Poker is boring as frick, why does James Bond like it so much?

Poker is boring as frick, why does James Bond like it so much?

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Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    James bond is a chud.

  2. 10 months ago

    >baccarat confuses and enrages the amerilard

    • 10 months ago

      this is bait

      you fell for bait

      • 10 months ago

        >It's bait because... I disagree with it

        • 10 months ago

          There's nothing to disagree over. Are you moronic bro?

  3. 10 months ago

    >poker is boring
    just wait til you see how boring baccarat is
    the only time it's interesting is when someone has your yearly salary in the box and even then it's still a coin flip that you just hope they win so you get tipped
    t. casino dealer

    • 10 months ago

      >"s-sir i must take those $25 and $100 chips for commission"
      >NO, make up my payment then colour me up

      How do you respond without sounding mad?

      • 10 months ago

        i work high limit 90% of the time and whatever weird shit the patron wants to do i just smile and do it.
        but on the odd occasion i'm on the main gaming floor it's just frick you drop me the three reds for commission, you tight asses don't tip anyway just make my life easier

        • 10 months ago

          big cuck energy
          >your area manager chuckles as you bend to the customers will

          dealt to both of them when they were in Melbourne, Australia ~2009? (can't remember exactly)
          i didn't last long, Ivey asked for a new dealer
          Ivey always liked being dealt to by this same dealer whether he was playing bac or dice because the guy was frankly the most efficient dealer i've ever seen

          You still there?
          My 5 year degen stint as a dealer whilst in uni was spent working during week, flying to melbourne on weekends grinding 2-5 then often losing it all in Mahogany.

          This c**t (pic rel) was my biggest pain the ass, would blow up over nothing but kept me around because I could crack a whole shoe doing freehands/bets in 15-20min.
          Worst thing was seeing him on the weekends in Melbourne stack-shaming me KEK.

          • 10 months ago

            reckon i could pick you out of a line-up
            the amount of times i had to put up with mr chai and his personal limit on whatever bac table he happened to to be on fmd.
            >big cuck energy
            hits different out here when the punters' tips are most of your income.

            • 10 months ago

              Were you never offered to be a supe or am?
              I know where I was based management was run like a fricking mafia but even after 5 years I was offered the role except I thought it was dead end and just about to finish my degree anyway.
              Slapping plastic just ain't it man, surely move up when opportunity arises.

              • 10 months ago

                every direct i had said i should apply for am, but i never did. getting supe in my time was basically impossible. they'd make up two game bj/ba spastics into am's before they'd make a 4 game dealer supe.
                i fled to the us just before the covid and the rest is history.
                i hear through my contacts that the crown properties are going to make big changes (i.e layoffs) just like star.
                glad i don't have an am position at crown cos it seems like a 50/50 that i'd get layed off within a year or two if that

              • 10 months ago

                The industry as a whole is fricked in AU so maybe for the best you left.
                The new AML regulations have completely killed the local market requiring proof of income to enter VIP.

                Now all the launderers and lenders ie. the kindly Vietnamese grandmas are gone along with a large portion of the players so no tax benefits for the Casino VIP rooms, heads are definitely on the chopping block because be honest, aus already has a hard time poaching junkets away from Macau etc.

                Hope you make it big in Vegas buddy, maybe even run a private game and rake it in.

              • 10 months ago

                all of what you've said is exactly what i've heard from AU. VIP business dead across all properties.
                i hear probably more than half the VIP patrons that used to frequent Mahogony in Melbourne are gone simply because they've been WOL'd because they don't want to show bank statements to prove their source of income (and can you really blame them?)
                junkets are gone and never to return.
                if they make the maple room rated play only i think that will be the death of crown melbourne.
                viet aunties are still laundering drug money there 24/7, and it still makes tons of money i'm told.

    • 10 months ago

      I like how in the book Bond spends a chapter explaining that since baccarat is purely luck, the only way to get better is to make up complete fricking voodoo just based off your autistic feelings like ‘well three wins and two losses would imply a third loss in a group of six, but it’s a red herring that these draws would be a group of six, so reset your mental grouping to be five and don’t expect this sixth draw to have anything to do with the previous five draws, but you should consider it for the next four’. Like Fleming thoroughly explains the game is pure luck then just goes on arguing bullshit about how to cheat it

      • 10 months ago

        Well it worked for bond.

      • 10 months ago

        Fleming is moronic.

        Only people who have beaten Bacc are these 2, only for the to courts royally frick them in the arse.

        High stakes pretenders like Mikki who claim to have beaten bacc are all full of shit.
        The only ways to win are to edge sort or bet with enough volume that the casinos compete to give you cashback on turnover that is higher than the house edge. Although this is extremely rare and only available to the biggest whales/junkets.

        • 10 months ago

          dealt to both of them when they were in Melbourne, Australia ~2009? (can't remember exactly)
          i didn't last long, Ivey asked for a new dealer
          Ivey always liked being dealt to by this same dealer whether he was playing bac or dice because the guy was frankly the most efficient dealer i've ever seen

      • 10 months ago

        WTF I love Texas Hold ‘Em now.

    • 10 months ago

      Of all the cucked tipping activities Americans do, tipping the dealer of an already EV- game has got to be the most cucked.

      • 10 months ago

        yeah different structure over here
        when i was in Australia i made a good hourly rate, but i earn more here in Vegas through tips

  4. 10 months ago

    >aw een

  5. 10 months ago

    >poker is boring
    Touch grass, incel.

  6. 10 months ago

    Because the larger audience is too moronic to observe a chess game, so they just play poker with 7 royal flushes in one hand.

    • 10 months ago

      It’s because high stakes gambling is a sexier wealthier class of activity and is much more dangerous and arrogant to risk Cold War blood money on, you pseud.

      • 10 months ago

        You like poker more than chess. I could engage you in a debate...but it's a waste of my time, and I don't really give a frick to try and change your mind. Have a good day!

        • 10 months ago

          It’s not a matter of like, it’s a matter of what’s more saucy and high powered for a wealth-themed spy thriller

  7. 10 months ago

    Yeah james bond playing 40k with le chifre would have been much cooler.
    But bond is obviously another boring spessmuhrine player.

    • 10 months ago

      >waaagh, Mr Bond.

  8. 10 months ago

    >why does James Bond like it so much
    He doesn't like it, he just happens to be "good" at it

  9. 10 months ago

    yeah, carnival games would have been better suited for the demeanor of the movie

  10. 10 months ago

    Because the bad guys play it and it gives him an opportunity to mess with them.

  11. 10 months ago

    >Ron, Mr Bond. It appears you blundered into my riichi ippatsu tanyao pinfu yet again

  12. 10 months ago

    >It seems that you only have two life left Mr Bond I play Sudden Shock for the win.
    >Not to fast Le Chifre, in response I morph Voidmage Apprentice and counter Sudden Shock.
    >Dear Mr Bond, it has split second, you can't counter it.
    >Morph doesn't use the stack as it is a special ability. And now it appears that you have no cards on hand and no creatures to block with so I'll move to attack phase and kill you.

  13. 10 months ago

    It's less boring when you're the one who will either win or lose money. I agree that it's boring af to watch and I will never understand why people watch WSP

  14. 10 months ago

    How is card counting even scandalous isn’t it like automatic to do for anyone who remotely knows math? I do it by accident, the math is so easy

    • 10 months ago

      It's not even scandalous, people get barred everyday and nobody bats an eye.
      It's only normies that think you gotta be rain man to do it.

      Figuring out poker combinatorics is just as easy but fish exist otherwise it'd just be a dead game swapping money between regs.

    • 10 months ago

      It's not. You don't have to be an autistic savant, but you have to memorize the "right" way to play a hand combined with keeping track of cards still in the deck, just to increase your edge by maybe 2 or 3%. So even if you're counting, you're probably gonna walk away from almost half your tables with less money.

    • 10 months ago

      very few of the people who come in to casinos to count cards will be successful, because of one or more of below
      1. too small of a bankroll (biggest obstacle)
      2. can't actual keep the count in a casino environment
      3. are far too obvious with their bet spread and get backed off the game early

  15. 10 months ago

    I immediately shut off any movie that contains gambling in it.

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