Proud Family Louder and Prouder

So what the hell happened after the first season?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    Honestly come to think of it, I get the feeling season 1 was written to be more appealing to viewers so they can start blasting their woke politics in season 2, which I dropped the show after seeing clips of it, didn't even bother finishing that 2-parter started at the end of season 1

    >hurr Lincoln was evil, anyone who owned a slave is scum and all their accomplishments should be rendered null and void, ignore the fact that the founding fathers were slave owners
    >Black people can't be racist because they're not privledged
    >White people should atone for things done 300 years ago and africans were the only slaves that mattered. Now, either become slaves to black people or give us all your stuff and have a nice day!

    • 3 months ago

      >anyone who owned a slave is scum
      Technically not wrong

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah true, but the way they handled it comes off as even historical figures who did good but still owned slaves should be ignored and erased from the history books.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah true, but the way they handled it comes off as even historical figures who did good but still owned slaves should be ignored and erased from the history books.

        Also the show actually had the audacity to villianize Abe Lincoln, despite you know, being the one who BANNED slavery to begin with (Apparently he was just gonna deport them but it later became more of a moral issue to him. According to some sources his friendship with Frederick Douglass, a black man, helped too).

        • 3 months ago

          The whole slavery thing was complicated, since iirc his original position was that he didn’t like slavery but was still trying to keep the union from falling apart via half-hearted comprise, and the deportation thing was originally one of numerous abolition movement ideas, this one basically going “considering we dragged them here against their will, we should just send them back home”. And once it became clear that the union wasn’t going to hold and Douglas made it clear to Lincoln that these slaves were the US’s problem whether they wanted to admit it or not that Lincoln started to focus on dismantling the slave industry as fast as he could through legal means, starting with the Confederacy cause they were actively fricking over America anyways. Which I’m certain the writers of the Proud Family thought was an inconvenient reality that they didn’t have to tell kids.

          Please tell me they don't actually paint Lincoln as a racist. There's no way people are that ignorant.

          They did, apparently.

          • 3 months ago

            Please tell me they don't actually paint Lincoln as a racist. There's no way people are that ignorant.

            Remember the whole thing about him originally wanting to deport slaves? Yeah this episode tries to say he never changed his mind about that.

            Also, border states were only allowed to keep their slaves so they wouldn't join the Confederacy, and Lincoln didn't end slavery himself, it took the power of Congress to make the 13th amendment.

            • 3 months ago

              >Remember the whole thing about him originally wanting to deport slaves? Yeah this episode tries to say he never changed his mind about that.
              I think a lot of people forget that this was a geniune consideration for many people including other black people, slaves and former slaves. A big part of it is because people forget the context of time.

              Nowaday's this thought process is insane because many generations of people whose ancestors were slaves live here. Parents, grandparents and great-grandparents who lived their whole lives in America and know frick all of their country of origin. But actually consider the debate back then instead of now. When many slaves were still new and just abducted and at best 2 generations passed. The debate is now a lot more reasonable since it's basically saying to take dad and/or grandpa and his family back to his home where again, he was abducted without any say.

              • 3 months ago

                Is reasonable, the show definitelly has an agenda and will ignore nuance if it needs to.

          • 3 months ago

            I read somewhere that washington had slaves but he also taught them trades and they became skilled labor instead of just farm hands, like carpenters and stuff.

            • 3 months ago

              >I read somewhere that washington had slaves but he also taught them trades and they became skilled labor instead of just farm hands, like carpenters and stuff.

              which ironically is why most non wealthy abolitionist existed in the north. White laborers up north HATED slaves that knew trades. HATTTTEEEDDD them. Every slave that could do a trade was a white man not getting paid. Imagine the rage trumpers have for illegals now. That is how white labor in the north felt about slaves that knew trades. It was the original "THEYTOOKERJOBS"

              Sure, that was probably pretty nice for the slaves. They got to spend their days doing skilled work. But they were essentially illegals or scabs to other whites.

        • 3 months ago

          >Abe Lincoln

          yes, abe was a racist going into the civil war. he saw them as inferior and less human. A lot of abolitionist still saw nonwhites as animals. Its part of what caused the civil war. The us governmented waited until after the split to offer $8000 per head to free slaves (because slaves weren't human) while England offered the full $45,000 per slave that is around what a slave costs.

          Had the average abolitionist saw nonwhites as humans and copied the way England ended slavery, the civil war could have been avoided. There was no reason for the wealthy of the south to accept 1/6th what they paid for their slaves. It would have ruined them all.

          Anyway, Abe didn't start to see nonwhites as people until how he saw them dying for their freedom. Their aspirations and desire for freedom and probably first hand experiences with nonwhites changed his mind. But he thought of them as little more than smart apes at the start of the war.

      • 3 months ago

        moronic statement if you know anything about history. There was no way people were going to civilize without slaves. We did not have the industrial institutions to make a small voluntary workforce sufficient to meet the criteria necessary for people to urbanize.
        The more industrial development contributes to civil productivity in place of hard labour the less justified it is. There's much to be said about treatment and attitude (asian countries having better conditions, entire slave classes existing in the form of western serfs) but that's beside the point. They were essential for human development.

        • 3 months ago

          So because it was considered necessary, it means that capturing people, selling them and treating them like cattle isn't shitty?

          • 3 months ago

            Unless you're a diehard anprim, yeah. You can't retrospectively judge people for doing what was, and now has objectively been seen to be, right for their people at the expense of others. That's what war and territory is about anyway.
            The statement was anyone, and that's wrong.

            Forced labour is simply an essential resource in any primitive group that would attempt to create towns/cities - and became less so as technology developed and the understanding of technologies propagated.
            I don't see this discourse anywhere but from Americans, which proves just how applicable and self evident such outrage is.
            Where are the demands for serf reparations? For native european lands? It simply doesn't exist because they accept the present for what it is and let the past be what it was.

          • 3 months ago

            >it means that capturing people, selling them and treating them like cattle isn't shitty?
            We continue doing it, people simply prefer to ignore it because they do not want to give up their latest generation phones and computers or any luxury of modern society, the coffee industry uses slaves.
            yes slavery sucks, but as long as things are going well no one really cares.

            • 3 months ago

              gotta admit it's pfunny seeing "injustice anywhere is injustice to all" being top sellers on sweat-shop sites

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah true, but the way they handled it comes off as even historical figures who did good but still owned slaves should be ignored and erased from the history books.

        Did you know black people also own slaves?
        like Anthony Johnson, Elizabeth Frazer Skelton, William Ellison, John Carruthers Stanly, Antoine Dubuclet, Marie Thérèse Metoyer, Ana Gallum, Richard Edward Dereef, Marianne Celeste Dragon, and Aspasia Cruvellier Mirault.

        At the Time Being a slave owner was considered a class type. homies love being a class type.

        • 3 months ago

          >Marianne Celeste Dragon

          damn, she picked a good name for herself. Thats pretty good

          • 3 months ago

            >damn, she picked a good name for herself.

            Not only that but also pretended to be white, so she already knew how the game works. Alexander Dimitry, her son, was the first person of color to attend Georgetown University and the first person of color to be appointed as a United States Ambassador.

            Talk about being a real winner here. Woke black people won't talk about blacks owning slaves, because that will ruin the narrative.

        • 3 months ago

          Black slave owners were a very small percentage of people that owned slaves and some black “slave owners” were people that were buying their own relatives freedom and stuff like that. Even given the the common meme of “slaves owned by black owners” figure, the percentage of slaves owned by black owners was something like .5% of all slaves in the US.

          • 3 months ago

            >5% of all slaves in the US.

            Doesn't changed the fact they still owned slaves. Once again being a slave owner was considered a class type. Classism heavily please a role in every society, even today.

            > buying their own relatives freedom

            Absolutely, but family was also small. The black slave owners owned from 10,000 to 100,000 slaves. Not all of those slaves were family members to the slave owner. Makes sense to purchase your family's freedom, why would you not?

    • 3 months ago

      Please tell me they don't actually paint Lincoln as a racist. There's no way people are that ignorant.

      • 3 months ago

        They did. Something about he didn't do enough for the slaves, you know besides ending slavery at the cost of 620,000 American lives. Also, he didn't have a clear post-war plan for the freed slaves, and got shot before he could, so the show decided that he wanted to deport them all to Liberia.

      • 3 months ago

        This girl who was new to the show said it in a shitty poem. In fact she’s the one that tends to start most of the shit and for some reason everything around her involves identity politics bs in some way.

        • 3 months ago

          Is she basically poochie?

        • 3 months ago

          Is she basically poochie?

          She's basically a female Huey from the Boondocks.

          • 3 months ago

            Worse than that, since Huey had to deal with the constant disappointment that the world didn't give a crap about his anger and resentment at the system. Maya is constantly starting shit with other people unprovoked, and aside from the very first episode she's in with the panda she's depicted as unironically right every time and everyone immediately gets behind whatever soapbox she's on. And she's raised by an interracial gay couple for bonus social justice points.

            • 3 months ago

              >interracial gay couple for bonus social justice points.
              It's funnier how she called her white dad racist. Just on principle alone of respecting her dad, that should've been cause for punishment.

            • 3 months ago

              Maya secretly bought Bleached branded underwear

              • 3 months ago

                Is that supposed to be a sex joke? I don't think bleach is as popular as Blacked.

                That being said would be a funny episode of Maya trying to hide her white boyfriend. Or her hooking up with a black fude who treats her like shit, the second they start dating.

              • 3 months ago

                Not a sex joke just a joke on how absurd it would be if she's so proudly black but secretly want white men.

          • 3 months ago

            Not really, the thing with Huey is that most of the shit he said was either met with apathy or straight up hostility. No one takes him seriously and the only people he interacts with on a regular basis are his family, Uncle Ruckus, Tom, and Jasmine and the latter is the only one that isn’t doing it out of obligation or because they just so happen to be around, also his sanity is questioned multiple times throughout the series. Whereas Maya has this whole thing where she starts shit and then kind of fricks off or creates a big issue from it that everyone stands behind. She’s like Huey if he was a woman and a Mary Sue.

            • 3 months ago

              Huey can fight too. He does job a lot but only when fighting way outside of his weight class.

              Huey being ignored and such js part of the comedy of the boondocks because he’s the voice of reason and is usually right.

              • 3 months ago

                >He does job a lot but only when fighting way outside of his weight class.
                Which is like most his fights. If Boondocks drop the ball on anything it's Huey not fighting and winning enough.

              • 3 months ago

                Huey is the voice of reason to the extent he’s speaking in general human nature. Outside of that he tends to go into weird black nationalist shit. He’s not Yakub tier but a lot of the shit he says tends to be out there.

      • 3 months ago

        You do know the emancipation proclamation didn't free a single slave right?

        • 3 months ago

          sorry I don't listen to hip-hop.

          • 3 months ago

            Just hand them a grape soda and wave sir it’ll look hip in the polls.

      • 3 months ago

        Lincoln was a racist and wasn't against slavery

    • 3 months ago

      >I get the feeling season 1 was written to be more appealing to viewers so they can start blasting their woke politics in season 2
      they pretty much admit to this in interviews

      • 3 months ago

        Which interviews if I may ask?

    • 3 months ago

      >White people should atone for things done 300 years ago and africans were the only slaves that mattered. Now, either become slaves to black people or give us all your stuff and have a nice day!

    • 3 months ago

      It's a Disney show it was always going to be mega woke shit

    • 3 months ago

      >White people should atone for things done 300 years ago and africans were the only slaves that mattered. Now, either become slaves to black people or give us all your stuff and have a nice day!

      All true chuds


      Your kids will pay black people for existing and will live in poverty for it for being white

    • 3 months ago

      >Lincoln was evil
      He wasn't evil, but he also was super racist and didn't care at all about freeing slaves. He was in no way an abolitionist.
      >People that kept slaves were scum
      >B-but they founded the country!
      >Th-they said slavery was bad!
      And they still participated to hold on to wealth and power, like terrible people.
      >Black people should be compensated for the massive and repeated theft of generational wealth
      Read a book

      • 3 months ago

        >Black people should be compensated for the massive and repeated theft of generational wealth
        So many people keep pushing for that, and it always falls apart once the the question comes of who has to pony up all that cash

        • 3 months ago

          > it always falls apart once the the question comes of who has to pony up all that cash

          The US government. That’s who would traditionally have to pay reparations since the US government officially allowed the mistreatment by law. The is government was also the entity that took back the few reparations that were given to former slaves (the former assets from the actual slave owners) and returned that property in full to the slave owners, which left the former slaves with nothing. That’s like not even a hard one.

          people should be compensated for the massive and repeated theft of generational wealth
          The average black person has a -$750,000 lifetime impact on government funds. Ironically only the ones succeeding in spite of said generational setbacks don't get compensated for their efforts.

          I’d like to know where you got that figure from. You know, most black peopke are employed and pay taxes, right?

          • 3 months ago

            >The US government
            And guess how they're going to do it. Yeah. By taxing the absolute shit out of everyone else. Including the people who had nothing to do with the slave trade to begin with. Cause yeah, I totally want to be giving people even more of my money because whitey feels bad about his ancestors being dicks to the africans and feels the need to offload his guilt complex onto the rest of us. Frick that noise.

            • 3 months ago

              >And guess how they're going to do it. Yeah. By taxing the absolute shit out of everyone else. Including the people who had nothing to do with the slave trade to begin with.

              Eh, I think you know that is a lie. When the government wants to do a new thing, they just write the check and don't worry about taxes covering it. Maybe they issue some bonds at best. Normally they just loan themselves money and drive up the deficit which at worst spreads the cost out across all of society by increasing inflation...maybe.

              Having said that, there are only 40 something million black people in the US. You could probably hand them all a million dollars and it wouldn't hurt anyone. The yearly military budget is like 766 billion. They can't find like where 25% of that goes on any given year and that doesn't seem to hurt anyone.

              Hell you could compromise. Just give all black people free college. Pay for everything as long as they keep a C average. Give them one or two no interest home loans. Hell, just buy any of them a house worth at or below $180,000. Do that for two or three generations and call it even. You get education and shelter and you can't get your shit together, maybe its on you?

              • 3 months ago

                >Having said that, there are only 40 something million black people in the US. You could probably hand them all a million dollars and it wouldn't hurt anyone.
                Okay, so when're all the descendants of the Irish immigrants going to get their reparations for all the shit they had to deal with? Or the Italians? Or the Asians who had to work the railways under slave labor conditions? Actually, frick it, why aren't we paying proper reparations for all the descendants of the native tribes and mestizo peoples we kicked off their lands? Surely THEY deserve justice too, right? Or is justice only reserved for people of darker skin, anon?

              • 3 months ago

                >Okay, so when're all the descendants of the Irish immigrants going to get their reparations for all the shit they had to deal with? Or the Italians? Or the Asians who had to work the railways under slave labor conditions? Actually, frick it, why aren't we paying proper reparations for all the descendants of the native tribes and mestizo peoples we kicked off their lands? Surely THEY deserve justice too, right?

                I imagine the argument would be that despite how stupid it was at the time, most of those people you listed signed contracts. The Irish agreed to be sharecroppers. The italians and Chinese agreed to get on those boats most of the time.

                And Indians have gotten something. They've gotten some land back. And they can set up casinos and pretty much not pay taxes on them. If anything, they've done the best on getting something out of the US Gov.

              • 3 months ago

                Man, if that's not the most disingenuous "That's why we deserve free shit while the rest of you don't" shit I've ever heard...

                ...But the sad thing is, I can also see the same people demanding reparations saying that exact same shit. Especially for the descendants of the natives that got Trail of Tear'd the ass up.

              • 3 months ago

                >Man, if that's not the most disingenuous "That's why we deserve free shit while the rest of you don't" shit I've ever heard...

                you give such a big shit about it, why aren't you out there fighting for those people to get something.

                your "we should just do nothing because the problem is too big" shit makes you look like a b***h and a cuck

                You really angry at Black people for having the audacity to try to make up for the mistreatment of their ancestors? "How dare you not take it in the ass and just shut up"

              • 3 months ago

                Asian, so yeah. Kind of baffled how black people still haven't gotten over themselves there, considering all of Asia has a reason to hate every single neighbor they have for one genocide or another done just decades ago yet have to keep their mouths shut to keep on doing business.

              • 3 months ago

                >Asian, so yeah. Kind of baffled how black people still haven't gotten over themselves there, considering all of Asia has a reason to hate every single neighbor they have for one genocide or another done just decades ago yet have to keep their mouths shut to keep on doing business.

                1. American whites and blacks don't have the same ideals around collective behavior that asians do. They tend to be individualist to a fault. Neither like to "just get over things" for the greater good.

                2. America is younger than most Asian cultures and doesn't have the amount of baggage any given country in asia. We just don't have any events like Alabama genociding Florida to get over.

                3. The average american doesn't know their history if it isn't in a movie or video game. That includes whites. The average white american thinks that WW2 was fought all at Normandy with rifles and tanks. Most of the war in the pacific, outside of pearl harbor and the nukes, and Russia is a mystery to them. Black people (like whites) are just so ignorant of their own history, they don't know of anything they should get over. Whites only making movies that make them look awesome, and blacks only getting movies on slavery, is a big part of the problem. There just aren't any hot summer movies about irish sharecroppers or different African tribes brutalizing each other so they could sell each other into slavery in exchange for whiskey and guns.

              • 3 months ago

                Guess that makes sense.
                >There just aren't any hot summer movies about irish sharecroppers or different African tribes brutalizing each other so they could sell each other into slavery in exchange for whiskey and guns.
                Now I'm morbidly curious how many would watch those if they were a thing

              • 3 months ago

                >Now I'm morbidly curious how many would watch those if they were a thing

                If they made it a black panther movie, with some revenge porn against the competing tribes doing it, I'd argue you'd see similar numbers as Black Panther 1.

              • 3 months ago

                So, just like the Chinese action movie market?

              • 3 months ago

                I am from a country that send people into gas chambers for having names end on the word
                -baum, and I know israeli people who have less of a victim complex towards us than the average black person in north america.

                You want to feel like a modern day victim? Get exterminated in the millions wihtin less than 6 years.

              • 3 months ago

                Idk why you said this like the Nazi’s didn’t model what they were doing after the US

              • 3 months ago

                >Hitler: Oh, now the anglo saxon racial bob wants to even take credit for my life's work!

              • 3 months ago

                : Oh, now the anglo saxon racial bob wants to even take credit for my life's work!

                Hitler was a bit of a westoboo. His favorite books were westerns about cowboys and indians. He had 100s. He loved disney movies. He loved Henry Ford and his paper on the israelites. He loved Edward Bernays' book on propaganda.

                For Hitler, he was a cowboy riding into France and Russia to take back what was his and israelites were filthy Indians. He wanted to take Russia and settle it the same way the English and Europeans settled America.

              • 3 months ago

                >I am from a country that send people into gas chambers for having names end on the word
                >-baum, and I know israeli people who have less of a victim complex towards us than the average black person in north america.

                there are a lot of key differences.

                Lots of germans died. Lots of towns were destroyed. A lot of the worst oppressed israelites died. They didnt exist to be upset or ask for anything. Lots of the worst nazi's died. They either died fighting russia, died in the last days of the war or left the country. Most of the surviving israelites that couldnt get over what their fellow germans did to them just left. They said frick it and went somewhere else. And the worst nazi's did the same.

                That didn't happen in the US. The biggest slave owners didn't go fight in the civil war. At most they were part of the confederate government or sent their sons to fight. Most of the slaves didn't die in the civil war either. Most of them didn't get sent back to Africa or leave the US. All the people upset with each other were still here after the war ended.

                Thats why the northern myth that the Union road in on white horses with rifles and sabers and freed all the nonwhties in the south and finally put racism to death is so laughable. All the people were still here. All the racism was still here. The north even wrote history books giving the south a free pass at Columbia University in NYC.

                Honestly, I don't understand why all black people aren't like Huey and just angry all the god damn time. It just takes a few google searches to know the the popular narrative is crap.

              • 3 months ago

                because the moment you guys started to act like Huey, here is what would happen:

                The KKK would become the most popular boys club in America and this time the entire world, including most of Africa, would look at what was going on in America and actually support the white racists, because the "black population" has turned into full on Huey's. And Huey is really just an activist on the verge of becoming some college shooter. And no one on this planet needs someone like that in charge of any government, not even the fricking crap that is the USA

              • 3 months ago

                >this time the entire world, including most of Africa, would look at what was going on in America and actually support the white racists, because the "black population" has turned into full on Huey's.

                How's that working for Israel right now?

              • 3 months ago

                >There are only 40 million blacks in america, so you could handle each 1 million

                Which would amount to 40 million multiplied by 10°6, which equals more than 40 trillion us dollars.
                there is not enough money in the world for that amount you stupid ass homies ask for literally nothing.

                shouldn't be surprised that the racial clichee here fails basic math though...

              • 3 months ago

                >Which would amount to 40 million multiplied by 10°6, which equals more than 40 trillion us dollars.
                >there is not enough money in the world for that amount you stupid ass homies ask for literally nothing.

                take out a loan. Only give it to legal olds.

                Hell, give each black person 50,000 for each family member that they had that was a slave. $50,000 is about the cost of a slave after adjusting for inflation. You want to be fair. Just give them their money back.

                You don't think the US can do it? Maybe they should have thought about that before putting their asses on a boat.

              • 3 months ago

                You know, at least your ancestor worked for the money...

              • 3 months ago

                >You know, at least your ancestor worked for the money...

                probably not. I would be surprised if more than 25% of wealthiest slave owners worked for the money used to purchase slaves and were not already born into wealth.

            • 3 months ago

              That’s not how taxation works moron.

          • 3 months ago

            Half of black earn less than 50,000 a year, about a quarter earn less tha. 25,000 a year, and about 1/3 of black men are felons. So they don't contribute as much to taxes as you think.

            • 3 months ago

              *half of black households
              Sorry, phoneposting.

            • 3 months ago

              >Literally 1/3 felons.
              Calling them criminals is less stereotype and almost house odds at that point lmao

          • 3 months ago

            You want Rich Blacks to be unfairly targeted for "tax evasion"?

        • 3 months ago

          >and it always falls apart once the the question comes of who has to pony up all that cash
          No it doesn’t, the answer was always the government but people who are against black people getting it always pretend the question wasn’t answered many times

          • 3 months ago

            Who in the government is going to pay, though? Cause while I personally don't mind curtailing the salaries of say the President or the congressmen or skimming off the military budget, you and I both know they'd sooner put the rest of the US to death before something like that happens.

            • 3 months ago

              >Who in the government is going to pay, though?

              Are you dumb?

              • 3 months ago

                No, please, feel free to tell me what part of the government is going to be in complete control of tracking and paying out all those reparations and totally not falling to corruption like every other part has done

              • 3 months ago

                Here read this

            • 3 months ago

              >Who in the government is going to pay, though?

              they'll just increase the deficit. Same thing they always do when the money spent number is bigger than the amount of taxes coming in.

      • 3 months ago

        >wah wah wah
        >I hate you and want your country to burn
        >wah wah give me gibbs muthafricka wah
        Lol, lmao even

      • 3 months ago

        blablabla, as if blakc people have never done shaddy shit themselves.
        Do yourself a favor and find yourself a rope and a tree before you actually waste social help money

      • 3 months ago

        people should be compensated for the massive and repeated theft of generational wealth
        The average black person has a -$750,000 lifetime impact on government funds. Ironically only the ones succeeding in spite of said generational setbacks don't get compensated for their efforts.

  2. 3 months ago

    Cancelation hopefully

    • 3 months ago

      Season 4 according to a writer.

      • 3 months ago

        When season three comes out?

        • 3 months ago

          Likely summer for Juneteeth as they have a Kwanzaa special set for December

          Reminder this is getting a fourth season and a spin-off over Moon Girl,The Owl House and Molly McGee

          • 3 months ago

            >Kwanzaa special
            It will never be as good as the original one they did.

  3. 3 months ago

    Makes me appreciate the original show more

  4. 3 months ago

    never forget

  5. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      >You're not allowed to have a personal preference whitey!

      I hate this episode.

  6. 3 months ago

    I enjoy the entire show mostly, it has ups and downs. But that colorism episode is the most confused bullshit I've ever watched. They get jealous of Zoey, believe some bullshit they heard (because they think Zoey is too ugly to be wanted) and treat her like shit, episode shames Penny for not backing up Zoey more. Then after all that have that bullshit be true and it makes Zoey breaks up with him?? Like what is the message here?

    • 3 months ago

      That ugly people should stay in their lane, especially if they're insecure nerdy red-heads with freckles, I guess. Cause note how they outright don't deny that they're jealous of her getting all the attention, they just keep chanting "You just don't get it".

      • 3 months ago

        I feel like that fight they have actually happened the writers room. Like all the directing of the episode paints Zoey in the right, and says Penny should defend her. And the episode just kinda changes its mind in the last scene.

        • 3 months ago

          I imagine they realized they fricked themselves over in the writing because they wanted to do a colorism episode and trying to dunk on white people for being ignorant of it, but they couldn't or wouldn't depict the dude who preferred white chicks as actually BEING actively racist, which means that a) All the sane comments like the dudes going "So what's wrong if the dude just has a preference" get treated as hideously racist and b) The writers just made Penny's friend group seem racist against ginger kids, considering they immediately freeze her out and refuse to even explain why they're so pissed. Frankly, the fact that you could interpret the ending as Zoey outright lying about why she broke up with that celebrity JUST to appease her friends group says how badly they botched whatever their message was.

          • 3 months ago

            Real moral of the story: Zoey actually deserves better friends. None of the other ones do.

            • 3 months ago

              Ginger Foutley deserved better as well.
              Courtney Gripling was better than Dodie Bishop.

              • 3 months ago

                Does anyone have a list of fricked up shit Dodie did?

                Off top of ky head, was the lice list and wanting to broadcast it over the announcement specifically to shame Courtney.

                I remember something about a party, but kind of vague.

              • 3 months ago

                She also faked an injury to make the pep squad (Dodie's Big Break)

              • 3 months ago

                She also faked an injury to make the pep squad (Dodie's Big Break)

                Dodie becomes upset when things don't go her way or her reputation is at stake - she even became mad at her mother because she was hanging out with Miranda and Courtney (and thus was more "popular" than herself).

            • 3 months ago

              Ginger Foutley deserved better as well.
              Courtney Gripling was better than Dodie Bishop.

              Meh, Zoey is the least awful of the group but she's a sheep who will always side with the majority even if it invovles abandoning Penny. What they did to Zoey is fricked but she's done the same to Penny.

              I'd say Penny and Zoey are equal in terms of shitty friends. The type of shitty friend that is good to you 75% of the time but when push comes to shove will push you under the bus to make themselves look good.

              • 3 months ago

                Friends don’t ever owe each other anything. It’s all about convenience. If you can’t appreciate that, then get a dog.

              • 3 months ago

                >It’s all about convenience
                Enjoy your trust and abandonment issues Anon.

          • 3 months ago

            it was the only episode pitched that got "uncomfortable laughs"

            • 3 months ago

              feel bad for those other writers.

            • 3 months ago

              I remember watching a video about this episode and in the comments, an alleged animator for this episode mentioned how they, and the other animators, didn't like this episode.

          • 3 months ago

            >how badly they botched whatever their message was.

            I don't know, if you combine it with Penny's mom locking her out of the house, I think the message is "black women can be the worst buttholes on earth and race doesn't protect them from that"

            I do wonder what black men think of this show. I have to wonder if they watch and they are just like "See, I've been telling you. I've been telling you. These crazy buttholes."

          • 3 months ago

            The could feel the salt oozing from the writers while watching that episode. It gives a real good look into their broken out of touch mindset. Imagine if everyone was race swapped and it was about a group of white friends being angry at their one black friend because a popular boy was into them and accused him of having jungle fever. That shit would cause the show to get so much outrage, it'd get cancelled

            it was the only episode pitched that got "uncomfortable laughs"

            Imagine having zero self awareness that this was a bad idea for an episode, ignoring all the dissent, and still making it

            • 3 months ago

              I could see that happening in the boondocks but with nuance

              • 3 months ago

                >I could see that happening in the boondocks but with nuance

                boondocks would just make it part of some character. Like dude's wife thirsting for nonwhite wiener. Every scene she is in, she's just thirsting for it.

              • 3 months ago

                >I could see that happening in the boondocks but with nuance

                boondocks would just make it part of some character. Like dude's wife thirsting for nonwhite wiener. Every scene she is in, she's just thirsting for it.

                Yeah, but boondock has the advantage of being a silly satire while proud is a preach fest that takes itself seriously. So it feels off when they make out of touch shit like the Zoey episode and think that they're in the right.

              • 3 months ago

                eeehhhhhh, boondocks can be preachy. Sure, its funny about it, but a lot of those jokes still have a point. Its satire in the same way a modest proposal is.

              • 3 months ago

                You can be as preachy as you want, you just need the smarts and talents to back it up. Boondocks can be preachy but its pretty on point most of the time with great, funny writing

    • 3 months ago

      i feel like the writer responsibls for thiz is full nluwn moronic in this instance. similar to how the black lady from snl /female ghost buster wrote a skit thats just pure projection because ahe experienced so much rejection

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah, like colorism does exist and matter is some certain contexts, high school romance is not one. But when the show's other topics are like "stop bigotry", "more representation", "black history", and then they sneak in colorism to basically say "that guy in high school should've gone out with me". It just seems extremely bitter lol.

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah, you can feel the writer's personal grievances through their work. The zoey episode highlights this greatly. You just know that someone in the writers room had a crush on a guy who dated a white girl and they just got so salty that they blamed colorism instead of having any self reflection or simply accept that theres more fish in the sea, and that even if a dude has a preference, you should just move on

    • 3 months ago

      Reminder that even the animators thought this was fricked up.

      • 3 months ago

        I bet the main writers for this show lurk here
        When they write shit like this, it paints them as Rwandan Genocide Deniers

        • 3 months ago

          I support Paul Kagame and the Tutsi master race

    • 3 months ago

      I don't understand this. How is it "colorism" to have a preference? Colorism is basically saying the whiter skin a person is, the better they are...all without actually knowing them.

      I don't find women from India to be attractive, and I prefer blonde California chicks with a dark tan to be hot. If they are the same skin color, is that really colorism? I find chicks with thick eyebrow ridges, large noses and lips, or are overweight unattractive. Is it wrong to have a preference in appearance in who I date? Unironically, white people are the least "colorists" since nearly all minorities favor light skin.

      This sounds like an issue in the black community that they are making everyone else problem.

      • 3 months ago

        >whiter the skin a person has*

        damn auto correct, but hopefully you knew this.

      • 3 months ago

        There’s a type behavior I see occasionally pop up in all variety of minority groups (especially among very online people). Where since they may face increased hardship due to injustice, this person interprets every hardship as injustice. But thing is these people live to complain online and don’t try to think of solutions. If they did they’d see how silly they sound.

        Because watching that episode I think “what do they want this kid to do?”. Like is suppose to go on some kind of pity date with black girls to prove he’s not racist? You can order a company to diversify their staff. You can order a person to pay someone for damages caused by bigotry. You cannot order someone to date you. Getting turned down is not injustice.

        • 3 months ago

          >You cannot order someone to date you. Getting turned down is not injustice.

          the funny thing is, I bet if they were to watch some white guy boohoo online about being entitled to hot girls, it would be obvious how wrong it was to them, even though it is the same behavior.

          Hell, make it a black guy boohooing about his lack of game and how he is entitled to hot black girls. It would still be obvious to them its stupid

      • 3 months ago

        colorism is a very real phenomena among black people (and in east asia for entirely different reasons) but the show failed miserably at depicting it because it seemed to focus more on zoey being awful for being willing to date him as opposed to the dude *exclusively* dating white girls which, you know, is exactly what they were supposed to be highlighting as bad
        as you said they tried to distill a complex issue down and instead wound up with a generic critique that seems to say having attraction to certain physical features is bad which is just stupid and misses the original point entirely.

        • 3 months ago

          >as you said they tried to distill a complex issue down and instead wound up with a generic critique that seems to say having attraction to certain physical features is bad which is just stupid and misses the original point entirely.

          could they do better? It sounds like only a few people on the team wanted that story, and they made it personal without really thinking about it. Whoever wrote that shit probably was angry at the white girl that got the guy she liked and not the guy for being a colorist.

          • 3 months ago

            possible but very unlikely especially in a kids cartoon, like you'd want a girl besides zoey actually trying to lighten her skin to appeal to the dude because a big part of colorism is even a lot of women work within the premise in americas/africa by trying to lighten their skin, but that feels impossible to do justice given the show
            yeah I agree, it felt like a lot of the writing room might have okayed the general principle but the actual writer was just writing revenge porn for the white girl that cucked her in high school

      • 3 months ago

        >since nearly all minorities favor light skin
        You just had to ruin it.

    • 3 months ago

      Colorism was born on the auction block, lighter "yellow" slaves fetched a higher price.

      • 3 months ago

        >Colorism was born on the auction block, lighter "yellow" slaves fetched a higher price.

        a lot of toxic things in black culture come from emulating the slave owner. A LOT of the pimp mindset comes from it. Go read Iceberg Slim's bio. He admits as much. A lot of the techniques pimps used to control their women is just stuff pimps copied from slave owners.

    • 3 months ago

      That episode is so bad because making it have a lesson was actually easy. All they had to do was have the celb actively shit talk black girls and have Zoey be uncomfortable with it. It would give her a legit reason to break up with him because he wont stop doing it and might even get worse with his insults as the episode goes on.

      But nah, they all get mad at Zoey and wont tell her WHY they're upset. Penny and Dejonay even have boyfriends so they have no reason to be upset. They're all just running off some bogus rumor Maya heard about

      • 3 months ago

        >All they had to do was have the celb actively shit talk black girls and have Zoey be uncomfortable with it. It would give her a legit reason to break up with him because he wont stop doing it and might even get worse with his insults as the episode goes on.
        >But nah, they all get mad at Zoey and wont tell her WHY they're upset. Penny and Dejonay even have boyfriends so they have no reason to be upset. They're all just running off some bogus rumor Maya heard about

        lol, but that wouldn't let the writer that lived this shit get cartoon revenge on the white girl that cucked her back in high school.

  7. 3 months ago

    It was too loud and too proud

  8. 3 months ago

    have they ever acknowledged who sold them the slaves? and the dutch dont count because the dutch bought them from african leaders

    • 3 months ago

      Oh right Their own people sold them back in Africa.

      I guess they decided to ignore that little factoid because it was inconvenient to their message of "white people bad, black people good were the only slaves"

    • 3 months ago

      >and the dutch dont count because the dutch bought them from african leaders

      ah, lets not let the dutch off the hook. The dutch, for a good stretch there, was the most evil country on earth. They had the first mega corp with power that rivaled kings and emperors. If the US, England, France and Germany have to keep having their nuts kicked in, lets get the Dutch in on that party.

  9. 3 months ago

    Remember when the original show had an episode that showed just because someone's disabled doesn't meant they can't be an butthole?

    On another note this show endorsed the book White Fraglity, which promotes "racism = Prejudice + Power, so black people and minorities can never be racist towards white people no matter what they do. You can sugarcoat it all you want, it's still racism

    I really wish more people took a hint from Avenue Q

    • 3 months ago

      >racism = Prejudice + Power

      its amazing that someone snuck that into a little work pamphlet on racism in the work place back in the 60s or 70s and it has gained so much traction.

  10. 3 months ago

    Also this show retcons the movie as a Dream, frick that noise

  11. 3 months ago

    Lincoln was a fascist dictator and his army committed heinous war crimes

    • 3 months ago

      How's your wife's boyfriend?

    • 3 months ago

      >his army committed heinous war crimes

      both sides committed war crimes if you want to be technical about it.

  12. 3 months ago

    Didn't the first season have an episode which vilified interracial relationships?

  13. 3 months ago

    This character was a mistake

    what if we took LaCienega's standoffish attitude towards Penny and Dijonay's ability to high tail it when Penny needs help and combined them together? Also she's an activist pushing bullshit?

    that's Maya.

    • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      wait til we see "that" sign on-screen

      • 3 months ago

        when you see it, you'll shit bricks

      • 3 months ago

        I got tired of turning my head

        • 3 months ago

          I think I've seen such signs at real protests. I can't fathom it; is being coddled up and down the entire social ladder not enough for these people? Gotta be that extra special for extra points?

        • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago

          The continued emasculation of black men in some bizarre attempt to merge all SJW causes into one, you love to see it.

          • 3 months ago

            Thats a sign in a girls room

            • 3 months ago

              Yes. I'm referring to the decision that BLM wasn't good enough and that there needed to be a special push for black troony lives.

          • 3 months ago

            >The continued emasculation of black men in some bizarre attempt to merge all SJW causes into one, you love to see it.
            You have no idea how much black twitter hates the proud family reboot for this reason alone.

            • 3 months ago

              >You have no idea how much black twitter hates the proud family reboot for this reason alone.

              eh, black people have been doing it to themselves for years. Almost all famous black men are harder and rougher around the edges than you know. Like Michael Jackson's natural voice is a little deeper than you think. That whispy he he voice is made up. You can find his real voice on youtube. Or could. Same with so many black comedians. World of difference between the real bill cosby and Dr huxtable. I think my favorite example might be MC Hammer though. Guy did cartoons, kids movies, anime songs, etc. Jumped around in flashy pants and had some slamming songs everyone liked. He was a hard mother fricker in real life. If it caught someone talking shit he would roll up in their yard with a 50 to 75 crew ready to beat ass.

              You want to know how black adult men are? Go watch one of the new dave chappelle sketches. Now take 35 IQ points away. Because Dave, regardless if you agree with him or not, is smarter than the american average.

      • 3 months ago

        Waiting for it to get canceled by conservatives

      • 3 months ago

        Every check in the list is here.

      • 3 months ago

        Why are black peoples like this? Like they’re at the center of woke shit

        • 3 months ago

          >Why are black peoples like this? Like they’re at the center of woke shit

          anon, a lot of black people are conservative. A lot. They would disown or beat their child if they were trans or gay.

          Like my good friend in middle school. His little sis turned out gay. Their dad beat her fricking ass. He found a love letter she sent another girl and holy shit, he came undone.

      • 3 months ago

        Leftist hays code

    • 3 months ago

      its honestly a waste that they didn't give a white boyfriend
      people already know about the stereotype, so I was surprised they didn't do this

      • 3 months ago

        Come on, let ricecels have a win for once

        • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago

          It's funny if she's woke but has a racist white bf

      • 3 months ago

        She would have been too close to the main character of that braindead Netflix show.

      • 3 months ago

        Because it would immediately render her character a joke. A funny as hell one, mind you, but The Boondocks this show isn't.

        • 3 months ago

          she's an annoying black activist
          make her a joke

        • 3 months ago

          >Because it would immediately render her character a joke. A funny as hell one, mind you, but The Boondocks this show isn't.

          yeah...but isnt that how most of these girls are in real life? Fricking have a stick up their ass until they finally get that hot white or asian bf or even a nerdy black bf and a lot of that bs fizzles out as they focus on their marriage and job?

        • 3 months ago

          >Because it would immediately render her character a joke
          Look up Dear White People if you want a good laugh.

      • 3 months ago

        Never ask a black supremacist the race of her boyfriend.

      • 3 months ago

        An entire episode of her trying to hide the fact that she has a whit boyfirend while also still doing her black activism. For extra goodness make the boyfriend the most stereotypical southern redneck you can.

        • 3 months ago

          >most stereotypical southern redneck you can.
          Interesting. I could see him being built like a brick shit house and Maya losing her spaghetti around him.

      • 3 months ago

        Is this really that common or wishful thinking by horny white guys?

        • 3 months ago

          Wealthier, more college educated black women are more likely to shack up with white dudes while being soc jus advocates. The show “Dear White People” is about that actually

          • 3 months ago

            Do they frame it as a problem? Like it’s wrong for them to like white guys?

            • 3 months ago

              yeah, cause white people evil

    • 3 months ago

      its funny she stands actually slanted because she has a chip on her shoulder.

    • 3 months ago

      >Ep. 1 got her doing wrong and telling her to frick off for that.

      >Ep. later got her still being a shit on Penny out of her stereotypes despite Dijonay being the bigger b***h.
      >Claims to be superior and an actual good person unlike Penny.
      >Ep. later, Maya helps LaCienega to steal Penny’s boyfriend, because ???

      >Outright seeded the rumor against Zoey.
      >Outright got Zoey excluded just by her rumor.
      >Outright did nothing but stir the whole shit.
      >Outright never apologized and stood as the superior.

      >Got mad at her white dad for not believing her straight away that his beloved ascendant was a slave owner according to a random-ass diary a ghost girl in her head told to dig up.

    • 3 months ago

      She’s Huey but infinitely worse

      • 3 months ago

        >She’s Huey but infinitely worse

        Huey is some what self aware and critical of the black people around him. He's critical of everyone.

        She treats minorities like a protected class and only offers criticism to those in power. Or those said to be in power, despite maybe not having much more than her.

      • 3 months ago

        Holy shit that’s a perfect comparison
        She’s Huey made by people that don’t get Huey

        • 3 months ago

          Both her and S1 Huey are literally the same character just as a girl (more petty)

          • 3 months ago

            Maya is fricking lame. My boy Huey saved an inmate from execution because of his love in Jesus Christ. Maya ever do that? Nah b***h just complained about white people. Which sure Huey did too, but he was just as actively outspoken against black culture even in season 1.

            • 3 months ago

              In fact there’s an episode in season 1 shitting on people like Maya. When they go back to Chicago for a funeral both Huey and Riley are ragging on a kid for his performative activism

              • 3 months ago

                >performative activism

                they dunk on that all the time. Remember the obama episode where they dunk on everyone voting for obama, despite obama being not much better than a white conservative in many of his polices?

    • 3 months ago

      So like is anyone gonna bring up that almost all of the new characters don't match the artstyle of the show? Like that stands out to me. They all have fairly generic normal barbie doll proportions which would be fine but the Proud Family already had a way of drawing characters like that and they don't match them either. I'm 100% down for generically pretty but it's glaring when this b***h is in every episode looking like she came from a different show. It'd be one thing if they had new artists and couldn't mimic the style so everyone looks like this but no it's just the new characters.

      • 3 months ago

        >So like is anyone gonna bring up that almost all of the new characters don't match the artstyle of the show?

        yeah, the episodes all look like that kim possible lilo and stich crossover episode.

      • 3 months ago

        And also they pretty much made a new character and pretended it was Michael from the original show.

        • 3 months ago

          Anyone wanna tell them you can't just draw a girl, call it a guy, and claim it's gay? Pretty sure Japan proved that decades ago.

          • 3 months ago

            >Pretty sure Japan proved that decades ago.

            wait...what? Japan does this all the time.

        • 3 months ago

          Anyone wanna tell them you can't just draw a girl, call it a guy, and claim it's gay? Pretty sure Japan proved that decades ago.

          Makes me wonder if they brought back "As told by ginger" if Courtney would be a loud and proud lesbian. For mivheal case they really just made a whole ass new character. There is something sad about old micheal just essentially being gone. He had a small sweet personality.

          His new personality is a little too "loud" for me. If anything I like the costume changes with him including different hairstyles. Since he's gay would it be too on the nose to consider Micheal a femboy.

          Also for those who watch the reboot is there any straight character like Sticky they hang out with?

          • 3 months ago

            Also when the show was airing I completely missed the "sissy" episode. So I wasn't even aware he was actually gay.

            • 3 months ago

              It is called louder and prouder.
              But Michael was straight in the original series.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, guess I'm not used to how gay people are jow a days. For example the gay Dad's are gay, but not in a way that screams gay accross the street.

                On a side note, I was watching Beavis and Butthead when I first saw a little Nas X video. Holy shit, is that some gay shit.

              • 3 months ago

                Basically, a lot of animators got gay dudes past the censorship board by making them queens and not answering the question of who they were interested in, although flamboyant behavior isn't in and of itself an indicator of a gay character. It's like how Shore Leave is an ultra-sassy flamboyant fellow with the initial joke being he's clearly a gay dude pretending (terribly) to be in the closet, while Pete White is super prissy and flamboyant while outright living with his best friend Billy yet the joke is that they're both completely straight but everyone assumes they're a gay couple anyways. But yeah, people are starting to come around to the idea that you can portray gay dudes that act like, well, regular people. Like the gay couple on Mission Hill were very much normal dudes living in a weird world, yet still openly made out and used pet names in public.

                Does lead to the strange stereotype in the community of someone being a "straight gay", aka someone that basically tries to blend in with the normal people behavior whether that's to hide who they are or just make the normal people presume they're "one of the good ones", but that's a whole other thing.

          • 3 months ago

            >Since he's gay would it be too on the nose to consider Micheal a femboy.
            I'd say the term fits him pretty well. We need more dark-skinned femboys anyway.

          • 3 months ago

            >There is something sad about old micheal just essentially being gone. He had a small sweet personality.
            >His new personality is a little too "loud" for me.

            They should have made it a slow process, but they needed him to be a self insert for someone, god knows who, so they flushed that whole idea.

            A lot of gay men do go on that Micheal Journey. But not like it is shown in Proud. They are sweet children, usually class favorites. Then they go to high school and usually spend time with a group of girls that are nothing but drama. Often the girls even use them and take advantage of their sweetness. Its not until their 2nd year of college when they get away from home and find alcohol, some good dick and other gay men do they turn into someone more assertive like we see in the new show.

            Maybe we shouldn't be surprised they cut out the middle stage of his high school female friends using him. That happens a lot to teen gay men and it would have put Penny and co in a bad light and they're suppose to be perfect because they are minority women.

    • 3 months ago

      lets buckbreak that b***h.
      rape her into submission. shove a dick down her butt and a nail in her head for proper lobotomization.

      • 3 months ago

        >a nail in her head for proper lobotomization.

        everthing ok, anon?

      • 3 months ago

        Meds. Now

        • 3 months ago

          >I have been raped and exploitet by the white supreme class
          >... b***h, if you want to get gangbanged five ways from here to Harlem, I know the motherfrickers who would like to run a bullet train on you. One may even be the mommy that ran out on you.

  14. 3 months ago

    >Lazy animation revival with added ineffective and misguided activism
    Why even bother giving it attention

  15. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        Realistically Dijonay got pregnant at 16

        • 3 months ago

          With the body type that would make it hard to tell anyway

          • 3 months ago

            >With the body type that would make it hard to tell anyway

            yeah, she looks like she has a tumor or a hernia or something. And why does she still dress like that? Her family not got money for a new shirt?

            • 3 months ago

              I think it's meant to be stylized chub, but her body has a very masculine fat distribution
              If I knocked her up I'd watch her get all sad and insecure about not "showing" like all those skinny white girls on social media, then comfort her and tell her she's still beautiful the way she is

            • 3 months ago

              Actually they changed her shirts to fit after the reboot was announced because people complained about the gut.

  16. 3 months ago

    Still would.

    • 3 months ago

      She's 17

      • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        out of 10

      • 3 months ago

        You're right. She's too old.

    • 3 months ago

      Suprising disney did this and then the first episode of the reboot she twerks and feels herself but it’s body positivity. Also in the first show dijonay puts a pillow down Zoey’s skirt and it shows undies. She even says baby don’t got back

      • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago
  17. 3 months ago

    Sex with Dijonay.

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        Some think risking getting a nasty STD is hot.

      • 3 months ago

        You haven't lived until you've had big Black person lips on your dick.

        • 3 months ago

          >fricking a creature
          have a nice day, traitor

  18. 3 months ago

    I enjoyed the funny episodes and the show has always done racial episodes it's just the more modern approach is terrible. Maya is annoying as frick and they refuse to show her in the wrong. Then have shit like the Zoey episode, and the line of how black people can't racist. That all feels like 10s politics and culture coming out. Still I'm glad they had that one episode with penny living with sugar mama and showing she actually was a b***h to oscar.

    • 3 months ago

      >they refuse to show her in the wrong.
      They did though. Maya wants to break a panda out of the zoo. The panda (which talks by the way) tells her basically to frick off because he gets treated better in the zoo than he would in the wild.

      • 3 months ago

        >because he gets treated better in the zoo than he would in the wild.
        Well, it's true, pandas are incompetent in nature, they can't even reproduce alone.

      • 3 months ago

        I get the feeling that was just part of the whole “make season 1 seem appealing so they can blast their woke politics in season 2”

        • 3 months ago

          I have a feeling Season 3 will make half-assed attempts at trying to gain back the viewers who were turned off by the preachiness of Season 2

          This is why China took there pandas back.

          There's also some in Mexico descended from privately owned and bred ones

      • 3 months ago

        This is why China took there pandas back.

        • 3 months ago

          Really, I thought it was so they could eat them.

    • 3 months ago

      >sugar mama and showing she actually was a b***h to oscar.
      Another funny point. The writers were also so out of touch that they couldnt understand why the audience sympathized with oscar and saw his mom as an abusive b***h. They made oscar such a punching bag that it wasnt even slapstick anymore and more mean spirited

      • 3 months ago

        Not to mention the one instance where they played domestic abuse for laughs. Trudy yells at Penny to go to her room and slowly advances on Oscar while he's cowering on the ground, begging her not to hurt him

  19. 3 months ago
  20. 3 months ago

    as a black person, in 2023 I just dont want to hear the same black stereotypes I watched back when the OG proud family first came out. It kinda seems like the show never really grew up. Having an episode based off irl politics is fine, that happened in the OG show too but in this modern landscape it just comes off as a writer talking down to their audience because its the exact same crap you'll see people write on twitter.

    • 3 months ago

      I fricking forgot the year we're in now.. 2024. Im getting fricking old bros

  21. 3 months ago

    It was woke.

  22. 3 months ago

    The only two things I know about Maya’s not black dad is that he is israeli and that his wealthy ancestor was a slaveowner who founded the town they live in. So ever since that episode I’ve been wondering if that town founder was israeli too.

  23. 3 months ago
  24. 3 months ago

    It tried to be Boondocks but either failed at having nuance or went too far into McGruder's mind.
    Honestly can't tell.

    • 3 months ago

      Boondocks was self aware.

    • 3 months ago

      The Boondocks wasn't afraid to call out black people on stupid shit too.

      If the colorism episode was part of that series, it would have acknowledged that colorism does exist on some level but also Penny's friends would have been called out sounding jealous because the 'Ugliest one" of the group got picked over them. Hell, the episode probably would have ended with the reveal that he guy doesn't even have a race preference, he just liked dorky ass looking girls.

      • 3 months ago

        You know what episode I found hilarious?
        The autism one.
        I mean, I know little about autism, but I doubt it gives you superpower.

        • 3 months ago

          If you mean the son. The explain that because of the autism, that Bebe doesn't process fear like normal. I felt like the episode didn't need to go out of it's way to say CeCe smart in all categories.

          • 3 months ago

            no no, see the final scene of the episode as a "gag" has the infant attend a kindergarden class for autistic people. And suddenly when no one watches, he can fly and some other kids starts to shoot lightning as if it had swallowed Thor's hammer

            • 3 months ago

              Oh wow. I really need to start watching the episode as a whole instead of YouTube clips.

              Autism= super powers. And here I thought that predator movie was bad.

              • 3 months ago

                It is really like a bizarre 3 seconds final gag at the end not even elaborated on. But... yeah, it is dumb.

                the thing is, they don't even really go over what autism is in the episode itself. Sure, the psychologist states that autism is a behavioral condition, but they are using such vague surface level language, that one episode of Captian Planet with one kid getting AIDS had done more to elaborate on what the disease is, than this crap did on autism.

                It was just "because of autism, the baby is going to have a lower response to fear than others". Nothing about stereotypical behavior or speech, mental impairment etc.

                Plus for the most part the episode was just "lol baby gets into hijinx situations" bullcrap you get out of stuff liek "Baby's Day out" or something, with some secondary party obviously having to be humiliated for the sake of comedy along the line, cause god forbid the brat gets hurt as a result of genuine consequences.

              • 3 months ago

                >It is really like a bizarre 3 seconds final gag at the end not even elaborated on.
                I mean, I kind of get it. On paper at least.

                Proud family has always been tongue and cheek of actually using cartoon logic. I vaguely remember from the OG series when Penny herself got super powers.

              • 3 months ago

                I don' mind being tongue in cheek.
                the problem is, this show genuinely tries to make a big deal about eing woke and trying to have an "aesop" or some shit.

                Here is my rule of thumb though: If you write about any genuinely issue, try doing so with a better understanding than the writers of 911 Lonestar have for fir fighting and first responding.

            • 3 months ago

              Nothing shows just how tone-deaf and out of touch the writers are than this gag. Well, except maybe Michael dressing up as Pocahontas.

              • 3 months ago

                I am not even certain if they are that tone deaf. At least they are just as tone deaf as the people who made the original show.

                Yeah, I was never a fan of the Proud Family. I prefer my disney shows to be fun and cartoony. Not preachy and having some of the worst black stereotype characters I have seen since the chick form the Scary Movie flics.

                Dijon herself just makes me want to reenact the movie theater scene where everyone suddenly stabs the black chick for being a pest

              • 3 months ago

                >Yeah, I was never a fan of the Proud Family. I prefer my disney shows to be fun and cartoony. Not preachy and having some of the worst black stereotype characters I have seen since the chick form the Scary Movie flics.
                >Dijon herself just makes me want to reenact the movie theater scene where everyone suddenly stabs the black chick for being a pest
                I can 100% see Dijonay being "that girl" in the movie theater. The idea of her getting comical stabbed made me laugh.

                Something I never thought about is how Maya and Dijonau are friends. You think since Maya called out Penny, she would get mad at how much of a stereotype Dijonay is.

              • 3 months ago

                >Michael dressing up as Pocahontas

                shut your mouth, Its wrong, but that was some grade a bussy. You people are going to make a stink and disney is going to take my disney branded ladyboys away

              • 3 months ago

                ... anon... you can do better

              • 3 months ago

                don't...don't you ruin it. This was the best part of that entire season

              • 3 months ago

                no, no, you really can do better.
                I mean, it doesn't mater that his boypussy is likely like fricking a glaced donut, that guy has a toxic personality and will #ruinyourlife.

                Plus, do you really want to g on doube date night with this guy and his backstabbing b***h friends?

                Also, dressing up as Pocahontas? a) the definition of cultural appropriation b that show's own standards and b) worst disney "princess" of the 20th century.

              • 3 months ago

                >this guy and his backstabbing b***h friends?
                This reminds me, how would you rank Penny friends on level of shittyness.
                0 being a good person
                10 being worst piece of shit

              • 3 months ago

                lol, you know irl,he'd drop those friends for a good bf.

                that whole friend group would. That whole friend circle would fall apart the second two of them get men.

              • 3 months ago

                Kind goes back to Zoey dating situation. Grow up and get married, you can have your friends there but you're not marrying your friends.

              • 3 months ago

                >Kind goes back to Zoey dating situation. Grow up and get married, you can have your friends there but you're not marrying your friends.

                that does make it sting a bit more. If the roles were reversed, the other girls would drop their freinds for a good guy. Girls like that always do. hell any guy. Could be a shitty guy.

              • 3 months ago

                >a) the definition of cultural appropriation b that show's own standards
                It's cool, he has Powhatan heritage.

                >this guy and his backstabbing b***h friends?
                This reminds me, how would you rank Penny friends on level of shittyness.
                0 being a good person
                10 being worst piece of shit

                1: Michael
                3: Zoey
                4: Penny
                7: Dijonay
                10: Lacienega

              • 3 months ago

                >1: Michael
                >3: Zoey
                >4: Penny
                >7: Dijonay
                >10: Lacienega

                LaCienega is her "friend" just because their moms are freinds and they live close together. If Penny died, LaCienega would barely care.

                Dijonay is almost a narc. I'm not going to say she is an acutal narc. But she is a selfish stupid b***h.

                Who knows with Penny. Dijonay and Lacie encourge her to also act selfish and shitty. Who knows how she would act if she only had good freinds. Is she being influenced or is she also a shtihead?

                Zoey is a nice person but a coward that just goes along with shit.

                Michael was a sweety and now he is spicy. Has a similar problem as Zoey of just being a coward and going along with shit.

              • 3 months ago

                >1: Michael
                >3: Zoey
                >4: Penny
                >7: Dijonay
                >10: Lacienega

                LaCienega is her "friend" just because their moms are freinds and they live close together. If Penny died, LaCienega would barely care.

                Dijonay is almost a narc. I'm not going to say she is an acutal narc. But she is a selfish stupid b***h.

                Who knows with Penny. Dijonay and Lacie encourge her to also act selfish and shitty. Who knows how she would act if she only had good freinds. Is she being influenced or is she also a shtihead?

                Zoey is a nice person but a coward that just goes along with shit.

                Michael was a sweety and now he is spicy. Has a similar problem as Zoey of just being a coward and going along with shit.

                That's a cute nickname. Surprised you don't actually see it on the show.

                I'm surprised how high everyone grading Micheal. He's definitely more spicy than a shitty friend.

                Dijonay, is Dijonay

              • 3 months ago

                >That's a cute nickname. Surprised you don't actually see it on the show.
                No one who knows her finds Lacienega endearing enough to give her a nickname. Her parents might, but they wouldn't use what could be construed as a "white girl" name.

                >I'm surprised how high everyone grading Micheal. He's definitely more spicy than a shitty friend.
                He's the best girl in the group.

              • 3 months ago

                >That's a cute nickname. Surprised you don't actually see it on the show.
                you do though, especially in A Perfect Ten

  25. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago
  26. 3 months ago

    Made for smelling and licking

  27. 3 months ago

    Black person here.

    I tuned out after season one, but thought the show was…fine. Too much Suga Momma, and Oscar’s treatment is a little strange. In the OG show, Oscar was a douche idiot and he always got what he deserved, that’s what made his abuse so funny. Now it just happens because, and it makes it uncomfortable and strange, kind of flattening the shows energy.

    The animation’s dazzling, but it feels like a lot of the spirit was lost.

    It does get the occasional chuckle, though.

    >”Maya, i have two black parents, i don’t HAVE rights.”

    Also i still wanna have sex with Trudy Proud in her butthole.

    • 3 months ago

      >Also i still wanna have sex with Trudy Proud in her butthole.

      We all do Anon. Trudy and sunset boulevardez were hootttt

  28. 3 months ago

    Reminder this is getting a fourth season and a spin-off over Moon Girl,The Owl House and Molly McGee

    • 3 months ago

      Moon Girl got canned? is the 2nd or 3rd season the last?

      • 3 months ago

        Moon Girl is on a renewal limbo of getting a new season like Hailey's On It!

        • 3 months ago

          At least Moon Girl is entertaining, I don't want 2 more seasons of being lecured about how "white people of today are guilty of things that happened 300 years ago and they should cuck themselves to the black people"

    • 3 months ago

      >Proud Family.
      People watched.
      >The rest.
      Didn't watch.


    • 3 months ago

      Seems like Disney ordered all those seasons at once rather than any sort of actual success.

      • 3 months ago
  29. 3 months ago

    what do you mean?

  30. 3 months ago

    Honestly, despite maybe some issues, the show is still pretty amusing and funny.

  31. 3 months ago

    Anyone got that pic of Trudy thinking Penny and Zoey are experimenting together and being disappointed that Penny picked Zoey of all people?

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        So Trudy wouldn't have minded if Penny was experimenting with Dijonay instead?

      • 3 months ago

        She has two hot friends. One of them has giant feet and the other one has a secret wiener.

  32. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      yeah buddy, best girl

  33. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Only solution is to be more hard-line left and have zero tolerance for any kind of right-adjacent social purity or incessant need for order
      They prey on you wanting play both sides

  34. 3 months ago

    wiener in Trudy
    wiener in Sunset

  35. 3 months ago

    They starting blasting their politics full train ahead
    That’s not an issue, the original show had these moments too
    But the original show wasn’t dumb enough to do shit like “USE YOUR WHITE PRIVILIGE!”

    • 3 months ago

      >But the original show wasn’t dumb enough to do shit like “USE YOUR WHITE PRIVILIGE!”
      Ironically the funniest part of that episode.

      Also got to question if these people even remember the OG show. For example Sunset Boulevardez is a cop, and doesn't do anything in the episode.

      • 3 months ago

        Look at that sexy Latina cop ass I just want to hop on top and never pull out
        Oh and Sunset looks nice too

  36. 3 months ago

    imagine if zoey got even taller

    • 3 months ago

      I have a problems gauging Zoey actual height so always seems to somewhat be slouching

      • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            She's even the best-looking one in her group; very modelesque figure. No wonder Noah chose her over every other girl.

  37. 3 months ago

    zoey gave me a macro fetish

  38. 3 months ago

    I really hope Season 3 has an episode defending Tiffany Henyard

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