Pitch a Horror/Thriller Plot

East of the Rockies, you’re on the air!

thread theme: https://youtu.be/q584ITNJIPQ

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  1. 12 months ago


  2. 12 months ago

    Reverse Deliverance; rural conservatives trying to escape San Francisco.

    • 12 months ago

      great idea

  3. 12 months ago

    An Engineer working for a Military Defense Contractor gets contracted into a classified program reverse engineering UFO technology.

    Throughout the project, he begins to slip into bouts of paranoia and hallucinations. Haven’t thought about the rest yet

  4. 12 months ago

    Predator but it takes place in a prison during a riot

  5. 12 months ago

    Horror film set on Epstein island. Jeff is still alive and living in underground tunnels, spooky and erotic stuff happens.

  6. 12 months ago

    A Brain Surgeon is operating on his wife, elsewhere however, a CERN Facility explodes messing up the time space continuum making time globally really slow.

    What’s was now a second now translates to 10 minutes. The Brain Surgeon now has to adjust to the slowed time and save his wife, the slightest mistake could be the end of her life. And will the surgeon see the procedure through, what would’ve taken 3 hours is now 2 Years

  7. 12 months ago

    >In a small village nestled deep in the woods, a wave of terror had gripped the community. People claimed to have witnessed strange creatures lurking in the shadows—a shapeshifting maniac wreaking havoc and sowing fear among the residents. Some swore they had seen Bigfoot, while others were convinced they had encountered grey aliens or even the mythical Chupacabra.

    The townsfolk were bewildered and frightened, desperately seeking answers and protection from the mysterious intruder. They turned to their trusted spiritual leader, the town priest, for guidance and solace during these trying times. Little did they know that the source of their terror was hiding in plain sight.

    Unbeknownst to the villagers, the town priest possessed a unique and extraordinary gift—a power to shapeshift into various forms. He had long kept this secret, utilizing his abilities only in the service of the church, performing miracles and healing the sick. However, something had changed within him, triggering a dark and malevolent side that craved chaos.

  8. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      So just a movie about a dragon? That's kind of boring. Does he do do anything?

  9. 12 months ago

    A man stood in an alley way and now has ghosts beating his ass for some reason frick ghosts

  10. 12 months ago

    A massive alien space ship is found floating along in near by space. From it emits an indecipherable signal, with too many patterns to be noise but still chaotic enough to defy all comprehension. A group of missionaries sneak on board the human vessel designed to make first contact and commandeer it, letting them exclusively board the alien ship, hoping to spread the message of Jesus Christ.

    On board the ship they initially find no obvious signs of life, but vast remnants of murder, torture and carnage. Hundreds of thousands of bodies of different alien species flayed, dissected, broken and torn to pieces in massive spaces thousands of feet in every direction. Their remains are ancient; all desiccated, it is impossible to tell how old they are.

    Eventually a small, unsettling humanoid alien is found. It approaches the missionaries, bids them welcome (in English) and asks them to share their message of God.

    [spoilers]If you've ever read Ship of Fools and/or The Sparrow you'll probably understand some of the ideas I want to see take form. The themes are mostly around arrogance and folly in thinking we can understand aliens and that thinking our belief systems would form any kind of common denominator with extra terrestrials. I know it sounds edge but its not a knock on Christianity or religion, its just a knock on humans mostly[/spoiler]

    • 12 months ago

      >It approaches the missionaries, bids them welcome (in English) and asks them to share their message of God.

  11. 12 months ago

    something based on the one time art messed with a ouija board that he'd never talk about

  12. 12 months ago

    I think this counts. And I think I've struck kino...

  13. 12 months ago

    man buys a cat that has bitten a rat that has a disease that makes the cat look ugly and gross then bites the man who becomes ugly and gross but opens up a disability center to help the local black people

  14. 12 months ago

    I had an idea once

    So you get a cast of comedians together, movie is marketed to be such but in the first 10 minutes of the movie, the cast murders and tortured a family, funny games style, then they return home

    The rest of the movie plays out like a typical comedy, with the audience left reeling from the shock of what they just witnessed

    At the end of the film the cast throw out some cast away line that implies that they’ll go out again and repeat the events of the first 10 minutes

  15. 12 months ago

    I miss art so much bros...

    what are kino coast to coast episodes?

  16. 12 months ago


    And oddly enough that student has been in the class for 30 years.

  17. 12 months ago

    Liz had been looking for the perfect teddy bear for her young son ever since he had been expressing an interest in them. After a long day of searching, she stumbled across a bear in a store window that seemed just right. It was soft and cuddly, and had a warm and comforting smile on its face.

    Little did Liz know, that the bear was actually magical. It was imbued with a special power, one that was unheard of - it could seek out and kill pedophiles. Every time a young person was in danger of being victimized by a pedophile, the bear would come to life and attack them. It was the perfect protector for innocent children like Liz's son.

    Liz kept the bear close and the two became inseparable. Every night, her son was safe from any potential predators. As he grew older, the bear acted like a guardian angel, keeping him from any harm.

    Eventually, word of this special teddy bear spread, and people from all over began coming to Liz's house to purchase their own miraculous bear. In time, the magic teddy bear, soon became a symbol of protection for children everywhere. Whenever people heard about it, the stories of the bear's vigilante justice against pedophiles spread like wildfire.

    It was a small but meaningful defeat in the fight against predators of innocence, and it all started from Liz's magical teddy bear.

  18. 12 months ago

    Heart of Darkness/Apocalypse Now during the American civil war on the Mississippi. Kurtz is a renegade Union officer assembling an army of slaves who model themselves after tribal Africans. Lean way more heavily into the psychedelic/descent into madness stuff.

  19. 12 months ago

    Tiffany Sinclair works for what is basically a fancy version of the show American Pickers. She goes around the country looking for estate sales and talking to families after wealthy people die looking for things of value she can sell in New York, rare books, art, that upscale stuff. One estate sale she finds a collection of weird books, as she works through figuring out how rare and valuable they are she finds one that shouldn’t exist, a lost book by a minor author, only it’s a dark tale of demon worship. As she reads the book things get scarier and she is tormented by a demon girl. She ignores it and goes away for the weekend with her family, all professors of literature and the like, and they tell her about the rumors about the author she’s looking into, they suggest maybe the book was actually bound by hand. The rumors about the author are that he disappeared with his family, which is factual, but supposedly he had a belief the world would end and he went off to a fallout shelter with them and they died in there, trapped. Anyways, he actually killed his family and bound the book himself with pieces of his daughter and wife in it, his crowning literary achievement, and Tiffany is being cursed by that evil book. The cursed souls start killing everyone in the family over the weekend and by the time tiffany realizes the book is evil and burns it she gets a call that she’s getting a finders fee because the book is going to get a publishing contract, apparently the writer has been found in a nursing home. It’s actually a hospice, she goes to visit him and confront him and he tells her the magic isn’t in the book, it’s in the words and now everyone can read the words and everyone will be destroyed. Or something like that.

    • 12 months ago

      Not bad. Kind of Ninth Gate meets Mouth of Madness. Decent twist. Idk if I'd do the demon girl/cursed souls killing stuff though. Keep it spooky but ambiguous until the end if not the whole time. Feels too generic otherwise. But that's just me.

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah, its just a start, I think spooky and unsettling is a good mode. Maybe the story is shown in the movie and she also plays the wife in that and all this stuff going on is making her think of her ex Richard and how she wrecked the car they were traveling in and now he’s crippled, he doesn’t blame her but the xanax she was on, he’s a kind soul but he knows she’ll never come visit him because she’ll never forgive herself. But she doesn’t come because she lost the baby. Yes, Richard doesn’t know about the truth. In the end she goes and visits and tells him, the scene a revelation to the audience who have only seen her traumas hinted at, the movie leaves her as she sits in the shattered remains of the life she once wanted and awaits the coming end of the world she tries to forgive herself but she just can’t.

  20. 12 months ago

    A Police Detective becomes convinced his partner was killed by Vampires. After being laughed out of the Department, he goes on a streak of vigilantism while undergoing hallucinations. Turns Schizo and starts shooting people he suspects are Vampires.

  21. 12 months ago

    It began with a whisper. One of the other students had murmured that there was a transgender student in the school. It spread like wildfire, and soon everyone knew it.

    John kept his head down, and pretended that he hadn't heard. He didn't want to be singled out and forced to confront the mob that had started forming among the boys.

    A few of the boys had formed a mob, and they said they would find the transgender student by killing random female students. John watched in terror as they killed several girls in cold blood before finally coming to him. There was no escape, not for him.

    John was ready to face death when, suddenly, several teachers gave the mob students detention and saved his life. They had been watching for signs of danger, and had apprehended the mobsters just in time.

    The other students were surprised that John was the transgender student, but within days, they all rallied around him with acceptance. The girls the mob had killed were mourned, and John became the school's newest champion of inclusiveness

    • 12 months ago

      Thank god you posted this I had almost gone 10 minutes without thinking about sad trannies.
      >He didn't want to be singled out and forced to confront the mob that had started forming among the boys.
      Literally the very next sentence:
      >A few of the boys had formed a mob...
      Poorly written, unfunny. Apply yourself.

  22. 12 months ago

    I feel like the subject matter isnt as important as how well it is shot. Skip the supermodel scientists, unnecessary romance/divorce subplots and forced/spoonfed exposition that all horror seems to have these days and it will work.

    kids playing in an abandoned CERN facility in the not too distant future.

    the earth developing an immune system with physics anomalies or freakish acts of nature.

    deer people roaming a decaying cityscape similar to detroit chasing youtubers/streamers.

    • 12 months ago

      I know what you mean. I have this idea for a scene where we go from a long pause on a black screen after a few barebones credits to just this super well lit, traditionally framed dining room scene where a family of creatures which resemble giant praying mantises are all eating pieces of what is very clearly a cooked human and all you hear is a fluorescent light buzz and the super loud sound of multiple insects eating (you know the sound I'm talking about). Some close ups of their soulless eyes and twitching antenna, never zooming in on the human body, trivializing it. Just a family dinner. Idk what the plot would even be if any.

  23. 12 months ago

    ok, how about a movie where the protagonist has based his whole personality around movie personalities, and suddenly he finds out 'who' are behind these movies.

  24. 12 months ago

    A sadistic babysitter dies & returns from the grave as an undead ghoul to torment a middle-aged man she abused when he was a child, much like the evil, disturbing vampire stories she told him in his youth.

  25. 12 months ago

    5 richgays take a submarine to tour the remains of the Titanic. the sub loses power and sinks to the ocean floor. once the crew realize their fate, one of them snaps and tries to kill the oldest among them. in the melee, another passenger gets hold of the attacker by the neck and chokes him in order to stop the attack. after his arms fall loose, the second passenger doesn't stop choking and kills the attacker. the savior becomes the devil and kills the rest of the crew and spends the last 80 hours staring at their bodies, slowly realizing he has sent himself to hell.

  26. 12 months ago




  27. 12 months ago

    Skinamarink but shorter

  28. 12 months ago


  29. 12 months ago

    Normal words but horse guy.

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