collect on your Federal student loans.

      Private debt though, lol, you are fricked.

  29. 7 months ago

    Did they cum inside her?

  30. 7 months ago

    Ok this is getting too political

    • 7 months ago

      it gets political because this entire goddamned website has been slowly drifted down the right for the last decade or more and now if someone comes in with an opinion that should be neutral like "women are people", something completely morally neutral and value-neutral, it seems like leftist propaganda. I was on here in 2007 when I was in high school, and it was NOT like this. There was a lot more of the N-word and more talk about pedophilia, but if I said "gay people are, you know, people" the response would have been "yeah, obviously, but shut up, Black personhomosexual", and that was fine the way it was. Now if you so much as suggest that black people are capable of existing in society without causing problems, you get REEE-d out of the room. This site got political well before the topics did. It's a deliberate tactic by right-wing political action groups to foment conservative political movements, and it's of questionable effectiveness but it sure has ruined one of my favorite parts of the internet.

      • 7 months ago

        It gets bad and good again eventually they get tired and frick off to /b/

  31. 7 months ago

    >new critically acclaimed must read comic
    >its a graphic memoir
    this industry...

    • 7 months ago

      You should be mad at the consumers, they dictate the market of said industry

      • 7 months ago

        consumers don't mean shit, the book industry is regulated by amazon

        • 7 months ago

          Ok but consumers still choose from Amazon's selected books, right?

    • 7 months ago

      Would you prefer more superheroes?

      • 7 months ago

        I'd prefer something actually interesting

      • 7 months ago

        you will never belong

  32. 7 months ago

    You know it's ironic but I have been in the exact opposite situation to katie, I used to work as a Technician for a High School, sort of like a Janitor but with higher grade chemical and mechanical clerance for the labs and the computers.

    The school staff were 90% women, and every single one of them saw me as a fresh out of college piece of meat. Instead of hazing about looks or ability, I had them constantly giving me lists of moronic tasks they needed "My expertise" to work on just to make up excuses to see me.

    I did end up banging the Gym teacher, who was a cute sporty Latina, which was a benefit.

  33. 7 months ago

    >Be woman
    >Breathe air

  34. 7 months ago

    This place has really turned into a full blown Eltingville board. Most of you aren't living in reality.

    • 7 months ago

      Says the middle class communist Larper. I work with my hands for a living in a Warehouse and storefront, can you tell me what your Utopian ideas of changing the world would provide for me?

      Oh, I no longer need to pay rent to my landlord, who is a close friend? No, instead the Government takes triple the amount I pay and I can't afford any luxary because Airwrecka and her 6 moronic kids from 6 fathers supposedly needs free stuff?

      Go ahead, explain to me, a Working Class man, ACTUAL Working Class, how your ideas benefit me.

      • 7 months ago

        That wasn't a political post.

    • 7 months ago

      I mean judging by how absurd most of this comic is I don’t think Beaton is living in reality either.

  35. 7 months ago

    >Men complain about how women don't want to do hard labor or blue collar jobs
    >Woman gets blue collar job
    >Complain about how she doesn't belong there
    Really makes you think.

    • 7 months ago

      You're trying to make sense of a bunch of Walmart and McDonalds employees on here that blame society for them being worthless. It's a losing battle.

      • 7 months ago

        >Get pushback about your socialist nonsense and how it only benefits the rich and the welfare class
        >Instantly begin insulting the working class

        Your average Walmart worker and McDonalds Employee at least earns a living, they deserve to keep the money of their labour.

        Why do parasites get to profit off the labour of the working class?

        • 7 months ago

          Buddy that was my first post in the thread lmao. Seek help, call your congressman, eat shit, any of the above. I don't care.

          • 7 months ago

            So you bunted into a thread to play defence for a socialist larper?

            That's even more pathetic you fricking tool. Hell, I bet the only reason the pathetic leftist cuck is in this thread because he needs to whiteknight a woman's work.

            • 7 months ago

              Probably, kind of reminds you why everyone uses the word troony so much. It lets you see who's a white knighting leftist

              • 7 months ago

                >why everyone uses the word troony so much
                ...instead of?

              • 7 months ago

                instead of what?

        • 7 months ago

          How to spot the broke ass b***h who will incessantly b***h and complain about "the working class" but will never do a fricking thing to rise above it

          • 7 months ago

            Someone needs to work those jobs, they deserve the money from it, not Welfare Queens, crackhead and losers.

            Some people actually take pride in their working class background, as strange as it might seem, some people like working with their hands, and getting a living career out of it should be there for them.

            You sound like a middle manager cuckold who is basically the same thing as a Welfare Queen, their pointless office job of busybody paperwork subsidised by the Company having millions thrust into it by the Government. It's sort of telling that in order to replace a burger flipper, you need a physical costly mechanical robot. To replace an office worker, you need a spreadsheet and one AI.

            • 7 months ago

              Sadly you blue collar workers are being replaced by mass immigration. "but we need handy men who know how to fix shit" THEN TEACH SHOP IN SCHOOLS!
              Holy shit I just wish people would focus on fixing their own countries issues before trying to save the world.

              • 7 months ago

                Well, that's because Leftists hate the Working Class and the immigrants they import and not part of it, instead they're chatel labour designed to replace the working class.

                The Working Class endured the socialist rhetoric deluge thrown at them and still has it's pride and it's the bane of the Socialists own little darling; The Manager Class.

                >Teach Shop in Schools

                Schools are run by the Manager Class; they don't want people working with their hands or even worse, making things. They want people who nod their heads to more candy coated world problems and consume cheap imported products. The Socialists and the Venture Capitalists are basically the same now.

              • 7 months ago

                There ya go doing the thing where it's THEIR fault your life is a fricking joke and you just fail to self reflect.

              • 7 months ago

                They're brining in millions of people he has to compete with. Refugees aren't going to take the wealthy peoples jobs, it's the blue collar jobs they're taking.

              • 7 months ago

                Alright then, Help me self reflect leftist.

                How does your leftist position of taking more money from me, a hard working person, and giving it to someone who doesn't work at all, or someone who is actively a criminal or detriment to the local community, help me at all?

                How does importing thousands of foreigners so they can fill of agencies, making work previously done for part time teenagers and apprentices now get swarmed by low skilled and government funded agencies flinging every idiot who crawled off a boat at us?

                Where is the point I am failing? Is it because I remain Working class, and have not gone out to get a useless degree and prostrated myself over to try and become a member of the Manager Class? Then you prove my point for me.

              • 7 months ago

                >Help me self reflect leftist.
                Okay, get a real job.

              • 7 months ago

                Alright then, What's a real job?

            • 7 months ago

              I started two businesses when I had no money. I worked my ass off and lived way below my means. Any money I made I reinvested in my businesses. I paid all of my employees very well and when I was just starting out several of my employees made more money that I did. Both my businesses were successful. One year to celebrate I took all of my employees and their families to Hawaii for a week all expenses paid by me. Now go frick yourself you weak willed whiney b***h

              • 7 months ago

                Translation: I had my daddy get his investment banker friends big up my startup then let it implode but pocketed all the money.

                You never worked a single day in your life did you? Your business was nothing but a daycare designed to coddle you and your managerial class friends.

              • 7 months ago

                Nope. No father to speak of. I was married at the time and my wife had a good job with health insurance that gave us enough money for rent and food and to pay on her student loans but that was about it. I did take out a shit ton of loans that had to be paid back in 8 years so any money I made pretty much went to them. I grew up pretty middle class and worked a lot of jobs before I started my own business. I've done retail, janitorial, lawn care, construction and maintenance at a sewage treatment plant. It was working those jobs that made me realize that unless you were your own boss you would never get anywhere

              • 7 months ago


                Know what, tell me what field your business was in, because I can easily look up the startup costs.

              • 7 months ago

                >dox yourself for an internet argument

              • 7 months ago

                How is giving what your business does doxing you moron? Legit tell me what your business is doing as a field and we can prove how "No money" your story actually is.

              • 7 months ago

                I'm not worried about being doxxed.

              • 7 months ago

                I opened two dental offices

              • 7 months ago

                Oh vey!

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah that was one of the milder things I said when I signed off on those loans

              • 7 months ago

                I opened two dental offices

                Right so everything I see puts the Average startup cost for a Dental office at £250,000. So around 490,000 Ameribucks, You then said you opened two, so that's hitting close to a million just to start up your firms. Now take into account you usually need to be a Dentist to get looked at for starting up a dental practice I am assuming you have a degree you threw money at.

                So yeah, Daddy helped their son out and seeing as it's Dental, you're either some investment bankers little cuck son or a rich Indian expat. I guess next you're going to try to claim you got in on a Dental Scholarship or some other colossal joke anyone with experience with the university/college system knows is false.

                All in all you are just another little maggotspawn shat out by the parasitic manager class, trying to find any way to look down on people who actually do work for a living and not recycle money through a machine. Just so you know my little weak handed homosexual, when the revolution you leftists harp for comes, people as useless as dentists die first.

              • 7 months ago

                Make all the excuses you want. This is why you will always be broke. It's a mindset and you will never escape it. Enjoy your seething resentment at everyone who is more successful than you which I imagine is quite a sizable group

              • 7 months ago

                You lack the insight or self-awareness to ever achieve a worthwhile opinion

              • 7 months ago

                Oh the irony

              • 7 months ago

                I bought two offices from dentists who were retiring. I got both of them to do owner financing over 7 years. Both offices were in desperate need of updating so I had to take out loans from the banks for about $350,000. You couldn't be more wrong though about dentists getting loans to open offices though. There are many institutions that offer loans to new grads. I got mine through Wells Fargo

                >Make all the excuses you want.

                Your entire story proves his argument right though.
                You got an expensive degree, an expensive set of loans that would not be available for normal people and you then managed to abuse a certain circumstance years ago to leverage your wealth. I am willing to bet you did not get all this off your own back, and you are a Middle class man.
                Your Average working class man, especially a tradesman, has a harder time getting self-employment than people like you do catching handjob loans from banks because Banks are much more likely to invest in large payouts over smaller ones.

                And Finally, I am sorry, but Dentistry is a meme profession, it's the job a middle brother of a rich family gets because being a Doctor requires tons of personal work and being a lawyer was too wordy, it's not really a difficult job and you basically get a free writ to frick people over for the most minor cosmetic charges.

                I speak as a business owner myself, the specialist auto-parts one, but your Job is far less valuable than mine. My garage retools parts for cars that have difficulty getting replacements, or does retrofits for people when the parts are not made anymore. Yet despite making good scratch I bet you make twice as much as me because your profession is a white collar one the banks enjoy investing it because you basically fleece free money from people.

              • 7 months ago

                Wow imagine getting so butthurt over someone else's success that you write an entire fricking paragraph disparaging what they do while trying desperately to sound virtuous. Insecure much?

              • 7 months ago

                I did sound a little sore at the end, but my point is not that you have success.

                My point is you got your success via having a large amount of capital to burn and no doubt a very well off family as a windfall incase you fricked up. The Working Class do not have those luxaries. They don't have the time to go out and scout out for failing businesses to buy up, they don't have big bank loans falling in their lap.
                The entire train of these arguments wasn't that the Working Class are envious of your middle class silliness, it's that people like you demand that the only way for the working class to progress their lot in life is to compete with you, while you get to happily hold them down under the water with destructive luxuray beliefs.

                Know what, my Brother is a plumber, self employed, owns his own firm with a couple of vans and everything. Want to know the biggest hurdle he faces right now to his business?
                Air pollution charges from cities that have fines that frick over people with vans like him. Who pushes though these stupid laws and regulations? Middle class people like you.
                That is why I am a bit pissed at you mate, I don't care much what you actually do or how much you make, but stop trying to frick over our way of making money.

              • 7 months ago

                I'm really surprised that for someone who supposedly has a business that you seemingly have very little understanding in how getting a loan works. You also are so stuck on this "you have a rich family" bullshit and are making a lot of false assumptions about me. I'm guessing by your grammar and your obsession with class you are from the UK. I'm not. The ridiculous shit that you are accusing me of like passing laws and regulation is a pretty far fetched projection on your part. Your entire "argument" is a classist projection on your part and is more than a little ignorant. Try to do better

              • 7 months ago

                I know plenty about getting loans, I know for a fact I was denied one for full coverage of my startup and needed to show proof that my concept was actually going to be profitable in the first year. The Bank was extremely skeptical about my venture and I did eventually win them over when I pointed out stuff like old Land Rovers and their popularity despite the lack of parts and how retrofits could save many people scrapping good cars.

                And I 100% accuse you of supporting regulations and laws that hammer down on the working class, because I can bet anything you're a left wing pseudo-socialist who thinks high taxes and high regulation only helps everyone, forgetting people like me, the Working Class Tradesman, get burned almost every time.

                You call me ignorant but I think I did strike the hammer on the head in one swing didn't I? You do have a rich family that was happy to windfall you, otherwise you wouldn't have gone with such a a risky first venture of two firms instead of focusing on one. Again, all I am annoyed with is your Anti-working class stance that in order for any of us to get money, we need to waste our time trying to compete on your level and we can't earn money in our jobs.

                I'm not in the UK "mate". I don't have an NHS that has control over my practice. It makes a big difference

                Yeah, the NHS forces Dentists in the UK to actually provide service and not pick and select their patients, at least partially.

              • 7 months ago

                Wow. Really got your arse up don't you? Let me explain this to you in words that you can understand. A retail business whether it's a store or restaurant has a much higher default rate than a dental office does (at least in the US where I'm at). Banks will be more likely to give a loan to a business venture that has a lower loan default rate than one with a higher default rate. At the time I got my loans IIRC the default rate on new businesses was about 50% within the first 3 years. Dental offices were at 6%. See how that works? I still had to jump through all their hoops but I still got the loans. Sorry that's so hard for you to believe. I'm glad you think I came from a rich family. I wish it were true. Sorry to let you know I did it without one. Sorry if that makes you feel inadequate. BTW I know several dentists in the UK. Everyone of them has dropped the NHS and are happy they did.

              • 7 months ago

                Actually my difficulty was showing history on the fact I may be able to pay the Loan back, as this was my first loan, business or otherwise as I had not really done anything of the sort before.
                Auto-repair is actually a very stable business, and defaulting is rare, which is why you can see a mechanics pop up in almost any corner. What IS the difficulty for Auto-repair is your COGS cost, or basically, the spare parts and equipment costs and that running a decently sized garage is expensive.

                But besides the point, your passive-aggresive attitude throughout misses what I have been saying and you taking it as a personal attack shows you really are just some middle class child trying to find some way to feel smug about his own little slice of America. The more power to you really, but my issue is with smug pricks like you putting your boot down on people's heads.

                I fricked up that second point you're right, I put dentist where lawyer should be. Every single city is infested with lawyers. It's not a profession you go into dentistry to avoid.
                As far as the first, it's a big assumption that he's fricking over just the companies and not customers. Any sort of business that works with cars is infamous for tacking on fees.

                That's more of a Stereotype that came around because some people really REALLY do not like the news that the parts they need are expensive due to often being obtuse or needing to be retooled from another make. I will admit there are plenty mechanics who will take the easy option and just charge the more expensive bits, but the meme of having to pay for faults you didn't come in for is usually because most people have dozens of things slowly breaking down in their car, but one thing stops it running.

              • 7 months ago

                You got a loan in a different country, for a business totally unrelated to mine and probably in a different decade. You think that might have made my experience and yours different? But instead you trotted out all the tired excuses of "you have rich parents" blah blah blah. Then you decided to throw class into it and called me a left wing pseudo-socialist" who is demanding policies that are ruining your brother's business and you have the gall to say I attacked you and was passive aggressive? Not really self aware are you?

              • 7 months ago

                You've not proved me wrong so far. All you have done is tried to appeal that you're somehow better off than I am because you're a middle class cuckold.

                That attitude does stink of a silver spoon on your taint.

              • 7 months ago

                Good luck with being obtuse. Stay broke

              • 7 months ago

                kek sorry you lost bro. Get those british teeth fixed when you can, mate.

              • 7 months ago

                I mean this entire thread you've been deflecting from the fact you are very obviously just a middle class butthole who understands very little about anyone but yourself. You've not even denied being a Socialist LARPer either so I think beyond pointless penis waving we're done here.

              • 7 months ago

                I'm not even the dentist I've just been following these posts in between doing other shit, and seeing you seethe this bad is amusing.

              • 7 months ago

                I mean, looking back at your posts, your entire argument was

                >Dude just get a degree, hope for a massive million dollar loan and then just set up your own practice mate

                Which is all well and good, but not everyone is a fricking dentist who can just get easy loans for their own business, you even admit anyone trying to set up their own shop is basically fricked, so what even is your argument here? You're arguing with a guy who did exactly what you said, and he's pointing out it's not as easy as you say and not everyone can do it. What is your point?

              • 7 months ago

                Never said it was easy. Reread my post and you'll see that. My point which you seemed to have missed was if you think the working class is fricked then get out of it. Getting out of it will require risk and sacrifice but in my opinion it's worth it. I did and I don't regret it. Complaining about being fricked will never make your life better. I shared my experience on getting out and all I got was the same tired excuses I always hear "you must have rich parents" "your family's connections made you successful" etc etc ad nauseam. If you want it bad enough you can have it but it won't be easy.

              • 7 months ago

                >If you think the working class is fricked then get out of it.

                So "learn to code?" which is such a profoundedly and hilariously dumb argument that I think I don't need to explain. If the issues impacting the Working class now are effectively price gouging out wages and a purposeful impact on tradesmen, how exactly do you think that will be avoidable for anyone? This is why the guy was getting angry at you, you don't understand what the working class even is; Tradesmen are the working class, do you really want all your working class to be a swarm of illegal immigrants controlled by a big faceless corporation designed to frick you over?

              • 7 months ago

                What the literal frick are you talking about? Where did I say "learn to code". What's profoundly and hilariously dumb is the word salad you spouted that had nothing to do with what I posted.

              • 7 months ago

                Did you live under a rock? "Learn to code" was what a bunch of journalists told the keystone pipeline crew when Biden canceled the pipeline, showing the supreme ignorance it is that claiming a bunch of specialised bluecollar workers should just adapt and fit into the world of the naive white collar worker to make money because times are hard and the government actively shits on them.

                The very same argument you are trying to make, that blue collar workers should just become white collar workers. I mean seriously, your entire argument does sound like someone who never worked or even knew blue collar work.
                Blue Collar Work is hard, harder than any single shred of white collar work you may even dream of, I can tell you as a simple fact as someone who was been both a laborer on a working site and an office worker in data collection.
                Like not to be rude, but the only people who make the argument of "Just leave the Working Class bro" are people not born in the working class.

              • 7 months ago

                It's hardly as simple as that, but there is a sizable chunk of the middle class consisting of people who were born to people outside of it(immigrants, people with no college education, etc). It isn't all trust-fund kids and such

              • 7 months ago

                Calling it sizable when social mobility has been frozen since 2008 is a little overstating it.

                But the learn to code mentality is absolutely one fostered by people with no experience in a blue collar job, ESPECIALLY a specialised blue collar job.

                Even to bring it back around to the topic of the thread, Oil Rig workers basically cannot go to work anywhere else, the stuff they learn to work on is so specialised in terms of mechanics that they basically have real ability to be a mechanic on anything else, same with pipeline mechanics really. This are also always jobs that need to be filled for a specific project, not just being able to plot a firm down and have customers come to them. This is why saying "learn to code" is so damn stupid. It would be like calling layoffs at an IT firm to "learn to weld."

              • 7 months ago

                >I mean, are you trying to argue you are just getting money from your rich family or not?
                Just in case you forgot. Here is the first thing you posted in response to my post.

              • 7 months ago

                holy shit the coping and seething is palpable here.
                >specialty auto parts guy thinks he's in a noble profession
                >thinks becoming a lawyer is somehow easier than being a dentist.

              • 7 months ago

                I mean, a mechanic who fricks over the shit car makers are doing with specialty parts is a pretty damn noble one.

                Also he said being a lawyer is too wordy, so he was saying being a lawyer was more complex than dentist, not less.

              • 7 months ago

                I fricked up that second point you're right, I put dentist where lawyer should be. Every single city is infested with lawyers. It's not a profession you go into dentistry to avoid.
                As far as the first, it's a big assumption that he's fricking over just the companies and not customers. Any sort of business that works with cars is infamous for tacking on fees.

              • 7 months ago

                >people as useless as dentists
                This has to be b8, what the frick. Do you think hard labor constitutes the only true jobs?

              • 7 months ago

                He's from the UK. Of course he thinks dentists are useless, he's probably never been to one his entire life

              • 7 months ago

                Dentistry is 99% cosmetic in this day and age. The Anon is quite right, it's like looking down on a plastic surgeon, sure maybe 1/10000 cases are helping the poor girl with burn scars, but most of it is helping a blown out prostitute look like a bogdanoff.

              • 7 months ago

                You know absolutely nothing about dentistry do you? If you want to talk out of your ass about something, you're stupid to do it to someone who can call you out on your bullshit

              • 7 months ago

                Hell I probably know about half of what you know, you're only a Dentist, not a Doctor.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah I seriously doubt that.If you knew anything you'd know that except some niche practices cosmetic dentistry is a small percentage of what dentists do. And seriously you think that "you're a dentist not a doctor" line bothers anyone?

              • 7 months ago

                I feel if you actually cared about helping people with their teething problems, you'd become an oral Surgeon, and if you had any plans beyond buffering enamel you'd have become an Orthodonist.

                I think you're just a money grabber.

              • 7 months ago

                Once again you show your ignorance. "Buffering enamel"? What the frick does that mean? I've heard all these excuses over and over again from losers like yourself who can't allow themselves to believe that the same opportunities that I had were available to them as well if they had the balls to take the risks. It's always "oh you had rich parents" or some lame bullshit excuse like that. You people are like crabs in a bucket, you always want to pull down anyone trying to escape the bucket rather than pull yourself up

              • 7 months ago

                No idiot, the point you fail to realised is that people shouldn't need to follow what you did and become a dentist and need to have the capacity to knock back a million in loans just to earn and improve their life.

                Social mobility has fricking tanked in the west due to the very very narrow and fricking stupid idea that the only professions than seem to be allowed to make money are from college degrees.

              • 7 months ago

                Even assuming you were right, how do you get to decide the value of work, if not due to free market forces?

              • 7 months ago

                >Free market forces

                Dentistry and other meme college degrees are held aloft by government backed schemes and regulations, there is nothing free market about a checkup costing money when it's effectively an estimate.

              • 7 months ago

                You must also believe the moon landing was faked, the earth is flat and chemtrails are real. They need to up your meds

              • 7 months ago

                >It's a conspiracy that banks prefer loans with high numbers than smaller loans.

                Mate, it's a literal fact that if you are going for a business Loan you shoot for the highest number you can to cover all your initial startup costs because as long as you are credible and the bank sees the plan will pay the loan back, they are happy to take a bigger loan.

              • 7 months ago

                I'm not in the UK "mate". I don't have an NHS that has control over my practice. It makes a big difference

              • 7 months ago

                What the actual frick are you babbling about? The idiot I was responding to was saying dentistry was held aloft by government backed schemes. Do keep up

              • 7 months ago

                College degrees and the jobs provided for them are basically all a government scheme anon.

              • 7 months ago

                Whatever you say Ted Kaczynski

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah that was one of the milder things I said when I signed off on those loans

                >For two practices right from the start.

                I mean, are you trying to argue you are just getting money from your rich family or not? Because literally no bank in the world is going to accept bare naked "I have no money" when it comes to an investment loan on a Dental Firm without some serious string pulling, let alone TWO. Hell, most business Loans like this expect YOU to be working at the firm.

                Like I run a fricking specialist auto-parts garage and that took tons of my own money and a foolproof action plan to show the bank the parts I were retooling and reselling were actually sellable.

              • 7 months ago

                I bought two offices from dentists who were retiring. I got both of them to do owner financing over 7 years. Both offices were in desperate need of updating so I had to take out loans from the banks for about $350,000. You couldn't be more wrong though about dentists getting loans to open offices though. There are many institutions that offer loans to new grads. I got mine through Wells Fargo

              • 7 months ago

                This was several years ago. At that time dental office loans had a very very low default rate which made it easier to get a loan for a dental office than a retail store

              • 7 months ago

                There ya go doing the thing where it's THEIR fault your life is a fricking joke and you just fail to self reflect.

                >Dude you want to earn money doing a working class job?
                >That's moronic, you need to join the rat race, ask a bank for a loan to start a company etc

                How is this not proof their is an attack on the working class when in this very thread you people seem to hate the idea of the working class not getting peanuts?

              • 7 months ago

                >shaming the working class for not embracing the capitalist rat race
                leftists are truly an interesting people

              • 7 months ago

                Learn to read fricktard. I'm not against the working class. I never wanted to have to depend on someone else for a job. I didn't want to have a boss. I did what I had to do to escape that

            • 7 months ago

              >and getting a living career out of it should be there for them
              Why should certain assurances be set aside for them? In a capitalistic system, those people are paid exactly what their labor is worth, and there will always be a search to make them superfluous by automation/outsourcing/hiring immigrants

              >To replace an office worker, you need a spreadsheet and one AI
              AI at the moment is still in it's infancy, and requires an initial cost to train and develop. Office workers aren't going anywhere in the short-term. Most likely, AI will be used in order to supplement their jobs instead of replacing them outright

              • 7 months ago

                Ah, the joys of a leftist trying to argue capitalism and in turn making a contradictory argument.

                Most Office Jobs are completely reundant and exist mostly to busybody people and offer a false idea of progression, AI will outright cut this away.

                We already saw how the manager class reacted to working from home, imagine that but without someone to try and force back into the office?

              • 7 months ago

                The reason executives want workers working in the building is due to the fact that large buildings cost a lot to upkeep. This results in the collapse of the real estate if too many buildings are just closing down.

                AI does office jobs even more badly then lazy office workers because there's a lot of things that still requires thought and AI doesn't think it just repeats and recreates what it's given. You can optimize it but you'll need something completely different to make something capable of thought.

              • 7 months ago

                Yes, the reason people got angry is the ponzi scheme the managerial class have everyones pensions and money invested in almost collapsed because they realised big buildings are useless.

      • 7 months ago

        >people who work at McDonals or Walmart don't deserve the same level of respect as everyone else

        Leftist everyone

        • 7 months ago

          Couldn't be more wrong about me. I'm an original libtard, when that actually meant fricking libertarian.

    • 7 months ago

      Working a blue collar job doesn't mean go work on an oil rig where you'll be raped.

      • 7 months ago

        Well, what blue collar jobs do you suggest women get?

      • 7 months ago

        >Where you work on an oil flats where you will face banter and regretful sex

        Fixed that for you, having bad sex with someone who did it with because you were bored and stupid is not rape.

    • 7 months ago

      People who say working an oil rig, a mine or anything that involves intense physical labor is not blue collar.

    • 7 months ago

      >Men complain about how women don't want to do hard labor or blue collar jobs
      No man has ever complained about this.

  36. 7 months ago

    >this whole thread

    But I though men were supposed to be stoic pseudo-Vulcan beings collectively striving to rise above their simian instincts and cognitive biases through the power of ice-cold facts and logic, or something like that.

    • 7 months ago

      Nice word salad, having any protein with all that fiber you betacarotene b***h

    • 7 months ago

      No? Women just think because Men are able to joke with each via insults that they are alien weirdos.

    • 7 months ago

      If men were actually like that, we wouldn't have a species

  37. 7 months ago

    Oh shit, I didn't know Kate made a book. Cool, I'll have to look that up.

    • 7 months ago

      This is a less believable than any of her lies in this book. This would have to be youre first day on Cinemaphile to have not heard about this by now, as well as a fan of beaton’s enough to call her Kate as if you know her without actually following her in any way.

      Why LARP like this?

      • 7 months ago
        • 7 months ago

          Cute gif you didn’t explain how you’re so familiar with the author that you’ll instantly buy something sight unseen yet didn’t know she released a book. Or how you’re familiar with this board yet haven’t seen it posted about.

          Almost like there is zero way your post was genuine.

          • 7 months ago

            Dude I'm not going to spend an hour here back-and-forthing with you. I know Kate Beaton's little goober comics from years ago and thought they were neat. I've been on Cinemaphile on and off for decades and I don't spend every waking moment here because that's unhealthy as hell. I come here for a few dedicated subjects I'm keeping up with and rarely check the catalogue, because Cinemaphilex makes that a possibility. I never said I was going to buy anything sight unseen, I said I'd have to look it up to see what the deal is, because I don't want to read this whole thread about it. You may have noticed Cinemaphile can be somewhat biased about things so I need more perspectives, but I'm interested enough to look into it.

            Hopefully that addresses your points because I don't really feel like talking more about them. Hope you have fun with the rest of the thread, friend.

            • 7 months ago

              Yes, yes you’re so well-adjusted and superior to the filth around here. Congrats on totally not being a condescending c**t LARPing on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

              • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Way back in the day she was somewhat well-known here for Hark! A Vagrant. People are likely more familiar with those strips than they are of her personally

  38. 7 months ago

    how did this thread turned into a cesspool between some dentist prick and a bunch of losers (where I can bet my right testicle that nothing but some larping if I know this site for 10 years). why don't you morons get a life, a life where you don't insult each other in an unrelated thread?

    • 7 months ago

      I find it funny that dentist is somehow more believable than specialist auto-mechanic.

      • 7 months ago

        he got me too until he claimed that he made it from scratch while getting two 6 digit bank loans while not giving any proper explanation except "lel they just gave me". people are so seethed that they just can't see the trolling here.

        • 7 months ago

          I bought two offices from dentists who were retiring. I got them to do owner financing over 7 years. In other words they toted the note. I said this in a previous post. I got a loan from Wells Fargo for about $350,000 to update both offices (computers, digital x-ray etc). To get that loan I had to provide 5 years of financial records from both offices showing that I could pay both of the owners and Wells Fargo. It wasn't easy but because both offices had patients and were producing income I was able to convince them that I was a good risk. If I was just starting two offices from scratch I doubt I would have gotten enough money to do that. Banks do loan to new grads starting practices from scratch but it is a much different process

          • 7 months ago

            I don't get why you needed two offices even though one of them would suffice, not even sure whether that's even legal (as you have to show one business address in most states as a legal necessity).

            • 7 months ago

              You can own multiple offices. In my case both offices had decreased the number of days they were open as both dentists were retiring. Both offices were only open 3 days a week. The offices were in neighboring towns. My plan was to work 3 days in one and two days in the other. As I got busier I hired an associate doctor and kept one open 5 days a week and the other 4 days. Eventually I built a bigger office and combined the two offices together which required more loans but they were a little easier to get this time

              • 7 months ago

                And how did you just managed to convince those 2 men to owner finance your investment, barter at 100?

              • 7 months ago

                Don't know what barter at 100 means. There are a lot of tax advantages for doing owner financing ( at least at the time I bought the offices). Also if the loan defaults the original owner just gets his office and its contents back plus whatever money he was paid on the original loan. But as I said before defaults on loans for dental offices at this time were extremely low

              • 7 months ago

                So if I understood correctly, you're telling that you have managed to convince 2 owners to finance your investment, after that financing manage to get a loan from bank by showing that guarantee while being indebted both owners and the bank at the same time.

                But I still don't understand out of all people, why would they choose to do owner finance with "you". I also work in a similar white collar profession and hold an office, but I don't see selling to some random greenhorn at any point. That logically doesn't make sense.

              • 7 months ago

                Firstly selling a dental office isn't as easy as you would think. Especially if the dental office isn't located near a big city. The offices I bought were in a county with about 56,000 mostly factory workers and blue collar. Dentists right out of school always want to move to a bigger city which is why most cities are way over saturated with dentists. Both of these dentists had been trying to sell for several years and were ready to retire. As I said before their risk was minimal and if I did frick up they got their office back with whatever equipment upgrades I had done and whatever money I had paid them. Then they could try to sell it again. I don't know what its like now but when I bought these offices owner financing was fairly common.

            • 7 months ago

              wait you think having multiple business offices is illegal? lmao. And you're amazed by a medical professional working in multiple places? Are none of you functional adults? You've never seen a specialist say they work in more than one practice?

    • 7 months ago

      I could understand the self-proclaimed business owners but why would anyone need to larp as a loser here? Everyone is either a NEET or some low-level wagie regardless of profession

      • 7 months ago

        You can larp as anything as long as you want to keep your opponent salty.

    • 7 months ago

      Dentist Prick. I like that.

  39. 7 months ago

    Should I feel sorry for Ms Beaton being raped? Because I do not. She is a first world woman, and I am a thirdie living in shit, her life is still better than mine even after being raped. Let all Western women be raped and we shall clap our hands

    • 7 months ago

      >Should I feel sorry for Ms Beaton being raped? Because I do not. She is a first world woman, and I am a thirdie living in shit, her life is still better than mine even after being raped. Let all Western women be raped and we shall clap our hands

      • 7 months ago

        >posts pasty white fat frick that more closely resembles himself

        Firstie privilege truly is a thing to behold

  40. 7 months ago

    I want to say to Katie is she deserves happiness.
    Her feelings of ambivalence towards what she felt was rape by someone she feels isn't a rapist must've left her with guilt.
    Even after her sister died from cancer from working the same job as her she must have felt guilt for not doing enough to help her and outliving her.
    Even so I hope she feels a sense of joy from living her own life even after all she has suffered.

    • 7 months ago

      >guilt from being raped
      yeah I felt guilty about that guy chopping my head off with an axe.

      • 7 months ago

        She didn't think one her rapist was actually trying to rape her but she did feel raped and she never told him or anyone how she felt until she made the book.

    • 7 months ago

      She absolutely should feel guilty for allowing her sister to follow her to work in the carcinogenic oil fields and getting raped and cancer. She caused this

  41. 7 months ago

    the point of the story is to show a rare perspective i guess?

  42. 7 months ago

    Is anyone going to talk about the comic book or is this thread an excuse to have a /misc/ discussion on a much sexier board

    • 7 months ago

      More like sexless

    • 7 months ago

      Not me, I enjoy rape.

      You could say I'm here to beat off .... to Beaton

    • 7 months ago

      Is there anything to talk about with the comic? Outside the premise and the sex scene is there anything worth talking about?

      • 7 months ago

        the content of the story outside of that one scene and the cover of the book

        • 7 months ago

          Is anyone going to talk about the comic book or is this thread an excuse to have a /misc/ discussion on a much sexier board

          You haven’t added anything to the conversation. It sounds like you haven’t read it.

        • 7 months ago

          post a PDF or something then
          do you expect everyone to rush and buy this book, c'mon

        • 7 months ago

          Put something then. The premise of an art hoe deciding to work in one of the shittiest blue collar industries is THE most interesting thing about the book. Outside that it's all angst.

    • 7 months ago

      >much sexier board
      there no board that hates sex as much Cinemaphilemblr tho

    • 7 months ago

      At this point I have no idea if it's actually just an auto biography of just her telling her experience being moronic or her actually being moronic and trying to make it some feminist issue.

  43. 7 months ago

    >The scene in the first camp where she’s working all night to clean bitumen off of parts and tools, with only one plug-in space heater to stave off the -40 Alberta Winter. Shaking and going numb as she works. Steps outside to toss the trash, looks up at the Aurora, and cries.
    I had to stop reading and just cry. Maybe it’s because I lived and worked up there for 15 years, and I’ve lost friends and family to the conditions, but something about that scene ran a knife through my heart.

    All of you morons just talking about the sexual violence topic clearly didn’t read the book, because that’s a single blip in a much larger image. And the one homosexual claiming this never happened, I can confirm every goddamn detail of life in that region is accurate, even the strip club scene. Your opinions are based on nothing, and I don’t respect you.

    Ducks is an unparalleled masterpiece. Go actually fricking read it. Not a summary, not the cliffs notes, not an article on some shitty website. Put book in hand, look at book with eyes, think about words and art on pages. Read, homie, read.

    • 7 months ago

      Shut the frick up. Overly sensitive Albertan oil sands-working homosexual. How did you fricking survive there that long with the emotional state of a woman?

      • 7 months ago

        >expressing grief is bad cause... CAUSE I SAID SO
        Watch that edge, kiddo

    • 7 months ago

      Sorry, I form my opinions on comics solely based on threads on Cinemaphile, and right now it's not looking too good for Ducks.

    • 7 months ago

      Your argument is compelling, but the art is shit, and I dislike the author's writing style.

  44. 7 months ago

    >has a somewhat difficult job as a young person entering adulthood
    This is the norm for a shitload of people, many of whom never actually grow out of the goddamn job. This is a weirdly specific genre about privileged, young Americans whining about briefly slumming it before settling into Easy Street, and it only appeals to other privileged, young Americans who have similar experiences of briefly dealing with hardship as a coming of age rite and think it makes them special.

    Kate Beaton is one of those webcomic artists that reached some brief acclaim years ago through comics that make normal people think they're smart, and it's honestly telling it's the only time the mainstream cared about webcomics until Webtoons rolled around (if you want to call Korean girls who want to read about boys kissing "the mainstream"). Basically Hark a Vagrant just made basic b***h historical references and fooled people into thinking they were intellectuals because they remembered Edgar Alan Poe from high school. Frankly, I've always hated this shit and I'm glad it faded back into obscurity.

    • 7 months ago

      >This is a weirdly specific genre about privileged, young Americans whining about briefly slumming it before settling into Easy Street, and it only appeals to other privileged, young Americans who have similar experiences of briefly dealing with hardship as a coming of age rite and think it makes them special.
      She’s fricking from rural Maritime Canada, as are a lot of the older men she meets at the tar sands.

      At this point I have no idea if it's actually just an auto biography of just her telling her experience being moronic or her actually being moronic and trying to make it some feminist issue.

      Honestly, while it touches on feminism what with the rapes, it’s primarily about the lack of opportunities in dying rural communities and how people who would rather be doing other things — like Beaton, but also many of the older guys who would rather be fishing, or be home with their families, etc— get stuck out there (like the Ducks in the pond) because it’s the best paying work they can get. A big part of it is how isolated camp life changes you and makes you into a different person, but you stay anyway.

  45. 7 months ago

    >400 replies
    you did it anon

  46. 7 months ago

    and that makes her an idiot, i suppose

  47. 7 months ago

    Just read it myself; mostly liked it, it's very well-observed and gives me an insight into a place that I'd never experience in real life.

    Kate's constant flinching at men finding her attractive or chatting her up does get a bit old to be honest. How many times do we need to see 2 men going: "hey dude, seen that hot new girl in the admin team?", followed by Kate giving a disgusted look at the camera? Probably fewer than the 3 million times it happens in the comic, I'm sure. But, as she says in the afterword, this was her experience of the tar sands and she's well aware that many other people have had different experiences.

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