Red Dead Redemption II: The Movie

Could it work?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    The proposition was made 15 years ago but there's one anon that hates it

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Piers Morgan as Arthur Morgan

  3. 4 weeks ago

    It doesn't really need one, it's a masterpiece on its own as it is

  4. 4 weeks ago

    >well I dunno Dutch, just because she has an adams apple doesn't make her any less of a woman
    >Micah, you twisted psychopath, you murdered a whole town, but what I really can stand about you is how you call Lenny "boy"
    >Sadie, I left a carton of cigarettes at your tent, you're starting to sound like a woman again so get fricking smoking

    • 4 weeks ago

      frick arthurposting is so good

    • 4 weeks ago

      , I left a carton of cigarettes at your tent, you're starting to sound like a woman again so get fricking smoking

  5. 4 weeks ago

    The original yes. Part 2 no. Dutch is just unlikable and everyone looks stupid for repeatedly falling for trips to Tahiti. Basic ass shitty story. Part 1 feels more like a western. Get my family back. Get some revenge. Still die. Tragic. Better story. A skilled screenwriter could probably combine the story of both games to make it all work better.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    What's the story of the game about?

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      pretty much tombstone

    • 4 weeks ago

      I mean, honestly, the story is about redemption.
      About people trying to change and make up for awful choices

      • 4 weeks ago

        and ultimately still having to pay for their past misdeeds

      • 4 weeks ago

        That's only Arthur's story, not the story of the world at large

        • 4 weeks ago

          That IS Arthur's story, as well as John's
          That's the whole narrative point of the tuberculosis; to have him go through a personal change over a shorter period of time, to make it plausible. He tries, and doesn't necessarily succeed, at redeeming himself. John does the same. The title fits surprisingly well

          For sure, especially the 1000 kills thing lol. My problem with the game is that from a narrative standpoint, it didn't need to be this long, most sane people would be fed up with Dutch and the gang's direction way sooner.

          >>I also think there's a very purposeful narrative aspect of having Hosea sort of be the logical and reasonable counterpart to Dutch's charisma and ideology, and having Dutch lose his anchor when Hosea dies

          Ah, that's something we can definitely agree on. Hosea is probably one of my favorite characters, as a perfect foil to Dutch. At this point in the story, they're polar opposites, and we as the viewer only see this way. But its interesting to remember that once they were the best of friends.

          I mean from Dutch's point of view, what's he gonna do? Change? All he knows is to be a lowlife criminal scumbag, and all he has is his adopted freak family, who he needs to provide for. All he knows is this scumbag lifestyle that is slowly being eradicated, and he is in denial about it, so he makes up this big bullshit narrative about how they're liberators against the oppressive blablabla forces. It's all just a big excuse inside his own head for him to continue doing the only thing he knows

        • 4 weeks ago

          The story of the world at large is technology and civilization encroaching on the western frontièr, you can read more about it in a thing called le history book

          • 4 weeks ago

            That's it at it's most surface-level yeah, maybe you should read a couple books yourself mate

            • 4 weeks ago

              I've played the game plenty, I know the themes perfect, "mate", or were you blabbering about some other irrelevant thing?

        • 4 weeks ago

          The story of the world at large is the erosion of purpose, place, and identity in the face of the accelerating social and technological change at the tail end of the 19th century; all of which is reflected in the Van der Linde gang's attempts to stay ahead of the civilizing of the West, and is also reflected in Arthur and John's personal stories of struggling with the kind of people they are, the kind of people they want to be, and the kind of people others expect or need them to be.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >struggling with the kind of people they are, the kind of people they want to be, and the kind of people others expect or need them to be.
            > MANGOES?

    • 4 weeks ago

      How each person deals with the death of their lifestyle. Either through idealistic denial like Dutch, indecision like John, rabid aggression like Micah, or acknowledgement and acceptance like Arthur

    • 4 weeks ago

      Nothing of value, people only remember the forced ending with Marston. Plus, Arthur Morgan was never mentioned in RDR1. Even Micha was mentioned in RDR1. At the end of the day, Arthur is a filler character and one of the worst moralgays in videogames, only surpassed by Nu Kratos.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Arthur is way more likable than John, I know its hard to swallow but its the truth.

        I mean towards the conclusion, Dutch is clearly completely unhinged and has lost his mind, and the only few people who don't do shit about it are Bill and Micah, who are both completely horrible, and Javier, who seems to be... basically loyal to a fault

        Like I said earlier, Javier on the boat to guarma is in utter disbelief that Dutch wants to get the gang back together, yet goes along with it

        • 4 weeks ago

          There's a bunch of "hidden" dialogue towards the end where Javier gives everyone shit for doubting. It seems like he is convinced the problem is people are splitting up and leaving and doubting, and that if they just work as a cohesive unit, shit will work out

          I mean, he's wrong, but it is an understandable perspective. I don't think he's poorly written. And there is a lot of scenes of him in the camp throughout the game kind of being a violent piece of shit, so it's clear he's... also someone who would rather keep doing what Dutch is doing: robbing and being scumbags

          • 4 weeks ago

            He's right in that their strength comes from their commitment to the gang, but Dutch's leadership had doomed them all already no matter how brilliantly they worked together. Their only chance was killing Dutch but Arthur would never let that happen until it was too late

            • 4 weeks ago

              Yeah I mean as this guy says

              It's supposed to annoy you, just like was annoying the frick out of Arthur. Dutch became a one-trick pony that wouldn't take on any advice no matter what, especially from Arthur. It really makes you feel the blind frustration and cold shoulder that Arthur would feel. It makes you see what Dutch really is, it's perfect writing

              it's kind of the point

              I 100% buy that a person like Dutch exists, or has existed. This big-talking "ideologue" who is using it all as an excuse (probably mostly to himself) to just be a massive piece of shit. And when faced with the inevitability of all he has ever been becoming eradicated, he just goes into complete denial. And he is a toxic force just ruining the lives of everyone around him

              And I also buy these people sticking around him, because of... roughly what this guy said

              Arthur is anything but a moralgay, he's just not needlessly cruel and genuinely sees the gang as his family, which it basically is. Unlike the others who see the gang as their last resort outside of prison, prostitution or death. Most of the gang had no other choice but to be there and tolerate it, Arthur genuinely loved his gang

              Most of them just have nowhere else to go

              • 4 weeks ago

                Literally all me haha

      • 4 weeks ago

        >t.Another seething /misc/gay angry that Arthur doesn't scream Black person every 5 seconds

      • 4 weeks ago

        Arthur is anything but a moralgay, he's just not needlessly cruel and genuinely sees the gang as his family, which it basically is. Unlike the others who see the gang as their last resort outside of prison, prostitution or death. Most of the gang had no other choice but to be there and tolerate it, Arthur genuinely loved his gang

    • 4 weeks ago

      Faith, unironically.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Its kind of a movie already

  8. 4 weeks ago

    >makes Cinemaphile seethe because arthur isn't a frothing at the mouth racist in the name of "le historical accuracy"
    >ignores that the entire premise of cowboy outlaws and showdowns and 90% of the plot is completely made up and based on hollywood movies (which are based on myth and japanese movies)
    >oh but the main character of a AAA game doesn't say Black person every 5 seconds, i can't wantonly kill the native americans, fricking WOKE bullshit game how historically inaccurate
    Anyway you could make a live action show work with a good cast and a focus on the core element of Arthur's character arc (specifically him buying into Dutch's bullshit but coming to realise he's wasted his life following a narcissitic con man) while cutting out all the filler.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I have never seen anyone on Cinemaphile ever discuss the plot of the game.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >I have never seen anyone on Cinemaphile ever discuss the plot of the game.
        because you're a nugay
        when it was released it was burning down /misc/ and Cinemaphile

        > i get to reuse a 5 year old image library

        • 4 weeks ago

          >sneeding on Cinemaphile because of Cinemaphile sneed from literally half a decade ago
          anon.... let it go... the game only has 2 and a half good chapters..... the Cinemaphileirgins were redeemed with time.... rdr1 is the better game.... it's over.

          • 4 weeks ago

            No, the only thing RDR did better was Mexico > Guarma for the fish out of water section, and RDR1 Online was waayy better than RDR2 online. Which was ruined by GTA Online existing.

            • 4 weeks ago


              • 4 weeks ago

                Your chart for RDR2 looks incorrect.

              • 4 weeks ago

                post yours

          • 4 weeks ago

            >the game only has 2 and a half good chapters
            the war rages on
            > I am the Quantrill Raiders to Gaymer Reconstruction

            Be me
            > Game releases only on console - BUY a console just for this
            > fantastically lush graphics and score through snowy mountains - wow
            > Endless unskippable monologues before you're allowed to do anything - what?
            > finally able to free roam only to find out you're a part of some socialist circus troupe full of Black folk, trannies, and lesbians. Zero based rugged white male characters
            ---- return the game immediately ------
            years pass, now available on PC
            > purchase PC game for the online play
            > online play is working for a woman
            > where your supervisor is a Black person
            ----- immediately refund the fricking game -----

    • 4 weeks ago

      I can't even begin to count how many Black folk I killed by dragging behind my horse. Arthur my have momentary lapses in judgement when he says he has non- white friends, but the vast majority of the game he makes the Klan's kill count look like child's play.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Well yeah of course, it is practically already a movie (and a good one) so adapting it wouldn't be hard.

    You can also just watch The Wild Bunch and The Outlaw Josey Wales though

    • 4 weeks ago

      >You can also just watch The Wild Bunch and The Outlaw Josey Wales though
      movies that are the polar opposite of RDR2

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Now see here Dutch, if a man wants to identify as a woman, she aught to be able to seeing as how it’s the 20th century now, ya hear?

  11. 4 weeks ago

    arthur would make a sick western protag, admittedly i never finished RDR2 because that fricking panama section took me wayyy out of it, RDR1 was a better overall experience

    • 4 weeks ago

      This^ is bait kids

      • 4 weeks ago

        tbf guarma did suck ass

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yeah but by that point how many hours were spent playing?

          • 4 weeks ago

            plenty, but it sucks we never got the full island

      • 4 weeks ago

        no it wasnt bait im an enormous fan of the first game but 2 was near unfinishable, another huge detail was the how nofun allowed the lawbreaking was in this alleged cowboy outlaw game, didn't matter if you were masked or you killed the witnesses they are gonna have a bounty on your ass, worked a lot better in 1

        • 4 weeks ago

          >enormous fan of the first game but 2 was near unfinishable
          Red Dead was a franchise 20 years in the making.
          > First person SHOOTER
          > of course, you NEED a Wild West game
          turned into an open-world GTA style game with Gen3 console advancements
          > RDR had everything a Western could be in the story of a waning gunslinger

          Fans want more - need to follow up, but can't go FORWARD because the last game was the END of the Old West.
          MAKE A PREQUEL!!
          Gen5 console technology with vast open world, huge maps....anything was possible
          What does anyone think of with Westerns?
          > Outlaw Josey Wales
          > Unforgiven
          > 3:10 to Yuma
          > Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
          > High Noon
          > True Grit
          > Tombstone
          > Deadwood
          > The Searchers
          > Fistful of Dollars
          > Magnificent Seven (original)
          > Apaloosa
          > Vera Cruz
          Guys with big balls on horses where anything goes

          RDR2 comes out
          > fat dyke purple hair troony Black person socialist israeli dogshit
          > ZERO ties to "Old West" lore
          lol - gaymers never learn

    • 4 weeks ago

      >arthur would make a sick western protag
      "would make"? he IS

      >i never finished RDR2 because that fricking panama section took me wayyy out of it
      That section is like 2 hours long

  12. 4 weeks ago

    video games will never be able to make a realistically racist main character that's never followed up with a preachy scene to show why he's incorrect and actually shown to be correct in his prejudices more often than not

    • 4 weeks ago

      >that's never followed up with a preachy scene
      If you ignore the show constantly showing italians as violent wiggers, sure.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >followed up with a preachy scene
      doesn't need to be preachy
      just anti-white

  13. 4 weeks ago

    Watched a old movie that had similar actors looking like the ones in RDR2.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    no because the storys not very good
    rdr1 had a much better story(and Dialogue) and playing rdr2 felt like a parody of rdr1

    • 4 weeks ago

      that and the game peaks in chapter 2, after that it's a continuous downward slide in fun until the end, then it picks up again with the epilogue only to go back down when john goes on his re-union tours
      The epilogue as it stands is wasted potential, it should've been john and uncle alone attempting to pay off their home loan either through legal (cattle ranching, bounty hunting) or illegal means with the interest rate on the loan being so exorbitant john is almost forced to resort to bounty hunting to pay it off which would lead into the beginning of rdr1 and would explain why the government was willing to force him to hunt bill williamson instead of just killing john.

      There could potentially be 3 endings for this
      1. the player somehow pays back to loans via legal non-bounty hunting means in which john and abagail get their non-canon happy ever after as an almost impossible easter egg
      2. The player takes up bounty hunting and some mild crime to pay the loan which results in government attention and leads to edgar ross and the fbi kidnapping him and his family which leads to RDR1 as the canon ending
      3. The player pays back the loan via mostly criminal means which results in receiving the RDR1 ending early and the player gets hunted down and killed by the police

      RDR2s epilogue is just wasted potential kino
      Imagine the above bounty hunting idea where the player is taking randomly generated bounty after bounty to pay off the debts and then the player finds a wanted poster of micah bell for $10000 which then leads to the dutch micah shootout on the mountain instead of it just being some gay idea saddie cooks up and john goes along with just because the devs needed a way to kill off micah. With this there will be an actual motive for john to take the risk(or not) and go after micah and dutch

      • 4 weeks ago

        RDR2s epilogue is honestly fine, but only once. I cannot imagine playing it again. The whole reason its good is because its an extremely unique experience the first time through, without being spoiled. It unfolds in a mysterious but intriguing way. There are funny moments and tense moments, which make the tragedy we know is coming even more bitter. And that's what makes it good.

      • 4 weeks ago

        in addition it would justify the epilogue free roam mode which some autists have complained about
        >why is john fricking about in the middle of no where if he has a family and a house? this is moronic
        would turn into
        >of course he's fricking around in the wilderness he has to pay off those fricking bank loans.

      • 4 weeks ago

        This is pretty much how I imagined the epilogue would be when John actually got accepted for the loan
        An endgame free roam with the bank loan being the justification for any and all of the players actions and getting to pay off the loan with activities like buck breaking and night watch returning from rdr1 and a mix of randomly generated and non generated bounty’s until Micah shows up and you kill him in a final showdown
        Boy was I disappointed

      • 4 weeks ago

        great post, it's good to see that i wasn't the only one dissapointed with the epilogue

        • 4 weeks ago

          The epilogue in my honest opinion is mostly fine when you're considering in the fact Mexico itself got cut for content, and a bunch of stuff west of Blackwater.

          My biggest complaint in the prologue is a minor one, and it is my biggest, and that's the section in the epilogue where you're rushing into Strawberry to find Cleet, and you get the option to hang him or let him go, and if you select the let Cleet go option as John, Sadies self-righteous c**t ego shoots Cleet dead anyways.

          I don't even care that Sadie is the one bringing up the whole plot to get revenge on Micah. John was just trying to be an honest man, which from everything he saw Arthur sacrifice to try and give him the life to do it, I do not mind an outside force being the one to goad him into actually doing it.

          Really loved the whole house building segment.

          • 4 weeks ago

            The epilogue is alright, but god damn was it disappointing as frick to ride west of Blackwater after a whole game of it being off-limits and there's just NOTHING out there.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >there's just NOTHING out there.
              you get what you fricking deserve
              for playing the entire woke campaign

  15. 4 weeks ago

    never understood people who liked RDR2 more than 1. Bigger world yes but less compelling story and online is a gridfest when 1 was very fun

    • 4 weeks ago

      because its the most ambitious video game ever made

  16. 4 weeks ago

    No, for the same reason gta would be pointless. These stories are already a string of movie parodies and references. That said, Mortal Kombat had the same type of premise but the first movie was dope. Probably because kung fu movies are moronic anyway

  17. 4 weeks ago

    Just watch a bunch of spaghetti westerns, they're basically the same thing.

    • 4 weeks ago

      nah, rdr2 was almost exclusively based on american westerns

  18. 4 weeks ago

    Movie, no
    TV-show, yes
    But honestly... what would be the point? In terms of storytelling, the game is absolute peak tier, better than pretty much 99% of all TV-shows

    • 4 weeks ago

      if it wasn't for sadie's girl power moments i would agree. dutch is also extremely moronic in the game but i also entertain the theory of him having brain damage so that might work

      • 4 weeks ago

        I think Dutch is a 10/10 character, and there's so many fricking interesting nuanced scenes with him, many that are completely misable
        For example there's a scene where a drunk Uncle basically calls Dutch the frick out, and Dutch is clearly annoyed and threatens to kill him, almost losing his cool, but then laughs it off and pretends like it was a joke, and its clear Uncle has a sort of relationship as a court jester, being kind of the only one who gets away with saying that shit
        And Dutch is charismatic, and occasionally kind and compassionate towards weak souls, and understandably paranoid. And he does have a sort of low cunning that is impressive, albeit small minded. He is an impressive person, even though he is also a simple-minded idiot and a completely evil bastard. I think throughout the game, some people probably think he changes for the worse, but I think he just gradually reveals what a complete piece of shit he is

        • 4 weeks ago

          I will not disagree with you in that he is well voice acted, animated, and brought to live in a convincing way. I recall the scene you're speaking about well, and its very well done. He is a believable silver tongued leader. But his decisions are utter buffoonery. It really get's out of hand when they're on the boat leaving guarma, where he's saying that they have to find everyone again and regroup. The story is just so insane and the suspension of disbelief is so destroyed by this point that Dutch's incessant cries of "One more job!" or "One more score!" just becomes comical.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I understand what you're saying and I do agree that having there be gameplay and missions does kinda require suspending disbelief (I mean, Arthur probably kills like over 1000 people), but I do actually buy is incessant naive stupidity of just. "it's about to be all good". And the narrative does address it by having most of the characters go increasingly disillusioned, with probably the biggest exception being Bill, who its clear doesn't doubt him because this is the only group who will ever ever accept such a socially inept, sexually deviant, evil moron as himself.

            I also think there's a very purposeful narrative aspect of having Hosea sort of be the logical and reasonable counterpart to Dutch's charisma and ideology, and having Dutch lose his anchor when Hosea dies

            • 4 weeks ago

              For sure, especially the 1000 kills thing lol. My problem with the game is that from a narrative standpoint, it didn't need to be this long, most sane people would be fed up with Dutch and the gang's direction way sooner.

              >>I also think there's a very purposeful narrative aspect of having Hosea sort of be the logical and reasonable counterpart to Dutch's charisma and ideology, and having Dutch lose his anchor when Hosea dies

              Ah, that's something we can definitely agree on. Hosea is probably one of my favorite characters, as a perfect foil to Dutch. At this point in the story, they're polar opposites, and we as the viewer only see this way. But its interesting to remember that once they were the best of friends.

          • 4 weeks ago

            That's the point. Dutch didn't have a fricking clue how to save his gang, he just kept repeating the same old line to play for time and avoid criticism. He knew it would all come crashing down but he ran that gang on fumes for as far as he could

            • 4 weeks ago

              For sure, but it just gets silly for a bit before the actual conclusion occurs and Arthur confronts Dutch.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I mean towards the conclusion, Dutch is clearly completely unhinged and has lost his mind, and the only few people who don't do shit about it are Bill and Micah, who are both completely horrible, and Javier, who seems to be... basically loyal to a fault

              • 4 weeks ago

                It's supposed to annoy you, just like was annoying the frick out of Arthur. Dutch became a one-trick pony that wouldn't take on any advice no matter what, especially from Arthur. It really makes you feel the blind frustration and cold shoulder that Arthur would feel. It makes you see what Dutch really is, it's perfect writing

              • 4 weeks ago

                Its not so much annoyance, just suspension of disbelief being broken too soon. Another anon ITT said it but the game peaks at chapter 2, then goes down hill until basically the end where it gets good again. Rhodes is boring filler with a predictable plot. St Dennis is great from a visual and gameplay standpoint - its very unique but the Dutch trusting the Italians was just pure contrivance. And then there's guarma, which, once again, is very cool from a gameplay standpoint but the game gets silly from here until beaver hollow.

                He's right in that their strength comes from their commitment to the gang, but Dutch's leadership had doomed them all already no matter how brilliantly they worked together. Their only chance was killing Dutch but Arthur would never let that happen until it was too late

                There's a bunch of "hidden" dialogue towards the end where Javier gives everyone shit for doubting. It seems like he is convinced the problem is people are splitting up and leaving and doubting, and that if they just work as a cohesive unit, shit will work out

                I mean, he's wrong, but it is an understandable perspective. I don't think he's poorly written. And there is a lot of scenes of him in the camp throughout the game kind of being a violent piece of shit, so it's clear he's... also someone who would rather keep doing what Dutch is doing: robbing and being scumbags

                Have you guys heard of the Dutch brain damage theory? Theres this idea that throughout the game he gets multiple head injuries, and one is even mentioned to have occurred before Chapter 1, and he progressively gets more deranged and insane following these injuries + after pivotal events like Hosea dying. I thought it was interesting and it kind of checks out. By RDR1 he's just openly murdering young women like he did on the boat in Blackwater.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I'm not disputing the brain damage theory, but that's not how I see it. I just think the law increasingly cracking down on him, and cities getting bigger, are making it harder, ultimately impossible, for him to thrive as a lowlife scumbag bandit. And so he goes increasingly desperate, increasingly paranoid. And when Hosea dies, he loses his only moral compass, which Hosea provided for him. And so he just becomes more and more deluded. And then more and more of his trusted friends start dying, or doubting him, and he learns there's a snitch, even two snitches, and he just just... understandably loses it completely

                I don't think he changes throughout the game, I think he just reveals more and more of who he really is. He was always a crazy piece of shit, but he had conveniences that enabled him to hide it

                But maybe he did get brain damage, I don't know, just not how I interpreted it

              • 4 weeks ago

                To be fair when you get to Rhodes is the first time in the game you are properly free to do whatever you want and mess around in the world. On my first playthrough I was glad of the slower pace of the story just so I could explore and learn the mechanics and get a feel for just how dense the world was before I got sucked back into the story

              • 4 weeks ago

                >On my first playthrough I was glad of the slower pace of the story just so I could explore and learn the mechanics and get a feel for just how dense the world was before I got sucked back into the story
                I would agree if it didn't take 2.5 chapters for the plot to become good again

                No because video games suck and this game is boring and gay. Arthur is a boring and lame protag.

                thank you for the 2nd grade reading level analysis there bud

              • 4 weeks ago

                Fair enough but I appreciated it even more on my second play through because I focused on hunting and upgrading my camp and equipment, which also lead to dozens of new random interactions I'd never seen before, and the multitude of largely inconsequential missions meant I could break up my time with fun main missions and then go back to hunting/fishing/helping NPCs

              • 4 weeks ago

                On my second run. I stopped playing after Valentine. Wish I could have skipped to Beaver Hollow

              • 4 weeks ago

                If the story missions are your main priority on your second play through then you're doing it wrong, with all love and respect

              • 4 weeks ago

                Also, in defense of the relative stability of the gang during that stage of game; that's exactly what it is, stability. It gives you just long enough to appreciate, and then get used to, the lifestyle that Arthur and Dutch had known all their lives. You miss that easy, ripe-for-the-picking time that you just got a glimpse of and knew it was only a shadow of what their gang would've experienced and got away with when Arthur was a young man or a boy. When the tone changes and everything breaks down and you become hemmed in by bounties and illness and civilisation, you really understand what it is that Arthur has lost. Again, phenomenal writing

              • 4 weeks ago

                >brain damage theory
                this is often touted but contradicts the established lore and message of RDR: that people reveal their true nature of over time, fatalism prevails. Dutch killed the girl on the ferry not because he bumped his head, but because that's what he does when in a high pressure situation and needs to make a get away, or just when he feels the need to exert his power over others.

              • 4 weeks ago

                its both z:^)

  19. 4 weeks ago

    kinda superfluous
    I like the game, but it already is cinematic

  20. 4 weeks ago

    No it would be a 6 season HBO series.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    it already is, just play the game

  22. 4 weeks ago

    >make movie based off Western film themes
    >"omg they should make a movie of this!"

  23. 4 weeks ago

    it already is a fricking movie you fricking moron

  24. 4 weeks ago

    It could work because the intro to this game is super boring and feels like it wants to be a movie. Barely touched the story after that, just wanted to explore the map and actually play.

  25. 4 weeks ago

    No because video games suck and this game is boring and gay. Arthur is a boring and lame protag.

  26. 4 weeks ago

    Triology series.
    First part ends after they burn down braithwaite

    Entire 2nd movie takes place around St. Denis

    and the failed heist, into the escape to Guarma
    Third movie is Guarma, final chapters, and ends with post credit John Marston, Charles, and Uncle building the house with the house building theme playing.

    Then you can have a sequel series about the original red dead with John Marston as the lead.
    Only downside is how you'd cast Marston whose largely a side character for the first 3 movies, then have them be the starring role for the 4th one onward.

  27. 4 weeks ago

    Brain damage isn't really a theory so much as heavily implied by the game to be the cause of dutch going insane

    4:14 wacks head bad
    11:52 "i don't feel so good"
    that and his demeanour begins to change rapidly after this mission

  28. 4 weeks ago

    >Could it work?
    isn't that what the remake of Magnificent Seven was?
    > woke diversity dogshit running based Western lore into the ground

  29. 4 weeks ago

    But I already played it and saw the story. How about just another new well made western?

  30. 4 weeks ago

    >Red Dead Redemption II: The Movie
    watch the first 20 minutes of
    > The Great Silence


    its what RDR sold you it was
    turns out to be CuckFest

  31. 4 weeks ago

    >hey John, let's rob Dutch and betray him
    >NOOO Dutch, why are you betraying me and John

  32. 4 weeks ago

    >Marriage? A sacred institution? Heh, it's anything but in my experience, brother, I can tell you that. If two fellers wanna tie the knot, who am I ta say no? If the Lord ain't judged our gang, I'd say he's been takin' some time off the job, yer probably safe. Heh heh. Have at it, I say.

    >Abortion? Well, that's a rough one. Bit of a tough pill to swaller. At first, I didn't rightly take kindly to the idea of killin' babies, but Dutch gave me this ole thick science book and I pretty much surmised that well, that thing is about as human as Micah here, which is lackin' to say the least, heh. Hell, I'd say a gal has the right to choose.

    >A gal? As president? Well, what I can tell ya is its been nothin' but fellers since this whole thing here started up and what have we got? A bunch of other dead fellers. What have we got ta lose? I reckon' tryin' a gal's touch wouldn't do anyone no harm. If weakness is a concern of yours, I promise you some of the ladies runnin' in my gang would probably make Old Hickory look like a nancy in comparison. Hell, I'd reckon its her turn.

    >Lettin' a black feller do yer wife? Well, if the old lady's havin' fun, who am I to deny her that? I reckon that feller's got a bigger one than me anyway. Besides, we gotta pay some back for that whole slavery bid'ness we did to them. Dutch raised me and I ain't his real son, so I'll raise my wife's son, whether he's black or white.

    >Cuttin off yer willie sure sound silly but I reckon a feller might as well chop it off he ain't goin use it. And i suppose a wig can't do harm neither, heck men use to wear em all the time back in oldin' days.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Arthur posting
      pure chanstalgia

  33. 4 weeks ago
  34. 4 weeks ago
  35. 4 weeks ago
  36. 4 weeks ago

    produce a sequel to one of the most beloved breakthrough experience
    > remove all the things that made it great

    > a politically correct "shaky" in RDR2

  37. 4 weeks ago

    >Finally, a movie about the old west!

  38. 4 weeks ago

    No because the story is dime a dozen. It only works in vidya due to novelty.

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