President of show business here,. Give me your elevator pitch for new Indiana Jones

President of show business here,
Give me your elevator pitch for new Indiana Jones

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    White male Indiana Jones ends with Harrison Ford

    • 11 months ago

      coon would be a cute jane

  2. 11 months ago

    Make it about the spear of destiny. Start it off by showing some monk cult locking it up in the 1300's. make it mostly set in Rome. The spirit of Indiana Jones is finding Christian relics.

  3. 11 months ago

    Find a good writer-director team first.

  4. 11 months ago

    Indiana Jones goes Casino Royale.

  5. 11 months ago

    Retire Indiana Jones and just make an Uncharted movie. Could still use Chris Pratt as Nathan Drake and it would appeal to a similar audience while having more room for growth.

    • 11 months ago

      >just make an Uncharted movie
      already been made
      certified vidyaslop

  6. 11 months ago

    Indiana Jones and the Lair of the Giants
    Chris Pratt is Indiana Jones set in modern day where he goes to Afghanistan to help rescue his former
    lover Gal Gadot, a Mossad agent who’s been taken by the taliban. Once he rescues her she explains she was investigating the rumor of the Kandahar Giant. They continue the search for the lost valley of the giants, pursued by the taliban.

  7. 11 months ago

    Cast a young person as Indy in the 40s, he travels to Atlantis.

  8. 11 months ago

    Some old Nazi is in South America
    He is looking for lost city of Gold El Dorado
    Adult Short Round shows up to help Indiana Jones

    • 11 months ago

      Atlantis is not a good starter movie but is a good topic that was suggested repeatedly and was in the game.

  9. 11 months ago

    now I don't know if he's still physically acceptable, but Pratt was a pretty credible Indy as a fallback when he was in the GoG1 and Jurassik park1 period.

  10. 11 months ago

    just give me another fricking Tintin movie
    >muh aliens
    yes, and it was the best part

    • 11 months ago

      yeah the first one was better than the last two Indy movies, we're never getting the sequel though

  11. 11 months ago

    That’s good ol Indianapolis Jones

  12. 11 months ago

    How about a fun adventure again? People flocked to those and they have been making money for 40 years. Pratt and some femme fatale must find the Spear of Longinus, a relic said to contain the blood of christ and lead whoever possesses it to victory. Hitler has sent out special teams to find and control it. Lean into the occult nazi bit, weird rituals. A bit of that Temple of Doom energy or the Hellboy comics.
    People don’t know what a “serial” is anymore, they measure adventure movies by Indy standards. Lean into that heritage. Don’t remake any of the movies but make one with the familiar themes and setting. One that could have been made in the 80s. PG13 allows for a lot more violence now than then so we get some proper bad guy kill counts. Do NOT make Indy into Starlord. No danceoffs. Indy is smug and a charmer, he’s sarcastic, he doesn’t joke around like a doofus.
    If you must have diversity points put it toward the femme fatale of questionable allegiance. Give her more to do. Cast someone that can be sexy and vicious.

    • 11 months ago


  13. 11 months ago

    Make an animated Indiana Jones show. Problem solved

    • 11 months ago

      This... it's not bad at all. I would gladly see an animated Indy show like this .

  14. 11 months ago

    Phoebe Walled Bricks shits on Indy's grave for 2 hours straight.

  15. 11 months ago

    Step 1: Hire George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Harrison Ford and John Williams
    Step 2: Let them make Indiana Jones
    Step 3: ?????????
    Step 4: Profit!

  16. 11 months ago

    I’d rather do similar stories in a new original IP that a major corpo like Disney doesn’t have control over.

  17. 11 months ago

    >President of show business here,
    I propose a merger.

  18. 11 months ago

    Indy searched for the Necronomicon and encounters Lovecraftian cults and monsters along the way. Call it INDIANA JONES AND THE CALL OF CTHULHU. The Mummy (1999) kinda did it but only stuck to the desert setting!!!FACT!!!

  19. 11 months ago

    Cut the A, Straight into poollywood as Indian Jones.

  20. 11 months ago

    Shut down the franchise and release no new film for 15-20 years. People need to forget the embarrassing crystal skull and the mess of tacky garbage the new one is.

    You've got to go away to come back.

  21. 11 months ago

    Pratt would be an obvious Jones. If it had to be someone he’d be as good as we could hope for. So it will be a black woman because it’s 2023.

    Furthermore wokeness dictates that you can’t have tribes or the history of any minority be the subject of your plunder adventures. Just like how DnD has been sanitized. So that’s why Dial is Nazis again. You couldn’t go to say India or Ankor Watt or Ancient Mayan or a hidden temple in Japan anymore. It can only be white shit that you explore and plunder. Aka it wouldn’t be fun even if it was made.

    • 11 months ago

      Vin Diesel 20 years ago would be better.

    • 11 months ago

      >Furthermore wokeness dictates that you can’t have tribes or the history of any minority be the subject of your plunder adventures. Just like how DnD has been sanitized. So that’s why Dial is Nazis again. You couldn’t go to say India or Ankor Watt or Ancient Mayan or a hidden temple in Japan anymore. It can only be white shit that you explore and plunder. Aka it wouldn’t be fun even if it was made.

      This is why any new Indy is doomed to failure. Otherwise you do like

      How about a fun adventure again? People flocked to those and they have been making money for 40 years. Pratt and some femme fatale must find the Spear of Longinus, a relic said to contain the blood of christ and lead whoever possesses it to victory. Hitler has sent out special teams to find and control it. Lean into the occult nazi bit, weird rituals. A bit of that Temple of Doom energy or the Hellboy comics.
      People don’t know what a “serial” is anymore, they measure adventure movies by Indy standards. Lean into that heritage. Don’t remake any of the movies but make one with the familiar themes and setting. One that could have been made in the 80s. PG13 allows for a lot more violence now than then so we get some proper bad guy kill counts. Do NOT make Indy into Starlord. No danceoffs. Indy is smug and a charmer, he’s sarcastic, he doesn’t joke around like a doofus.
      If you must have diversity points put it toward the femme fatale of questionable allegiance. Give her more to do. Cast someone that can be sexy and vicious.

      said and lean into the "serial" aspect of it. Like you begin with Indy searching for El Dorado in the jungles of the Amazon and the bad guys are the rubber companies or the banana corporations and their puppet dictators and maybe there are Nazis or Spanish fascists in there but then the next movie is about finding Emperor Qin's tomb and the bad guys are the Japanese occupational force and Unit 731 who want to use Qin's magic amulet to activate the Terra Cotta Army and conquer Asia with it and then the next film is finding King Solomon's Mines in Ethiopia and the bad guys are Italian Fascists and he just keeps globetrotting and fighting new exotic bad guys etc etc etc and eventually you circle back to Atlantis with the Nazis as the bad guys.

  22. 11 months ago

    Mutt is a forgotten POW in Vietnam that was never returned. Him and his other fellow prisoners are thrown into some sort of evil chinks plan to find Shangri-La in the middle of the Sino-Vietnamese war also there are ex-Nazis there too or something

  23. 11 months ago

    He goes to Palestine for some artifacts and saves a Palestinian boy from a bunch of sadistic israelites. Then the rest of the movie is Indy invading Israel and making small jokes about how maybe he was too hard on the Nazis in the past as he reclaims everything.

  24. 11 months ago

    Why the stupid time dial shit? Why not go with the Atlantis story that one of the games had? Or maybe Indiana Jones: The Hunt for El Dorado. Eternal Nazi shit is boring.

  25. 11 months ago

    Just show him OP's pic, and then watch him slap himself on the forehead and realise that's what he should have done all along. What the frick was he thinking with the octogenarian and the ugly annoying feminist? Then he drops to his knees and sucks your dick because you showed him how to turn his financial fortunes around by pointing out the obvious.

  26. 11 months ago

    >Hold Indy 6 script
    >drop it into trash
    >Watch Last Crusade

  27. 11 months ago

    he runs around the globe rescuing lost treasures
    also you could shoe-horn some social justice into it

  28. 11 months ago

    indiana meet cthulhu

  29. 11 months ago

    Cooper Jones > Pratt Jonee

  30. 11 months ago

    Set it mid 1920s when Jones is a PhD student. He's sent across the country on a research assignment but only makes it to Colorado, where he learns of a native artifact around the Four Corners region. He makes his way into the desert where he encounters mystical witch doctors, a once thought lost band of brave warriors, and a railroad tycoon with a penchant for flying machines.

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