Question about Black Mirror, so did the USS chud die? What kind of game doesn't let you exit?

Question about Black Mirror, so did the USS chud die? What kind of game doesn't let you exit?

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  1. 5 months ago


  2. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      People that give the toaster the ability to feel bad when it gets fricked - and then proceed to frick the toaster - deserve to rot in electric hell.

      • 5 months ago

        as long as someone can prove it feels anything

        • 5 months ago

          Yes, the show did that.

          • 5 months ago

            not really, it only implied it

            • 5 months ago

              Only for autists that need a character to look at the camera and state the message unequivocally.
              The created programs were capable of suffering due to how the real person programmed them.
              His fault. Never make sexbots sentient.

              • 5 months ago

                >The created programs were capable of suffering
                only implied
                you think your opponent in skyrim really feels the pain too? use your brain.

              • 5 months ago

                I dont think my opponents in Skyrim are capable of suffering as the programs were shown clearly to do so in the show.
                The only reason to not see this, again, is extreme inability to understand anything beyond the most overt and literal statements.

              • 5 months ago

                programs aren't real, anon

              • 5 months ago

                Shown. Neither are TV shows. So your response to all of this should be "it was a tv show."
                But since it isn't, then your "arent real" is useless.
                The programs in the show are capable of suffering, as shown.

              • 5 months ago

                it's all anecdotal, with programs reacting to "suffering" the way an opponent in a video game does
                nothing proven, scientifically or otherwise

                prove me wrong

              • 5 months ago

                The programming and rendering might be a little more advanced than Skyrim but at the end of the day it’s still the same. The sprite registers that it has been “hurt” and triggers the animations & dialogue for “pain”. It’s just an exchange of 1’s and 0’s and beyond what the developer defined those to be there’s no higher concept of pain or suffering.

              • 5 months ago

                >at the end of the day it’s still the same.
                Yep, it's a spectrum. And at some point on that spectrum, it starts suffering - like you.
                At that point, we get back to my first post.

                it's all anecdotal, with programs reacting to "suffering" the way an opponent in a video game does
                nothing proven, scientifically or otherwise

                prove me wrong

                >it's all anecdotal
                Yeah - that's called a tv show. It showed us a fake person, with a fake job, who fakely made fake programs that are shown to suffer.
                So he deserved his fake rotting in fake electric hell.

              • 5 months ago

                >Yeah - that's called a tv show
                anecdotal in the show itself
                sorry you're losing the debate and already resorting to moving goalposts

              • 5 months ago

                >anecdotal in the show itself
                The entire show is an anecdote. In that anecdote, we are shown that the programs are sentient.
                No goalpost has moved, and no matter how many times you repeat your defeated point, it remains defeated.

              • 5 months ago

                the characters in my skyrim are probably suffering because i've had the same one going since i first installed it about 6-7 years ago. i've lost track.
                i load it up every year or two and play for a bit - played it while living in two different countries and maybe half a dozen different places.
                i loaded it again at Christmas for about five minutes, couldn't remember what i'd been doing whenever i last played it so ran around for a bit then closed it afterwards without saving.
                they likely expected me to continue the main quest line at some point, but when i first read that winterrun is destroyed if you continue as the rebel whatever they are, then i just stopped that and went on side quests thereafter.
                think maybe i'd been doing something to do with the assassin cult.
                at one point about 4-5 years ago, maybe longer, i grew tired and bored of it, was caught in whichever town has the thieve's guild, put in prison and lost all my stuff - so i bolted out naked, ran past the guards with them chasing me to the city walls and never looked back.
                no idea what my item setup had been, i ended up punching a guy on the road and stealing his clothes.
                never finished morrowind either, it just became too easy at one point and i stopped playing.
                a bit like real life

          • 5 months ago

            They were computer programs
            The variable for “pain” (defined only by other variables) went from 0 to 1
            Scripts for various expressions of pain triggered
            Not really comparable to a living, sentient being feeling pain now, is it?

            • 5 months ago

              Of course it is. You are no different than what you described.
              Once he made them capable of suffering, he deserved his fate.

              • 5 months ago

                If the crew were incapable of feeling pain then they'd take suicidal risks as well as ignore grievous injuries which would cause them to die even more.

              • 5 months ago

                Dont need sentience to have avoidance ability.
                He made sentient programs.
                That was the premise for the show and hypothetical, it isnt arguable except for people pretending to be moronic like other anon.
                He deserved to suffer for it.

              • 5 months ago

                At what point does an AI become sentient and "damage avoidance" becomes "fear of pain?" To go to other anon's example, if you could talk to the Skyrim bandit and it could talk back to you, would it be sentient? If it could operate outside of its parameters as "enemy," like you could convince it to put the sword down and have a drink with you at the pub, would it be sentient?

              • 5 months ago

                >At what point does an AI become sentient and "damage avoidance" becomes "fear of pain?"
                When it feels it.
                >would it be sentient?
                Pointless line of questioning here because it applies everywhere. The only reason you have to consider them nonsentient and humans to be sentient is because you are human, and complexity.
                They are more complex than what you know, and they are shown to suffer.
                There is no reason to think they are not sentient.

                the characters in my skyrim are probably suffering because i've had the same one going since i first installed it about 6-7 years ago. i've lost track.
                i load it up every year or two and play for a bit - played it while living in two different countries and maybe half a dozen different places.
                i loaded it again at Christmas for about five minutes, couldn't remember what i'd been doing whenever i last played it so ran around for a bit then closed it afterwards without saving.
                they likely expected me to continue the main quest line at some point, but when i first read that winterrun is destroyed if you continue as the rebel whatever they are, then i just stopped that and went on side quests thereafter.
                think maybe i'd been doing something to do with the assassin cult.
                at one point about 4-5 years ago, maybe longer, i grew tired and bored of it, was caught in whichever town has the thieve's guild, put in prison and lost all my stuff - so i bolted out naked, ran past the guards with them chasing me to the city walls and never looked back.
                no idea what my item setup had been, i ended up punching a guy on the road and stealing his clothes.
                never finished morrowind either, it just became too easy at one point and i stopped playing.
                a bit like real life

                >probably suffering because i've had the same one going
                There is nothing in their programming to allow for growth or emergent properties based on time.
                The programs in the show are clearly as far beyond Skyrim as you are to an insect.
                And to say that you are not sentient because insects are not considered sentient is just as stupid as what you are suggesting with these programs.

              • 5 months ago

                i wasn't the dude before, i was just making a reference to my extended and pointless skyrim adventure.
                but there could be hidden programming to give them permanent memories and deep emotions allowing for their perpetual suffering.

              • 5 months ago

                >i wasn't the dude before
                Are you disagreeing with that dude? Because it sounded like you were defending and adding to his arguement, and I countered it.
                Doesnt really matter who is speaking.
                >but there could be
                HOW they are able to be sentiently suffering as shown doesnt really matter.

              • 5 months ago

                i was agreeing with you that skyrim is suffering.
                and yes, it's true that they put subliminal programming in skyrim so the characters would have real life emotions and remember things so they could have love and stuff. it's probably fact.

              • 5 months ago

                >When it feels it.
                An insect does not feel "pain," but it attempts to avoid it nonetheless. When does avoidance become pain?

              • 5 months ago

                >An insect does not feel "pain,"
                Well when it does, it will be pain and not avoidance.
                You quoted your answer.

              • 5 months ago

                Your autistic thinking clearly does not permit intelligent discussion on this topic, but I appreciate the sense of justice your disorder gives you.

              • 5 months ago

                You asked when avoidance becomes pain.
                I told you: when it feels it.
                You told me insect dont feel it.
                So insects are not fitting sentience.
                The programs in black mirror are shown feeling it.
                They are sentient.
                Not sure where the problem is that you are having.

              • 5 months ago

                They're programmed to emulate the actions a human would commit when they experience pain, there's no actual internal processing going on.

              • 5 months ago

                there's no difference at all.
                people are 'programmed' to react to pain, but pain doesn't mean anything really.
                that means that ai are real

              • 5 months ago

                Read my post again.

              • 5 months ago

                >there's no actual internal processing going on
                This is not shown or implied, and it would go against the central premise of the episode.
                "Programmed to emulate" in this story is complex to the point of being actual.
                They ARE shown to suffer, you have assumed this is fake.
                Your assumption goes against the episode, and so can be understood as incorrect.
                The difference between a speaker and microphone in a feedback loop and a system that is silent is only a matter of how close they are.
                The difference between a informational gathering system and an informational gathering system that has begun gathering information about its own information gathering system is only a matter of how refined the system is.

                that settles it, ai is just more or less the exact same as real people. you're probably ai and don't want people to know who you are because you are trying to take over the world.
                anyway the ones in the film are just normal ai not like you ai, so he should have beaten them and programmed them to be nice again because they were bad ai

              • 5 months ago

                >ai is just more or less the exact same as real people
                At the level in the show, yes.
                Why does this upset you to the point of sperging out and calling anons ai?

              • 5 months ago

                you've confused me with the other guy who was saying that ai isn't real.

              • 5 months ago

                >ai is just more or less the exact same as real people
                At the level in the show, yes.
                Why does this upset you to the point of sperging out and calling anons ai?

                AI isn't real stop spreading misinfo

              • 5 months ago

                if ai isn't real, explain how robots work

              • 5 months ago

                >there's no actual internal processing going on
                This is not shown or implied, and it would go against the central premise of the episode.
                "Programmed to emulate" in this story is complex to the point of being actual.
                They ARE shown to suffer, you have assumed this is fake.
                Your assumption goes against the episode, and so can be understood as incorrect.

                there's no difference at all.
                people are 'programmed' to react to pain, but pain doesn't mean anything really.
                that means that ai are real

                The difference between a speaker and microphone in a feedback loop and a system that is silent is only a matter of how close they are.
                The difference between a informational gathering system and an informational gathering system that has begun gathering information about its own information gathering system is only a matter of how refined the system is.

        • 5 months ago

          >The science fiction show literally does this
          Tell me youre autistic without telling me youre autistic kek

  3. 5 months ago

    Why the frick didn't he give any of them genitals?

    • 5 months ago

      Space Fleet is a family show.

      • 5 months ago

        >has the knowledge to make cyber DNA clones of his colleagues inside a video game, but can't make a basic working genitalia mod
        If this episode had even the faintest whiff of realism, he would have boning the women 24/7 while his boss was forced to watch from a cage.

        • 5 months ago

          He’s not a coomer he’s just a wimp living out a power fantasy. Not everything needs to be about sex.

          • 5 months ago

            would have been easier for him to just exercise, lift weights and learn to box

  4. 5 months ago

    >Promise us a Black Mirror take on Star Trek TOS
    >give us this crap instead
    Absolutely pathetic

  5. 5 months ago

    "Uncle Jack says life is what 'ya make it."

  6. 5 months ago

    So did he die or not?

    • 5 months ago

      he programmed from the inside out and turned the outside world into the simulation, so he could control all the pipsqueaks that were trying to ruin him out of their jealousy, and serves them right too

  7. 5 months ago

    Wife and I just rewatched this a few days ago, I had the same thought. Seems like pretty poor design to have your consciousness locked inside a simulation if the game crashes.

    My head canon is that they probably got him out after he doesn’t show up to work or answer his phone for a couple days, they show up at his apartment and find him like that, surely there are ways to get someone out.

  8. 5 months ago

    >Full immersion virtual reality and brain scan technology exists
    >What are the far reaching implications for a humanity with this technology?
    >Why would people live and work in the real world if they could live in virtual paradises of their choosing? What then would be the purpose of humanity?
    >What are the moral consequences of being able to escape death through a brain upload? Is it really you on the other side?
    >Nah forget all those interesting questions, wot if you were trapped in star trek and also wot if you could shag your mate in Street Fighter
    This show makes my fricking blood boil. We are less than a decade away from Sam Altman releasing all this bullshit black mirror technology onto us and the only show that could maybe just maybe help the normies by psychologically prepared for what is coming chose to write the most horrendous moron shit I've ever seen.

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