Redhead to black

We all have observed this phenomenon, but I want to understand the motivations behind it. Does anyone have insider information from people in the industry? These redesigns can only be deliberate, I doubt the creators and artists just do it on a whim

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  1. 10 months ago

    That's what I wanna know too. When it just started happening I figured they were just randomly blackwashing characters, but now it certainly seems deliberately done to redhaired characters.
    I've seen a few theories pop up- one of them is that blacks hate redheads because they're colorful. Blacks associate themselves with 'color' and wypipo with 'blandness, nothingness, the absence of color', redheads throw a cork into that and it upsets them.
    The other theory is that redheads are an objective minority, aka there's very little of them in the world. Whereas blacks are a 'social' minority, aka theres tons of them, they're only considered a minority due to historical events. They don't like it, they wanna take the minority role back.
    Maybe, perhaps the simplest reason, is that redheads are most commonly noteworthy yet forgotten characters, easy to grab and take.

    • 10 months ago

      True, the israelites want to genocide us and erase our history.

    • 10 months ago

      >The other theory is that redheads are an objective minority, aka there's very little of them in the world.

      Redheads are actually overrepresented in comics and cartoons simply because red hair is visually distinctive. So, movie makers who want to include more black characters have a surplus of redheads to "borrow" from.

  2. 10 months ago

    There are way more black actors in America than redhead actors

    • 10 months ago

      So that's why they hire specifically blacks to play specifically redheads, instead of just having a lightskinned person dye their hair.
      Tell me anon, if you were baking a cake and ran out of sugar, would you use honey, or fish oil?

      • 10 months ago

        Why do that when according to the algorithm raceswaping minor characters will boost engagement and without alienating viewers. People even pretend to be outrage over a side character from a product that sold horrible. A CEO will have to be stupid not to do that.

  3. 10 months ago

    ginger is an anagram

  4. 10 months ago

    As far as i know,red head characters are over represented because artist/writers/execs would have a character be redhead to point out it's a special character, now they turn them black to point out it's special. Same gimmick,different execution.

  5. 10 months ago

    Gingers aren't gonna fight back
    Who's gonna take your seriously if you say redheads specifically need protecting?

    • 10 months ago

      Op pick only have 4 gingers though.

      • 10 months ago

        All redheads are gingers

        • 10 months ago

          >All redheads are gingers

          • 10 months ago

            Not a redhead
            Her friend with purple hair isn't a purple head
            You're not a blonde unless you're naturally blonde, you just have a dye job

    • 10 months ago

      Red heads are the unironic true minorities

  6. 10 months ago

    They see a red hair and they want it painted black.

    • 10 months ago

      Ironic, considering usually blacks are the ones who paint everything red

      • 10 months ago

        That is lame enough, along with missing the pop culture reference, that I'd believe Hank made the comment

  7. 10 months ago

    The 11D Arthurian Grail lines are the Celtic-Druid Grail Bloodlines that reside within Ireland and Scotland, which has the highest percentage of people with naturally red hair. Thus, sadly the ongoing covert genocidal agendas to eradicate these lineages that hold the genetic records of the Celtic-Druid Grail Bloodlines have a long history of repeated campaigns known as the Celtic Massacres and Druid sacrifices. The current transmissions of military grade psychological weaponry have a special dehumanization flavor for targeting the white skinned, red-haired peoples of all ages, especially those that have direct genetic connections to the 11th Tribe’s Irish and Scottish lands, that house the 11D stargates and are the main locations of the crystalline grid control systems of the Albion network. The Controllers are doing all they can to put the genie back in the bottle, as the demoralization strategies have become blaringly obvious in the outerscape as they attempt to damage the awakening 11th Tribe genetics, with assorted slow kill methods and replacement strategies that are currently running at full tilt throughout the United Kingdom.

    • 10 months ago

      Red hair is not exclusive to Celts

  8. 10 months ago

    You notice in the gods aliens and mermaids I don't care about having your own hair color be the same why are we not getting God's aliens and mermaids to play there species instead of humans?

  9. 10 months ago

    it's simpler than you think

    1. AAA redhead actors are rare
    2. you need a token black

    the math writes itself

  10. 10 months ago

    Because media corporations don't want to be associated with the kind of person like OP that can't go a single day without complaining that he saw a black person

    • 10 months ago

      does the pattern not make you at very least curious?

    • 10 months ago

      I wouldn't care if other types of character were changed as well. It's disproportionate with redheads. Why not make them Native American, Inuit, or Aboriginal Australian, for example? I don't know, there's something at play here

      • 10 months ago

        >I wouldn't care if other types of character were changed as well.
        They are.
        >Why not make them Native American, Inuit, or Aboriginal Australian, for example?
        They do. Anons only complain when it's black.
        Look at Velma. They made Velma Indian, the showrunners said day one she was Indian, but because Brown Skin + Outrage, we had a ton of anons insist she was a Black.

        • 10 months ago

          Velma's case is easy to rationalise. Mindy Kaling wanted to self-insert. I have no Idea why she made Daphne Asian, however
          >They do
          Please give some examples. I'm not challenging or doubting you, I just want to know more

          • 10 months ago

            >Please give some examples.
            There's a whole tv tropes page that catalogues race changes and even sorts them by majority to minority, minority to minority, minority to majority, etc.
            But that just causes anons to go
            >tv tropes! you acknowledged another website exists so I win!

  11. 10 months ago

    1. Natural red heads are rare in Hollywood, so rather than having someone perform in ginger face, you switch them out for the diversity the media was missing.

    2. Real red heads more often have freckles. Look at that line up, only 3 of them are freckled.

    3. Red heads were over represented in Cinemaphile media.

    4. Red heads often already were the diversity. You get another white person with another type of genetics.

    5. These redheads are often supporting, meaning they aren't the bigger icon with the more marketable image.

    6. Again RED HEADS WERE OVER REPRESENTED and it wasn't out of some pro-Irish activism, it was just a nice design choice.

  12. 10 months ago

    The kid from Deadpool isn't black though, so why's he here?

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