
Any ideas for how they would even expand on this one? I'm honestly having a hard time coming up with episode scenarios that I would actually watch. I don't think I'd wanna see more random sidequests like the gloink queen.

As for narrative bits they could add in about the real world, or how she stuck there or how she might get out, is that really something they could drag out for a whole series?

Amazing digital circus seems good as a standalone thing, but I just don't see their angle for planning anything bigger than what we've already seen.

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  1. 6 months ago

    >I don't think I'd wanna see more random sidequests like the gloink queen.
    Anon, are dumb? That’s the entire premise. It’s basically episodic with a small continuing narrative about looking for a way out.

    • 6 months ago

      How many more of those would you want to see before you got bored? At least murder drones is constantly adding new stuff.

      >That’s the entire premise
      I wouldn't be so sure. Maybe they could do something else with it. I hope.

      If it's any comfort, the whole season was planned out before the pilot was released.

      Really? That is good news. Where did you hear that?

      • 6 months ago

        Creators twitter. They said they aren't changing the story in relation to the fans wishes as-well. Seems like the creator is handling it well.

      • 6 months ago

        >How many more of those would you want to see before you got bored?
        This is a character driven comedy the only way you'd get "Bored" if the writing isnt funny or fun

    • 6 months ago

      Pomni trying to escape was the only good part. Everything with the Gloinks was utter trash. If the series is just going to be more shit like the Gloinks every episode I'm out and this series is finished no matter how badly I want to hold Ragatha and cry into her pillowy bosom while she cuddlefricks me to sleep.

      • 6 months ago

        >The only good parts were the scenes that just feature a singular character running through empty hallways

        Whats the point of even watching this if you liked that the most

        • 6 months ago

          I count all the stuff with Kaufmo's abstraction as part of that, too. Pomni's whole A plot. The dumb B plot with the Gloinks was just cringe and tiresome.

  2. 6 months ago

    If it's any comfort, the whole season was planned out before the pilot was released.

    • 6 months ago

      So it’s already better than Vivzieslop. I can’t wait

      • 6 months ago

        Has Vivzie had anything about the show yet?

        • 6 months ago


          The deviv bowed her head because she knew that she'd been beat
          He laid that gold play button on the ground at Gooseworx’s feet
          Gooseworx said
          "Deviv, just come on back if you ever wanna try again
          I told you once, you fatass b***h
          I'm the best there's ever been"

          • 6 months ago

            Goosey, Jax is a man hoe and keep your Pomni scarred
            'Cause Hell's broke loose on Twitter, and the fandom deals the cards
            And if you win, you get this YouTube button made of gold
            But if you lose, then Vivzie gets your show

          • 6 months ago

            >Gooseworx’s feet

        • 6 months ago

          Vivzie decided to lay off of social media before TADC came out and she's mostly stuck to that. Most of her social media posts are related to her productions, but she's mostly avoided hot takes and snarky commentary.

          It's unknown what she would say about it, but since Goose has worked on productions for her, I could imagine she might hold her tongue?

          • 6 months ago

            goose might even still be working on hazbin, evan whathisname is and he's never worked solo, only on stuff with goose

      • 6 months ago

        I don’t understand why she didn’t just write the whole thing out from the beginning.

    • 6 months ago

      There’s no way that’s true, there’s literally no plot or set up in the pilot

  3. 6 months ago

    I heard it’s going to only have one season with eight episodes. I’m personally hoping they just “abstract” the whole cast

    • 6 months ago

      Here you go.

      Sees Pomni entering the red door and confronts her about it.

      Learns to be vulnerable and teach others how to glitch the system.

      Finds more masks in a vain attempt of feeling other emotions.

      Get an identity crisis and tries to find pieces for a perfect body and get's disaffected.

      Remembers the earlier versions of the system.

      >they just 'abstract' the whole cast
      but why though.

      • 6 months ago

        It would be a lot funnier. Especially when it’s revealed that abstraction isn’t a big deal

      • 6 months ago

        >but why though
        It would make this sort of kiddie show feel a lot darker and more impactful. Especially if it's revealed that the main cast got unlucky enough to be "chosen" for the circus for whatever reason.

        • 6 months ago

          I'm thinking this would make a good story, but only if Goose is better at writing than other indie creators. I can see people hating lore when it's poorly written.

          Is Murder Drones worth watching?

          • 6 months ago

            >Is Murder Drones worth watching?
            Murder drones is fine but it kinda sucks if you aren't familiar with author's intentions for the show. After watching the first 6 episodes I wasn't sure what the heck was even going on, and Cinemaphile had to explain it to me.

            Although the show makes sense and is enjoyable if you know about that stuff, a part of me still wishes it never deviated from the naive premise of the first two episodes, because it would've been fine if it didn't. Also the humor can be a bit jarring at times, like when her classmates get comedically slaughtered through a school trip, but none of them seem to really care. There are people on Cinemaphile who will defend this, and I don't understand them.

            • 6 months ago

              Ambivalence towards death is something that seems to be pushed in the vast majority of modern media.

              • 6 months ago

                So many /misc/ theories for this, so little time.

                If you are going to die, then Jesus Christ died for your sins and you should turn to him for eternal life. Just in case you need to hear it.

              • 6 months ago

                plenty of 90's cartoons had characters die for gags. it's not a "modern media" thing. it's just a trend that swings back and forth.

              • 6 months ago

                plenty of 90's cartoons had characters die for gags. it's not a "modern media" thing. it's just a trend that swings back and forth.

                I think what that anon means by 'ambivalence towards death' is that there's been an uptick in media suggesting that eternal life would be a trillion times worse, and that we should for death as a release from that. That's a theme in TADC and both of its main inspirations

              • 6 months ago

                Yeah, honestly I can see this. It's a prominent theme in Murder Drones as well as Amazing Digital Circus.

              • 6 months ago

                it isn't a theme in tadc moron
                also obviously one of the main inspirations you're talking about is ihnmaims, but what's the other one?

              • 6 months ago

                It’s not THE theme but certainly a part of the terror of it is that you can’t leave even by dying. Even the abstracted people aren’t really ‘dead’ and they might even still be sentient
                The other one is SOMA

              • 6 months ago

                >It’s not THE theme but certainly a part of the terror of it is that you can’t leave even by dying.
                okay, but that's not "eternal life is bad"
                >The other one is SOMA
                That's also not "eternal life is bad"
                and in any case you don't even know that the finished show will treat abstraction as a desirable alternative to life in the circus
                i strongly believe it will not, because it's a show marketed towards teenagers

            • 6 months ago

              yeah the shifting tone makes it impossible for me to enjoy. one second death is a joke, the next i am supposed to be horrified when Uzi is a vampire or whatever.

            • 6 months ago

              what are the author's intentions for the show? i started getting annoyed when they pretty much forgot N's crush on V to have shipping moments with Uzi. That sort of inconsistency for the sake of shipping shit is the death knell for a lot of shit.

          • 6 months ago

            >Is Murder Drones worth watching?
            Not really, in my opinion. It's a lot of bad emo fanfic writing and then it goes all deadspace with an evil meat virus that corrupts robots and wants to kill all life in the universe or some shit. The mystery is boring and the characters are tedious.

          • 6 months ago

            >Is Murder Drones worth watching?
            Yeah, it's pretty damn good.
            I'd definitely give it a try of you're into dark scifi and eldritch horror mystery stories - or if you're into the music and visuals the show goes for. It's all very well done, but whether you enjoy it will defend depend on your personal tastes as it's quite niche compared to something like Digital Circus. Give the first few episodes a try and see if you like it, would be my suggestion. If you're familiar with any of Liam Vicker's previous work you'll most likely enjoy it.


            • 6 months ago

              >Liam Vicker's previous work
              I miss her…

          • 6 months ago

            Is that a real question? It's going to be a miniseries of 8 episodes about 8 colorful morons living in a creepypasta VR. Approximately 6 of them are amnesiac humans who are desperately looking for an exit and/or on the brink of losing it and turning into a monster, the remaining 2 are AI who are de facto the wardens of the place and gamemasters who come up with dangerous quests to entertain the humans (or...are they?) Any and all of these characters may be not what they appear to be. Do the math, OP.

            >Is Murder Drones worth watching?

          • 6 months ago

            >Is Murder Drones worth watching?
            Yeah, it's worth giving it a watch tonsee if you'll like it. I checked it out after watching Digital Circus. Very different experience, much more schizophrenic and mystery-oriented with a lot of supernatural cyber-eldritch horror shit. Very cool, interesting sci-fi setting that starts leaning into horrific, demonic cosmic horror undertones the more it goes on. I've not really experienced anything like it. The story is a little tough to follow unless you go into it already knowing that you need to pay attention to what is happening so you can stop and catch any important details that pop up - but I had a lot of fun with it and can't wait for more.

            I can't say that it's a show for everyone though. See what you think on your own.

            • 6 months ago

              Learn to proofread you ADD-riddled fatass.

              • 6 months ago

                You seem upset.

              • 6 months ago

                You seem fat.

              • 6 months ago

                You shouldn't be asking to see strangers' fat wieners online, anon.

              • 6 months ago

                What the frick? Anonymous is GAY and likes complimenting guys' dicks on 4chins?

              • 6 months ago

                >tfw anon is gay

              • 6 months ago

                i shall proceed to nkt do that just to piss you off

              • 6 months ago

                I think it'd be easy for everyone if you could learn to take your own advice.

              • 6 months ago

                Nothing he wrote in that post was grammatically incorrect.

          • 6 months ago

            Learn to proofread you ADD-riddled fatass.

            yes you shoyld watch murder drones its a pfetty good show i enjoyedbit quite a bitn waiting for more episodes to drop while also waiting for digital circus

      • 6 months ago

        >Learns to be vulnerable and teach others how to glitch the system.
        >Finds more masks in a vain attempt of feeling other emotions.
        frick yeah more gangle is always good
        >Get an identity crisis and tries to find pieces for a perfect body and get's disaffected.
        I don’t feel so good, mr stark…
        >Remembers the earlier versions of the system.
        potentially kino, hopefully it doesn’t devolve into loreshit

      • 6 months ago

        Jax's arc will be 'doing progressively worse and worse things and then facing no consequences and learning nothing'

        • 6 months ago

          God, I wish.

      • 6 months ago

        >Finds more masks in a vain attempt of feeling other emotions.

  4. 6 months ago

    homie, you've been fricked by 'deep lore' shows. There's no deep lore here, it's either going to be an entirely episodic style hyjinks for a small running, or it'll be a character driven narrative for a slightly longer short running.

    • 6 months ago

      I need to ask these questions somewhere
      When did “deep lore” become a thing? Is it something creators come up with or something fans imagine because they’re bored? They’re doing it with Kirby, is that why? Then there’s game theory that pioneered that shit instead of doing math videos like they used to. Are there great shows without deep lore? What even is deep lore? Is it separate from regular lore? Is there a fricking gradient for lore? What does a great show with no lore look like?

    • 6 months ago

      >homie, you've been fricked by 'deep lore' shows.
      No I don't want deep lore. It's just that the setting seems kind of limiting, is all. You know what I mean, right? The whole thing has to be constrained to little scenarios the teeth guy comes up with, or entirely focused on contrived character drama like this

      Here you go.

      Sees Pomni entering the red door and confronts her about it.

      Learns to be vulnerable and teach others how to glitch the system.

      Finds more masks in a vain attempt of feeling other emotions.

      Get an identity crisis and tries to find pieces for a perfect body and get's disaffected.

      Remembers the earlier versions of the system.

      >they just 'abstract' the whole cast
      but why though.

      anon came up with.

      Compare the setting of digital circus to the setting of something else like dexter's lab or over the garden wall, and it's easy to see how the writing is going to be a bit constrained even for episodic hijinks.

      • 6 months ago

        Anon did you miss the part where Caine is a literal god in there and can manifest whatever he wants? That’s the opposite of constraint. If the story needs a jungle, he’ll make a jungle.

      • 6 months ago

        The point of the setting is to be about the character development though. The real world exists as nothing more than a hollow want. It is the characters journey to abandon that want and find enlightenment that the show is about. Jax is there, Kofmo couldn't give it up.

        • 6 months ago

          >The point of the setting is to be about the character development though.
          according to who?
          >It is the characters journey to abandon that want and find enlightenment that the show is about.
          according to who?
          I already knew you were kind of stupid to begin with, but wow. You’re making assertions based entirely on assumption and then trying to draw up some pretentious literary critique about the show based entirely on your made up assertions.

          • 6 months ago

            Frick off, man. I liked that anon's response. That was me he was responding to, by the way.

            • 6 months ago

              >you can’t call him stupid, he wasn’t talking to you

            • 6 months ago

              What could you possibly like about someone saying “this is what I think the show is supposed to be about and it’s not conforming to it”?

              • 6 months ago

                >this is what I think the show is supposed to be about and it’s not conforming to it
                Well that's not at all what they said. They said "this is what I think the show is supposed to be about", specifically "this is why I think the show has to be about character development".

                It's an acceptable view of how the show is setting itself up, I can see the showrunners going this direction with it. It's not some literary critique like the other moron claimed.

              • 6 months ago

                >They said "this is what I think the show is supposed to be about", specifically "this is why I think the show has to be about character development".
                But that’s just not true at all. If you read

                The point of the setting is to be about the character development though. The real world exists as nothing more than a hollow want. It is the characters journey to abandon that want and find enlightenment that the show is about. Jax is there, Kofmo couldn't give it up.

                all of it is just assertions. There is no, “I think.” He’s saying “this is what it is.” And that’s incredibly stupid.

              • 6 months ago

                >There is no, “I think.”
                Lol fine then, he said "this is why the show has to be about character development". I just mentally add the "I think" in front of all such statements, because it's that one anon's idea.

                You're being a bit silly, the op is specifically asking for how the plot is going to work given the constraints of the show.

          • 6 months ago

            According to me.
            Yes your right that they're assumptions, but they're assumptions based on what we know. The characters have no knowledge of what the real world is except that it's where they're from. It's like if you knew you were in a simulation, but you don't know what's outside the simulation. What's outside the simulation may as well not exist.
            As for the journey, that seems obvious because of what the setting is. Caine is in control of everything in the circus except for the people. So, unless it's going to be a war against Caine, it's going to be a story about character development. And seeing as how we see what happens when one character obsesses over the impossibility of getting out, that sets the theme of the show.
            Of course this all goes out the window if its nothing more than an adventure of the week.

  5. 6 months ago

    violence and gore

  6. 6 months ago

    did anyone watch the shows they made before murder drones with all of the low budget waifus?

  7. 6 months ago

    I imagine the episodes would be focusing more about the exits as the show progressed until some big reveal happens, whether it's some newly introduced bad guy or some twist villain
    Just one thing
    >be me
    >have the ability to use ai to create entire stories
    Do I do it anons?

    • 6 months ago

      gave it a go and it's little plain and lengthy with the details i have but considerably well done, can share if anyone would like

      • 6 months ago

        There's no need to drum up interest on an anonymous imageboard. Just share and people will either engage or not. Playing hard to get usually just turns people off and makes them more likely to ignore you rather than try to pull everything out of you.
        I say this to be helpful, not mean, and because I'd like to read what you wrote.

        • 6 months ago

          Well said anon, here's the stuff then

          • 6 months ago

            Caine: That was our intro, folks! Now, let's get started with the show. Pomni, our newcomer, I want you to tell me something.
            Pomni: What is it?
            Caine: What is your greatest fear?
            Pomni: What? Uh, well, I guess I'm afraid of spiders and the dark and-
            Caine: No, no, no. I'm talking about the fear that keeps you up at night, the fear that haunts your dreams, the fear that makes you tremble in terror!
            Pomni: Well, uh, I don't-
            Caine: Oh, don't be shy! Let me guess: You're afraid of losing your friends and family, being alone forever, or even, just, the worst-case scenario of-
            >(A Gloink interrupts Caine, causing him to groan in annoyance.)
            Caine: (To the Gloink) Shoo! I'm trying to conduct an interview here!
            Pomni: Um, something like that, I guess.
            Caine: Ah, yes. You see, Pomni, we're all afraid of something. It's just a matter of finding out what that is.
            Pomni: Yeah, I guess.
            Caine: And I'm gonna help you with that.
            Pomni: Wait, how are you gonna-
            Caine: (Distracted) Uh-huh? (He turns to a Gloink.) What's that, you say? (To the camera.) Well, looks like we've got another adventure on our hands! So let's get started!
            >(Caine snaps his fingers and a group of clowns begin juggling balls, but one of them accidentally hits Gangle in the face, knocking her out.)
            Kinger: Gangle! (He begins to run to her aid.)
            Caine: Ah, ah! Not so fast! I've got a new task for you.
            >(Caine snaps his fingers and Kinger is magically transported to a cage of monkeys.)
            Kinger: What the- Caine! This is my greatest fear! Let me out!
            Caine: (Laughs) Oh, you're hilarious. (He turns to a Gloink.) I think we need some Gloinkin' entertainment!

            • 6 months ago

              >(The Gloink begins to dance, with the crowd cheering. Ragatha, however, remains skeptical.)
              Ragatha: Uhh, Caine? What exactly is this adventure you're talking about?
              Caine: Well, dear Ragatha, I have a surprise for all of you!
              >(Caine snaps his fingers, and a clown riding a unicycle appears.)
              Clown: Hello there!
              >(The clown falls off his unicycle and crashes into a pile of boxes, which collapses on top of him.)
              Ragatha: That looks like it really hurt.

              Might continue on this later

  8. 6 months ago

    honestly im perfectly fine with episodic goofy adventures with just light touching on the whole inner workings of the systems, caine, the casts histories, etc
    id like that to be the end result i guess

    also i made zooble as a roblox avatar do you like it

    • 6 months ago

      I like it.

  9. 6 months ago

    Someone explain to me how some shit like this gets 100 million YouTube views.

    I was also confused when Hazbin Hotel got 40 million.

    • 6 months ago

      Youtube algorithm and usually just brand new things to watch that captivated people to sit through the end. Take your pick


    • 6 months ago

      not only did it get 100 million views
      it got 100 million views, in les than a month
      it has over 126 million now
      Hazbin hotel doesn't even have 1000 million, it only has a mere 92 million over the course of 4 years

    • 6 months ago

      12 dub tracks

    • 6 months ago

      It's the greatest internet animation ever made.

      • 6 months ago

        Very flattering statement for a 25-minute episode where the protagonist just stumbles around like a self-insert anime girl and all the other characters are just stereotypical children's cartoon character rehashes.

        • 6 months ago

          those darn self-insert anime girls and their known qualities for stumbling

          • 6 months ago

            Yeah, and? Know what Y/N means? She acts like that.

        • 6 months ago

          Self-insert anime girls come with their own reverse harem of bishounens.

          • 6 months ago

            Caine is male.

            • 6 months ago

              Not according to Goose

              • 6 months ago

                [citation needed]

              • 6 months ago

                That's official art dumbass.

              • 6 months ago

                caine isn't on the chart in the first place, so it doesn't indicate anything about his gender

            • 6 months ago

              I guess he just really doesn't like girls

    • 6 months ago

      It's just extremely marketable.

    • 6 months ago

      100 million views is the new 10 million views.

      Look at how many views normalgay music videos get these days and re-calibrate.

  10. 6 months ago

    >Any ideas for how they would even expand on this one?
    well I think its essential that the characters' fates remain uncertain
    I'd like it if they determined its possible to escape but also possible to end up deleted, dead irl, trapped forever, abstracted etc. in the attempt
    that would mean there are lots of possible ending scenarios like "everyone escapes" "everyone ends up well and truly trapped" "some characters escape but others remain trapped"
    there are lots of cyber sec concepts and video game glitches to take inspiration from to think of ways the human characters can try to take control of their situation, imagine Jax catapulting across the circus by bunny hopping or Kinger accidentally causing a buffer overflow replacing critical code with garbage data

  11. 6 months ago

    It's about examining the characters.
    I mean for frick's sake it ends on the cliffhanger of "what's Pomni going to do now it's sunken into her that there is no escape" and you somehow think it works best as a standalone short?

  12. 6 months ago

    I want Jax to be secretly an unwashed neet who's even more pathetic than pomni. I want his simps to be destroyed.

    • 6 months ago

      >I want his simps to be destroyed.
      Anon, I.....

      • 6 months ago

        Is this the type of man that appeals to Goose

        • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago
  13. 6 months ago

    The formula they set up is pretty full proof
    >The performers wake up, banter ensues
    >Caine has a new adventure for them
    >Somehow the adventuring finds some glitch in the circus that alludes to its true nature, pushing the adventure into a background b-plot
    >resolve the glitch and the adventure in one fell swoop
    Throw in a few twists, one character uncovers a memory, another isn't what they seem, and then just don't frick up the finale.

    • 6 months ago

      that's a bit too plot-focused for a character-driven show

    • 6 months ago

      it really is just that simple. i'm pretty confident it will be able to stick the landing.

  14. 6 months ago

    Pretty sure the entire Season is probably finished with some minor post production edits

    • 6 months ago

      they haven't started animating anything beyond the pilot. last i heard they were figuring out if they'd have room to squeeze out a 9th episode into the budget or not.

      • 6 months ago

        >last i heard they were figuring out if they'd have room to squeeze out a 9th episode into the budget or not
        [citation needed]

        I would be extremely surprised if episode 2 drops within the next 12 months. It's fun watching it slowly dawn on the fandom that there's not going to be new content for a while

        I would be extremely surprised if episode 2 didn't drop within the next 12 months - Murder Drones episode 2 dropped within 12 months of the pilot.

        • 6 months ago

          they did a q&a with goosewerx for their big indie animation stream event they had a week or so ago.

          Episode 2 is going to probably be a sizeable gap, but then i imagine that the rest of the episodes will be within a month of eachother after that.

          • 6 months ago

            >they did a q&a with goosewerx for their big indie animation stream event they had a week or so ago.
            and i don't remember anyone mentioning anything about a ninth episode there

            • 6 months ago

              it was when they were answering a question about a beach episode.

              • 6 months ago

                i think that may have been a joke

    • 6 months ago

      I would be extremely surprised if episode 2 drops within the next 12 months. It's fun watching it slowly dawn on the fandom that there's not going to be new content for a while

  15. 6 months ago

    Wait until it comes out.

  16. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      Did you made it?

      • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      I did not give a shit about this man but I’ve slowly become a Kaufmobro with all this fan art floating around

    • 6 months ago

      Cool stuff

      • 6 months ago

        Will pic related happen?

        • 6 months ago

          no, too fanon-fueled, looks dumb anyways

          • 6 months ago

            Fair. What about this pic?

            • 6 months ago

              that's just how he usually acts

              • 6 months ago

                I’m talking about the thing he’s reacting too

      • 6 months ago

        So cute

    • 6 months ago


  17. 6 months ago

    my headcanon voice for kaufmo is choose goose

    • 6 months ago

      nah he's definitely Wallace Shawn

  18. 6 months ago

    >Caine works with Pomni to come up with a circus performance
    >Everyone else already has a bit
    >Training montage with lots of failures, but slowly getting better
    >She finally nails it
    >Out of nowhere there's thunderous applause
    >Camera pans, the circus has an audience today
    >Caine pops up to announce the end of the performance, asks everyone to please come again
    >You see everyone in the audience pull their headsets to log out
    >Pomni just standing there dumbstruck

  19. 6 months ago

    >I'm honestly having a hard time coming up with episode scenarios that I would actually watch
    good thing you arent writing it then, moron.

    • 6 months ago


  20. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      Someone get him out of that ball pit before he gets PINKEYE!

  21. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      Keno, hey. Is that you?

      • 6 months ago

        It's spelled KINO with an I instead of an E, and the Digital Circus is NOT kino.

      • 6 months ago


        • 6 months ago

          Nice to see you. There’s currently another thread discussing crackships on helluva. OP pic is StellaXMammon. Want to see?

          What do you think?

          That looks like a party over there

    • 6 months ago

      Jax somehow getting teleported out of TADC, but thinking it’s all an adventure seems fun. I’d imagine he’d willingly return to the circus due to him not knowing he was free. Only for it to be revealed to him that he really was free for a second and he screwed up his only chance for freedom. The bunny has no mouth and it must scream.

      • 6 months ago

        i actually had it as the entire cast (with kinger, gangle, and zooble as well, but i was just too lazy to draw them)

        • 6 months ago

          how would the TADC cast react to seeing a black person

          • 6 months ago

            Ranging from jealousy to complete freakout based on how long they’ve been in the circus. I imagine Kinger has completely forgotten what a human looks like at this point

  22. 6 months ago

    Is gooseworx trans? Her voice is very deep

    • 6 months ago

      That art style with that kind of nihilist story with that many clicks, what do you think?

      In other news, Gloink Queen’s coming back https://twitter.com/GooseworxMusic/status/1726899146597298273?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet

      • 6 months ago

        Idk it felt very derivative of DHMIS and one of it's creators is a bio female

        • 6 months ago

          No, DHMIS goes all the way with it’s horror. TADC just feels like toys fricking around like in Raggedy Ann

          It's spelled KINO with an I instead of an E, and the Digital Circus is NOT kino.

          I’m talking about the artist

          • 6 months ago

            I think we all know TADC is heading in a horror direction, and it's very obvious the creator was inspired by DHMIS

            • 6 months ago

              TADC is explicitly not horror and while Gooseworx has watched and liked DHMIS she has never cited it as an inspiration for TADC

              • 6 months ago

                By that definition, DHMIS is also not horror. A creator doesn't have to explicitly state they're inspired by a thing for people to see clear signs of inspiration from it, either.

              • 6 months ago

                DHMIS tries to scare the viewer much more than TADC does.
                >clear signs of inspiration
                "hurr looks like kids thing but has dark elements one must be inspired by the other"

              • 6 months ago

                DHMIS literally has gore.

    • 6 months ago

      Yes, Troonsworx, he is a troony.

  23. 6 months ago

    So is Kaufmo dead or can Caine fix him or what?

    • 6 months ago

      What do you think?

  24. 6 months ago

    I just hope there is a happy ending to this story.

  25. 6 months ago

    I fricking hate autistic FOTMs

  26. 6 months ago


  27. 6 months ago

    Intentionally pulls the rug out from under the audience and has Caine realize the truth early on.
    This leads to him having a breakdown as he tries to comfort his unwanted prisoners while searching for an exit

  28. 6 months ago

    They should just do crazy challenges using the areas they have plus the dreamcore backrooms doors to give VERY mild hints about their human life
    I would like for there to be other people being forced to "run" the other areas on the map

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