Realistically though if youre not born special you will never surpass those born with talent so I dont see whats wrong with this

Realistically though if you’re not born special you will never surpass those born with talent so I don’t see what’s wrong with this

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  1. 7 months ago

    Real life sucks, simple as

  2. 7 months ago

    In theory if you dont have born talent, you still can practice until rearching a point equal to a talented person, that say a true talented person that also train to get better, will always surpass a non talented individual.

  3. 7 months ago

    Isn't this how almost all shonen manga plays out? They start out some lowly normal mundane that worked hard, then we discover around chapter 300 that they are actually some super special child of some long lost or hidden special ultra family?

    • 7 months ago

      Pretty much
      >Yusuke Urameshi was some guy who trained up for spiritual powers, then later he was the great great great grandchild of the most powerful demon king
      >Ichigo was some guy who through a mix of cheating and working himself to death got to Captain level....but then turns out he was the son of a captain and a sternritter who had twice the generational powers of any shinigami or quincy
      >Luffy was some scrub with kind of a shit fruit power that trained for years just to be able to fight, then trained more to use haki. turns out he is one of the extremely rare few that can use super special rare king's haki, and his fruit is actually a god powered one not some shit mundane power
      >Goku was a low level nobody, child of a low level nobody, until it turns out he was the legendary super saiyan foretold thousands of years ago

      • 7 months ago

        At least Rock Lee got himself a spin-off series

        What about Kinnikuman
        >Suguru is discovered to be the prince of a royal alien family right off the bat
        >but he’s so ugly that his father contemplated killing him
        >they even left him on earth because they confused him for a pig
        >he’s still just as worthless as a superhero after the reveal
        >even in the final arc, it’s revealed there might be better suited heirs to the throne
        >and its also revealed he’s basically a backup plan after his more competent older brother got fed up with being overworked
        >and he couldn’t even do basic multiplication

        But that was back in the 80’s

        • 7 months ago

          So long as we’re talking about 80’s shonen

          >Kenshiro, doesn’t matter wether or not he has golden genes. He can already do whatever the frick he wats to people by poking them
          >Jotaro, get’s the strongest, yet simplest stand out there (in my opinion). Still jobs for his daughter in part 6.
          >Guts. Doesn’t matter if he does or does not have the golden gene. His life sucks so bad he’s the only shonen protag I can think of that was canonically raped by BBC

          This is fun

          • 7 months ago

            >* as a little boy, no less. His love interest also gets raped and his child turns into a deformed creature
            >mangaka died before finishing his journey

          • 7 months ago

            Guts is a product of his environment, so he gets a pass.
            Kenshiro and Jotaro is just the mangaka jerking off, the first metaphorically and the second very literally.

            • 7 months ago

              Yeah. I just find it hilarious that martial arts can do whatever the frick Fist of the North Star wants it to do

              • 7 months ago

                That's where the fun of the genre it homages comes from so why not go all in?

              • 7 months ago

                It is pretty fun, ngl.

                Then there’s Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto where the point is Sakamoto is already perfect but he helps inspire his classmates

      • 7 months ago

        >Ichigo was some guy who through a mix of cheating and working himself to death got to Captain level....but then turns out he was the son of a captain and a sternritter who had twice the generational powers of any shinigami or quincy
        Dont' forget his dad got half-cucked by a hollow so he has hollow powers too and bullshitbullshitbullshit he gets all the powers of every special group in the setting.

        • 7 months ago

          It’s so fricking weird

          Yep, I dont know if it's a cultural thing or a vase of editors sticking with what has worked a million times before but every shonen manga is bounded to give the mc a golden gene at some point.

          In attack on titan, they subverted it by making Eren the genocidal maniac main villain at the end. Don’t know if that’s better or worse

          • 7 months ago

            Golden gene means he got what makes him special at birth, or if he is the reincarnation of the ancient bullshit elder. I dont know about AoT because I dropped that shit hard the second the MC transformed into a Titan.

            • 7 months ago

              Yeah, don’t pick it up ever again. Shit goes off the deep end hard
              I was hoping the series would be about recolonializing a destroyed earth, but fricking nihilism and “man’s the real monster” bullshit happened

              I’m just trying to figure out how the golden gene thing can be subverted or used as a good example of storytelling in one of these

              • 7 months ago

                Make the talent a burden, just as in real life. Make everybody around MC shit on him because he isnt living up to his full potential 24/7

            • 7 months ago

              That reminds me of Gurren Lagann

              >outspoken mc just dies to make room for less confident brother
              >they’re also low level
              >basically everyone in that show has it’s version of the golden gene being suppressed by the series antagonists
              >the first antagonist could be considered the cave itself

      • 7 months ago

        In YYH's defense, it went in a completely different direction than most shonen. Yusuke gets this big destiny shoved in his face and immediately goes "yeah, frick that" and only gets involved long enough to find someone else to deal with it, then goes home once his presence is no longer needed.

      • 7 months ago

        >turns out he is one of the extremely rare few that can use super special rare king's haki
        To be fair, One Piece power-scaled to the level where having king's haki is nothing to write home about anymore.
        Basically everyone who isn't a scrub has it.

        • 7 months ago

          >Basically everyone who isn't a scrub has it.
          That’s the best kind of power scaling
          >you have the golden gene, but so do these other people
          >also, they’re older and more talented than you

          The only thing about Endeavor they "backpedaled" on is if you personally thought he was supposed to remain an unrepentant bastard throughout the whole story, but that was unlikely to be the case when the man was a professional hero and the father of a core character in a shounen setting in the first place. I mean, what are they going to do with him instead?

          You’re right, still not going back because of the affore mentioned seven quirks and it’s just straight up boring with it’s non-arcs.

          Vigilantes did MHA better

          Contrarian take. Vigilantes is mediocre as frick.

          You’re both right

          Hikaru no Go?

          Thsnks for the recommend

          There’s a lot more Cinemaphile discussion than I thought there’d be

          • 7 months ago

            "Seven quirks" being introduced so poorly and without proper hinting shook my interest too, so I can't say I blame you. It was so bad it almost makes me think someone from SJ mandated "Deku needs more bullshit than just punching hard." But with the story finally wrapping up, I'm in it till the end, even though it's clearly a very flawed series.

          • 7 months ago

            >Thsnks for the recommend
            >There’s a lot more Cinemaphile discussion than I thought there’d be
            Nta but yeah that manga is beautiful.

            • 7 months ago

              >Nta but yeah that manga is beautiful.
              Yeah, it's frickin' gorgeous. Another good one is Eyeshield 21, back in the day when Yusuke did the watercolor drawings they always came out gorgeous.

              • 7 months ago

                You mean OPM, DBZ fan Yusuke? Cool

        • 7 months ago

          The series sort of turned into that the biggest leaders of the world all have Kings Haki. Every yonko and Admiral has it, since apparently people without ti are never going to compete. But then the Sun God fruit appeared and fricked everything up. People were expecting the whoile using CoC Haki to armor oneself was going to be the big late hour powerup awakening Luffy would have to asspull and win. Since things were leading the reader in that direction for a while. consistently pointing out the black lightning thing in flashbacks etc.

    • 7 months ago

      Pretty much
      >Yusuke Urameshi was some guy who trained up for spiritual powers, then later he was the great great great grandchild of the most powerful demon king
      >Ichigo was some guy who through a mix of cheating and working himself to death got to Captain level....but then turns out he was the son of a captain and a sternritter who had twice the generational powers of any shinigami or quincy
      >Luffy was some scrub with kind of a shit fruit power that trained for years just to be able to fight, then trained more to use haki. turns out he is one of the extremely rare few that can use super special rare king's haki, and his fruit is actually a god powered one not some shit mundane power
      >Goku was a low level nobody, child of a low level nobody, until it turns out he was the legendary super saiyan foretold thousands of years ago

      Yep, I dont know if it's a cultural thing or a vase of editors sticking with what has worked a million times before but every shonen manga is bounded to give the mc a golden gene at some point.

      • 7 months ago

        >Oh, my rubber nen

  4. 7 months ago

    The b***h who made the comic in OP should stop reading books written by and for women
    This "you were secretly speshul ALL ALONG and here's all that magic you were owed and never had to work for" is typically a female fantasy, whereas men more often fantasize about getting to become stronger and prove their true strength they had all along

    I can't wait for someone to try and "disprove" me by misunderstanding the word 'typically'

    • 7 months ago

      I wish shonen did this more often.

      Then there’s stuff like Akagi or Yu Gi Oh zero where there’s protagonists with natural hidden talent taking down actual poo people who deserve it.

      • 7 months ago

        Yugioh Season Zero was about a kid relying on his evil doppelganger to punish douchebags with eternal damnation.

        • 7 months ago

          Yes. He wasn’t even evil, just dark because he was an ancient egyptian pharaoh which makes me wonder how planned out the manga was. Was yami Yugi always meant to be what he turns out to be later, or just start out as a doppelganger?

          This is interesting. I want to see if there’s other shonen out there that actually extols the effort of hard work. And another thing, even if these universe breaking talents laid dormant, they still had to work to bring them out. Isn’t that true most times?

      • 7 months ago

        Hikaru no Go?

    • 7 months ago

      This is so idiotic that I'm not even gonna bother. You are a sexist, plain and simple.

      Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard

      Someone talented that also works hard can't be reached by the untalented, but that is a truly rare thing.

      Depends what you mean by "talented". People who draw all the time from a young age and are told they have talent and go into art to further their skills are not unreachable.
      But if you struggle massively with mathematics and you want to be a physicist you'll probably never become Sheldon Cooper no matter how hard you work.

    • 7 months ago


  5. 7 months ago

    Specialty's a Spook

  6. 7 months ago

    Tell that to this guy

    • 7 months ago

      He's clearly a false prophet. The Antiguy.

      • 7 months ago

        I always kek when I think about how easily he got merked

  7. 7 months ago

    Most people do not try hard at anything. Someone born without innate talent will succeed if they put their nose to the grindstone and work hard to compensate for what isn't "in their blood." Saying "I'm not special" is just a quitter justifying being a loser.

    • 7 months ago

      this character deserved better

      Yeah. I just find it hilarious that martial arts can do whatever the frick Fist of the North Star wants it to do

      >Rando: just another day being a warlord that steals candy from babies
      >Kenshiro:*pokes him in the tit*
      >Rando:w…what did you do
      >Kenshiro:I took away your breathing
      >Rando:*dies horrifically

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah. Ishimaru is a bro.

  8. 7 months ago

    I love people who realize twenty years later that, um, actually, they always hated Harry Potter, for reasons.

    • 7 months ago

      It’s a fun world to traverse through, but the story is severely lacking. Not to mention it’s just witchcraft and that’s not good for anyone

      • 7 months ago

        I was full into HP's lore until fricking time travel and "Liquid Luck" was the final nail in the coffin for me, that was Doctor Who-levels of convenience

  9. 7 months ago

    The Wizards in HP are cool and all but even past all the bullshit, it's a Muggle world and the wizards are just living in it.

    • 7 months ago

      How do you think the muggles keep wizards in check? Guns? Because there’s only one killing curse out there

      • 7 months ago

        Literally boring stuff. Imagine if you had no aptitude in running an organized governmental agency but could shoot space lasers from your eyes. Like even with the lasers the most you can do is get people to run a government for you.

  10. 7 months ago

    This is more of an Cinemaphile problem than a Cinemaphile problem...

    • 7 months ago

      So that’s why. Tbf, I can’t imagine a convo like this about EEnE. Even though that one youtuber actually made a tier list

    • 7 months ago

      So that’s why. Tbf, I can’t imagine a convo like this about EEnE. Even though that one youtuber actually made a tier list

      Eh, with how many "lore" shows we've been getting since the 00s it became a problem with Cinemaphile stuff as well. Recently amphibia did that one "asspull special power" and there are others that do it as well. As the comic implies it's problem with ya fiction in general.

      • 7 months ago

        Amphibia had foreshadowed things since episode 1, dude.
        I was there on the thread when homosexuals where obsessing about the blue eyes despite it being a single frame that could easily be mistaken for an animation error.

        • 7 months ago

          >Amphibia had foreshadowed things since episode 1, dude.
          For almost every example you could use the "it was foreshadowed by this 1 piece of dialogue or scene" when in reality you need a little more than that. I thought amphibia was on the right road but then they really crashed at the landing.

    • 7 months ago

      Huh? This is absolutely a thing in comics. Especially indie comics.

  11. 7 months ago

    Its true. Some people are mean to lose.

    • 7 months ago


      Speaking of foreshadowing, has anyone here watched The Laughing Salesman?

      • 7 months ago

        Some people are just meant to be the runner up. The second place. The guy who loses so the winner can feel better. Its their fate.

        • 7 months ago

          That’s the truth.

          Have you seen The Laughing Salesman who deals almost exclusively with losers?

          • 7 months ago

            Never heard of it, no.

            • 7 months ago

              You should check it out. It’s about a “salesman” that laughs, but he laughs at his customers’ folly because most get too greedy and end up breaking a promise to disastrous, yet cleanly foreshadowed results

  12. 7 months ago

    >born with talent
    People who think like this seem to believe people are D&D who just spec into be gud at activity. Appearing to have a naturally talent at anything would involve multiple mental and physical traits, an environment that nurtures it and resources to pursue it. Plus you know actually wanting to do it. The reason people who are so supremely gifted seem rare is lining those all up is next to impossible.

    So rather than talent, be born to rich parents. Pay to win. Most people you're told are amazing just have really good PR and a lot of private tutoring.

  13. 7 months ago

    Talent is bullshit, hard work will always trump it in the end.

  14. 7 months ago

    Are you that one AIgay that was coping about their laziness by saying that talent is genetic and that you never would've been a decent artist anyway so trying would be a waste of time?

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