>quirky lolrandums. >tumblrina "whimsical" art style. >pastel vomit coloring

>quirky lolrandums
>tumblrina "whimsical" art style
>pastel vomit coloring
>middle school reading level dialogue
>shallow """"social commentary"""" (i.e. republicans are evil, christians are bigots, resist drumpf, etc.)
>gay characters who HAVE to make it obvious that they're gay every time they speak
>4:1 female to male character ratio
Why did it come to this?

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  1. 5 months ago

    I agree with most of these, but are there really any gay characters who only talk about being gay (Apart from Wallace Wells which is the joke)?

  2. 5 months ago


  3. 5 months ago

    You’re not the target audience. It’s for the millennial Disney adults

    • 5 months ago

      >You’re not the target audience. It’s for the millennial Disney Female Adults


      • 5 months ago

        >>You’re not the target audience. It’s for the zillennial Disney Female Adults


    • 5 months ago

      So that's why these have mediocre box office numbers.

    • 5 months ago

      school readin HAVE to make it ob republicans ar characters who HAVE to make it obvious that they're gay every time they speak

  4. 5 months ago

    There's gotta be some kinda middle ground between the adorkable, too goofy, quirky type female character and the arms folded, eye rolling, spoil everyone's fun type female character.

    • 5 months ago

      Or how about this stop making movies with female protagonists? Is it any wonder boys are sick and tired of shitty girl boss trash? It's gotten so bad they inject them in movies where they don't belong like in Bad Guys and Puss in Boots.

    • 5 months ago

      They could try writing a female character like Elisa Maza from Gargoyles, or Mrs. Brisby from The Secret of NIMH. Someone who doesn't feel the need to be the center of attention at all times through antics or aggressive behavior, who genuinely wants to help others, and doesn't belittle males for being male. Of course, that would require a writer that actually wants to make a character that is likable through their actions and attitude, and not because they are supposed to be likeable because they say the right buzzwords or punch the right people.

  5. 5 months ago

    >MAGA OPs who HAVE to make it obvious that they think Drumpf is their messiah every time they speak

    If you had just stayed on topic, I would've been on your side, but you're a instigator of the very things that annoy you.

    • 5 months ago

      so quirky and Eugene because why wo inexplicably she's social and happy and such. I simply can't

  6. 5 months ago

    For what it's worth I never liked Tangled. Always hated that shitty overrated movie. And Rapunzel's personality makes no sense. A human being who grows up isolated all her life in a tower would NOT be oh so quirky and bubbly and optimistic and happy go lucky. None of that shit. It's the same reason I hated the video game Bioshock Infinite the token girl you are escorting around is video game Rapunzel grows up isolated and inexplicably she's social and happy and such. I simply can't stand this bullshit. And I hated Eugene because why would any girl like him? He's not that handsome, he's not rich, he's a bumbling idiot who gets his ass killed off by an old woman. Not even characters like Adrien from Miraculous Ladybug is that hopeless and at least he does have money to attract the b***hes.

    Anyway in general this stupid Pro Female Protagonist Spam fest by Disney is why I hope they die. I don't give a frick about female protagonists. And I find it hilarious that even NOW after ruining Marvel and Star Wars Disney has the audacity to ask "Why don't boys like our movies and series?" To hell with your Gynocentric Factory.

    • 5 months ago

      Stop ban evading incel

      • 5 months ago

        Eat shit and die you simp.

    • 5 months ago

      >A human being who grows up isolated all her life in a tower would NOT be oh so quirky and bubbly and optimistic and happy go lucky

      I grew up in a cult very isolated from society to the point I had little contact with the outside world and when my parents escaped I was in middle school and told I was weirdly positive and happy to the point it creeped other kids out. They would call me a freak and moronic for always smiling and being in good mood even if shit was bad

      Of course this only lasted until mid high school and I became a pessimistic butthole like the rest of them

    • 5 months ago

      Really doesn't help Disney's case that even when they make movies with male protagonists they are garbage. No one wanted to see a movie like Luca starring two ugly looking pseudo homosexuals who wear super short shorts. Disney is abysmal at appealing to male audiences.

    • 5 months ago

      girls love eugene, easily the didney character girls have the hots for most in recent memory and it isn't even close. Guess it's because he's got the contradictory type personality
      >he's a bad boy
      >but not really
      >he's a dangerous thief and criminal
      >but he loves meeee
      is what I think they like about him. Also the rapunzel/eugene relationship is way more in depth with more screentime and emotional scenes than most disney princess movies where the actual falling in love gets barely any screentime. I assume they like that too
      >t. have little sister who had eugene as her main husbando

      • 5 months ago

        I find any girl who considers Eugene to be ideal to be an idiot. Lets summarize Eugene is a young man who....

        Is a little above average in terms of looks but not supreme absolute top tier. He's a thief but he a seriously incompetent one compared to say Disney's Aladdin who is INDEED skilled a thievery. Same to Disney's Robin Hood. And Eugene is a butt monkey who every single bad thing happens to him every single thing he attempts to do in the movie fails all the way until he's killed off by a senior citizen and Rapunzel's pet chameleon is the one who kills off Mother Gothel.

        That's not a good man. That's lame. I can see why it was fathers who choose who their daughters married. Women are idiots and yes I know Eugene was created exclusively by an All Female Staff. That only shows women are indeed fricking stupid and then there's shit like Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey also created by women. Enough said.

        • 5 months ago

          in the homosexual sense but they are still gay in the not be gay in the homosexual

      • 5 months ago

        >he's a dangerous thief
        He wasn't even armed which I still think is moronic

  7. 5 months ago

    >Why did it come to this?

    Seriously? Because girls are easier to please than boys. Girls love simplistic colorful girly fluff. Boys like things like action and sexy females and violence you know things that Disney is TERRIBLE at. Things that in general Americans are awful at. Since animation is supposed to be inoffensive and infantile in America doing bloody violence and sexy ladies automatically halves the western audience as you are rebelling against the stigma that Disney created.

    Even if you make a great movie if it upsets normies who think of animation as infantile trite then you're not going to win, look at Rango. A movie that everyone considers to be excellent and yet.....it has a lousy box office. What was Rango's crime probably the usage of actual realistic firearms. And that upsets America's shitty single mothers.

    • 5 months ago

      It's true. I remember a mom taking a little girl to Rango who wouldn't shut up about wanting to see Gnomeo and Juliet instead and they weren't in that theater for long.

      • 5 months ago

        This is true. I've seen similar experiences during movies like Spirited Away during the scene with the dragon character spitting out blood from his internal wounds a mother saying that she never expected that from a kid's movie. Anything that shatters the expectation of what animation is supposed to be in America is automatically rejected. This is why sadly trash like Gnoemeo and illumination's movies like The Minions 1-3 have universal support by stupid single mothers.

      • 5 months ago

        general this stupid Pro Female Protagonist Spam fe are awful at. Since animation is supposed to be inoffensive look at Rango. A movie that everyone considers to be excellent and yet.....it has a lousy box office. What was

  8. 5 months ago

    >pastel vomit coloring
    That's just scratching the surface, and I hate that most new movies have this shit. It's movies directed by women too. I fricking hate women.

  9. 5 months ago


    They need to justify their kneejerk reactions to anything new.

  10. 5 months ago

    None of these characters are gay. Disney wouldn’t do that

    • 5 months ago

      They may not be gay in the homosexual sense but they are still gay in the sense that they are lame. And I'm not making a South Park reference here. Chicks ARE lame.

      • 5 months ago

        I will agree that every 3D Disney protagonist has as much edge as a sphere

  11. 5 months ago


    What about this though. You want to tell me they're full of shit too?

    >Why did it come to this?

    Seriously? Because girls are easier to please than boys. Girls love simplistic colorful girly fluff. Boys like things like action and sexy females and violence you know things that Disney is TERRIBLE at. Things that in general Americans are awful at. Since animation is supposed to be inoffensive and infantile in America doing bloody violence and sexy ladies automatically halves the western audience as you are rebelling against the stigma that Disney created.

    Even if you make a great movie if it upsets normies who think of animation as infantile trite then you're not going to win, look at Rango. A movie that everyone considers to be excellent and yet.....it has a lousy box office. What was Rango's crime probably the usage of actual realistic firearms. And that upsets America's shitty single mothers.

    It's true. I remember a mom taking a little girl to Rango who wouldn't shut up about wanting to see Gnomeo and Juliet instead and they weren't in that theater for long.

    This is true. I've seen similar experiences during movies like Spirited Away during the scene with the dragon character spitting out blood from his internal wounds a mother saying that she never expected that from a kid's movie. Anything that shatters the expectation of what animation is supposed to be in America is automatically rejected. This is why sadly trash like Gnoemeo and illumination's movies like The Minions 1-3 have universal support by stupid single mothers.

  12. 5 months ago

    I like Mirabel and Rapunzel. The chick from wish is the most nothing character ever though, I do not care whether she exists or not.

  13. 5 months ago

    It’s bad as every DTVA show just being some quirky brown girl with a non human sidekick

  14. 5 months ago

    I'm gonna reply to you once and only once
    you are folding some good shit in with the bad
    this is 'dyed hair' all over again. dyed hair and being cute and quirky is our thing. It's on the opposite side of these people you're b***hing about. That's why they shave most of theirs off, and dye, at most, one streak. They hate quirkiness, they call it 'cringe' and 'creepy' and other neologisms. They desire buttoned-down conformity. They despise seeing a cute bubbly manic pixie girl as a desired object, because they are all hideous, cranky blobs with non-stop PMS.

  15. 5 months ago
  16. 5 months ago
  17. 5 months ago

    At least mirabel has a fat ass

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