Reply with a plot-hole, and Ill try to make it make sense

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 12 months ago

    Why do hot dogs come in packages of ten, and hot dog buns come in packages of eight?

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        That's something Gwen could never be.

        • 12 months ago

          Shut the frick up already

    • 12 months ago

      So you’ll always have extra of one of them. Then you’ll have to buy more of the one you’re missing, which is more money for big hot dog/big hot dog buns

    • 12 months ago

      to encourage experimentation

      • 12 months ago

        That explains a lot about the executive decisions made regarding Gwen

  2. 12 months ago

    Miles mentioned how Gwen loves to give him big red chilidog prolapses. How did Miles sit down without a special pillow? Does he just sit on the prolapse?

    • 12 months ago

      >give him big red chilidog prolapses
      Zach Hadel?

  3. 12 months ago

    Why all of the spidermen couldn't catch Miles? At the start of the movie we see Miles having problems with spot, as he is still a newbie, however he has no problems against most experienced spidermen

    • 12 months ago

      Peter Parker being an incompetent emasculated ytboi is a Canon Event.

      • 12 months ago

        Peter parkers weren't the only ones chasing him

    • 12 months ago

      Spider-Men usually work alone, and they were getting in each other’s way and actually stopping each other from catching Miles. If it was a fight instead of a straight chase he definitely would have lost.

      • 12 months ago

        That's weak, we don't see that being an actual problem, and even then there is a limit, always a big fricking group like that is way better against one, we are not talking about a group of ten, and even then the big bad Miguel lost against him on his own

        • 12 months ago

          The fact that the scene is comedic is always gonna make the explanation a little tenuous, I understand where you’re coming from. The only other thing is they were trying to corner him rather than catch up to him. And Miguel only lost against Miles because of his shitty black superhero electricity powers. If you ignore that, Miguel literally had him by the throat.

          • 12 months ago

            >The fact that the scene is comedic is always gonna make the explanation a little tenuous
            Yeah, they didn't know how to mix seriousness and comedy very well

            • 12 months ago

              Agreed, ITSV does a much better job. The humor overall I found to be lacking. I appreciate giving more character to Gwen, but I found her quips to not be particularly funny.

              • 12 months ago

                For Gwen i feel like it was a good introduction, but only that, and they seem like they won't do that much with her life outside of the Miles problem anymore

        • 12 months ago

          >we don't see that being an actual problem
          Yes we do. We literally have 1 spider-man punch another spider-man in the face trying to hit Miles.
          It happens multiple times that 1 spidey webs up another accidentally etc.

    • 12 months ago

      That's weak, we don't see that being an actual problem, and even then there is a limit, always a big fricking group like that is way better against one, we are not talking about a group of ten, and even then the big bad Miguel lost against him on his own

      Spider-Men usually work alone, and they were getting in each other’s way and actually stopping each other from catching Miles. If it was a fight instead of a straight chase he definitely would have lost.

      Spider-sense. Miles was the only one actively in any danger, the rest were trying to catch him which means unless they were about to smash into each other trying to get him it was never activating.

      • 12 months ago

        Going by that logic, things like cars are a challenge when they're swinging.

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah, probably.

    • 12 months ago

      Spider-man's main quirk and the only reason he is able to compete with foes much bigger and stronger than him is because he is slippery.
      It only makes sense that being slippery would be effective against him as well.

  4. 12 months ago

    Why does Gwen have a pener?

  5. 12 months ago

    Black person being heroic

  6. 12 months ago

    Why did'nt the spiders tried to stop Spot as soon as he got powers? Considered they organized in the first place because of the events of the first movie, shouldn't they be wathcing Miles' dimension like a hawk considering it was the source of all this mess?

    • 12 months ago

      They only monitor events that affect the canon or multiverse or whatever, they only started to care about Spot when he started dimension hopping

  7. 12 months ago

    I'm fine with it; liked the movie don't give a shit about Cinemaphile's cultural war with blacks.

    • 12 months ago

      Improper semicolon use.

      • 12 months ago

        >implying there's a proper way to use a semicolon
        It's meme punctuation and you can't convince me otherwise.

  8. 12 months ago

    Miguel O'Hara, the leader of this advanced almost like civilitation... Why he was so stupid to tell Miles everything before the event happened?
    >no Miles just let your dad die... That should convince him

    • 12 months ago

      He’s not emotionally intelligent and expected Miles to react more reasonably. He did show him a universe collapsing and his fake family disappearing, which I feel like should convince most people.

      • 12 months ago

        >which I feel like should convince most people.
        Yeah, that didn't affect him that much, my main problem with this movie is that it tried too much at the same time, and din't focus almost in anything

        • 12 months ago

          Same, the last movie had a very coherent arc (Miles growing into Spider-Man/Anyone can wear the mask), but there’s so much going on with this movie that it feels very weak and unfocused.

    • 12 months ago

      Characters not doing the optimal choice Is not a plot hole, otherwise slasher films wouldn't exist

      • 12 months ago

        I am saying it doesn't make sense, he is not some moron, he is the leader of this whole interdimentional organization, inmersion broken

        • 12 months ago

          As far as Miguel knows, Miles had just personally stopped a canon event and saw the consequences of doing so immediately after.
          He saw Miles walk into headquarters staffed by hundreds of Spiders. All there to pool their knowledge, expertise, and innovation with the best they can all manage being...containment.
          He showed Miles an up close and personal recording of what happens when canon isn't adhered to and nobody's there to enact containment.
          Miguel assumed Miles would understand "Dead Captain" stops things from turning into "Dead Captain, Dead Family, Dead World, Dead Universe".
          Tldr writers are stupid and wrote bendis' pet into being worse than detractors could have.

  9. 12 months ago

    I’m very surprised no one posted about more canon or multiverse bullshit. As far as I’m concerned it breaks the story easy.

  10. 12 months ago

    Why do they never acknowledge Ben's past? How do canon events work for him? Does he have to repeat them or does he inherit them from his time as Peter? If Peter has one after Ben was cloned does Ben then have to go through it on his own as well?

    • 12 months ago

      I know it’s a cop-out, but my first explanation for Ben is that it’s an alternate version of him with different history. Personality totally off, him being a clone never mentioned.
      My best answer that considers Ben to be Ben Reilly is 1. him being a clone is probably a touchy subject 2. he technically never got bit by the spider, so he’s similar to what I think Mayday probably is: a person born/made with spider powers but not technically in the web of life and destiny. They could have just brought him on for the extra help. Of course, people like Spider-Ham and Miguel are some notable exceptions to the bit by a spider thing, but nevertheless they still gained their powers after being born.

      • 12 months ago

        Assuming Ben is still a clone, why is he on Miguel's side when his deterministic view of canon events is completely at odds with him trying to be his own man who is not Peter Parker

        • 12 months ago

          The whole canon thing doesn’t really mean he’s not his own person, as there are several spider men who aren’t Peter Parker.

          • 12 months ago

            Because you can’t reconcile Ben’s innate desire to create a life of his own with the idea that all spider powered people have to follow the same story beats. Ben would reject that idea because it goes against everything he’s trying to achieve in his life

  11. 12 months ago

    >why does the spider-council tell Miles about his dad's death when the whole plan up until that point was to keep him in the dark (Peter and Gwen don't visit for that reason)
    >why does the spider-council go along with Miguel's canon events story when his example is him replacing another dead Miguel's life which has nothing to do with preventing canon events
    >why does the spider-council think Spot's decay holes are the incursions Miguel showed
    >why does Miguel think a captain dying is a canon event that has to happen or the multiverse collapses but a spider coming in from another dimension, preventing that Spider-Man from happening, and causing Peter A to die prematurely so Miles can take his place aren't canon event disruptions that would collapse both regular Miles and 42-Miles' dimensions
    >why does Miguel think Miles has to go through the canon events if he's an anomaly that was never supposed to be Spider-Man
    >why does Gwen's dad quitting the force avert his fate as dying in a canon event and why did no other Spider-Man think of doing that before
    >why can they save India's universe but not Miles'
    >why doesn't Gwen say her universe is fine even though she saved her dad from the bullet in the first movie
    >why do Spot and Miles have precognition for some reason
    >why is everyone trusting the contrarian anarchist Spider-Punk
    >why do all the Spider-Men blindly trust an algorithm that the AI that made it isn't sure about
    >why aren't Peter A's 1610's canon events enough to keep the 1610 universe in check
    >why is Gwen fine with being told falling for Spider-Man and her dying is her canon event
    >why do they let Gwen hang out in the multiverse permanently when it should be preventing her canon events
    >why do they send Gwen to handle Spot in Miles' universe when they know she's a liability
    >why do they all hang out in the Citadel when they should be busy in their own universes
    >why can't they just check the teleport machine's records to see where Miles went at the end

    • 12 months ago

      1. I guess their next plan was to try to reason with him(which is why Peter played good cop and brought Mayday). They must’ve thought Miles would’ve react more rationally, considering the consequences.
      2. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to assume that Miguel’s insertion into that new reality violated some sort of unforeseen canon event. The only foreign element that Miguel knew about entering that universe was him, and then the universe ended shortly after. The only problem is that I have to assumr canon events are in every universe and not only unique to universes with Spider-Men.
      3. I’ll be honest, I don’t exactly remember if Spot left a hole, or a hole just appeared after Miles violated the canon.I don’t think he left any holes anywhere else, so they’re probably pretty sure they’re incursions.
      4. I figure the Spider bite is the inciting incident that connects a Spider-Man to the web of life of destiny and all that canon shit. So no spider bite, no spider man canon. And I guess a Spider-Man dying doesn’t violate any canons
      5. I guess he’s an anomaly that’s still connected to the web of life and destiny. He shouldn’t exist, but he’s connected nonetheless.
      6. I’ll be frank dude, this is just straight bullshit lmao. That’s like the first thing most people would think of. The only thing that would fix this is this proving all the canon stuff is bullshit
      6. Saving a universe isn’t always a guaranteed thing
      7. I think the captain just has to die eventually. I’m sure in the original run of ASM Peter saved Captain Stacy a couple of times before he actually died.
      8. They “fused” for a brief moment when the collider exploded in Spider-Man Indias universe. For the record, I think this is a bullshit moment.
      9. He probably proved himself to the Spider-Men, like they think he’s just be annoying but will still get the job done regardless
      (Cont. in the next comment)

      • 12 months ago

        fricked up the numbering on that

      • 12 months ago

        >And I guess a Spider-Man dying doesn’t violate any canons
        So if a Spider-Man dies young, what happens with the canon events that didn't happen yet? Do they break the multiverse as well for not happening, or should the Spider-Society's solution be to turn the death cult into a suicide cult so they could save universes from ever potentially collapsing by killing themselves to stop canon events from being a thing at all.

        • 12 months ago

          This movie is a mess man. Even if they didn’t want to kill them, they could keep them out of their universe like Gwen.

          • 12 months ago

            >they could keep them out of their universe like Gwen.
            But isn't the whole plot that they want to keep Miles out of his universe so his canon event can take place without interference

            • 12 months ago

              How can someone have a “canon event” and not be there?

              • 12 months ago

                The police captain dying is Miles' canon event, it happens regardless of he's there or not, the Spiders try to detain Miles so he couldn't go back to his universe to prevent the canon event, it happens even if he's not there. Gwen not being in her universe doesn't stop her dad from potentially dying, and her not being there to experience her other canon events (that she needs to be present for) should be causing all sorts of shit.

              • 12 months ago

                So it’s saying that there isn’t a story, it’s just a series of predetermined suffering because why? God demands it?

                This whole movie seems to just be writers being annoyed that people dislike a character, so rather than write a GOOD story about that character they just decide to waste two and a half hours telling us the character is good while sacrificing the character of those around him

              • 12 months ago

                >it’s just a series of predetermined suffering because why? God demands it?

                literally yes. the whole point of the canon events and miles trying to going against them is the metafictional stuff of spider-characters (this applies mainly to peter parker tbh) having narrative rules that doesn't make them progress or having any development. this is because marvel has stupid people like quesada or slott who thinks spider-man needs to lose everything (his gf, his job, his aunt, some friend in a random event) and being constantly soft-rebooted instead of having an actual life.
                its not only about the metacommentary of miles being an anomaly bc people disliked him etc etc, its about the sad status quo that marvel has maintained with peter parker through all this years.

      • 12 months ago

        >I don’t think it’s unreasonable to assume that Miguel’s insertion into that new reality violated some sort of unforeseen canon event.
        But that's not consistent with your next answer
        >I guess a Spider-Man dying doesn’t violate any canons
        If the Miguel of that universe died then that universe is free game and doesn't have to experience canon events, Miles replacing Peter in his universe certainly didn't cause any shit

        Also these are supposed to be canon events common to EVERY Spider-Man, not just a Miguel-unique canon event like the death of his family or something

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah idk if universes have their own canon events separate from the Spider-Men canon events. If they don’t, then I can’t imagine what rule Miguel would have violated. Even if you think it’s because he spent too much time there, the fact that the spider headquarters is based in his universe makes for an even bigger problem. The only way to salvage this canon shit is if it’s totally fake. And if I recall correctly, the dead Miguel wasn’t a Spider-Man.

    • 12 months ago

      11. Honestly the only time we’ve seen a universe disappear was one without an algorithm prediction, so there’s really no precedent for it. My best answer is that either they’ve seen it (and us, the audience haven’t) or they just trust Miguel that much
      12. Could be it has to happen to every Spider-Man
      13. She probably thinks it would be different for her. Honestly she has good reason too imo, she’s so different from other Gwen Stacys
      14. I don’t think prevent, maybe indefinitely delays.
      15. Another shitty writing decisions imo. Best I figure is that they thought they could trust her enough.
      16. I have no idea lol, maybe everyone’s there for board game night or a big Spider town hall
      17. This is weird too, they know he’s an anomaly, they don’t think to double check. They assume where he is, which is full of plot induced stupidity.

      Overall, if they reveal the canon stuff is bullshit, it would fix a lot, but still wouldn’t fix all the poor characterizations

      • 12 months ago

        >11. Honestly the only time we’ve seen a universe disappear was one without an algorithm prediction, so there’s really no precedent for it. My best answer is that either they’ve seen it (and us, the audience haven’t) or they just trust Miguel that much
        In the movie Peter B Parker was there when Miguel's 2nd Universe disappeared. It seems all the other spider-people have witnessed it to a degree deep enough to believe in it and to agree with Miguel.

        There is a possibility that Miles Morales breaking canon is going to be different because he is an anomaly himself so him breaking canon doesn't result in the same problems as if an actual canon spidey breaks the canon.

      • 12 months ago

        >why can't they just check the teleport machine's records to see where Miles went at the end
        >17. This is weird too, they know he’s an anomaly, they don’t think to double check. They assume where he is, which is full of plot induced stupidity.

        Because they are focused on protecting the canon. Not finding Miles. They are specifically going to where Jefferson Davis Morales is located to make sure his destiny is fullfilled.

    • 12 months ago

      >why does the spider-council tell Miles about his dad's death
      They were trying to inform him on the dangers of fricking with other universes, and they thought they could keep him contained.
      >why does the spider-council go along with Miguel's canon events story
      The canon event in that universe was Miguel dying.
      >why does Miguel think a captain dying is a canon event but a spider coming in from another dimension aren't canon event disruptions
      The proof that they aren't canon events is in the fact that both universes are fine. Miguel's problem is probably that Miles stole someone else's Spider powers, so Earth-42 is in shambles.
      >why does Gwen's dad quitting the force avert his fate as dying in a canon event
      We don't know that it does. Prolly doesn't though.
      >why can they save India's universe but not Miles'
      They stopped the damage early.
      >why do all the Spider-Men blindly trust an algorithm that the AI that made it isn't sure about
      They've all lost people, and most of them have clearly seen the damage that universal anomalies can do; as the audience has seen from the fight against Renaissance Vulture.
      >why is Gwen fine with being told falling for Spider-Man and her dying is her canon event
      It isn't necessarily HER canon event. Unlike every other Gwen Stacy, she's a Spider-Man. A high fall isn't nearly as much of a problem for her.
      >why do they let Gwen hang out in the multiverse permanently when it should be preventing her canon events
      I doubt she has to be there when her father gets capped. She's just gotta know.
      >why do they send Gwen to handle Spot in Miles' universe when they know she's a liability
      Think they can trust her. They can't. Simple as.
      >why do they all hang out in the Citadel when they should be busy in their own universes
      They probably just mooch off the free food and therapy sessions, then frick back off.

      • 12 months ago

        Your movie is terrible and you are no one’s fren, you deserve bendis you gay

        Also why isn’t Peter in charge of Spider-Man? He’s the fricking first but he’s shown to just be a simping b***h in every universe

        • 12 months ago

          >Your movie is terrible and you are no one’s fren
          Didn't ask.
          >Also why isn’t Peter in charge of Spider-Man? He’s the fricking first
          He's the first one Stan Lee and Steve Ditko created. He's not the first Spider-Person ever, not even in his own original universe. Cry harder.

          • 12 months ago

            >peter Parker isn’t the first Spider-Man
            This is why you’re no one’s fren

    • 12 months ago

      1. Miles saw a vision from some weird link with The Spot. It was a future premonition. The spider people did tell him that it would happen in "2 days" likely so he would understand why they were going to restrain him.
      2. Because many of them were there when Miguel experienced it. Including Peter B Parker.
      3. The Spot doesn't have "decay". He makes spots. There is a chance that a lingering spot was seen as a potential beacon of further multiversal tampering which was the cause of the incursion Miguel warns about.
      4. Because they have built a model based on all spider-people's experiences and the captain dying is a part of it.
      5. Because their model is still predicting Miles' canon. And they trust the model because it has been able to keep realities from disappearing and it has been able to predict extremely specific events.
      6. We don't know what his fate is. It hasn't happened yet. It just gives Gwen some peace of mind. He could still die in the next movie regardless of whether or not he is a captain.
      7. The Mumbattan universe was "unraveling" and they were working to fix it. But we don't know what that means yet. Miles's universe was solid in the movie.
      8. Because it wasn't a canon-breaking event. He wasn't supposed to die there in that universe. Also, the spider society didn't start until after the first movie. We see the first autonomous jump in the first movie's post-credit scene.
      9. The Spot has precognition because he is a multiversal being at this point. Miles is connected to him in various ways including Miles has been inside the spot multiple times. Maybe a link was established.
      10. Spider-Punk he had been with them for dozens of missions prior to the movie's story. Gwen had teamed up with him many times before.
      11. Because it has been accurately predicting things.
      12. Maybe it has been 'so far'. But that could change the more an anomaly messes with things.

    • 12 months ago

      1. Miles saw a vision from some weird link with The Spot. It was a future premonition. The spider people did tell him that it would happen in "2 days" likely so he would understand why they were going to restrain him.
      2. Because many of them were there when Miguel experienced it. Including Peter B Parker.
      3. The Spot doesn't have "decay". He makes spots. There is a chance that a lingering spot was seen as a potential beacon of further multiversal tampering which was the cause of the incursion Miguel warns about.
      4. Because they have built a model based on all spider-people's experiences and the captain dying is a part of it.
      5. Because their model is still predicting Miles' canon. And they trust the model because it has been able to keep realities from disappearing and it has been able to predict extremely specific events.
      6. We don't know what his fate is. It hasn't happened yet. It just gives Gwen some peace of mind. He could still die in the next movie regardless of whether or not he is a captain.
      7. The Mumbattan universe was "unraveling" and they were working to fix it. But we don't know what that means yet. Miles's universe was solid in the movie.
      8. Because it wasn't a canon-breaking event. He wasn't supposed to die there in that universe. Also, the spider society didn't start until after the first movie. We see the first autonomous jump in the first movie's post-credit scene.
      9. The Spot has precognition because he is a multiversal being at this point. Miles is connected to him in various ways including Miles has been inside the spot multiple times. Maybe a link was established.
      10. Spider-Punk he had been with them for dozens of missions prior to the movie's story. Gwen had teamed up with him many times before.
      11. Because it has been accurately predicting things.
      12. Maybe it has been 'so far'. But that could change the more an anomaly messes with things.

      13. That isn't what happened. She knows in her canon that falling for spider-man never ends well. Either by her dying or likely by spider-man dying. Or something like that. They weren't specific about the situation because the canon includes abstractions that can differ slightly from reality to reality.
      14. As far as we know she goes back to her own dimension and only uses others dimensions to sleep/as living quarters.
      15. Because just like Spider-Punk they had both shown to be trustworthy with how they handle missions. Maybe Gwen had been begging for a chance to take the mission... Hell maybe Spider-Punk was the one who made them give the mission to Gwen.
      16. They don't all hang out in their own Citadel as you saw with Lego Peter Parker at the start of the movie. It is a base where spider-people can come and train and coordinate. They still spend most of their time in their own dimensions.
      17. They were going straight to Jefferson Davis Morales's dimension to protect the canon. Miles' whereabouts weren't more important than that. Also, Miles is so slippery they couldn't catch him if they wanted to.

  12. 12 months ago


  13. 12 months ago

    if gwen is troony why my dick hard???

  14. 12 months ago

    try your fricking best

  15. 12 months ago

    Why is spider man black that doesn't quite fit into canon I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder

  16. 12 months ago

    What was the point of letting the audience know that Gwen stayed at Hobby's place and left her toothbrush there?

    Just to cuck Miles?

    • 12 months ago

      She has jumped on a few pogosticks in her time and knowing this Miles still peruses her.

    • 12 months ago

      To further emasculate black American males. Brit blacks are laughing at this one.

  17. 12 months ago

    If the Spidermen didn't want Miles to know anything why didn't they just all jump him immediately and send him home instead of telling him everything? Did they really think he was just going to let his dad die? Is the entire multiverse of Spidermen made up of autists?

  18. 12 months ago

    So the whole issue is Gwen fricked up visiting Miles while his universe was readjusting to him? He was naturally going to go through his "Spider" events but now Miguel for some reason himself spills too much beans and fricks up even further?
    And does Earth-42 just get knocked out of the spider-verse rather than get erased?

  19. 12 months ago

    Honestly can’t think of one

  20. 12 months ago

    Why does The Spot not kill Miles Morales and the other spiders right after he transformed? He could just personally destroy them right there.

    • 12 months ago

      That wasn’t his motivation did you watch the movie

      • 12 months ago

        The motivation was to take everything from Miles and be his greatest nemesis.

        Then just take his life first then take over the world with no one to stop you.

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