Pixar is starting another round of layoffs. It's over. Western animation has fallen.

Pixar is starting another round of layoffs. It's over. Western animation has fallen.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    >It's over. Western animation has fallen.

    • 4 weeks ago

      What does that mean for me? An artist and animator who lives in the west? Should I give up because Western animation is cringe and Eastern animation is superior?

      • 4 weeks ago

        it means you should start learning japanese

        • 4 weeks ago

          And work for actual dirt just to draw breasts for cooms to coom to? Frick that.

          • 4 weeks ago

            you're thinking of korean animation, the japs are paid fairly well

            • 4 weeks ago

              >the japs are paid fairly well

              • 4 weeks ago

                Don't they get paid some comically low amount per frame, to the point that they'd make more money just doing twitter commissions for American autismos on NEETbux?

            • 4 weeks ago

              >the japs are paid fairly well

              I don't think this statement is true in...absolutely every single industry one may find a Japanese person in.

              • 4 weeks ago

                It's pretty damn close. They make European pay and work Japanese hours in a stagnating economy built around 80s LARP make-work and the fax system. At least we now have slobs in hoodies in charge of our fake feelgood economy.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Nah, modern anime is cringe, I genuinely don’t understand why people like JJK

          • 4 weeks ago

            Because they never watched the myriad anime that inspired it, Semen of Dong, and Bleach: Now With Class Warfare. Shonen's been in its own trap since Namek, but since they weren't there they don't see that.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Pixar hasn't existed for almost a decade. You know the Theseus paradox? It's just a husk using the same name. Many such cases.

          Pic related.

          >It's over. Western animation has fallen.

          Go independent online or [...]
          There is absolutely no major Western animation studio worth your loyalty at this point, it's all pozz'd incompetent dogshit

          What does that mean for me? An artist and animator who lives in the west? Should I give up because Western animation is cringe and Eastern animation is superior?

          I think that would be too much work to change my citizenship. I mean Japanese studios are already outsourcing animators outside of Japan for their animation so I dunno how that works but I wanna find out

          This is the best response I've gotten because I agree. I just get antsy about it because I'd rather create comics than animate and I feel comics don't get as much attention as animation and I feel I can't animate as professional as everyone else can

          I actually have a porn comic I make money from so that's a start. It goes to show how people give a shit about your work if you give them a reason to give a shit.

          There are zero reasons to rely on corporations for entertainment or employment today. Find a locally owned animation studio and work for them. Bring your work to film festivals to be noticed by financiers. 99% of indie shit is made this way and maybe 1% is kickstarter scams. Simple as.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Pic related.
            but those two places have the most job offerings for the animation industry

            • 4 weeks ago

              But they don't have ALL of them. Plenty of animation studios around the world other than US and Japan. Figure out what's out there and exercise your options.

            • 4 weeks ago

              i thought canada had stuff. arent so many VAs canadian?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Japanese or French. One of the two.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Do animated porn commissions. No joke. It pays better than real work.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Go independent online or

        it means you should start learning japanese

        There is absolutely no major Western animation studio worth your loyalty at this point, it's all pozz'd incompetent dogshit

        • 4 weeks ago


        • 4 weeks ago

          I think that would be too much work to change my citizenship. I mean Japanese studios are already outsourcing animators outside of Japan for their animation so I dunno how that works but I wanna find out

          >What does that mean for me? An artist and animator who lives in the west?
          Stop b***hing and join the indiespace. It's unironically the future, as aislop will be all that's left for the boomer control.

          This is the best response I've gotten because I agree. I just get antsy about it because I'd rather create comics than animate and I feel comics don't get as much attention as animation and I feel I can't animate as professional as everyone else can

          Do animated porn commissions. No joke. It pays better than real work.

          I actually have a porn comic I make money from so that's a start. It goes to show how people give a shit about your work if you give them a reason to give a shit.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >I just get antsy about it because I'd rather create comics than animate and I feel comics don't get as much attention as animation
            Well then just make it like a manga. It doesn't have to literally be JUST like a manga, but hit the same appealing beats Manga's give so you can have it be more accessible to people.

            • 4 weeks ago

              That's it?
              I just have to draw action lines, anime ass faces, and story beats that manga has? What if we have different ideas of what makes manga appealing?

              Why do weeb homosexuals always ignore that nip animators love in sweat shop conditions?

              Because just because they love it doesn't mean it's right. Yeah, I'm sorry but sweat shop conditions isn't good for you. Yeah it's not my problem I know, I just don't want to work on a sweat shop

              Pixar hasn't existed for almost a decade. You know the Theseus paradox? It's just a husk using the same name. Many such cases.

              Pic related.

              There are zero reasons to rely on corporations for entertainment or employment today. Find a locally owned animation studio and work for them. Bring your work to film festivals to be noticed by financiers. 99% of indie shit is made this way and maybe 1% is kickstarter scams. Simple as.

              > Find a locally owned animation studio and work for them. Bring your work to film festivals to be noticed by financiers. 99% of indie shit is made this way and maybe 1% is kickstarter scams

              This guy gets it

              • 4 weeks ago

                >That's it?
                >I just have to draw action lines, anime ass faces, and story beats that manga has? What if we have different ideas of what makes manga appealing?
                I mean, I don't know exactly what makes manga appealing since to this day I have not read a single one, but what I do know is western comic style isn't as appealing and doing something different from what Marvel/DC is publishing would likely be for the better.

              • 4 weeks ago

                > I mean, I don't know exactly what makes manga appealing since to this day I have not read a single one

                Try this on for size, then. It takes a little but to build up steam, but once its familiarized you with the ground rules it will be playing with it really becomes something special. I can promise you won't find anything else like it. The manga is already over, the story concluded, so I can promise you it has a good ending and doesn't end in the middle or get drawn out forever.


                Just remember: the panels and word bubbles are meant to be read in the order from right to left.

              • 4 weeks ago

                to be honest anon, theres pretty much no money in comics so you should just do something fun with them that you enjoy. dont worry about audience.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Are you so autistic that you didn't pick up that that anon you're responding to made a typo and meant to put "live in sweat shop conditions"?

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Are you so autistic that you didn't pick up that that anon you're responding to made a typo and meant to put "live in sweat shop conditions"?
                He did.
                This is the worlds smartest western animator btw.
                Time for animation to die. It's for the best.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >I just have to draw action lines, anime ass faces, and story beats that manga has?
                No. You need to identify a market and provide a product or service that market would like to purchase, either by giving them what they want or by showing them something they didn't realize they wanted. This is in contrast to the western model of Leveraging IP for Socially Conscious Storytelling which is clearly not working. You will call this "pandering," because you've been so brainwashed by twitter neo-puritainism you believe self-and-audience flagellation is merit and all else is sin.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Like having good action that flows together.

              • 4 weeks ago

                What does that mean?
                Like a clear pose which leads into another clear pose that you can clearly see clearly with easy transitions that your eyes can follow easily like a river?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Either try to make it out on your own, or join up with the new indie studios cropping up.

        • 4 weeks ago

          indies are fun to work on but those budgets suck ass. Nobody can animate on just one production; you typically have to work on like 4 or 5. Dealing with networks is frustrating for a lot of reasons, but the steady paycheck and benefits make it easier to tolerate.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >What does that mean for me? An artist and animator who lives in the west?
        Stop b***hing and join the indiespace. It's unironically the future, as aislop will be all that's left for the boomer control.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Why do weeb homosexuals always ignore that nip animators love in sweat shop conditions?

      • 4 weeks ago

        It means you should take notes on what not to do in order to be successful.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's okay. Here's a list of what to do:
        >1) Not take Cinemaphile or any other board's word as professional advice
        End of list.

        • 4 weeks ago

          This, listen to what people in the industry have to say

          • 4 weeks ago

            I always find it crazy that there are people who don't know how to do shit like file for unemployment or file for their taxes. All that shit is done online nowadays, you can literally just google it and follow simple instructions.

            • 4 weeks ago

              all learning how to file your taxes online does is refer you to TurboTax who charge you $500 to file them for you

              • 4 weeks ago


                Anyone who can't file their taxes with this, a calculator, and a pencil and eraser should not be allowed to vote.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Remember, IRS free file and the new direct file system are your friends. They fight for freedom.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Australia has offered digital tax returns for years via a government website.
                Most people do that, though some older people still call to order tax forms from the contracted peons who man the call centre (I manned it).
                It’s managed to last through multiple seperate governments and governing styles so it’s likely there to stay.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Yeah, I wouldn't mind a nonvoting fine here either. Our problem is that there's a "tax-prep" """Industry""" that makes poor and stupid people think that they need their protection when all they need is to put their W-2 into a box on the 1040. It can be taught in thirty minutes at school in an assembly or a class.

                Hell, I could write software to pre-fill it for like fifty bucks. I can't wait for the tax-prep executives to be out on the street, because their racket is finally crashing and burning.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Yeah, in Australia tax prep is also like that. Most people probably don’t need it and the companies charge $500 bucks to do it.
                I’m sure I’m missing out on a deduction somewhere but getting it done with the month window is less than a hour, 30 minutes if you don’t have anything fancy going on.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Most people don't have a portfolio complex enough to need deductions here. They make a singular income and spend their money on plastic garbage and eating out. The standard deduction is also really really high (the best thing Trump ever did) and considering lots of people here only work part-time, they probably don't even pay federal income taxes.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >make one tiny mistake
                >the IRS garnishes your wages, sends a hitman after you, and blows up your house

              • 4 weeks ago

                You can literally go to the IRS website and they'll provide a list of all the tax filing services that are offering free filing for that year.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Go indie or start working for international productions.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Nothing different because animation just gets shipped off to Vietnam/Philippines/North Korea/Japan anyway. You really think your country actually does anything past storyboarding and character design.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It means that Disney is absolutely fricking moronic for putting that much stock in Disney+ because for every Mandolorian they've had 3 or 4 flops no one gave a shit about because people were already getting jaded by how many streaming services were out by the time they made half of this shit and now they're having to backpedal

        • 4 weeks ago

          if i were them i would get an editor to recut the footage into a movie. still stick it on d+ but at least it's an hour to be bored of instead of 8

          • 4 weeks ago

            That doesn't matter anon. Let me break this down.
            >The capeshit was mostly popular due to being required viewing for the movies.
            >The Star wars stuff varies based on word of mouth.
            >People like X-men and it was a full fledged continuation
            Now, I want you to put on your normalgay brain anon. No kid today is gonna give a shit about Monsters Inc so parents are out. Onto nostalgiagays, right. Monsters Inc, good movie for them but the sequel was already lukewarm.
            How many people were actually gonna care about a spinoff? How many people now working 9-5 jobs were going to give a flying frick about a spin-off to a self-contained movie with a beginning middle and end that already barely had room for a prequel which received lukewarm reception.
            There was no gold to strike with Disney+ Pixar content because people already hated the idea of Pixar sequels and typically view Pixar as falling from grace, no one was gonna pay for Disney+ to watch this shit.

        • 4 weeks ago

          It was moronic to go into streaming in general. They could have read the business documents and reports that said that Netflix wasn't and isn't profitable instead of going after the big number. You can't burn money to become the cable guy when you're in the business of making the media that people want on cable; that's just moronic.

          • 4 weeks ago

            netflix works similar to social media, they spend enough unsustainable money that they choke the competion out, then they shrink to manageable size and up their prices once all their competitors have died

            • 4 weeks ago

              That's called a monopoly, and it can't ever shrink because then it dies. What you're seeing and thinking is shrinking is its death spiral.

          • 4 weeks ago

            It means that Disney is absolutely fricking moronic for putting that much stock in Disney+ because for every Mandolorian they've had 3 or 4 flops no one gave a shit about because people were already getting jaded by how many streaming services were out by the time they made half of this shit and now they're having to backpedal

            The problem was calling it Disney+ and making it Disney exclusive.

            They had the perfect opportunity to make something like Steam, it belongs to Valve but everybody get a fighting chance to shine. I have no idea why they thought splitting streaming was a good idea, everybody knows trying to take down youtube would be bad for every company just like how nearly no one wants to frick with Steam.

            • 4 weeks ago

              There are valid competitors for steam though, people don't love their DRM. there's literally nothing else but youtube

    • 4 weeks ago

      Kill all weebs

    • 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      >anime has fallen

  2. 4 weeks ago

    >Here's your heartfelt and empathetic letter of termination, bro:

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I want to assure you that will be providing you

      Jesus fricking christ. Imagine getting fired by people who can't even type a letter of termination properly.

    • 4 weeks ago

      So they’re no longer making shows and focusing back on films and OP is a homosexual
      Got it, thread’s over

      • 4 weeks ago

        >So they’re no longer making shows and focusing back on films
        GOOD. Streaming isn't profitable at all whatsoever, but movies ARE. Focusing on the latter is best.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >t. Jim Morris and Pete Docter

    • 4 weeks ago

      >as you transition out of the studio into a gutter

      • 4 weeks ago

        >be sure not to blame the ~~*leaders*~~ who ran the studio into the ground and are still employed

    • 4 weeks ago

      I wonder what H-1B pajeet wrote that?

    • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      Do you think he did the studio meeting via Zoom because the fired employees would start beating him in person?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I look forward to replacing all of you with AI

  3. 4 weeks ago

    >-has fallen.
    anyone who says stuff like this ironically like OP is probably a sharty user who also calls himself chud

    • 4 weeks ago
      • 4 weeks ago

        I love how Sharty users are literally psychologically incapable of not proving people right, they lack the simplest ability to be even a little bit subtle they just have to fart out everything they're holding in at every interaction

        • 4 weeks ago

          If they were subtle they wouldn't have lost to Toby Fox doing nothing.

          • 4 weeks ago


            • 4 weeks ago

              Yeah, they were going to raid and doxx him and the admin said no. Probably good for them, because Undertale would swallow up their entire site like that Cinemaphile dating site got got by the Twitterati.

              • 4 weeks ago

                i was moreso gonna make fun of you for saying 'lost' because "win/lose" mentality is very popular with shartygays but fair enough i guess thats accurate

              • 4 weeks ago

                It's an arrogant cancer on this site, but sooner or later their hubris will catch up to them, unless you don't think it already has. "Stop playing dolls with wojaks" destroyed their movement like faces of atheism.

        • 4 weeks ago
          • 4 weeks ago

            never change, bros
            a man who makes a fool of himself is one lest job for me

            • 4 weeks ago
              • 4 weeks ago
            • 4 weeks ago

              I love how Sharty users are literally psychologically incapable of not proving people right, they lack the simplest ability to be even a little bit subtle they just have to fart out everything they're holding in at every interaction

              my favorite thing about them is that theyre the ultimate sidegaygers so you can always tell exactly which opinions they hold or which political side they belong to not that you would ever question it because they're a hive and their brain virus only permits them to agree on one set of ideas to share with the collective, but regardless... because they immediately assume, somehow, i guess through fricking telepathy, that no matter what you disagree with them on even if it's something as basic as just the fact that you think soijaks are lame... they always assume you as a human being are the fundamental opposite of them and hold every single opposing idea, political stance, social belief and set of interests and desires, and operate entirely around that notion
              Like, look at the "memes"... if you can call them that... that they posted so far... It all operates under the belief that they know who and what you are, they honestly believe with all their little wretched hearts that only someone who is antithetical to them in every way can dislike their dogshit memes

              • 4 weeks ago

                They should do a meetup.

              • 4 weeks ago

                They can't, most of them aren't old enough for their parents to let them out of state and they have bedtime at 10 sharp

              • 4 weeks ago

                I guess it'll just be a slow decline into irrelevancy for them when wojaks inevitably fall out of fashion in the normiesphere. It did for Pepe and Kekistan stuff, and they'll be no different. That might not happen until next year, though.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Dude are you kidding me? They don't care about soijaks in the normie sphere they have a fricking cult dedicated to the things

              • 4 weeks ago

                The only reason it has any credence right now is because of wojaks being big on /LULZ/ and therefore in the Cinemaphile compilations and in domestic violence grifter memes. It's being sheltered by people who don't use Cinemaphile using them. Once that's gone they're going to stick out hard and probably have to move on, or double down as more people leave. It's a mind virus, not a mind disease. That means it will eventually heal itself out of existence.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Wait, they actually like wojaks? I thought they only did it in x layers of irony and spite.

              • 4 weeks ago

                If they didn't like them, why do they make so many OCs?

              • 4 weeks ago

                To spite other people, by using them to shit the threads.

                People from outside this site use wojaks as the original feel guys.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I guess, but it doesn't work. It's just a more high effort equivalent of making a buzzword filled post. I also think it could be considered avatargayging.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Spite, see the cuck simulation game for how petty they can be.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >It all operates under the belief that they know who and what you are, they honestly believe with all their little wretched hearts that only someone who is antithetical to them in every way can dislike their dogshit memes
                That’s pretty much most of the internet nowadays. Ad humanum is just that addicting.

    • 4 weeks ago

      If you don't call yourself chud, you're in the wrong side of having fun.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Why does Pixar even exist? It seems redundant as a Disney property.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Pixar exists as an excuse to be Disney's 2nd CG studio. (They tried to pull a Circle Seven, but that didn't work out.)

    • 4 weeks ago

      Disney is more feminine and aimed towards girls, whereas Pixar has always aimed more towards the boy demographic. Not even saying that in a "le based and red-pilled" way, it's just a simple fact. It was moreso this way when Disney focused on princess stories and "true love" type stories. But it's still largely the case.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    If only Lightyear, Turning Red, and Strange World could have saved them!

  6. 4 weeks ago

    >fire the artists
    >keep the people who made the bad decisions in charge

    • 4 weeks ago

      This. All these fricking horrible decisions are being made by dipshit execs who blame the animators, fire them, then collect a fat fricking bonus.
      Fire the execs and hire people who greenlight better shows and don't ruin everything they touch with endless meddling.

      • 4 weeks ago

        With the collapse of big business (again) I think we'll probably see the demise of absolutist management.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yeah, Pete Docter as chief creative officer of Pixar and Jennifer Lee as the same for Disney Animation has been a fricking disaster as all they've done is to try and outwoke eachother leading to massive losses.

      They're both still there.

      Jennifer Lee was the one who demanded 50/50 gender parity, which led to them hiring tons of women who can't animate anywhere near the standard of what Disney needs, and I can only assume a lot of these people are now being laid off.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    >Western animation has fallen.
    Billions must die?

  8. 4 weeks ago

    >tfw the recession is here after all

    So much for that soft landing, eh, Jerome, you homosexual?

    • 4 weeks ago

      We have been in a recession they just don’t want to say that and let you know so that stocks can be milked as much as possible before they can’t anymore

      • 4 weeks ago

        We already know that the Impact will be in 2025 all the way into 2026, it will be 29 but worse and hitting all of gaming and entertanment alltogether because they need it for the DEI hiring shit.

        • 4 weeks ago

          To give an idea, the letter from last year's prediction meeting for wallstreet and euro stocks was literally "Survive 2024, Embrace for the Impact in 2025-2026, Hope it isn't worse than 1929" and we are into may already and the layoffs arent stopping at all.
          Marvel and DC has their list of people who will be booted soon.

        • 4 weeks ago

          To give an idea, the letter from last year's prediction meeting for wallstreet and euro stocks was literally "Survive 2024, Embrace for the Impact in 2025-2026, Hope it isn't worse than 1929" and we are into may already and the layoffs arent stopping at all.
          Marvel and DC has their list of people who will be booted soon.

          Funny how those frickers are sure shit will get bad but there is absolutely no effort to tell the average people to save even a tiny bit of money to be ready for a few months jobless.

          • 4 weeks ago

            it is like the 1983 crash of the video game industry.
            None of the shareholders bothered to tell that the entire decade's predictions would be shit and there wouldn't be enough people to supply the demand due to inflated estimates that blew in their faces earlier.
            This video is still accurate to a point it applies in part to Comic Book stores and other shit in general these days

      • 4 weeks ago

        We're in the vibecession. Where the economy grows, but you see memes about inflation so we're actually falling apart.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Powell wants more people out of a job as he thinks it will reduce inflation. This isnt working, but hes been trying it anyway for ages. One recent news article

      >Western animation has fallen.
      Billions must die?

      >In September, hiring was much greater than had been expected, with the unemployment rate staying near a half-century low. Strong hiring typically empowers workers to demand higher wages, which, in turn, can worsen inflation if their employers pass on the higher labor costs by raising their prices.

      There's lots of similar ones. The really basic version is that if more people are unemployed, employers can pay the remaining workers a lot less because of a combo of threats (accept the pay cut if you want to keep your job / we can hire someone else who is more desperate than you for lower wages). Inflation "stubbornly" isn't going down for some strange reason (oh gee, wonder why), but making things worse for workers is the only lever the fed wants to pull. The push towatds AI is likely driven by similar desires from company execs - reduce expensive overhead by offloading as many "unnecessary" jobs at the low to middle ranks as possible onto a computer, then filling remaining roles with the most desperate people possible, which will make existing problems like H1B overuse way worse

      Tldr shit's going to get way worse.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    More like 41% LMAOOOOO

    • 4 weeks ago

      Big deal, watch it be a background character that it has a brief half second flash of a trans sticker in her notebook, just like every other lgbt "first" made by Disney.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Eliobros...our shota...is actually a e-girl. frickkkk

        this probably refers to the inconsequential nonbinary sibling in Elemental btw. it literally does not matter.

        The article is probably talking about

        nta but he's probably talking about win or lose

        God it's been 3 years...

    • 4 weeks ago

      Eliobros...our shota...is actually a e-girl. frickkkk

    • 4 weeks ago

      Eliobros...our shota...is actually a e-girl. frickkkk

      this probably refers to the inconsequential nonbinary sibling in Elemental btw. it literally does not matter.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    *ruins your company*

    • 4 weeks ago

      I'm still having difficulty understanding why this movie was produced in the first place. An utterly soulless attempt to milk an effectively dead IP that was produced at exorbitantly high cost. It was doomed to fail from the start.

      • 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      Just the fact that a Buzz Lightyear movie featured black lesbians sounds like a SNL sketch from 2001.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Obviously that didn't ruin the movie.

      However if you were there, or just use the Wayback machine or archive because dumbasses think nobody can look up shit from over 3 weeks ago about a movie, you'd swear this brief ass kiss was one of the most important parts of the movie bar none. Looking back on the media blitz around it, most of them coming from news that Disney outright owns, it's always either the focal point or mentioned. They hammered in over and over that this was happening and every other story had an actor or producer saying how backwards people who didn't want it were. Of course, if you do go back that's because this was around the time of the Don't Say Gay thing, and Disney double'd tripled down on that one and Strange World, so you understand why they made it the focal point. But if you wanted to know about the villain or story you were outright fricked, and now we know why.

      Gay shit is not going to tank a movie by mere presence alone, I'm sure of that, but these last few years have proven without a shadow of a doubt that it sure as shit isn't going to sell your movie. Go ahead, make another Bros, people who virtue signal do so for free, they ain't paying for this garbage.

      • 4 weeks ago

        The heavy advertisment or mentioning just shows that they hoped that virtual signaling would cover up other shortcomings.
        And the rules is, the more liberal it is or advertised, the worst the movie script or production was!

    • 4 weeks ago

      Light year failed because everyone on planet earth watched Top Gun Maverick instead. It was a box office Danger Zone.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Light year failed because everyone on planet earth watched Top Gun Maverick instead.
        That came out a full month earlier, and that didn't do shit to stop the Minions train.

        Lightyear failed as a concept the moment some dumbass stood up and said "You know that catch phrase? What if To Infinity and Beyond was bad and he should instead salute the brown lesbian?"

  11. 4 weeks ago

    They have soo many people and produce flop after flop after flop, its a wonder it didn't happen earlier.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Honestly if I were Bob Iger, I would have demanded the axing of everyone who was involved in the production of Turning Red and Lightyear. Flushing nearly half-a-billion dollars down the drain warrants punishment.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Turning Red was well-liked by critics and sold the Disney streaming service to people, it's not really the same level of "heads must roll" as Lightyear.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Turning Red was well-liked by critics
          Who cares what a bunch of yuppies think? Just a bunch of pretentious shitheads who don't understand what regular people like.
          >sold the Disney streaming service to people
          AS IF.

    • 4 weeks ago

      In fairness I think Disney threw them under the bus by sending a ton of stuff to D+ and thus permanently damaging the brand.

      Without the pandemic I think they would be doing better financially, critically and have better audience perception. Soul and Luca were good and would have been profitable. Elemental would still have it's issues but it would have been more successful. Turning Red is 'ok' but I don't think it or Lightyear would have been enough to tarnish the brand in the same way.

      • 4 weeks ago

        disney+ was a shortsighted mistake. there is and was no point in spending $50 and risking covid on a family trip to the cinema if you can just wait a month and watch it in the comfort of your own home

        • 4 weeks ago

          It would be better if they just tried to make WB join Hulu rather than trying to make it all about Disney

          • 4 weeks ago

            i don't even know what the frick wb is doing, except running around in circles and not releasing content for no good reason.

            • 4 weeks ago

              That's why WB joining Hulu would be good for everybody, because Comcast and Disney would pressure WB Executives to get their shit together and release some crap for once

            • 4 weeks ago

              It's not malice; it's incompetence. Zaslav's pride is stopping him from realizing that treading water is good enough and that you can't make a low effort media mill without media being released. He also wasn't even good at running Discovery, considering it stagnated with his tenure, so he's even bad at running the business of the media class he's a supposed expert on. He will likely go down as as bad for business and media as the tsar his shetlrat ancesors ran from.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Disney+ is a good thing it helps Disney lose billions. I hope even when Iger is gone they continue with the service. I hope the replacement for Iger is hand picked by Iger and the board of directors so that Disney keeps their failure trajectory.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Soul and Luca were good and would have been profitable. Elemental would still have it's issues but it would have been more successful. Turning Red is 'ok

        You are way too wrong...

        Soul - Movie starring Pixar's ugliest humans. Uglier than even Incredibles and Turning Red. Strike one for the visuals. No one likes looking at ugly shit unless it's cartoony like Despicable Shit. Story is uninteresting for a kid, no kid wants a story about a middle aged man going through a near death experience unable to live his dream. This is why Puss in Boots is more successful it's not some old aging middle aged man but a cartoon cat who has a near death experience. And kids don't relate to things like Mid Life Crisis. Incredibles barely got away with it due to the super hero skin it was wearing to bait and fool audiences. Soul didn't have that luxury of using super heroes when they were still popular.

        Luca - Seriously gay movie. Don't bother saying nothing the movie is wink not gay wink. And it's boring as sin. No one cares about some stupid uninteresting boat race thing. Also has a terrible moral with parents letting their sea monster kids go to live in human society, as if the rest of mankind won't kill these monsters when they discover they are monsters.

        Turning Red - Movie is shit because there are no likable main characters. The mother character is indeed a shitty controlling piece of shit b***h who falsely accuses innocent boys of being rapists and doesn't raise her daughter well starting by not telling her she's going to become an animal as she grows older and generally being unreasable. The daughter is a rebellious c**t who wants to embrace the worst of American culture like twerking. There are no heroes in this story it's a story of two shitty vile characters.

        These movies are all shit. As for Elemental, the movie is not successful. Don't be fooled by the box office. How can romance comedy starring ugly color blobs be popular?

        • 4 weeks ago

          >kids don't relate to things like Mid Life Crisis
          anon, 90% of the old pixar movies are metaphors for father figures having midlife crisises. heck wreck it ralph was the first disney movie to really bite pixar's style and that has a father-child duo and a midlife crisis.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I never said Soul or Luca would be amazingly profitable just that they'd make their money back and then some (modestly profitable). They aren't bad enough to damage the brand. Elemental scraped by the skin of it's teeth but would have absolutely done better in a better media environment, again, a modest profit. I never stated any of these films would do gangbusters, just do 'fine'.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I suppose but lets be realistic an entertainment studio is not going to thrive if they keep making mediocre movies. I don't know about the rest of you but every time I see a Female Protagonist for example I immediately turn away. I have no interest in whatever the United States makes for entertainment. And female protagonists being shit is merely one type of example.

            And before anyone says it, no I don't care about doing a female protagonist right I just can't stand the sight of female protagonists after being BOMBARDED with them for the last twenty years or something. It's shit by default. It's why I hated boring shit like Moana and Encanto movies that I hate the idiots who pretend they are good.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >I don't know about the rest of you but every time I see a Female Protagonist for example I immediately turn away

            • 4 weeks ago

              >I don't know about the rest of you but every time I see a Female Protagonist for example I immediately turn away.
              Yep, most unhinged sociopathic writing possible in a flowery and victimized framing is sure to follow whenever a girl is front and center.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Moana was surprisingly good, you're missing out. She has good comedic chemistry with Maui, that chemistry is what most of these films lack.

              >people actually like Elemental

              It's . . . OK. Has some fun sequences but suffers from lacking in comedy (it's a surprisingly straightforward romance film). Wade and Ember's attraction feels odd because SURELY they are not the first people to experience this predicament, right? They can't be the first mixed-element couple in the history of existence, right? But apparently they are. They are so deeply fundamentally, physically incompatible their attraction really starts to strain disbelief because no normal people would pursue it, but they do. And then a magical solution is found to allow them to be a couple with zero build up to it, it's just handwaved away. I also really disliked Wade after he outed their relationship in front of Ember's whole family. She would have been justified in dumping him.

              I saw it with some kids in the audience and the romance made them uncomfortable, not sure why they made this film. Who is it for?

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Seriously gay movie. Don't bother saying nothing the movie is wink not gay wink
          Exactly what makes you think that a movie about two dumb kids who want a scooter is gay?

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Turning Red - Movie is shit because there are no likable main characters. The mother character is indeed a shitty controlling piece of shit b***h who falsely accuses innocent boys of being rapists and doesn't raise her daughter well starting by not telling her she's going to become an animal as she grows older and generally being unreasable. The daughter is a rebellious c**t who wants to embrace the worst of American culture like twerking. There are no heroes in this story it's a story of two shitty vile characters.
          They also never mention the impact of 9/11, even though the film takes place in about that time.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >They also never mention the impact of 9/11, even though the film takes place in about that time.
            Because it still takes place in Canada.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >9/11 didn't impact Canada at all bro

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Elemental would still have it's issues but it would have been more successful
        Are you implying that Elemental came out during the pandemic?
        In 2023?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Elemental *was* affected by the pandemic. Families got out of the habit of going to the movies and got used to seeing new films on D+, something that happened because of the pandemic.

          • 4 weeks ago

            By that logic every movie released post-pandemic was affected by the pandemic.
            The main reason Elemental did well is because it was a hit in South Korea because it cast a famous actor/kpop star as the leading man.
            That's it.
            If it didn't have that it would have flopped much harder.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Yes. I agree with that first statement.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    anyone who says stuff like this unironically is probably a twitter user who also calls himself ally

  13. 4 weeks ago

    And nothing on value was lost

  14. 4 weeks ago


  15. 4 weeks ago

    >pixar animated series

    • 4 weeks ago

      Monsters at Work is the first one that comes to mind.

  16. 4 weeks ago

    CG animators are losers. Hand drawn is superior. Always has been, always will be.

    • 4 weeks ago

      With Princess & the Frog it seemed like such a simple, good plan: Disney will do traditional hand-drawn, Pixar will do CGI, and the two companies will co-exist within Disney because they're doing different things.

      Then Disney instantly decided hand-drawn was uncool, switched everything to CGI, and devalued the frick out of Pixar.

      Hollywood has this obsession with the idea that some technologies/styles are cool and others are obsolete.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Hollywood has this obsession with the idea that some technologies/styles are cool and others are obsolete.

        When really, the correct answer is finding ways to merge the two. There are a lot of things that CG is good for, but you can do a lot with CG to *enhance* 2d animation without replacing it outright.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yeah, the Japanese have plenty of janky CGI from the same period as the rise of Pixar, but they've mostly figured it out at this point, and Akira Toriyama was able to make a good movie in CGI (although Dragon Quest already did the legwork).

          Pixar just full sent it, and every single executive and artsy collaborationist creator thought that that money wasn't a gimmick so they assumed that 2D was obsolete.

      • 4 weeks ago

        PATF was just a way for Iger to get Roy Disney's approval when he took over. When Roy died, it was right back to business as usual with the Pooh project being sent out to die.

  17. 4 weeks ago


  18. 4 weeks ago

    Go Woke, Go Broke

    • 4 weeks ago

      More like "shit rolls downhill". Pixar isn't in charge here, Disney is. So when Disney changes direction or wants to cut costs, Pixar just has to deal with it.

  19. 4 weeks ago


  20. 4 weeks ago

    Pixar soon shutting down?
    I guess that was karma for getting rid of your own boss that got you there in the first place.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    What’s crazy is the workers are fired but the head leaders who made the bad decisions get to stay.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yep. An individual texture artist or someone told to animate a dumb dance sequence should not be held responsible for Pixar's failures. They're just doing what the boss tells them to do for a paycheck, if they get a bad script to work with well them's the breaks. And yet they're the ones that lose their jobs while the idiots with bad ideas telling everyone what to do keep their jobs.

  22. 4 weeks ago

    Is that Elio movie still coming out or did Disney cancel it?

    • 4 weeks ago

      it got delayed, not a good sign

  23. 4 weeks ago


    Dude, pride month is in ten days. You'll have your time soon.

  24. 4 weeks ago

    Whatever happened to that troony baseball team show they were making?

    • 4 weeks ago

      The what?

      • 4 weeks ago

        nta but he's probably talking about win or lose

  25. 4 weeks ago


    I liked both the incredibles and FMA, Pixar is just making shit since Brave and Cars.

  26. 4 weeks ago

    Muttoid animation has been dead for ages. All the new things I enjoy come from France and Australia.

  27. 4 weeks ago


    So Pixar failed because you like anime? Anon, I think you might be a bit moronic. Pixar was one of Disney's smartest purchases because of how much money it made.

    • 4 weeks ago

      And they ran it to the ground.

  28. 4 weeks ago

    >All these deleted posts
    The frick happened here?

    • 4 weeks ago

      The gynocentric sperg and a bunch of global rule 3. I learned my lesson about that stuff.

  29. 4 weeks ago

    There is now more diversity in the unemployed.

  30. 4 weeks ago

    >semi-decent artist
    >But not good enough to get a stable job anywhere
    >Trying my hand at Stop-motion
    >slowly improving and my skills are now at the point "baby's first lego brick film"

    I'm getting there lads, wish me luck

    • 4 weeks ago
  31. 4 weeks ago

    That's what you get when you coast on the brand name without working hard to uphold the level of quality that will maintain the glamor of the name.

  32. 4 weeks ago

    Since animation keep going downgull, Is there any good job related to Disney parks? Some other anon did show that they are less than half of Disney but make far more money than the studios and it's making more money than the studios can waste with their stupid projects

    Is there any way to get anything from all this easy money? There must be some opportunity there right?

  33. 4 weeks ago

    You’ll see the rise of asian content taking over. I promise you that. America will crumble and be destroyed and surrounding countries will watch.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >You’ll see the rise of asian content taking over. I promise you that
      Anon, it's slowly taking over ever since the 80s

    • 4 weeks ago

      >America will crumble and be destroyed and surrounding countries will watch.

      More like Mexico will invade the United States when it collapses. And I don't mean illegals looking for work or drug cartels. I mean a North American conquistadors scenario. And the stupid Americans will be none the wiser because United States citizens are the STUPIDEST humans on Earth.

      • 4 weeks ago

        There won’t be a US anyone, Russia and China will reign.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Mexicans are just as politically divided as Americans, conservative religious mexicans will absolutely not die for the glory of their current commie president

        • 4 weeks ago

          All countries have their political factions. However in Mexico's case they are united in hating the United States. That is the problem and it will become a problem in the future. And since USA citizens are stupid dark times are ahead.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >However in Mexico's case they are united in hating the United States.
            No realmente

            To be honest people love to posture but no one other than the commies want a fight, it's a common trend across the world, not dying fighting for the government/revolution is quite a big thing

            If anything Americans are the weird ones that go to die for nonsense willingly

            • 4 weeks ago

              The notion of Americans being loyal to the government and willingly dying in war for the government notably started to die after the wars with Islamic countries. Nowadays USA citizens are more likely to say Go To Hell to the government. Things like the Iraq War seriously hurt patriotism. And I say good. The only war a citizen of the United States should fight is one where they KILL all the politicians of the United States be they Republican, israeli, or Democrat.

              • 4 weeks ago

                do burgers still have to sign the draft to go to college with loans? or did they repeal that

              • 4 weeks ago

                Apparently it's gone but with Israel scandals recently it may be brought back. Not that it will do a lot of good. Too many betrayed citizens will not die for the USA government and much less for the shitty israelites poisoning the USA. israelites haven no idea how much they are giving rise to an American Hitler.

              • 4 weeks ago

                well glad it's gone for now. rare step in the right direction

              • 4 weeks ago

                You only need that for federal loans, and even then there's no way they'll start up the draft again. It's political suicide and conscripts are bad soldiers anyways.

              • 4 weeks ago

                It was a fricking genius move to sell the whole conflict as bringing democracy to a place known as the graveyard of empires, I still can't believe people were blind as to how stupid the entire idea is

                That place and it's people are cursed with ignorance and death, to never progress and regress to barbarism time and time again, whoever thought it could be turned into a useful ally or proxy government was not just a fool but a monument to hubris

              • 4 weeks ago

                It's a bit more serious to me, as far as it looks americans seem to not agree what is worth fighting for and when asked they will try to give all kinds of highly emotional but vague answers to own the other political party.

                It's almost like they think they are Captain America and forget he's a mouthpiece for some executive and created to be vague on purpose.

      • 4 weeks ago

        You mean China or Russia.
        Mexico won't do much except get bodied by the Chinese/Russians if they forget their place.

        • 4 weeks ago

          How will China and Russia do anything if their home country is stuck in a different continent? Mexico is the literal physical next door neighboring country to the USA. The only way I see China and Russia doing anything is if they conquer the Losers from Canada.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >How will China and Russia do anything if their home country is stuck in a different continent?
            I...are you fricking moronic?
            You do know that the eastern end of Russia is spitting distance from Alaska, right?
            Do you not know how a fricking sphere works?
            Mexico doesn't have the manpower to do shit to the US, even if the US balkanizes.
            A combined Russia and China absolutely could be a threat to a divided US, even if only because of their zerg tactics, though China just decided to infiltrate the US and Canada economically by involving themselves in our real estate and food industries.

  34. 4 weeks ago

    I hate them for ruining her.

  35. 4 weeks ago

    Soon he will be avenged and the Empire will be restored to glory.

  36. 4 weeks ago

    I'm surprised it took this long for them to start to cut down Pixar when they've released flop after flop, in fact the only exception was Elemental and that one was only because it stayed in theaters for months and Worst Korea propping it up, meaning that they didn't get that much revenue from it lol

  37. 4 weeks ago

    >people actually like Elemental

    • 4 weeks ago

      havent watched it, but apparently it's cosy and inoffensive

    • 4 weeks ago

      The success of Elemental is artificial. Lets break it down...

      It's a romance comedy with a theme of race mixing starring ugly color blobs. Who is the audience for this?

      Kids - They don't like Romance Comedies in general as those movies are NOT for them.

      Women - Women do love Romance Comedies but with attractive actors on the spotlight.

      Men - They don't like this shit and usually only go to Romance Comedies because their shitty girlfriends and wives force them to.

      So Elemental being this breakout success reeks of a lie. Just as much as the first Miss Marvel movie being successful is a lie.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Who is the audience for this?
        who is the audience for a love story between a garbage can robot and an ipad robot in an apocalypse?

        • 4 weeks ago

          To be fair, that came out during peak bayformers era

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Men - They don't like this shit and usually only go to Romance Comedies because their shitty girlfriends and wives force them to.
        that's true, men don't like romanceSHIT in general only gays do, in fact one of the reasons why there's been a decline in romcoms is beacuse young men aren't marrying or dating anymore, meaning that there's no one to nag them to watch these movies

        • 4 weeks ago

          women mostly get romance from tv shows nowadays

          • 4 weeks ago

            Really, all I see with decent ratings in TV is true crime, I wouldn't call that romance

            • 4 weeks ago

              Remember romance to women is being seduced by Chad and being stabbed to death until they orgasm while it means literally anything else for men, don't judge a book on a different language.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Romance is usually integrated into broader plotlines in a lot of tv. Looks like a lot women don't like Romance that is explicitly and overtly romance front and center, they like stories that have more going on where romance develops alongside other plot developments because it feels more natural.

              True Crime does well because the format is often short. You can watch one episode and it tells a 'complete story'. Seems like there's a real appetite for stuff like that.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Really, all I see with decent ratings in TV is true crime, I wouldn't call that romance

                If you've never seen Forensic Files give it a shot. In 21 minutes they establish the scene, walk you through the investigation and catch the killer. It's a breathtakingly economical use of time, no filler no padding, pure meat. It's cheap as chips to produce and total crack. My mom loves that stuff and I get why it is so successful.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >You can watch one episode and it tells a 'complete story'
                That describes my mom unite well, she hates series, she want one and done types of deals, now that I think about it only Rocky, Terminator, Aliens and police academy held her attention as sequels go

                No wonder women never cared about super hero movies, long narratives must be like torture to women over 40

              • 4 weeks ago

                I think the current media landscape has TOO MANY on going long form stories now and people are just tired of it. This isn't a woman thing or age thing, soap operas/telenovelas have ongoing storylines that can span years. Back when the US was mostly producing short form tv storytelling the rest of the world was producing soap operas with ongoing narratives for bored housewives.

                But now the pendulum has switched too far back. Tons of streaming shows are like 8 episodes with each episode being 40 minutes wasting time on ponderous bullshit and 'atmosphere' that doesn't move the plot. And then it takes years before new seasons get made and released. I like Forensic Files too and recently discovered the old Twilight Zone tv series and holy shit it is so good and satisfying. As another point of comparison you can look at K-dramas. They have ongoing continuities but tend to be short around 20 episodes or less and they are written and edited completely differently from American stuff. That shit gets straight to the point, there is always something happening. I've seen a few with my mom, just from walking by and dropping in because something caught my eye; they're usually not my favored genre at all but they're mogging Western productions. America just can't make stuff well anymore.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >I've seen a few with my mom, just from walking by and dropping in because something caught my eye; they're usually not my favored genre at all but they're mogging Western productions. America just can't make stuff well anymore.
                I mentioned this a long time ago. Kdramas are significantly improving while American productions get worse. Watched a Kdrama a while back and was a bit taken back by how much better they were.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I was really surprised. I don't normally like RomComs but the Korean stuff is legit.

                >the old Twilight Zone tv series and holy shit it is so good and satisfying
                My brother from another mother, that and X files were my introduction to sci-fi proper, granted X files had a lot of cases of the week stuff and it wasn't just sci-fi but it was enough to get the imagination going as a kid, twilight zone just captures from the start and hits you with an ending like a house of bricks, it's not just good, things like tales from the crypt were good, but to this day I say twilight zone is masterclass in entertainment

                I will give Tales From the Crypt a shot

              • 4 weeks ago

                >the old Twilight Zone tv series and holy shit it is so good and satisfying
                My brother from another mother, that and X files were my introduction to sci-fi proper, granted X files had a lot of cases of the week stuff and it wasn't just sci-fi but it was enough to get the imagination going as a kid, twilight zone just captures from the start and hits you with an ending like a house of bricks, it's not just good, things like tales from the crypt were good, but to this day I say twilight zone is masterclass in entertainment

            • 4 weeks ago

              have you not heard of bridgerton?

              Am I the only woman who’s had a history of liking male leads over female ones?

              stop pretending to be a girl on the internet

              • 4 weeks ago

                >stop pretending to be a girl on the internet
                Sorry but this is fricking stupid. There are far more woman on here than you think bud. You’ll be surprised how many guys you talked to thinking they were men when they’re not.

              • 4 weeks ago

                frick off anon and learn to smell trolls, if someone posts 'As a black man I like it when Cinemaphile calls me a nog' I don't believe him either

      • 4 weeks ago

        This is a surprisingly good breakdown of the issues with the film. The characters not being attractive enough is definitely a problem.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's actually a pretty cute film, not amazing as some try to push but still a 7/10. Lightyear, Turning Red and Wish are just as bad people as people say though maybe even worse, people really hate aknwoledging that a Disney movie can be trash

  38. 4 weeks ago

    So how is WB doing in comparison?

  39. 4 weeks ago

    >Multiple people having dreams of US being destroyed and nuked.
    It’s over.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I don't want the USA destroyed I just want Women's Rights destroyed followed by every israelite to be eradicated from the country and then the world until Judaism is erased from reality.

      Then I want every Non White kicked out of the United States and any attempt to fight back will be met with the death penalty.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It’s too late. Judgement is coming.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Sweet I had a dream like that a week ago. Frick the Us I hope we all die.

  40. 4 weeks ago

    Am I the only woman who’s had a history of liking male leads over female ones?

  41. 4 weeks ago

    time to admit i was right, pixar

    • 4 weeks ago

      if lasseter was their secret weapon, you'd think he would have produced literally anything good since leaving.

  42. 4 weeks ago

    but Cinemaphile told me it was a success
    so was it elemental, lightyear or the rerelease of soul and red that fricked them this bad?

    • 4 weeks ago

      That one is where their brand got utterly nuked, Buzz Lightyear is a household name, it got a frickton of marketing and merch, and a gargantuan budget. This should have been at least a break even at the absolute worst case scenario, but it didn't just fall short, it utterly cratered and lost hundreds of millions in the theaters alone and it's merch is to this day rotting in liquidation stores by the pallet load. Maybe, if it had been in a bubble, they could cry Covid and someone would believe them, but then Minions 2 came out a month later and, well, I don't think there's a 600 million difference in viewers between a month.

      I think they were hoping the re-releases of the D+ trio would at least do "Okay", since it would at least show to Disney that there would've been a demand or lasting appeal to any of those three movies that would get people coming back, but obviously all three utterly failed and it's probably not a coincidence this is coming shortly after The Phantom Menace re-released and managed to outgross all three's total runs in a single day. It's not just that those three movies didn't move the needle for subscribers on D+, since that service is still losing money every year, it's that nobody was all that interested in seeing them as they were "Supposed" to be seen. It's just been a bad turn of the decade for them.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >but Cinemaphile told me it was a success
      A success that took several months to make any profit and relied on foreign markets and you know the rules, the longer it stays on theaters the less the movie producer is gonna get any revenue and it's even worse outside US.

    • 4 weeks ago

      the hype this got from asians because "MUH IMMIGRANT STORY" was insufferable. It didn't help that the world itself made no sense

      • 4 weeks ago

        Word. I wish there were better Asian stories in Western media than the shit you're getting from celebrities and the coastal elite private school types. The same's also true for black stories.

  43. 4 weeks ago

    American animation has fallen. It's still healthy in the UK and Europe.

    • 4 weeks ago

      cinematic animation in the UK is aardman and that's it, the rest is advertising and preschool shows.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >It's still healthy in the UK and Europe.
      Insofar as it's as irrelevant as it's always been, then sure.

  44. 4 weeks ago

    Can DC comics please collapse? That’s all I want out of this.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Tell Zaslav to keep it up with throwing away finished products and we'll get there soon.

  45. 4 weeks ago

    Soul is such a good movie

  46. 4 weeks ago

    Do families even go to Pixar movies anymore? I remember seeing Finding Nemo in theatres with my grandma.

  47. 4 weeks ago

    Sweaty, Western animation fell the moment they started pushing their woke agenda just like Hollywood. Absolutely nothing of value was lost.

  48. 4 weeks ago

    This is all increasingly off-topic. But the sentiment that the US government is going to send people to die for Israel and that’s why cartoons are bad now seems weird when Israel is directly under attack but the US government is not actually doing anything beyond what it did already.
    I imagine any Israeli cartoons (if they have any) will take a hit though from the budget restructuring that follows this conflict.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I told you, you should've taken your meds today anon

  49. 4 weeks ago

    >Nobody mentioning AI

    Pretty sure we're going to see a lot more layoffs as the theft algorithms gain traction.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Or maybe it's just all the bad movies they've been making

    • 4 weeks ago

      And as their box office and streaming numbers fail to, you should mention.

      2019 Pixar would be utterly immune to any sort of AI threat, they could probably have dictated a contract right then to make sure it would be 20 years before they could even use it alongside their own animation, but a string of failures and flops while Illumination eats their lunch put them on the backswing.

  50. 4 weeks ago

    >shifting focus away from shows
    Pixar made shows for Disney+?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Monsters at Work, and the Toy Story and Cars specials that were made for TV. Not to mention that baseball show that has been in production hell for years.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >that has been in production hell for years.
        It's not in production hell, it's finished. It's been finished since last year. It's supposedly coming out the end of this year, but not because they have to do any extra work on it. It's done. Been done a while, they're just terrified to actually release it.

  51. 4 weeks ago
    El Barto

    guess once your reputation takes a slight nosedive it’s just open season

  52. 4 weeks ago

    I wonder if this is a situation akin to cities that defunded the police only to realize they've ruined themselves, and raised police budgets above previous highs in order to entice veterans back. Getting rid of 15% of deadweight might give Pixar wiggle room to hire back some of the experienced people they lost between Jennifer Lee's horrendous policies and Lasseter's headhunting.

  53. 4 weeks ago

    o no.

  54. 4 weeks ago

    I look forward for the collapse of the modern western animation industry

  55. 4 weeks ago

    They could have tried making good movies.

  56. 4 weeks ago


    That's brutal, how the hell did it end up this bad ?

  57. 4 weeks ago

    It could be that they're getting rid of the bloat they accumulated during covid.

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